PZC Minutes 040108Town of Avon Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes for April 1, 2008 Avon Town Council Chambers Meetings are open to the public Avon Municipal Building / 400 Benchmark Road WORK SESSION 5:OOpm - 5:30pm Description: Discussion of Regular Agenda Items. Work session is open to the public. REGULAR MEETING I. Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 5:32pm. II. Roll Call All Commissioners were present. III. Additions and Amendments to the Agenda There were no amendments to the Agenda. IV. Conflicts of Interest There were no conflicts of interest disclosed. V. Consent Agenda C Approval of the March 18, 2008 Meeting Minutes Commissioner Goulding moved to approve the consent agenda. Commissioner Green seconded the motion and it passed with a 6-0 vote; Commissioner Foster abstained due to her absence from the March 18, 2008 Meeting. VI. Final Design Reviews A. Taylor Remodel Property Location: Lot 17, Block 4, Wildridge / 5617 Wildridge Road East Applicant: Aker Architects / Owner: Robert & Beth Taylor Description: Interior and exterior modifications to change an existing duplex into a single family home. Exterior modifications include changes to the north and south elevations as well as the west unit entryway. Jared Barnes, Planner I, presented the application and staff report, highlighting the changes made to the design since Sketch design review meeting. Kirk Aker, architect, approached the podium to answer questions of the Commission. Commissioner Goulding questioned if there would be any new landscaping and/or will any existing landscaping be damaged during construction. Tripp Plavec, current builder, stated that sod may need to be replaced since it will be impacted during construction. Commissioner Smith questioned if any lighting would be impacted during this remodel. Mr. Aker responded that there would be some new "in wall" step -lights in the new back patio location. Commissioner Goulding reiterated his previous comments relating to the north elevation of the project, massing, roof forms, and garage door still read as duplex. Would the Commission approve this application if it were a new structure? Mr. Goulding did not feel that this residence would be approved, as presented, as a new single-family residence. Commissioner Struve was in partial agreement with Commissioner Goulding, but was satisfied with the application in its current form. Commissioner Foster agreed with Commissioner Struve's comments, and felt that the Town does not have adequate guidelines to address the conversion from a duplex structure to a single-family structure. Commissioner Lane was in support of the application. Commissioner Green agreed with Mr. Goulding's comments. The design must be compatible with the architecture of the single-family homes in the area. The Design Guidelines state compatibility with neighborhood, and there could be an argument that it was originally approved as a duplex and built as such. The change in use to single-family brings the question of whether or not the design would be approved if this were a new construction design review. Has there been enough change to the design to bring into conformance with the Guidelines? Mr. Green did not feel that this application met the Design criteria, and is not supportable in the current form. Commissioner Evans pointed out that most of the changes to the structure were internal, and that the design met the design guidelines four years ago when approved constructed. Mr. Evans felt that the change in use should not be under the purview of the Commission; however, the deck and patio changes were the issue of review. It would not be approved as a single-family, but that is not the issue. Matthew Gennett, planning manager, clarified the process to date and the need to dissolve the party wall agreement prior to construction. Struve moved to approve the application with staff's recommended two conditions, and the addition of a 3rd condition stating that the landscaping must be left as is, or replaced to it's current level if disturbed during construction. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Lane. The motion carried with a 5-2 vote; Green and Goulding opposed. B. Western Sage Lot 4 Single Family Property Location: Lot 4, Western Sage PUD / 5207 Longsun Lane Applicant: John G. Martin and Jeff Manley/Owner. Ted Leach, Western Sage Partners, LLC Description: Final Design for a Single -Family residence in the Western Sage PUD. Lot is accessed from private drive off cul-de-sac on Longsun Lane. The Design features a 2 -car garage, European style design with wood siding, stucco/stone siding, and large simple roof form. Jared Barnes, Planner I, highlighted the changes to the landscape plan since sketch design review. Some additional plantings and increased sizes have been provided. The Landscape Note has been updated to include shrubs similar to what is on the site during revegetation. George Ruther, resident of the 5209 Longsun Lane resident in the Western Sage PUD Subdivision, approached the podium to address the construction occurring in the non -developable areas of the site on Lot 1 and portions of Lot 2. Mr. Ruther explained the PUD Guidelines and the fact that he had replanted approximately 1200 sagebrush, rabbit brush and serviceberry when construction of his utilities took place. The utility easement on west side of each lot is the issue. George mentioned that for Lot 1 construction, a significant portion of non developable area was disturbed, and a construction fence may not have been installed correctly for that project. Mr. Ruther's construction fence was set by surveyors. George continued to explain that rocks had fallen onto his driveway from the Lot 6 Western Sage construction, above his property. Assurance must be provided that the construction fence will be placed in the approved locations, and that the appropriate revegetation be utilized in the non -developable areas when utility connections are made. Mr. Manley, architect, addressed Mr. Ruther's comments, and explained that he has not been on-site to review fence locations. Commissioner Green questioned staff and whether staff has verified the fence location(s). Matthew Gennett responded that it is staff's responsibility to ensure fences are installed in their approximate locations during a site preparation inspection. Matt Dietz, project builder, accepted the responsibility to submit a survey or whatever measures would appease the Commission. Matt explained that stakes posted by a surveyor could be left in place, and visible to Town Staff. Commissioner Goulding questioned changes to the landscape plan since sketch design review. Mr. Manley highlighted the changes to the landscape plan since sketch design review. The blue spruce plantings were increased from 8' to 10', and the clouded landscape note was added to ensure smaller native shrubs would be planted to buffer the edges of the disturbed areas. Commissioner Green made a motion to approve design for Lot 4, Western Sage Residence, located at 5207 Longsun Lane. Commissioner Green read in Staff's conditions and added the condition that the limits of disturbance fence will be placed in accordance with survey stakes from a Colorado Registered surveyor, and the set points must be reviewed by the Town to ensure that the fence is in the location as shown on the plans. Commissioner Goulding seconded the motion. Commissioner Evans suggested the addition of the language that the fence be "installed and maintained" throughout construction. All Commissioners were in favor, and motion carries unanimously. 7-0 vote. VII. Other Business • Fences in the Western Sage PUD Fences are to be set back to their original locations. Steps must be taken to bring fences into the correct locations. Damage on Lot 1 has been done and that is not the issue. Mr. Ruther requested that the disturbed areas in the Easement for Lot 1 not be replaced with bluegrass sod, but rather have the same native shrub shrub plantings including sage, rabbit brush, and snowberry at 1 plant for every 7 square feet of land area. Staff is to update the Commission as the projects progress and after the snow melts. • Snow Run Condominiums Update Written notice will be sent to the 3ftl unit's owner explaining the June 1 deadline and red tag consequence if not complete. The letter will be copied to the first two owners. • Transit Center Julia Foster expressed concern with the transit center project. There are multiple safety issues including: inadequate or confusing signage for traffic heading west on Benchmark Road; the "Bus -Only" area should be more clearly defined, cars have stopped and backed up past bus turnoff, pedestrians need better signage for where to go; lanes may need to be painted to express two way traffic; the dip must be addressed; bus drivers need to be aware of traffic; and more signage at the Slifer Building entrance may be appropriate. Commissioner Foster was worried that accidents are eminent as the transit center is currently functioning. Goulding suggested that someone from engineering staff should sit for a day and highlight the top 10 things to be addressed. Y Gates copper roof appears to be black. • The Christie lodge opted to use the lower wattage bulbs for their signage and Jared has observed the lighting at night. It appears to be appropriate. Y Duplex to single-family (with caretaker units) conversion guidelines may be needed. VIII. Adjourn Commissioner Green motioned for adjournment, and Commissioner Goulding seconded the motion. All commissioners were in favor. The meeting was adjourned at 6:35pm. APPROVED: Chris Evans (� Chairperson Phil Struve Secretary