PZC Minutes 020712Town of Avon Planning & Zoning Commission
Meeting Minutes for February 7, 2012
Avon Town Council Chambers
V ON Meetings are open to the public
Avon Municipal Building / One Lake Street
I. Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 5:05 pm.
IL Roll Call
All Commissioners were present with the exception of Commissioner Losa.
III. Additions & Amendments to the Agenda
Matt Pielsticker highlighted a minor change to the agenda for Item VII. The correct owner
should read Servco, Inc. Commissioner Green requested that the outcome of the last
Council meeting will be discussed after Other Business.
IV. Conflicts of Interest
Commissioners Anderson stated they he had conflict with Item VIII A. Commissioner Prince
disclosed a conflict with Items VIII A & B.
The commissioners agreed with the conflict of interest.
V. Consent Agenda
• January 3, 2012 Meeting Minutes
Action: Commissioner Struve moved to approve the minutes as amended. Commissioner
Clancy seconded the motion and it passed 6-0.
VI. Snowball Temporary Parking — PUBLIC HEARING*
Property Location: Lot 1, Filing 1, Village at Avon Subdivision
Applicant: Snowball LLC / Owner.- Traer Creek
Description: Public Hearing to consider temporary parking lots for the Snowball Music
Festival. The proposed parking lots will be located on the north and south Rodeo lots, as
well as an overflow lot at the southwest corner of Post Blvd and E. Beaver Creek Blvd. The
temporary parking lots will be used from March 2-4 during the event.
Discussion: Jared Barnes presented the proposal which includes approximately 1,000
parking spaces, with lighting, and trash receptacles for three dates: March 2, 3, and 4th. This
is a new process for the PZC, as this request is over 300 people and the Temporary Use
Permit is not eligible for Staff approval. This is a public hearing, and staff mailed notices to
all property owners within 300' of the property.
Commissioner Struve asked why Lot 61 had not been added to this proposal as it is for the
same event. Jared Barnes responded that the applicant hasn't applied for it and that it could
be reviewed as an administrative Temporary Use permit.
Commissioner Green asked if a photometric plan has been provided to staff. Jared Barnes
responded that there has not been a plan provided
Commissioner Clancy asked how this plan differs from last year's plan. Scott Stoughton,
applicant, affirmed that this plan was the same as last year's layout and function.
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Commissioner Anderson commented that the proposed access is acceptable for the
overflow lot.
Commissioner Minervini asked if paid parking was used last year for this property. He
further questioned if there was a difference between the rodeo lot and Traer Creek? Jared
Barnes responded that there is no difference.
Commissioner Anderson questioned the Temporary Use Review Criteria #6 & 10 and Staff's
comfort level with those two criteria and the bond requirement. Jared Barnes responded that
the applicant, Snowball, LLC, has provided ample surety in combination with their Special
Events Permit application.
Scott Stoughton, with Snowball music festival, addressed the PZC. Last year they had a
comprehensive circulation plan that worked for between 8,000 and 10,000 people. This
year they are chartering fans into and out of Town from Vail with charter buses. The lighting
can be directional and he does not believe there will be any light trespass issues and will
work with staff to ensure they are aimed correctly. If possible, he would like to have the
ability to leave the north light on longer as it will not impact any neighboring properties.
The Commission discussed the lighting, timing of the event, and what the estimated time
would be for event goers leaving the parking areas and the appropriate time to turn off the
lighting at the end of each night.
The public hearing was opened and closed with no public comments were received.
Commissioner Minervini questioned if Danita Chirichillo is involved with the transit
operations. Danita Chirichillo clarified that the Avon Transit will run to 11 pm each night, and
after that time the Snowball charter buses will be servicing the Town.
Commissioner Anderson stated his full support of the event.
Commissioner Clancy voiced concern with required lighting turned off one-hour after the
event and how it is a safety concern.
Commissioner Prince is in support, but trying to balance out the lighting concerns and would
prefer to defer to Staff or the Police for discretion on when the lighting is turned off.
Commissioner Minervini is concerned for the safety of the walkers from these lots and the
skiers that park at the Beaver Creek Lots.
Commissioner Struve wanted to ensure that Lot 61 is included in his approval, but does not
want an exclusion to set a precedent. He clarified that there are no lights required for that
particular property.
Action: Commissioner Anderson moved to approve the temporary parking on three portions
of Lot 1, VAA and Lot 61, B2, BMBC with the finding that all applicable criteria have been
met and with the following conditions:
1. The three staff recommended conditions of approval; and,
2. Allow the Public Works and Avon Police departments to make modifications to lighting
and traffic control devices as required during the event.
Commissioner Struve seconded the motion and it passed 6-0
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VII. Minor Design and Development Plan/Sign Design (Site Visit Required Prior to Meeting)
Montanas Cantina and Grill
Property Location: Tract Q, Block 2, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision / 82 E Beaver
Creek Blvd
Applicant: Tom Beaver, Montanas Cantina and Grill / Owner: Servco Inc.
Description: A Sign design application and color change request. The sign application will
replace the existing Finnegan's sign using similar materials. The color change request will
repaint the dark blue color siding and trim with a golden yellow siding and dark brown trim.
A portion of the building has been painted as an on -building mock-up for review.
Discussion: Jared Barnes highlighted the proposal for a color change and sign application
for a new tenant in the Benchmark Shopping Center.
Commissioner Minervini questioned which areas would be painted. Jared Barnes
responded that only the areas that were painted blue would be repainted to the proposed
Commissioner Struve is in favor of the proposed sign and commented on how it fits in nicely.
He further stated that he cannot approve the yellow as being "earth tone" or fitting in with the
Commissioner Minervini finds that the yellow is not appropriate for the building.
Commissioner Prince does not find the color in conformance with the design standards.
Commissioner Clancy is in agreement with Commissioner Prince.
Commissioner Anderson is o.k. with the color but clearly in the minority.
Commissioner Struve has a problem with the yellow color on the soffit, but if only used as a
highlight he thinks it is acceptable.
Action: Commissioner Prince move to table the color and new sign. Commissioner Struve
seconded the motion and all Commissioners were in agreement.
VIII. Approval Condition Follow-up (Site Visit Required Prior to Meeting)
A. Wildstar
Property Location: Lot 9, Block 5, Wildridge Subdivision / 1015 W Wildwood Road
Applicant: Michael Pukas, MPP Design Shop / Owner: WildAvon Enterprises
Description: A follow up to the condition of approval that required brown garage doors. The
applicant is proposing grey doors as exists on Units 1-3 of Phase I of the Wildstar Project.
The site visit should look at the existing doors for reference and discussion during the
Discussion: Jared Barnes stated that the applicant wasn't present at the meeting and if the
PZC would like to table the application it would be acceptable.
Commissioner Green stated that the PZC should be able to handle the review without the
applicant present. Commissioner Green asked if any of his commissioners had an issue
with the proposed garage color.
Commissioner Struve stated that the darker color was nicer, but the lighter color is still
Commissioner Clancy questioned if the proposed color was a new option. Jared Barnes
stated that this was the originally proposed color and is consistent with the approved color
for Phase I.
Action: Commissioner Struve moved to approve the color modification. Commissioner
Minervini seconded the motion and it passed 3-1.
B. Gandorf
Property Location: Tract B, Block 1, Wildridge Subdivision/ 2101 Old Trail Road
Applicant: Phil Matsen / Owner: Gandorf Tract B LLC
Description: A follow up to the condition of approval that required an on-site, on -building
mockup, to review the concrete siding colors on all four units of the Gandorf Tract B project.
The applicant has changed one of the four colors from a yellow to a light blue color. Unit C
has completed the red siding for reference, while the rest of the units have a small sample
on the second story.
Discussion: Jared Barnes presented the new proposed colors and the condition of approval.
He stated that Sean Reynolds is here to answer any questions.
Commissioner Green asked his fellow commissioners if there was any negative feedback on
the proposed colors. There were none for the Commissioners.
Action: Commissioner Struve moved to approve the proposed colors applied to the on -
building mockup. Commissioner Clancy seconded the motion and it passed 4-0.
IX. WORK SESSION -1-70 Regional Transportation Center
Property Location: Lot 1A & Tract AA Swift Gulch Subdivision / 500 Swift Gulch Road
Applicant / Owner: Town of Avon
Description: Work Session to review the Bus Maintenance and Storage Building and
associated site improvements for a new regional transportation facility at the Swift Gulch
subdivision. A formal hearing will likely take place at the February 21, 2012 PZC meeting.
During this Work Session Staff will explain the subject applications, and seek design and
policy feedback on each of the following applications:
A) Major Design & Development Plan
B) Alternative Equivalent Compliance
C) Comprehensive Plan Amendment"
Discussion: Matt Pielsticker presented the Staff Report. He highlighted the changes
between the 2009 approval and the current proposal. He overviewed the Comp Plan
amendment and AEC application and applicable review criteria.
Justin Hildreth discussed the 2009 application and the existing site improvements on the
Commissioner Struve asked if the project is fully -funded as currently proposed. Justin
Hildreth, Town Engineer, stated it was at 80% funded.
Commissioner Minervini questioned the '09 documents. It was clarified that the plans with
the watermark were approved at a time when additional grant funding was being sought.
Commissioner Anderson requested an image overlaying the new bus barn over the old bus
barn to better understand the difference in size of the two buildings.
Mark Donaldson, VMD Architects, outlined the uniqueness of this site and its operations. He
highlighted the remoteness of the site and how it is a benefit to the Town. Mark Donaldson
overviewed the need for the Comprehensive Plan amendment.
Commissioner Struve stated that the change in the height couldn't be traced back to a single
variation of the Development Code. He further stated that it wasn't the intent of the PZC to
lower the height on the Public Works Improvement Project.
Paul Reishus, on the design team with CDMSmith, discussed the proposed architectural
design. He highlighted the desire to provide the necessary hook-ups for future photovoltaic
Commissioner Struve questioned if the design went from 5 garage door bays to 4 garage
bays. Staff responded affirmatively.
Mark Donaldson discussed each AEC request in detail, highlighting the reasons why the
requests were made.
Commissioner Anderson stated that the parking AEC was in compliance due to the transit
circulation around the building and moving the building to the center of the lot.
Commissioner Anderson also commented that the roof AEC request was acceptable
because it reduced the overall massing of the building.
Commissioner Clancy felt the compatible design AEC request was an improvement from the
2009 request.
Commissioner Minervini questioned which pages in Exhibit A provided the necessary
information for the roof pitch requests. Staff directed Commissioner Minervini to the roof
plan and it was pointed out that the building cross sections were helpful.
Commissioner Anderson supports the AEC for the parking, roof slopes, massing, and non-
conformance to the surrounding buildings. He also feels the PZC worked through the Comp
Plan amendment. He feels the architecture is in line with the previously approved colors.
He did comment that the proposed green is slightly bright.
Commissioner Clancy questioned if this meets the current operations level or satisfies future
operations needs.
Jennifer Strehler, Director of Public Works and Transportation, stated that the proposed
design will meet the immediate needs, but it is designed so that it can be expanded for future
needs. The mezzanine level would accommodate all fleet operations current and future.
Commissioner Clancy stated he agreed with the 4 AEC requests. He stated that the
architecture of the building is heading in the right direction and the Comp Plan appears to be
worked out.
Commissioner Prince agrees with the AEC requests. He questioned the likelihood of solar
panel installations. Justin Hildreth stated that these would not happen in the immediate
future unless grants are received, but it is more of a 5 to 10 year plan could be feasible.
Commissioner Prince commented that the lighting design is not Mountain Contemporary and
should be revised. He also stated that the roof pitch is acceptable and the flat roof flows with
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the design next to the existing building. He agreed with Commissioner Anderson's
comments on the proposed green color.
Commissioner Minervini requested that the proposed modifications to the Comp Plan and
the AEC remain simple and to the point.
Commissioner Prince and Green had no additional comments.
Public Hearing was opened for the Comp Plan Amendment.
Public Hearing was closed due to no comments.
Commissioner Green discussed the Comp Plan Amendment language strikethrough and
asked if it would require a resolution. A resolution was handed out for consideration.
Action: Commissioner Anderson moved to table the applications. Commissioner Struve
seconded the motion and it passed 6-0.
Item VII - Revisited
Discussion: Jared Barnes informed the Commission that the applicant of Montana's Cantina and
Grill, Tom Beaver, arrived late to the meeting and requested that the PZC allow him to discuss the
proposal and choose a modified color.
Tom Beaver stated that he would be willing to paint the red terra cotta color that the Gandorf
Project proposed. He highlighted the existing locations of the blue color on the south elevation
and east elevations of his tenant space.
Commissioner Struve agreed with the terra cotta color.
Commissioner Minervini questioned the location of the red colors. Tom Beaver stated that there
was a 10 inch beam that would be painted brown to match the color of the existing building trim.
Commissioner Prince would prefer to see the color mocked -up on the building, but he understands
the time restraints.
Commissioner Clancy and Anderson are fine with the proposed color.
Commissioner Green is also in favor of the red terra cotta color.
Action: Commissioner Struve moved to rescind the tabling of the Montana's Sign Design and
Minor Design and Development Plan. Commissioner Clancy seconded the motion and it passed
Commissioner Struve moved to approve the Sign Design and Color Change from blue to terra
cotta as demonstrated at the meeting. In addition the trim around the window will be the dark
brown as proposed. Commissioner Clancy seconded the motion and it passed 6-0.
X. Other Business
Recent Community Development Staff Approvals:
• 137 Benchmark Road — Seasons Building Metal Flashing Replacement
2101 Old Trail Road — Gandorf Deck Railing Modifications
• 48 E. BC Blvd — Blue Plate Bistro Sign
• 100 W. BC. Blvd. - Nona's Frozen Yogurt Sign
• 126 Riverfront —Cima Restaurant Sign
• 147 Nottingham Road — Flex Wash Temp. Banner
Commissioner Green stated that the PZC is allowed to look through the Land Use Code for
any other potential unintended consequences.
XI. Adjourn
Adjourned at 8:21 pm.
Approved on the 21s` Day of February, 2012.
Chris Green, Chair
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