LA Res. No. 2008-02 Approving the application of Ticino, LLC d/b/a Ticino for a Hotel & Restaurant Liquor LicensePROCEEDINGS OF THE LIQUOR LICENSING AUTHORITY OF THE TOWN OF AVON, COUNTY OF EAGLE AND STATE OF COLORADO RESOLUTION NO, 08-02 SERIES OF 2008 A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE APPLICATION OF TICINO, LLC D/B/A TICINO FOR A HOTEL AND RESTAURANT LIQUOR LICENSE WHEREAS, on the 13th day of May 2008, the Liquor Licensing Authority of the Town of Avon ("the Authority") did receive and consider the application of Ticino, LLC d/b/a Ticino, whose mailing address is PO Box 18308, Avon, CO 81620, for a hotel and restaurant liquor license at 100 W. Beaver Creek Blvd., #127., Avon, Colorado; and WHEREAS, the Authority finds that Notice of Application was published in the Vail Daily and proof of publication by the publisher of the Vail Daily was received and made a part of the record; and WHEREAS, the Authority finds that the application was in proper form and accompanied by the necessary supplementary evidentiary matter required by law, the regulations of the State of Colorado and the Authority; and WHEREAS, the application was supported by petitions signed by 30 persons, of whom 30 were in favor and 0 were opposed; and WHEREAS, the neighborhood to be served by the proposed licensee has heretofore been determined to be the Town of Avon, including residents of the Town, persons working in the Town and visitors to the Town; NOW, THEREFORE, THE LIQUOR LICENSING AUTHORITY OF THE TOWN OF AVON DOES FIND: 1. The applicant is of good moral character and reputation. 2. The neighborhood to be served by the applicant is the Town of Avon, including residents of the Town, persons working in the Town and visitors to the Town. 3. There does exist a reasonable requirement in such neighborhood for the type of license for which application is made. 4. The adult inhabitants of the Town desire that the license be granted. ADOPTED THE 13TH DAY OF MAY 2008. T NO AVON, COJRDO '~oF AVO/V ••Ro ald C. Wolfe, Chairman Patty Mc enny, Secret ALB Res. No. 08-02 Ticino Page 2 ot'2