TC Minutes 08-22-2023AVON REGULAR MEETING MINUTES A TUESDAY AUGUST 22, 2023 Avon HYBRID MEETING; IN -PERSON AT AVON TOWN HALL AND VIRTUALLY THROUGH ZOOM COLORADO 1. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL The meeting was hosted in a hybrid format, in -person at Avon Town Hall and using Zoom.us. Mayor Amy Phillips called the August 22, 2023 Council regular meeting to order at 5:00 p.m. A roll call was taken, and present were Councilors Chico Thuon, Rich Carroll, RJ Andrade, Lindsay Hardy, Ruth Stanley, Mayor Pro Tern Tamra Underwood, and Mayor Phillips. Also present were Deputy Town Manager Patty McKenny, Town Attorney Karl Hanlon, General Government Manager Ineke de Jong, Town Clerk Miguel Jauregui Casanueva, Community Development Director Matt Pielsticker, Finance Director Scott Wright and incoming Finance Director Paul Redmond, Avon Rec Director Michael Labagh, Human Resources Manager Karyne Spadi, and Sustainability Coordinators Charlotte Lin and Sarah Smith-Hymes. Absent was Town Manager Eric Heil. 2. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Video Start Time: 00:00:50 Mayor Phillips initiated the meeting with the Agenda approval process. There were no requested changes to the Agenda. Without further discussion, Councilor Thuon made a motion to approve the Agenda. Councilor Hardy seconded the motion. It was approved unanimously with a 7-0 vote. 3. DISCLOSURE OF ANY CONFLICTS OF INTEREST RELATED TO AGENDA ITEMS Video Start Time: 00:01:17 Mayor Phillips asked if there were any conflicts of interest related to the Agenda, and none were disclosed. 4. PUBLIC COMMENT Video Start Time: 00:01:30 Mayor Phillips explained that public comment can be made by participating in the meeting in person, via zoom's video/audio, via telephone, or via email. She then clarified that the public comment section is intended for items not listed in the Agenda, and participation by members of the public is limited to 3 minutes. She asked if there was any public comment from those present in the room or on Zoom, and no public comment was made in person nor on Zoom. 5. BUSINESS ITEMS 5.1. Proclamation: Honoring Scott Wright for his years of Service (Town Manager Eric Heil) Video Start Time: 00:02:04 Mayor Amy Phillips read the proclamation honoring Finance Director Scott Wright into the record, congratulating, and thanking Mr. Wright for his many distinguished years of service. A picture of Councilors and Mr. Wright was captured memorializing the proclamation he was presented. 1 AVON REGULAR MEETING MINUTES TUESDAY AUGUST 22, 2023 A Avon HYBRID MEETING; IN -PERSON AT AVON TOWN HALL AND VIRTUALLY THROUGH ZOOM COLORADO 5.2. Presentation: Eagle Valley Trail Update (Kevin Sharky, Eagle County Trails Manager) Video Start Time: 00:07:38 Kevin Sharky delivered his presentation related to the Eagle Valley Trail and its improvements. He fielded questions from Councilor Stanley and Mayor Pro Tem Underwood on the existing route and condition of the trail. No public comment was made in person nor on Zoom. 5.3. Work Session: Cost Share Program for Commercial Outdoor Recycling Bins and Recycling Totes for Multi -Family (Sustainability Coordinator Sarah Smith Hymes) Video Start Time: 00:17:30 Sustainability Coordinator Sarah Smith Hymes delivered her presentation noting that the goal of this program is to get people to recycle. Questions from Council included whether there was a plan for Avon businesses to receive recycling materials like those presented to residents, and if training materials were made from recycled materials. Also, how much the bag fee created in revenue, which was approximately $129,350, and how the recycling and wildlife ordinance would be enforced. It was noted and explained why the recycling container offered was smaller in size, based on space availability in multi -family units. Councilor Thuon suggested that materials under this program advertise that they were paid for by the bag fee collected by the Town and consider that to accelerate recycling adoption by local businesses, staff explore the use of a sign-up lottery with a prize to include a year of free trash recycling. Consensus and direction from Council was to move forward with the program as presented. Mayor Phillips opened the floor to public comment and Wayne Hanson, resident of Avon at Chapel Square of Avon HOA took the podium to state they have had recycling for quite a while but lack education to discontinue the use of plastic bags when transporting recyclables to their dumpster. Ms. Hymes noted she has been in contact with the HOA and is awaiting their approval and invitation for a recycling training of their residents. No other public comment was made in person nor on Zoom. 5.4.Presentation: Update on Avondale Apartments (Planning Director Matt Pielsticker) Video Start Time: 00:43:11 Planning Director Matt Pielsticker delivered his presentation related to an update on the development of the Avondale Apartments. Questions from Council included the level of response for RFPs under this project, which prefabrication materials are being stored in Town, design restrictions in panelized and modular construction, assurances that each unit will have usable outdoor living space such as a terrace or deck and a storage space for each unit. No public comment was made in person nor on Zoom. 5.5.Resolution 23-18: All Electric Net Zero Housing (Town Manager Eric Heil) Video Start Time: 01:00:53 Community Development Director Matt Pielsticker introduced the topic of Resolution 23-18 on behalf of Town Manager Eric Heil. Mayor Pro Tern Underwood asked Pielsticker to talk about AVON REGULAR MEETING MINUTES A TUESDAY AUGUST 22, 2023 . v O n HYBRID MEETING; IN -PERSON AT AVON TOWN HALL AND VIRTUALLY THROUGH ZOOM COLORADO precision cooktops and their efficiency, and he offered to come back and speak about those once accompanied by an expert since he is not prepared to speak about them. Councilor Carroll asked what the difference is in utilities between all electric versus gas and electric and noted that the Resolution uses the verb should instead of shall which he observed made Net Zero encouraged but not mandatory. No public comment was made in person nor on Zoom. After deliberations, Councilor Stanley made a motion to approve Resolution 23-18. Mayor Pro Tern Underwood seconded the motion. It was approved with a 5-2 vote, with Councilors Carroll and Thuon voting nay. After the vote, Councilor Carroll added that he is in favor of Net Zero and energy efficiency but that this Resolution feels forced down his throat with no information on the full cost and consequence of the decision to adopt Net Zero. He repeated he is in favor but not knowing that information bothers him, and the Resolution as presented doesn't allow him to make a fully informed decision. 6. MINUTES 6.1.Approval of the August 8, 2023 Regular Council Meeting Minutes (Town Clerk Miguel Jauregui Casanueva) Video Start Time: 01:08:13 With no discussion or correction, Mayor Pro Tem Underwood moved to approve the Minutes from August 8, 2023, as presented. Councilor Stanley seconded the motion. They were approved unanimously with a 7-0 vote. 7. WRITTEN REPORTS 7.1.Monthly Financials (Senior Accountant Dean Stockdale) 7.2.Bi-Monthly Sustainability Update (Sustainability Coordinator Charlotte Lin) 7.3. Post -event Brief Open Water Swim Meet August 12thm 2023 (Megan Hershey) ** Indicates topic will be discussed at future agenda's 8. MAYOR AND COUNCIL COMMENTS & MEETING UPDATES Video Start Time: 01:08:46 Mayor Phillips noted Governor Jared Polis issued an executive order related to construction and housing, and asked Town Attorney Karl Hanlon to give Council his opinion on the matter. Hanlon stated that the Governor issued executive order 2023-124 directed at housing initiatives in the State, establishing strategic growth goals many of which were identified in a CAST (Colorado Association of Ski Towns) memo which he helped draft. He said the order directs State agencies to look at housing in local jurisdictions with an interdepartmental approach, not just through DOLA but also through relevant agencies such as Department of Housing, Department of Transportation, Department of Local Affairs, Department of Health and the Environment, among others, so that by December 15, they determine what programs those Departments offer to support housing in Colorado. He closed his remarks explaining the order lays framework and sets the stage 3 AVON REGULAR MEETING MINUTES TUESDAY AUGUST 22, 2023 Avon HYBRID MEETING; IN -PERSON AT AVON TOWN HALL AND VIRTUALLY THROUGH ZOOM COLORADO for next the legislature to look broadly to solve the housing stock crisis in Colorado. Mayor Phillips noted that on Thursday August 24, 2023, she and Councilor Stanley will attend a CAST meeting in Basalt, accompanied by Town Manager Eric Heil, and will tour a local housing project prior to meeting. Councilor Thuon asked for 40 copies of the Firewise Accreditation materials for Wildridge from Town Clerk Miguel Jauregui Casanueva, and noted he would like to personally make them available to Insurance Companies and neighbors. 9. ADJOURN There being no further business before Council, Mayor Phillips moved to adjourn the regular meeting. The time was 06:18 p.m. These minutes are only a summary of the proceedings of the meeting. They are not intended to be comprehensive or to include each statement, person speaking or to portray with complete accuracy. The most accurate records of the meeting are the audio of the meeting, which is housed in the Town Clerk's office, and the video of the meeting, which is available at www.highfivemedio.org. APPROVED: Mayor Amy Phillips Tamra Underwood Ruth Stanley Lindsay Hardy R1 Andrade Rich Carroll Chico Thuon RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED: i Miguel Jaureg I sanueva, Town Clerk 4