PZC Packet 111824AVON PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION MEETING AGENDA MONDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 2024 A�O PUBLIC MEETING BEGINS AT 5:30 PM ZOOM LINK: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85904490083 C 0 L 0 R A D 0 PUBLIC MEETING: 5:30 PM 1. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL (CHAIRPERSON) 2. APPROVAL OF AGENDA 3. DISCLOSURE OF ANY CONFLICTS OF INTEREST OR EX PARTE COMMUNICATION RELATED TO AGENDA ITEMS 4. PUBLIC COMMENT —COMMENTS ARE WELCOME ON ITEMS NOT LISTED ON THE FOLLOWING AGENDA PUBLIC COMMENTS ARE LIMITED TO THREE (3) MINUTES. THE SPEAKER MAY BE GIVEN ONE (1) ADDITIONAL MINUTE SUBJECT TO PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION APPROVAL. 5. PUBLIC HEARINGS 5.1. CPA24001 — SUN ROAD REDEVELOPMENT PLAN — JENA SKINNER, PLANNING MANAGER 6. CONSENT AGENDA 6.1. OCTOBER 21, 2024 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES 7. FUTURE MEETINGS 7.1. DECEMBER 9, 2024 7.2. DISCUSSION: MODIFICATION OF THE SCHEDULE 2025 8. STAFF UPDATES 8.1. CITY MARKET GIFT CARDS 8.2. VAIL VALLEY FOUNDATION EARLY CHILDCARE CENTER — REFERRED PZC COMMENTS TO TOWN COUNCIL 9. ADJOURN MEETING AGENDAS AND PACKETS ARE FOUND AT: WWW.AVON.ORG AGENDAS ARE POSTED AT AVON TOWN HALL, AVON RECREATION CENTER, ONLINE AND AVON PUBLIC LIBRARY IF YOU HAVE ANY SPECIAL ACCOMMODATION NEEDS, PLEASE, IN ADVANCE OF THE MEETING, CALL MATT PIELSTICKER AT 970-748-4413 OR EMAIL MATT@AVON.ORG WITH ANY SPECIAL REQUESTS. TO: Planning & Zoning Commission FROM: Jena Skinner, AICP, Planning Manager RE: PUBLIC HEARING: Sun Road Redevelopment Plan Avon CPA-23001 Comprehensive Plan Amendment DATE: November 14, 2024 SUMMARY: Avon Planning and Zoning Commission ("PZC") and the Avon Downtown Development Authority ("Avon DDA") held a joint work session on April 22, 2024. At that meeting, each attendee provided feedback on the overall framework plans for the Sun Road and East Town Center Redevelopment Plans ("Plan"). Please note that the East Town Center Plan has been put on hold until after adoption of Sun Road. At the April meeting, the DDA members requested another opportunity to meet as a board independently, and additional work sessions were held with the DDA in May, September, and October. On November 4, the DDA held a public hearing and approved a resolution supporting the adoption of the Plan, which is presented with this report. OVERVIEW: The Plan provides an introduction that sets its intentions for redevelopment and includes details surrounding the existing conditions for this area, a strategic vision for redevelopment, commentary regarding this redevelopment opportunity, implementation strategies, and design standards and expectations for the redevelopment. Knowing that redevelopment is available at any time as the existing zoning is predominantly Town Center (all but Comfort Inn property) and permits the ability for mixed use development with significant structures of up to 80 feet, having this redevelopment plan will incentivize more creative, directive, and beneficial Community Housing and economic investment for Avon. JOINT SESSION RECAP: At the April 22, 2024, joint work session, the PZC and DDA members all shared their initial thoughts and opinions of the framework options presented. The following comments/questions were expressed by DDA members: Sun Road Comments • "Full Redevelopment" option is preferred. • It is the most flexible option. • Pedestrian connectivity to West Town Center must be considered. • Design should reflect the site as a "gateway." • Parking, housing, and commercial businesses are important considerations. General Comments Parking Study and Traffic Study should be considered as part of Implementation Plan & next steps. Design parameters vs. reliance on current zoning (e.g. density limitations may be needed; code may need to be updated). Zoning and potential re -zonings should be reviewed. Since Staff met with the Planning Commission, the draft Sun Road Redevelopment Plan has evolved. This report (1) highlights changes and additions of concepts and designs principles in the Sun Road Plan compared to past discussions, (2) highlights policy questions for input and direction, and (3) includes a recap of past direction and project goals. 970-748-4023 jskinner@avon.org Page 1 of 7 CHANGES AND ADDITIONS SINCE THE WORK SESSION: Regional Transit Center Concept. The most significant change since the inception of this Plan is the introduction of a regional transit center use in the draft Sun Road Plan. Staff recently learned that the success of Bustang and Pegasus has resulted in a near four -fold planned increase in trips by winter (i.e. 2-3 trips per day to 12-15 trips per day). We have also learned that CORE Transit ridership has increased by 60% since formation and adoption of fare free transit routes from Eagle to Vail. In looking ahead, Avon Station appears to be too small for this increase in bus service to Avon. Additionally, Avon Station lacks in public restrooms and adequate shelters for all stops. Additional Neighborhood Commercial. The Sun Road Plan anticipates and encourages additional neighborhood commercial such as casual dining, coffee shops, retail and personal services. The additional neighborhood commercial is contemplated to serve a residential population with the Sun Road Plan redevelopment, visitors and residents nearby the Sun Road Plan area, and transit riders who will come through the regional transit center. The additional neighborhood commercial development is intended to increase activation, enhance placemaking, and increase property tax and retail sales tax revenues that can support redevelopment. • Design Standards. Design standards and expectations are defined in more detail with the intention to add pictures and graphic designs to depict examples of acceptable design. POLICY QUESTIONS: Staff recommends the PZC consider the following points for discussion: • Are our Redevelopment Goals sufficient? • Are our housing goals to maximize full-time residential density clear? • Have we addressed the mitigation of the relocation or displacement of existing uses adequately? • Do you agree that the Plan incorporates high quality architectural design and high -quality urban design and • Is our goal to target the establishment of a new Regional Transit Hub (Transit Oriented Development) the highest use for this site? • In general, are these appropriate high level goals for the Sun Road Plan area? PLAN OBJECTIVES: Plan Objectives are set forth as follows: • Promote redevelopment to create a vibrant urban neighborhood. • Maximize Community Housing and achieve or exceed a minimum of 50% of residential development in the Sun Road Plan area as full-time, primary residential use. • Incorporate safe and attractive pedestrian access throughout the neighborhood and connecting to adjacent areas. • Establish a new regional transit hub to replace Avon Station. • Incorporate high quality urban design and sustainable development practices. • Support public -private strategies to construct public parking. • Include an attractive public plaza with public art that supports adjacent civic and commercial uses. • Include functional traffic design that maximizes efficiency for ingress and egress for the Plan area • Ensure infrastructure capacity will support new redevelopment. • Identify options for financial support and partnerships to incentivize redevelopment, including but not limited to use of the Avon URA Avon DDA and state and federal grants. • Achieve all -electric, energy efficient design CPA24001 — Sun Road Redevelopment Plan November 14, 2024 - DRAFT Page 2 of 7 Explore feasibility of district heating utilizing Avon's heat recovery system • Are these appropriate Plan objectives? Comfort Inn Zoning. The current zoning for the Comfort Inn property is Residential High Density Commercial (RH-C) which is labelled as a retired zoning district. The Sun Road Plan should identify the proposed updated zoning for this parcel. Two options include Town Center zoning, which would be the same as the U.S. Post Office, Walgreen's and FirstBank lots and Mixed -Use Commercial zoning, which has a 60' building height rather than an 80' building height but allows all the same uses as Town Center zoning. I recommend the Mixed -Use Commercial zoning as more appropriate transition zoning from Town Center to the Green Briar multi -family development to the west which is zoning Residential Low Density with a 35' building height. • What is appropriate future zoning for Comfort Inn property? Concept Alternatives/Preferred Concept. Chapter 4 outlines three concept alternatives. The revision to include a regional transit center lends itself to a stronger statement of the preferred concept alternative. • Should the Plan document include and depict the preferred concept? Vacate Sun Road. The draft Sun Road Plan includes direction to vacate Sun Road and reallocate the 0.61 acres as follows: • Widen sidewalk area along Avon Road to create an 8' landscape bed for trees and shrubs to serve as a buffer to Avon Road and create opportunity for wider sidewalk. • Widen the right-of-way along West Beaver Creek Boulevard between Avon Road and existing Sun Road intersection with West Beaver Creek Boulevard to allow for regional transit center. • Create a round -about or turn -around near the existing intersection of Sun Road with West Beaver Creek Boulevard. • Create a public plaza fronting on West Beaver Creek Boulevard that provides an area for increased commercial frontage, pedestrian activation and place making. • Are these appropriate design goals for reallocation of Sun Road? PROCESS: With the understanding that the Sun Road Redevelopment Plan is an extension of the Comprehensive plan- much like the Avon Housing Plan, and, this area is within the boundary of the Avon DDA, Staff has held multiple meetings with the DDA and a joint work session with the PZC to date. The Avon DDA Board of Directors are tasked in considering whether adoption of the Sun Road Redevelopment Plan supports or advances the purposes of the DDA Plan, DDA Statutes, or Avon Comprehensive Plan as required by AMC Section 4.12.030. On November 4th, the DDA approved a resolution taking action to adopt the Sun Road Redevelopment Plan as required by AMC Section 4.12.020. The next step in the process requires the PZC to make a recommendation to Town Council ("Council"), who adopts this Plan via Ordinance. DDA ADOPTION STAFF PZC TOWN COUNCIL November 4, 2024 ANALYSIS & PUBLIC HEARING ORDINANCE & REPORT RECOMMENDATION PUBLIC HEARING /, November 18/24 TBD 2025 December 9/24 j PUBLIC NOTIFICATION: The Application was publicly notified in the Vail Daily on November 6, 2024. No CPA24001 — Sun Road Redevelopment Plan November 14, 2024 - DRAFT Page 3 of 7 public comments have been received. OPTIONS: The PZC has the following options with the Application: • Recommend Approval of the Plan, as drafted • Recommend Approval of the Plan, with changes • Continue the Public Hearing to a specific date • Recommend Denial of the Plan, with findings DISCUSSION: The PZC is acutely aware of the difficulties the workforce is experiencing regarding housing. Whether it's the need for housing (new units) or that our existing code does not recognize what design elements are needed or not necessary with certain types of housing (e.g., decreased parking or an increase in building heights), by having the Sun Road Redevelopment Plan in place provides developers an expectation. Avon gains an additional tool to have in the toolbox. In creating a framework through this Plan that does not explicitly demand implementation of a pre -designed site plan, redevelopment should come to fruition without compromising creative design potential or limiting flexibility in new projects. PLANNING ANALYSIS: The following section includes the applicable commentary and analysis for CPA24001 (Comprehensive Plan Amendment). COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT: REVIEW CRITERIA. The PZC shall use the following review criteria as the basis for recommendations and decisions on applications to amend the Avon Comprehensive Development Plan: (1) The surrounding area is compatible with the land use proposed in the plan amendment or the proposed land use provides an essential public benefit and other locations are not feasible or practical; Staff Response: This amendment does not affect areas of the Town that are not suitable for development; the amendment more actively promotes a more effective use of this area of Avon for Community Housing, an essential public benefit to the community, and increased economic redevelopment benefitting newly created housing and visitors staying at nearby hotels, the overall vitality of Avon by reinvigorating this underdeveloped and dated area, and in creating a regional transit hub. (2) Transportation services and infrastructure have adequate current capacity or planned capacity, to serve potential traffic demands of the land use proposed in the plan amendment; Staff Response: This plan amendment does not largely affect infrastructure, rather, has the potential to improve infrastructure within this area. Land use applications will still necessitate review by Staff prior to proceeding into construction, and all impacts and nuances will be examined at that time. This amendment simply updates Avon's direction towards increasing Community Housing in a site that is primed for redevelopment as a use by right. (3) Public services and facilities have adequate current capacity or planned capacity to serve the land use proposed in the plan amendment; Staff Response: This amendment does not alter the boundaries of the Town and affects existing parcels within town limits that have been included/planned for in capacity estimates for development. CPA24001 — Sun Road Redevelopment Plan November 14, 2024 - DRAFT Page 4 of 7 When a specific development application is proposed, impacts will be further assessed to see if any modifications would be necessary for service. This includes water and sewer, as well as broadband services. (4) The proposed land use in the plan amendment will result in a better location or form of development for the Town, even if the current plan designation is still considered appropriate; Staff Response: Having Community Housing as a targeted land use, infused with redevelopment and reinvigoration of Avon supports this finding and ratifies that mixed -use is the most appropriate form of development (redevelopment). (5) Strict adherence to the current plan would result in a situation neither intended nor in keeping with other key elements and policies of the plan; Staff Response: This amendment supports this finding as it reflects a recent endeavor to change the development pattern from low -intensity or underdevelopment to highly desirable redevelopment with focus on a transit oriented development ("TOD'). Council recognized that there should be Comprehensive Plan support for appropriate redevelopment a sounder approach in guiding developers in creating Community Housing and transit development assets in appropriate locations, like in the heart of Avon. (6) The proposed plan amendment will promote the purposes stated in this Development Code; Staff Response: Furthering the Comp Plan by creating sub -area redevelopment plans is a compatible action in looking at ways to increase housing efforts in Avon. Updating the Comp Plan in this manner supports and or allows both documents to correspond with each other, strengthening the planning process and review of pending development resulting in achieving assets that Avon desires. (7) The proposed plan amendment will promote the health, safety or welfare of the Avon Community and will be consistent with the general goals and policies of the Avon Comprehensive Plan. Staff Response: This amendment updates and clarifies current goals and policies of the Town of Avon, with revitalization projects. Creating a specific area plan as an extension of the Comp Plan is in the interest of Avon and promotes the health, safety, and welfare of the Avon community on a larger scale by providing new development with direction and expectation without stifling creativity. The Mixed - Use principles of the Sun Road Redevelopment Plan are in conformance with the Mixed Use land use designation for the area, as identified in the Future Land Use Map of the Comp Plan. GENERAL REVIEW CRITERIA: Conformance with General Review Criteria in AMC §7.16.010(f)(1), General Criteria, which provides criteria that are applicable to all development applications: (1) Review Criteria. The reviewing authority shall be Director when the Director has the authority to administratively approve a development application. The reviewing authority shall be the PZC and/or Town Council for all development applications which are subject to public hearing. The reviewing authority shall review development applications for compliance with all relevant standards and criteria as set forth in the specific procedures for the particular CPA24001 — Sun Road Redevelopment Plan November 14, 2024 - DRAFT Page 5 of 7 application in this Development Code, as well as the following general criteria which shall apply to all development applications: (i) The development application is complete; (ii) The development application provides sufficient information to allow the reviewing authority to determine that the development application complies with the relevant review criteria; (iii) The development application complies with the goals and policies of the Avon Comprehensive Plan; and (iv) The demand for public services or infrastructure exceeding current capacity is mitigated by the development application. Staff Response: This Comp Plan Amendment is complete. Staff believes sufficient information exists to allow the PZC and Council to review this application with the applicable review criteria. This Comp Plan Amendment application will not create impact demands for public services or infrastructure as a recommending document, as it is not a development application. All impacts of redevelopment will come forward as projects develop. At this time, there is no indication that the Sun Road area will not be able to be redeveloped with mitigation. Specific to (iv), the General Review Criteria provisions are geared towards development applications, to ensure that a new development plan will not injure or cause major disruptions for existing development. This Plan acknowledeges the need to pursue further investigation of the carrying capcity of the area and discover what will need to occur to support redevelopment. Staff will seek grant funding for this due diligence in 2025. RECOMMENDED FINDINGS: C PA24001: 1. The proposed amendment to the Comp Plan by way of creating the Sun Road Redevelopment (sub -area) Plan- as an extension of the Comp Plan, is both compatible with the goals and policies of the entirety of the Avon Comprehensive Plan while recognizing that Avon has unique needs that requires a thoughtful framework (like this Plan) to achieve a well -planned and copesetic redevelopment. 2. This amendment complies with the Review Criteria outlined in Section §7.16.030(c) of the Development Code, and offers increased support for Community Housing efforts and protections for one of Avon's gateway areas. 3. The proposed amendment bolsters the purpose statements of the Development Code in increasing its support for Community Housing coupled with the expectation of implementing good design; and 4. The proposed amendment promotes the health, safety, and welfare of the Avon Community by supporting a stable economic community with opportunities for Community Housing for families and young professionals. CPA24001 — Sun Road Redevelopment Plan November 14, 2024 - DRAFT Page 6 of 7 GENERAL CRITERIA FINDINGS: 1. The development applications are complete. 2. The development application provides sufficient information to allow the reviewing authority to determine that the development applications comply with the relevant review criteria. The development applications comply with the goals and policies of the Avon Comprehensive Plan; and 4. The demand for public services or infrastructure exceeding current capacity does not require mitigation at this time and with the adoption of the Sun Road Redevelopment Plan as there is no development application accompanying this Comp Plan Amendment that results in a physical project that utilizes public services or infrastructure. PROPOSED MOTION: I recommend approval of Adopting the Sun Road Redevelopment Plan as an extension of the Comprehensive Plan, based on §7.16.030, Comprehensive Plan Amendments and §7.16.010(f)(1) General Criteria (for an application), as presented and outlined in the Staff report." Thank you, Jena ATTACHMENT A: Proposed Sun Road Redevelopment Plan CPA24001 — Sun Road Redevelopment Plan November 14, 2024 - DRAFT Page 7 of 7 SUN ROAD REDEVELOPMENT PLAN 4ejr1o.,;'IaEVAIrL! SUN ROAD REDEVELOPMENT PLAN DRAFT 11114/2024 Avon C O L O R A D O BLANK INSIDE COVER Sun Road Redevelopment Plan November 13, 2024 DRAFT Page 2 of 55 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Town Council Rich Carroll Chico Thuon Tamra Nottingham -Underwood Lindsay Hardy Ruthie Stanley Gerry Brooks Kevin Hyatt Planning + Zoning Commission Olivia Cook William Glaner Brad Christianson Kevin Hyatt Anthony Sekinger Nicole Murad Downtown Development Authority Marcus Lindholm on Tony Emrick, Elected Chairperson William Glaner Scott Tarbet Wayne Hanson Matthew Fitzgerald Chris Neuswanger, Elected Secretary Brandt Marott, Elected Vice -Chairperson Gregg Cooper Councilor Rich Carroll Councilor Chico Thuon, Alternate Town Manager 1 Community Development Eric Heil Matt Pielsticker, AICP Jena Skinner, AICP Max Morgan Emily Block Consultant Team DTJ Design JVA Engineering Sun Road Redevelopment Plan November 13, 2024 DRAFT Page 3 of 55 TABLE OF CONTENTS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY A. Executive Summary B. Redevelopment Vision C. Displacement Mitigation D. Avon Investment Strategy CHAPTERI: INTRODUCTION A. Introduction G. Plan objectives B. Study Area H. Role of the Sun Road Plan C. Adjacent Development Potential 1. Conceptual Framework D. Key Stakeholders J. Scale + Massing Examples E. Sun Road Plan Area K. Design Priorities F. Process CHAPTER 2: EXISTING CONDITIONS A. Existing Land Use E. Transit B. Zoning + Zone Districts F. Parking C. Water Accounting G. Public Realm + Open Space D. Access / Circulation H. Infrastructure CHAPTER 3: STRATEGIC VISION A. Introduction E. Improved Street System B. Planning Principles F. Town Core Activation C. Community Housing G. Coordination with Existing Plans D. Land Use Mix CHAPTER 4: REDEVELOPMENT OPPORTUNITY A. Introduction B. Propensity for Redevelopment C. Concept Alternatives D. Preferred Concept Plan CHAPTER 5: IMPLEMENTATION STRATEGIES A. Introduction B. Strategy C. Implementation Timeline CHAPTER 6: DESIGN STANDARDS AND EXPECTATIONS APPENDICES Sun Road Redevelopment Plan November 13, 2024 DRAFT Page 4 of 55 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The Sun Road Redevelopment Plan ("Sun Road Plan") is a sub -area plan that establishes planning goals and investment strategies to promote redevelopment of an approximate 8-acre area centrally located in the Town Core on the southwest corner of the I-70/Avon Road Interchange. The Sun Road Plan area is substantially underdeveloped under the Town Center zoning which allows high - density mixed -use development. The central location, proximity to Harry A. Nottingham Park, and convenient access to Avon Road and the 1-70 interchange presents a unique opportunity for a high -quality redevelopment project that incorporates residential density into the Town Core. This Sun Road Plan document explains the planning process, existing conditions, the strategic vision, the redevelopment opportunity, implementation process and design standards and expectations. The intent of this Plan document is to create a well-defined policy document that provides direction for Council, Avon Planning and Zoning Commission, Avon Downtown Development Authority and Town Staff in order to promote consistency and alignment of efforts align and to implement the most efficient approach towards supporting redevelopment. This Plan document also informs existing property owners and users, the Avon community and potential investors of the background, details and potential that redevelopment of the Sun Road Plan area offers. The overall combination of desired mixed -uses, required planning and design, financing and coordination with existing users presents an unparalleled complexity in community planning. However, successful redevelopment of the Sun Road Plan area and implementation of the vision described in this Plan has the potential to create an unparalleled pedestrian and transit oriented development that will positively contribute to the Town Core and Avon community for many generations. Sun Road Redevelopment Plan November 13, 2024 DRAFT Page 5 of 55 REDEVELOPMENT VISION: Avon envisions mixed -use redevelopment with 70,000+ sq.ft. of ground floor commercial space and approximately [150-300] deed restricted Community Housing units. Buildings should be built adjacent to the sidewalk in a traditional downtown mixed -use urban manner. Parking will be located behind the buildings in an above grade parking structure or located below the buildings. The Sun Road right-of-way is anticipated to be vacated and the square footage of this area — 26,200 sq. ft, is expected to be reallocated to additional right-of-way along Avon Road and West Beaver Creek Boulevard and for a public plaza. A right -in, right - out vehicle access to the project area is expected to remain in the approximate location of the existing Sun Road/Avon Road intersection. Redevelopment of the Sun Road Plan area is expected to accommodate the existing businesses and public facilities, including Walgreens, FirstBank and the U.S. Post Office. Other ground floor neighborhood commercial businesses are appropriate. New development will incorporate best sustainability practices, including all -electric construction and high energy efficiency. Existing Town Center zoning allows buildings up to 80 feet, generous site coverage, zero front yard setbacks and 7.5' side yard setbacks between buildings on different lots. The Avon Development Code has a Density Bonus process which allows for increase in building height, increase in density, reduction of parking spaces and reduction of setbacks for projects that provide Community Housing, public amenities and economic value. SAMPLE LAYOUT: A sample / potential layout is provided to the right for illustration purposes. Actual development design and layout will likely vary DISPLACEMENT MITIGATION: Avon strongly desires to accommodate the interest of existing businesses and public facilities to remain in the Sun Road Plan area. Avon will closely coordinate with existing property owners and uses to determine appropriate plans for phasing, sequencing and redevelopment which can mitigate or minimize the potential impacts resulting from redevelopment. This Sun Road Plan includes strategies for Displacement Mitigation. Sun Road Redevelopment Plan November 13, 2024 DRAFT Page 6 of 55 AVON INVESTMENT STRATEGY: The Sun Road Plan is located within the Avon Urban Renewal Authority ("Avon URA"), West Town Center Investment Area, and the recently formed Avon Downtown Development Authority ("Avon DDA") area. Both the Avon URA and Avon DDA have the authority to collect the increment of new property taxes from new development in these areas. The amount of property tax increment revenues from new construction is directly related to the value of the new construction. Both the Avon URA and Avon DDA may provide financial assistance for public utilities; public plaza, courtyards and pocket parks; Community Housing; and, potentially parking structures. The amount of financial contribution towards Community Housing is determined on a case by case basis, taking into consideration any limits or restrictions on rent rates and appreciation on resale. Avon's goal is to achieve at least 50% of the residential units subject to Community Housing deed restrictions with a strong preference for a higher percentage of Community Housing. Community Housing development in Avon is eligible for waiver of taxes and fees (including building permit fees). RIGHT Urban Renewal Authority Boundary BELOW Downtown Development Authority Boundary Sun Road Redevelopment Plan November 13, 2024 DRAFT Page 7 of 55 I� Chapter l: INTRODUCTION RiF PURPOSE: This Sun Road Plan establishes a community based plan and vision for the redevelopment of the Plan area which best supports Avon's Comprehensive Plan goals, the Avon Community Housing Plan, the West Town Center Investment Plan and the Avon Downtown Authority Development Plan. Existing development in the Plan area is substantially underutilized compared to development allowed under the Town Center zoning. Redevelopment of this area presents a unique opportunity to guide and support high density development to achieve many community goals. The Sun Road Plan envisions a mixed -use urban neighborhood that includes Community Housing and neighborhood commercial amenities within easy walking distance to Avon's civic, recreational, retail, and entertainment uses. This Plan provides the vision and strategies for an economically viable and attractive residential neighborhood. The Avon DDA Plan recognizes the connection between establishing a critical mass of full-time residents with viability of ground floor commercial uses. Attractive neighborhood commercial uses may include restaurants, coffee shops, banking, pharmacy, postal services, personal services and convenience retail. The Plan also supports high quality public spaces that are integrated into the development to achieve quality urban design and an attractive, pedestrian -safe environment. The development of a high -density residential neighborhood in this area significantly advances Avon's climate action goals by providing severely needed workforce housing near the major job centers of Avon, Beaver Creek and Vail. The pedestrian access to neighborhood commercial and easy access to fare free transit is intended to support a lifestyle that is not dependent on daily single -occupancy vehicle use. New construction is envisioned to utilize all economically viable techniques to reduce or prevent greenhouse gas emissions, including all electric and high energy efficient construction. Redevelopment of this area also presents an opportunity for a common heating district which may provide economic efficiencies as well as reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. The Sun Road Plan will serve as the primary guiding document for review and support of any redevelopment proposals in the Plan area by the Avon Town Council, Avon Planning and Zoning Commission, Avon Downtown Development Authority, and Avon Staff. STUDY AREA: The Sun Road Plan area consists of approximately 8-acres located in the Town Core on the southwest corner of the 1-701Avon Road Interchange. The study area is comprised of four separate private parcels. The Sun Road Sub Area currently provides lodging, commercial retail (banking, drug store and the US Post Office). Sun Road Redevelopment Plan November 13, 2024 DRAFT Page 9 of 55 CE v A. �i AVON BRANCH LIBRARY All AVON STATION Existing uses adjacent to the Study Area include lodging, residential and a variety of commercial uses. Civic uses include the Avon Town Hall, Avon Recreation Center and Avon Library. ADJACENT DEVELOPMENT POTENTIAL: The Sun Road Area is substantially underdeveloped and without major redevelopment since the Sheraton Mountain Vista development across from the USPS circa 2002. Sheraton Mountain Vista is a time-share hotel with a limited number of small employee housing units. The third lot (Lot 3) was not developed and was sold to a hotel developer in 2022. Avon approved a hotel project on Lot 3 in 2023. This 72,422+ sq. ft hotel is slated to have 158 rooms. Also nearby is the Avon Center. This mixed -use structure is one of Avon's oldest buildings. Much like the Sheraton Mountain Vista, the "final" phase of this development was never constructed, and this area/lot is currently being entitled by a local developer for residential purposes, with the potential for short-term rental opportunities. Lodging and residential development across the street from the Sun Road Plan area is expected to increase demand for potential neighborhood commercial and personal services. Lot 3 _77 . .... �11 Sun Road Redevelopment Plan November 13, 2024 DRAFT Page 10 of 55 Sun Road Area W01 KEY STAKEHOLDERS: Key stakeholders include the property owners and the existing businesses, Avon, the Avon URA (Town Council) the Avon Downtown Development Authority (an independent body appointed by Council), and the greater community in general — especially those within walking distance. Very prominent to this endeavor is the Avon Downtown Development Authority ("Avon DDA"): The Avon DDA was formally established in 2023. The goal of the Avon DDA is to promote high -quality in -fill development and redevelopment with the Avon DDA plan area to increase Community Housing and support successful ground level retail and commercial development. The Avon DDA includes East Town Center, West Town Center, Nottingham Station, and the valley floor from Post Boulevard to City Market, Walmart, Home Depot, Traer Creek Plaza, and the Village (at Avon) Planning Area J on north side of the I-70/Post Boulevard interchange. SUN ROAD PLAN AREA: I \�.w ­�\V- *4" The Sun Road Plan area %� consists of four individual �' properties with different v ��� ` owners: ` 1. The Comfort Inn • C 2. The United States Postal , Service .•f 3. Walgreen's Pharmacy 4. FirstBank , . ," " 2 , 0 , F4 i Parcel Land Use Description Zoning Parcel Area 1 Accommodations Comfort Inn RH-C Residential High 2.78 acres Density Commercial (Retired) 2 Public/Civic US Post Office TC - Town Center 2.56 acres 3 Commercial / Walgreen's TC - Town Center 1.08 acres Retail 4 Commercial / First Bank TC - Town Center 1.71 acres Service 8.14 acres Table _ : Existing Parcel Area Sun Road Redevelopment Plan November 13, 2024 DRAFT Page 11 of 55 PROCESS: The Sun Road Plan was prepared over the course of fourteen months with participation by the Avon DDA, Planning and Zoning Commission, Town Council, and the Public (November 2023-January 2024). The Sun Road Plan incorporates important goals and strategies from the Avon Comprehensive Plan, Avon Community Housing Plan, Avon Transportation Plan, West Town Center Investment Plan, Avon Downtown Development Authority Plan and Eagle County Climate Action Plan. Particular attention was given to the West Town Center Investment Plan to retain and incorporate vision, goals, strategies and design principles which are still relevant to the Sun Road Plan area. The Sun Road Plan was reviewed by the Avon DDA and Avon PZC. The Avon DDA held public hearings on and and provided a recommendation to the Council to adopt this Plan. The Avon PZC held public hearings on and and provided a recommendation to the Council to adopt this Plan. The guidance in this Sun Road Plan is intended to articulate the goals and vision of the Avon community while acknowledging the importance of collaboration with private developers. Any prospective development in the Sun Road Plan area will require subdivision and development plan review under the Avon Development Code, analysis of potential tax increment revenues, review of financial investment and commitments by Avon, project review by the Avon Downtown Development Authority in addition to review by the Avon Town Council. REDEVELOPMENT GOALS: The Redevelopment Goals of the Sun Road Plan are to promote redevelopment of this area into a high density, mixed -use development which (1) maximizes full-time residential density, (2) mitigates relocation or displacement of existing uses, (3) incorporates high quality architectural design and high -quality urban design, and (4) establishes a new Regional Transit Hub (Transit Oriented Development). The recommendations, strategies, policies, and programs within this Plan provide direction for redeveloping the Sun Road area. There are no residential units currently within the Sun Road Plan area. New residents will support neighborhood businesses which will create activation, vibrancy and identity for the neighborhood. Additional commercial uses will also add amenities for residents and visitors. Sun Road Redevelopment Plan November 13, 2024 DRAFT Page 12 of 55 Kick-off and Site Tour November 2023 Visioning Workshop February 2024 Alternatives Workshop April 2024 Preferred Concepts May 2024 PLAN OBJECTIVES: Plan Objectives are set forth as follows: • Promote redevelopment to create a vibrant urban neighborhood. • Maximize Community Housing and achieve or exceed a minimum of 50% of residential development in the Sun Road Plan area as full-time, primary residential use. • Incorporate safe and attractive pedestrian access throughout the neighborhood and connecting to adjacent areas. • Establish a new regional transit hub to replace Avon Station. • Incorporate high quality urban design and sustainable development practices. • Support public -private strategies to construct public parking. • Include an attractive public plaza with public art that supports adjacent civic and commercial uses. • Include functional traffic design that maximizes efficiency for ingress and egress • Ensure infrastructure capacity will support new redevelopment. • Identify options for financial support and partnerships to incentivize redevelopment, including but not limited to use of the Avon URA Avon DDA and state and federal grants. • Achieve all -electric, energy efficient design • Explore feasibility of district heating utilizing Avon's heat recovery system ROLE OF THE SUN ROAD PLAN: This Plan provides a guide for Avon, property owners, developers and investors when designing and evaluating redevelopment projects. Avon recognizes that actual development design will likely result in different configurations and will require extensive coordination with existing uses in the Plan area. Development will likely occur in phases, including Plan adoption; land assemblage, acquisition, and/or partnerships with existing property owners; conceptual designs; updates to Capital Improvement Plans and financial strategies; updates to the Avon Development Code; soliciting developers and investors to implement redevelopment; facilitating design review and entitlement process. The Plan also addresses mitigation of relocation and displacement of current uses to implement the redevelopment of the Plan area. This Plan should be used to strongly promote the desires uses, urban design and architecture while recognizing flexibility in layout and phasing to coordinate with existing uses and investment parameters. CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK: Consensus was established for a full-time resident neighborhood in the heart of Avon within easy walking distance to civic, recreational, retail, and entertainment. The Plan identifies community benefits that would be realized with development, including Community Housing, pedestrian activation and placing making, establishment of a new regional transit facility, and establishing successfully ground level commercial uses. This Plan recognizes that flexibility in the mix of uses and design may be required for financial viability. Land Use Metric Existing Concept Residential Accommodations Commercial Parking Civic Plaza Units 0 180-300 Rooms 150 250 Sq. Ft 62,000 62,000-70,000 Spaces 373 600+ Acres 0 0.2 Fig _: Table _: Estimated Development Program - Disclaimer The Land use tabulations are intended as estimated land use targets and serve as a conceptual framework only. The estimated targets will vary as future development proposals are considered. Sun Road Redevelopment Plan November 13, 2024 DRAFT Page 13 of 55 SCALE + MASSING EXAMPLES Figs. _ Conceptual Development Massing + Scale Disclaimer: Massing diagrams depict a conceptual framework only and do not represent a proposed development plan. - - - - -=ter - ��_-_._------------�_ WPM i Sun Road Redevelopment Plan November 13, 2024 DRAFT Page 14 of 55 DESIGN PRIORITIES: A series of guiding principles were developed to evaluate concepts for the Sun Road Plan. The guiding principles evolved into a series of Design Priorities as the project advanced. For example, developing a mixed income Community Housing strategy and ensuring equitable development that minimizes small business displacement in the Sub Area was deemed an important overarching principle. The following six Design Priorities drive the concepts, goals, objectives and design standards for this Sun Road Plan: 1. Community Housing a. Increase opportunities for full-time residential occupancy in the Town Core b. Provide housing types appropriate for urban core environment c. Strive to maximize rent -capped and price -capped deed restricted units that will remain affordable over time 2. Pedestrian Experience a. Improve attractiveness, functionality and safety of pedestrian routes within the Plan area b. Maintain pedestrian connections to adjacent areas c. Incorporate a regional transit hub into the Plan area d. Integrate a public plaza and public art to enhance pedestrian experience and support activation and place making 3. Economic Development a. Support redevelopment that enhances vitality of existing uses b. Mitigate displacement of existing uses c. Add neighborhood commercial uses that appropriately serve existing and planned residents and visitors in and near the Plan area 4. Avon Authenticity a. Retain existing businesses b. Provide opportunities for new unique neighborhood businesses c. Promote placing making that enhances investment interest and patronage of businesses 5. Public Space a. Create an attractive public plaza that integrates with ground floor neighborhood businesses and provides an inviting informal space for residents, visitors and regional transit users b. Incorporate public art into the public plaza to enhance the interest and attractiveness of this space c. Situate the public plaza for high visibility, maximum solar access, and easy pedestrian access d. Integrate the public plaza into the building form design to provide relief and interest to a wall of buildings fronting the sidewalk 6. Urban Form a. Maximize or more fully -utilize the development potential permitted under existing zoning b. Situate buildings with ground floor commercial to front onto the adjacent sidewalks c. Incorporate quality architecture and design, with particular attention the buildings fronting Avon Road, West Beaver Creek Boulevard and the public plaza d. Support ground level neighborhood commercial uses that are accessible to the public, such as coffee shops, restaurants, bakeries e. Take advantage of existing views in all directions Sun Road Redevelopment Plan November 13, 2024 DRAFT Page 15 of 55 .a4t AL • jo- .f� �•_.. �. `�",4; ~�;���Q�'L�. �`i� 4 ��, �� y�, F�T_yh. jam., j. Ej EXISTING LAND USE: The Sun Road Plan area is comprised of four parcels on approximately eight (8) acres. Current development includes (Comfort Inn, 146 rooms) United States Post Office (20,209 sq.ft.), Walgreens (15,232 sq.ft.) and FirstBank (20,209 sq.ft.). There are no designated Town owned civic park spaces or residential units within the defined study area. W Sun Road Redevelopment Plan November 13, 2024 DRAFT Page 17 of 55 Lot Area Building Size Property Acreage (Sq. Ft(Sq. Ft FAR Comfort Inn USPS Walgreens 1It Bank Sun Rd ROW 2.78 121,097 290,452 2.4 2.56 1 1 1,514 20,209 .2 1.084 47,219 15,232 .3 1.714 74,662 20,209 .3 0.61 26,203 N/A 0 Existing buildings are generally set -back form the street with parking lots in front, creating a suburban development form. Comfort Inn from W Beaver Creek Blvd. Sun Road Redevelopment Plan November 13, 2024 DRAFT Page 18 of 55 Avon Post Office from West Beaver Creek Boulevard [NOTE: We will gather more photos and drone shots when leaves fall] Sun Road Redevelopment Plan November 13, 2024 DRAFT Page 19 of 55 i Walgreens from the corner of Sun Road /Avon Road Walgreens from Sun Road Sun Road Redevelopment Plan November 13, 2024 DRAFT Page 20 of 55 w A -a 1stBank from W Beaver Creek Blvd. 2024 Sun Road Redevelopment Plan November 13, 2024 DRAFT Page 21 of 55 ZONING: Properties in the Plan area are currently zoned Town Center (TC) and Residential High Density Commercial (RH-C, a retired district). Each district defines allowable uses, development standards, and parking requirements zone, and with TC being the majority zone district, redevelopment will not need a rezoning to accomplish a new mix of uses in this area, except for the Comfort Inn property. Recommended zoning change is to Mixed -Use Commercial to allow transition from this urban core area to adjacent 3 story multi -family structures. If there is a redevelopment opportunity to develop all the residential units as deed restricted Community Housing units, then a Community Housing zone district (most likely, Community Housing Mixed -Use or CHMU-1), would be in alignment with this change of use. In m Zoning Districts I Q Residential Duplex Q Residential Low Density d:63 Residential Medium Density -W Residential High Density aW Residential High Density Commercial (retired) +t Neighborhood Commercial Q Shopping Center (retired) 4 Mixed Use Commercial +P Town Center Q Light Industrial and Commercial 4 Public Facility of Q Park -W Open Space, Landscaping and Drainage --? Planned Unit Development 4 CHMD AF CHHD-1 dr CHHD-2 Ar CHMU-1 4E CHMU-2 ZONE DISTRICTS 00 Avon Plaza !,� City Market / / / OKI. Depol - / ` ` •-/yi p � Chapel SVuare Town Center (TC) (USPS/bank/pharmacy): Purpose Statement: The TC district is intended to provide sites for a variety of uses such as hotels, commercial establishments, offices, and some residential uses in a predominately pedestrian environment. The Town Center should be distinguished from other areas in the Town and serve as the focal point for social, business, and cultural activities. This district contains the highest intensity of uses and should serve as the major transit destination as well as provide high levels of pedestrian accessibility. The TC district implements the mixed -use classification of the Avon Future Land Use Plan. Sun Road Redevelopment Plan November 13, 2024 DRAFT Page 22 of 55 Residential High Density Commercial (RH-C) RETIRED (Comfort Inn): This zone district is retired and may not be utilized for redevelopment of this property. Mixed -Use Commercial (MC) (recommended for Comfort Inn): Purpose Statement: The MC district is established to group and link places used for working, shopping, educating and recreating with residential uses, thereby creating a compact community form. This district allows commercial, office, civic, townhouse and apartment uses and, along with Neighborhood Commercial, is the preferred district and development type in Avon. The mostly vertical mix of uses will reduce vehicle trips, relieve traffic congestion and provide an urbanized, pedestrian environment. MC implements the mixed -use land use classification of the Avon Future Land Use Plan and should be located adjacent to the Town Center as a transitional district. WATER ACCOUNTING: The Sun Road Plan area is underdeveloped compared to existing zoning. Comfort Inn is the only property that fully utilizes the water allocated. Although there is an additional 159 SFE's to support new development, full redevelopment will require additional allocation of water rights. Water conservation standards and regulations for both interior water use and outdoor irrigation are adopted in the Avon Municipal Code. This table represents the Single -Family Equivalent (SFE) allocated to each property compared to existing development pattern: SFE Water Property Allocation SFE Current Use Comfort Inn 59.3 59.3 USPS 79.6 2.6 Walgreen's 36.8 5.8 1 sr Bank 56.8 5.8 TOTAL Sun Road Redevelopment Plan November 13, 2024 DRAFT Page 23 of 55 232.5 73.5 SFE Remaining 0 77 31 51 159 ACCESS + CIRCULATION: The existing street network in the Sun Road Plan area includes Sun Road, West Beaver Creek Boulevard, and Avon Road. Sun Road is a fifty -foot wide right -of way curvilinear street layout with six -foot -wide sidewalks separated by landscape areas (estimated area is 0.61 acres or 26,203 sf). Sun Road accommodates an estimated 1,300 ADT's. There is no designated on -street parking on Sun Road. Avon's pedestrian network offers an advantage to visitors and residents, as a walkable town. p�R 1.12.Ml LE RADIUS ` �1 Nollr �W Be4fer Creek Bi,.. ♦ `O/ ♦ `GS 0 �25-0R 7Nottinghap— Ir Harry A. =i 1 �eaav , 1 Creek, _ B \ PARK ENTERANV, •AVO` ` ENTER NO , �TOW'N HALL *AVON STATION =` ` 40 100 k ♦ a .� — P � GONDOLA Fig _ Proximity Image Sun Road Redevelopment Plan November 13, 2024 DRAFT Page 24 of 55 1 I 1 1 TRANSIT: Avon Transit serves both residents and visitors. The Avon public transit system provides year round fare -free bus around Avon and a season skier bus in the winter for direct access to Beaver Creek Ski Resort. Avon also has a partnership arrangement to support seasonal gondola service which provides a connection from the Westin public plaza to the Landing chairlift on the lower Bachelor Gulch side of Beaver Creek Skit Resort. Avon's Public Transit system provides four local routes that are a convenient way to access local shops, restaurants, and attractions such as the Avon Recreational Center, Harry A. Nottingham Park, or the public library, as well for skiers and employees going to Beaver Creek. LOCAL TRANSIT The Avon East --Red Line runs every 30-minutes between 6:30am to 10:00pm. The route services the residential areas in east Avon along Hurd Lane and Hwy 6, including Traer Creek Plaza and Buffalo Ridge Housing Complex. The Avon West --Blue Line runs every 30-minutes between 6:28am to 10:00pm. The route services the residential areas in west Avon along West Beaver Creek Boulevard and Hwy 6, including the Town Core businesses and Traer Creek Plaza. 9 Harry A. - Nornngham Pork G � G �Q�� r� i Yg \ Figs. _: Typical Seasonal Public Transit Routes See also Bus Routes and Schedules Sun Road Redevelopment Plan November 13, 2024 DRAFT Page 25 of 55 REGIONAL TRANSIT In the winter of 1987-88, Avon took over the operation of the regional bus service and continued operation through intergovernmental agreements until April 2001, when ECO Transit officially assumed day-to-day operations for regional bus service. In 1994 the funding partners decided to seek a dedicated funding source (Eagle County transportation sales tax) for regional transportation. As the valley's population had grown, the demands for transportation had also increased, and this translated into a larger financial commitment from the funding partners. A ballot initiative for a dedicated funding source was approved by the voters in November 1995. The Eagle County Regional Transportation Authority was made official on January 1, 1996. In November 2022, residents voted to improve the formation of a new regional transportation authority, the Eagle Valley Transportation Authority ("EVTA") which has since been rebranded as "Core Transit". Core Transit provides fare -free service to Avon, Edwards, Eagle, Minturn, Red Cliff, Vail, and Beaver Creek. PARKING: The Sun Road Sub Area includes a total of 373 surface parking spaces*. Each parcel includes on -site surface parking and service access. Table XX summarizes the current parking requirements for the Sun Road Sub Area based on the current Town of Avon Development Code. *Off street parking only. Sun Road does not include on -street parking along West Beaver Creek Use Category Use Type Parking Requirement Residential Hospitality Commercial Uses Dwelling, Multi -Family Studio: 1 per unit 1 BD: 1.5 per unit 1 BD/DU > 2,500SF: 2 per unit Guest Parking for Multi- Family Varies by # of units Accommodations 1 per unit General 4 per 1,000 sf. Food + Beverage 1 per 60 sf. Office 3 per 1,000 sf. Table _ : Current Parking Requirements Parcel Block Land Use Description Zoning Parking Provided 1 A Hospitality Comfort Inn RH-C 147 2 A Commercial / Retail US Post Office TC 78 3 A Commercial / Retail Wal reen's TC 60 4 B Commercial / Retail I First Bank TC 88 TOTALI 373 Table _ : Existing Parking by Parcel Sun Road Redevelopment Plan November 13, 2024 DRAFT Page 26 of 55 PUBLIC REALM + OPEN SPACE: There are no designated public -owned greenspace areas in the Sun Road Sub Area today; however, this area is within a 5 minute walk to Harry A. Nottingham Park, Avon's largest regional park. Private parcels include landscape buffer areas along Avon Road, Sun Road, West Beaver Creek Boulevard. The existing landscape is comprised of mature vegetation. The adjacent West Beaver Creek Boulevard was rebuilt in 2018 and updated the streetscape with design with tree -lined streets and limited on -street parking. INFRASTRUCTURE: This narrative provides information on the existing infrastructure within the plan boundaries and addresses known existing domestic water and sanitary sewer mains. The Sun Road area includes the area north of West Beaver Creek Boulevard adjacent to Sun Road. The East Avon area includes the area east of Avon Road, south of 1-70, west of Chapel Alley and north of the railroad tracks. The narrative is based on available recent site information (previously completed site survey) and preliminary based on as - built information received from the Town of Avon. Domestic Water. In the Sun Road area, a 12" DIP domestic water main runs south of West Beaver Creek Boulevard from the west end of the study area past the intersection of Sun Road. The water main then cuts across West Beaver Creek Boulevard to the north side across Avon Road. There is an 8" DIP water loop that goes north into Sun Road at intersection and cuts back south to return to 12" DIP main in West Beaver Creek Boulevard. The 12" main then connects to a 12" DIP main running north to south in East Avon Road. The domestic water described continues across Avon Road along the north side of East Beaver Creek Boulevard to the Plaza Road intersection. Just past the Plaza Road intersection, the water main crosses East Beaver Creek Boulevard the south side of the road and continues east in the roadway past the intersection with Beaver Creek Place. the water main then turns southeast along the property line to Beaver Creek Place. The water main then runs within the southern lane of Beaver Creek Place to the intersection of East Benchmark Road. From a tee in Beaver Creek Place, a water main runs south in Chapel Place to the east end of the study area. Another water main runs along the west edge of the study area in East Benchmark Road to Avon Road. Sanitary Sewer. In the Sun Road area, an 8" PVC sanitary sewer main runs north of West Beaver Creek Boulevard from the west end of the study area passed intersection with Avon Road towards the east end of the study area. Approximately 150' from Avon Road the sanitary sewer main crosses West Beaver Creek Boulevard, the 8" main runs along the south side of the road and then heads south along west shoulder of Avon Road. There are five manholes along West Beaver Creek Boulevard. In the East Avon area, the sanitary sewer continues across Avon Road in the north lane of East Beaver Creek Boulevard past Beaver Creek Place. The as-builts past this point are incomplete, but JVA is assuming that the Sun Road Redevelopment Plan November 13, 2024 DRAFT Page 27 of 55 sewer main ends here. Another main runs in the east lane of Beaver Creek Place and ties into the above - described sanitary sewer main at the East Beaver Creek/Beaver Creek Place intersection. This branch of the main runs in the east/north lane of Beaver Creek Place to eastern most north property line, approximately 225' away from East Beaver Creek Boulevard. Another sanitary sewer main runs along the west edge of the study area in East Benchmark Road to Avon Road. Jr A 0 158 264 528 Feel ` Figs. : Existing Water and Sewer Infrastructure Water System Points Sewer System Points : SystemValve U LiftStation Pump Manhole Tank Cleanout .. PRV Q VaultPoint Hydrant ® FacilityPoint BPS Water System Lines PipeMain ® Well PipeService VaultPoint Sewer System Lines ® AirVac PipeGravity p Fitting PipeForce O FacilityPoint PipeService Drainage. Drainage for this area has been addressed with previous approvals of existing developments. Additional drainage improvements may be required depending upon site design. Fiber Optic. Fiber conduit will be needed along roads where parcels do not connect to existing conduit. For example, using the current development as a proposed model, conduit installation along Avon Road is recommended to provide fiber access to the Walgreens parcel. See image, next page. Sun Road Redevelopment Plan November 13, 2024 DRAFT Page 28 of 55 jr �-.ALA .. • 0 "S 264 528 Feet Figs. _: Existing Fiber Optic Installation Sun Road Redevelopment Plan November 13, 2024 DRAFT Page 29 of 55 Proposed Fiber Handole Chapter 3: STRATEGIC VISION INTRODUCTION: Redevelopment of the Avon Sun Road Plan area has the potential to provide uses desired by the Avon community, significantly advance and enhance the character of Avon's Town Core, establish a true pedestrian and transit oriented mixed use development, increase the local economy, and implement complex climate action strategies. The vision, goals, and objectives were developed and refined by the Avon DDA and Staff, and further refined with the property owners, existing business owners and the Avon Planning & Zoning Commission. The vision, goals, and objectives served as guideposts throughout the planning process. Chapter 5. Implementation and Chapter 6. Design Standards and Expectations are intended to achieve the vision, goals and objectives. Avon recognizes the necessity to maximize development of new Community Housing in the Town Core to promote sustainable and livable workforce housing while also supporting the success of local businesses that are dependent on an available workforce and benefit from a full-time resident population. The Sun Road Plan area has the potential to increase the volume of development significantly in the Town Core and achieve urban floor area ratios of 3:1 and up to 5:1. PLANNING PRINCIPLES: The following Planning Principles were used to create the vision for redevelopment of the Sun Road Plan area. Sustainable Design • Achieve a mixed -use pedestrian and transit -oriented development • Require all -electric energy efficient building construction • Incorporate convenient recycling and composting in the design • Require the use of sustainable and environmentally appropriate building materials Land Use • Achieve a mix of uses that compliment and reinforce each other to create a neighborhood, including Community Housing, neighborhood and regional commercial retail and personal services, accommodations, regional transit center, and public civic spaces Pedestrian Circulation • Ensure that pedestrians have safe, convenient and attractive access throughout the Plan area • Apply pedestrian -first design strategies which prioritizes the pedestrian over vehicles • Include pedestrian walkways and highly visible street crossings for convenient connection to adjacent areas • Incorporate wayfinding, landscaping, street furniture, and public art in pedestrian corridors Vehicular Circulation • Preserve the existing Sun Road/Avon Road intersection as a right -in, right -out vehicle access to the plan area • Incorporate design and layout that is efficient for vehicles and transit with regard to turning movements and access Sun Road Redevelopment Plan November 13, 2024 DRAFT Page 31 of 55 Parking • Integrate a centralized shared -use parking structure and program to accommodate residents, visitors, and businesses Character • Require new development to incorporate mountain contemporary architecture that complements and advances the emerging character in Town Center • Recognize opportunities for architecture and building design to create a strong gateway first impression on the north east corner with Avon Road and on the Avon RoadMest Beaver Creek Boulevard Corner • Ensure that ground -level commercial uses are visible, fit the area's character, and support a pedestrian -friendly experience • Maximize solar exposure • Orient buildings and entries to front adjacent sidewalks and a public plaza • Incorporate high -quality landscape areas are designed to enhance gateway entries in the Town Center (Avon Road) and the Sun Road area Views • Maintain critical views to and from the Sun Road area • Provide visibility to orient people to their surroundings COMMUNITY HOUSING: The Avon DDA and PZC assisted in developing guiding principles used to evaluate design concepts for the Sun Road Sub Area. The guiding principles evolved into a series of Design Priorities (see page XXX) as the planning effort advanced. For example, developing a mixed income Community Housing strategy and ensuring equitable development that minimizes small business displacement in the Plan area is an important principle. Avon has a broadly stated goal to achieve at least 50% full-time residential occupancy in new residential development. This goal is stated in the 2021 Avon Community Housing Plan and is supported by the Avon DDA Plan. This is an important element for the Sun Road area, and for Avon as a whole. Some portion of free market residential development will likely be necessary to support financial viability of a redevelopment project that incorporates Community Housing. LAND -USE MIX: The Sun Road Plan area future land uses will center on new multi -family Community Housing that may include both standalone multi -family and upper -level housing units above ground level commercial and civic uses. Ground level uses should incorporate the existing US Post Office, pharmacy and bank uses that serve the community while providing opportunities for additional neighborhood commercial uses such as coffee shop, restaurants, retail, personal services and regional transit center uses. Ideally, the mix of increased full-time residential use with neighborhood commercial and civic uses will create a synergy that enhances activation, vibrancy, and place making. Sun Road Redevelopment Plan November 13, 2024 DRAFT Page 32 of 55 A larger regional transit center presents both complications and opportunities for redevelopment of the Sun Road Plan area. A regional transit center will bring significant pedestrian traffic to this area will providing a modern and more functional transit hub that can accommodate future growth of transit operations. The Plan also recommends the redevelopment of the existing Comfort Inn site to accommodate an increase in the number of hotel rooms and visitor amenities such as a bar and restaurant, and pool and gym facilities — expected in newer hotels. Fig. Conceptual Land Use Diagram IMPROVED STREET SYSTEM: The existing right in -right out of the Avon Road/Sun Road intersection should remain for internal vehicle access. The secondary point of access into the redevelopment site would be from West Beaver Creek Boulevard. This Plan anticipates that Sun Road would be vacated and the area of the right-of-way would be reallocated to other uses that advance the Design Priorities. This Plan also contemplates that a round -about may be appropriate near the intersection of Sun Road and West Beaver Creek Boulevard to support bus movements associated with a regional transit center. TOWN CORE ACTIVATION: The existing building development in the plan area is set back from the sidewalk with the parking lots in front in a low -density suburban development pattern. This results in a higher frequency of vehicle use to access the businesses and a low level of pedestrian access and activity. Increasing the overall density of development, introducing full-time residential occupancy, adding the pedestrian traffic associated with a regional transit center, and enhancing pedestrian attractiveness on sidewalks and with a public plaza are all expected to support significant activation and pedestrian use in the Plan area. The Avon Municipal Code design standards and application of Design Standards and Expectations in Chapter 6 will result in attractive mixed -use project that is desirable as a location for neighborhood businesses and increases interest in business investment in Avon's core. Sun Road Redevelopment Plan November 13, 2024 DRAFT Page 33 of 55 BUILT FORM + URBAN DESIGN: Quality urban design for the Sun Road Plan area is appealing for residents to frequent, live, and work in, while also supporting our mountain lifestyle in the heart of the valley. PRESENT BUILDING USE + FORM The Sun Road Sub Area is generally defined as a low -density suburban form of development. The existing parcel and block sizes are large with surface parking fronting the building development area. Existing structures are "underdeveloped" one-story commercial retail (Walgreen's, First Bank and US Post Office), which do not maximize the existing potential of the underlying zoning. The Comfort Inn, built in 1986, is a 4-story structure that accommodates 146 rooms. The neighboring FirstBank building was built in 1987, and the U.S. Post office is estimated to have been built in 1994. The Walgreen's is the most recent structure built in 2012, replacing what was once a Denny's restaurant. The most predominant feature of the Sun Road area is the amount of surface parking, as seen in the image, right. Designed for vehicles, not pedestrians, the Sun Road area is primed for the introduction of uses like residential 2nd+ floors with mixed uses serving the Sun Road area on the lower levels. The revitalized Sun Road area should accommodate a thoughtful variety of architectural forms and styles, massing arrangements, and consider scale. New structures should be oriented to the south and west to take advantage of the views, solar gain, and site aspect. Building entries should be highly visible and building articulation and fenestration should support a highly transparent effect for ground level commercial. Sun Road Redevelopment Plan November 13, 2024 DRAFT Page 34 of 55 250 PROPOSED 1 Existing Accommodation Rooms 70,000 PROPOSED • 111 Existing Commercial (Sq. Ft) Residential Units Fig. Redevelopment Program 8,712 •:.-. . Civic Plaza (Sq. Ft) The overall massing and scale, and orientation of proposed structures should enhance views on to the site and beyond. Structures may range in height and include up to six or seven stories. Taller buildings should front the 1-70 corridor and Avon Road. Built massing should be enhanced at entries and at prominent corners within this area. SPECIALTY USES: The Sun Road Plan area is centrally located in the Town Core and occupies a prominent corner on Avon Road. Recommended commercial uses include the existing U.S. Post Office, bank and pharmacy. Additional commercial uses should include uses that serve the neighborhood and transit users, such as cafe, coffee shop, restaurant, bakery and personal services. Boutique or specialty retail uses and art galleries would also be appropriate. Sun Road Redevelopment Plan November 13, 2024 DRAFT Page 35 of 55 COORDINATION WITH EXISTING PLANS: The Sun Road Subarea Plan is a focused plan document for a specific, defined area within Avon Comprehensive Plan that provides a higher level of detail specific to the defined area than what is generally found in the Comprehensive Plan. Subarea Plans provide greater detail and definition of existing conditions, community goals for development and redevelopment, desired design elements, and strategies for implementation. Subarea plans are adopted as amendments to the Avon Comprehensive Plan. The following is a list of existing planning documents in Avon also guide development for the Sun Road area: • 2024 Avon Comprehensive Plan • 2023 Avon Downtown Development Plan • 2021 Avon Community Housing Plan • 2018 Multimodal Transportation and Parking Plan • 2015 Avon Urban Renewal Plan for Town Center West Area • 2015 Walkability Report • 2009 H.A. Nottingham Park Master Plan • 2009 Transportation Plan • 2007 West Town Center Investment Plan Sun Road Redevelopment Plan November 13, 2024 DRAFT Page 36 of 55 X5 P ...ve . 116 be-41, bi 1�4 ;k 410 LrVn 8� �t t � �� r -*, ii - 7 Awl At Yjr.TIL Chapter 4: REDEVELOPMENT I �-OPPORTUNITY INTRODUCTION: The Sun Road Plan area is significantly underdeveloped. Town Center zoning can support a floor area ratio of 3.5 to 1 or higher. Redevelopment of the U.S. Post Office, Walgreens and FirstBank parcels presents a unique opportunity for a mixed -use project that has excellent transit connection, increases housing options and increase the year-round, full-time resident population in the Town Core, increases neighborhood commercial that serves residents and visitors in the Town Core area as well as transit users, increases economic growth, and creates a vibrant neighborhood that attracts more investment interest in the Town Core'. The Sun Road Plan area future land uses will center on new multi -family Community Housing that will include mixed -use buildings with upper -level residential above ground level commercial and may include stand-alone residential buildings. Redevelopment will provide new ground level commercial spaces for existing users and for additional commercial uses that will compliment and reinforce the functionality and vibrancy of this area as an urban neighborhood. The Sun Road Plan supports redevelopment of the existing Comfort Inn site to modernize this lodging and increase the number of hotel rooms. Existing uses in the Sun Road Plan area are substantially set back off West Beaver Creek Boulevard offering little to no visual indication of what is located within this area. Mature trees mask views to existing buildings. The current uses are destination uses (bank/USPS/pharmacy). Much of the area is dominated by parking lots, and little to no pedestrian traffic occurs in this area presently. Redevelopment has the potential to implement a more traditional main street commercial mixed -use building form with buildings brought forward to the sidewalk edge to enhance both visibility of businesses and pedestrian activation. 1 American Planning Association (National) MARCH 28, 2022, Blog EVERYDAY DESTINATIONS Supporting Active Living Through Mixed -Use Developments, by Johamary Pena, AICP, Sagar Shah, PhD, AICP Sun Road Redevelopment Plan November 13, 2024 DRAFT Page 38 of 55 PROPENSITY FOR DEVELOPMENT Step 1 Each of the four parcels in the Sun Road Sub Area were evaluated based on the likelihood of redevelopment potential. The evaluation of the likelihood of redeveloping a parcel is included in the table below. This criterion was used as a guide to inform the potential for individual parcel redevelopment. �y V E AVON BRANCH LIBRARY \I 1b Fig. _Development Propensity Exhibit --- Study Areas --- Avon Town Limit = Key Town Destinations M High Medium = Low v� - feE4yE� r- 11'�CRe��e`�� Evaluation of Parcels for Redevelopment. Avon considered several factors when determining the potential and desirability for redevelopment. The factors are generally weighted with a "high" "medium" or "low" factor for redevelopment. These factors include: Potential for Redevelopment: 1. Density. Whether the parcel is currently utilizing its potential for development. This is measured as a floor area ratio (FAR) of total existing square footage of development compared to total square footage of the lot. Town Center zoning comfortably allows five stories of development with a site coverage of 80%, which would result in a 4:1 FAR. A FAR of 2:1 is utilizing less than one half the potential development of the parcel and an FAR of 1:1 or less is considered to be significantly underdeveloped. 2. Age or Condition of Building. Demolishing an existing building has more cost compared to developing vacant land. Commercial buildings are often developed with a planned useful life of 40-50 years. Older buildings which are nearing the end of its useful life are considered to have more potential for redevelopment. Other considerations include existing condition of building and whether repair, replacement or remodel investments have occurred recently. Sun Road Redevelopment Plan November 13, 2024 DRAFT Page 39 of 55 3. Infrastructure. Consideration is given to whether existing infrastructure surrounding and serving the parcel can support redevelopment or will require off -site improvements. 4. Ownership and Encumbrances. Consideration is given to current ownership structure, existing leases, and covenants, easements or other agreements that affect title or potential redevelopment of the property. 5. Environmental. Consideration is given to environmental factors which may impact or increase costs for redevelopment. Environmental factors may include topography, slopes, hazardous materials, drainage and floodplain, wildfire risk, poor soil and other physical factors affecting development. 6. Zoning. Consideration is given as to whether existing zoning allows redevelopment. Desirability for Redevelopment: 7. Current Use. Consideration is given as to whether the current use is compatible with zoning and Comprehensive Plan. Current uses which are desirable, and which can be incorporated into redevelopment plans should be given medium, or neutral, weight. 8. Potential Uses. Consideration is given as to whether there are additional uses which are desired by the community. 9. Tax Revenues. Consideration is given as to what taxes are generated from existing use and what taxes may be generated from additional or alternate future uses. PARCEL 1: COMFORT INN CONSIDERATION WEIGHT COMMENTS This is a commercial lodging use with 146 rooms that 1. Density Medium could be expanded with redevelopment or converted to residential. It may be problematic to convert. 2. Age/Condition Medium Building was constructed in 1986 and appears to be in good condition. 3. Infrastructure High Existing infrastructure exists to support redevelopment of the parcel. 4. Ownership / Encumbrances Medium A corporate owner operates the existing lodging use. There are no known encumbrances. 5. Environmental High This parcel is very flat. There are no known environmental constraints to redevelopment. Current zoning is a retired zone district: RH-C Residential High Density Commercial. For 6. Zoning Medium redevelopment, most likely an alternate zone district would be applied. If converted to mixed use or residential, a Development Bonus potentially could vary building height, density, parking and setbacks. 7. Current Use Low Current use is desirable as Avon's use generating Lodging Tax. 8. Potential Uses Low Several potential uses are highly desirable on this site, including mixed use or additional lodging uses. 9. Tax Revenues Medium The property generates commercial property tax and lodging tax, but does not generate sales tax. Overall rating for Redevelopment Potential is Medium Sun Road Redevelopment Plan November 13, 2024 DRAFT Page 40 of 55 PARCEL 2: USPS CONSIDERATION WEIGHT COMMENTS 1. Density High Current FAR is XXX and is substantially underdeveloped. 2. Age/Condition High Building was most likely constructed in the early to mid- 1980'sand appears to be in good condition. 3. Infrastructure High Existing infrastructure exists to support redevelopment of the parcel. 4. Ownership 1 Encumbrances High The USPS operates the existing building. There are no known encumbrances. 5. Environmental High This parcel is very flat. There are no known environmental constraints to redevelopment. 6. Zoning High Current zoning is Town Center. A Development Bonus potentially could vary building height, density, parking and setbacks 7. Current Use Medium Current use serves the community; however, potentially not specific to this lot and to this degree, but is acceptable within the zoning and Comprehensive Plan 8. Potential Uses High Several potential uses are highly desirable on this site, including Community Housing, regional transit center, additional neighborhood commercial, and parking 9. Tax Revenues - The property generates no tax or financial benefit to Avon Overall rating for Redevelopment Potential is HIGH PARCEL 3: WALGREENS CONSIDERATION WEIGHT COMMENTS 1. Density High Current FAR is XXX and is potentially underdeveloped. 2. Age 1 Condition Medium Building was constructed in 2012 and is in good condition. 3. Infrastructure High Existing infrastructure exists to support redevelopment of the parcel. 4. Ownership I Encumbrances High Corporate owner operates the existing building. There are no known encumbrances. 5. Environmental High This parcel is very flat. There are no known environmental constraints to redevelopment. 6. Zoning High Current zoning is Town Center. A Development Bonus potentially could vary building height, density, parking and setbacks. 7. Current Use Medium Current use is desirable, serves the community, and fits the zoning and Comprehensive Plan. 8. Potential Uses High Several potential uses are highly desirable on this site, including Community Housing, regional transit center, additional neighborhood commercial, and parking. 9. Tax Revenues Medium The property generates commercial property tax and enerates sales tax. Overall rating for Redevelopment Potential is HIGH Sun Road Redevelopment Plan November 13, 2024 DRAFT Page 41 of 55 PARCEL 4: FIRST BANK CONSIDERATION WEIGHT COMMENTS 10. Density High Current FAR is 0.2:1 and is substantially underdeveloped. 11. Age / Condition Medium Building was originally constructed in 1987 and appears to be in good condition. 12. Infrastructure High Existing infrastructure exists to support redevelopment of the parcel. 13. Ownership 1 High Owner operates the existing building. There are no Encumbrances known encumbrances. 14. Environmental High This parcel is very flat. There are no known environmental constraints to redevelopment. 15. Zoning High Current zoning is Town Center. Development Bonus is allowed for building height, density, parking and set backs. 16. Current Use Medium Current use is desirable, serves the community, and fits the zoning and Comprehensive Plan 17. Potential Uses High Several potential uses are highly desirable on this site, including Community Housing, regional transit center, additional neighborhood commercial, and parking 18. Tax Revenues Medium The property generates commercial property tax, but does not generate sales tax or accommodations tax Overall rating for Redevelopment Potential is HIGH CONCEPT ALTERNATIVES: Three high-level concepts were evaluated as part of the future Sun Road Sub Area. The concepts considered existing conditions, project objectives, and potential redevelopment opportunities for further exploration. The opportunities considered modifying existing land uses and mobility and access consistent with the Sub Area's intended vision and goal. The three alternatives included: ■ Concept 1: Regional Transit Hub/Ground Level Commercial/Community Housing + Free Market [Comfort Inn is not included in development plan] ■ Concept 2: Ground Level Commercial/Community Housing [Lot by Lot in Phases] ■ Concept 3: Full Sub -Area Redevelopment [with Comfort Inn] Ground Level Commercial/Community Housing CONCEPT 1: Multi -modal Park-`N-Ride Structure Description: ■ New 2-3 story parking structure to accommodate 500-550 parking spaces ■ Multi -modal function serving visitors ■ Access to transit and gondola ■ Sun Road right-of-way remains ■ Comfort Inn remains ■ Walgreens, FirstBank and U.S. Post Office site to be redeveloped to accommodate similar retail uses Sun Road Redevelopment Plan November 13, 2024 DRAFT Page 42 of 55 Key -- SludyAreas ••••• Pedestrian Connections M Public Open Space M Parking Structure r Right of Way/Surface Parking Existing Buildings Proposed Buildings Fig Sun Road — Concept 1 (Needs update) CONCEPT 2: Community Housing < Description: • New community housing to f accommodate 190- 220 units • New shared use parking structure to accommodate 200- 300 parking spaces • Sun Road rights -of- _I way remains • Comfort Inn remains I • FirstBank parcel remains, or is modified to accommodate other uses as a pharmacy a `: retail -postal outlet J Sun Road Redevelopment Plan November 13, 2024 DRAFT Page 43 of 55 CONCEPT 3: Full Sub Area Redevelopment POLICY — RESIDENTIAL OR LODGING FOR COMFORT INN? Description: • New community housing accommodates 200-300 units and residential amenities (pool / club house) • New shared -use parking structure to accommodates 200-300 parking spaces • Sun Road rights -of -way is eliminated • Comfort Inn, Post Office, Walgreens and FirstBank parcels are redeveloped (land acquisition / land assemblage is pursued for redevelopment • New civic green space / additional surface parking Sun Road Redevelopment Plan November 13, 2024 DRAFT Page 44 of 55 STRENGTHS, WEAKNESSES, + OPPORTUNITIES The analysis below represents each alternative and the Pros and Cons for each Concept under study. Concept 1: Multi -modal Concept 2: Community Concept 3: Full Sub Area Park-n-Ride Structure Housing Redevelopment Pros • Provides large supply of parking spaces in one location • Easily accommodates and intercepts visitors off 1-70 • New renovated ground level commercial / retail • Ability to move Avon Station to this location to accommodate expanded use Cons • Location as a major public - private funded parking investment • Large parking structure footprint • Consumes a significant portion of the Sun Road Sub Area • Limits potential to accommodate Community Housing Sun Road Redevelopment Plan November 13, 2024 DRAFT Page 45 of 55 • Supports new Community Housing opportunities • Multi -family wrapped around parking structure • Resident amenities (pool / club house, lawn area) • Opportunity for strong retail street edge on W. Beaver Creek Boulevard • Enhance pedestrian connections • Improved walking paths to Main Street Mall + beyond • Sun Road infrastructure remains • Parking structure only, limited surface parking • No drive thru lanes • Does not optimize redevelopment opportunity • Opportunity for corner retail (coffee shop, restaurant) • Stronger Street edge along W. Beaver Creek Boulevard • Enhanced pedestrian connections • Walking paths to Main Street Mall + beyond • Comfort Inn redevelops to maximize development yields • New 6-7 story lodging (250 plus rooms) Increase lodging • Amenities (pool, restaurant, small retail) • Secured, shared parking spaces in oarkina structure • Infrastructure cost to relocate Sun Road utilities • Land acquisition / land assemblage PREFERRED CONCEPT: A Multi -modal, transit -oriented development ("TOD") is a type of development that concentrates residential, business, and leisure space within walking distance of public transportation. TODs are designed to be dense, walkable, and mixed -use, and are intended to create vibrant, sustainable, and equitable communities. TODs can have many benefits, including: • Reduced dependence on cars: TODs can lead to less dependence on motor vehicles and reduce exposure to traffic and noxious fumes. • More efficient use of resources: TODs can help use resources more efficiently. • Better for Increased Equity: TODs assist in providing housing options for all persons who work within Avon, or outside of town in offering immediate multimodal transportation options. • Support for Avon's Hospitality uses: The Sun Road area is walkable to Avon's existing accommodation hotels, making this site a centralized asset for visitors. EXAMPLE 1 The Hub at Willits (Pitkin County) Source: aspensnowmass.com The Hub at Willits is located in Basalt, considered mid - valley at 22 miles (or about 25-35 minutes) from Aspen. It's next to a bus rapid transit facility, which efficiently shuttles people up and down the Valley. The Hub is located in a mixed -use development and is an easy walk to multiple restaurants, two grocery stores, outdoor trails, Crown Mountain Park and various shops and storefronts. The hope is that when residents of The Hub are commuting less, spending less money on housing, and living within the heart of the community where they work, they will have an overall better quality of life. EXAMPLE 2 Snowmass Mall Transit Center This project is still in the planning process. Similar to Avon, this is an infill project adjacent to housing and shops in the heart of Snowmass. Sun Road Redevelopment Plan November 13, 2024 DRAFT Page 46 of 55 I • f ` ri �� IM 20 Chapter 5: �...?CEMENTATION STRATEGY n This section serves as a delivery framework intended as a guide for future decision making and programming. INTRODUCTION: The Sun Road Redevelopment sub -area parcels for U.S. Post Office, Walgreens and First Bank are already zoned Town Center. Redevelopment could proceed without Town incentives and facilitation. The Implementation Strategy in this Plan focuses on creating a high quality, mixed -use development that includes a new regional transit center, ground level neighborhood services and high density Community Housing development. This section outlines the steps, challenges and Town's role to coordinate, facilitate, incentivize and advance redevelopment in this Plan area. STRATEGY: A. US POST OFFICE/WALGREENS/FIRSTBANK PARCELS: The primary parcels for redevelopment planning are focused on the U.S. Post Office, Walgreens and FirstBank parcels because they are currently under -developed and identified as having a high potential for redevelopment. These parcels represent a unique opportunity to create a strong and attractive mixed -use development on a prominent corner of Avon Road. Town's initial role includes contacting each of the property owners and establishing a working relationship for conceptual design, planning and coordination for redevelopment. B. COMFORT INN PARCEL: The Comfort Inn parcel is identified as having medium potential for redevelopment. The current zoning is designated as a "retired" which means any redevelopment will require a new zoning designation. The recommended new zoning is Mixed -Use Commercial in order to serve as a transition from the Town Center zoning to the (medium/high?) Residential Zone District to the west (Greenbrier). The Town will support and facilitate an application for rezoning of the Comfort Inn Parcel when desired by the property owner. C. REGIONAL TRANSIT CENTER: The planning, design and financing of a new regional transit center is complex. This effort will require coordination with CORE Transit and CDOT; coordination with existing uses (i.e. U.S. Post Office, Walgreens, and FirstBank); planning and design to integrate upper floor offices, high density residential, a parking structure and a public plaza; pursuit of state and federal grant funding; public financing by the Town of Avon, Avon Downtown Development Authority, and/or Avon Housing Authority; and partnership with private developer. Planning for a new Transit Center should include a "build -out" assessment of potential development and projected growth of transit services for the next 50 years. Avon will take the lead on coordinating with CORE Transit and will offer the take the lead on apply for grant applications to assist with design and programming costs. D. PLANNING AND DESIGN FOR US POST OFFICE, WALGREENS, FIRSTBANK: Planning and design of for the U.S. Post Office, Walgreens and FirstBank will require initial coordination and assessment by each existing property to determine space needs and any specialized designs unique to the use in a redevelopment design (e.g. loading for U.S. Post Office, drive -through for U.S. Post Office, Walgreens, and FirstBank). Transition and displacement mitigation must also be considered for any future redevelopment. Such mitigation may include temporary alternate locations and/or phasing of development to create new commercial space before demolition of existing space. Sun Road Redevelopment Plan November 13, 2024 DRAFT Page 48 of 55 E. CONCEPTUAL DESIGN: The Town will seek to conduct or facilitate initial conceptual designs which will be primarily intended to advance conversations and planning, determine physical feasibility, and to generate prospective layouts and square footage estimates of different uses to create a financial pro forma for potential development projects. The conceptual design process should utilize a Request for Proposal process that is defined and administered with inclusion of the existing property owners and the Avon DDA. The conceptual design should consider traffic flow through the site from Avon Road to the planned alignment and intersection for access to Lot B/Lot 3. F. PARKING DISTRICT: Redevelopment of the plan area will require significant parking and a parking structure. Conceptual design should recognize and seek to incorporate the designation of a parking district as authorized in the Avon Development Code to reduce overall parking requirements and to create a functional parking structure with safe pedestrian connections to ground floor uses. G. DENSITY BONUS: The Avon Development Code allows for Density Bonuses for projects which provide Community Housing, public spaces, and economic benefits. Density Bonuses may include increased building height and reduced parking. The Sun Road Plan area may be suitable for increased building heights due to the location on the north side of West Town Center. Any increase in building heights should be used to create architectural interest and variation in building heights rather than attempting to create a monotonous super block building on the site. Limited reduction of parking for residential uses combined with access to car share programs should be considered. H. FINANCIAL MODELLING: Town will retain third party consultants to assist with financial modelling of potential development scenarios. Financial modelling will occur concurrently with development of conceptual designs. Financial modelling will consider various mixes of deed restricted and free market residential development, various mixes of resident occupied and price capped/rent capped deed restrictions, tax revenues from different commercial, retail, residential and public uses, and potential tax increment financing revenues as relates to the Avon URA and Avon DDA. The Avon Housing Authority, or regional partnership of housing authorities, will be considered as a source of public financing. TRANSITION AND DISPLACEMENT MITIGATION: Concurrently with development of conceptual designs, Town will work closely with existing property owners to identify feasible transition and displacement mitigation. Transition and displacement mitigation may include assisting with off -site temporary commercial space and/or phasing to develop new commercial space for move -in before demolishing existing commercial space. PARTNERSHIPS: Redevelopment of the Sun Road Sub -Area Plan area will require numerous partnerships. Conceptual planning will require existing property owners to partner with the Town of Avon, Avon Downtown Development Authority, Core Transit, and potential grant funding agencies. Once a viable conceptual design is determined, then the Town would conduct a Request for Proposal for Development Services to solicit an interested developer to further refine designs and ultimate redevelop of the site. Sun Road Redevelopment Plan November 13, 2024 DRAFT Page 49 of 55 IMPLEMENTATION TIMELINE: Adopt Sun Road Sub -Area Plan: Q1 — 2025 Scoping for Transit Center and Existing Users: Q1-Q2 2025 Apply for Grant Funding to Defray Conceptual Design Costs: Q1 2025 Solicit Conceptual Design Services: Conceptual Design/Financial Modelling: RFP for Developer Services: Construction Design with Development Partner: Commence Phase 1 Construction: Sun Road Redevelopment Plan November 13, 2024 DRAFT Page 50 of 55 Q2 2025 Q3 2025 to Q3 2026 Q4 2026 — Q1 2027 Q2 2027 — Q1 2028 Q2 2028 Chapter 6: DESIGN r�"` STANDARDS This Chapter sets forth design standards and expectations for redevelopment of the Sun Road Plan Area which will supplement the Design Standards set forth in Avon Municipal Code 7.28.090. The intent is to provide clear guidance for desired design outcomes to maximize the efficiency of design and engineering work. Vacate Sun Road Sun Road will be vacated as a public right-of-way. The .61 acre area (26,203 sq.ft.) of Sun Road will be repurposed to increase the sidewalk right-of-way along Avon Road, provide additional right-of-way as may be need along West Beaver Creek Boulevard to accommodate angle bus parking and a round- about, and to provide public plaza area. Sidewalks: Avon Road - The sidewalk right-of-way along Avon Road shall be increased to a minimum of 16' width to allow a generous 8' wide sidewalk in front of buildings and generous 8' wide planting area for trees and landscaping. Avon Road is a busy arterial. The additional landscaping will create a barrier between the sidewalk and Avon Road to improve safety and enhance the pedestrian experience. Widening the sidewalk right-of-way by 8' is estimated to require 3,600 sq.ft. of additional area [estimated 450' length]. West Beaver Creek Boulevard The sidewalk may need to be increased to accommodate both pedestrian passage as well as boarding, deboarding and waiting for transit. There are currently 5 driveway accesses from West Beaver Creek Boulevard. Redevelopment should reduce the total driveway accesses to 2. Widening the right-of-way for angle transit stalls and wider sidewalk by 30' is estimated to require 9,000 sq.ft. of additional area [estimated 300' length]. Pedestrian Access Pedestrian access should be prioritized over vehicles wherever possible. Pedestrian access design should enhance way finding and provide attractive, comfortable and safe pedestrian routes. In addition to pedestrian access along Avon Road and West Beaver Creek Boulevard, interior pedestrian access should be functional, comfortable, safe and attractive. Public art should be integrated where possible and appropriate to enhance the pedestrian experience, including statues and sculptures, fountains, creative sidewalk designs, and murals for blank walls along pedestrian routes. Stairwells should include windows for public visibility and should include interior finishing to provide an attractive experience. Sun Road Redevelopment Plan November 13, 2024 DRAFT Page 52 of 55 Round -About Conceptual designs will explore the placement of a round -about near the intersection of Sun Road and West Beaver Creek Boulevard in appropriate alignment to serve the common driveway access for Lot B and Lot 3 on the south side of West Beaver Creek Boulevard. Additional right-of-way for a round- about is estimated to require 6,000 sq.ft. Public Plaza A public plaza adjacent to the West Beaver Creek Boulevard should be integrated into the project. The size of the public plaza should be at least 7,600 square feet. The public plaza should be located to provide attractive frontage for active retail uses, informal outdoor seating, landscaping and flower planters, and public art and/or water fountain. Buildings The following principles and standards shall apply to building form, design and architecture. Relevant sections of 7.28.090 Design Standards in the Avon Development Code are cited, expanded and further defined for development in this Sun -Road Plan area. Mountain contemporary architecture shall be utilized with clean design lines, stone exterior materials for the ground floor to create a base and pitched roof and roof overhangs to create a top. 7.28.090(a)Purpose. (6) To encourage developments that relate to adjoining public streets, open spaces, parks, trails and neighborhoods with building orientation and physical connections that contribute to the surrounding network of streets and walkways; Buildings should be built up to the sidewalk edge 7.28.090(j) Mixed -Use and Nonresidential Design Standards. (3) Site Layout and Design. Buildings shall be oriented to positively define and frame adjacent public streets and/or public or common spaces, while promoting the collective form of neighborhoods by: (i) Building Orientation. (A) Buildings shall reinforce the street edges and create pedestrian -scaled open spaces. Buildings on corner lots should be designed to positively define and frame the public area of both streets they front. Sun Road Redevelopment Plan November 13, 2024 DRAFT Page 53 of 55 (B) Building fronts and entries shall be oriented toward streets or public plazas and should be arranged to create courtyards and other human -scaled spaces designed to maximize solar access and exposure. (C) Ground floors of new buildings shall be at grade or elevated above grade. Under no circumstances shall a building be sunken below grade. [NOTE: property along Avon Road slopes down towards the south such that (4) Building Layout and Design (i) New development in Town Core shall maintain a high interaction between pedestrians and the activities inside the buildings at ground level. [in part] Buildings fronting on Avon Road, West Beaver Creek Boulevard and the public plaza should be "retail ready, " generally meaning that the interior floor to ceiling height should be at least 12' high and that the space should follow design standards in Section 7.28.090(J)(vii). Additionally, it is anticipated that the pedestrian experience be paramount with building designs, embracing architectural relief with considerations to vertical step -backs and articulation of, or openings within building facades to prevent a continuous "wall" experience. 7.28.090(J)(vii) Storefronts and Pedestrian Entrances. A. The first floor of all new buildings shall provide: a pedestrian -friendly environment, with human -scale and natural building materials; extensive storefront windows for display and views into the business; and access directly from adjacent sidewalks. B. When transparency is in conflict with internal functions of the building, other means shall be used to activate the street -facing facades, such as public art, architectural ornamentation or details or color patterns. C. To encourage activity along the building frontage, entrances shall be located at intervals of a maximum of thirty-two (32) feet. D. The primary access to retail spaces on Benchmark Road, Main Street and W. Beaver Creek Boulevard shall be from the sidewalk. E. New buildings should relate to the public space through architectural frontages that provide direct access into them and a transition between their private space and public streetscape. Sun Road Redevelopment Plan November 13, 2024 DRAFT Page 54 of 55 (1) New buildings shall be designed with frontages that activate the street by providing direct access to ground -floor commercial spaces. (2) To the maximum extent feasible, the principal building entrance shall face an adjacent public street, public plaza or primary public walkway. In cases where the principal entrance does not face the principal street, the entrance shall be connected to the street and adjacent parking areas with a sidewalk. (F) In order to ensure that building entrances are welcoming to pedestrians, easily identifiable and accessible from streets and sidewalks, primary entries shall be clearly visible from the street and accentuated from the overall building facade by: (1) Differentiated roof, awning or portico; (2) Covered walkways or arcades; (3) Projecting or recessed entries from the surrounding building facade; (4) Detailed doors and doorways with transoms, sidelights, trim details and/or framing; (5) Windows within doorways equivalent in size to fifty percent (50%) of door surface area; and (6) Decorative nighttime lighting where appropriate. (G) Secondary entrances shall have minor architectural detailing that adds visual interest to that portion of the facade. (H) Public doors and entryways shall be a combination of glass and metal or wood or solid wood. [END OF DOCUMENT] Sun Road Redevelopment Plan November 13, 2024 DRAFT Page 55 of 55 AVON PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES MONDAY, CICTOBER 21, 2024 avon PUBLIC MEETING BEGINS AT 5:30 PM ****VIRTUAL ONLY**** C O L 0 R A D 0 ZOOM LINK: https://us02web.zoom.us/i/83226279078 PUBLIC MEETING: 5:30 PM CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL (CHAIRPERSON) MEETING COMMENCED AT 5:34PM. A ROLLCALL WAS TAKEN, AND PLANNING COMMISSIONERS BRAD CHRISTIANSON, ANTHONY SEKINGER, OLIVIA COOK, NICOLE MURAD, AND KEVIN HYATT WERE PRESENT. BRIAN SIPES WAS ABSENT. ALSO PRESENT WERE TOWN MANAGER, ERIC HEIL, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR MATT PIELSTICKER, AICP, PLANNING MANAGER ,IENA SKINNER, AICP, PLANNER II MAX MORGAN, AICP, DEVELOPMENT COORDINATOR, EMILY BLOCK. 2. APPROVAL OF AGENDA ACTION: COMMISSIONER CHRISTIANSON MADE A MOTION TO APPROVE THE AGENDA. COMMISSIONER MURAD SECONDED THE MOTION, AND THE MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY, 5-0. 3. DISCLOSURE OF ANY CONFLICTS OF INTEREST OR EX PARTE COMMUNICATION RELATED TO AGENDA ITEMS THERE WERE NO CONFLICTS OF INTEREST OR EX PARTE COMMUNICATION. 4. PUBLIC COMMENT— COMMENTS ARE WELCOME ON ITEMS NOT LISTED ON THE FOLLOWING AGENDA PUBLIC COMMENTS ARE LIMITED TO THREE (3) MINUTES. THE SPEAKER MAY BE GIVEN ONE (1) ADDITIONAL MINUTE SUBJECT TO PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION APPROVAL. THERE WERE NO PUBLIC COMMENTS. 5. PUBLIC HEARINGS 5.1. REFR24002 - VAIL VALLEY FOUNDATION EARLY CHILDCARE CENTER REFERRAL — MAX MORGAN, AICP, PLANNER II ACTION: COMMISSIONER SEKINGER MADE A MOTION TO APPROVE THE RECOMMENDATIONS WITHIN REFR24002 AS LISTED IN THE STAFF REPORT. COMMISSIONER HYATT SECONDED THE MOTION, AND THE MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY, 5-0. . 6. CONSENT AGENDA 6.1. SEPTEMBER 9, 2024 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES 6.2. EXTENSION OF TMP24002 CDOT TRAILER STORAGE— MAX MORGAN, AICP, PLANNER II ACTION: COMMISSIONER SEKINGER MADE A MOTION TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA. COMMISSIONER HYATT SECONDED THE MOTION, AND THE MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY, 5-0. 7. FUTURE MEETINGS MEETING AGENDAS AND PACKETS ARE FOUND AT: WWW.AVON.ORG AGENDAS ARE POSTED AT AVON TOWN HALL, AVON RECREATION CENTER, ONLINE AND AVON PUBLIC LIBRARY IF YOU HAVE ANY SPECIAL ACCOMMODATION NEEDS, PLEASE, IN ADVANCE OF THE MEETING, CALL MATT PIELSTICKER AT 970-748-4413 OR EMAIL MATT@AVON.ORG WITH ANY SPECIAL REQUESTS. 7.1. NOVEMBER 11, 2024 (MONDAY - PZC TRAINING) -No OLIVIA COOK 7.2. NOVEMBER 18, 2024 (MONDAY- NO PZC TRAINING) -No OLIVIA COOK, NICOLE MURAD 8. STAFF UPDATES 9. ADJOURN MEETING AGENDAS AND PACKETS ARE FOUND AT: WWW.AVON.ORG AGENDAS ARE POSTED AT AVON TOWN HALL, AVON RECREATION CENTER, ONLINE AND AVON PUBLIC LIBRARY IF YOU HAVE ANY SPECIAL ACCOMMODATION NEEDS, PLEASE, IN ADVANCE OF THE MEETING, CALL MATT PIELSTICKER AT 970-748-4413 OR EMAIL MATT@AVON.ORG WITH ANY SPECIAL REQUESTS.