TC Ord. No. 23-03 Adopting Amendments to the Building Code for Electric Readiness, Electric Vehicles, and Increased Energy Efficiency RequirementsAvon
WHEREAS, pursuant to C.R.S. §31-15-103 and §31-15-104, and pursuant to the home rule
powers of the Town of Avon ("Town"), the Town Council has the power to make and publish
ordinances necessary and proper to provide for the safety, preserve the health, promote the
prosperity, and improve the morals, order, comfort, and convenience of its inhabitants; and
WHEREAS, the Town Council adopted the 2021 International Building Codes, including the
International Energy Conservation Code ("IECC"), on December 13, 2022 by approving
Ordinance 22-16; and .
WHEREAS, the Town Council adopted the Climate Action Plan 2020 Update, with the stated
priority goal of adopting above building code standards that are consistent throughout the region;
WHEREAS, buildings are responsible for 40 percent of greenhouse gas emissions in the United
States, and reducing building greenhouse emissions is essential for reducing the impacts of climate
change; and
WHEREAS, the Avon Town Council recognizes that further amendments to the IECC,
collectively referred here as the I -Codes, will improve the energy performance of building, and
will thereby promote the health, safety, resiliency, affordability, sustainability, and general welfare
of our community; and
WHEREAS, approval of this Ordinance on first reading is intended only to confirm that the
Town Council desires to comply with the requirement of Section 6.5(d) of the Avon Home Rule
Charter by setting a public hearing in order to provide the public an opportunity to present
testimony and evidence and that approval of this Ordinance on first reading does not constitute a
representation that the Town Council, or any member of the Town Council, has determined to take
final action on this Ordinance prior to concluding the public hearing on second reading.
AVON, COLORADO the following:
Section 1. Recitals Incorporated. The above and foregoing recitals are incorporated herein
by reference and adopted as findings and determinations of the Town Council.
Section 2. Building Code Amendments. The Town Council hereby approved amendments
to the IECC as depicted in "Exhibit A to Ordinance 23-03", attached and incorporated by this
Ord 23-03 Adoption Building Code Amendments
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Section 3. Severability. If any provision of this Ordinance, or the application of such
provision to any person or circumstance, is for any reason held to be invalid, such invalidity shall
not affect other provisions or applications of this Ordinance which can be given effect without the
invalid provision or application, and to this end the provisions of this Ordinance are declared to be
severable. The Town Council hereby declares that it would have passed this Ordinance and each
provision thereof, even though any one of the provisions might be declared unconstitutional or
invalid. As used in this Section, the term "provision" means and includes any part, division,
subdivision, section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase; the term "application" means and
includes an application of an ordinance or any part thereof, whether considered or construed alone
or together with another ordinance or ordinances, or part thereof, of the Town.
Section 4. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall take effect thirty days after the date of final
passage in accordance with Section 6.4 of the Avon Home Rule Charter.
Section 5. Safety Clause. The Town Council hereby finds, determines and declares that this
Ordinance is promulgated under the general police power of the Town of Avon, that it is
promulgated for the health, safety and welfare of the public, and that this Ordinance is necessary
for the preservation of health and safety and for the protection of public convenience and welfare.
The Town Council further determines that the Ordinance bears a rational relation to the proper
legislative object sought to be obtained.
Section 6. No Existing Violation Affected. Nothing in this Ordinance shall be construed to
release, extinguish, alter, modify, or change in whole or in part any penalty, liability or right or
affect any audit, suit, or proceeding pending in any court, or any rights acquired, or liability
incurred, or any cause or causes of action acquired or existing which may have been incurred or
obtained under any ordinance or provision hereby repealed or amended by this Ordinance. Any
such ordinance or provision thereof so amended, repealed, or superseded by this Ordinance shall
be treated and held as remaining in force for the purpose of sustaining any and all proper actions,
suits, proceedings and prosecutions, for the enforcement of such penalty, liability, or right, and for
the purpose of sustaining any judgment, decree or order which can or may be rendered, entered,
or made in such actions, suits or proceedings, or prosecutions imposing, inflicting, or declaring
such penalty or liability or enforcing such right, and shall be treated and held as remaining in force
for the purpose of sustaining any and all proceedings, actions, hearings, and appeals pending before
any court or administrative tribunal.
Section 7. Codification of Amendments. The codifier of the Town's Municipal Code,
Colorado Code Publishing, is hereby authorized to make such numerical and formatting changes
as may be necessary to incorporate the provisions of this Ordinance within the Avon Municipal
Code. The Town Clerk is authorized to correct, or approve the correction by the codifier, of any
typographical error in the enacted regulations, provided that such correction shall not substantively
change any provision of the regulations adopted in this Ordinance. Such corrections may include
spelling, reference, citation, enumeration, and grammatical errors.
Section 8. Publication. The Town Clerk is ordered to publish this Ordinance in accordance
with Chapter 1.16 of the Avon Municipal Code.
Ord 23-03 Adoption Building Code Amendments
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HEARING by the Avon Town Council on April 11, 2023, and setting such public hearing for
April 25, 2023 at the Council Chambers of the Avon Municipal Building, located at One Hundred
Mikaela Way, Avon, Colorado.
Miguel Jauregui C sanueva, Town
ADOPTED ON SECOND AND FINAL READING by the Avon Town Council on April 25,
Karto1I� own orney
Ord 23-03 Adoption Building Code Amendments
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Miguel Jaureg4 C/asanueva, T
Exhibit A to Ordinance 23-03
15.10.120 - Chapter 11 [RE] Energy Efficiency.
This section is hereby deleted in its entirety and all provisions for energy efficiency shall comply with the
currently adopted International Energy Conservation Code, residential provisions, and its local
amendments because the language of this chapter is duplicated therein.
15.26.040 - Section C403 Building Mechanical Systems.
This section is hereby deleted in its entirety and all provisions for energy efficiency shall comply with the
currently adopted International Energy Conservation Code, residential provisions, and its local
amendments because the language of this chapter is duplicated therein.
15.26.050 - Additions and Modifications to IECC
The IECC is amended as follows:
1. Section C101.1 Title is retained in its entirety with the following amendments:
C101.1 Title. This code shall be known as the International Energy Conservation Code of
[City/Town/County], and shall be cited as such. It is referred to herein as "this code" or "the
2. Section C103.2 Information on construction documents, is amended by modifying item 6 and
adding items 14, 15, and 16 as follows:
6. Mechanical and service water heating systems and equipment types, sizes, fuel source,
and efficiencies.
14. Details of additional electric infrastructure, including branch circuits, conduit, or pre -
wiring, and panel capacity in compliance with the provisions of this code.
15. Location of pathways for routing of raceways or cable from the solar ready zone to the
electrical service panel.
16. Location of designated EVSE spaces, EVSE Universal spaces, EV-Ready spaces, and
EV-Capable spaces in parking facilities.
3. Section C105.2.5 Electrical system is amended to read:
C105.2.5 Electrical system. Inspection shall verify lighting system controls, components, meters,
and additional electric infrastructure, as required by the code, approved plans and specifications.
4. Section C202 GENERAL DEFINITIONS is amended to add or revise the following definitions
in alphabetical order:
ALL -ELECTRIC BUILDING. A building and building site that contains no combustion
equipment, or plumbing for combustion equipment, and that uses heat pump technology as the
primary supply for heating, cooling, and service water heating loads.
COMBUSTION EQUIPMENT: Any equipment or appliances used for space heating, cooling,
water heating (including pools and spas), cooking, clothes drying or lighting that uses natural gas,
propane, other fuel gas, or fuel oil.
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ELECTRIFICATION RETROFIT BID means a contractor bid showing the cost of replacing
combustion equipment with an electric heat pump -based system.
MIXED -FUEL BUILDING. A building and building site that contains combustion equipment, or
plumbing for combustion equipment.
5. Section C401.2.1, International Energy Conservation Code, item 2, is amended to read as follows:
2. Total Building Performance. The Total Building Performance option requires compliance
with Section C407 and, for mixed fuel buildings, Section C405.13 and 10 credits from Tables
C406.1(1) through C406.1(5).
6. Section C401.2.2 ASHRAE 90.1 is amended to read as follows:
C401.2.2 ASHRAE 90.1. Commercial buildings shall comply with the requirements of
ANSI/ASHRAE/IESNA 90.1 and, for mixed fuel buildings, Section C405.13 and 10 credits from
Tables C406.1(1) through C406.1(5).
7. Section C403.13.3 Roof and gutter deicing controls is added as follows:
C403.13.3 Roof and gutter deicing controls. Roof and gutter deicing systems, including but not
limited to self-regulating cable, shall include automatic controls configured to shut off the system
when the outdoor temperature is above 40°F (4.8°C) maximum and shall include one of the
1. A moisture sensor configured to shut off the system in the absence of moisture; or
2. A programmable timer configured to shut off the system for 8 hours minimum at night.
C404.2.1 High input service water -heating systems, item 1 under exceptions, is amended to read
as follows:
3. Where not less than 50 percent of the annual service water heating requirement is
provided by on -site renewable energy or site -recovered energy, not including any
capacity used for compliance with Section C406 of this code or the Exterior Energy
Offset Program, the minimum thermal efficiency requirements of this section shall not
9. Section C404.10 is added as follows:
C404.10 Water heating equipment location. Water heaters with combustion equipment shall be
located in a space with the following characteristics:
1. Minimum dimensions of 3 feet by 3 feet by 7 feet high.
2. Minimum volume of 760 cubic feet, or the equivalent of one 16-inch by 24-inch grill to a
heated space and one 8-inch duct of no more than 10 feet in length for cool exhaust air.
3. Contains a condensate drain that is no more than 2 inches higher than the base of the
installed water heater and allows natural draining without pump assistance, installed
within 3 feet of the water heater.
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1. Instantaneous water heaters located within 10 feet of the point of use.
2. Water heaters with an input capacity of more than 300,000 Btu/h.
10. Section C405.5.3 Gas lighting is amended to read as follows:
Section C405.5.3. Gas lighting. Gas fired lighting appliances are not permitted.
11. Table C405.12.2 ENERGY USE CATEGORIES is amended to add a new line at the end:
Electric vehicle charging Electric vehicle charging loads.
12. A new Section C405.13 is added to read as follows:
C405.13 Additional electric infrastructure. All combustion equipment shall be provided with a
junction box that is connected to an electrical panel by continuous raceways and conductors that
meet the following requirements:
1. The junction box, raceway, and bus bar in the electric panel and conductors serving the
electric panel shall be sized to accommodate electric equipment that is sized to serve the
same load as the combustion equipment.
2. The panel shall have reserved physical space for a three -pole circuit breaker.
3. The junction box and electrical panel directory entry for the dedicated circuit breaker
space shall have labels stating "For future electric equipment."
4. The junction box shall allow for the electric equipment to be installed within the same
place of the combustion equipment that it replaces.
1. Warm air furnaces serving spaces that also have space cooling.
2. Water heating equipment with an input capacity more than 300,000 Btu/h
3. Industrial, manufacturing, laboratory, and high hazard occupancy combustion
13. Section C406.1 Additional energy efficiency credit requirements, first sentence, is amended to
read as follows with the other parts of the paragraph and section to remain:
C406.1 Additional energy efficiency credit requirements. New all -electric buildings shall
achieve a total of 10 credits and new mixed fuel buildings shall achieve a total of 20 credits from
Tables C406.1(1) through C406.1(5) where the table is selected based on the use group of the
building and from credit calculations as specified in relevant subsections of C406.
OCCUPANCIES is retained in its entirety, except Sections C406.7.3 and C406.7.4 in Climate
Zone 6B are amended to read as follows:
TABLE C406.1(2)
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C406.7.3: Efficient fossil fuel water heater b
C406.7.4: Heat pump water heater b
OCCUPANCIES is retained in its entirety, except Sections C406.7.3 and C406.7.4 in Climate
Zone 613 are amended to read as follows:
TABLE C406.1(3)
C406.7.3: Efficient fossil fuel water heater a
C406.7.4: Heat pump water heater a
a. For schools with showers or full -service kitchens.
OCCUPANCIES is retained in its entirety, except Sections C406.7.3 and C406.7.4 in Climate
Zone 6B are amended to read as follows:
TABLE C406.1(5)
C406.7.3: Efficient fossil fuel water heater'
C406.7.4: Heat pump water heater b
a. Other occupancies include all groups except Groups B, E, 1, M, and R.
b. For occupancy groups listed in Section 406.7.1
in its entirety and amended to add the following items:
TABLE C407.2
Thermal envelope certificate
Slabs -on -grade
Insulation of radiant heating system
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18. Section C501.6 Energy audit is added as follows:
C501.6 Energy audit. An ASHRAE Level II energy audit or equivalent shall be performed and
provided to the code official prior to a permit application for any alteration, addition, or change
of occupancy, in order to baseline the efficiency of the existing building and offer opportunities
for cost-effective energy upgrades.
19. Section C501.7 Thermostatic controls is added as follows:
Section C501.7 Thermostatic controls. Alterations, additions, and changes of occupancy that
involve replacing or expanding a heating or cooling system shall comply with section C403.4.1
Thermostatic controls.
20. Section C501.8 Replacement of electric equipment is added as follows:
C501.8 Replacement of electric equipment. Combustion equipment shall not be permitted to be
installed to replace electric equipment, unless an Energy Audit is performed in accordance with
C501.6 and at least one efficiency measure identified in the audit is completed.
21. Section C503.3.3 Electrification retrofit feasibility report is added as follows:
C503.3.3 Electrification retrofit bid. Where a gas -fired warm -air furnace is replaced with a gas -
fired warm -air furnace, or when a unitary air conditioner or condensing unit serving a heated
space is replaced with another unitary air conditioner or condensing unit, an Electr f cation
Retrofit Bid shall be obtained and submitted.
22. Section C503.3.4 Mechanical system acceptance testing is added as follows:
C503.3.4 Mechanical system acceptance testing. Where an alteration requires compliance with
Section C403 or any of its subsections, mechanical systems that serve the alteration shall comply
with Sections C408.2.2, C408.2.3 and C408.2.5.
1. Mechanical systems and service water heater systems in buildings where the total
mechanical equipment capacity is less than 480,000 Btu/h (140.7 kW) cooling capacity
and 600,000 Btu/h (175.8 kW) combined service water -heating and space -heating
2. Systems included in Section C403.5 that serve individual dwelling units and sleeping
23. Section C503.4.1 Service hot water system acceptance testing is added as follows:
C503.4.1 Service hot water system acceptance testing. Where an alteration requires compliance
with Section C404 or any of its subsections, service hot water systems that serve the alteration
shall comply with Sections C408.2.3 and C408.2.5.
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1. Service water heater systems in buildings where the total mechanical equipment capacity
is less than 600,000 Btu/h (175.8 kW) combined service water -heating and space -heating
2. Systems included in Section C403.5 that serve individual dwelling units and sleeping
24. CB 103.1, first sentence, is amended to read as follows, with the exceptions to remain:
C13103.1 General. A solar -ready zone shall be located on the roof of all new buildings that are
subject to the commercial provisions of the IECC and that are oriented between 110 degrees and
270 degrees of true north or have low -slope roofs. Solar -ready zones shall comply with Sections
CB 103.2 through CB 103.9.
25. Appendix CD is added as follows:
CD101. Purpose and intent. The purpose and intent of this Appendix CD is to accommodate the
growing need for EV charging infrastructure. Including these measures during initial commercial
construction substantially reduces the costs and difficulty of installing EV infrastructure at a later
CD102. Applicability. This Appendix CD shall apply to all new commercial construction to
which the current International Building Code applies.
Section CD103. Definitions.
AUTOMOBILE PARKING SPACE. A space within a building or private or public parking lot,
exclusive of driveways, ramps, columns, office, and work areas, for the parking of an automobile.
DIRECT CURRENT FAST CHARGING (DCFC) EVSE: EV power transfer infrastructure
capable of fast charging on a 100A or higher 480VAC three-phase branch circuit. AC power is
converted into a controlled DC voltage and current within the EVSE that will then directly charge
the electric vehicle.
EV LOAD MANAGEMENT SYSTEM: A system designed to allocate charging capacity among
multiple EVSE and that complies with the current National Electric Code.
ELECTRIC VEHICLE (EV). An automotive -type vehicle for on -road use, such as passenger
automobiles, buses, trucks, vans, neighborhood electric vehicles, and electric motorcycles,
primarily powered by an electric motor that draws current from an electric source.
ELECTRIC VEHICLE SUPPLY EQUIPMENT (EVSE). Equipment for plug-in power transfer
including the ungrounded, grounded, and equipment grounding conductors, and the electric
vehicle connectors, attachment plugs, personal protection system and all other fittings, devices,
power outlets or apparatus installed specifically for the purpose of transferring energy between
the premises wiring and the electric vehicle.
automobile parking space that is provided with a dedicated EVSE connection.
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parking space that is provided with electrical infrastructure, such as, but not limited to, raceways,
cables, electrical capacity, and panelboard or other electrical distribution equipment space,
necessary for the future installation of an EVSE.
that is provided with a branch circuit and a ground fault circuit interrupter (GFCUGFI) outlet,
junction box, or receptacle, that will support an installed EVSE.
UNIVERSAL VEHICLE CHARGING STATION. A charging station installed in a parking space
for a minimum vehicle width of 120 inches (3048 nun) with 36 inch access aisles (915 mm) on
each side.
CD104 Electric vehicle power transfer infrastructure. New parking facilities shall be provided
with electric vehicle power transfer infrastructure in compliance with Sections CD 104.1 through
CD 104.6, CD 105, and CD 106.
CD104.1 Quantity. The number of required EVSE spaces, EV ready spaces, and EV capable
spaces shall be determined in accordance with this Section and Table CD104.1 based on the total
number of automobile parking spaces and shall be rounded up to the nearest whole number. For
multifamily buildings, the Table requirements shall be based on the total number of dwelling
units or the total number of automobile parking spaces, whichever is less.
1. Where more than one parking facility is provided on a building site, the number of
required automobile parking spaces required to have EV power transfer infrastructure
shall be calculated separately for each parking facility.
2. Where one shared parking facility serves multiple building occupancies, the required
number of spaces shall be determined proportionally based on the floor area of each
building occupancy.
3. Installed EVSE spaces that exceed the minimum requirements of this section may be used
to meet minimum requirements for EV ready spaces and EV capable spaces.
4. Installed EV ready spaces that exceed the minimum requirements of this section may be
used to meet minimum requirements for EV capable spaces.
5. Where the number of EV ready spaces allocated for multifamily occupancies is equal to
the number of dwelling units or to the number of automobile parking spaces, whichever
is less, requirements for EVSE spaces shall not apply.
6. In multifamily complexes that contain multiple buildings, required EV spaces shall be
dispersed throughout parking areas so that each building has access to a similar number
of spaces per dwelling unit.
7. Direct Current Fast Charging. The number of EVSE spaces may be reduced by up to ten
per DCFC EVSE provided that the building includes not less than one parking space
equipped with a DCFC EVSE and not less than one EV ready space. A maximum of fifty
spaces may be reduced from the total number of EVSE spaces.
Exception: Parking facilities, serving occupancies other than multifamily, with fewer than 10
automobile parking spaces.
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All Other Commercial
a. Where all (100%) parking serving multifamily are EV ready spaces, requirements for EVSE spaces shall not apply.
CD104.2 EV capable spaces. Each EV capable space used to meet the requirements of Section
CD 104.1 shall comply with all of the following:
1. A continuous raceway or cable assembly shall be installed between an enclosure or outlet
located within 3 feet (914 mm) of the EV capable space and a suitable panelboard or
other onsite electrical distribution equipment.
2. Installed raceway or cable assembly shall be sized and rated to supply a minimum circuit
capacity in accordance with CD104.5
3. The electrical distribution equipment to which the raceway or cable assembly connects
shall have sufficient dedicated space and spare electrical capacity for a 2-pole circuit
breaker or set of fuses.
4. The electrical enclosure or outlet and the electrical distribution equipment directory shall
be marked: "For future electric vehicle supply equipment (EVSE)."
5. Reserved capacity shall be no less than 4.1 kVA (20A 208/240V) for each EV capable
CD104.3 EV ready spaces. Each branch circuit serving EV ready spaces used to meet the
requirements of Section CD104.1 shall comply with all of the following:
1. Terminate at an outlet or enclosure, located within 3 feet (914 mm) of each EV ready
space it serves.
2. Have a minimum circuit capacity in accordance with CD104.5.
3. Branch circuit on the panelboard or other electrical distribution equipment directory
designated as "For electric vehicle supply equipment (EVSE)" and the outlet or enclosure
marked "For electric vehicle supply equipment (EVSE)."
CD104.4 EVSE spaces. An installed EVSE with multiple output connections shall be permitted
to serve multiple EVSE spaces. Each EVSE installed to meet the requirements of Section
CD104.1, serving either a single EVSE space or multiple EVSE spaces, shall comply with all of
the following:
1. Have a minimum circuit capacity in accordance with C13104.5.
2. Have a minimum charging rate in accordance with CD 104.4.1.
3. Be located within 3 feet (914 mm) of each EVSE space it serves.
4. Be installed in accordance with Section C13104.6 and CD104.7.
CD104.4.1 EVSE minimum charging rate. Each installed EVSE shall comply with one of the
1. Be capable of charging at a minimum rate of 6.2 kVA (or 30A at 208/240V).
2. When serving multiple EVSE spaces and controlled by an energy management system
providing load management, be capable of simultaneously charging each EVSE space at a
minimum rate of no less than 3.3 kVA.
3. When serving EVSE spaces allowed to have a minimum circuit capacity of 2.7 kVA in
accordance with CD104.5.1 and controlled by an energy management system providing
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load management, be capable of simultaneously charging each ESVE space at a minimum
rate of no less than 2.1 kVA.
CD104.5 Circuit capacity. The capacity of electrical infrastructure serving each EV capable
space, EV ready space, and EVSE space shall comply with one of the following:
1. A branch circuit with a rated capacity not less than 8.3 kVA (or 40A at 208/240V) for
each EV ready space or EVSE space it serves.
2. The requirements of CD104.5.1.
CD104.5.1 Circuit capacity management. The capacity of each branch circuit serving multiple
EVSE spaces, EV ready spaces or EV capable spaces designed to be controlled by an energy
management system providing load management in accordance with NFPA 70, shall comply with
one of the following:
1. Have a minimum capacity of 4.1 kVA per space.
2. Have a minimum capacity of 2.7 kVA per space when serving EV ready spaces or EVSE
spaces for a building site where all (100%) of the automobile parking spaces are designed
to be EV ready or EVSE spaces.
CD104.6 EVSE installation. EVSE shall be installed in accordance with NFPA 70 and shall be
listed and labeled in accordance with UL 2202 or UL 2594.
CD104.7. EVSE ENERGY STAR. All EVSE shall be ENERGY STAR certified.
CD105. Universal vehicle charging stations. Where electric vehicle charging stations are
provided for public use, or where electric vehicle charging stations are shared by multiple
multifamily dwelling units, the number of universal vehicle charging stations shall be provided in
accordance with Table CD104.1. When multiple stalls are required, access aisles may be shared.
1 or more
CD106. Identification. Construction documents shall designate all EV capable spaces, EV ready
spaces, and EVSE spaces and indicate the locations of conduit and termination points serving
them. The circuit breakers or circuit breaker spaces reserved for the EV capable spaces, EV ready
spaces, and EVSE spaces shall be clearly identified in the panel board directory. The conduit for
EV capable spaces shall be clearly identified at both the panel board and the termination point at
the parking space.
26. Section R101.1 Title is retained in its entirety with the following amendments:
R101.1 Title. This code shall be known as the International Energy Conservation Code of
[City/Town/County], and shall be cited as such. It is referred to herein as "this code" or "the
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27. Section R103.2 Information on construction documents, is amended by modifying item 6 and
adding items 10, 11, and 12 as follows:
6. Mechanical and service water heating systems and equipment types, sizes, fuel source,
and efficiencies.
10. Details of additional electric infrastructure, including branch circuits, conduit, or pre -
wiring, and panel capacity in compliance with the provisions of this code.
11. Location of pathways for routing of raceways or cable from the solar ready zone to the
electrical service panel.
12. Location of designated EVSE spaces, EVSE Universal spaces, EV-Ready spaces, and
EV-Capable spaces in parking facilities, as applicable.
28. Section R202 GENERAL DEFINITIONS is amended to add the following definitions in
alphabetical order:
ALL -ELECTRIC BUILDING. A building and building site that contains no combustion
equipment, or plumbing for combustion equipment, and that uses heat pump technology as the
primary supply for heating, cooling, and service water heating loads.
COMBUSTION EQUIPMENT: Any equipment or appliances used for space heating, cooling,
water heating (including pools and spas), cooking, clothes drying or lighting that uses natural gas,
propane, other fuel gas, or fuel oil.
MIXED -FUEL BUILDING. A building and building site that contains combustion equipment, or
plumbing for combustion equipment.
29. Section R401.2.5 Additional energy efficiency is amended as follows:
R401.2.5 Additional energy efficiency. This section establishes additional requirements
applicable to all compliance approaches to achieve additional energy efficiency.
1. For buildings complying with Section R401.2.1, the building shall meet one of the
1.1. For all -electric buildings, one of the additional efficiency package options shall
be installed according to Section R408.2.
2.2. For mixed fuel buildings, three of the additional efficiency packages shall be
installed, at least one of which addresses the envelope.
2. For buildings complying with Section R401.2.2, the building shall meet one of the
2.1. For all -electric buildings, one of the additional efficiency package options in
Section R408.2 shall be installed without including such measures in the
proposed design under Section R405.
2.2. For mixed fuel buildings, three of the additional efficiency packages shall be
installed, at least one of which addresses the envelope, without including such
measures in the proposed design under Section R405.
2.3. For all -electric buildings, the proposed design of the building under Section
R405.3 shall have an annual energy cost that is less than or equal to 95 percent of
the annual energy cost of the standard reference design.
2.4. For mixed fuel buildings, the proposed design of the building under Section
R405.3 shall have an annual energy cost that is less than or equal to 80 percent of
the annual energy cost of the standard reference design.
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3. For buildings complying with the Energy Rating Index alternative Section R401.2.3, the
Energy Rating Index value shall be at least 5 percent less than the Energy Rating Index
target specified in Table R406.5.
The options selected for compliance shall be identified in the certificate required by Section
30. Section R401.3 Certificate, item 4, is amended and new items 8, 9, and 10 are added as follows:
R401.3 Certificate. A permanent certificate shall be completed by the builder or other approved
party and posted on a wall in the space where the furnace is located, a utility room or an approved
location inside the building. Where located on an electrical panel, the certificate shall not cover or
obstruct the visibility of the circuit directory label, service disconnect label or other required
labels. The certification shall indicate the following:
4. The types, sizes, fuel sources, and efficiencies of heating, cooling and service water
heating equipment. Where a gas -fired unvented room heater, electric furnace or
baseboard electric heater is installed in the residence, the certificate shall indicate "gas -
fired unvented room heater," "electric furnace" or "baseboard electric heater," as
appropriate. An efficiency shall not be indicated for gas -fired unvented room heaters,
electric furnaces and electric baseboard heaters.
8. The fuel sources for cooking and clothes drying equipment.
9. Where combustion equipment is installed, the certificate shall indicate information on the
installation of additional electric infrastructure including which equipment and/or
appliances include additional electric infrastructure, capacity reserved on the electrical
service panel for replacement of each piece of combustion equipment and/or appliance
10. Where a solar -ready zone is provided, the certificate shall indicate the location,
dimensions, and capacity reserved on the electrical service panel.
31. Section R403.5 Service hot water systems is amended as follows:
R403.5 Service hot water systems. Energy conservation measures for service hot water systems
shall be in accordance with Sections R403.5.1 through R403.5.4.
32. Section R403.5.2 Hot water pipe insulation, item 1, is amended to read as follows:
1. Piping located inside the conditioned space, unless completely encapsulated by insulation
which serves the cavity or space.
33. Section R403.5.4 Water heating equipment location is added as follows:
R403.5.4 Water heating equipment location. Water heaters with combustion equipment shall be
located in a space with the following characteristics:
1. Minimum dimensions of 3 feet by 3 feet by 7 feet high.
2. Minimum volume of 760 cubic feet, or the equivalent of one 16-inch by 24-inch grill to a
heated space and one 8-inch duct of no more than 10 feet in length for cool exhaust air.
3. Contains a condensate drain that is no more than 2 inches higher than the base of the
installed water heater and allows natural draining without pump assistance, installed
within 3 feet of the water heater.
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1. Water heaters with an input capacity of greater than 300,000 Btu/h that serve
multiple dwelling units or sleeping units.
34. Section R403.10 Roof and gutter deicing controls is added as follows:
R403.10 Roof and gutter deicing controls. Roof and gutter deicing systems, including but not
limited to self-regulating cable, shall include automatic controls configured to shut off the system
when the outdoor temperature is above 40°F (4.8°C) maximum and shall include one of the
1. A moisture sensor configured to shut off the system in the absence of moisture, or
2. A programmable timer configured to shut off the system for 8 hours minimum at night.
35. Section R404.1.1 Fuel gas lighting is amended to read as follows:
Section R404.1.1. Fuel gas lighting. Fuel gas lighting systems are prohibited.
36. A new Section R404.4 Additional electric infrastructure is added as follows:
R404.4 Additional electric infrastructure. All combustion equipment shall be installed in
accordance with Section R403.5.4 and shall be provided with a junction box that is connected to
an electrical panel by continuous raceways and conductors that meet the following requirements:
1. The junction box, raceway, and bus bar in the electric panel and conductors serving the
electric panel shall be sized to accommodate electric equipment that is sized to serve the
same load as the combustion equipment.
2. The panel shall have reserved physical space for a dual -pole circuit breaker.
3. The junction box and electrical panel directory entry for the dedicated circuit breaker
space shall have labels stating "For future electric equipment."
4. The junction box shall allow for the electric equipment to be installed within the same
place of the combustion equipment that it replaces.
1. Fossil fuel space heating equipment where a 208/240-volt electrical circuit with a
minimum capacity of 40 amps exists for space cooling equipment.
2. Water heating equipment with an input capacity greater than 300,000 Btu/h that
serves multiple dwelling units or sleeping units.
37. Table R405.2 Requirements for Total Building Performance adds a new row under Mechanical
and a new row under Electrical Power and Lighting Systems as follows:
Water heating equipment location
Electrical Power and Lighting Systems
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R404.4 Additional electric infrastructure
38. Table R406.2 Requirements for Energy Rating Index adds a new row under Mechanical and a
new row under Electrical Power and Lighting Systems as follows:
Water heating equipment
Electrical Power and Lighting Systems
Additional electric infrastructure
39. Section R406.5 ERI-based compliance is amended as follows:
R406.5 ERI-based compliance. Compliance based on an ERI analysis requires that the rated
proposed design and confirmed built dwelling be shown to have an ERI less than or equal to the
appropriate value for the proposed all -electric or mixed -fuel building as indicated in Table
R406.4 when compared to the ERI reference design.
40. Section R501.7 Energy audit is added as follows:
R501.7 Energy audit. A RESNET, Building Performance Institute, or other approved energy
audit shall be performed and provided to the code official prior to a permit application for any
addition or alteration, in order to baseline the efficiency of the existing building and offer
opportunities for cost-effective energy upgrades. The audit must include a blower door test and a
thermographic scan.
41. Section R501.8 Programmable thermostat is added as follows:
Section R501.8 Programmable thermostat. Alterations, additions, and changes of occupancy
that involve replacing or expanding a heating or cooling system shall comply with section
R403.1.1 Programmable thermostat.
42. Section R501.9 Replacement of electric equipment.
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R501.9 Replacement of electric equipment. Combustion equipment shall not be permitted to be
installed to replace electric equipment, unless an Energy Audit is performed in accordance with
R501.7 and at least one efficiency measure identified in the audit is completed.
43. Section R501.10 Electrification retrofit bid is added as follows:
R501.10 Electrification retrofit bid. Where a gas -fired warm -air furnace is replaced with a gas -
fired warm -air furnace, or when a unitary air conditioner or condensing unit serving a heated
space is replaced with another unitary air conditioner or condensing unit, an Electrification
Retrofit Bid shall be obtained and submitted.
44. Appendix RB Title is amended to read: "Appendix RB Solar Ready Provisions."
45. RB 103.1, first sentence, is amended as follows, with the rest of the section remaining:
R13103.1 General. New residential buildings with not less than 600 square feet (55.74 in 2) of
roof area oriented between 110 degrees and 270 degrees of true north shall comply with Sections
RB 103.2 through RB 103.8.
46. Appendix RD is added as follows:
RD101. Purpose and intent. The purpose and intent of this Appendix RD is to accommodate the
growing need for EV charging infrastructure, in particular meeting preferences for charging at
home. Including these measures during initial construction substantially reduces the costs and
difficulty of installing EV infrastructure at a later date.
RD102. Applicability. This Appendix RD shall apply to all new residential construction to which
the International Residential Code applies.
RD103. Definitions.
AUTOMOBILE PARKING SPACE. A space within a building or private or public parking lot,
exclusive of driveways, ramps, columns, office, and work areas, for the parking of an automobile.
DIRECT CURRENT FAST CHARGING (DCFC) EVSE: EV power transfer infrastructure
capable of fast charging on a 100A or higher 480VAC three-phase branch circuit. AC power is
converted into a controlled DC voltage and current within the EVSE that will then directly charge
the electric vehicle.
EV LOAD MANAGEMENT SYSTEM: A system designed to allocate charging capacity among
multiple EVSE and that complies with the current National Electric Code.
ELECTRIC VEHICLE (EV). An automotive -type vehicle for on -road use, such as passenger
automobiles, buses, trucks, vans, neighborhood electric vehicles, and electric motorcycles,
primarily powered by an electric motor that draws current from an electric source.
ELECTRIC VEHICLE SUPPLY EQUIPMENT (EVSE). Equipment for plug-in power transfer
including the ungrounded, grounded, and equipment grounding conductors, and the electric
vehicle connectors, attachment plugs, personal protection system and all other fittings, devices,
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power outlets or apparatus installed specifically for the purpose of transferring energy between
the premises wiring and the electric vehicle.
automobile parking space that is provided with a dedicated EVSE connection.
parking space that is provided with electrical infrastructure, such as, but not limited to, raceways,
cables, electrical capacity, and panelboard or other electrical distribution equipment space,
necessary for the future installation of an EVSE.
that is provided with a branch circuit and receptacle that will support an installed EVSE.
UNIVERSAL VEHICLE CHARGING STATION. A charging station installed in a parking space
for a minimum vehicle width of 120 inches (3048 mm) with 36 inch access aisles (915 mm) on
each side.
RD104 One- and two- family dwellings and townhouses. One EV ready space shall be
provided for each dwelling unit. The branch circuit shall be identified as EV ready in the service
panel or subpanel directory, and the termination location shall be marked as EV ready.
Exception: Dwelling units where no parking spaces are either required or provided.
RD105 Residential multifamily dwellings, 3-stories or less. New dwelling units for residential
multifamily buildings, other than duplexes and townhomes, shall be provided with electric
vehicle power transfer infrastructure in compliance with Sections RD105.1 through RD105.6 and
Sections RD 106 through RD 107.
RD105.1 Quantity. The number of required EVSE spaces, EV ready spaces, and EV capable
spaces shall be determined in accordance with this Section and Table RD105.1 based on the total
number of automobile parking spaces and shall be rounded up to the nearest whole number. For
multifamily buildings, the Table requirements shall be based on the total number of dwelling
units or the total number of automobile parking spaces, whichever is less.
1. Where more than one parking facility is provided on a building site, the number of
required automobile parking spaces required to have EV power transfer infrastructure
shall be calculated separately for each parking facility.
2. Installed EVSE spaces that exceed the minimum requirements of this section may be used
to meet minimum requirements for EV ready spaces and EV capable spaces.
3. Installed EV ready spaces that exceed the minimum requirements of this section may be
used to meet minimum requirements for EV capable spaces.
4. Where the number of EV ready spaces allocated for multifamily occupancies is equal to
the number of dwelling units or to the number of automobile parking spaces allocated to
multifamily occupancies, whichever is less, requirements for EVSE spaces shall not
5. In multifamily complexes that contain multiple buildings, required EV spaces shall be
dispersed throughout parking areas so that each building has access to a similar number
of spaces per dwelling unit.
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a. Where all (100%) parking serving multifamily occupancies are EV ready spaces, requirements for
EVSE spaces shall not apply.
RD105.2 EV capable spaces. Each EV capable space used to meet the requirements of Section
RD 105.1 shall comply with all of the following:
1. A continuous raceway or cable assembly shall be installed between an enclosure or outlet
located within 3 feet (914 mm) of the EV capable space and a suitable panelboard or
other onsite electrical distribution equipment.
2. Installed raceway or cable assembly shall be sized and rated to supply a minimum circuit
capacity in accordance with RD 105.5
3. The electrical distribution equipment to which the raceway or cable assembly connects
shall have sufficient dedicated space and spare electrical capacity for a 2-pole circuit
breaker or set of fuses.
4. The electrical enclosure or outlet and the electrical distribution equipment directory shall
be marked: "For future electric vehicle supply equipment (EVSE)."
5. Reserved capacity shall be no less than 4.1 kVA (20A 208/240V) for each EV capable
RD105.3 EV ready spaces. Each branch circuit serving EV ready spaces used to meet the
requirements of Section RD105.1 shall comply with all of the following:
1. Terminate at a receptacle with overcurrent protection and GFCI protection as required by
NFPA 70, located within 3 feet (914 mm) of each EV ready space it serves.
2. Have a minimum circuit capacity in accordance with RD 105.5.
3. Have a branch circuit on the panelboard or other electrical distribution equipment
directory designated as "For electric vehicle supply equipment (EVSE)" and the outlet or
enclosure shall be marked "For electric vehicle supply equipment (EVSE)."
RD105.4 EVSE spaces. An installed EVSE with multiple output connections shall be permitted
to serve multiple EVSE spaces. Each EVSE installed to meet the requirements of Section
RD105.1, serving either a single EVSE space or multiple EVSE spaces, shall comply with all of
the following:
1. Have a minimum circuit capacity in accordance with RD105.5.
2. Have a minimum charging rate in accordance with RD105.4.1.
3. Be located within 3 feet (914 mm) of each EVSE space it serves.
4. Be installed in accordance with Section RD105.6 and RD105.7
RD105.4.1 EVSE minimum charging rate. Each installed EVSE shall comply with one of the
1. Be capable of charging at a minimum rate of 6.2 kVA (or 30A at 208/240V).
2. When serving multiple EVSE spaces and controlled by an energy management system
providing load management, be capable of simultaneously charging each EVSE space at a
minimum rate of no less than 3.3 kVA.
3. When serving EVSE spaces allowed to have a minimum circuit capacity of 2.7 kVA in
accordance with RD 105.5.1 and controlled by an energy management system providing
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load management, be capable of simultaneously charging each ESVE space at a minimum
rate of no less than 2.1 kVA.
RD105.5 Circuit capacity. The capacity of electrical infrastructure serving each EV capable
space, EV ready space, and EVSE space shall comply with one of the following:
1. A branch circuit with a rated capacity not less than 8.3 kVA (or 40A at 208/240V) for
each EV ready space or EVSE space it serves.
2. The requirements of RD 105.5.1.
RD105.5.1 Circuit capacity management. The capacity of each branch circuit serving multiple
EVSE spaces, EV ready spaces or EV capable spaces designed to be controlled by an energy
management system providing load management in accordance with NFPA 70, shall comply with
one of the following:
1. Have a minimum capacity of 4.1 kVA per space.
2. Have a minimum capacity of 2.7 kVA per space when serving EV ready spaces or EVSE
spaces for a building site when all (100%) of the automobile parking spaces are designed
to be EV ready or EVSE spaces.
RD105.6 EVSE installation. EVSE shall be installed in accordance with NFPA 70 and shall be
listed and labeled in accordance with UL 2202 or UL 2594.
RD105.7. EVSE ENERGY STAR. All EVSE shall be ENERGY STAR certified.
RD106. Universal vehicle charging stations. Where electric vehicle charging stations are
provided for public use, or where electric vehicle charging stations are shared by multiple
multifamily dwelling units, the number of universal vehicle charging stations shall be provided in
accordance with Table RD106.1. When multiple stalls are required, access aisles may be shared.
1 or more 1 25%
RD107. Identification. Construction documents shall designate all EV capable spaces, EV ready
spaces, and EVSE spaces and indicate the locations of conduit and termination points serving
them. The circuit breakers or circuit breaker spaces reserved for the EV capable spaces, EV ready
spaces, and EVSE spaces shall be clearly identified in the panel board directory. The conduit for
EV capable spaces shall be clearly identified at both the panel board and the termination point at
the parking space.
15.28- - Electrical Vehicle Charging Standards
This section is hereby deleted in its entirety.
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