PZC Minutes 080503Minutes of Planning and Zoning Commission
August 5, 2003
Council Chambers
Town of Avon Municipal Building
400 Benchmark Road
I. Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 6:00 pm.
11. Roll Call
All Commissioners were present with the exception of Commissioner Pat Him.
III. Additions and Amendments to the Agenda
There is an amendment to the Consent Agenda. Lot 61, Block 1, Wildridge
Subdivision Minor Project has been added to the Agenda. Lot 47, Block 3,
Wildridge Subdivision Sketch Plan and Lot 72, Block 4, Wildridge Subdivision
Sketch Design have been moved to the Consent Agenda.
IV. Conflicts of Interest
Chairman Evans disclosed a conflict Lot 61, Block 1, Wildridge Subdivision Minor
Project which has been taken to the Consent Agenda and Commissioner Karow
disclosed a conflict with Item VII, A, Planned. Unit Development Amendment, The
Village at Avon, and Item VI, D, Lot47, Block 3, Wildridge Subdivision Sketch
V. Consent Agenda
Chairman Evans opened for a motion for the approval of the Meeting Minutes
from the July 15, 2003, Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting, Lot 47, Block 3,
Wildridge Subdivision Sketch Plan and Lot 72, Block 4, Wildridge Subdivision
Sketch Design. Commissioner Smith motions for approval with Commissioner
Didier seconding the motion. Motion passed 4-0 with Chairman Evans and
Commissioner Karow abstaining.
VI. Sketch Design Plan
A. Lot 11, Block 1, Filing 1, Eaglebend Subdivision — Final Design
4500 Eaglebend Drive
Applicant/Owner: Bill Varecha
Tambi Katieb presented the Staff Report. John Perkins, architect for the
applicant, commented on the many changes and features made. Roger
Wilkinson, owner of Lot 12, Filing 1, Eaglebend Subdivision, appreciated the
changes made and jotted down his thoughts for staff to review. He was
concerned that the placement of the proposed home was detrimental to his
home's view corridor and that the value of his home would be compromised. He \
feels the home is over 35 feet in height and that the home does not blend in with
its setting. He requested denial by Planning and Zoning Commission until all
issues were addressed. Bruce Drum, neighbor, approached the podium. He
defined the river positioning of the home. He feels it is intrusive to have this
home placed on its site as proposed. He is requesting a site visit to visualize the
impact to the neighborhood by the positioning of the home. Chris Ekrum, Lot 15,
feels poor judgment was used in placement of this home on its lottenvelop.
Walter Dandy, neighbor at 3868 Eaglebend, felt uniformity of space from the river
is the focus. Bill Varecha, applicant, has taken issue with his neighbors in their
desire to have his home further from the river. He had aerial photos made to
show his point. He feels the home is in keeping with the neighborhood and will
appreciate the neighbor's homes by its 1.5 million dollar value.
Nora Ames, Lot 12, bought her home in 1989. She voiced her impression of the
unexpected placement of the home so close to the river. Jim Stovall, attorney for
the Varecha's, approached the podium and began discussion of values and
views as presented by the neighbors. He brought up the notion that views are
not part of the finalized product. This property is well within the set backs as
required by planning. He emphasized that views relate to those of the river and
not across the property in question.
Commissioner Trueblood motioned to for approval and Commissioner Smith
seconded the motion. The motion passed 5-0 with Commissioner Didier
B. Lot 72, Block 4, Wildridge Subdivision — Sketch Design
5350 Ferret Lane
Applicant/Architect: T. Scott Kyle
Moved to Consent Agenda.
C. Lot 45C, Block 2, Wildridge Subdivision — Sketch & Final Design
2520 Old Trail
Applicant/Owner: Bob Mach
Staff has recommended approval with the 6 conditions as presented in the Staff
Report. Chairman Evans questioned the A, B, C identification which originated
from a fourplex lot being resubdivided into four single homes. Automatic
irrigation is required for this property.
Commissioner Neville motioned to approve with all staff recommendations plus
changing Item 1 to include Commission review for landscaping plan and staff for
approval of window color. Commissioner Trueblood seconded the motion. All
Commissioners were in favor except Commissioner Karow who abstained.
Motion carried 5-1.
D. Lot 47, Block 3, Wildridge Subdivision —Sketch Design
4791 Wildridge Road East
Applicant/Architect: Kate O'Connor
Moved to Consent Agenda.
VII. Planned Unit Development Amendment
A. The Village at Avon Planned Unit Development
PUD Amendment for Zoning Plan of Tract N, Tract G, RMF -1, &
Tract M
Applicant: Traer Creek LLC
Tambi Katieb presented the staff report. Commissioner Karow left the meeting.
Conditions 3 and 5 were amended for clarification. Ruth Borne presented the
history of useable space as developed in 1998 in order to thoroughly address the
question posed by Commissioner Didier regarding the shrinking of park space.
Shane Bohart, representing the Applicant, presented the park area and
discussed the bisection by Swift Gulch road and the shrinking of the Fire Station
lot to 1 acre which is what was originally required. Mr. Bohart revealed that
missing park space would be addressed in other areas. Opened public hearing,
no comments, and the public hearing closed.
Commissioner Trueblood made a motion for approval of Resolution 03-14 with
conditions as presented by staff. Commissioner Smith seconded the motion and
it passed unanimously with 5-0 vote.
VIII. Special Review Use Application
A. Fiasco Restaurant/Tavern
411 Metcalf Road
Applicant/Owner: David Svabik
Public hearing opened, and with no comments, the public hearing closed.
Commissioner Smith motioned to table for two weeks and Commissioner Didier
seconded the motion. All commissioners were in favor and the motion passed
IX. Other Business
Minor Project Approvals:
A. Lot 52, Block 4, Wildridge Subdivision
5183 Longsun Lane
Addition above existing garage
Applicant/Architect: Jennifer Buck
B. Lot 57, Block 3, Wildridge Subdivision
4611 North Point
Replace existing wood siding with stucco
Applicant/Owner: Jan Livergood
X. Adjourn
Commissioner Neville made a motion to adjourn, with Commissioner Trueblood
seconding. The motion was approved unanimously. The meeting adjourned at
7:30 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Ruth Weiss
Recording Secretary
Chris Evans
Terry Smith J44M
FAPIanning & Zoning Commission\Minutes\2003\080503.doc