PZC Minutes 060507Town of Avon Planning & Zoning Commission
AWIN Meeting Minutes for June 5, 2007
VON Avon Town Council Chambers
C ° L ° " A ° ° Meetings are open to the public
Avon Municipal Building / 400 Benchmark Road
- Work Session with Avon Town Council -
VAG, Inc. / Orion East Avon Concept Review (5:OOpm)
Description: Preliminary review of a redevelopment concept that encompasses four
properties in the East Town Center District: Christy Sports (Lot 21), Avon Annex (Lot 65-
B), Town of Avon parcel (Lot 65-A), and the Benchmark Shopping Center (Tract Q).
Matt Gennett presented the Staff Memo to the Commission and members of Town
Pedro Campos, VAG, Inc., approached the podium to present the Orion East Avon
Concept and requested feedback from the audience. Mr. Campos began by describing
the goal of this project, square footages for retail, residential, office space, commercial
space, open space and parking, above and underground. Mr. Campos commented
that the land use mix had changed from the initial presentation to the Planning and
Zoning Commission and presented a slide of its detail that incorporated Lot 65 and
another scenario without Lot 65. Ron Wolfe questioned compensation to the Town for
Lot 65. Considerations for solar and snow issues were addressed in the design. Mr.
Campos continued by demonstrating various design schemes.
Commissioner Evans asked about root balls for large trees and where can they be
planted with the underground parking. Additional slides were presented of easterly
views, and overall project view showing currently existing structures. Brian Judge, Orion
Development, approached the podium to further discuss the project and address utilities.
Commissioner Evans commented on the consolidation of these parcels and the size,
height and scale of the project as issues of immediate discussion with Town Council.
Council concerns included height from the highway, what is the public benefit, height
maximums for the Tract A of the Village at Avon, tunnel effect from the height of the
buildings, and conference facilities as well as employee housing. Mr. Judge discussed
the roads, pedestrian access, heights and widths. Commissioner Lane remarked that
parcels are secondary to the massing and require a greater of style of architecture than
what is being sold to the town. Commissioner Struve questioned the lot consolidation,
the benefit at concept; commented that Avon has too many alleys and streets, good
space for larger retailers, main street alignment and amenities are good, and the height
as a precedent. Commissioner Smith was not as concerned with the consolidation as
much as with height and massing, residential defined as year long residents, and tall
buildings like Denver was not a goal. Commissioner Green complimented the
streetscape, links between the two center plans was good, not concerned with density,
height an issue, greater articulation needed on the north building, architecture will be
very important, and was torn on the height/density issue. Commissioner Evans agreed
with the streetscape, consolidation not as difficult as building bulk, not as concerned with
height but width in the sketch up models creates huge walls, bird's eye view not favored,
not looking for an urban downtown, bulk was too much for the site and the entire East
Avon plan. The Commission reinforced their concerns about the general bulk, mass and
height as presented in the concept plans, and ensured it was on the official record.
- Regular Meeting -
H. Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 6:55 pm.
Ill. Roll Call
All Commissioners were present with the exception of Commissioner Foster and
Commissioner Goulding.
IV. Additions and Amendments to the Agenda
Move Item IX, Site Tour Follow-up, Property Location: Lot 4, Riverfront Subdivision /
254 Riverfront Lane, Item X, A, Final Design Plans - Wildridge Subdivision, Lot 1,
Western Sage Single -Family, Property Location: Lot 1, Western Sage PUD / 5201
Longsun Lane, and Item X, B, Beowulf Single -Family, Property Location: Lot 6, Western
Sage PUD, Block 4 / 5775 Wildridge Road East to the Consent Agenda.
V. Conflicts of Interest
Commissioner Evans and Commissioner Lane revealed a conflict with Item IX, Site Tour
Follow-up, Property Location: Lot 4, Riverfront Subdivision / 254 Riverfront Lane.
VI. Consent Agenda
Approval of the May 15, 2007 Meeting Minutes.
Item IX, Site Tour Follow-up, Property Location: Lot 4, Riverfront
Subdivision / 254 Riverfront Lane
• Item X, A, Final Design Plans - Wildridge Subdivision, Lot 1, Western
Sage Single -Family, Property Location: Lot 1, Western Sage PUD / 5201
Longsun Lane
Item X, B, Beowulf Single -Family, Property Location: Lot 6, Western
Sage PUD, Block 4 / 5775 Wildridge Road East
Commissioner Green moved to approve the Consent Agenda with Commissioner Smith
seconding the motion. All Commissioners were in favor and the motion passed
unanimously. Both Commissioner Evans and Commissioner Lane abstained from
VII. Executive Session — Town Attorney
Meeting with the Town Attorney pursuant to CRS 24-6-402 (4)(b) conference with the
Town Attorney for the purpose of receiving legal advice on specific legal questions
related to a future Zoning Code Text Amendment.
Commissioner Green moved to come out of executive session. All Commissioners were
in favor and the motion passed unanimously.
Property Location: Lot 1 Chateau St. Claire Subdivision / 38390 Highways 6 & 24
Applicant/Owner.- CSC Land LLC c/o Tim Barton, Manager
Description: An amendment to the approved Development Agreement between the
applicant and the Town of Avon.
John Dunn, Town of Avon Attorney, approached the podium to present an Amendment
to the Development Agreement and its date requirements, and the history of the Gates
project with its conditions as presented in his Memorandum of June 5, 2007.
Commissioner Evans questioned why dates are again changed in the Development
Joel Rosenstein, attorney for the developer, approached the podium to answer
questions and requested the removal of the timeshare amenity fee. Commissioner
Struve commented that the Project Manager for the development came before the
Commission two months ago and questioned why it wasn't mentioned at that time. Mr.
Rosenstein responded that he was not aware of it at that time.
Mike Neary, Madison Partners, commenting they were under contract for the adjacent
property known as the Folson Tract, approached the podium to ask about requirements
of deadlines. John Dunn responded that Mr. Folson's attorney's had been contacted
and that an easement needed to be dedicated by CFC Land. Mr. Neary stated that they
could not enter to any agreement with the Gates without Development Rights being
concluded and that they were willing to pay up to $25,000 as opposed to the 100% of
the costs as desired by the Gates for the easement.
Commissioner Green motioned to approve Item VIII, PUD Amendment, Property
Location: Lot 1 Chateau St. Claire Subdivision 138390 Highways 6 & 24. Commissioner
Smith seconded the motion that included the deletion of timesharing as a Use by Right
and to include all staff recommendations. All Commissioners were in favor and the
motion passed 5-0.
IX. Site Tour Follow-up
Property Location: Lot 4, Riverfront Subdivision / 254 Riverfront Lane
Applicant: Zehren & Associates / Owner: East West Partners
Description: Follow-up to Final Design approval condition for the Riverfront Lodge. The
project is comprised of 75 whole ownership units with underground parking garage. This
item was first reviewed by the Commission at their May 16, 2006 meeting, and later
reviewed and approved at the October 3, 2006 Commission meeting. An on-site
mockup review for this agenda item took place at that meeting, and the February 20,
2007 meeting, but was never formally approved.
Moved to Consent Agenda.
X. Final Design Plans - Wildridge Subdivision
A. Lot 1, Western Sage Single -Family
Property Location: Lot 1, Western Sage PUD / 5201 Longsun Lane
Applicant: John G. Martin / Owner: Ted Leach, Western Sage Partners, LLC
Description: Final Design for a Single -Family residence in the Western Sage PUD. Lot
is accessed from private drive off cul-de-sac on Longsun Lane. The design features a
2 -car garage, European style design with wood siding, stucco/stone siding, and large
simple roof form.
Moved to Consent Agenda.
B. Beowulf Single -Family
Property Location: Lot 6, Western Sage PUD, Block 4 / 5775 Wildridge Road East
Applicant: Bobby Ladd & Buz Reynolds /Owner: Beowulf Lot 6 LLC
Description: A single-family residence on a Western Sage PUD property, accessed off
Wildridge Road East at the top of Wildridge. Sketch review took place at the May 1,
2007 meeting.
Moved to Consent Agenda.
XI. Minor Projects
A. Eagle River Water & Sanitation District Fence
Property Location: Tract P, Block 2, BMBC / 870 West Beaver Creek Boulevard
Applicant: Todd Fessenden, ERWSD / Owner.' Town of Avon
Description: Design application to replace 6' wood fence on southern border of property
with Union Pacific railroad with 6' black chain link fence (w/ slats) for privacy and security. Also
included is replacement of 4' chain link fence on east side of building with 6' black chain link to
match others.
Matt Pielsticker presented the Staff Report to the Commission.
Todd Fessenden, ERWSD, approached the podium to discuss the fence and began by giving
the history of the fence and details of breaches to the fence and attempts to break into the
facility. Mr. Fessenden continued that the wood fence was easy to kick through and greater
security would be with a chain link fence. Commissioner Green suggested a nasty thorny plant
at the base of the fence to aid in the security of the location and Mr. Fessenden commented that
those plants were present in another area of the facility for the same reason. Commissioner
Lane commented that there are several chain link fences in the area and was fine with the slats.
Commissioner Green motioned to approve the proposed fence for ERWSD at West Beaver
Creek Boulevard with the specific findings that the concerns for safety overrides the design
concerns raised for the proposed fence; the current wood was not as secure as the proposed 6'
chain link fence; and the facility affects a considerable number of Valley residents outside of
Avon. Commissioner Struve seconded the motion, all Commissioners were in favor and the
motion passed 5-0. Additionally and not part of the motion, the Commissioners strongly
encouraged 'softening' the base of the fence with some sort of human resistant plant material.
B. Reisinger Deck Modifications
Property Location: Lot 42A - E, Block 4, WR / 5101 E Longsun Lane
Applicant/Owner William Reisinger
Description: Proposal to replace vertical wooden deck balusters with horizontal metal
cables for east unit of duplex unit. This material change was partially completed prior to
Jared Barnes presented the Staff Report
Gail Reisinger, Duplex Owner, approached the podium to discuss this project, • apologized for
not getting a permit for the work, • presented a picture of their home to the Commission,
• sample of the cable used, • discussed how her view was obstructed by vertical pickets,
• commented on number 4 of the staff report that the existing color will remain the same as
before, • Item 6 — road visibility of the home as one out of ten people for visual roadway driving
impact, • the neighbor had visibility and no objection to this deck, • no intention to paint the
cable to match the stucco, and Mrs. Reisinger continued by presenting snapshots of the visibility
from the road, • from various angles along with neighbors decks and the varying designs in the
area. Commissioner Lane commented that this was an aesthetic issue as the fence disappears.
Commissioner Struve mentioned to obtain an approval letter from the duplex neighbor and
make sure it was Building Code compliant, and the corners were safe.
Commissioner Lane motioned to approve Item XI, B, Reisinger Deck Modifications, Property
Location: Lot 42A - E, Block 4, WR / 5101 E Longsun Lane with the condition of a letter from the
neighbor. Commissioner Struve seconded the motion. All Commissioner were in favor and the
motion passed unanimously.
XII. East Avon Draft Plan - PUBLIC HEARING
Description: Second review of draft Town Center East District Plan
Commissioner Green voiced that an issue was if Avon Road was the line of demarcation
we want between the higher and lower part of Town, with big block massing or smaller
individual buildings on smaller pieces of property - are the design guidelines strong
enough to support the issues of this plan? Eric Heidemann mentioned that the Comp
Plan Subcommittee was trying to strive to prevent more Sheraton type structures.
Commissioner Smith commented that the buildings would have residential on the top
floors with local residents within. Commissioner conversation included: what should the
plan look like and how is it achieved; Orion deserved a clear signal to use the Plan, Plan
generates a possibility to taper the building height and massing, and thinner building
profile to enhance view corridors.
Mr. Heidemann proposed to return at the next meeting to address pieces of the Plan
which would be more manageable. Commissioner Evans commented that his goal was
to make sure that the language was strong enough to preserve views and openness,
and height, with a mixture of 4 to 6 stories, driven for the local community and not driven
by monetary issues. Commissioner Green was concerned with large proposals and how
much local housing was missing; liked the idea of varying heights, be clear on housing
mixtures and move the tone to a local's town center. Commissioner Lane remarked that
the Plan needed to be very specific and very clear as to what was expected via the draft
plan. Commissioner Green mentioned that it be formula driven rather than a texture of
the development. Commissioner Evans suggested vignettes to provide the theme
without photos to predetermine. Mr. Heidemann stated that he would reinforce the
message from the Commission to the Plan consultants, and that the next meeting will
review the draft plan and Chapter 2 will be reviewed for the next meeting,
XIII. Other Business
• July 3rd meeting cancelled
• Next Meeting: Hamel PUD, Madison Partners Revised PUD Work Session
® Urban Renewal Authority is on the 6/12/07 Town Council meeting, said report will
be distributed to the Commission.
® Subcommittee meeting to discuss Duplex Guidelines will be scheduled for July
• Housing discussion and the possibility of Guidelines versus Ordinances.
® Walkin the Dog — deadline for erosion control and for Friday at 5pm, fencing is
okay, engineer drawings are on the way and will be brought back to the
Commission to review. Landowner has not responded. The SRU approval is up
for review in November and can be called up at anytime if the conditions have
been violated. Commissioner Evans suggested a restoration bond.
X. Adjourn
Commissioner Green motioned to adjourn. Commissioner Struve seconded the motion.
All Commissioners were in favor. The meeting was adjourned at approximately
9:15 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Ruth Weiss
Recording Secretary
Chris Evans
Phil Struve