TC Resolution 22-21 Supporting Town of Avon Ballot Issue 2G - Formation of Eagle Valley Transportation Authorityn Avon COLORADO RESOLUTION 22-21 SUPPORTING TOWN OF AVON BALLOT ISSUE 2G — FORMATION OF EAGLE VALLEY TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY WHEREAS, Eagle County and the towns of Avon, Eagle, Gypsum, Minturn, Red Cliff, and Vail, and Beaver Creek Metro District (collectively referred to as the "Parties") recognize the need and demand for improved transportation service in the Eagle Valley to serve residents, local businesses and visitors; WHEREAS, the Parties, along with local employers, nonprofits, and community partners, have conducted numerous meetings to formulate a proposal to improve regional transportation through the creation of an Eagle Valley Transportation Authority ("EVTA") which involves voter approval in each of the respective jurisdictions of the Parties; and WHEREAS, the Town of Avon Ballot Issue 2G asks voters to approve the formation of the Eagle Valley Transportation Authority and approve a 0.5% sales tax dedicated to the EVTA to enhance, expand and improve regional transportation in accordance with the EVTA Intergovernmental Agreement, including but not limited to (1) expanding transit service express routes, and transportation options across the Eagle Valley, (2) enhancing connections between Gypsum and Eagle and other communities, (3) enhancing air service and improving access at Eagle County Airport, (4) providing a fare -free transit zone from Edwards to Vail, including Avon, Beaver Creek, Minturn and Eagle -Vail, and (5) reducing environmental impacts from transportation; and WHEREAS, the Colorado Fair Campaign Practices Act expressly authorizes local governments to pass a resolution taking a position of advocacy and reporting the passage of, and distributing, the resolution through established and customary means by C.R.S. §1-45- 117(1)(b)(III). NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the Avon Town Council hereby supports and endorses Town of Avon Ballot Issue 2G for the formation of the Eagle Valley Transportation Authority in the upcoming November 8, 2022 General Election, as a measure that will improve and enhance regional transportation services offered to the workforce, residents and guests and which will also promote increased livability, sustainability and economic vitality for Avon and the Eagle County region. ADOPTED OCTOBER 11, 2022 BY THE AVON TOWN COUNCIL ,�, rl� By: Attest: • i • Sarah Smith Hymes, M yor Brenda Torres, Deputy To Clerk C�1LORA�O• Resolution No. 22-21 October 11, 2022 Page 1 of 1