22.05.17 PSA RA Nelson LLC Copy-W Exhibits 1
Exhibit A – Preconstruction Services Scope of Work
RA Nelson LLC (Contractor) shall participate in preconstruction consulting and price estimating for the Town
of Avon (Owner) for the Swift Gulch Employee Housing Project at 500 Swift Gulch Road as outlined below.
Project: Construction of four (4) buildings and up to 55-60 units, consisting of a mix of studio, 1-bedroom,
and 2-bedroom units with a common driveway branching from the existing transit, fleet, and public works
facility, with shared parking facilities, three levels on top of pull-under parking, and shared trash, recycling,
compost area. The project is intended to be a rental-only project for public employees on an approx. 2.5
acres site.
The Contractor will provide a preliminary evaluation of the feasibility of the construction of the project based
on preliminary project information provided by the Owner, to include an initial analysis of the feasibility of the
Owner’s program, schedule requirements, level of finishes and budget for the construction of the project.
The Contractor with the Design Team shall jointly schedule and attend periodic meetings with the Owner. The
Preconstruction Manager shall consult with the Owner and Design Team regarding site use and
improvements, and the selection of building materials, building systems and equipment and potential
alternatives. The Contractor shall provide recommendations on selection of design consultants, construction
feasibility; actions designed to minimize adverse effects of labor or material shortages; time requirements for
procurement of materials / equipment and factors related to construction costs including estimates of
alternative designs or materials, preliminary budgets and po tential cost savings.
The Contractor shall prepare, and periodically update, a Preliminary Project Schedule for the Design Team’s
review and the Owner’s approval. The Owner shall obtain the Design Team’s approval of the portion of the
Preliminary Project Schedule relating to the performance of the Design Team’s services. The Contractor shall
coordinate and integrate the Preliminary Project Schedule with the services and activities of the Owner, Design
Team and Contractor. As design proceeds, the Preliminary Project Schedule will be updated to indicate
proposed activity sequences and durations, milestone dates for receipt and approval of pertinent information,
submittal of the baseline Cost Control Budget Estimate, preparation and processing of shop drawings and
samples, delivery of materials or equipment requiring long -lead time procurement, Owner’s occupancy
requirements showing portions of the Project having occupancy priority and / or phasing and estimated date
of Substantial Completion. If the Preliminary Project Schedule updates indicate that previously approved
schedule dates may not be met, the Contractor shall make recommendations to the Owner and Design Team.
The following paragraphs describe the level the documents need to be completed to at each design phase by
the Design Team. It is the responsibility of the Owner and the Design Team to make sure at each phase of
the design that the project documents are completed to these standards. This information is required to allow
the Preconstruction Manager to complete its work at each phase of the design.
4.1 Schematic Design Documents
The Schematic Design Documents shall establish the conceptual design of the Project illustrating the scale
and relationship of the project components. The Schematic Design Documents at a minimum shall include a
conceptual site plan ( if appropriate ), preliminary building plans, sections and elevations. The Schematic
Design Documents may also include study models, perspective sketches, electronic modeling or
combinations of these media. Preliminary selections of major building systems and construction materials
shall be noted on the drawings or described in writing.
4.2 Design Development Documents
The Design Team shall provide Design Development Documents based on the Schematic Design
Documents and the updated Schematic Design estimate that has been submitted by the Preconstruction
Manager and approved by the Owner. The Design Development Documents shall illustrate and describe the
refinement of the design of the Project, establishing the scope, relationships, forms, size and appearance of
the Project by means of plans, sections, elevations, typical construction details and equipment layouts. The
Design development Documents shall include specifications that identify major materials and systems and
establish in general their quality levels.
4.3 Construction Documents
Not Applicable
The contractor shall provide (2) two rounds of pricing with the SD & DD pricing packages and any required
value engineering.
Upon receipt of the Schematic Design Documents, the Contractor shall prepare, for the review of the Design
Team and approval of the Owner, a preliminary Schematic Design Cost Control Budget Estimate utilizing area,
volume or similar estimating techniques based on historical cost data.
When Design Development Documents have been prepared by the Design Team and approved by the Owner,
the Preconstruction Manager shall prepare an estimate with supporting data for review by the Design Team
and approval by the Owner.
Preconstruction Services associated with the preparation of and cost estimating of the Construction Drawings
are excluded from this agreement.
If any estimate submitted to the Owner exceeds previously approved estimates or the Owner’s budget, the
Preconstruction Manager shall make recommendations to the Owne r and Architect.
The preconstruction services to be provided hereunder are to facilitate the development of the design by the
Design Team and subsequent approval by the Owner. The Contractor is not acting as the designer for the
project and shall have no responsibility or liability for designs, specifications or design decisions relating to the
Project. The Contractor shall have no responsibility or liability for the accuracy of tests, surveys, soils reports,
or other information generated by third parties in connection with the development of the design. Estimates or
budgets prepared or reviewed by the Contractor reflect the Contractors’ good faith judgment, based on the
information available. The Contractor does not warrant or represent that actual construction costs will be at,
below or near such estimates or budgets. Owner and Design Team acknowledge that all such budgets and
estimates are created without the benefit of actual bids and quotations being received from subcontractors
and suppliers and thus are of limited accuracy.
PROJECT:Avon Swift Gulch Employee Housing
LOCATION:Avon, Colorado
DEVELOPER:Town of Avon
DATE:May 17, 2022
No.Personnel Total
Start Date
Completion Date
Project Executive 6 hr $185 /hr $1,110
Project Manager 6 hr $105 /hr $630
Superintendent 0 hr $105 /hr $0
Preconstruction Director 24 hr $195 /hr $4,680
Preconstruction Manager 90 hr $135 /hr $12,150
Estimating Staff 80 hr $85 /hr $6,800
Subtotal SD Phase 206 hr $25,370
Start Date
Completion Date
Project Executive 8 hr $185 /hr $1,480
Project Manager 8 hr $105 /hr $840
Superintendent 0 hr $105 /hr $0
Preconstruction Director 24 hr $195 /hr $4,680
Preconstruction Manager 110 hr $135 /hr $14,850
Estimating Staff 80 hr $85 /hr $6,800
Subtotal DD Phase 230 hr $28,650
Start Date 6/1/2022 (or date at which the agreement is signed)
Completion Date
Project Executive 6 hr $185 /hr $1,110
Project Manager 6 hr $105 /hr $630
Superintendent 0 hr $105 /hr $0
Preconstruction Director 16 hr $195 /hr $3,120
Preconstruction Manager 80 hr $135 /hr $10,800
Estimating Staff 0 hr $85 /hr $0
Subtotal Team Meetings 108 hr $15,660
Misc. reimbursables 1 ls $1,500 /ls $1,500
GL Insurance (1%)1%$712
Subtotal Reimbursable:$2,212
TOTAL PRECONSTRUCTION SERVICES (based on RFP schedule):$ 71,892
Reoccuring Team Meetings, Assistance w/ Town Approvals, Trend Log Updates
Cost per Man-
hour Cost
Schematic Design Phase (Establish Project Goals / Program, Control Budget & Value Engineering)
Design Development Phase (DD Estimate & Value Engineering