PZC Minutes 010312Town of Avon Planning & Zoning Commission y - Meeting Minutes for January 3, 2012 Avon Town Council Chambers V0 Meetings are open to the public Avon Municipal Building / One Lake Street O I ORADO Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 5:15pm IL Roll Call All Commissioners were present. III. Additions & Amendments to the Agenda Item VIII — Other Business was moved before Item VII due to conflicts of interest. IV. Conflicts of Interest Commissioners Anderson and Prince disclosed a conflict with Item VIII, Major Design Development Plan. V. Consent Agenda • December 20, 2011 Meeting Minutes Action: Struve moved to approve the Consent Agenda. Commissioner Losa seconded. The consent agenda was approved with Commissioner Anderson abstaining due to his absence. VI. Avon Development Code Amendment — PUBLISHED HEARING Description: Public Hearing to consider Council -initiated amendments to the Avon Development Code to include Day Care Uses in the Industrial Commercial (IC), the Public Facilities (PF) and Open Space (OLD) zone districts. Additional use specific standards for Commercial Day Care facilities are also being added to the ADC. Discussion: Commissioner Green asked if §7.24.060(c)(2)(ii), ADC, was discussed during the previous meetings, as it would require outdoor play areas to be set back further than any prescribed setback — regardless of whether it was front, side, or rear setback. Mr. Green wanted to know if this section negotiable. Sally Vecchio stated that this Section would be non-negotiable as a code requirement and the applicant would need to prove a hardship to be granted a variance. Commissioner Losa questioned when the height of a fence becomes a `structure'? Staff responded that the code does not consider a fence as a structure. After a discussion, the Commissioners agreed with Commissioner Green that the fence setback section should be removed as it is redundant. Commissioner Green suggested different wording for section (3)(i), adding that it should read "assure". Others were in agreement. The Public Comment period was opened and closed with no public comments. Action: Commissioner Struve moved to approve Resolution 12-01 with the recommended changes: 1. Remove "by a fence which allows air and light to penetrate it" from section 7.24.060(c) (2) (A) (i); 2. Remove section 7.24.060(c)(2)(A)(ii); and, 3. Change "Enhance" to "Assure" in section 7.24.060(c)(3)(i) The motion was seconded by Commissioner Prince and the motion passed unanimously. VII. Major Design and Development Wildstar #4 Property Location: Lot 9, Block 5, Wildridge Subdivision / 1015 W Wildwood Road Applicant: Michael Pukas, MPP Design Shop / Owner: WildAvon Enterprises Description: A development proposal for a single-family residence accessed off a private court drive. The proposed residence will be approximately 2,500 square feet and primarily finished in stucco with wood siding accents. The proposed residences will be located on the same lot and accessed off the same drive as seven (7) other constructed, partially constructed, or approved but yet to be constructed single-family residence. Discussion: Jared Barnes presented the design as it related to the Development Code. The AEC application was explained and the request for a 2:12 pitch (4:12 required) to the shed roof over the garage door. Staff recommendation for approval was highlighted. Michael Pukas presented the challenges of the site and steepness of existing topography. Commissioners questioned the 2:12 pitch as well as the parking adjacent to the emergency turnaround. Action: Commissioner Struve moved to approve the Major Design and Development Plan, as well as the Alternative Equivalent Compliance for Wildstar #4 as submitted. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Clancy. All in Commissioners were in favor and the motion passed unanimously. VIII. Other Business Table 7.24-1: Table of Allowed Uses Discussion: Sally Vecchio explained that the council initiation for the Child Care in the IC was out of the scope of opening the Table of Allowed Uses. Council had not initiated this review and it is not in the current Community Development work program. Commissioner Minervini brought up whether or not the Planning Commission should rescind the Resolution that was approved. The consensus was to leave the resolution alone as all were in agreement that it captured the Commission's recommendation clearly, however, it did not address the concerns with other IC uses that could locate near a Child Care Center. It was agreed to revisit the table of allowed uses. IX. Adjourn The meeting was adjourned at 6:30pm. Approved on the 7rtl Day of February, 2011 SIGNED: Chris Green, Chair ATTEST: Scott Prince, Secretary