Candidate AffidavitCandidate Affidavit This form must be filed with the Town Clerk within ten (10) days, after an individual becomes a candidate as defined by Avon Town Charter and Code Section 1.14.030. Town Clerk's Office, 100 Mikaela Way, PO Box 975, Avon, CO 81620. Office hours: 8:00 am — 5:00 pm Mon -Fri. Except legal holidays. This affidavit shall certify that I, V"i S\rn\SAA am a candidate for the Town of Avon Office of Town Council Member: I further certify that I a ith the provision of the Avon Town Charter and Code Section 1.14: Campaign Finance. Signature of Candidate: Date: 2m22 Physical Address andidate: Rio Q 10 &CpZo Mailing Address: - ZO Telephone: T ?d •339cl, Email: J4t L.1 Q p.SZ++`Q State of Colorado County of Eagle Before me, G-in 41 r1'e0 (--- Cu ItmZ , a notary/officer duly authorized to administer oaths, in and for said office, personally appeared 12 ,S kh I e whose name is subscribed to the foregoing Candidate Affidavit, and who affirms, that said statements are true and that he/she acknowledges the execution of said instrument to be of their own free act and voluntary deed for the uses and purposes there in set forth. Subsc ' ed and affirmed to before me this ZW day of u h , 2022. Notary/Official Signature ANA ARREOLA GUTIERREZ NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF COLORADO NOTARY ID 20164043755 Commission Expiration Date MY COMMISSION EXPIRES 11/19/2024 Page 1 of 1 Revised July 2022 Item 5.1— Candidate Affidavit