PZC Minutes 071613Town of Avon Planning & Zoning Commission
.7Meeting Minutes
Tuesday, July 16, 2013
Avon Town Council Chambers
AVO Meetings are open to the public
C o-1. o K A.b o Avon Municipal Building / One Lake Street
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 5:35pm
II. Roll Call
All Commissioners were present.
III. Additions & Amendments to the Agenda
Matt Pielsticker clarified that the second item on Other Business should read "follow-up to
DOLA training" and not CIRSA.
IV. Conflicts of Interest
There were no conflicts of interest disclosed.
V. Major Design & Development Plan
Property Location: Lot 48, Block 3, Wildridge Subdivision
Property Address: 4730 Wildridge Road East
Applicant Michael Pukas
Description: The applicant is proposing a duplex structure on an undeveloped Wildridge
Property. The Property is a steep uphill lot near the top of Wildridge adjacent to USFS Road
7-779 (Metcalf Creek Road). The units measure 3,778 (West Unit) SF and 3,941 (East Unit)
SF. Building materials include stucco and wood siding, stone base, and asphalt shingles
Discussion: The Commission discussed materiality and suggested wrapping the corners with
some of the more substantial materials (i.e. stone). There were comments regarding lighting
and the apparent over -lighting of the site with twelve (12) fixtures. Commissioner Struve
recommended can fixtures in some locations to diminish the impacts to neighboring
properties and still achieve light where it was intended.
Commissioner Bonidy spoke to maximizing the excellent views to the south-east and to look
at the windows in that location. He also mentioned that the chimney termination detail was
not finalized. The applicant, Michael Pukas, responded that there would be some type of
cap on top of the stucco siding for both chimney terminations.
The Commissioners discussed the front door entrances to the residences and the need for
the material to be called out for a path, and also that there were snow shedding concerns in
these areas. The Commission was in general support of the application as it relates to the
design standards in the development code.
Action: Commissioner Losa moved to approve the Major Development Plan with the Staff
recommended findings #1 and #2:
#1 The proposed application was reviewed pursuant to §7.16.080(1), Development Plan,
and §7.16.090(0, Design Review, and was determined to be compliant with the review
#2 The Development can be served by city services including but not limited to roads,
water, wastewater, fire protection, and emergency medical services.
Commissioner Losa added two conditions:
#1 Staff will review all retaining walls with the applicant to confirm that they do not exceed
seven (7) feet in height.
#2 The number of light fixtures will be reduced and some of the fixtures will be changed to
"full cutoff" or can type fixtures — to be approved by Staff.
The motion was seconded by Commissioner Struve. All Commissioners were in favor and
the motion passed unanimously.
VI. Work Session
• Economic Development Program
• Capital Facilities Planning
• Parking and Transportation Task Force
Description: Staff will facilitate an open discussion regarding these current and long-range
planning activities.
Discussion: Virginia Egger, Town Manager, facilitated an open discussion regarding current
and long-range planning projects. She sought interest for volunteers from PZC for the three
special planning groups.
Action: No action necessary.
VII. Consent Agenda
• June 18, 2013 Meeting Minutes
Action: Commissioner Struve moved to approve the Consent Agenda. All Commissioners
were in favor and it passed unanimously.
VIII. Other Business
• Edwards Area Plan Update (Tab Bonidy)
o Commissioner Bondiy gave a detailed summary of the Edwards Area Plan
kick-off meeting that he attended in Edwards.
• Follow-up to CSA DOLA Training
• Council meets tomorrow, including the 1St Tier code amendments, Winter Wondergrass
Festival in February, Rec Center Phase ll, and Economic Development Initiatives.
• Wyndham has started construction. Large Tree in the Mall is coming out.
• Bus Barn on schedule
IX. Adjourn
The meeting was adjourned at 7:25pm
APPROVED on this 20th Day of August, 2013
im C ncy, PZC Chairm n