PZC Minutes 050713Town of Avon Planning & Zoning Commission
Meeting Minutes
Tuesday, May 7, 2013
Avon Town Council Chambers
Meetings are open to the public
Avon Municipal Building / One Lake Street
1. Introductions (5:00pm)
II. Call to Order
Description: Secretary, Scott Prince, will preside.
The meeting was called to order at 5:06 pm.
III. Swearing in of New Commissioners
Description: The Town Clerk will swear in Jim Clancy, Tab Bonidy, and Lindsay Hardy.
Patty McKenny swore in Commissioners Clancy, Bonidy, and Hardy.
IV. Roll Call
All commissioners were present with the exception of Commissioners Losa and Struve.
V. Election of Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, & Secretary
VI. Additions & Amendments to the Agenda
Item V was moved to the next meeting in light of the absent commissioners.
VII. Conflicts of Interest
There were no conflicts of interest to disclose.
VIII. June Creek Corner Minor PUD Amendment
Property Location: Lot 25, Block 2, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision
Property Address: 2900 June Creek Trail
ApplicantlOwner. George Plavec
Description: Minor PUD Amendment to modify the zoning of the property to permit two (2)
duplex structures on the property instead of the currently allowed fourplex structure.
Discussion: Matt Pielsticker overviewed the application. He highlighted the existing zoning
and the uniqueness of the Wildridge Subdivision.
Commissioner Bonidy asked why Eagle County Planning was a referral agency.
Matt Pielsticker further discussed the property and the development options as proposed by
the applicant.
Commissioner Minervini asked about the previous PUD Amendment application in Wildridge
and the steep slope requirements.
Commissioner Bonidy asked about the building separation requirement of the building code.
Commissioner Clancy asked about finding #4 and how that related to the Staff Report.
Commissioner Prince asked if there was any public comment received prior to the meeting
that was not included in the packet. Matt Pielsticker handed out a letter received from Chad
Anderson, 2920 June Creek Trail.
Commissioner Prince questioned if two duplexes was the only type of development
permissible with this type of application. Matt Pielsticker responded that it was not, but it
was the option that the applicant requested.
George "Tripp" Plavec, applicant, discussed the proposal and the process he envisions for
development of this site.
The public comment portion of the meeting was opened.
The public comment portion of the meeting was closed due to a lack of comments.
Matt Pielsticker responded to the public comment received from Chad Anderson.
The public comment portion of the meeting was reopened.
Guy Cutia, lives in Eagle -Vail, representing Scott Black who owns the western half of the
duplex to the north of this property. Guy Cutia stated that Scott's views will be impacted and
his opinion is that the height is the biggest impact.
The public comment portion of the meeting was closed.
Tripp Plavec stated that limiting the size of the decks will allow the units to move closer to
the setbacks and thus reduce the height.
Commissioner Minervini asked about the difference between the size of the units of the 4-
plex instead of the duplexes.
Commissioner Clancy is in favor of the application and prefers two structures instead of a
single large structure. He would be in favor of a condition of reducing the height to respond
to the public comment. He also suggested a modification to finding #4 to reflect the
language on page 4 of the Staff Report, "Approval of the Application would reduce building
massing compared to the existing underlying zoning, allowing for an improvement in quality
over what could have been accomplished through the strict application of the "Fourplex"
Commissioner Hardy concurs with Commissioner Clancy's comments.
Commissioner Minervini also concurred with Commissioner Clancy's comments. He agreed
with the suggested modification regarding height and findings.
Commissioner Bonidy appreciated the 3D models that were provided. He disagreed with the
height condition as that could be too limiting of a factor as the masses move around on the
site. Otherwise he concurred with the remaining comments of Commissioner Clancy.
Commissioner Prince stated that the application is in substantial compliance with the review
criteria. He would not be in favor of reducing the allowable height on the property. He did
agree with Commissioner Clancy's comments regarding massing.
Commissioner Minervini asked about the number of approval votes needed to pass the PUD
Amendment. Staff responded that a majority of the PZC would need to vote in favor of the
application for a recommendation to be forwarded to the Town Council.
Commissioner Clancy discussed the height reduction condition.
Action: Commissioner Clancy moved to recommend approval as provided by Staff with
finding #4 be revised to state:
(4) Approval of the Application would reduce building massing compared to the existing
underlying zoning, allowing for an improvement in quality over what could have been
accomplished through the strict application of the "Fourplex" designation.
Commissioner Minervini seconded the motion and it passed 5-0.
IX. Approval of Meeting Minutes
• April 16, 2013 Draft Meeting Minutes
Action: Commissioner Prince tabled the minutes to the next meeting when Commissioner
Struve has returned.
X. Other Business
• PZC Rules of Procedure
• VAA DRB Update
• June 18th, 2013 PZC Training
XI. Adjourn
Meeting was adjourned at 6:14 pm.
APPROVED on this 21" Day of May, 2013
Scott Prince, Secretary
Jim Clancy, Commission r