TC Resolution 24-09 Adopting 35 Miles Per Hour Speed Limit Policy for Highway 6Avon COLORADO RESOLUTION 24-09 ADOPTING 35 MILES PER HOUR SPEED LIMIT POLICY FOR HIGHWAY 6 WHEREAS, the Town of Avon ("Town") is a home rule municipality of the State of Colorado and the Town is empowered to adopt policies by Resolution; and WHEREAS, the Avon Town Council ("Council") finds that a significant amount of high density multi- family residential development is located along, or near, Highway 6 between the Post Boulevard round- about and the West Beaver Creek Boulevard/Prater Road intersection; WHEREAS, Council finds that the residents of this residential neighborhood regularly use the Town of Avon's transit, ECO Transit, and Eagle Valley Transportation Authority, including the use of several bus stops situated on Highway 6, and WHEREAS, Council finds that the health, safety and general welfare will be promoted by the construction of pedestrian cross walks, complete with cross walk striping, pedestrian activated signage, street lighting, and median refuge for pedestrians within a landscaped boulevard; and WHEREAS, the speed limit must be reduced to 35 miles per hour uniformly in order for CDOT to allow these pedestrian enhancements; and WHEREAS, Council finds that the I-70 runs the same east -west direction as Highway 6 and is situated within'/2 mile of Highway 6 and that 1-70 offers the ability of travelling public, including those travelling through Eagle County, to travel at fast speeds; and WHEREAS, Council finds that Highway 6 in and near the Town of Avon is a transit oriented corridor and that highway speeds should prioritize best urban design, housing, transit and pedestrian safety and that maximizing the vehicular travel speed should not be a priority over best urban design and pedestrian safety; and WHEREAS, the Avon Town Council finds that the adoption and implementation of this Resolution will promote the health, safety, and general welfare of the Avon community. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO that: 1. The Town of Avon officially declares 35 miles per hour as the appropriate maximum speed on Highway 6 between the Post Boulevard round -about and the West Beaver Creek Boulevard/Prater Road intersection and states that it is the policy of the Town to construct well designed pedestrian crossings complete with striping, pedestrian activated flashing signs, street lighting, and median refuges for pedestrians. 2. Council directs and authorizes Staff and the Mayor to actively coordinate and apply to the Colorado Department of Transportation, advocate for appropriate legislation, and request support of the Colorado Governor's office in order to implement the policies in this Resolution. h 12 24 by the AVON TOWN COUNCIL. S1N OF R Attest: 6q2 Mayor Miguel Jaure u' Casanueva, T ri ,Clerk Resolution 24-09 March 12, 2024