Vail Valley Live 2022 Agreement DocuSign Envelope ID:9F6A6F4F-E2EC-4841-95AF-9BB072B7EA45 advertising proposal Sales Client Contact 1 RESORTLIVESTREAM LLC Name: Lindy Phannenstiel Name: Liz Wood 0 Email: lindyphannenstieli ctmail.com Email:ewood@avon.orq Phone: 970.390.9013 Phone:970-748-4087;970-401-0378 VAILVAL LEY LATINO client: Town of Avon Billing Information: tagline: Name: contract dates: 4/5/22-3/31/23(annual) Email: Phone: _ Address: airtime product placement length start date end date total rate total investment Interview(live&pre-recorded) 1x Week 3:00 4/5/22 3/31/23 42 $130.00 $5,460.00 _ Airtime Total $5,460.00 production product production company length start date end date total rate total investment ProductionTotal $0.00 Annual Discount 10% -$546.00 Weekly Total I I I I I I I $94.50 Grand Total $4,914.00 notes Flat Monthly Billing $409.50/month April - March 2023 (12x) BUSINESS NAME DTA1k1PIPAt,Avon ADVERTISER SIGNAT k -4q10601, DA 9/2022 RESORTLIVESTREAM LLY iNNNENSTIEL DA129/2022 This proposal by VVL takes into consideration the comSmitment o5fthe advertiser and is based on the information provided.The advertiser also agrees to abide by the terms and conditions of the credit policies of RESORTLIVESTREAM LLC All invoices are due in full(net)on the 15th of the month.An additional 1.5%service charge(or the maximum amount permitted by applicable state law)will be charged to all accounts not paid within 30 days after invoice/billing and similarly, each month thereafter until paid.By signing this contract I agree to allow VVL to phone,fax and e-mail me correspondence.Advertiser Promises:To hold harmless and indemnify RESORTLIVESTREAM LLC from all damages,costs,and expenses, of any nature whatsoever,for which we may become liable as a result of airing any advertising materials you submit to us under this agreement DocuSign Envelope ID:9F6A6F4F-E2EC-4841-95AF-9BB072B7EA45 DocuSign Envelope ID:9F6A6F4F-E2EC-4841-95AF-9BB072B7EA45