PZC Agenda 060606M 91.11 114 Im In Mail an Town of Avon Planning & Zoning Commission
' Meeting Agenda for June 6, 2006
Me�Dg H8ld�'��T�DC�D�l Ch80be� �
Meetings are open b}the public
Avon Municipal Building / 400 Benchmark Road
Work Session (5:00 pm-5:30pm)
Discussion of Regular Meeting Agenda Items in Council Chambers. Open to the Public.
i Call toOrder (5:3Upm)
U. Roll Call
Ui Additions and Amendments to the Agenda
|V. Conflicts of Interest
V. Consent Agenda
A.Approval Ofthe May 10'20O8Meeting K8inVt8S
B.Approval OfResolution 08-12
Property Location: Lot 45, Block 2, VVi|dhdg8 Subdivision /251O 0d Trail
Applicant/ Owner VVi|dhdgCTLC, Jennifer Mach
Description: A Special Review Use Application was approved for 8 ChiidF8O'S daycare at the
CO[D[niSSiOO'S July 5, 2005 nOB8UDg. A condition of approval was that the permit be re -reviewed in 12
nn0DthS. Staff has received no COOlp|8iOtG and is PSCOD101eOdiDg 8 3-y88[ 8Xt8DSiOO of the p8[Dlii.
\4. Special Review Use Application (5:35 pm -0:O5 pm) PUBLIC HEARING
Location: Lot 11,Block 1.Benchmark Et Beaver Creek SubdkviSk}O/451 Metcalf Rd
ApplicantlOwner: Quest Communications
Description: The applicant is seeking 8 Special Review Use (SRU) permit for outdoor storage. The
property is located within the Industrial C0DlnnerCi8/ (|C) ZOOe district, and 8CCO[diOg|y 'outdoor
G[O[3ge' is eOu[D8[Gt8d as GO 8|iOVVGb|e use only by 8ppPOV8| of 8 Special Review Use permit
approved bythe Planning and Zoning Commission.
VI 1. Minor Projects (8:05 prn-0:35 pn1)
Property Location: Lot 45,Block 4.VW|dhdg8Subdivision /512SLOngGUDLane
Applicant/Owner: Sam Ecker
Description: A rounded vvOOd rail fence |UC3tBd in the rear/side yard of this Longsun Lane pn}p8dv.
The fence is 4' t3|| and vv0u|d have 8 vvin3 Dl8Sh to contain dogs. The Planning COOlrOiSSiOD must
review all fences not meeting specific staff approval criteria.
Property Location: Lots 8&Q.Filing 2,E8g|8beOdSubdivision /E8g|8b8OdDrive
Applicants/Owners: Amy & Bill Phillips and Joan Sorensen
Posted on June 2, 2006 at the following public places within the Town of Avon:
• Avon K4uDi{jpo| Building, main |Obhv
* Avon Recreation Center, main lobby
° Alpine Bonk' main lobby
* On the Internet at http://www.avon.or.q / Please call (970) 748.4030 for directions
AreqUest for multiple lengths of 6' tall red cedar fencing Onthese EaglebendDrive
properties. Since the fencing does not meet the required staff 8pp[Ov8| Chteh8. it can only be
reviewed and approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission.
C. Christie |ndueColor Change
Property - Location: Lot 25, 00Ck 2, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision (Christy Lodge)
/\oo�C8Dbl]wDer3: (�h8dManager
Description:' � A request to n9p|aC8 the existing CaOV8S awnings from the CUrnBOt rust color to G f0n8St
gF88D color. The applicant also F8qU8St8d to paint the standing Se8OO nl8t8| roof along the first level Of
the building 8 matching forest green Cn|Or.
VIII. Sign Design -Kj~Store-It Self Storage Facility (6:45 pnn-7:0U pno)
Property Location: Lot 25,Block 1.Benchmark 8tBeaver Creek /85ONottingham Road
Applicant:: Sign Design application to replace the existing "Self Storage" pan Ch@DD8| sign with 8
new panchannel "U-StO[e-it"sign OONottingham Road. Town Code requires that all signs not part Cf
an approved Master Sign Program be approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission.
!>L Final Design Plans - Residential Duplex /7:00 pm -7:30 pm)
A. Property Location: Lot 12.Block 4,VW|dhdg8Subdivision /5712VW|dhdg8RdEast
t�lVKOe� JiOnJose
Description:'' Final Design review for 8O 8'400 SqV8F8 foot duplex POSidODC8 pPOpO98d OO VVi|dhdg8
Road EastpPOpertv. The proposed nD8t8ha|Sinclude stone, Ve�ic8|and horizontal siding, and timber
detailing. The |8t 'OOt8iDG steep 8XiSdDg g[8d8S and limited 8CCe8S opportunities. ASketCh design
application for this project vvaS[8Vievv8d8tth8CODl0iSSiUD'sF8b[UGn/21,20U00eeUDQ.
B. Property Location: Lot 3.Block 4.VWkJhdg8Subdivision
Applican&/Ow0erGeorge ("Thpp")P|8v8C
Description: boD: F}n8| Design review for a new duplex stnJCLUn9 On VVi|d[idge Road East in the VVi|dhdg8
Subdivision. PnOpOSBd Ol8t8ri8|S include StUCCO. b8v |8p Siding, StODe. and heavy UOlb8[S. The
Sketch design review for this duplex was reviewed at the Planning and Zoning C0OlrnisSiOn'S May 16,
2006 meeting.
X. Other Business (7:3Op0-7:35pm)
A. Update of Various Projects
XU. Audjoumn[7:J5prn)
Posted on June 2, 2006 at the following public ok]CeS within the TOvvD of Avon:
• Avon K4uDiCip8| Building, rD8iO lobby
* Avon Recreation Center, main lobby
* Alpine Bank, main lobby
* City Market, main entrance bulletin board
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