PZC Minutes 031808Town of Avon Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes for March 18, 2008 Avon Town Council Chambers Meetings are open to the public Avon Municipal Building / 400 Benchmark Road WORK SESSION 5:OOpm - 5:30pm Description: Discussion of Regular Agenda Items. Work session is open to the public. REGULAR MEETING I. Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 5:35pm II. Roll Call Commissioner Foster was absent. All others were present. III. Additions and Amendments to the Agenda IV. Conflicts of Interest There were no conflicts of interest disclosed. V. Consent Agenda • Approval of the March 4, 2008 Meeting Minutes Commissioner Struve moved to approve the modified agenda. Commissioner Smith seconded the motion and it passed 5-0, with Commissioner Evans abstaining due to his absence at the previous meeting. VI. Amendment to the Avon Comprehensive Plan — PUBLIC HEARING Description: An amendment to the Town of Avon Comprehensive Plan (the "Plan") is being proposed in accordance with Appendix E, "Amendment Procedure" of the Plan. The proposed Plan amendment is to modify and add language to Topic Area F, Housing, which is intended to provide specificity and policy guidance for the establishment of Attainable Housing in association with applications for rezoning, including Planned Unit Development (PUD) proposals or any amendment to a PUD. Matt Gennett presented the Comprehensive Plan Amendment on behalf of the Town Staff. Commissioner Green clarified what materials were distributed during the Work Session. Commissioner Evans opened the Public Hearing. Dominic Mauriello stated that he was encouraged and happy to see the flexibility built into .the regulations. He also appreciated the reasonable nature of the added policy language. There were no further public comments, and Commissioner Evans closed the Public Hearing. Commissioner Green moved to approve Resolution 08-03; recommending approval to Town Council, with the revisions handed out from staff prior to the meeting and with the findings based upon the criteria listed in Staff's Report. Commissioner Lane seconded the motion. Commissioner Goulding discussed the linkage percentages based on Eagle County and the State of Colorado. Staff stated that the data and AMI are the only items used, and that those are based on local data. Commissioner discussion centered on a clarification that the data is only for calculations and has no bearing on the regulations enacted by Eagle County. Staff stated there will be a clarification to better illustrate this point. Commissioner Struve questioned the future use of the "In -lieu of funds. Staff stated that they are currently in an account and ready for appropriate usage. Commissioner Green discussed the goal of the Amendment. He stated that this amendment is to codify the process of negotiations. There needs to be built-in negotiation points so that the code stays flexible and allows the discretion of Town Council. Commissioners Struve and Goulding asked for changes to F.2.4 so that the portion of the Comprehensive Plan requires large developments to integrate attainable housing within the project. Commissioner Goulding questioned minimal livable standards. Staff stated that it is the onus of the developer to propose these standards. Commissioner Struve asked to include a model deed restriction in the Amendment. Staff stated that this would be difficult because of the various types of deed restrictions and not all are encompassed by a single restriction example. Each project may have a mix of different restrictions. Commissioner Struve also asked about the use of "Countywide" versus "Valleywide". Staff clarified that "Countywide" is used because it corresponds to the geographical area of the data used. Commissioner Evans asked if the proposed modifications were accepted in the motions. Commissioners Green and Lane accepted the proposed changes. Commissioner Evans asked for a vote and it was unanimously passed (6-0). VII. Sketch Design Reviews A. Old Trail Duplex Property Location: Lot 91, Block 1, Wildridge / 2470 Old Trail Road Applicant/ Owner: Philip Masten Description: Sketch design review of a duplex on Old Trail Road, near the intersection of Draw Spur. The structure totals approximately 8,000 square feet. Exterior building materials include: stucco, heavy timber beams, cedar accents, stone veneer siding, and stucco siding. Matt Pielsticker presented the Sketch Review on behalf of the Town Staff. Michael Pukas stated that the issues raised by staff could be addressed. He stated that this design is commonly used throughout the valley. Phil Matsen also stated that the footprint is being kept to a small amount, and the price point should be kept lower. Commissioner Goulding stated that the three-story appearance is not appealing. He also commented that there is little articulation on the North Elevation. He agrees that the window push -outs are too similar on each half of the duplex. Mr. Goulding felt that the landscaping plan presented is insignificant, f and needs wholesale changes with respect to amounts and sizes of plantings. Phil Matsen stated that he is using a multi colored stucco finish that will add more interest to the final building appearance. Commissioner Struve agreed with staff's concerns. He also has concerns about setback -to -setback design. Landscaping is a major concern, but he does like how the garages are separated — as opposed to other duplex' designs. Mr. Struve felt that the west entrance could use some work and be strengthened. Commissioner Smith was concerned with the repetitive design used, and the setback -to -setback design. She agreed with the landscaping comments. Commissioner Lane agreed with the previous comments and stated that the stucco band doesn't appear to help break up the massing. He also stated that the entrances look understated when compared to the elevation. Commissioner Green had concerns about the size of the house when compared to the lot. The structure would appear to be dominating on the lot, and within the surrounding neighborhood. Mr. Green citied apparent conflicts with the Comprehensive Plan and Design Guidelines. The Comprehensive Plan states "Site Buildings of varying sizes along the street to maximize sun exposure, protect views, be compatible with existing surrounding development, and break up building bulk." In addition, Commissioner Green citied conflict with the general design philosophy of the Design Guidelines. The structure appears to dominate the site. Commissioner Evans agrees with all of the previously stated comments. Even if positive drainage was achieved, the drainage would then be pushed onto neighboring lots, which is prohibited. Michael Pukas stated that the landscape plan can be addressed and the repetitive nature can be addressed, but as far as the massing is concerned the surrounding lots are not built for current building' standards. B. Western Sage Lot 4 Single Family Property Location: Lot 4, Western Sage PUD / 5207 Longsun Lane Applicant: John G. Martin and Jeff Manley/Owner: Ted Leach, Western Sage Partners, LLC Description: Sketch Design for a Single -Family residence in the Western Sage PUD. Lot is accessed from private drive off cul-de-sac on Longsun Lane. The Design features a 2 -car garage, European style design with wood siding, stucco/stone siding, and large simple roof form. Jared Barnes presented Staffs report, and clarified the project's history to date. It was explained that the Western Sage PUD Design Guidelines govern the design of this project, not the Town's Design Guidelines. The differentiation between this design, and the previously approved three designs, was highlighted by Mr. Barnes. Commissioner Evans questioned staff's comments with regard to the inadequacies of the Landscape Plan. Jared reinforced the fact that this recommendation was based on recent design reviews, and similar comments had been made by the Planning and Zoning Commission. Jeff Manley presented the differences between this proposed single-family design and that of the other Western Sage approved design plans. Jeff continued to define the rationale for the proposed Landscape Plan. Commissioner Green questioned the existing landscaping on the property. Jeff Manley responded that the site is mostly sagebrush, and some limited serviceberry. There are no existing trees on the property. Commissioner Evans was supportive of the Landscape Plan as presented, without the need for additional size and/or quantities. Commissioner Lane mentioned that the North Elevation could appear repetitive; however, Mr. Lane was okay with this elevation. Commissioner Green voiced concern with the landscaping on the west side of the property where there will be disturbance during construction. The particular concern was with the rehabilitation of disturbed areas, given the and nature of the area, and the possible inadequacy of hydro -seeding non-native or non -draught tolerant vegetation. Commissioner Struve was in support of the application as presented, and provided positive feedback with respect to the current job sites in the same subdivision. Commissioner Goulding made comments with respect to the Landscape Plan. Mr. Goulding reinforced that the sizes and quantities should be boosted, and layering provided where necessary. Jeff Manley reiterated that the only concerns of the Commission were on the landscape plans and if these concerns were addressed would he be safe in assuming that the project would be approved for final design. The Commission agreed with his assumption. VIII. Other Business • Red House Annexation • Harry A. Nottingham Park Plan April 3rtl Public Meeting • Historic Preservation Ordinance next Tuesday for 2"a Hearing. • Duplex Guideline revisions? • Village (at Avon) previous amendment: Ambulance District Construction may now begin. IX. Adjourn Commissioner Green motioned for adjournment and Commissioner Smith seconded the motion. The meeting was adjourned at 7:03pm APPROVED: Chris Evans Chairperson Phil Struve j( Secretary 1 \