PZC Minutes 121608WORK SESSION I. Main Street Construction Update Description: Justin Hildreth, Town Engineer, gave an update to the Planning Commission of the anticipated construction schedule and construction documents for the Main Street project. 11. Discussion of Regular Meeting agenda items. REGULAR MEETING I. Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 5:33 pm. II. Roll Call Commissioner Roubos was absent and Commissioner Green arrived late, during Final Design Item VIIB. III. Additions and Amendments to the Agenda Commissioner Struve recommended that the Final Design Item VIIB (Perdzok Residence) be heard first, since no other applicants were present at the start of the meeting. All Commissioners were in agreement with the amendment. IV. Conflicts of Interest There were no conflicts of interest. V. Consent Agenda • Approval of the November 18, 2008 Meeting Minutes • Resolution No. 08-07, A Resolution Recommending Approval of the Comprehensive Plan Amendment related to the 'Red House' Parcel Commissioner Goulding moved to approve the Consent Agenda and Commissioner Struve seconded the motion. It was approved as written with a 5-0 vote. VI. Sign Design Application Western Sage PUD Monument Sign Property Location: Lots 1-5, Western Sage PUD / 5203 Longsun Lane Applicant: / Owner Ted Leach, Western Sage Partners, LLC Description: The application proposes a 5'-6" tall ground mounted freestanding sign constructed of Sandstone and stone veneer. The sign will be adjacent to and thereby demarcate the private drive at the end of the Longsun Lane cul-de-sac. Discussion: Jared Barnes presented Staff's report. Commissioner Evans asked the applicant why the Commission should approve the sign and the motivation behind the sign. Ted Leach approached the podium and responded that they explored the idea of providing monuments at each house, but felt that one sign at the cul-de-sac would be a more appropriate as a project entrance with added landscaping pursuant to the Design Guidelines and the Sign Code. The Commission discussed the nature of the sign design and other properties in the subdivision with similar signage. Commissioner Green suggested a different approach to the sign design to signify the name of the project and add the word "enclave". The applicant and staff stated that the drive, which is the sole access for five (5) single-family properties, is privately owned and plowed/maintained by the private association for those properties. Action: Commissioner Goulding motioned to approve the sign with the condition that the language "private drive" be removed. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Struve. The motion passed with a 6-0 vote VII. Final Design Review A. Beowulf Residence Property Location: Lot 7, Western Sage PUD / 5771 Wildridge Road East Applicant: Julio Spinnato, Studio Spinnato, Inc. / Owner: Beowulf Lot 7 LLC Description: Follow-up to conditions of approval from November 18, 2008 meeting. Discussion: Matt Pielsticker gave a brief presentation highlighting relevant details contained his Staff Report. Julie Spinnato, on behalf of the property owners, gave a visual presentation using the projector and computerized images to illustrate the changes she made to her design since receiving input from the Commission on November 18, 2008. Commissioner Evans asked about the change in lighting. Julie Spinnato responded that it was based on the client's desires. Commissioner Prince asked for the exact numbers of sconces and landscape lighting that were shown on the building and site plan. Julie Spinnato outlined the exact numbers and locations of each type on the proposed site. Commissioner Evans asked if the sconces could be changed to Night Sky Compliant fixtures. Julie Spinnato responded that if the building code would allow it she would be fine with it. Commissioner Evans asked about the secondary roof material, metal standing seam. Buzz Reynolds stated that there were numerous examples of the metal roof throughout Wildridge. Matt Pielsticker added that the color was Energy Star approved for reflectivity. Commissioner Evans questioned the need for it when an asphalt shingle roof is acceptable with the 4:12 roof pitch. Commissioner Green stated that the light fixtures need to be Night Sky Compliant. Commissioner Evans asked if he would make that a condition if he made a motion. Commissioner Green responded that he would. Commissioner Green stated that he also had concerns about the colors for the building. He stated that it wouldn't fit in with the warm colors of the neighborhood. Commissioner Lane stated that he was concerned with the light fixtures as well, and agreed with Commissioner Green's comments. He also had concerns about the metal roof and how it meets the asphalt shingle roof. Mr. Lane also had concerns with the colors of the building. Commissioner Prince stated that the outdoor lights are a concern of his as well. Julie Spinnato asked if the removal of the recessed cans would be acceptable. Scott stated that he would prefer the fully cutoff design. Commissioner Struve stated that his concern is also the light fixtures Commissioner Goulding stated that he agreed with the previous comments Commissioner Evans stated that a Night Sky Approved light fixture would be needed instead of the sconces. Buzz Reynolds stated that he understood the comments and stated that he would work with staff to meet this requirement. Action: Commissioner Green moved to approve Lot 7, Western Sage, as revised, with the condition that the wall sconces and any other exterior light meet or beat the Night Sky Compliance rating and Staff will review the revised lighting plan prior to building permit. Commissioner Goulding seconded the motion and it passed 6-0. B. Perdzock Residence Property Location: Lot 83, Block 4, Wildridge Subdivision / 5729 Wildridge Road East Applicant: Langenwalter Architects / Owner: John & Janet Perdzock Description: Review of a single-family residence on a duplex zoned property on Wildridge Road East. The proposal is for a 34' maximum height, and the structure is composed primarily with stucco and stone veneer siding. A Sketch Design application for this property was reviewed at the August 5, 2008 Planning and Zoning Commission meeting. Discussion: Jared Barnes highlighted staff's report and the deliberations that took place during the previous sketch design review of this project. The drainage issues brought forth by the Engineering Department were mentioned. Jared Barnes expressed concern with the snow storage areas if a guardrail were to be required for this property. He stated that at least two building materials are provided, and the proposed colors are earth tone in nature. A rain sensor must also be added to the landscape plan. Jared Barnes mentioned that Staff is recommending tabling this application due to conflicts with Sections A -D of the Design Guidelines. If the Commission were to approve the project, Jared Barnes recommended that the Commission utilize the ten (10) staff recommended conditions, minus condition number 7. Commissioner Lane questioned the light fixture proposed, and if it meets the night sky ordinance. Staff responded that it did appear to meet the Design Guidelines. Commissioner Prince questioned the rain sensor note and if more would be required than is shown on sheet L1. Jared Barnes responded that this item was overlooked, and the rain sensor note provided would be sufficient. The applicant, Kathy Langenwalter, addressed the Commission. She began by speaking to the commissioner concerns that were brought up during sketch review, such as the apparent lack of stone on the building; she mentioned that more has been added. Wood has been added on the garage doors at the Commission's request, and the entrance ridge is now centered. Commissioner Green wanted to know if a Chevy Suburban could get out of the middle car garage with a two point turn. The response was affirmative. Kathy Langenwalter continued by demonstrating that the required snow storage can be provided at 20%, without the need to redesign the driveway and avoid interfering with the guardrail. Commissioner Struve questioned what type of guardrail will be used, and Kathy Langenwalter stated that it would be a typical "highway" type design. Kathy mentioned that a French drain would be utilized for drainage out of the driveway. The applicant brought up the fact that the neighboring property owner also used a retaining wall in the abutting easement and that the owners of this property desire to use the same retaining wall layout and resulting encroachment. Ms. Langenwalter mentioned the light fixture, and stated that the wattage is up to the owners A broader lighting discussion between Commissioners ensued. Commissioner Prince questioned the number of lighting fixtures on the building. Commissioner Goulding feels that most of the previous discussion points have been addressed. However, he questioned the varied use of materials on other elevations of the building — in particular, the elevations other than the north. Ms. Langenwalter discussed the rationale for using the large areas of stucco including maintenance related issues and ecological reasons. Commissioner Goulding reiterated his concern with how the exeterior materials are applied to the building. He felt that the north elevation met the intent of the guidelines, but others did not. Commissioner Struve felt that the sketch comments have been addressed, and it meets the design guidelines. He did have an issue with the wattage of the light bulbs. Commissioner Prince felt that the structure did fit in with the neighborhood and the lighting did need to be addressed. Commissioner Lane also believed that the west, south, and east elevations and the materiality needed to be addressed. The lighting was also an apparent conflict for Commissioner Lane. The applicant responded that the elevations are broken up, and stepped in appearance to avoid the appearance of one material. Kathy Langenwalter felt that the materials do meet what the guidelines ask for, and the structure is compatible with the neighborhood. She explained that budget issues were also a concern to the owners with other building materials. Commissioner Green was in general agreement with the concerns expressed by the other Commissioners. He showed appreciation for how the applicant responded to some of the previous concerns. Commissioner Prince pointed out the landscaping on the south side and felt that increased landscaping is warranted. Kathy Langenwalter responded that the view shed is a concern when placing more landscaping on this elevation of the building. Commissioner Evans expressed issue with the quantity and type of lighting proposed. He felt that a Dark Sky compliant fixture should be used, given the number of fixtures. He understands Commissioner Goulding's comments on materiality, but felt that it did meet the minimum guidelines. Action: Commissioner Struve moved to approve the Final Design Application for Lot 83, Block 4, Wildridge Subdivision: first three conditions as stated in staff's report; condition #4 - light fixtures are no larger than 40 watt incandescent or equivalent; staff will review full -cutoff options, and conditions #9 and #10 as drafted in the report. Motion dies with no second. Commissioner Prince moved to approve with conditions #1, #2, #3, #4 (and that #5 has already been addressed by the applicant); #6, #9, and #10 from staff's report; and the maximum 40 watt bulbs for lighting with Dark Sky Ordinance approved fixtures; and revised landscaping on south side of the structure will be approved by Staff with an increased number of plantings. Commissioner Green seconds the motion. Commissioner Evans discussed the motion, and questioned if condition #6 could be removed. Commissioner Prince was in agreement with the revised motion to remove condition #6, and Green was in agreement. The motion passed with 4-2 vote. VIII. PUD & Preliminary Subdivision: Red House Annexation Parcel — (CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARING) Property Location: Lots 1-2, Red House Exemption Plat / 38361 Highway 6 Applicant: Rick Pylman, Pylman and Associates /Owner: Vail Corporation Description: The applicant and property owner, the Vail Corporation, represented by Rick Pylman of Pylman and Associates, is proposing a new Planned Unit Development (PUD) for a development site currently located in unincorporated Eagle County and zoned Commercial Limited (CL) under the County's zoning regulations. Discussion: Matt Gennett presented Staff's Report highlighting all of the applications that are currently in process for this project. He also highlighted a few of the modifications from the previous submittal. Matt Gennett stated that one of the changes was to the proposed Whitewater Park viewing platform on the river. Instead, the applicant has proposed a path leading east, under the bridge to a new kayak drop-in location on the north east edge of the property. Commissioner Evans asked if all of the referrals responded. Matt Gennett stated that not all have been received and outlined those received thus far. Commissioner Evans asked about the letter received from the Avon Historical Committee. He stated that a letter would not be acceptable as a nomination for Historical designation. Commissioner Green questioned the letter and the relocation of the building. Commissioner Evans stated that until a parcel goes through the proper process it shouldn't be discussed. Rick Pylman, Pylman and Associates, presented the team that is with the himself representing the applicant. He outlined the development statistics, specifically the number of units, size of units, and parking for the units. Rick Pylman discussed the river setback encroachments on both sides. He showed that the largest encroachment would be an on -grade 12 foot encroachment into the Beaver Creek setback. The other encroachments max out at 10 feet and use boulder retaining walls less than four feet in height. Brandt Marott, Vail Resort Development Company, discussed the kayak park access. The path will be three feet in width and be made of crusher rock and will be underneath the bridge. He also stated the land dedication that would be given to the Town. Gary Brooks, Alpine Engineering, stated that there was a construction and maintenance easement. He stated that there was an area larger in size and it would be conveyed to the Town and that the current easement would be vacated. Commissioner Goulding asked why the Town would be receiving a piece of land that the developer could not develop. Rick Pylman responded that the Town asked for the land and the developer agreed to deed it to the Town. Commissioner Green asked about the setbacks and how the correspond to the land to be deeded to the town. Matt Gennett asked that the setbacks be shown on a survey. Brandt Marott commented on the pedestrian access. He stated that the applicants are proposing to use flashing crosswalks. He also stated that they are proposing to enhance the median on Highway 6. The sidewalk would be modified with a 6 foot landscape buffer and a 7 foot sidewalk. Brandt Marott stated that the project would be sustainable. The applicants are proposing environmental stewardship, Water treatment, Reduce Carbon Footprint, Preserve and Restore Natural Habitat, and Water Conservation. Brandt Marott commented on the architecture of the proposal. He stated that a new architect has proposed a different style. Each building will be complementary but not identical. He also stated that the two 2 -bedroom unit would be purchased after building permit is issued by prior to the CO of the units. Rick Pylman stated that the applicants are in agreement with the staff recommendation and the six conditions. Commissioner Prince asked how the people staying here would get to the Beaver Creek bus system. Rick Pylman stated that the applicants didn't address that. He also stated that they were more concerned with getting pedestrians into Town and the shops. Commissioner Green questioned the Deed Restricted Housing. Brandt Marott responded that they are proposing to buy a current built product in the Town of Avon and lower the price through a deed restriction and deed it to the Town for their Housing Program. Commissioner Green questioned the setbacks when there is a building envelope that is already being proposed. Matt Gennett stated that if easements change this allows the design to potentially change. Commissioner Evans stated that they don't want that to happen and they would prefer to have a building envelope instead of a setback. The Public Hearing was opened and closed due to no person wanting to comment. Commissioner Goulding liked the new Kayak access. He did state that 3 feet could not be wide enough and that a slightly larger path would be better. He did ask who owns the land under the bridge. Justin Hildreth stated that it was owned by the Town. Commissioner Goulding stated that there is a different material used for road crossings and asked if the applicant was going to use that. Rick Pylman responded that they were not going to do that. Commissioner Goulding stated that he would like to see both of the crosswalks but he knows that it could be possible on the Avon Road crosswalk. He stated that the Avon Road crosswalk needs to be consistent with the rest of the Town crosswalks. Commissioner Goulding stated that the nice sidewalk is great on their property, but once you get to the bridge the sidewalk is very uninviting. He is most concerned with that pedestrian access. Commissioner Green asked what responsibility the developer has to fix a problem something similar to what Commissioner Goulding is asking for. Commissioner Goulding stated that he was solely identifying a problem and that this problem is being created by the development on this property. Commissioner Goulding commented that the proposed Housing Program should reflect something out of the need area as outlined by the most recent Housing Needs Assessment and deed restricting it so that it addresses a need. Commissioner Struve stated that he agrees that the bridge needs to be fixed but it is not the sole issue of the developer. He stated that he would love to see the applicant participate. He appreciates that the architecture is a great step. Commissioner Prince echoed Commissioner Goulding's comments on the Attainable Housing proposed. He also agreed that the crosswalks need to be compliant with the Town's standard. Commissioner Lane has the same concerns on the Attainable Housing. He is excited about the new architecture and wants to see how the sustainability is going to be incorporated. Commissioner Green had concerns about the patios extending into the setbacks. He wants to make sure the landscaping and revegetation of those areas are done correctly. He would prefer to see a building envelope over setbacks. He feels that sustainability needs to address the energy consumption and viewing Architecture 2030 regulations would be beneficial. Commissioner Evans stated that sustainability is paramount. He doesn't care what sustainable organization you go with because the means do not justify the ends. He would love to see a process that heads to an end result. The result could be a reduction of energy and the applicant needs to outline the processes to meet that goal. Commissioner Evans also agrees with the AMI comments Commissioner Goulding brought up. He doesn't think it is the developer's responsibility to fix the bridge. Commissioner Evans asked Matt Gennett what the next steps were. Matt Gennett responded that the next step would be to ask Staff to come back with a Resolution that memorializes the comments made at this meeting. Commissioner Goulding stated that he wanted the applicant to propose steps that may not cost the applicant a penny but would tell the town how to improve the bridge. He stated that many of the potential conditions would need to be readdressed instead of becoming conditions. Commissioner Goulding asked his fellow Commissioners if they felt the current Town of Avon Design Guidelines would be strong enough to hold the applicant to the standards shown in the sketch. Action: Commissioner Goulding moved to table Item VIII. Red House Annexation Parcel to the first January meeting. Commissioner Struve seconded the motion and it passed 6-0. IX. Rezoning — (PUBLIC HEARING) Property Location: Lots 1A & 1 B, 2, and Tract AA / 500 Swift Gulch Road Applicant/Owner. Jennifer Strehler, Dept of Public Works and Transportation Director Description: The Town of Avon is proposing to rezone four parcels of land, which together encompass the Swift Gulch Public Works and Transportation facility. The current zoning is Planned Unit Development (PUD) PUD for the subject properties. This application would rezone "Government, Park, and Employee Housing (GPEH)". According to the Avon Municipal Code, the GPEH zone district is "intended to provide sites for parks, community centers, park and recreation facilities, water storage, treatment and distribution systems, fire station, governmental facilities and public and/or private housing units for Avon area employees." Discussion: Matt Pielsticker presented Staff's Report and highlighted the four review criteria for a rezoning pursuant to Title 17, AMC. Jennifer Strehler, Public Works Director representing the Town, presented a sideshow outlining the Purpose and Benefits of the proposed zone change and accompanying materials to support the proposal. Commissioner Green asked if a subdivision was being asked for. Matt Pielsticker said that a Subdivision process would be separate from this application. Commissioner Evans asked if there are any allowed uses by the PUD that are not allowed by GPEH zoning. Jennifer Strehler said that the fueling station was one, but that the Zoning Administrator could deem that it is acceptable. Commissioner Evans opened and closed the Public Hearing due to nobody wanting to respond. Action: Commissioner Struve moved to approve Item IX. Rezoning — Lots 1A, 1 B, 2, and Tract AA with the findings listed in Staff's Report. Commissioner Green seconded the motion and it passed 6-0. X. Other Business The commissioners mentioned that there was a sign on Metcalf Road which was not approved for Maximum Comfort Pool and Spa. XI. Adjourn The meeting was adjourned at 9:40 PM. Approved on January 6, 2009: Chris Evans Chairperson Phil Struve Secretary