PZC Minutes 011508Town of Avon Planning & Zoning Commission
Meeting Minutes for January 15, 2008
AVO K Avon Town Council Chambers
C O L O R A D O Meetings are open to the public
Avon Municipal Building / 400 Benchmark Road
I. Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 5:40 pm.
II. Roll Call
All Commissioners were in attendance with the exception of Commissioner Evans.
Ill. Additions and Amendments to the Agenda
There were no additions or amendments to the Consent Agenda.
IV. Conflicts of Interest
No conflicts of interest to reveal.
V. Consent Agenda
• Approval of the December 4, 2007 Meeting Minutes
• Resolution No. 07-05, A Resolution Recommending Approval to Town
Council, PUD Amendment Application for Lot 38, Lot 39, and Tract O,
Wildridge Subdivision.
Commissioner Foster motioned for approval of the Consent Agenda with Commissioner
Green seconding the motion. The motion passed 5 — 0 with Commissioner Goulding
abstaining due to, absence from the meeting.
VI. Final Design — Wildridge Addition
Property Location: Lot 8, Block 2, Wildridge Subdivision 12890 O'Neal Spur
Applicant. Eric Johnson, Architect/ Owner: Bill Hecht
Description: Design review for an addition to a single family residence accessed off of
O'Neal Spur. The proposed addition is 1,100 sq. ft. and measures approximately 27 feet
in height. The overall height of the existing structure is 31 feet. The addition to the
residence utilizes horizontal and vertical wood siding, stucco, and stone on the exterior
walls with pitched roof forms that use metal roofing and synthetic shakes. A Sketch
Design review took place at the September 18, 2007 Planning and Zoning Commission
Commissioner Struve motioned to table Item VI, and Commissioner Foster seconded the
motion. All Commissioners were in favor and the item was tabled to the next regular
meeting, on February 5, 2005.
VII. Minor Project/ Modification to Approved Design — "Wildridge Townhouses"
Property Location: Lot 10, Block 1, Wildridge Subdivision 13070 Wildridge Road
Applicant: Steven James Riden, Architect/ Owner: Stuart Borne
Description: Design review application for an exterior modification to a Planning and
Zoning Commission approved set of plans. The changes are to the roof form and
exterior finishes on the upper floor level.
Jared Barnes presented the Staff Report to the Commission.
Commissioner Green questioned the 4:12 pitch as shown in the Guidelines. Matt
Gennett read from the Guidelines the roof criteria on pitch. Pitch was based on form and
Steve Riden, applicant representative, approached the podium to answer Commissioner
questions regarding roof pitch and revisions made from the approved plans in October.
Mr. Riden continued that the roof was to be removed completely and replaced.
Commission review began with comments that the crickets were okay, and the siding
was off; there is a commercial/industrial look, and these changes enhance the building;
perhaps stucco instead of siding at the entry; Mr. Riden would be returning with siding.
Commissioner Green motioned to approve Item VII, Minor Project/ Modification to
Approved Design — "Wildridge Townhouses", Property Location: Lot 10, Block 1,
Wildridge Subdivision 13070 Wildridge Road, to include 3:12 pitch, strike staff condition
number one, and to include staff condition number 2. Commissioner Struve seconded
the motion. All Commissioners were in favor and the motion passed unanimously.
VIII. Master Sign Program
Property Location: Lot 20, Block 2, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision 148 East
Beaver Creek Boulevard
Applicant: Mark Donaldson / Owner. Mistral, Inc.
Description: A Master Sign Program Amendment to allow for tenant identification signs
to be situated in various locations on the property. The signs include freestanding signs
with tenant identification panels, building -mounted tenant identification signs, and
window signs.
Jared Barnes presented Staff's Report to the Commission. Monte Park and Luke Meir
approached the podium to address the Commission's concerns. Commissioner
Goulding questioned the materials for the sign, and Mr. Parks remarked. that the
aluminum would last longer and look better in the long run.
Commission review included comments from Commissioner Green expressing concern
with the landscaping and potted plants. Commissioner Lane commented that the signs
were nice, but that they should coordinate better with the building. Commissioner Struve
remarked that the base would need to relate to the building materials. Additionally,
lighting will need to comply with the Night Sky Ordinance
Commissioner Struve moved to approve Item VIII, Master Sign Program, Property
Location: Lot 20, Block 2, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision 1 48 East Beaver
Creek Boulevard with the two staff conditions, and a third condition that the base should
be designed and submitted for staff approval. Motion tied with 3 —3.
Commissioner Goulding motioned to table until the applicant returns with revised plans.
Commissioner Struve seconded and the motion passed unanimously with a 6-0 vote.
Property Location: Folson Annexation Parcel 1 Highway 6 & 24
Applicant: Larry Vineyard, Premier Holdings LLC / Owner: Craig Folson
Description: The applicant's representative, Tab and Associates, is proposing a 114 unit
condominium project on the Folson Annexation Parcel. In addition to the main
condominium building with up to 106 free market units, there would be at least 8 units (4
of which will be deed restricted) town home units in either: duplex, triplex, or fourpiex
configuration to be located further east on the property. The site is immediately east of
the 49 unit "Gates on Beaver Creek" condominium project.
Matt Pielsticker presented the Staff Report. Commissioner Goulding questioned the
number of concepts proposed to the Commission and Mr. Pielsticker responded that
there were at least three.
Greg Macik, Tab Associates, addressed this project from the podium and announced
that Lou Reed and Larry Vineyard from Premier Property Holdings were present. Mr.
Macik began by demonstrating the current changes of the project. A sustainability
expert approached the podium to give a quick overview of "Green Design" and LEEDS.
Fred Adon, Canyon Run resident, approached the podium to read his prepared letter of
objections to the project and its inappropriate design. Lora Redstone, representative of
the Gates Project, approached the podium to voice her comments. Frank D'Exper,
Canyon Run Resident, approached the podium to voiced his negative comments on the
Folson project. Tom Hix, president of the Canyon Run Homeowners Association, voiced
from the podium that this project was not a tiny project particularly in comparison with
the Gates and its negative impact to the Town of Avon. Bette Todd, E102 Canyon Run
resident, remarked from the podium that this project has only negative impact to the
community and read her letter into the record. Ms. Todd requested that an article from
the Vail Daily be entered into the record. Jeanette Hix, Canyon Run resident and
member of the Historical Society, mentioned from the podium the deer and elk grazing
area would be impacted and the loss of trees were a great impact. Carol McQuier,
Denver resident, approached the podium to voice that this building would eliminate the
mountain in Avon with trees.
Commission review began with clarification of height being an issue, and that height has
always been an issue and its length. Commissioner Goulding remarked that 65% of the
building is over 85 feet in height and its significant Impact, and that it is being traded off
for LEEDS certification. The connection to the town core is not clear; the computer
rendering and model do not give an accurate impact of the project. Commissioner
Struve commented that there has been a vast improvement; something will be built
there; Canyon residents need to work with the developer on the concept; and the Gates
building is suitable for Avon.
Commissioner Foster agreed with Commissioner Goulding regarding height being the
main issue; conflicted with the height and mass on this particular site. Commissioner
Lane voiced concern with the height and the massing of the buildings. Commissioner
Green mentioned that views are not protected; height that is not done well is an issue;
color of the building could make a difference for the neighbors; concerned with the lack
of pedestrian connection to the Town Center; the amount of traffic that his development
would create; short, tail and dense was better than long and short. Commissioner Smith
was concerned with height.
Commissioner Green questioned the public that attended to give their opinions on the
problems of the project and the response was that it was not in compliance with the
Design Guidelines, traffic was a huge issue, and the project belongs in another location.
Commissioner Goulding motioned to table Item IX, PUD Amendment — PUBLIC
HEARING, Property Location: Folson Annexation Parcel 1 Highway 6 & 24, the
application for the Folson Annexation project, with Commissioner Foster seconding..
Motion passed unanimously 6-0 vote.
X. Other Business
■ Affordable Housing Resolution
• Lot C withdrew the application
■ Wind generators in residential yards
XI Adjourn
Commissioner Foster motioned to adjourn. All Commissioners were in favor. The
meeting was adjourned at 8:25 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Ruth Weiss
Recording Secretary
Terry Smith
Vice Chairman
Phil Struve 14