PZC Minutes 020508Town of Avon Planning & Zoning Commission `F, Meeting Minutes for February 5, 2008 AVON Avon Town Council Chambers C ° L ° " A ° ° Meetings are open to the public Avon Municipal Building / 400 Benchmark Road REGULAR MEETING Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 5:35 pm. II. Roll Call All Commissioners were in attendance with the exception of Commissioner Foster. III. Additions and Amendments to the Agenda There were no additions or amendments to the Agenda. IV. Conflicts of Interest Commissioner Evans disclosed a potential conflict with Item VII, Wildridge Addition. V. Consent Agenda Approval of the January 15, 2007 Meeting Minutes Commissioner Green motioned for approval of the Consent Agenda with Commissioner Smith seconding the motion. The motion passed 5 — 0 with Commissioner Evans abstaining due to absence from the meeting. VI. Site Tour Follow-up / Timeshare West - CONTINUED Property Location: Lot 3, Riverfront Subdivision / 218 Riverfront Lane Applicant: Aleksandr Sheykhet / Owner: Starwood Vacation Description: Follow-up to a Final Design condition of approval for the Timeshare West project. This design was approved at the May 1, 2007 Commission meeting, and an on- site mockup review for this item is now required. Last review of mockup was on November 6, 2007. Commissioner Evans stated that no presentation was needed from the applicant and that the Commission liked what was presented during the Mock-up review. Execution through construction will be of the utmost importance. Commissioner Green asked that what becomes the exterior of the final building is, at a minimum, what is shown on the Mock-up. Chairman Evans agreed with the comment made by Commissioner Green. Commissioner Struve expressed concern over the way the relationship between master architect, sub -architect, and the F&Z throughout this process of meeting the condition of approval for Final Design. Commissioners moved to approve the mock-up and stated that this approval fulfills the conditions of approval on the Timeshare West building. VII. Final Design — Wildridge Addition Property Location: Lot 8, Block 2, Wildridge Subdivision / 2890 O'Neal Spur Applicant: Eric Johnson, Architect/ Owner: Bill Hecht Description: Design review for an addition to a single family residence accessed off of O'Neal Spur. The proposed addition is 1,100 sq. ft. and measures approximately 27 feet in height. The overall height of the existing structure is 31 feet. The addition to the residence utilizes horizontal and vertical wood siding, stucco, and stone on the exterior walls with pitched roof forms that use metal roofing and synthetic shakes. A Sketch Design review took place at the September 18, 2007 Planning and Zoning Commission meeting. Jared Barnes gave a brief presentation pursuant to the staff report. The applicant, Bill Hecht, presented the details of his proposal to the Commission. Commissioner Green asked questions related to the specifics of lighting, materials, colors, and other elements of the proposed addition. The applicant answered those questions to the satisfaction of Commissioner Green. Commissioner Smith asked what the size of the building and addition are and the applicant responded. Commissioner Green asked why the landscaping proposed around the addition is so limited, and the applicant responded with the existing landscaping/natural materials are more than sufficient. Commissioner Green expressed concern over re -vegetation of the graded hillside and requested specifications of what and how it will be done. The applicant responded with native grasses and wildflowers. Commissioner Lane had no questions or comments Commissioner Struve inquired of the use of the word "studio" on the ground level and the applicant clarified that it will be an artist's studio, not an apartment. Commissioner Goulding expressed concern over damaging the large conifers on the property and what the remedy will be should those roots, trees, etc, should they become damaged via the construction process. A Landscape Plan is required, as reiterated by Commissioner Green, to be reviewed and approved by staff, complete with protection/mitigation measures for those trees shown on the L.P. Commissioner Goulding expressed a second concern over how the proposed addition will relate and blend into the existing architecture and whether it would stand out as inconsistent. The applicant gave several thoughts on how they plan to make the addition match or compliment the new addition. A condition of approval for a mock-up was suggested and agreed to by the applicant, and he will be happy to comply with the landscape plan requirement. Motion: Green - Approval with Conditions, as stated by staff, plus, a complete landscape plan be submitted to staff, as outlined above - and, that a mock-up be created and placed onsite for Commissioner Review to demonstrate the compatibility of the finishes with the existing structure. Goulding Seconded, Motion for APPROVAL WITH CONDITIONS passed unanimously. VIII. Master Sign Program Property Location: Lot 20, Block 2, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision / 48 East Beaver Creek Boulevard Applicant. Mark Donaldson /Owner: Mistral, Inc. Description: A Master Sign Program Amendment to allow for tenant identification signs to be situated in various locations on the property. The signs include freestanding signs with tenant identification panels, building -mounted tenant identification signs, and window signs. Jared Barnes gave a presentation to the Commission pursuant to the staff report Monte Park gave a brief presentation on behalf of the applicant. Commissioner Green stated he does not understand the bronze signage color & materials. Also does not think the added base does the sign any justice... will have a hard time approving this proposal. Commissioner Lane agreed with most of what Commissioner Green stated. Commissioner Smith stated she agrees with everything stated by Commissioner Green. Commissioner Struve stated he liked the previous signs better than what is proposed today. Commissioner Goulding, referring to the minutes of the previous hearing, stated he thinks the application took a step backwards. Commissioner Evans said he was not at the previous hearing, but agrees with everything said by the other Commissioners, other than comments about the bronze color. Motion: Struve - Deny with the following findings: colors do not match rest of building; wood base does not work with the overall design or give a strong appearance like a base should; and the proposed materials are nor durable and will deteriorate rapidly over time. Second: Smith, Motion passed 5 —1 for DENIAL. Commissioner Lane opposed. IX. Additions and Amendments to Title 17 of the Avon Municipal Code: Zoning Historic Preservation — PUBLIC HEARING Description: The proposed Ordinance includes additions to Section 17.08 of the Avon Municipal Code (AMC), by including definitions for "Historic Preservation Committee' and "Historic Landmark." The amendment request would also create a new chapter, Chapter 17.50, "Historic Preservation Designation." The new chapter outlines eligibility for Historic Landmark designations within the Town of Avon, and includes procedures and incentives for Historic Landmarks. Matt Pielsticker gave a presentation of the details of the proposed ordinance pursuant to the staff report. Commissioner Struve asked Matt Pielsticker what he is trying to do with this ordinance. Matt responded with the chronology and history of how this came to be. Commissioner Evans stated he has a more fundamental question: doesn't all this amount to a "taking". Commissioner Green expressed concern over the purpose statement of the ordinance, which reads: "to protect the health, safety, welfare, etc'. Matt Gennett clarified what constitutes a taking and what the state laws are in this regard. Commissioner Evans could not support anything that does not include the consent and permission of the property/land owner as a requirement of the historical designation criteria. Commissioner Green agreed with Commissioner Evans and stated he could not support this ordinance. Commissioner Goulding agrees with the good intentions behind the effort, but the details of its execution need work. Motion: Table with condition that HPC is present at next hearing. Second: Commissioner Green. All in favor and motion carries with 6-0 vote. X. Resolution 08-01 Description: A Resolution Recommending to the Avon Town Council a Regional, Multi - Jurisdictional Approach to acquiring land for attainable housing. Matt Gennett gave a brief presentation based upon the proposed resolution. Commissioner Green suggested language "in and adjacent the Avon area". This is to encourage cooperation but focus efforts in or around town. Commissioner Green also questioned the language about the use of "our" tools. Matt Gennett stated that the intent of the language is for the Town to use all of its tools. Commissioner Green wants to focus efforts locally but isn't opposed to regionally. Commissioner Smith asked to add the language "with priority to land adjacent to or within the Town of Avon." Commissioner Goulding made a motion to approve with revised language. Commissioner Struve seconding. Approved 6-0. XI. Other Business Invitation to the Tuesday meeting with the Mayor and Town Council. Commissioner Green thinks that findings need to be attached to resolutions that are moved forward to the Town Council. Madison Partners PUD. Mr. Folson terminated the contract and it appears that the application is withdrawn. XII. Adjourn Commissioner Green motioned to adjourn. All Commissioners were in favor. The meeting was adjourned at 7:00 pm. Respectfully submitted, Matthew R. Gannett, AICP Planning Manager APPROVED: Chris Vice Chairman Phil Struve Secretary