PZC Minutes 021913I. Call to Order Town of Avon Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes Tuesday, February 19th, 2013 Avon Town Council Chambers Meetings are open to the public Avon Municipal Building / One Lake Street The meeting was called to order at 5:05 pm. II. Roll Call All Commissioners were present with the exception of Commissioners Prince and Losa. III. Conflicts of Interest There were no conflicts of interest to disclose. IV. Additions & Amendments to the Agenda There were no additions or amendments to the agenda. V. Master Sign Program Property Location: Lot 71, Block 2, BMBC Subdivision / 91 Beaver Creek Place Applicant Monte Park, Sign Design and Graphics / Owner. Chuck Allen Description: A new Master Sign Program for the North Court building. The MSP proposes sign panels affixed to sign frames. Sign illumination is optional, but if chosen the MSP requires a gooseneck style fixture. Discussion: Jared Barnes presented the proposed MSP. He explained that the Mexican restaurant and the Treasures sign are the same in all sign options; the western half of the building varies with each of the three proposed options (A, B, and C). Jared Barnes presented the Staff recommended conditions and findings. Commissioner Green asked if it was addressed in the program what would happen with sign lighting for building ID signs if the pan channel letter signs were removed. Monte Park, owner of Sign Design Graphics sign company and applicant, explained that one of the two building ID signs was removed approximately 6 months ago by the owner, and they wanted to reserve the right to add the one in the future. The Commissioners were in general support of the application. They discussed the uniformity of sign sizes that is preferred. Commissioner Struve recommended adding a finding that there is no space on the site for a monument sign and that the square footage increase is warranted for that reason. Commissioner Minervini requested clarification as to what Staff was recommending if Option B was removed. Jared responded that it would then revert to a uniform sign size for the three tenant spaces on the west side of the building (or one larger centered sign if one tenant occupies all three spaces) and be similar in format. 1 a - e Action: Minervini approve a MSP for the North Court shopping center, with the following conditions: 1. Staff recommended condition #1 with the use of "perimeter" instead of "circumference". 2. Delete condition #2 of Staff Recommended motion, leaving option B in place. 3. Condition #3 of Staff Recommended motion is modified as discussed by Commissioner Green. And with the following findings: 1. There is no current or future location for a monument sign in this location; therefore, an increased square footage of building signs is acceptable. Commissioner Struve seconded the motion. Commissioner Green requested clarification on the new condition #2. He requested that in the event signs are removed and replaced, the surface of the building will be cleaned up to a uniform visual appearance. Commissioner Anderson wanted the motioner to entertain a condition of consistent square footage for the western signs if option b were utilized. Further discussion occurred and the motioner rescinded the motion. Commissioner Green moved to approve the Master Sign Program, with the following conditions: 1. Staff recommended conditions #1, #2, and #3. 2. Condition #4 is added that all signs on the western half of the building for new options A and B are 16.6 sq. ft., with exception of the small restaurant sign. 3. Condition #5 is added that the term "perimeter" be used instead of "circumference" in the Staff modified language. 4. Condition #6 is added that any changes to sign panels or damage to walls would be repaired to a uniform visual appearance within 30 days of the change. And with the following findings: 1. There is no current or future location for a monument sign in this location; therefore, an increased square footage of building signs is acceptable. Commissioner Anderson seconded the motion. All were in favor and motion was unanimously approved. VI. PZC/Town Council Joint Work Session Agenda Review Description: Staff has prepared an agenda and work program that will be discussed prior to the Joint work session scheduled for February 26 with the Town Council. Discussion: Matt Pielsticker discussed the draft agenda. Virginia Egger, Town Manager, discussed the update to the Comprehensive Plan. Commissioner Struve asked if the East and West Town Center plans could be combined in the Comprehensive Plan. Commissioner Green asked about Item 1A, Land Development Toolbox. Virginia Egger discussed an Urban Renewal Authority expansion, Private Public Partnership, and other streamlining of the development code. Commissioner Struve requested a better understanding of the Village at Avon call up process. He also wanted to discuss the Community Development Subcommittee. 21Pagc Commissioner Minervini asked about the Urban Renewal Authority. Virginia Egger, Town Manager, discussed the URA and its ability and power. VII. Approval of Meeting Minutes LFebruary 5, 2013 Draft Meeting Minutes tion: The meeting minutes passed with a 5-0 vote, with the modifications discussed during the meeting. VIII. Other Business • Vilar Sign on the Southside of the RR Bridge were not standard size. IX. Adjourn The meeting was adjourned at 6:35 pm APPROVED on this 5h Day of March, 2013 SIGNED: Chris Green, Chair ATTEST: �j OZ�3 Phil Struve, Vice Chairman 3 1t'at;e;