PZC Minutes 08070777R7 of rhe VALLEY'..
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Town of Avon Planning & Zoning Commission
Meeting Minutes for August 7, 2007
Avon Town Council Chambers
Meetings are open to the public
Avon Municipal Building / 400 Benchmark Road
1. Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 5:30 pm.
II. Roll Call
All Commissioners were in attendance with the exception of Commissioner Evans.
III. Additions and Amendments to the Agenda
Item VI, Urban Renewal Plan, Description: Review of the Town Center Urban Renewal
Plan, moved to Consent Agenda.
IV. Conflicts of Interest
No conflicts of interest were revealed.
V. Consent Agenda
® Approval of the July 17, 2007 Meeting Minutes.
Approval of the July 31, 2007 Meeting Minutes.
® Approval of Item VI, Urban Renewal Plan, Description: Review of the
Town Center Urban Renewal Plan, with Staff recommended findings.
Commissioner Green moved for approval of the Consent Agenda and Agenda as
amended. Commissioner Goulding seconded the motion and the motion passed
VI. Urban Renewal Plan - Continued
Description: Review of the Town Center Urban Renewal Plan. A public hearing before
the Town Council to adopt the Plan is scheduled for August 14th 2007. The purpose of
this meeting is for the Commission to provide comments prior to the August 14th public
hearing and formal adoption of the Plan.
Moved to Consent Agenda.
VII. Minor Projects - Continued
Lot 75, Block 4, Wildridge: Fence Staff Approval Review
Jared Barnes presented the Staff Report to the Commission.
Commissioner Goulding questioned the punishment for noncompliance. Commissioner
Green queried the method of fence calculation. Commissioner Struve questioned if a
retaining wall and patio required permit.
Ryan Sutter, applicant, approached the podium and began by responding to comments
made by his neighbors and recapping his method and motives for the process regarding
the fence. Mr. Sutter continued by addressing the guidelines, has agreed that it was
bigger than permitted, voiced that the guidelines are not specific as to product to be
used, does not address wire mesh, and could not validate his square footage
calculations. Commissioner Goulding asked how long the mesh would take to rust; Mr.
Sutter responded that other chicken wire he has used had tarnished well in two years.
Commissioner Foster commented that perhaps the guidelines need to be revisited as to
the footage requirements for fences and voiced concern for the precedent it would set.
Jerry Bergman, 3135 Wildridge Road, spoke from the podium about the fence as he can
not see it from his home, stated that another fence in the neighborhood was similar and
was objecting to the fence as Mr. Sutter did not follow procedure for the fence and sets a
dangerous precedent. Laura Lee Verlinde, 5651 Wildridge Road, voiced that the fence
was a disruption to the neighborhood, it is not an eyesore, color of the fence matches
the home, and it was hidden from her view by the natural grasses.
Commissioner Goulding began review with the seven criteria of the guidelines and one
in particular needed to be addressed is the size of the fence, and was concerned with
the mesh. Commissioner Struve voiced that the word needed to get out about the
fencing process and the Commission had never approved a fence of this nature.
Commissioner Foster commented regarding the size and felt the fence issue needed to
be resolved within the Commission and the Guidelines. Commissioner Lane voiced a
problem with the size, it should conform to the guidelines and that it needed to be
shorter. Commissioner Green questioned the intent of fences, mentioned that a fence
over 2,000 sq ft has never been approved by the Commission and to do so would set the
precedent, and suggested a survey be done regarding fence square footage.
Commissioner Smith mentioned that fences were discouraged, needed to be split rail
and 2,000 sq footage by legal covenant. Commissioner Goulding commented that the
size and height of the wire were the issues.
Commissioner Goulding moved to approve Item VII, Minor Projects, Lot 75, Block 4,
Wildridge: Fence Staff Approval Review, with two conditions; that it be no bigger than
2,000 sq ft, methodology to be agreed by Staff, and the wire mesh be reduced to the first
rail and not the full height. Commissioner Struve seconded the motion and it
unanimously passed with a 6 — 0 vote.
VIII. Final Designs - Wildridge Subdivision
A. Lot 112, Single -Family
Property Location: Lot 112, Block 1, Wildridge Subdivision / Beaver Creek Point
Applicant: Bill Nutkins/Owner: BBG Investments
Description: Final Design for a Single -Family residence in the Wildridge Subdivision.
The Lot is accessed off of Beaver Creek Point. The design features a 5,600 square foot
residence with a 3 -car garage, and wood, stucco, and stone siding.
Jared Barnes offered Staff's report to the Commission and its conditional approval.
Bill Nutkins, TAB and Associates, approached the podium to answer staff's concerns.
Commissioner Goulding asked for clarification on the landscaping cluster of the trees
and Mr. Nutkins responded that it had to do with views, surrounded meters for blockage,
watershed flows and gave a warm feeling. Commissioner Goulding was concerned with
haphazard locations of landscaping on the south of the project. Commissioner Struve
questioned the east/west elevation's heights.
Commissioner comments began with Commissioner Green commenting on the site
landscaping and the need for a harder look at it. Commissioner Struve suggested
meaningful siting of the landscaping. Greater detail to landscaping was requested by
Commissioner Goulding.
Commissioner Struve moved to approve Item VIII, Final Designs - Wildridge Subdivision
A. Lot 112, Single -Family, Property Location: Lot 112, Block 1, Wildridge Subdivision /
Beaver Creek Point with following four conditions in the Staff Report:
1. The landscaping plan be revised to meet a maximum of 20% of the landscaped area
that is irrigated;
2. A rain sensor note be added as required in the Design Review Guidelines;
3. The retaining wall needs to be designed and stamped by a Colorado licensed
Professional Structural Engineer; and,
4. The title block should be revised to include "Block 1" after Lot 112.
5. Plus, revised landscape plan to be submitted to staff that is a more developed
landscaping plan.
Commissioner Green seconded the motion. All Commissioners were in agreement and
the motion passed unanimously.
B. Courtyard Villas of Wildridge
Property Location: Lot 12, Block 3, Wildridge Subdivision / 4080 Wildridge Road West
Applicant/ Owner: Michael Hazard /Advanced Home Technologies, LLC
Description: Final Design for a duplex development accessed via a private entry court
off of Little Point. The design is contemporary with multiple flat roof elements. The
forms are clad in Stucco and wood to diminish scale.
Applicant has requested the tabling of this application.
Chuck Bunting, 4015 Wildridge Road, approached the podium to comment that it was
not appropriate design for the neighborhood and this project exceeded the scale of the
area; roof should be in line with the roofs of the neighbors, and exceed the
neighborhood. Ron Breatherhour, 4221 Wildridge Road, voiced that a letter by the
Neigels presented his opinions on the project and voiced displease with the design.
Jerry Herman expressed that a couple of homes stick out like a sore thumb and that this
project was contrary to the homes in Wildridge. Peter Warren, 4181 Wildridge Road,
stated from the podium that he had been to previous meetings, mentioned that he had
heard that the applicant had been negotiating for an adjacent lot purchase, and voiced
that the project does not compliment the area. Sherrie Bunting, 4015 Wildridge Road,
voiced concern that comments would not be available.
Commissioner Green moved to table Item VIII, Final Designs - Wildridge Subdivision, B.
Courtyard Villas of Wildridge, Property Location: Lot 12 and 13, Block 3, Wildridge
Subdivision / 4080 Wildridge Road West, Applicant / Owner Michael Hazard /
Advanced Home Technologies, LLC, with Commissioner Struve seconding the motion to
table. All Commissioners were in favor and the motion passed unanimously.
C. Courtyard Villas of Wildridge
Property Location: Lot 13, Block 3, Wildridge Subdivision / 4090 Wildridge Road West
Applicant/ Owner.- Michael Hazard /Advanced Home Technologies, LLC
Description: Final Design for a duplex development accessed via a private entry court
off of Little Point. The design is contemporary with multiple flat roof elements. The
forms are clad in Stucco and wood to diminish scale.
Applicant has requested to table, see motion above
D. Wuhrman Duplex
Property Location: Lot 70A, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision / 540
Nottingham Road
Applicant/Owner. Jerald Wuhrman
Description: Final Design for a duplex development accessed via an access easement
from Lot 70 off of Nottingham Road. The design uses stucco, stone, and wood siding as
well as a mansard and gabled roof forms.
Jared Barnes presented the Staff Report.
Commissioner Green voiced concern of the note on the plans regarding 600 psf on the
foundation at the draw.
Jerald Wuhrman, applicant, approached the podium and began his presentation with
comments on the drainage issues of his site, he had approval from the Bristol Pine
Association and was awaiting an approval letter from Beacon Hill. Commissioner Green
questioned the materials to be used and a cut sheet was provided by Mr. Barnes. Mr.
Wuhrmann continued that he used a local landscape architect from Eagle.
Commissioner Goulding began the review by commenting that more architectural
interested was needed, massing and exterior details do not have architectural appeal,
and that river rock not appropriate for this project. Commissioner Struve mentioned that
movement of drainage to the west was a good idea and would like greater detailing.
Commissioner Foster voiced that it was a massive looking project. Commissioner Lane
voiced that the rear elevation was a big flat wall, long side walls and the front looked like
a shoe box; has appendages that seem stuck/tacked on; and more articulation was
needed. Commissioner Green mentioned that the applicant did a good job on the site;
project reflected the most economical method, and needed to bring it to the 'flavor' of the
structures in the neighborhood. Mr. Wuhrman voiced that the beauty was in the eye of
the beholder, he used a landscaping architect as suggested by the Commission,
consulted three architects who refused to work on it, and he would use it as his
residence, needed an elevator for physical reasons, and requested suggestions from the
Commission. Commissioner Green commented that it was not the job of the
Commission to create the project for him, obvious strides were made and the
architecture needed to be worked on.
Commissioner Struve motioned to table Item VIII, Final Designs - Wildridge Subdivision,
D. Wuhrman Duplex, Property Location: Lot 70A, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek
Subdivision / 540 Nottingham Road, with Commissioner Goulding seconding the motion.
All commissioners were in favor and the motion to table passed unanimously.
IX. Minor Projects
A. Rella Deck Railing
Property Location: Lot 37A, Block 4, Wildridge Subdivision / 5024 Wildridge Road East
Applicant/ Owner- Scott Rella
Description: Proposal to replace vertical wooden deck balusters with horizontal metal
cables for east unit of duplex unit. This material change was completed prior to
Jared Barnes gave the presentation of this project to the Commission.
Scott Rella, applicant, approached the podium to discuss the railing. Commissioner
Struve voiced that Mr. Rella did a nice job but projects needed to be reviewed.
Commissioner Green agreed with the rational presented by staff, there was precedent,
good craftsmanship, and detailing was nice.
Commissioner Foster motioned to approve Item IX, Minor Projects, A, Rella Decking,
Property Location: Lot 37A, Block 4, Wildridge Subdivision/5024 Wildridge Road East.
Commissioner Green seconded the motion. The motion passed with all Commissioners
in favor of approval.
X. Other Business
• Duplex Guidelines Revision — Matt Gannett opened Commissioner discussion.
Staff to wordsmith and return to the Commission.
• Walkin' the Dog (update) — Ms. Lahman requested to table to August 21, 2007.
Commissioner Green has requested what options are available, from the Town
Attorney and staff, regarding that the applicant has not meet the terms of the last
meeting and what are the options; 2. Staff to come back to the Commission with
what can be anticipated regarding the SRU and what can be done. Can the SRU
be pulled until the issues are resolved was questioned by Commissioner
XI. Adjourn
Commissioner Green motioned to adjourn. Commissioner Goulding seconded the
motion. All Commissioners were in favor. The meeting was adjourned at 7:50 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Ruth Weiss
Recording Secretary
Terry Smith
Vice Chairman
Phil Struve