PZC Agenda 122005Town of Avon Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting VON December 20, 2005 C 0 L 0 R A D 0 Meetings Held At: Avon Town Council Chambers Meetings are open to the public Avon Municipal Building / 400 Benchmark Road 4:30 - 5:30 prn Joint Work Session with Town Council', • C PUD Amendment. - REGULAR MEETING AGENDA - Il. Roll Call Ill. Additions and Amendments to the Agenda IV. Conflicts of Interest V. Consent Agenda: Approval of the December 6, 2005 Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes. VI. PUD Amendment / Confluence (5:35pm - 5:40pm) CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARING Property Location: Confluence/95 Avon Road Applicant. East West Resorts /Owner. Vail Associates Description: A request for an amendment to the Confluence PUD to modify the existing development rights and zoning for the entire property. This application proposes a hotel, retail plaza, high-speed public gondola, condominiums, and fractional ownership residential units. This item is tabled until the January 3, 2006 Planning and Zoning Commission meeting. VII. PUD Amendment / Wildridge (5:40pm - 6:15pm) PUBLIC HEARING Property Location: Lot 44 & 45, Block 4, Wildridge Subdivision / 5123 & 5129 Longsun Lane Applicant Sam Ecker /Owners: Sam Ecker, Bruce & Susan Baca Description: A request for an amendment to the Wildridge PUD to allow for three (detached) single- family residences in place of a two duplex structures. This amendment would permanently reduce the density for the properties by one dwelling unit. A new lot would be created for the third single-family residence and the vehicular access to the new lot would be accessed from Wildridge Road East. Also being reviewed is a Preliminary Subdivision application. VIII. Sketch Design - Duplex (6:15pm - 6:30pm) Property Location: Lot 10, Block 3, Wildridge Subdvision/401 0 Wildridge Road West Applicant/ Owner. Daniel Ritsch Description: The applicant is proposing a 9,400 square foot duplex residence on the subject property. The property is a relatively steep uphill lot located at the intersection of Bear Trap and Wildridge Road. The proposed materials include stone veneer, cedar siding, and asphalt shingles. IX. Sign Design - Master Sign Program Amendment (6:30pm - 6:45pm) Property Location: Lot 68, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek/1 11 Swift Gulch Road Posted on December 16, 2005 at the following public places within the Town of Avon: • Avon Municipal Building, main lobby • Avon Recreation Center, main lobby • Alpine Bank, main lobby • City Market, main entrance bulletin board • On the Internet at http://www.avon.org / Please call (970) 748.4030 for directions ApplicantlOwner: George Roberts Description: The Master Sign Program (MSP) for the Petro -Hut building was approved on May 20, 2003. This application proposes an additional building mounted sign on the east side of the building (facing the 1-70 off ramp) and a larger monument sign. The originally approved monument sign was never constructed and this application proposes to enlarge this specific sign. Other Business (6:45pm - 6:50pm) A. Wildridge Park Improvements XI. Adjourn (6:50pm) Posted on December 16, 2005 at the following public places within the Town of Avon: • Avon Municipal Building, main lobby • Avon Recreation Center, main lobby • Alpine Bank, main lobby • City Market, main entrance bulletin board • On the Internet at httiD://www.qyogDn.orga / Please call (970) 748.4030 for directions