TC Res. No. 2008-28 Resolution approving and accepting the confluence metropolitan district improvement installed and constructed in accordance with the subdivision improvements agreement for the Riverfrint subdivision and establishing warran (2)TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO RESOLUTION NO. 08-28 Series of 2008 A RESOLUTION APPROVING AND ACCEPTING THE CONFLUENCE METROPOLITAN DISTRICT IMPROVEMENTS INSTALLED AND CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE SUBDIVISION IMPROVEMENTS AGREEMENT FOR THE RIVERFRONT SUBDIVISION AND ESTABLISHING WARRANTY PERIOD FOR DISTRICT PORTION OF THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS WHEREAS, the Town of Avon entered into a SUBDIVISION IMPROVEMENTS AGREEMENT, dated May 23, 2006, with Confluence Metropolitan District in connection with the approval of the Final Plat for The Riverfront Subdivision, Town of Avon, Eagle County, Colorado; and WHEREAS, said Agreement established certain public improvements to be constructed by Confluence District (District Improvements) in conjunction with said subdivision; and . WHEREAS, said Agreement established requirements for the provision of collateral to assure completion of the Subdivider Improvements in accordance with the Agreement and the subsequent release of the collateral upon completion and the stipulated warranty period; and WHEREAS, said District Improvements were substantially complete as of July 8, 2008; and WHEREAS, all required documentation for approval and acceptance of the improvements has been submitted as of July 8; 2008. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF AVON, that: 1. The District Improvements required to be constructed in conjunction with The, Riverfront Subdivision were substantially complete as of July 8, 2008,. in accordance with the SUBDIVISION IMPROVEMENTS AGREEMENT and the stipulated two-year warranty period for said improvements shall extend to July 8, 2010. 2. The public improvements are hereby approved and accepted by the Town of Avon with the exception of items of warranty work, which are identified during the warranty period, which items shall have a warranty period, which extends for one year from the date of satisfactory correction of the warranted item. 3. Effective July 8, 2008, the collateral may be released and warranty work on District's Improvements'may be secured by a Letter of Credit from the Confluence Metropolitan District, for the Town's benefit, in the amount of $ 309,494 in accordance with the Subdivision Improvements Agreement. Resolution No. 08-28 CMD Improvements Page I of 2 a~ ADOPTED THIS ..DAY OF 2008. TOWN COUNCIL TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO OF A i *SEAL Ronald C. Wolfe, Mayor ATTEST: atty cKe , Town lerk Resolution No. 08-28 CMD Improvements Page. 2 of 2 i • Memo To: Honorable Mayor and Town Council Thru: Larry Brooks, Town Manager From: Justin Hildreth, P.E. Town Engineer 64-- Jeffrey Schneider, P.E. Project Engineer Date: June 30, 2008 Re: Resolution 08-28, Series of 2008, A Resolution Approving and Accepting the Confluence Metropolitan District Improvements Installed and Constructed in Accordance with the Subdivision Improvements Agreement for the Riverfront Subdivision and Establishing the Warranty Period for the Public Improvements Summary: Resolution 08-28, Series of 2008, is a resolution approving and accepting the Confluence Metropolitan District Improvements associated with the Riverfront Subdivision, and is attached as Item 1. Confluence Metropolitan District has submitted all required documentation for approval and acceptance of the District Improvements required by the Subdivision Improvements Agreement (SIA), attached Item 2, for Riverfront Subdivision. These improvements consist of all streets, roads, walkways, drainage facilities and utilities required to access and serve the Subdivision. Most of these Improvements have been substantially complete and functioning since November, 2007, but the road was not accepted because of the need to conduct construction staging in the Riverfront Lane Right-of-Way. Since that time the few remaining items have been completed and the required documentation has been submitted. All required submittals and documentation were completed July 8, 2008, which is recommended as the date for acceptance and • initiation of the Warranty Period. Previous Council Action: Town Council approved Resolution 06-25 on May 23, 2006, approving the Final Plat, Subdivision Improvements Agreement and related documents for Riverfront Subdivision, Town of Avon, Eagle County, Colorado. Background: Resolution No. 08-28, Series of 2008, attached as Exhibit A, approves and accepts the District Improvements and establishes the warranty period in conformance with the SIA. The warranty period is currently secured by District Funds in the amount of five percent (5%) of the total cost of the subdivision improvements, or $303,494, reserved in a bond security account. All disbursements from the bond security account are subject to approval by the Town, therefore the Town can assure that the minimum account balance is maintained throughout the stipulated two- year warranty period. We recommend approval of Resolution No. 08-28, Series of 2008, A Resolution Approving and Accepting the Confluence Metropolitan District Improvements Installed and Constructed in Accordance with the Subdivision Improvements Agreement for the Riverfront Subdivision and Establishing the Warranty Period for the Public Improvements. Discussion: The Riverfront Subdivision SIA between Confluence Metropolitan District and the Town of Avon provides for construction of the public improvements required to serve the proposed subdivision. The improvements generally included all streets & roads, storm drainage and utilities (water & sewer) as listed in Exhibit A to the SIA and Cost Estimates in Exhibit B to the SIA. 0 Page y~ Construction change orders raised the actual construction cost to $6,189,881 from the $5,394,280 amount shown in the SIA. • Documentation verifying satisfactory completion of the improvements is attached: Exhibit C - Alpine Engineering, Inc. Engineer's Opinion of Project Conformity Exhibit D - Hepworth-Pawlak Geotechnical Letter Verifying - Compliance of Materials, Riverfront Subdivision, Avon, Colorado Exhibit E - Excel Energy Letter verifying completion and acceptance of High Pressure Gas Line serving the Riverfront Subdivision project Exhibit F - Holy Cross Energy Letter verifying that all conduit and vaults required for primary electric services have been installed and accepted Exhibit G - Eagle River Water & Sanitation District - Water Main Letter verifying water main installation has passed all required construction inspections of the acceptance procedure Exhibit H - Eagle River Water & Sanitation District - Sewer Main Letter verifying sewer main installation has passed all required construction inspections of the acceptance procedure Since the Confluence Metropolitan District has satisfied the requirements set forth in the SIA, staff recommends approval of Resolution No. 08-28, Series of 2008, A Resolution Approving and Accepting the Confluence Metropolitan District Improvements Installed and Constructed in Accordance with the Subdivision Improvements Agreement for the Riverfront Subdivision and • Establishing the Warranty Period for the Public Improvements. Financial Implications: No financial implications to the Town of Avon. Recommendation: Approve Resolution No. 08-28, Series of 2008, A Resolution Approving and Accepting the Confluence Metropolitan District Improvements Installed and Constructed in Accordance with the Subdivision Improvements Agreement for the Riverfront Subdivision and Establishing the Warranty Period for the Public Improvements. Proposed Motion: I move to approve Resolution No. 08-28, Series of 2008, A Resolution Approving and Accepting the Confluence Metropolitan District Improvements Installed and Constructed in Accordance with the Subdivision Improvements Agreement for the Riverfront Subdivision and Establishing the Warranty Period for the Public Improvements. Town Manager • • Page 2 A- i • • • Exhibft Exhibit A - Resolution No. 08-28, Series of 2008 Exhibit B - Subdivision Improvements Agreement Exhibit C - Alpine Engineering, Inc. - Engineer's Opinion of Project Conformity Exhibit D - Hepworth-Pawlak Geotechnical - Letter Verifying Compliance of Materials Exhibit E - Excel Energy - Letter Verifying Completion & Acceptance of High Pressure Gas Line Exhibit F - Holy Cross Energy - Letter Verifying Completion & Acceptance of Primary Electric Service Conduits & Vaults Exhibit G - Eagle River Water & Sanitation District - Letter Verifying Water Main Construction Inspections Acceptance Exhibit H - Eagle River Water & Sanitation District - Letter Verifying Sewer Main Construction Inspections Acceptance • Page 3 13 EXHIBIT A~ TOWN OF AVON RESOLUTION NO 08-28 Series of 2008 A RESOLUTION APPROVING AND'ACCEPTING THE CONFLUENCE METROPOLITAN DISTRICT IMPROVEMENTS INSTALLED AND CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE SUBDIVISION IMPROVEMENTS AGREEMENT FOR THE RIVERFRONT SUBDIVISION AND. ESTABLISHING WARRANTY PERIOD FOR DISTRICT PORTION OF THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS WHEREAS, the Town of Avon entered into a SUBDIVISION IMPROVEMENTS AGREEMENT, dated May 23, 2006, with Confluence Metropolitan District in connection with the approval of theTinal'Plat for The Riverfront Subdivision, Town of Avon, Eagle County, Colorado; and WHEREAS, said Agreement established certain public improvements to be constructed by Confluence District (District Improvements) in conjunction with said subdivision; and r~ U WHEREAS, said Agreement established requirements for the provision of collateral to assure completion of the Subdivider Improvements in accordance with the Agreement and the subsequent release of the collateral upon completion and the stipulated warranty period; and • WHEREAS, said District Improvements were substantially complete as of July 8, 2008; and WHEREAS; all required documentation for approval and acceptance of the improvements has been submitted as of July 8, 2008. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF AVON, that: 1. The District Improvements required to be constructed in conjunction with The Riverfront Subdivision were substantially complete as of July 8, 2008, in accordance with the SUBDIVISION IMPROVEMENTS AGREEMENT and the stipulated two-year warranty period for said improvements shall extend to July 8, 2010. 2. The public improvements are hereby approved and accepted by the Town of Avon with the exception of items of warranty work, which are identified during the warranty period, which items shall have a warranty period, which extends for one year from the date of satisfactory correction of the warranted item. • JARiverfront Sub-d\2.8 Construction\2.9 Completeion\2.9.1 Correspondence\Resolution Completion.Doc • 3. Effective July 8, 2008, the collateral may be released and warranty work on District's Improvements may be secured by a Letter of Credit from the Confluence Metropolitan District, for the Town's benefit, in the amount of $ 309,494 in accordance with the Subdivision Improvements Agreement. ADOPTED THIS DAY OF , 2008. TOWN COUNCIL TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO • Ronald C. Wolfe, Mayor ATTEST: Patty McKenny, Town Clerk J:\Riverfront Subd\2.8 Construction\2.9 Completeion\2.9.1 Correspondence\Resolution Completion.Doc 6 EAGLE COUNTY. 20@615951 TEAK J SIMONTON 23 Pgs : 26 04:52-19pn @611512@06 REC= $131.00 DOC: $ RIVERFRONT SUBli1V1S1UN EXHl~6 QTTI2T%TA7TQ1rn V TMD1DnV i'1~/ V'rQ A /'_bi?1G1riAM -r Qd THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this ;-day of , 2006, is by and among Confluence Metropolitan District; a Colorado quasi-munici " orporation and political subdivision of the State of Colorado (the "District"), and the Town of Avon, a Colorado municipality, by and through its Council (the "Town"). RECITALS . WHEREAS, the District, in connection with the approval of the final plat for the . Riverfront Subdivision; consisting of 18.893 acres in the Town of Avon, Eagle County, Colorado (the "Subdivision"), desires to enter into a Subdivision Improvements Agreement ("Agreement") with the Town as provided for by Section 16.24.100 of the Avon Municipal Code, as amended (the "Code"); and WHEREAS, pursuant to the Code, the Town desires to make reasonable provisions for completion of certain public improvements ("Improvements'.") as depicted on the plans approved by the Town for the Subdivision dated m" :,~D; ?cam ("Approved Plans') and as identified in Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference, together with minor changes approved by the Town Engineer; and WHEREAS, the District is responsible for the completion of the Improvements; provided, nothing herein shall be construed as relieving the obligations of the Owner (as defined therein) pursuant to the Amended and Restated Development Agreement dated March 14, 2006. AGREEMENT NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the following mutual covenants, conditions and promises, the parties hereby agree as follows: 1. Final Plat Approval. The Town agrees that upon compliance with all other conditions of approval, and subject. to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, the Final, Plat of Riverfront Subdivision ("Subdivision");,shall be promptly filed for recording with the Office of the Eagle County Clerk and Recorder. 2. . Completion of Work. E (a) Performance. The District agrees to furnish all equipment, labor and material necessary to perform and complete, in a good and workmanlike manner, all Improvements and work incidental thereto ("the Work's as depicted on the Approved Plans. - The District further agrees that it will be responsible for all costs of the . Improvements as itemized on Exhibit B attached hereto and incorporated herein. All said • Work shall be performed in accordance with the Approved Plans. The District agrees to SIA-Riverfront-4 27 cin ] commence construction of Improvements prior to the issuance of a building permit for r any improvements -in the Subdivision and to complete.,-the .:Improvements prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy for any building on any lot in the Subdivision served by the Improvements. Commencement of construction of.Improvements shall be deemed to mean the,.award ..and execution. of contracts for the -construction . of the Improvements as depicted on the Approved Plans (b) Inspection Procedures. (1) . All work shall be done under the 'inspection procedures and standards established by the, Town and Holy Cross Energy, Eagle River Water and Sanitation District, .Excel.Energy, Qwest Communications, Comcast or any other utility ("Utilities'-'.), as_applicable and shall be subject to the reasonable satisfaction of the Town and applicable Utilities. All work shall not be deemed complete until the reasonable . approval and acceptance of the Improvements by the Town and/or the Utilities. Such inspections by the.-Town and Utilities shall not relievethe District or its agents from any responsibility. or obligation to assure that all Work is completed in conformance with all standards, :plans and-specifications, as submitted to and previously approved bythe.Town and Utilities. The Town will forward.copies of observation. reports to the Districtand the District's engineers (who-shall be registered in the State of . Colorado) responsible for - providing the opinion required by Section 6 hereof. .(2) Designation of Inspectors. Prior to commencement of construction work on. the Improvements, the Town will designate the individuals and/or independent third parties employed by, -the Town who are authonzed. to inspect the construction of the; Improvements. Such inspections by the Town• shall not relieve the .District or its agents from any responsibility or obligation to assure that all work, is. completed in conformance with standards, plans and specifications as submitted to and previously approved by the Town. (3) - Cost.of Inspections. The cost of such inspections; by Town employees or, an independent third party inspector, shall be paid by the District, subject to the limitations. set forth in paragraph 7 below. (4) Notice of Non-Complian ce: In. the event. that the Town through its inspectors reasonably determines. that the:Improvements are riot in compliance: with the Approved Plans, or that additional observation or testing by the project engineer is necessary to assure compliance, it shall give written notice of such non-compliance; or additional observation, or testing requests, to the District's engineers and the District ("Notice of Non-Compliance"). The Notice of Non-Compliance shall include a, narrative describing the unsatisfactory. construction work with specific. reference to the applicable construction plans and • specifications.. The Notice of. Non-Compliance must be provided to the District's engineers and. the District within two (2) working days of the date of the - . observation. The. notice may be provided in an informal manner agreed upon. by the parties and without compliance with Section 15 hereof... SIA-Rive ftnt-4 27 do , ,.,2 3. Security for Completion of Improvements and Obligations. To secure • completion of the Improvements and the District's obligations to the Town hereunder, -the District hereby- agrees to secure the respective obligations under this Agreement, as provided in this Agreement and in accordance with Section 16.24. 100 of the Code. 4. District Obligations Concerning Improvements. (a) Funding Resolution. The District has adopted a resolution (the "Funding Resolution") -attached hereto as Exhibit C authorizing the District's execution of this Agreement and providing for the appropriation, segregation and use of funds in an amount sufficient to guarantee the construction of the Improvements as sOt-forth on the Approved Plans. The estimated costs of completion of the Improvements are. set forth on Exhibit B. The Town acknowledges and agrees that funding for the Improvements is subject to the issuance of.bonds by-the District for such purposes. In accordance with the terms of the -Indenture, of Trust by which the bonds will be issued, the Bond Trustee will serve as custodian of the bond proceeds to ensure than such proceeds are. applied for the purposes of funding the Improvements. The procedure by which funds are released involves the filing of 'Draw Requests" together with related invoices . with the Bond Trustee. The Indenture of Trust shall contain provisions authorizing the Town to submit Draw Requests to;-the Bond Trustee, in order to effectuate the Town's remedies to draw funds for constructing the Improvements, in the event of a default -by the. District • hereunder. The Town agrees to use the proceeds of the District's-bonds only for the purpose of paying the costs of the Improvements, -and not to apply such funds for purposes not authorized in the Indenture of Trust. The Funding Resolution specifically provides that, subject to the terms of the Indenture of Trust, all funds referenced therein are unencumbered and free from claims of others such. that,-if. necessary, any requests -for payment approved by the Town may be promptly honored. Asa condition to recordation of the Final Plat, the District shall provide the Town Engineer with evidence that such funds have been appropriated and. segregated in a separate interest bearing account (the "Security Account") and identified for use in connection with this Agreement. The District shall renew the Funding Resolution at the beginning of each subsequent calendar year-until all Improvements have received final acceptance or until the District provides substitute collateral acceptable to the Town. (b) Progress 'Payments on Improvements. The District may make progress -payments to its contractors from the Security Account on a monthly basis -'upori the partial completion of itemized Improvements and upon fifteen (I5) days',prior. written notice, which notice will, include an itemized statement of the .monthly payment, to the Town. The District shall retain ten percent (10%) of the amount of each payment until : final completion and acceptance of all work covered by each construction contract; • SIA-Riverfront-4 27 On 3 g provided, however,: when the, value of work completed, has progressed. to ,f fty percent (50%) of the contract amount, the District shall not be required to withhold additional retainage for the remainder of the work under such contract. The ten percent (10%) retainage of the value of the work completed maybe reinstated if in the Town's opinion the lack of progress or other substantial reasons exist. Subject to the foregoing;. in no event shall any progress payment cause the remaining sum to be available in the Security Account for subsequent disbursements to be less than one hundred ten percent (-110%) of the costs to complete all remaining Improvements as estimated at the. time of each progress payment., Upon completion of all work related to the Improvements, the Town's acceptance of the Improvements and the expiration. of the Warranty Period as set forth in paragraph 5 below the Town shall release any further interest in the Security Account. (c) Default by District. In the event of a default in whole or in part by the. District, the Town shall be authorized to access the funds in the Security Account for the purpose of undertaking completion or remediation work on the Improvements after providing thirty,. (30) days' advance written notice of default and providing a opportunity during such period.for the District to cure the default. The Town shall'be entitled to draw on,.the Security-:Account by Resolution of the Town Council, stating (i) that-the District is in default, and (ii) the funds are required in order to complete or correct,. work on the 4nprovementsl. District funds identified in the Funding, Resolution shall be held, -whether by the District or the Town, in compliance with the requirements,of C.R.S. Section 29-1-803(1) for the purpose of providing for the completion of the Improvements. • 5.. Warranty Period. The Improvements shall be warranted to be free from defects in workmanship or quality for a period of two (2) years after acceptance of all the work by the Town. In the event of any such defect,. the Town may require the' District to correct* the defect in material or workmanship. Five percent (5%) of the total actual cost of completion of all Improvements shall be retained in the Security Account, or such amount shall otherwise be secured by a letter of creditor other collateral acceptable:to the Town during such two (2) year period as a guaranty of performance of any work required pursuant to.the above described warranty. In the event any corrective work is!performed during the two-year warranty period, then the warranty on said corrected work shall be extended for one (1) year from the date on which it is completed. and an amount equal to 1.25% of the cost of any.corrected work, as estimated by the Town, shall during such one- year extension period be retained in the Security Account, or-such amount shall otherwise be. secured by a letter of credit or other collateral acceptable -to the Town, if, sufficient funds are not held in the Security Account or otherwise secured as provided in this paragraph 4 above. , . 6. Engineering Opinion. Upon completion of portions of the Improvements, the District will cause its engineers (who shall have been actively engaged in observing the- construction of the. Improvements and be -registered in the State of Colorado) to provide- a written opinion, in a form satisfactory to the Town Engineer; that based upon on-site observation; review of sufficient construction-observation reports, field test SIA-Riverfront-4 27 cln 01 reports and material test reports and certifications by qualified personnel, the installation of the Improvements, `or portions thereof as may be, completed from time to, time, have been completed, to the best of their knowledge and professional judgment,, in substantial conformance with all standards, plans and specifications as submitted to and previously approved by the Town, or the pertinent `utility supplier, as depicted on the Approved Plans, as such Approved Plans may be revised and subsequently approved. The engineer's opinion shall also include'a statement that'the opinion is based on a reasonable review and investigation of all observation reports by' the Town inspectors and that all issues of ,"Non-Compliance" and additional observation and testing requests that have been provided to the engineer were addressed-to their satisfaction" pridi'to issuance of engineer's opinion. Inspection reports, test, results, as-constructed 'plans and - other supporting documentation shall be submitted with the engineer's opinion. 7. Subdivision and ' Inspection Fees. Fees - in accordance with the Town's Subdivision' Regulations for the review of Preliminary -'Plans and Final Plats have, been paid in.full. Additional. fees shall be paid to the Town' by-the District within thirty (30) days after delivery of written invoice for such-fees to cover the cost of inspections by the Town. The fees, if any, will be based on direct (out-of-pocket) costs of the Town plus an administrative fee in the amount of fifteen (15%) percent of the direct costs, but in no event' will,,the' -total amount of such additional fees exceed five percent (5%) of construction costs. 8. No Obligation of Town to Complete Improvements. The District agrees • that in the event the District shall fail to perform its 'obligations as set forth herein, the Town shall be "under no obligation to complete any of the said Improvements or to issue permits for development within the Subdivision. 9. Non-Liability of Town: Indemnification. The Town shall not, nor shall any officer, agent, or employee thereof, be liable or responsible for any accident; loss or damage related to the Work specified 'in this Agreement, nor.shall the Town, ,nor any officer, agent or employee thereof, be liable for any persons or property injured by reason of the nature of said Work. To the extent permitted by law, the District hereby agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Town, and any of its officers; agents - and employees against any losses,' claiins, damages or liabilities to-which the Town' or any of its officers, agents or employees may become subject, because of any losses, claims, damages or liabilities (or actions in respect thereof) that arise out of, or are based upon, any acts' or omissions in the performance of the obligations of the District, 'as hereinbefore stated. . Furthermore, the District shall reimburse the Town for any and all legal or other expenses reasonably incurred by the Town in connection with investigating or defending any such loss or claim. 10. Rights of Town in Event of Default. In the event that the District defaults in whole or in part in the performance of this Agreement, and after'the -expiration of thirty (30) days after having given written notice to the District of such default; during which period of time the District fails to correct said default, the Town may, at its sole SIA-Rimfront4 27 cin 5 \0 discretion, exercise its rights under Section 4(c) above and proceed with the construction • or completion of the Improvements specified on the. Approved Plans. All such costs paid by the Town for such Improvements, together with an administrative fee in the amount of fifteen, percent. (15%) of total direct-costs including cost of personnel, equipment and other amounts expended by the Town in furtherance of the. construction.responsibilities of the District, shall be paid by the Districtz. The Town may bring a mandatory injunction action against the District to require installation and construction of the Improvements. If any such action is brought by the Town and the Town-prevails in its..legal action against the District, the Town shall be awarded its court costs; attorneys' fees and an. amount to compensate the Town for the time of its employees in the preparation of and participation in such action. 11. Town Acceptance of Improvements. (a) . Procedures for Acceptance. Upon completion of all construction by the District, the District's engineers shall submit a written.; request to . the Town. Engineer stating that to the, , best of their knowledge the, installation of all Improvements are completein accordance with the Approved Plans and requesting a joint inspection. Upon receipt of, such. request the Town Engineer will schedule and perform a joint inspection with the District's engineer. Following the joint inspection and review. ,of all field observation reports, test reports, material certifications and other documentation, the Town Engineer will prepare a written Final Acceptance Punch List.. The District shall make all corrections as so itemized and upon completion of the Final Acceptance Punch • List work, the District's engineer shall submit to the Town Engineer a written request for a joint inspection and final acceptance. .Following, a,joint-inspection with the District's engineer and review of supporting documentation the Town Engineer will issue a revised written Final Acceptance Punch List to the District and.the same procedures as described herein shall apply to such revised Final Acceptance Punch List. When the Town Engineer finds the Final Acceptance Punch List Work ;has, been satisfactorily completed a Resolution will be prepared for Town Council. action making a determination that the Improvements 'are complete and establishing the start of. the warranty period. The warranty period set forth in paragraph 5 above with respect to the Improvements shall commence upon the date as set forth in the Town's Resolution-making the determination that the Final Acceptance Punch List has been satisfactorily completed. (b) Letter Certif3dng_ Completion and Final Acceptance of improvements. When all Improvements have been completed and accepted by the Town, or the pertinent utility supplier, and the Warranty Period has expired and. provided that the District is not in default under any of its other obligations to the Town, : the. Town agrees that it will issue a letter, after consultation with the pertinent utility. supplier if necessary, in recordable form, certifying that all obligations of the, District under this Agreement have been satisfied. • S1A-Riverfront-4 27 cln 6 ~l 12. Amendments. This Agreement may be amended from time to time, provided that such amendment is in writing and signed by all parties hereto. • 13. Covenants Running with the Land. This Agreement and the obligations hereof shall be deemed to be covenants running with the land and shall be binding on the successors and assigns of the parties hereto. 14. Venue. Venue for any litigation arising out of this Agreement shall be in the District Court for Eagle County, Colorado. 15. Notices. All notices, demands or other communications required or permitted to be given hereunder shall be in writing and any and all such items shall be deemed to have been duly delivered upon personal delivery; or as of the third business day after mailing by United States mail, certified, return receipt requested, postage prepaid, to the address set forth below; or as of 12:00 noon on the immediately following business day after deposit with Federal Express or a similar overnight courier service, to the address set forth below; or as of the third business hour (a business hour being one of the hours from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on business days, local time of the recipient) after transmitting by facsimile to the number set forth below and evidenced by an electronic delivery receipt: If to the District: White Bear and Ankele Professional Corporation • 1805 Shea Center Drive, Suite 100 Highlands Ranch, CO 80129 Attn: William P. Ankele, Jr., Esq. District Counsel Telephone: (303) 858-1800 Facsimile: (303) 858-1801 with a copy to: Wear, Travers & Perkins, P.C. 1000 South Frontage Road West Suite 200 Vail, Colorado 81657 Attn: Richard D. Travers, Esq. Telephone: (970) 476-7646 Facsimile: (970) 476-7118 is S1A-Riverfront-4 27 On Nv If to the Town: • 0 A Town of Avon P.O. Box 975 Avon, CO - 81620 Attn: John W. Dunn, Town Attorney Telephone: (970) 748-6400:- Facsimile: (970)'748-8881 The parties hereto have executed this Agreement as of the date first above written. GF los TOWN OF AVON, a Colorado Municipal { Corporation -zi By: :c nny, o Ronald C. Wolfe,-Mayor APP V AS TO FORM: John . Dunn, Town Attorney DISTRICT: CONFLUENCE METROPOLITAN " DISTRICT Eagle County, Colorado By: Nam . Ti M+ A - SIA-Riverfront-4 27 cin 8 APPROVED PLANS: Construction Drawings Town of Avon, Colorado _ 220 'Sheets 1 through Release Date: , 20 Prepared by: Technical Specifications Town of Avon, Colorado _ 920 Sheets 1 through - 7-Release Date:. , 20_ Prepared by: " SIA-Riverfront-4 27 cln EXHIBIT A Subdivision Improvements Agreement 9 • • EXHIBIT A Subdivision Improvements Agreement APPROVED PLANS: 1. Riverfront Subdivision Construction Plans Road, Grading, Drainage, Water, Sewer and Utility Plans Revision Date May 12, 2006, subject to resolution of all comments in attached letter dated May 1, 2006 to East West Resorts Development XIV LP LLLP from Norman Wood, P.E., Town Engineer, Town of Avon, Colorado. As Prepared by: Alpine Engineering, Inc. Technical Specifications: Technical Specifications for Riverfront Subdivision March 2006 Owner: East West Partners P.O. Box 2770 Avon, CO 81620 Engineer: Alpine Engineering P.O. Box 97 Edwards. CO 81632 2. The Riverfront Village Overall Landscape Master Plan Avon, Colorado Revision Date March 24, 2006 (Progress Set - Not for Construction), subject to compliance with all conditions in attached letter dated April 10, 2006 to East West Partners from Matt Pielsticker; Planner I, Town of Avon, Colorado. As Prepared by: S1A-Riverfront4 27 cln Terrasan Planning & Landscape Architecture \6 RIVERFRONT SUBDIVISION ALPINE BID TAB ENGINEERING INC March 28, 2006 B 8 B vating Item Description Unit Quantity Unit Price Total 1 Mobilization LS 1 $ 263,500.00 $ 263,500.00 2 Traffic Control LS 1 $ 99,075.00 $ 99,075.00 3 Obstruction Removal LS 1 $ . 190,000.00 $ 190,000.00 4 Clearing LS 1 $ 35,000.00 $ 35,000.00 SobtaRal S 58'7;5'7:00.' ROADS 5 Topsoil Remove and Stockpile CY 2,594 $ 5.10 $ 13,229.40 6 To it Re lace 6" CY 2,038 $ _ 8.15 16,609.70 7 Excavation CY 12,344 $ 4.70 $ 58,016.80 8 Embankment CY 33,402 $ 4.50 $ 150,309.00 9 Borrow, Haul, and Embankment CY 22,365 $ 4.12 $ 92,143.80 10 Export o Unsuitable Material CY 4,200 $ 17.00 $ 71,400.00 11 Borrow, Hain and Embankment (for replacing unsuitable material) CY 4,200 $ 4.12 $ 17,304.00 12 Overezcavation of Man-placed Fill CY 8,713 $ 4.00 $ 34,852.00 Embankment for Overexcavation of Man- placed Fill CY 10,020 $ 4.50 $ 45,090.00 14 MSE Walls using Modular Block SF 1,770 $ 50.82 $ . 89,951.40 15 MSE Walls with Modular Block and Veneer _ SF 1,282 $ 82.93 $ 106,316.26 16 Guardrail LF 141 $ 186.00 $ 26,226.00 17 Jersey Barricade (CDOT Type 4 LF 130 $ 34.00 $ 4,420.00 18 Removable Bollards EA 2 $ 605.00 $ 1,210.00 19 Concrete Curb and Gutter (Z5) LF 3,711 $ 25.31 $ 93,925.41 20 6" Median Curb and.Gutter LF 34 $ 4739' $ 1,611.26 21 4" Mountable Median Curb and Gutter LF Ill $ 32.48 $ 3,605.28 22, 4' Concrete Pan LF 731 57.79 $ 42,244.49 23 Concrete. Sidewalk SF 11,613- $ 7.59 $ 88,142.67 24 Class 6 ABC for roads TON 2,353 26.18 61;601.54 25 Class 6 ABC for connectin' paths) TON 583 $ 25.50 $ '14,866.50 26 Class 6 ABC (Sales Center Parkin TON 159 $ 26.25 $ . 4,173.75 27 Asphalt (for roads . TON 1,687 $ 58.50. _98,689.50 . 28 Asphalt (for connecting paths) TON 189 $ 64.00 $ 12,096.00 29 Asphalt Overlay (path) TON 341 $ 65.60 1 22,369.60. 30 Asphalt (Sales Center Parkin TON 74 $ 64.00 $ 4,736.00 ` 31 Widen Existing Path LF 1,598 34.00 $ 54,332.00 32 ADA Ram EA 26 $ 962.90 $ 25,035.40 33 Sto Bar Striping EA 1 $ 397.00. $ 397.00 34 Turn Arrows EA 4 $ 350.00 1,400.00 35 4" Solid Line Striping LF 3,486 $ 0.76 $ 2,649.36 36 6" Dashed Line Striping LF 90 $ 1.20 $ 108.00 37 8".Dashed Line Striping. LF 53 $ . 1.52 $ 80.56 38' 8"Solid Line Str' in LF 225• $ 1.52 $ 342.00 39 Parkin Area Striping LS 1 2266 $ 2,266.00 40 Signs EA 21 $ 345.00 $ 7,245.00 41 Paver Crosswalks EA 6 $ 14,619.27 $ 87,715.62 42 Paver Transit Area LS 1 $ 26,240.92 ENGINEERING $ 26,240.92 U 0 1 • • • B&B F~cpvatin 43 Pedestrian Rail LF 223 $ 133.00 $ 29,659.00 44 Path Rail LF 303 $ 100.00 $ 30,300.00 45 Concrete Wheel Stops EA 7 $ 90.00 $ 630.00 Saltotal:. $ 1,443;54113 DRAINAGE 46 Sand Oil interceptor EA 2 $ 16,814.00 $ 33,628.00 47 Manhole 4' Diameter EA 10 $ 1,455.00 $ 14,550.00 48 Manhole 5' Diameter EA 1 $ 2,333.00 $ 2,333.00 49 Manhole 6' Diameter EA 1 $ 7,750.00 $ 7,750.00 50 Curb Inlet EA 2 $ 2,300.00 $ 4,600.00 51 Inlet Type C EA 2 $ 2,565.00 $ 5,130.00 52 Inlet Type D EA 1 $ 3,303.00 $ 3,303.00 53 Inlet Type R-5 Foot EA 11 $ 6,740.00 $ 74,140.00 54 Inlet Type R-10 Foot EA 2 $ 6,616.00 $ 13,232.00 55 Inlet Type R-15 Foot EA 1 $ 6,550.00 $ 6,550.00 56 18" RCP Class III) LF 1,451 $ 84.96 $ 123,276.96 57 24" RCP Class 1 11) 631 $ 99.68 $ 62,898.08 58 48" RCP Class III) LF 114 172.2 $ 19 630.80 59 18" Concrete End Section EA 1 $ 408.00 $ 816.00 60 24" Concrete End Section EA 3 $ 477.00 $ 1,431.00 61 48" Concrete End Section EA 1 $ 1,750.00 $ 1,750.00 62 4" PVC LF 62 $ 96.85 $ 6,004.70 63 12" PVC LF 18 $ 80.76 $ 1,453.68 64 Concrete Collar EA 1 $ 692.00 692.00 Subtotal $ 3$3;1..:22. EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTRO L 65 Stabilized Construction Entrance EA 1 $ 3,330.00 $ 3,330.00 66 Silt Fence LF 1,525 $ 4.34 $ 10,958.50 67 Rip Rap (inlet/outlet protection) d50=12" SY 18 $ 75.00 $ 1,350.00 68 Rip Rap (inlet/outlet protection) d50=24" SY 75 $ 129.00 $ 9,675.00 69 Erosion Control Mat SY 451 $ 8.35 $ 3,765.85 70 Sediment Trap LS 1 $ 8,500.00 $ 8,500.00 Subtotal 3747935 WATER 71 12" DIP LF 2,466 $ 92.43 $ 227,932.38 72 8" DIP . LF 81 $ 84.28 $ 6,826.68 73 6" DIP LF 96 $ 67.18 $ 6,449.28 74 4" DIP LF 42 $ 97.42 $ 4,091.64 75 2" Type K Copper Water Service LF 25 $ 61.86 $ 1,546.50 76 1 " Type K Co er Water Service LF 20 37.9 $ 758.00 77 24" Gate Valve EA 4 20,735.00 $ 82,940.00 78 12" Gate Valve EA 11 $ 2,096.00 $ 23,056.00 .79 8" Gate Valve EA 2 $ 1,153.00 $ 2,306.00 80 6" Gate Valve EA 3 $ 800.00 $ 2,400.00 81 4" Gate Valve EA 1 $ 669.00 $ 669.00 82 Air Release Vault EA 3 $ 7,381.00 $ 22,143.00 83 Fire Hydrant assembly EA 8 $ 6,490.00 $ 51,920.00 Subtotal $ 433,038.48 SEWER 84 30" DIP class 56 LF 321 515.5 $ 165,475.50 85 10" Yelomine LF 1,760 $ 79.20 $ 139,392.00 86 8" PVC Sevice LF 126 $ 59.05 $ 13,345.30 87 6" Yelomine Service LF 22 $ 115.50 $ 2,541.00 B & B Exgvatin 88 4" PVC Service LF 67 $ 62.00 $ 4,154.00 89 Manhole 4' diameter EA 11 $ 1,852.00 $ 20,372.00 9o Manhole (5' diameter) EA 3 $ 2,492.00 $ 7,476.00 91 Manhole 6' diameter EA 4 $ 4,012.00 $ 16 048.00 92 Sewer Video LF. 2,081 $ 2.89 $ 6,014.09 Subtp~l; S 37017.89 SHALLOW UTILITIES 93 Trenching LF 3,948 $ 16.86 $ 66,563.28 94 Trenching (Path Li han Conduit LF 2,005 $ 7.60 $ 15,238.00 95 Electric Conduit 4" Primary (install) LF 4,360 $ 2.42 $ 10,551.20 96 Electric Conduit 4" Secondary LF 6,321 $ 4.16 $ 26,295.36 97 Telephone Conduit 4" L:F 3,484 $ 4.16 $ 14,493.44 98 Fiber Optic Conduit 4" LF 6,411 $ 4.16 $ 26,669.76 99 Cable Television Conduit 4" LF 3,404 $ 4.16 $ 14,160.64 100 Spare Conduit 4" LF 6,978 $ 4.16 $ 29,028.48 101 Transformer UMI-13S install EA 3 753.32 $ 2,259.96 102 Transformer UMI-11 S (install) EA 7 $ 753.32 $ 5,273.24 103 Communication 4484-TCA Vault EA 7 $ 9,720.00 $ 68,040.00 104 Electric UM35L Slice Vault install EA 2 $ 753.32 $ 1,506.64 105 Fiber tic/Phone 38 -5106-TCA Vault EA 2 $ 14,800.00 $ 29,600.00 106 Handhole EA 11 $ 2,100.00 $ 25,200.00 107 Gas Trenching LF 2,108 $ 15.07 $ 31,767.56 Subtotal. $ 366,647.56. ELECTRICAL 108 City of Avon Light Fixture EA 15 5343 $ 133,575.00 109 Bike Path Low Level Bollard EA 77 3191 $ 245,707.00 110 Holiday Li tin Receptacles EA 38 552 $ 20,976.00 III Electrical Service EA 1 16312 $ 16,312.00 112 Electrical Service to Future Signs EA 2 2549 $ 5,098.00 113 Electrical Branch Circuit Wiring EA 1 93420 $ 93,420.00 Subtotal $ 515;088.00 2- • is 0 SIA - Landscape Estimate.XLS RIVERFRONT VILLAGE • LANDSCAPE MASTER PLAN Riverfront Dr ROW Cost Estimate Terrasan 3/30/2006 00 Imported Topsoil 1000 cy $25.00 $25,000.00 IRRIGATION $43,100.00 Planting Beds 16700 sf $1.00 $16,700.00 Backflow/Controller 2Is $3,000.00 $6,000.00 Sod 24000 sf $0.85 $20,400.00 SOIL PREPARATION Planting Beds/Sod 467.00 sf $0.50 $23,350.00 Fine Grading 46700 sf $0.05 $2,335.00 LAWNS & GRASSES $25,500.00 Reseed Disturbed Area 10,000 sf $0.25 $2,500.00 Sod 24,000 sf $0.75 $18,000.00 . Erosion Control 1 Is $5,000.00 $5,000.00 TREES, SHRUBS, VINES, GRD.COVERS,PERENNIALS $229,936.00 Aspen 2 1/2" 20 ea $250.00 $5,000.00 Aspen 3" 35 ea $300.00 $10,500.00 Aspen 4" 29 ea l $450.00 $13,050.00 Spruce 18'-20' 7 ea $3,000.00 $21,000.00 Spruce 16' 7 ea $2,000.00 $14,000.00 Spruce 14' 20 ea $1,400.00 $28,000.00 Spruce 12' 40 ea $900.00 $36,000.00 Spruce 10' 69 ea $750.00 $51,750.00 Deciduous Shrub 5gal 500 ea $30.00 $15,000.00 B& B Evergreen Shrubs 0 ea $250.00 $0.00 Peren./Grd.Cover 1 gal 1500 sf $6.00 $9,000.00 Annuals 5000 ea $1.75 $8,750.00 Mulch 16700 sf $0.50 $8,350.00 Steel Edging 1192 If $8.00 $9,536.00 TOTAL $349,221.00 0 Page 1 NO% Post ice Box 975 400 Batchmark Road Aeon. Colorado 816m 970-748-4000 970-949-9139 Fax 970-845-7708 77)' May 1, 2006 East West Resorts Development XI.V LP LLLP Atten: Andy Gunion P.O. Drawer 2770 Avon, CO 81620 Re: Riverfront Subdivision - Final Plat (Construction Plans) Road, Grading, Drainage, Water, Sewer and Utility Plans Dear Mr. Gunion: The following comments are in response to our review of the Construction Plans for Riverfront Subdivision as received in this office on April 12, 2006. Riverfront Subdivision - Construction Plans: 1. It should be noted that the Subdivision Variance and Preliminary Subdivision Plan approvals included the condition, "The Variance from the minimum cul-de-sac • right-of-way diameter requirements is subject to the submittal and approval of an acceptable design conforming to minimum pavement diameter and guardrail installation contained within the cul-de-sac right-of-way." The proposed "Wall Easement" does not meet this requirement. Please submit revised plan per approval condition. 2. Please submit letters from all applicable utility companies verifying approval of the Construction Plans as they relate to their proposed facilities. Typically this would include copies of service agreements with Holy Cross Energy and Excel Energy along with costs for installation or documentation that service charges have been paid. 3. Landscape Plans for public ways must be submitted with subdivision improvement plans. It should also be noted that all retaining walls and landscaping in public ways are subject to Town of Avon Planning and Zoning Commission (P & Z) Design Review approval. Please submit appropriate retaining wall and landscape ` architectural plans for P & Z review. 4. Fire Hydrants along the north side of Riverfront Lane should be relocated to the south side adjacent to the developable property. 5. Connecting Bikepath between Eagle River Path and Riverfront Lane should be realigned at north end for more clearance from parking area and to obtain a more perpendicular connection with the sidewalk. I:lEngineering'.ConlluenceLSubdivision\FiiuallConstruction Plan Review-I.Doc I /a May 1, 2005 Re: Riverfront Subdivision - Final Plat (Construction Plans) Road, Grading, Drainage, Water, Sewer and Utility Plans 6. Riverfront Lane pedestrian crossing between Town of Avon Transportation Center and Pedestrian Plaza area must be consistent with P & Z approval and compatible master plaza railroad crossing designs. Related comments from P & Z review Include: a. Bollard alignment between Riverfront Lane and railroad to be curved to match the auto lane curve on the western side of this intersection. b. Concrete pan extending from Riverfront ROW to western edge of auto lane shall be deleted. Concrete-shall be flush with material at this area. C. Stamped or scored concrete to be utilized at crosswalk with no greater than a 2' score to create a material difference of the crosswalk. The crosswalk will be elevated at least 2 inches in 2 feet at the transition from both approaches. d. Traffic calming devices such as a flower box shall be introduced in the Riverfront ROW at the crosswalk. The approach to this pedestrian crosswalk shall be designated as a 15 MPH speed limit at locations noted in this report. We may truant to incorporate a streetscape light in to each end of *a raised median through the pedestrian crossing. This could possibly be incorporated with flower boxes or as alternative to flower boxes but either way will help address some of the lighting concerns at this crossing. 7. Revegetation / Landscape Plans are not included with submittal. Please submit Revegetation / Landscape Plans for all areas within public rights-ofway and areas disturbed by construction of public improvements. 8. "Proposed Sales Center" improvements should be deleted from subdivision improvement plans or at least noted that work is not part of public improvements and is subject to additional permits and approvals. 9. It is noted that future building outlines as depicted on Construction Plans appear to overlap drainage ways along connecting Bikepath and into existing Town of Avon Drainage Easement and into existing Water and Sewer Easement. Also it appears future building outline does not leave adequate space to maintain or reconstruct retaining wall at cul-de-sac. 10. Southerly Avon Road crosswalk'should be located closer to end of extended median to be compatible with vehicle storage lane and intersection with Hurd Lane. 11. Consider slight increase in grades on lower portion of new upper bike path to reduce.8% grade and provide better connection to sidewalk at Avon Road. 12. Consider small drainage swale along upper edge of new upper bike path and small culvert under existing path at connection point to existing path. • I: Engmedring•.C'onilucncckSubdivision',Final',Construction Plan Review-I.Uoc Y May 1, 2005 • Re: Riverfront Subdivision - Final Plat (Construction Plans) Road, Grading, Drainage, Water, Sewer and Utility Plans 13. There appears to be adequate space to relocate the shallow utilities vault shown as located in the sidewalk at the southwestern corner of the intersection of Avon Road and Rivertront Lane. This vault should be relocated accordingly. 14. It appears that the area of relocation of the existing path along the Eagle River needs to be extended to the west to optimize alignment and maintain path width. (Sheet 7) 15. Should lighting conduit location along bike path be revised to 2 feet from outside of widened path? 16. Utility service stub outs should be extended far enough beyond right-of-way line to avoid sidewalk or street damage when excavating to make connections. 17. Retaining wall plans appear to be inconsistent with grading plans especially in the area around on street parking area and connecting Bikepath. 18. Please submit copies of Sediment and Erosion Control Best Management Practices and State Stormwater Control Permit. Maintenance notes on plans should match BMP and Permit conditions. 19. Please include proposed dust control and mitigation plan as part of construction documents. • 20. Please note that a Permit for Work Within Public Ways will be required. for work within Avon Road right-of-way and that this work will be subject to the conditions of such permit in addition to compliance with the Subdivision Improvements Agreement. 21. Projected traffic loading of 25 EDLA for pavement design seems to be reasonable after project is built out, however it does seem to be adequate to include construction traffic during the anticipated 3 to 5 year build out period. How does this affect pavement section? 22. Avon Road Crosswalk Details should be revised to match existing Avon Road crosswalks at Beaver Creek Boulevard and Benchmark Road. (We may be able to help with details if desired.) 23. Pedestrian Crossing Ramps must be revised to conform to ADA requirements including truncated dome pavers. 24. The small asphalt areas between crosswalks and drainage pans at the Riverfront Lane / Avon Road intersection should be changed to concrete pavement. 25. All Avon Road widening and asphalt patch backs must be existing asphalt thickness plus 1-inch. 26. Additional signage should be provided to emphasize pedestrian crossing area and to reduce Speed Limit through crossing area to Pedestrian Plaza to 15 MPH. 27'. It appears that the addition of a Yield Sign in the island and dashed yield line striping for the right turn lane at Riverfront Lane "Avon Road intersection may help clarify intended traffic flow in this area. • 1:1EngineeringtConnueneiSubdivision~.Final:Construction Plan Review-Doc ,0v c z May 1, 2005 y Re: Riverfront Subdivision - Final Plat (Construction Plans) Road, Grading, Drainage, Water, Sewer and Utility Plans 28. The street identification signs (Riverfront Lane) appear to be undersized at 4- inches tall. I believe the standard street identification signs in Town are 6-inches tall. 29. It is not clear how drainage gets from box culvert under railroad to Inlet 42 at the cul-de-sac. It does not appear that the 15-inch pipe between the Inlet 42 and the box culvert under the railroad will carry the 100 cfs flow projected per Drainage Report, and contour lines seem to indicate that surface flow will be to the west away from the inlet. 30. The guardrail at the cul-de-sac, should not be necessary with the curb and gutter section and posted speed limits. 31. Please provide details for the pedestrian railing proposed at the cul-de-sac. 32. The lighting plan is subject to Town of Avon Planning and Zoning Commission Design Review for both fixture types and lighting levels. Comments will be forthcoming following that review. We will continue our review upon receipt of a response to the above comments. • Additional comments will be forthcoming as we continue our review of the Riverfront Subdivision related documents. Sincerely, Norman Wood, P.E. Town Engineer Cc: Tambi Katieb Eric Heidemann Larry Brooks Mike Sliper • I: Engineering`konfiuence.Subdivisionifinal:Canstrjction Plan Re iew•I.Doc 4 S. t. s Y~ April 10, 2006 East West Partners Attn: Andy'Gunion P:O. Drawer 2770 Avon, CO 81620 RE: RIVERFRONT VILLAGE - MASTER LANDSCAPING,& PLAZA, PLAN CONDITIONALLY APPROVED BY PLANNING COMMISSION. . Andy: At their April 4, 2006 meeting, the Planning and Zoning Commission approved. the above-mentioried plan with the following conditions: 1/ All lighting submitted is only. conceptually approved, and will require submittal of a, site lighting, plan in' conformance with Chapter. -15.30 ("Outdoor Lighting .Standards"). prior to final approval. Street lighting fixtures will-match" those selected for use in the:Town:Center project. The Tract A bollard option shall;. be resubmitted (both concrete: and wood are not approved as : submitted). Lighted bollards shall be used at-the pedestrian crossing of Riverfront Lane. 2/ Bollard 'alignment between Riverfront Lane and railroad to be curved to match the auto lane curve on the western side of this intersection. 3/ Concrete pan extending from Riverfront ROW to western edge of auto lane shall be deleted. Concrete shall be flush with material at this area. 4/ Stamped or scored concrete to be utilized at crosswalk with no greater than a 2' score to create a material difference of the .crosswalk. The crosswalk- will be elevated at least 2 inches. in 2 feet at the transition from both approaches. . 5/ Traffic calming devices such as a flower box shall be introduced in the Riverfront ROW at the crosswalk. The' approach to ,*this pedestrian crosswalk shall be.designated as a 15 MPH speed limit at locations noted in this report. 6/ Concrete from terminus of public plaza to river path shall be stained. or colored to compliment retaining wall and plaza color and material palette. • F.• (Planning & Zoning CommissionIA*eting Letters1200610404061Riverfront Landscaping & Plana approwddoc 7/ The restroom/gondola operations building will be resubmitted in context with the hotel design review. Snow shedding will be incorporated and reviewed as part of the snow management plan forthis building' 8/ Minimum quantities for landscape.plan shall be increased to 6-8 trees for, each 650 square feet of landscape plan to conform to submitted plans shown for public areas (Riverfront.Lane Entrance and below retaining of plaza). One. tree and three''shrubs per 650"square feet (ten shrubs may be substituted for one tree) is approved as the minimum for each individual lot, and shall be reviewed separately during design review for each submittal.. 9/ Fencing along Railroad ROW will be specked and approved separately. 10/ ..Additional, evergreen trees shall be introduced at the base of the retaining wall below the public plaza and the minimum height of these trees shall be 15' tall at time of installation. 11/ The crosswalk at Riverfront Lane shall be installed by the opening day of the ,gondola. 12/ Snowmelt down the stairs of the public plaza to the. river access trail shall .be reviewed with the hotel design review. IN Use of Spruce trees behind the Avon Transit Directional Sign shall be slightly tapered and pulled to the east to avoid obstruction of view. • Feel free to call our office if you have any questions regarding your approval at 970.748.4030. Kind Regards, Matt Pielsticker Planner I Cc: File • EXHIBIT B Subdivision Improvements Agreement PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS CONSTRUCTION COST ESTIMATE • E SIA-Riverfront4 27 cln 10 v EXHIBIT B • Subdivision Improvements Agreement PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS CONSTRUCTION COST ESTIMATE Road, Grading, Drainage, Water, Sewer and Utilities Per Riverfront Subdivision. Bid Tab (Attached) $ 4,141,.457 Landscape Master Plan Per Riverfront Drive ROW Cost Estimate (Attached) $ 349,221 Natural Gas Service (Excel Energy) Town of Avon Estimated Cost $ 200,000 Contract Administration & ,Contingencies Town of Avon Estimate at 15% $ 703,602 Total Estimated Cost $ 5,394,280 SIA-Riverfront-4 27 c1n r 2 ~"1 EXHIBIT C Subdivision Improvements Agreement DISTRICT FUNDING RESOLUTION • i SIA-Riverfront-4 17 cln EXHIBIT C :1 • • SIA-Riverfront-4 27 cln Subdivision Improvements Agreement DISTRICT FUNDING RESOLUTION II RESOLUTION CONFLUENCE METROPOLITAN DISTRICT. • REGARDING APPROPRIATION OF FUNDS'UNDER SUBDIVISION IMPROVEMENTS AGREEMENT . RIVERFRONT SUBDIVISION: WHEREAS, the Confluence Metropolitan District (the "District") is a quasi- municipal corporation and political subdivision of the State of Colorado; and WHEREAS, the District is authorized, pursuant to Section 32- 1 -100 1 (1)(d)(I), C.R.S., to enter into contracts and agreements affecting the affairs of the District; and WHEREAS, the District has entered in to a certain "Riverfront Subdivision Subdivision Improvements Agreement," dated as of , 2006, together with the Addendum to the Subdivision Improvements Agreement attached thereto (the "SIA") with the Town of Avon, Colorado (the "Town") regarding the,fimding and/or construction of public infrastructure improvements in connection with the approval of the . "Amended and Restated Development Agreement for The Confluence" (the "Project" and the "Development Agreement, respectively"), which will now be replatted as Riverfront Subdivision; and WHEREAS, the District is responsible for the performance and completion of public improvements set forth on Exhibit A of the SIA (the ".Improvements"); • NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CONFLUENCE METROPOLITAN DISTRICT AS FOLLOWS: 1. The Board of Directors hereby finds, determines and declares that it is in the best interests of the District to execute and deliver to the Town the SIA, and the appropriate officers and directors of the District are hereby authorized to execute and deliver the SIA to the Town. 2. The Board of Directors hereby appropriates and reserves to the Town pursuant to the SIA the amount of $ to guarantee construction of the Improvements; such amount to be subject to replacement by the proceeds of bonds to be issued by the District and certified to the Town as provided in the SIA, and as further set forth in Paragraph 3 below (the "Interim Funds"). 3. At such time as the District issues Bonds to replace the remaining balance in the Interim Security Account (as that term is defined in the Addendum to the SIA), the Board of Directors shall appropriate, and reserve to the. Town pursuant to the SIA, and subject to the terms of the Indenture of Trust between the District and its Indenture Trustee (the "Indenture Trustee"), relating to the issuance off the District's Tax Supported Variable, Rate Revenue Bonds (the "Bonds"), proceeds of the Bonds in the amount of the '?P deposit required to replace monies then on deposit in the Interim Security Account (the "Bond Funds") to guarantee construction of the'Improyements. .4. The Board of Directors hereby certifies to the Town Council.that the Interim Funds are unencumbered and free from claims from third parties, so that any . requests by the Town for payment under the. SIA maybe promptly honored in accordance with the terms of the SIA. The Board of Directors further certifies that the Interim, Security Account is a separate account and reserved for the uses specified in the SIA, and shall be held in compliance with, the requirements of Section 29-1-803.(1), C.R.S., for the purposes of providing for the completion the Improvements. 3. To the extent, that Bond Funds are used to replace the Interim Funds, the Board of Directors hereby certifies to the Town Council that the Bond Funds are being held by the Indenture Trustee pursuant to the Indenture of Trust; and are otherwise unencumbered and free,from claims from third parties, so that any.requests by the Town forpayrimeni under the SIA may be promptly honored if presented to the Indenture Trustee as provided in the Indenture of Trust. 'The Board of Directors further certifies that Construction Fund in which the Bond Funds'are held under the Indenture of Trust, is a,separate account (the "Security Account") and reserved for the. uses specified in the SIA,, and shall be held in compliance with the requirements of Section 29-1-803(l), C.R.S., .for the purposes of providing for the completion the Improvements. , .4. This Resolution shall be renewed at the beginning of each subsequent . calendar year until all the Improvements have received final acceptance or until the • District provides substitute collateral acceptable to the Town. APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS - DAY OF , 2006 CONFLUENCE METROPOLITAN DISTRICT ATTEST By: President By: Secretary EXHIBIT C ENGINEER'S.OPINION OF PROJECT CONFORMITY Project: Riverfront.Subdivision Location: _ Avon, Colorado I hereby acknowledge that I am a licensed engineer registered in the State of Colorado. To the best of my knowledge, and belief, based upon site observations by Alpine Engineering; Inc's personnel, along with test results, reports, and information provided by others, the constructed improvements in the above referenced project and the materials - incorporated therein appear to be in general conformance with,the contract plans,. specifications and standards. This includes the improvements for the shallow utilities. The, contract plans,,specifcations.and standards for the project are those presented in the Riveifront Subdivision, Construction Plans, Road, Grading; Drainage, Water,, Sewer and Utility Plans, as approved: by the Town of Avon and subsequent revisions thereto. This opinion.-0f project conformity is limited to those portions of the project designed by Alpine Engineering, lone. By: Kent A. Krie , P -LS for Alpine Engineering, Z o~ r~ 40 EXHIBIT D G&f*tedh • HEPWORTH-PAWLAK GEOTECHNICAL June 30, 2008 Hepworth-Pawlak Geotechnical, Inc. 5020 County Road 154 Glenwood Springs, Colorado 81601 Phone: 970-945-7988 Fax: 970-945-8454 email: hpgeo@lhpgeotech.com East-West Partners Attn: Ron Kowalski P.O. Box 2770 Avon, Colorado 81620 Project No. 1057061 Subject: Compliance of Construction and Materials, Riverfront Subdivision, Avon, Colorado Dear Mr. Kowalski: Hepworth-Pawlak Geotechnical, Inc. provided observation and materials testing services for earthwork, concrete, aggregate base course and hot-mix asphalt paving during construction of the roads and utilities for the Riverfront Subdivision Project. Our services for the construction began in early May 2006 and continued on an as-required basis. Our services were performed under the direction of the undersigned licensed engineer. registered in the State of Colorado. • • Nonconforming materials and/or workmanship identified during construction were immediately brought to the attention of the contractor for correction. - Our testing and observation reports have. been distributed under separate cover. The road and utilities construction are now substantially complete. Compression test results for incidental concrete recently replaced by B&B Excavating, Inc. are pending and will be distributed as they become available. Based on our observations during construction and the results of our testing to date, the earthwork, concrete, aggregate base course, and hot mix, asphalt paving materials placed for the project are in substantial compliance with the project specifications,and/or .currently accepted industry practices as applicable. If you have any questions, please contact the undersigned. Sincerely, HEPWORTH - PAWLAK GEOTECHNICAL, INC. Tho as J. Westhoff a~~de Q 41 Parker 301-841-7119 o Colorado Springs 719-633-5562 • Silverthome 970-468-1989 P cc: Town of Avon - Justin Hildreth Alpine Engineering - Jim Horsley B&B - Mike Pettit EXHIBIT E Xce#Energyo., . Post t )I,11ce Bc±x IS 19 Silverthorne. Co S()498 Jusiin l-lildreth. PL F own FnL,,11~ 1' . rovy1,.Of Avon 400 Benchmark Road Post Office. Box 97` :Avail. Colorado 8I670 Re: RivertroiIt Lane in A on-t_itility Infrastructure 1cceriance Dear Mr. I lildreth: feel L-11crav has' Inspected and accepted the Gas Ni lalll Installed alonL, Rlyerlront 1,. li1C. • if VOll'hare ?17~' CIl1CS11011S. please cOlltacl n7e. at 970-?62- -4. Slncerielv. I`aihi n BoL'e-t'Planner . Desi n Depaiuhent% 'lount:.lin Division CC: Ron Kowalski Iim Horsley EXHIBIT F 3799 HIGHWAY 82 - P.O BOX 2150 GLENWOOD SPRINGS, COLORADO 81602 (970) 945-5491- FAX (970) 945-4081 June 17, 2008 Justin Hiidreth, PE Avon Town Engineer PO Box 975 Avon, CO 81620 Re: Riverfront Lane in Avon - Underground Electric Acceptance Dear Justin: Holy Cross Energy has inspected and accepted the electric utility underground infrastructure installed along Riverfront Lane by East West Partners. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, HOLY CROSS ENERGY • Libby Cowling, Engineering Department IcowlincWholycross.com (970) 947-5428 LC:vw cc: Ron Kowalski East West Partners PO Box 2770 Avon, CO 81620 W/0008-19558:Riverfront Sub 08.19558 Hildreth • A Touchnom ErmW Cooperative i 4) EXHIBIT .G Standard Specifications for Water Mains ERW&SD. ' WATER SYSTEM ACCEPTANCE PROCEDURE Xa le River Water & Sanitation District 4 4 Project ►rfe A Engineer % Applicant Contractor W Local Contact 6 District 67? Location CONSTRUCTION REVIEW TEAM: Date Approved By Approved for construction (4 Sets) FIELD OPERATIONS INSPE ONS: 1) High Chlorine .Test.Details L o6 2) Low Chlorine Test- Details i S"►d 3) Bacteriological Test 4) Hydrostatic, Pressure Test ' Box/Curb Stops: To Grade & erated 5) Valves 6) Fire Hydrant: To Grade, & Operated e 7) Air Release Vault S i o 8) PRV Inspection 9) District/Contractor Redline Review 10) Confirmation that Engineer has received redlines 11) Rough Grade Inspection 0 - 12) CONSTRUCTION ACCEPTANCE: 6 v> WATER OPERATIONS: 1) Tank Inspections a) Disinfection:(ANSI/AWWA C652-92) b) Fire Hydrant near Tank c) Vents: -Screened & Secure _ d) Overflow Drainage: Adequate e) Hatches/Doors/Ladders: Secure 2) Pumps- Controls & Telemetry Inspections 3) Department Approval , REGULATIONS ADMINISTRATOR: Project Cost Bill of Sale Final Grade and Paving ' Drawings of Record, Paper,( ) & Disk Easement Documents Final Inspection FINAL ACCEPTANCE EXHIBIT H 0 EAGLE RIVER WATER & SANITATION DISTRICT 846 Forest Road - Vail. Colorado 81657 (970) 476-7480 - FAX (970) 476-4089 June 26, 2008 Mr.. Chip Bair B&B Excavating, Inc. P.O. Box 1729 Edwards, Colorado 81632 Subject: Construction Acceptance of Sewer Main at Riverfront Project, Avon, Colorado Dear Mr. Bair: is The Eagle River Water & Sanitation District (District) has inspected the sewer main for the . Riverfont Project in Avon, Colorado, including the portion that was replaced from Manhole No. . 7 downstream, approximately 44 feet. The sewer main for this -project has received Construction Acceptance by the District effective June 10, 2008, which is also the start date for the two year warranty period. You are probably aware that the District's procedures for Final-Acceptance of sewer mains includes re-inspection of mains that have received Construction Acceptance.within the two year warranty period. If during re-inspection the District discovers any defects, it may require corrections under the warranty. If the District requires you to repair or replace portions of the Riverfront.sewer main, we will expect a 2-year extension of the warranty. If the results of re- inspection are acceptable to the District, then you are obligated to complete the District's Sewer Line Acceptance procedures before we can grant Final Acceptance. You are also aware of the District's concerns regarding the Riverfront sewer main as outlined' in Fred Haslee's letters to you, dated April 17t' and June 10'h, 2008, those areas will be of special interest to us at the time of re-inspection. If you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to contact me. S' er y Andy hler, CIP Manager for Fred Haslee Regulations Administrator • Cc Fred Haslee, Regulations Administrator Roby Forsyth, Distribution and Collections Division Manager Project File , WATER, WASTEWATER, OPERATIONS & MANAGEMENT SERVICES Avon Main Street- Artwork Program • Second Meeting 7.01.08, 1lam-lpm Town Library, Small Conference Room (not Beaver Creek Room) Attendees: AAC (Avon Arts Council) TOA (Town of Avon) Mc & B (McGrath and Braun): Martha Weidmann, Liz Iracki BDG (Britina Design Group): Kristin Cypher Meeting Agenda: I. 'Introduction: Kristin Cypher; BDG H. Where we are now: Preliminary Design Phase Review of Information Gathered to-Date Online Survey . Stakeholder Meeting "Centers" Exercise Preliminary Design Concepts Budget/Process • III. Goals for this meeting: Focused Feedback; Art work for Main Street Centers For each Center; we will give an overview of conceptual functions and design intentions; then view conceptual art options for each space.. We'would like the AAC to provide detailed feedback on materiality, functionality, and aesthetic. The AAC feedback 'will be used to generate site specific artist proposals and detailed street design. 1. Nottingham Park Gateway -Overview Conceptual-Functions Design Intentions -Art Options 'Group A Group B Focused Feedback Materiality Functionality Aesthetic 3% • Conceptual Functions Design Intentions -Art Options Group A Group B -Focused Feedback Materiality Functionality Aesthetics IV. _ Closing 1. Goals of next meeting 2. Timing TBD 3. Questions 2. Library/Rec Center Plaza -Overview Conceptual Functions Design Intentions -Art Options Group A Group B- -Focused Feedback Materiality Functionality Aesthetic 3. Seasons/Sheraton P_1_a_za -Overview Conceptual Functions Design Intentions -Art Options Group A Group B -Focused Feedback Materiality Functionality Aesthetic 4. Lettuce Shed Focal Point Overview. Conceptual Functions Design Intentions -Art Options Group A Group B -Focused Feedback Materiality Functionality Aesthetics 5. Lettuce Shed Lane -Overview Conceptual Functions Design Intentions -Art Options Group A Group B -Focused Feedback Materiality Functionality Aesthetics 6. Eastern Gateway -Overview is is Page 1 of 1 Debbie Roeland From:. Justin Hildreth Sent: Monday, June 30, 2008 8:21 AM To: Martha Weidmann cc: Debbie Roeland Subject: RE: Next AAC Meeting Martha, Deb.will order] unch for tomorrow's meeting. Do you know how many people from the Arts Council will be attending? Justin Justin Hildreth, PE Town Engineer Town of Avon 970 748 4045 Direct 970 390 2138 Cell J i~ildr-th-QAvQR_SLrg From: Martha Weidmann [mailto:mweidmann@mcgrathandbraun.com] Sent: Friday; June 27, 2008 4:24 PM ' To: Ron Wolfe email; Ron Wolfe; Justin Hildreth Cc: Jette Braun; Liz-Iracki; Tim Piper; Kristin Cypher; Eric Heidemann; ROB SPERBERG; sharongreene@tandemconsult dg.biz; dongreene@tandemconsulting.biz Subject: RE: Next AAC Meeting HI Avon Arts Council, A reminder that our 2nd meeting will take place: Tuesday, 07.01.08 11 am-1 pm Town Library; Small Conference "Room (not the Beaver Creek Room). A copy of our meeting Agenda is attached We look forward to seeing you then! Enjoy the weekend, Martha Martha Weidmann, Associate McGrath & Braun Art Consultants 1058 Delaware St.. Denver, 'CO 80204- o. (303) 893.0449 c. (303) 483.5297 martha ® mcgrathandbraun.com 6/30%2008