PZC Agenda 010411Town of Avon Planning & Zoning Commission
Regular Meeting Agenda for January 4, 2011
Avon Town Council Chambers
Meetings are open to the public
Avon Municipal Building / One Lake Street
I. Call to Order (5:00pm)
II. Roll Call
III. Additions & Amendments to the Agenda
IV. Conflicts of Interest
V. Consent Agenda
• Approval of the December 7, 2010 Meeting Minutes
VI. Design Review
a) Sketch Design, Wal-Green’s Pharmacy, Lot 2, Sun Road Subdivision; 15 Sun Road
Brandt Marott of the Trinity Development Group, Inc., representing Vincent Riggio of Trinity-
Sunroad-LLC, the Owner, has submitted a Sketch Design application for a new commercial
building on Lot 2, Sun Road Subdivision, also described as 15 Sun Road. The proposal is to
demolish the existing Denny’s building and replace it with a new structure which is to be
occupied by Wal-Greens pharmacy with a drive-through window.
VII. Zoning
Review of Planning and Zoning Resolution No. 01-11, Series of 2011, a Resolution
recommending approval to the Avon Town Council of the updated and revised Official
Zoning Map, in accordance with 7.16.020, General Procedures and pursuant to 7.16.050,
Zoning Amendments, for adjustments to the Official Zoning Map.
VIII. Adjourn
Posted on December 23, 2010 at the following public places within the Town of Avon:
• Avon Municipal Building, main lobby
• Avon Recreation Center, main lobby
• Alpine Bank, main lobby
• Avon Public Library
• On the Internet at http://www.avon.org / Please call (970) 748.4030 for directions