PZC Minutes 111808TO W-, AV it A A 0 SITE TOUR (12:00 - 12:30) Town of Avon Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes for November 18, 2008 Avon Town Council Chambers Meetings are open to the public Avon Municipal Building 1400 Benchmark Road Description: Lot 7, Western Sage, site tour with Sean Reynolds. WORK SESSION (5:00pm — 5:30pm) Description: Discussion of Regular Meeting agenda items. Open to the public. REGULAR MEETING (5:30pm) Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 5:40 pm. IL Roll Call All Commissioners were present. III. Additions and Amendments to the Agenda Following items are moved to consent agenda: Item Vl. Minor Project Review Application was moved to the Consent Agenda Item VIII.0 Final Design Application — Long Spur Addition and Renovation IV. Conflicts of Interest There were no conflicts of interest to disclose. V. Consent Agenda • Approval of the October 7, 2008 Meeting Minutes • Item VI. Minor Project Review Application — Prater Lane Child Care Facility • Item VIII.0 — Final Design Application — Long Spur Renovation and Addition Commissioner Green highlighted a modification to the October 7t", 2008 Meeting Minutes. Commissioner Green moved to accept the Consent Agenda and Commissioner Roubos seconded the motion. It was approved with a 7-0 vote. VI. Minor Project Review Application Prater Lane Child Care Facility Property Location: Lot 62163, Block 2, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision / 137 Benchmark Road Applicant: Mark Donaldson, VMD Architecture 1 Owner. Avon Partners 11, LLC Description: Minor Project review for the Seasons property. The modification deals with the relocation of the outdoor play areas for the Child Care Facility. Currently the child care facility extends into the public right-of-way. The application proposes to reduce the size of the play area on the north side of the property to keep that play area within the Season's property and to create more play area in the current west loading dock area. Discussion: Discussed during Work Session Action: Approved on Consent Agenda. VII. PUD, Preliminary Subdivision, and Comprehensive Plan Amendment Application Red House Annexation Parcel Property Location: Lots 1-2, Red House Exemption Plat 138361 Highway 6 Applicant: Rick Pylman, Pylman and Associates /Owner: Vail Corporation Description: The applicant and property owner, the Vail Corporation, represented by Rick Pylman of Pylman and Associates, is proposing a new Planned Unit Development (PUD) for on a development site currently located in unincorporated Eagle County and zoned Commercial Limited (CL) under the County's zoning regulations. The proposed PUD entails concurrent applications for a Specific Amendment to the 2006 Town of Avon Comprehensive Plan, a Preliminary Plan for Subdivision, and the execution of an Annexation which is currently in -process and has met the prerequisite eligibility requirements. Discussion: Matt Gennett presented staff's report. He outlined the proposed development, uses, and public benefits of the project. Commissioner Struve asked about the parcels of the proposed project on the GIS map that was provided in Staff's Report. Matt Gennett and Rick Pylman summarized and pointed out each separate parcel on the property. Commissioner Evans questioned the "change in traffic" comment that Justin Hildreth stated in his letter. Justin clarified that the comment outlines the traffic entering the site not on Highway 6. Rick Pylman, Pylman and Associates, outlined the proposal. He stated that he was amenable to the tabling of all portions of the application with the exception of the Comprehensive Plan Amendment that Staff has recommended approval on. Rick Pylman outlined the Comprehensive Plan Amendment that is proposed. He stated that the portion of the Comprehensive Plan that is being updated is the f=uture Land Use map. A Residential Medium Density is the proposed future land use. Rick Pylman stated that this proposed use is slightly less dense and intensive than the surrounding future land uses. Commissioner Roubos asked about the history of this property. Commissioner Evans and Matt Gennett responded and outlined the history of the Red House and the property it is located on. Commissioner Green asked about the Area Median Income (AMI) range that is targeted by this proposal. Rick Pylman responded that the development will be targeted to market rate housing. Commissioner Green clarified his question and asked what the product will be. Rick Pylman stated that the ultimate product will be high end whole ownership units. The sizes of the units are 1,700 to 2,500 square feet. Rick Pylman stated that they are proposing an offsite affordable housing component of the housing. Commissioner Struve asked about Exhibit B of the Comprehensive Plan and its pedestrian access. He asked that the pedestrian access across the property have a better connection to the town with this proposal. Rick Pylman outlined the proposal. He highlighted the concurrent applications and the proposed plans. Brandt Marrott, Vail Resorts, outlined the proposed plan. He discussed the access to the site and the proposed median on Highway 6. Commissioner Prince asked if the proposed entrance and the current entrance are in the same location. Brandt stated that they were within a foot of each other. Commissioner Evans questioned the use of the PUD when a rezoning would seem more applicable. Matt Gennett responded by outlining the history of the project and why the PUD is being used. Rick Pylman agreed with Matt Gennett. Commissioner Prince asked about the annexation and its next steps. Matt Gennett stated that there needs to be zoning within 90 days of annexation so the annexation is currently waiting for the zoning to catch up. Commissioner Lane asked if there was a requirement for the applicant to provide a letter from the Water and Sanitation District that adequate water exists for the project. Matt Gennett confirmed Commissioner Lane's question. Commissioner Evans opened the Public Comment. As no one stepped forward, Commissioner Evans closed the Public Comment. Commissioner Goulding stated that he is in favor of the Comprehensive Plan amendment. He commented on the PUD proposal. Specifically, he wanted to know more about the Deed Restricted housing, the need for the river setback encroachment, and if there is a need for a white water view platform. He also asked about the utilities on the site and needed improvements. Commissioner Goulding had concerns of the use of snow melt and how that conflicts with Green Building Practices that are being proposed for the project by the applicant. Rick Pylman responded that it was a necessity due to the physical constraints on the property and lack of snow storage area. Commissioner Goulding reiterated his concerns of the river setback encroachments and the connectivity to the Town. Commissioner Struve stated that he would prefer a single entrance off of Avon Road. He also wanted the project to not preclude the Town or State's ability build a future overpass or underpass. He was concerned about the width of the proposed project's units. Commissioner Roubos agreed with the previous comments. She stated that 15 units seems crowded on the site, but wants the applicant to prove to her that is not the case. She also wanted more public benefit that centered on the pedestrian access. She also wanted varying roofs so that the product did not appear as an apartment complex. Commissioner Prince wanted a definite plan on the affordable housing. He also was concerned with pedestrian access. He also was concerned about the dilapidated structure. Commissioner Lane wasn't sold on the need for another Kayak park viewing area. He would prefer those efforts put towards a better pedestrian connection. He isn't sold on the proposed architectural style just yet. Commissioner Green thought the connection across and along Highway 6 was a concern of his. Justin Hildreth stated that there was no funding for the widening of Highway 6, therefore there are no concrete plans of the connection being improved. Commissioner Green was concerned about how the current Kayakers are going to access the park when this property gets improved. He has no concerns with the Comprehensive Plan Amendment. He feels that the sustainable issues are not being addressed and stated that there is an opportunity for passive solar use to help snow melt. He feels that the architecture is substandard and it should be of a higher quality. He has concerns about the encroachments into the setbacks and that these have not been approved in the past. Commissioner Lane stated he was ready to hear how the sustainability is going to be integrated in the design. Commissioner Evans questioned the snowmelt and stated that there are sustainable ways to help achieve this. The use of active solar is one way to solve the problem. He agreed with most stated comments. Action: Commissioner Green moved to approve the Comprehensive Plan Amendment and directed staff to prepare a resolution for a future meeting. Commissioner Struve seconded the motion and it passed with a 7-0 vote. Commissioner Green moved to table the application to December 16th with Commissioner Goulding seconding the motion. It passed with a 7-0 vote. VIII. Final Design Review Applications A. Timeshare East Property Location: Lot 1, Riverfront Subdivision 142 Riverfront Lane Applicant: Aleksandr Sheykhet i Owner- Jim McIntyre, Starwood Vacation Ownership Description: Final Design review for the 'Timeshare East' property. The design includes two buildings separated at grade: Building East (E), and Building Riverside (R). There are 74 units proposed in the two buildings. The East building is the taller of the two building and includes 58 2 -bedroom units, each with the ability to have a lock -off unit. The Riverside building is positioned between the East building and the Riverfront recreation path. This building contains the remaining 16 2 -bedroom units, also with the ability to have lock -offs. There is no Commercial land use proposed with this phase of development. Discussion: Matt Pielsticker presented Staff's Report. He highlighted a few of the major changes from the Sketch Review that took place on this project. Matt Pielsticker asked that the Commission decide on the Mock-up and if it can be removed. He stated that almost all of the encroachments have been removed with the exception of a roof overhang on the river side. Commissioner Struve asked Matt Pielsticker to clarify the color and material application on Timeshare West. He clarified that the proposal uses the same colors and materials although their application is slightly different. Chuck Madison, East West Partners, discussed the history of the project. Mike Williams, VP of Architecture and Interior Design for Starwood, introduced Alexander Sheykhet and Howard Wong, the director of construction. Alexander Sheykhet outlined ail of the changes that have been made since the Sketch Plan proposal that was recently heard. He presented the typical floor plan and outlined the plan changes proposed by this design. He stated that they are striving for LEED certification. Commissioner Struve questioned the designs of the East and West buildings and how they asked for the designs to be "brackets" not "bookends". Alexander Sheykhet asked for clarification on the question. Commissioner Struve stated that the designs are the same, specifically colors and materials. Alexander Sheykhet stated that the designs are different, but complementary and he stated the height, entrances, retail components are all different. Commissioner Prince questioned if the chimneys are functional. Alexander Sheykhet responded that a few are. Commissioner Lane asked if the applicants have the LEED checklist available and who worked on it. Alexander Sheykhet responded that they do have certified people in their offices, but they retained a LEED specialist firm to conduct the checklist. Commissioner Goulding stated that most of his comments are the same as those during the Sketch Review. He asked if they are LEED registered for this building. He also commented on the monolithic nature, lack of variation in the roof form, lack of presentation to Avon Road, and lack of architectural variety in general. Commissioner Struve stated that there have been considerable strides made on the south building with the exception of the north elevation. He stated that the Avon Road elevation of the larger building is "unacceptable" and needed a greater level of architectural interest. He stated that he didn't like the placement of the windows, and felt that the Timeshare West and the Hotel have too much brown. Commissioner Struve stated that the colors are too similar and don't help provide variation. He also stated that the entrance is weak, too many chimneys are used, and that the roof form is too long and needs variation. Commissioner Roubos was also disappointed in the design. She stated that it appeared as an apartment complex. She stated that a foot or two of variation is not sufficient enough on a building of this scale. Additionally, Ms. Roubos felt that the stone around the balconies was too much. Commissioner Prince agreed that the buildings should be similar but different. He stated that the entry is still lacking an inviting feel. He commented that the chimneys aren't sufficient for him, and felt that the roof is flat and long. They are too tall and/or too abundant. He reiterated that this is the gateway project and the level of design isn't there. Commissioner Lane agreed that the East elevation is the most important and still is lacking. It was stated that the variation presented is only skin deep on the East side. He once again stated that he would like a better idea of the checklist, and a better understanding of where the points are coming from for LEED certification. Commissioner Green stated that there is a lost opportunity on the East Elevation for stunning design. He stated that a five story wall is not an acceptable entrance for this area. He stated that there is the intent of using complementary architecture, but the level isn't there. He stated that emulating the Westin building would go far in creating a better design. Chuck Madison responded that he believes these three buildings were designed during the PUD process and there was a fairly detailed level of design that was included. Commissioner Green responded and stated that the Commission didn't think that his comments were accurate. He stated that the Commission isn't asking for a design of the level of the Westin, but there are portions of the design that are still lacking. Commissioner Goulding clarified that the PUD guide doesn't outline the design of the building, but rather provides a framework for all the designs. He listed off numerous projects throughout the Valley that successfully achieved what they are asking for. Commissioner Roubos clarified that they are only looking for a more interesting building and something that is appealing; similar to the Timeshare West Building. Action: Commissioner Struve moved to table the application, and Commissioner Roubos seconded the motion. It passed with a vote of 6-1. B. Beowulf Residence Property Location: Lot 7, Western Sage PUD 15771 Wildridge Road East Applicant: Julio Spinnato, Studio Spinnato, Inc. / Owner: Beowulf Lot 7 LLC Description: Final Design review for a single-family residence on a Western Sage PUD property, accessed off Wildridge Road East at the top of Wildridge. Sketch Design review for this project took place at the July 1, 2008 Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting. Discussion: Matt Pielsticker presented Staff's Report and stated that a site tour was undertaken at noon. It was attended by Sean Reynolds, Julie Spinnato, Matt Pielsticker and Commissioner Struve. He outlined the changes from the Sketch Design that was recently presented. He commented that the lack of variation from the Sketch Review guides the staff recommendation. Commissioner Struve asked about the roof lines not matching up during the sketch review. Matt Pielsticker did comment that those discrepancies have been fixed. Julie Spinnato commented on the compliance with 2 to 1 slopes, maximum 5 foot tall retaining walls, and the need for certain retaining walls but the inclusion of them for plantings. The building was shortened side to side resulting in a net loss of about 354 square feet. Commissioner Green asked if the architect had modeled the turning radius for an SUV. Julie responded that she had looked at that and certain cars could properly turnaround. The garage door closest to the main entrance could me more difficult to turn, possibly requiring a two point turn. Sean Reynolds commented that the retaining walls are substantially lower than the neighboring lot. Julie Spinnato showed pictures of the lot and the neighboring properties. Buzz Reynolds commented that Lot 6 was the most difficult of all the properties to build on. Each lot helps the access for the subsequent lot and makes less retaining necessary. Commissioner Struve stated that the square footage of the home was difficult to accept, but he can now understand why after watching the progression of Lot 6. He likes the vertical appearance of the house. Mr. Struve felt that landscaping will make or break this project. Commissioner Goulding commented that the landscaping on the lower portion of the lot is essential. He wanted to see tall landscaping on the lower retaining walls. He commented that the monolithic roof line is still a concern of his. Commissioner Roubos commented that the size of the home is still too much for the lot. The roof line over the garage is still a concern of hers. She agrees with many of the comments made by staff. Commissioner Prince appreciated the smaller retaining walls when compared to Lot 6. He has mixed feelings of improving the landscaping on the area below the retaining walls south of the structure given the watering requirements. He felt that the house doesn't appear as large as it is. Commissioner Lane stated that the east elevation is missing on the new plan that was there on the sketch plan. He agreed that the architecture has stepped down the lot on a few elevations, but others appeared to have three separate planes. He agreed with the comments that the landscaping needed to be improved. Julie Spinnato clarified that the old east elevation is the new southeast elevation. Commissioner Green liked the change to the main roof, but questioned the height of the entry portico. He would have preferred to see some variations that could have been achieved. He reiterated his comments about the turning radius out of the garage. Commissioner Green felt that the stone application on the columns still appeared to be too monolithic given its verticality. He is struggling with the amount of stone being applied to the exterior. He also thought the colors could be more interesting than grey. Commissioner Evans was surprised to see a recommendation of denial. He commented that the proposal is unquestionably better than sketch. There is still work needed on the landscaping and the downhill retaining wall is absolutely necessary. He thinks the entry roof is still too tall. The light fixtures are not code compliant and they need to be revised. Commissioner Green stated that a small batter in the retaining walls on the south side would help the appearance. Sean Reynolds stated that the landscaping on the south side of the home could cause serious fire issues. Bushes could be placed there but tall evergreens would ruin the view and are not going to be installed. He also stated that changing the square footage of the home wouldn't alter the footprint of the home, Commissioner Prince asked if a tabling would allow for a revised design. Commissioner Evans stated that is the case. Commissioner Green asked if the comments made were substantial enough to warrant a tabling. Commissioner Evans stated that, to him, they were not. Action: Commissioner Struve moved to approve the application with the following conditions: 1. Car turning radius is reviewed by the applicant and staff; 2. An improved landscaping plan to be reviewed by the commission; 3. Grey color be reviewed by the commission 4. Drop the entry roof to be reviewed by the commission 5. Lights changed to be code compliant to be reviewed by staff. 6. One more review on the lowest retaining wall by the commission. Commissioner Goulding seconded the motion. Commissioner Green asked about all of the conditions that need to be re -reviewed by the commission. He stated that since a portion of the issues are to be reviewed by the commission, why not have everything come back for commission review. Commissioner Struve stated that he would be amenable to making all of the conditions reviewed by the commission. Commissioner Green commented that it appeared that we are tabling the application. Commissioners Evans and Prince stated that they were giving the applicant 6 items to remedy or explain why they cannot change. Commissioner Goulding made the motion that the conditional approval is made with the findings that the plans comply with the Guidelines of the Town, and that the applicant has made significant effort to reduce the heights of the retaining walls. Commissioner Struve accepted the modifications to the motion. The modified motion passed unanimously with a 7-0 vote. C. Long Spur Addition & Rennovation Property Location: Lot 34, Block 1, Wildridge Subdivision 12195 Long Spur Applicant: Andrew Abraham, AIA 1 Owner: Debra Rappaport Description: Andrew James Abraham of AJA Studio is proposing a Final Design application for an addition and complete renovation to a single family residence at the end of Long Spur Road. This application proposes a complete "new skin" with several roof additions, one-story, and two-story building additions totaling approximately 1,550 square feet of finished space. Discussion: Discussed during Work Session. Action: Approved on Consent Agenda. IX. Other Business • Joint Work Session with Town Council on December 9th to discuss Tract B, Wildridge. • Public Works Monument Signage o Commissioner Goulding moved to approve the sign design; Commissioner Struve seconded the motion and it passed with a 7-0 vote. • Anne Weil's presentation was discussed. IX. Adjourn The meeting was adjourned at 9:25 PM. Approved on Dece er 16, 2008: Chris Evans Chairperso Phil Struve Secretary