PZC Minutes 052008Towyn of Avon Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes for May 20, 2008 Avon Town Council Chambers Meetings are open to the public Avon Municipal Building 1400 Benchmark Road WORK SESSION 5:OOpm - 5:30pm Description: Discussion of Regular Agenda Items. Work session is open to the public. REGULAR MEETING I. Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 5:39pm. II. Swearing in and Appointment of Commissioners Scott Prince, Leslie Roubos. Appointment of Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, Secretary and Commission representative to the Village at Avon Design Review Board: Commissioner Struve nominated Commissioner Evans as chairperson. Commissioner Green seconded the nomination and it passed with a 5-0 vote. Commissioner Struve nominated Commissioner Green as vice chairperson. Commissioner Roubos seconded the nomination and it passed with a 5-0 vote. Commissioner Green nominated Commissioner Struve as Secretary and Commissioner Roubos seconded the nomination. The motion passed with a 5-0 vote. Commissioner Evans nominated Commissioner Green as the Commissioner Representative to the Village at Avon Design Review Board. Commissioner Roubos seconded the nomination and it passed with a 5-0 vote. III. Roll Call All Commissioners were present, except Commissioners Goulding and Lane. IV. Additions and Amendments to the Agenda There were no amendments to the Agenda. V. Conflicts of Interest Commissioner Evans has a conflict of interest and recuses himself from item VII. VI. Consent Agenda O Approval of the April 1, 2008 Meeting Minutes Commissioner Green moved to approve the consent agenda. Commissioner Struve seconded the motion and it passed with a 3-0 vote; Commissioners Roubos and Prince abstained due to her absence from the March 18, 2008 Meeting. VII. Sketch Design Reviews Property Location: Lot 6 & 7, Riverfront Subdivision / 358 & 368 Riverfront Lane Applicant: Scott Lindall, GPSL Architects / Owner: East West Resort Development Description: Sketch design review for two duplexes in the Riverfront Subdivision. Access to the properties is near the western railroad crossing on Riverfront Lane. Each duplex unit measures approximately 3,600 square feet (including garage space), with roughly 3,100 square feet of habitable square footage per unit. The designs call for four bedrooms and four and one-half bathrooms for each of the four units. Matthew Gannett, Planning Manager, presented the staff report. Chuck Madison presented the application. He focused on height, bulk and mass of the proposed project. He clarified that the height calculation was from a single point on Lot 7, with the rest of the proposed design falling well under the maximum height. Commissioner Green questioned the width of the easement. Staff reported it was due to the depth of the piping and the required land to properly access it. Chuck Madison stated that the landscaping plan would be revised to ensure that all landscaping is within the property boundaries of these two lots. Commissioner Struve asked about what permission is needed for landscaping to be planted in the easements. Staff responded that the easement holders will need to approve. In this case those the easement holder would be the Town of Avon and Eagle River Water and Sanitation District. Scott Lindall presented the architecture and building design of the proposal. He described the layouts of the two lots and pointed out that the cantilevered decks do encroach into the 75 -foot high water mark. Chuck Madison went through the staff report and responded to many of the comments. Staff responded to the 75 foot high water line comments and stated that the effects of the design with relation to the path. Staff clarified that the bike path would appear to be nearly underneath the deck overhang. Chuck Madison agreed with staffs comments about the entrance to the properties. Staff clarified that small encroachments on the north side of the properties are acceptable, but encroachments on the south side of the properties should be limited. Chuck Madison asked about staffs comments pertaining to continuity of materials between all designs in the riverfront subdivision. He asked if it was acceptable to use the varying materials so long as the colors remain consistent. He also stated that it was fine to reduce the roof pitches to 8:12 versus the 9:12 proposed, but stated that he still preferred the steeper pitches. Commissioner Struve clarified that these designs appear to be too similar. He would prefer to see more residential architectural design and sees this area as an extension of the Riverfront area. He would like to see how parking is accommodated on Lot 6. He also would prefer to see patios instead of decks. Commissioner Roubos commented on the overhangs but is content with cantilevered decks. She would like to see greater differentiation between the two duplexes. She has concerns about the appeared height of the duplexes from the bike path. Commissioner Prince agreed with Comissioner Roubos' comments on the appeared height as viewed from the bike path. He also would like to see more seamless transition between the duplexes in the easement. Commissioner Green is concerned with the proximity of Lot 7 to the bike path. He stated that a tree will not provide adequate buffer and something else needs to be explored. He would like to see relief on the north side of the property to create greater space around the bike path. He stated that he would like to see the two duplexes as a single application and in a single elevation. He likes the cantilevered decks, but the architecture appears to be quite heavy. He stated that the architecture need to be a higher degree and that it is not at an approvable level. This being a Sketch Review no formal motion or action needs to be taken. VIII. Minor Projects A. Ticino Restaurant Vent Terminations Property Location: Lot A, Avon Center at Beaver Creek Subdivision / 100 W. BC Boulevard Applicant/Owner: Daniel Description: The owner of the new restaurant is proposing to install mechanical equipment on the first floor roofs of the existing Avon Center building. The mechanical equipment proposed on and penetrating through the shed roof will be enclosed with a stucco dormer to match the existing building. Jared Barnes made a brief presentation outlining the pertinent points made in the Staff Report. Commission deliberation: dimensioned, scaled, architectural drawings required for review & approval. Green: motion to table Struve: second (motion passed unanimously 5-0) B. Beowulf Final Design Modifications Property Location: Lot 6, Western Sage PUD, Block 4, Wildridge 15775 Wildridge Road East Applicant/ Owner: Buz Reynolds Description: The owner and builder of this single-family residence (currently under construction in Wildridge) is proposing to change the approved retaining wall design, layout, and associated landscaping. Also included in the application is the addition of a single car garage. Jared Barnes made a brief presentation outlining the pertinent points made in the Staff Report. Commissioners Green and Evans expressed their displeasure with the application materials and the merits of the proposal itself. Staff was questioned by the Commission on why such a difficult to understand submittal package was accepted and brought to the hearing. Staff responded with the written Staff recommendation, which is for DENIAL of the application pursuant to the finding in the Staff Report (it does not comply with the provisions of Title 17). Motion by Green to DENY; second by Roubos; and the vote was: 4-1 for DENIAL. IX. Historic Preservation Advisory Committee Property Nomination Nottingham Power Plant Property Location: Tract A, Nottingham Station PUD / Hurd Lane Applicant: Historic Preservation Committee / Owner: Town of Avon Description: Kim Nottingham, on behalf of the Avon Historic Preservation Advisory Committee, submitted a recommendation for a property to be considered for Historic Landmark designation — the Nottingham Power Plant. The Planning and Zoning Commission must review all Historic Landmarks, prior to moving to the Town Council. Matthew Gannett presented the Staff Memorandum regarding the nomination made on behalf of the Avon Historic Preservation Advisory Committee. Commissioner Evans asked if this was a noticed public hearing. Matt Gannett stated that the application was noticed as all meetings are noticed public hearings. Commissioner Evans stated that this would be approvable by him, but he wants to ensure that the proper rules are followed. He would like to see that a noticed public hearing is scheduled AND that adjacent property owners be notified via USPS. Commissioner Green motioned to table Resolution 08-05. Commissioner Prince seconded the motion and it passed with a 5-0 vote. X. Other Business • Commissioner Roubos questioned the access of the future parking garage connected to the Rec Center. Staff clarified that the current construction activity is for a temporary lot and the Planning and Zoning Commission will review any future plans for permanent structures. • Commissioner Struve questioned the process of applications. He urged that the shorter items be placed earlier and the longer applications be placed later on the agenda — staff agreed. • Commissioner Struve questioned the silt fencing. Commissioner Evans clarified its purpose and its proper installation processes. • Commissioner Green wants staff to require more thorough submittal completeness — staff concurred. • Commissioner Prince questioned his pervue as a commissioner — staff answered his questions. XI. Adjourn Commissioner Struve motioned for adjournment. All commissioners were in favor. The meeting was adjourned at 8:28pm. APPROVED: Chris Evans Chairperson Phil Struve Secretary