contract submit instructions
GENERAL: All contracts must receive prior review and approval by the Town Attorney, INCLUDING all
exhibits, attachments and scope of work. Check with the Town Attorney to verify the
correct contract form to be used.
1. Document Title: Name it starting with the date (21.06.24), then use the following abbreviations:
PSA = Professional Service Agreement; ICA = Independent Contractor Agreement; SCA =
Standard Construction Agreement; IGA = Intergovernmental Agreement; MOU = Memorandum of
Understanding; MA = Miscellaneous Agreement, followed by the vendor/other party name (Ex.
21.02.26 SCA Tasman Geosciences, Inc).
2. Vendor/Other Party Name: Insert name of other party.
3. Department: State the Department responsible for the contract along with name and email
4. Term of Contract: Contracts with a term greater than one year which do not allow for the Town of
Avon to terminate with less than one year’s notice require Town Council approval.
5. Contract Notification Recipients: List persons and e-mail addresses for notifications.
6. Advance E-Mail Notification of Expiration: State the number of days that advance notification of
expiration should be sent and list email of person to receive notification.
7. Financial: State the amount of the contract and the budget line item.
8. Special Terms: List any special terms that are unusual and require review or another negotiating
point prior to expiration.
9. Exhibits: List all exhibits referenced in the contract and attach them to the contract.
10. Certificate of Liability Insurance: Attach a Certificate of Liability Insurance if required by the
11. Council Action Required: Documents requiring a Resolution or Ordinance also require Town
Council approval. Attach the approved Resolution or Ordinance.
12. County Recording Required: If this contact needs to be recorded with the Eagle county Clerk and
Recorder, list the Avon Town Clerk as the party to receive the original recorded document or
provide the original recorded version when received.
13. Comments: Provide any comments on the contract to call attention to important or unusual terms
not identified above.