PZC Agenda 022106_�Yj Town of Avon Planning & Zoning Commission
February 21, 2006
C O L O R A D 6 Meetings Held At: Avon Town Council Chambers
Meetings are open to the public
Avon Municipal Building / 400 Benchmark Road
5:00 - 5:30 pm Work Session
Discussion of Regular Meeting Agenda Items in Council Chambers. Open to the Public.
I. Call to Order (5:30 pm)
II. Roll Call
III. Additions and Amendments to the Agenda
IV. Conflicts of Interest
V. Consent Agenda
A. Approval of the February 7, 2006 Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes.
VI. Riverfront Subdivision Minimum Design Standards Review (5:30pm - 6:OOpm)
Property Location: Confluence/95 Avon Road
Applicant: East West Resorts / Owner: Vail Associates
Description: A request for an amendment to the Confluence PUD to modify the existing development
rights and zoning for the entire property was forwarded by the Commission to Town Council on
January 17, 2006. The recommended approval requested that minimum architectural design
standards be submitted to the Commission and, after review, be forwarded to Town Council and
incorporated into the PUD Development plan. This item was tabled from the last Commission
meeting, and this will be the second draft of proposed design standards for this PUD development.
VII. Parking Variance (6:OOpm - 6:30pm) CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARING
Property Location: Tract Y, Mountain Star, Filing 3 / 0382 Metcalf Road
Applicant: Mark Donaldson / Owners: ARI of Avon, LLC
Description: A request for a Variance from section 17.24.020-11 (b) of the Avon Municipal Code, to
reduce (from 1/800 GFA to 1/1300 GFA) the parking required for a self -storage land use. The
Commission tabled this application from their February 7, 2006 meeting.
VIII. PUD Amendment / Wildridge (6:30pm - 7:OOpm) PUBLIC HEARING - REMANDED FROM
Property Location: Lot 44 & 45, Block 4, Wildridge Subdivision / 5123 & 5129 Longsun Lane
Applicant: Sam Ecker /Owners: Sam Ecker, Bruce & Susan Baca
Description: A request for an amendment to the Wildridge PUD to allow for three (detached) single-
family residences in place of a two duplex structures. This amendment would permanently reduce the
density for the properties by one dwelling unit. A new lot would be created for the third single-family
residence and the vehicular access to the new lot would be accessed from Wildridge Road East. Also
Posted on February 17, 2006 at the following public places within the Town of Avon:
• Avon Municipal Building, main lobby
• Avon Recreation Center, main lobby
• Alpine Bank, main lobby
• City Market, main entrance bulletin board
• On the Internet at http://www.avon.org / Please call (970) 748.4030 for directions
being reviewed is a Preliminary Subdivision application. Avon Town Council, at their January 24,
2006 meeting, remanded this application back to the Commission for reconsideration.
IX. Master Sign Program Amendment - Petro Hut (7:OOpm - 7:15pm) CONTINUED
Property Location: Lot 67/68, Block 1, BMBC Subdivision / 0008 Nottingham Road
Applicant: George Roberts / Owners: ARI of Avon, LLC
Description: A request to amend the Petro -Hut Master Sign Program for the monument sign design as
well as the addition of a sign to the east elevation of the building. The dimensions and size of the
monument sign would be altered and a new 2' x 8' tenant sign (identical to the existing signs that face
the round -a -bout) is proposed for the east side of the building facing the off ramp to 1-70 westbound.
The mockup of the monument sign, as requested by the Commission, is available for review before
the meeting.
X. Sketch Design Plans (7:15pm - 8:OOpm)
A. Lot 1, Dry Creek PUD, A Resubdivision of Lot 44, Block 2, Wildridge / 2810A Old Trail Road
Applicant: Michael Sanner / Owner: Trent Hubbard
Description: Sketch review for a single-family home approximately 4,000 square feet in size for the
first (southern) lot in the Dry Creek PUD. The design is "craftsman style" with the following materials:
lap cedar siding, board on board cedar siding, dry stacked Telluride Gold stone, cor-ten steel roof and
40yr elk prestige composite shingles, and stucco.
B. Lot 40, Block 4, Wildridge / 5070 Wildridge Road East
Applicant/Owner. Phillip Matsen
Description: This is a sketch design review for a duplex located on Wildridge Road East. The building
would total over 10,000 square feet (including garages) and proposes stone, stucco, wood siding
(horizontal and vertical), and asphalt shingles. There is an existing single-family home to the east and
open space to the west and south.
C. Lot 12, Block 4, Wildridge / 5712Wildridge Road East
Applicant/Owner: Jim Jose
Description: A duplex residence proposed on this Wildridge Road East property at the top of
Wildridge. The lot is difficult with respect to steep existing grades and limited access opportunities.
X1. Zoning Text Amendment (8:OOpm - 8:30pm) PUBLIC HEARING
Description: The proposed amendment would establish self -storage as an allowed use in the
Industrial /Commercial (I/C) Zone District by amending Section 17.20.010 of the Municipal Code and
establish a corresponding parking standard for this use. Minimum parking standards for other
currently allowed uses in the I/C Zone District (including self storage) are proposed, by amending
Section 17.24.020 (C) - Off Street Parking Table - in the Avon Municipal Code. This amendment may
additionally amend section 17.08 - Definitions - for land uses within the I/C Zone District.
XII. Other Business (8:30pm)
XIII. Adjourn (8:35pm)
Posted on February 17, 2006 at the following public places within the Town of Avon:
• Avon Municipal Building, main lobby
• Avon Recreation Center, main lobby
• Alpine Bank, main lobby
• City Market, main entrance bulletin board
• On the Internet at http://www.avon.org / Please call (970) 748.4030 for directions