LA Minutes 05-14-2024AVON LIQUOR LICENSING AUTHORITY MEETING MINUTES Q , TUESDAY, MAY 14, 2024 avon HYBRID MEETING; IN -PERSON AT AVON TOWN HALL OR VIRTUALLY THROUGH ZOOM C O L O R A D O 1. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL The meeting was hosted in person and virtually, via Zoom.us. Chair Amy Phillips called the Avon Liquor Licensing Authority Meeting to order at 5:00 p.m. A roll call was taken, and Board Members present in person were Rich Carroll, Lindsay Hardy, Board Vice Chair Tamra Underwood, and Chair Amy Phillips. Board members Chico Thuon, RJ Andrade, and Ruth Stanley were absent. Also present in person were Town Manager Eric Heil, Deputy Town Manager Patty McKenny, Erica Romberg in representation of Town Attorney Nina Williams, Chief of Police Greg Daly, Chief Administrative Officer Ineke de Jong, and Deputy Town Clerk Brenda Torres. 2. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Video Start Time: 00:01:04 Chair Phillips initiated the meeting with the agenda approval process. No changes were made to the agenda. Vice Chair Underwood moved to approve the Liquor Licensing Authority Agenda as presented. Board member Hardy seconded the motion. The motion was approved with a 4-0 vote of those present. 3. DISCLOSURE OF ANY CONFLICTS OF INTEREST RELATED TO AGENDA ITEMS Video Start Time: 00:01:21 Chair Phillips asked if there were any conflicts of interest related to the Agenda, and none were disclosed. 4. PUBLIC COMMENT —COMMENTS ARE WELCOME ON ITEMS NOT LISTED ON THE FOLLOWING AGENDA Video Start Time: 00:01:36 Chair Phillips explained that public comments can be made by participating in the meeting in person, via zoom's video/audio, via telephone, or via email. She clarified that the public comment section is intended for items not listed in the agenda, and participation by members of the public is limited to 3 minutes. She asked if there was any public comment from those present in the room or virtually, and no public comments were made. 5. PUBLIC HEARING FOR A SPECIAL EVENTS LIQUOR PERMIT Video Start Time: 00:01:58 5.1. Applicant Name: Education Foundation of Eagle County Event: Evening of Stars Date and Time: May 31, 2024, 5:00 pm — 9:30 pm Location: 1 Lake Street — Harry A. Nottingham Park/Pavilion Type: Special Event Permit Manager: Tessa Kirchner Page 1 AVON LIQUOR LICENSING AUTHORITY MEETING MINUTES A 4 Avon TUESDAY, MAY 14, 2024 HYBRID MEETING; IN -PERSON AT AVON TOWN HALL OR VIRTUALLY THROUGH ZOOM COLORADO The Applicant, Wendy Rimel, was present in person to talk about this application and to respond to any Council questions. She said this is the 351h year they are celebrating educators in our community, and she thanked the Town of Avon for facilitating the venue for the 41h year for all Eagle County School District staff. She mentioned they are doing a raffle to support this event. Deputy Town Clerk Brenda Torres mentioned that the fee for this application has been paid and that public notices were posted, with no public comments received. Chair Phillips opened the public hearing and asked if there was any public comment from those present in the room or virtually. No public comments were made. Vice Chair Underwood asked the applicant how they had controlled uninvited people with no fence barrier showing it is a private event. Wendy responded that everyone is welcome, and that they invite not only the ECSD staff, but also their families and friends. She invited everyone in the room to join them at this fun event. Board Member Carroll moved to approve the Special Events Permit application for the Evening of Stars special event on May 31, 2024 from 5:00 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. Board member Hardy seconded the motion. The motion was approved with a 4-0 vote of those present. 6. PUBLIC HEARING FOR A RETAIL ESTABLISHMENT LIQUOR PERMIT Video Start Time: 00:08:06 6.1. Applicant Name: Vail Valley Art Guild Location: 137 Benchmartk Road #C2 Manager: Melissa Nelson President Melissa Nelson and Vice President Lynn Feiger of the Vail Valley Art Guild were present in person. Melissa mentioned the poster for the public hearing was posted at the premises and talked about the new art gallery. Chair Phillips asked about the process if the applicant would like to add new dates. Deputy Town Clerk Brenda Torres said no more than 24 days in a year are allowed, and only 14 are included in this application; however, if they need to add any date or make any modification on the approved dates, they need to notify the Town Clerk's office in writing at least 15 days in advance. This can be approved administratively and then sent to the State. Chair Phillips asked the applicant about the management plan. Chair Phillips opened the public hearing and asked if there was any public comment from those present in the room or virtually. No public comments were made. Vice Chair Underwood moved to approve the Retail Establishment Liquor Permit application for the Vail Valley Art Guild for the dates listed in the application. Board member Hardy seconded the motion. The motion was approved with a 4-0 vote of those present. Page 2 AVON LIQUOR LICENSING AUTHORITY MEETING MINUTES TUESDAY, MAY 14, 2024 Avon HYBRID MEETING; IN -PERSON AT AVON TOWN HALL OR VIRTUALLY THROUGH ZOOM COLORADO 7. PUBLIC HEARING FOR A NEW CHANGE OF CLASS) FERMENTED MALT BEVERAGE AND WINE OFF PREMISES (CITY) LIQUOR LICENSE Video Start Time: 00:16:19 7.1. Applicant Name: Maverik, Inc d/b/a Maverik, Inc #689 Location: 240 Wagon Trail Road Type: Fermented Malt Beverage and Wine Off Premises (City) Manager: Jamina Plett Deputy Town Clerk Brenda Torres introduced this item with a PPT presentation with the summary of this application and the process of this reclassification. She explained that the State and the Town Clerk's office agreed on waiving the 30-day requirement to hold a hearing for a new license, allowing the materials included in the original liquor license application to be reused, and allowing the store to continue the temporary sale of beer and wine until the process of liquor license reclassification is completed. She confirmed that the Report of Findings and all materials previously submitted on the last approval on July 25, 2023, remain unchanged, -and said public notices were posted on the premises and the Vail Daily, with no public comments received. Jamina Plett, Manager of the store, was present in person and Utahna Archuleta, Licensing Manager for Maverik Inc, was present via Zoom. Chair Phillips opened the public hearing and asked if there was any public comment from those present in the room or virtually. No public comments were made. Vice Chair Underwood moved to approve Liquor Licensing Authority Resolution 24-01, Approving the application of Maverik, Inc d/b/a Maverik, Inc #689 for a New Colorado Retail Fermented Malt Beverage and Wine (Off -Premises) License Application. Board member Hardy seconded the motion. The motion was approved with a 4-0 vote of those present. 8. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES FROM APRIL 9, 2024 MEETING Video Start Time: 00:24:05 Board member Carroll moved to approve the Minutes from Tuesday, April 9, 2024, as presented. Board Member Hardy seconded the motion. The motion was approved with a 4-0 vote of those present. 9. WRITTEN REPORT 9.1. REPORT ON RECENT ADMINISTRATIVE APPROVALS (DEPUTY TOWN CLERK BRENDA TORRES) 10. ADJOURNMENT Chair Phillips mentioned that the Town will make sure that liquor establishments in town are in compliance with the displays of their alcohol products. The Avon Liquor Licensing Authority Meeting adjourned at 5:26 p.m. Page 3 AVON LIQUOR LICENSING AUTHORITY MEETING MINUTES i TUESDAY, MAY 14, 2024 Avon HYBRID MEETING; IN -PERSON AT AVON TOWN HALL OR VIRTUALLY THROUGH ZOOM c 0 L 0 R A o 0 These minutes are only a summary of the proceedings of the Local Liquor Licensing Authority meeting. They are not intended to be comprehensive or to include each statement, person speaking or to portray with complete accuracy. The most accurate records of the meeting are the audio of the meeting, which is housed in the Town Clerk' s office, and the video of the meeting, which is available at www. high f ivemed ia. org. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED: i Brenda Torres, Deputy Town Clerk APPROVED: Amy Phillips Tamra Underwoo Ruth Stanley Rich Carroll Lindsay Hardy Dim