L9 B2 BMBC Unit A Murad ADUPLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION FINDINGS OF FACT AND RECORD OF DECISION DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING: TYPE OF APPLICATIONS: PROPERTY LOCATION: FILE NUMBER: APPLICANT: December 19, 2023 Special Review Use 630A W Beaver Creek Blvd SRU23001 Nicole Murad A Avon Coto—oa This Record of Decision is made in accordance with the Avon Development Code §7.16.010(F)(1) PZC DECISION ON #SRU23001: Approval With Conditions FINDINGS: SRU23001: 1. The application for an Accessory Dwelling Unit qualifies as a viable use to be reviewed per to §7.16.100 Special Review Use of the Avon Development Code. 2. The proposed ADU application complies with the provisions of §7.24.070, Accessory Uses and Structures. 3. The proposed use is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and all applicable provisions of this Development Code and applicable state and federal regulations as conditioned. 4. The proposed Accessory Dwelling is consistent with the purpose and intent of the zoning district in which it is located and any applicable use -specific standards in the Development Code in that Accessory Dwelling Units are a pennittable use within the lower density zoned areas of the Town of Avon, which includes Resident Duplex zoning. 5. The proposed use is compatible with adjacent uses in terms of scale, site design and operating characteristics, as the ADU is contained within an existing conforming structure. 6. There are no significant impacts to adjacent or on-site uses as conditioned. 7. Facilities and services (including sewage and waste disposal, water, gas, electricity, police and fire protection and roads and transportation, as applicable) are available to serve the subject property and will not necessitate upgrades or cause additional demand beyond existing levels of service for this development; and 8. Adequate assurances of continuing maintenance is satisfactory. GENERAL CRITERIA FINDINGS: 1. The development applications is complete. 2. The development application provides sufficient information to allow the reviewing authority to determine that the development applications comply with the relevant review criteria. 3. The development application complies with the goals and policies of the Avon Comprehensive Plan; and 4. The demand for public services or infrastructure exceeding current capacity does not require mitigation. PZC Record of Decision: SRU23001 CONDITIONS: 1. This property is limited to only one (1) Short Term Rental (Full) License for the property owner of 630A W Beaver Creek Blvd., which can only be used for a single unit. If the owner desires to short term rent both units simultaneously, a second Short Term Rental (Limited) License must be obtained by the owner before the onset of STR use for both the primary and secondary units. 2. Parking shall be limited to one (1) vehicle for this use. This parking space shall be made available by the property owner for people renting this unit, at all times. 3. This SRU approval for an Accessory Dwelling Unit shall run with the property, regardless of ownership. THESE FINDINGS OF FACT AND RECORD OF DECISION ARE HEREBY APPROVED: BY: _ - DATE: C Chairp n�-�-- - PZC Record of Decision: SRU23001