PZC Minutes 052113Town of Avon Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes 7. AVON Tuesday, May 21St, 2013 ( (, t (� k -k D �) Call to Order Description: Secretary, Scott Prince, will preside. II. Roll Call All Commissioners were present, with the exception of Commissioner Struve. III. Election of Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, & Secretary Action: Item was moved to the June 4, 2013 PZC meeting to ensure all Commissioners would be present. IV. Additions & Amendments to the Agenda There were no additions or amendments to the agenda. V. Conflicts of Interest There were no conflicts of interest disclosed. VI. Design Referral Property Location: Lot 4, Block 2, Wildridge Subdivision Property Address: 2830 O'Neal Spur Applicant/Owner: Mark Donaldson, VMDA / GYO Retirement Plan Description: The applicant has requested that the application be referred to the PZC for a design review to ensure the design of the structure is on the correct path. The applicant will return to the PZC at a future meeting with a complete submittal for a Major Design and Development Plan review. The PZC should limit their review to design related aspects of the structure and landscaping. Discussion: Jared Barnes briefly discussed the process and its similarity to the old Sketch Design process. He further explained that a full application and Staff Report would occur with the Major Design and Development Plan application. Mark Donaldson, VMDA and applicant, presented the application. He highlighted the unique aspects of the site and the designs encroachment into the sewer easement. Commissioner dialogue ensued with comments and questions related to the encroachments into the easement, the application of stone on the rear elevation, the side loading of the garage, and Action: No action is necessary as this is a Design Referral VII. Master Sign Program Amendment — Northside Coffee and Kitchen Property Location: Lot 67, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision Property Address: 20 Nottingham Road Applicant/Owner: Dominic Mauriello, Mauriello Planning Group / Millsmore LLC Description: The applicant has requested to modify the existing sign program to remove one sign location and add three new sign locations. The overall signage for the building will be increased, but the style of signs will remain the same. Discussion: Jared Barnes presented Staff's report and recommendation. 1 I Page Commissioner Minervini asked why this building was considered a multi -tenant building. Jared Barnes responded that there are two business each with their own license and desire to have individual business signage. Commissioner Clancy asked about the allowance for window signage in 25% of contiguous banks and the intent of the original PZC approval. Dominic Mauriello, MPG and applicant, made a presentation and answered questions. He went through each individual sign location and type, and the rationale for the proposed changes. It was noted that each sign location was intended for a different audience. Commissioner Clancy asked which of the proposed signs are illuminated and how. Dominic Mauriello responded that all of the signs are externally illuminated and described each sign's lighting plan. Commissioner Hardy asked if the applicant had considered other options as opposed to the three proposed Northside signs, given their redundancy. Commissioner Minervini commended the owner for a successful business. He felt that the window signage should be further restricted as suggested by the applicant. Commissioner Bonidy's only concern was Sign #6 when originally reviewing the application, but after the applicant's explanation it was found to be acceptable. Commissioner Losa agreed with Commissioner Hardy that the two Northside signs to the south of the building seemed redundant. Commissioner Clancy was comfortable with the total square footage of signage proposed, and was in favor of reducing the number of paper signs and/or eliminating the number of window signs on the south elevation. He questioned whether findings would be warranted for the sign square footage increase and the second freestanding sign. Jared Barnes stated that Staff would recommend findings be included with any motion. Commissioner Hardy was concerned with the redundancy of the Northside signs on the south side of the building. She did not particularly care for the bulk of the freestanding sign. Commissioner Prince had concerns with the window signs and enforcement specifically. He felt that the corner "Peet's" signs could be excessive, but they may help balance the building signage as mentioned by Commissioner Hardy. Dominic Mauriello offered the removal of any south facing window signage and the east elevation window signage be limited to three (3) window signs of four square feet (4 sq. ft.) each. Action: Commissioner Minervini moved to approve the MSP with Staff's recommended condition and the following: Condition #2: Window signage be modified to state, "no window signage is permitted on the south facing side of building and window signs on the east elevation be limited to three signs of four sq. ft. each." Findings: 1) An increase in square footage is warranted given the orientation of the building. 2) An increase in square footage is also warranted given the substantial decrease in the permitted window signage. 3) A second ground mounted sign is approved because the PZC finds that this sign, while not facing the street, is oriented for the pedestrian level and towards the gas pumps. It also has a specific functionality that is unique to this property. Second by Commissioner Clancy. 2 I 11 i,, I- c Commissioner Losa does not find anything unique to this site, given the other properties in the area and what could happen on neighboring properties. He commented on the precedent setting nature of this decision. Commissioner Losa asked the motioner to consider requiring at least 2' setback from the sidewalk for sign #2 and that it be no taller than 5' above existing grade. Commissioner Minervini rejected the suggested amendment to the motion. Commissioner Losa requested that an additional condition be added: "Window signs shall be limited to first floor." Commissioners Minervini and Clancy accepted the amendment to the motion. The motion carried with a 5-1 vote. VIII. Code Text Amendment - PUBLIC HEARING Description: Staff has prepared an amendment to Sections 7.28.100(a), Steep Slopes, and 7.32.020(e), Lots, Avon Municipal Code, to amend applicability sections and modify the standards for development on lots with slopes exceeding thirty percent (30%). This amendment was initiated by the Town Council. Discussion: Matt Pielsticker presented the history of the code amendments that have been initiated by the Town Council. He also presented the code amendments discussing each section and the code. Commissioner Minervini discussed the applicability of these sections to recent project that were reviewed. Commissioner Bonidy liked the reference to the retaining wall section and discussed the height of retaining walls with the maximum layback between walls. He further commented on Section 3, Buildable Area, that the natural hazards could be mitigated therefore shouldn't be a non-starter for a buildable area. Public comment was opened and closed due to no one in the audience. Action: Commissioner Clancy moved to approve Resolution 13-03 as amended during the discussion. Commissioner Bonidy seconded the motion and it carried 6-0. The Commission requested that the modifications be made to the code then brought back to the PZC for their blessing. IX. Approval of Meeting Minutes • May 7, 2013 Meeting Minutes Action: Commissioner Clancy approved the meeting minutes as amended. Commissioner Minervini seconded the motion and it passed 6-0. X. Other Business • Commissioner Training on June 18 XI, Adjourn The meeting was adjourned at 7:35 prn. APPROVED on this 4t" Day of June, 2013 SIGN AK fancy, PZC Ch irperson 3111 ,-,c