21.12.29 SCA Maximum Comfort Pool & Spa, Inc. CONSTRUCTION AGREEMENT Recreation Center Pool Replastering Project THIS AGREEMENT is dated as of the day of in the year of 2021 by and between: }if t 44.t4,41 Co4fPo4/- Town of Avon.Colorado (hereinafter called OWNER) and fLrcat 24, .(hereinafter called CONTRACTOR). OWNER and CONTRACTOR, in consideration of the mutual covenants hereinafter set forth, agree as follows' Article I. WORK CONTRACTOR shall complete all Work as specified or indicated in the Contract Documents The Work is generally described as follows: Prepare pool surface for new plaster by removing existing pool surface to a structural soundness, repair cracks or any hollowed areas in the pool shell and install new plaster tapering it to existing tile features. fhe project for which the Work under the Contract Documents may be the ►hole or only a part is generally described as follows: Recreation Center Pool Replastering Project Article 2, f NGINFER he Town of Avon,Colorado, Town Engineer, hereinafter called ENGINEER, will assume all duties and responsibilities and will have the rights and authority assigned to ENGINEER and OWNER in the Contract Documents in connection with completion of the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents. Article 3. CONTRACT TIME 3.1 7 he Work will be completed and ready for final payment in accordance with paragraph 14.13 of the General Conditions. All work will be completed between the dates of October 4, 2021 and October 31, 2021. Article 4. CONTRACT PRICE 4 I OWNER shall pay CONTRACTOR for performance of Work in accordance with the Contract Documents, in current funds,as follows: (see attached copy of Contractor's Proposal) CA-1 Article 5. PAYMENT PROCEDURES 5.1 Contractor shall submit Applications for Payment in accordance with Article 14 of the General Conditions. Applications for Payment will be processed by ENGINEER,as provided in Article 14 of the General Conditions. Article 6. CONTRACTOR'S REPRESENTATIVES In order to induce OWNER to enter into this Agreement, CONTRACTOR makes the following representations: 6.1 CONTRACTOR has familiarized himself with the nature and extent of the contract documents, Work, locality,and with all local conditions and federal, state, and local laws, ordinances, rules and regulations that in any manner may affect the cost, progress, or performance of the Work. 6.2 CONTRACTOR has studied carefully all reports of investigations and tests of subsurface and latent physical conditions at the site or otherwise affecting the cost, progress,or performance of the Work which were relied upon by ENGINEER in the preparation of the Contract Documents, and which have been identified in the Special Conditions. 6.3 CONTRACTOR has made or caused to be made examinations, investigations, tests, and studies of such reports and related data in addition to those referred to in paragraph 6.2,as he deems necessary for the performance of the Work at the Contract Price, within the Contract Time and in accordance with the other terms and conditions of the Contract Documents; and no additional examinations, investigations,tests, reports,or similar data are or will be required by CONTRACTOR for such purposes. 6.4 CONTRACTOR has correlated the results of all such observations, examinations, investigations,tests, reports and data with the terms and conditions of the Contract Documents. 6.5 CONTRACTOR has given ENGINEER any conflicts,errors or discrepancies that he has discovered in the Contract Documents, and the written resolution thereof by ENGINEER is acceptable to CONTRACTOR. Article 7. CONTRACT DOC(.1MENTS The Contract Documents which comprise the entire agreement between OWNER and CONTRACTOR are attached to this Agreement, made a part hereof and consist of the following: 7 1 A.verb iement fo..B i4!page A Q 1 ..a �a���.�{,yyttlY 7.3 Performance& other Bonds, identified as exhibits A & B consisting of 4 pages. CA-2 7.4 Notice of Award (page NA-I) 7.5 Construction Agreement (pages CA-1 to CA-4) 7.6 Notice to Proceed (page NP-1) 7.7 General Conditions(pages GC-1 to GC-47 , inclusive) 7.8 Special Conditions (pages SC-1 to SC-9 , inclusive) 7.9 Plans,consisting of a sheets listed below by number, title,date and revision number with each sheet: SHEET DESCRIPTION DATE N/A 7.10 Addenda numbers to , inclusive 7.1 I Contractors Proposal (pages BF-1 to BF-5, inclusive) marked Exhibit C (attached) 7.12 Documentation submitted by CONTRACTOR prior to Notice of Award (pages to , inclusive) 7.13 Any Modification, including Change Orders,duly delivered after execution of Agreement. There are no Contract Documents other than those listed above in this Article 7. The Contract Documents may only be altered, amended, or repealed by modifications(as defined in Article 1 of the General Conditions). Article 8. MISCELLANEOUS 8.1 Terms used in this Agreement, which are defined in Article I of the General Conditions, shall have the meanings indicated in the General Conditions. 8.2 No assignment by a party hereto of any rights under or interests in the Contract Documents will be binding on another party hereto without the written consent of the party sought to be bound; and specifically but without limitation, monies that may become due and monies that are due may not be assigned without such consent(except to the extent that the effect of this restriction may be limited by law); and unless specifically stated to the contrary in any written consent to an assignment, no assignment will release or discharge the assignor from any duty or responsibility under the Contract Documents. 8.3 OWNER and CONTRACTOR each binds himself, his partners, successors, assigns, and legal representatives to the other party hereto, his partners, CA-3 successors, assigns,and legal representatives in respect to all covenants, agreements,and obligations contained in the Contract Documents. Article 9. OTHER PROVISIONS 9.1 Pursuant to Section 24-9 I-103.6, C.R.S., the Owner hereby states that it has appropriated an amount equal to or in excess of the Contract amount. Owner shall not issue a Change Order or other form of order or directive requiring additional compensable work to be performed, which work causes the aggregate amount payable under the Contract to exceed the amount appropriated for the original Contract, unless Contractor is given written assurance by the public entity that lawful appropriations to cover the costs of the additional work have been made. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have signed this Agreement in triplicate. One counterpart each has been delivered to OWNER, CONTRACTOR, and ENGINEER. All portions of the Contract Documents have been signed or identified by OWNER and CONTRACTOR or by ENGINEER on their behalf. This Agreement will be effective on October 4 , 2021. OWNER. Town of Avon. Colorado CONTRACTOR, 40/ ,1 C441 BEric H e i I DN:cnly signe Heil, o=T wn o DN:cn=Eric Heil,o=Town of Avon,ou=Town Manager,email=eric@avon.org,c=US �/ Date:2021.10.04 10:05:18-06'00' By Attest Attest Address for giving notices: Address for giving notices: 14444.44 1 tCPS /,4rL . Po. eat. 2670 AL. to MAT License No. A//{' Agent for service of process: ('A-4 EXHIBIT C AVON RECREATION CENTER 8/9/2021 jrit4 .,.r..,.�.... MAXIMUM COMFORT POOL&SPA,INC V�, PO BOX 2670 VAIL, CO 81658 POOL&SPA RENOVATION RE-PLASTER PROPOSAL REVISED 8112021 PRELIMINARY PRICING REVISED 8/2/2021 PROJECT AVON REC CENTER DATE: 7/8/2021 LOCATION AVON. CO Submitted to Avon Recreation Center Phone 541-810-1800 Attn:Tim Thompson Email Ithomoson( ayon erg Contact: Michael Chafe,. phone 970-949-8339 fax 970-949-6113 Email mc1]edeslt@mcusyarmi ceflu'ar 970-904-4000 Maximum Comfort Pool&Spa Inc herein identified as MCPS is pleased to submit this pool/spa renovation proposal for the services and materials detailed or described n the following scope of work to the purchaser herein identified as owner or contractor In accordance with the plans and specifications ter the AVON REC CENTER PROJECT dated 6116/2021 LAZY RIVER Width 10 Length 100 Depth Aver 4 NOT TUB LAP-DIVING POOL Width 8 Width 30 Length 18 Length 70 Depth 2 Depth 8 PLAY POOL OPTION TBD ,Width 20 Width 0 Length 40 Length 0 Depth 2 Depth 0 I TOTAL PRIO : 188,920.00 I (GENERAL CONDITIONS TAX 25,488.99 I LAZY RIVER DEMO&PREP 4,500.00 'LAZY RIVES - LAZY RIVER PLASTER 31,877.130 LAZY RIVER COPING - LAZY RIVER TOTAL 36,377.60 HOT TUB DEMO&PREP 2,340.00 LAP-DIVE POOL DEMO&PREP - HOT TUB TILE - LAP-DIVE POOL TILE - HOT TUB PLASTER 12,833.80 LAP-DIVE POOL PLASTER 87.909.00 HOT TUB COPING - LAP-DIVE POOL COPING - HOT TUB TOTAL 14,973.60 LAP-DIVE POOL TOTAL 67,909.00 PLAY POOL DEMO&PREP 8.750.00 PLACE— Ygo - — PLAY POOL TILE 4,642.00 DIVIDING WALL SLIDE/LEISURE 6,200.00 PLAY POOL PLASTER 25,578.80 - PLAY POOL COPING PLAY POOL TOTAL 36,970.80 TOTAL add options ALLOWANCE 6,200.00 PAYMENT SCHEDULE SUMMARY Pa ment Due Due Date First payment due upon acceptance of proposali_ 26•i4 of total 46, .00 8/10/2021 Progress payment due at end of second week 25%.of total 48,730.00 10/16/2011 Progress payment due at end of fourth week 25%.of total 48,730.00 r101,t$12821 Final payment due upon Substantial completion 28'Y.of total 46,739.00 11/19/2021 ACCEPTANCE,SCHEDULE,AND PAYMENT TERMS-TO BE DETERMIND This proposal is ftrm for acceptance by: 8/10/2021 Proposal may be rescinded if not accepted by this date. Pricing is firm for project start by: 10/4/2021 Start date assumes all permits and approvals are in place Project completion is scheduled for 10/31/2021 Completion date assumes no delays as delned hereto This estimate Is subject to our standard Warranties and Disclaimers listed herein.This summary estimate does not constitute an agreement to execute the work described herein,until signed by the authorised purchaser signftytng acceptance of this proposal. Page 1 of 5 AVON RECREATION CENTER 8/9/2021 Stralsothrougth and items listed BY OTHERS are not included in the listed price,ALLOWANCE values are not firm In general this Pool&Spa Renovation Proposal INCLUDES the following,which defines the SCOPE OF WORK: General Conditions acct G-1 • hrs•Specification and Estimating 1,950.00 G-2 - hra-Detail drawings _ G-6 2 Insurance charge 1.21 2,041 00 G•7 Building pemltt procurement and fee IF REQUIRED N/A - G-6 G-9 Delayed draw schedule with Damages for Delay burden 5,200.00 G-10 Travel,lodging,per diems Construction,shotcrete and plaster crew 2,600.00 G 11 - hra-Job management and supervision 13,130.00 G-12 Sales Tax on taxable materials 4.4%Slate .County I 567.99 I (TOTAL 25,488,99 LAZY RIVEF Renovation Finishes-LAZY RIVER D-1 1 10 hra-Protection of structures and finishes not being renovated 650.00 D-2 0 hra•Removal of existing tile al waterline.delineation D-3 40 hrs-Spot OR see%chip plaster end cut back at fittings-tile 2,800.00 0-5 4 tire Pressure acid wash total surface 260.00 D-6 10 hre-instal fittings as needed. 990.00 F-1 • lineal feet-Installation of stone coping Sandstone'Buff'2'x 12"x24" - F-2 ( -'lineal fest-Installation of 6 inch waterline tie-color to be determined - To be MOPS standard pool tie selection. NPT 6 x 6 'SEA RUSTIC" F-3 0 pieces-Installation of depth marking inlay tile and 'no diving"inlay tle - 0 lineal foot-Instal swimming line tile and targets - F 4 1,880 square feet -Installation of bonding adhesive SON Bond Kole-"one atop' 3,152.60 F-5 1,880 square feet Instalalon of pool plaster Diamond Brfte"Classic' 28,725.00 F-6 - F-7 -lineal feet•install expansion Joint,caulk sealant at coping and pool deck - 'TOTAL 36,377.60 I HOT TUB Ref ovatioq finishes-HOT TUB D-1 4 hrs-Protection of structures and finishes not being renovated 260 00 D-2 his-Removal of existing tile at waterline,delineation D-3 20 hie•Seel OR 40044 chip plaster and Cut back at fittings-hie 1,300.00 D-5 2 hrs•Pressure add wash total surface 130.00 D-6 10 tire-instal linings as needed. 850.00 F-t I -'lineal feet-installation of stone coping Sandstone"Bur 2'x f 2'x24' - F-2 ' •'lineal feet-Installation of 6Inch waterline tile-color to be determined - To be MCPS standard pool rile selection NPT 6 x 6 'SEA RUSTIC" F-3 pieces-Instalation of depth marking inlay tile and"no diving'Inlay tie - 0 lineal fast-Installation of diinea►ion tile • F-4 224 square feet •Installation of bonding adhesive SON Bond Kole-"one step' 640.80 F-5 224 square feet- Installation of pool plaster Diamond Brit.'Classic" 11,992.80 F-8 OR-.equefe-Foot- F-7 * lineal feet-Install expansion joint,caulk sealant al coping and pool deck 'TOTAL 14,973,60 1 f\IL Page 2 of 5 AVON RECREATION CENTER 8/9/2021 - PLAY POOL Renovation Finishes-PLAY POOL, 0-1 10 him-Protection of structures and finishes not being renovated 650.00 D•2 hrs•Removal of existing tile at watering,delineation 0.3 60 hrs•Spot OR 400%chip plaster and cut back at fittings-tile 3.900.00 D-5 6 hrs Pressure add wash total surface 390.00 D•6 20 hrs-instal Rings as needed 1.810.00 F-1 I -1 0neal feet Installation of alone coping Sandstone'Buff'2"x 12"x24" - F-2 I 60'lineal feet-Installation of 6 Inch waterline tile•color to be determined 4,642.00 To be MCPS standard pool tie selection NPT 6 x 6 'SEA RUSTIC" F-3 `pieces-Installation of depth marking inlay tile and"no diving"Inlay tile - 0 lineal feet-Installation of ditineation Ole _ F•4 1,040 square feet -Installation of bonding adhesive SGM Bond Kota-"one step_ 2,425 80 F-5 1.040 square feet• Installation of pool plaster Diamond Brae"Classic" 23,153.00 F•6 . . .. - F•7 lineal feet-install expansion jolnt caulk sealant at coping end pool deck - TOTAL 36,970.80 LAP-DIVING Renovation pinllhes•LAP-DIVING POOL. 0 I firs-Protection o1 structures end finishes not being renovated - 0.2 hrs-Removal of existing tie at waterline.delineation _ D•3 hrs•Spot OR 40444 chip plaster and kart back at fittings tile - D•5 fin-Pressure acid wash total surface _ D•6 hrs-Install fittings as needed F-1 I -pineal feet-Installation of stone coping Sandstone"Buff"2"x 12"x24' - F-2 - lineal feet•Installation of 6 Inch waterline tile-color to be determined _ To be MCPS standard pool tile selection NPT 6 x 6 SEA RUSTIC" F•3 pieces-Installation of depth marking Inlay tile and"no diving'inlay tile - 0 tineal feet•Installation of dilneation tile F•4 3,700 square feet Installation of bonding adhesive SGM Bond Kota-'one step` 8.584.00 F-S 3,700 square feet Instalation of pool plaster Diamond Bdte'Classic" 59,325 00 F-6 ref F 7 r lineal feet-Install expansion joint,caulk sealant at coping and pool deck ITOTAL 87,909.00 I OPTION Tel OPTIONAL._RPPAIR AND INSTAL.LTIQ! 0 I hn-Protection of structures end finishes not being renovated D-2 hrs-Removal of existing tile at waterline,delineation _ D-3 fin-Spot OR 449%chip plaster and cut back al filings tle _ D-5 hrs-Pressure acid wash total surface _ D-6 his-install fittings as needed - F-1 I -I oeai-feet-lrttiiaUaaao-44E-644-14PAIN-GRRA1- -9-'-a-11. 4.42 061F-7EO F•2 I -'install dividing wall between slide pool end leisure pool 7'-0"by 6'-0' ALLOWANCE 6,200.00 F-3 0 - F 4 - F 5 • F-6 F-7 ITOTAL 6,200.00 I Page 3 of 5 AVON RECREATION CENTER 8/9/2021 EXCLUSIONS AND DISCLAIMERS Any and at other items specifically not included In this pool/spa re auvalr.n proposal are not included and no terms or language shall be interpreted otherwise This proposal is predicated on the following assumptions and clarifications 'should any of these assumed conditions change then the price listed may change' Items specifically NOT INCLUDED in this proposal are the for'owirg• 1 Design review and approval process and buiding permit acquisition 2 Unspecified taxes,bonds,fees,and licenses 3 Tenting,heating and protection horn weather should it become necessary unless otherwise stated 4 Domestic water supply tine for pool fling and maintenance or trucked In water as needed 5 Dumpsters,trash removal and temporary total(softies unless othewise stated Construction and installation specified herein wilt be done in accordance with apptcable industry specifications and standards as well as required local codes and regulations MCPS wit only be responsible for code comps ante regarding the items specifically listed as Included in the proposed scope of work Items that may be required by any appicable codes that are specifically listed as not inckded. not listed,or no!stated n this pool/spa renovation proposal are conedered to be work above and beyond the defined scope of work Will proper authorization this new work will commence on a time and materials charge basis. This proposal assumes there Is reasonable access to and employee and crew parking at job site during normal working hours. Owner to provide suitable water,adequate electric power and light for Construction,and installation Delays to the work progress may be,and are not linked to(1)Unusual and extreme weather(2)Inability to access job site beyond the control of owner,contractor or MCPS(3)Request by owner or contractor to vacate jobslte (4)Delays in shipping or delivery of materials beyond the control of MCPS Delays that occur for reasons beyond the conker of MCPS wilt be fair and reasonble cause to change the completion dale by at least the actual time of the delay When a delay occurs MCPS wit notify the purchaser of the delay and the change of scheduled completon date ANY UNKNOWN,UNFORESEEABLE OR UNDETECTABLE DAMAGE,SUBSURFACE OR OTHERWISE CONCEALED CONDITIONS, MALFUNCTIONS, OR DEFICIENCIES THAT MAY BE DISCOVERED DURING THE REPAIR,INSTALLATION,OR CONSTRUCTION PROCESS THAT ADVERSELY AFFECT THE PROPOSED WORK WILL BE CONSIDERED WORK ABOVE AND BEYOND THE DEFINED SCOPE OF THIS WORK AND WITH PROPER AUTHORIZATION THIS NEW WORK WILL COMMENCE ON A TIME AND MATERIALS CHARGE BASIS.THE CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE,DEFINED SCOPE,AND FINAL PRICE WILL BE ADJUSTED ACCORDINGLY. ACCEPTANCE,SCHEDULE,AND PAYMENT TERMS Upon signing by the authorized purchaser signilyng acceptance of this pool&spa renovation proposal This proposal is firm for acceptance by 811012021 Proposal may be rescinded if not accepted by this date Pricing Is firm for project stall by: 10/4/2021 Stan date assumes ea applicable required opproveb by this date Project completion is scheduled for 10131/2021 Completion date to be agreed upon by purchaser and MCPS Completion date assumes no delays as defined ki this construction proposal. CONTRACT TERMINATION Owner or Contractor may al any time and for any reason terminate this contract services and work al Owner's or Contractor's convenience.Upon receipt of such notice.Contractor shall,unless the notice directs otherwise,immediately discontinue the work and placing of orders for materials,facilities and supplies in connection with the performance or this Agreement Upon such termination,Contractor shall be entitled to payment only as follows:(1)the actual cast of the work completed In conformity with this Agreement;plus,(2)such other costs actually incurred by Contractor as are permitted by this contract and approved by Owner, (3)plus 35 percent(35%)of the cost of the work referred loin the definition of scope above for overhead and profit There shall be deducted from such sums as provided in this subparagraph the amount of any payments made to Contractor prior to the dale of the termination of this Agreement.Contractor shall not be entitled to any claim or claim of lien against Owner for any additional compensation or damages in the event of such termination end payment Payment terms for this pool/spa renovation proposal are as specified on page 1 under PAYMENT SCHEDULE SUMMARY Payment schedule will be agreed upon in advance by and between purchaser and MCPS. Late fee for delay of payment wit be S900 per day past due date.Funds to be received within 5 days of scheduled payment In the event that it is necessary for MCPS to employ legal counsel to enforce any of the terms of this agreement purchaser owner agrees to pay MCPS's reasonable costs and attomey's fees incurred in connection therewith. Accepted this day of 20 Purchaser. Maximum Comfort Pool&Spa,INC By: Title: Toga: . p., i/ Page 4 of 5 AVON RECREATION CENTER 0/9/2021 LIMITED WARRANTY INFORMATION AND DISCLAIMERS Manufacturer's component equipment limited warranty: All manufactured component products sold and installed by MCPS carry the manufacturer's warranty as stated on their warranty cards These warranties are the sole responsibility of the manufacturer and there are no additional warranties either impied or expressed. MCPS structural limited warranty: MCPS warrants its pootspa constructed structures not to crack for(1)year from the installation date to the original purchaser only MCPS piping,fitting limited warranty: MCPS warrants its pooUspa constructed and installed piping,fittings.vatves,and pool plumbing components not to leak,crack, or come apart at}oints for 1 year from the installation date 10 the original consumer purchaser only MCPS surface and finish limited warranty: MCPS warrants Its surface installation and restoration not to crack(shrinkage miuo cracking excluded),spell.popoff,delaminate or deteriorate from detect in the materials or workmanship.The time limits of the surface warranty are.New pool plaster(2)years Replaster over old plaster(2)years provided Bond Cote is Installed.Watertne tile(2)years All lie Interior surface(5)years Precast and stone coping stones(2)year Concrete construction and plaster finishes will be done in comipiance with APSP Workmanship Standards for Swimming Pools and Spas-June 1998 and Pool Plaster Technolgy•guidelines-June 1996 Methods of shotcrete or gunfla construction are pnuematicaty applied concrete hand carved and shaped to tolerances Consistent with industry standards Cementitious plaster finishes are applied by hand and will be consistent with industry standards.Minor variations In color.texture,shape,size,and thickness wit occur and is not considered a defect Shrinkage micro cracking will occur and Is not considered a defective installation Acts invalidating MCPS limited warranty: Structural and surface limited warranty void if pool or spa Is shut down and winterized Surface limited warranty is void If chemical water balance Is Incorrect as determined by the Languor Saturation Index.Weekly records of water chemical balance must be recorded contemporaneously to validate saturation Index measurements.Llmied warranty is void if unauthorized persona attempt service or repair of parts,materials,components,and equipment that make up systems constructed and installed by MCPS during the Limited warranty period.Unauthorized persons are defined as anyone not in the employ of MCPS providing work to the facility under limited warranty or anyone not obtaining written authorization from MCPS prior to attempting service,installation or modification procedures to the faciity or system under the limited warranty.Components or equipment installed by others may Invalidate part or all of this limited warranty. MCPS must be advised in writing of any changes In advance and wit determine any effect on the limited warranty This limited warranty is void if the product is subjected to alteration,misuse or abuse Misuse and abuse shall include;Any operation of the system other than In accordance with the printed operating-maintenance instructions provided In the owners manual Extant of limited warranty: This limited warranty extends only to the original consumer purchaser of the constructed products provided by MCPS Limited warranty performance: In the event of any malfunction or defect covered under the inns of this limited warranty,an authorized service technician of MCPS wit repair the malfunction or defect Items needing repair or replacement not covered under the trilled warranty will be charged to the customer at normal technical service labor rates and parts and materials prices indud no appicable taxes and travel time. Disclaimers: MCPS shall not be liable for loss of use of the pool or spa or any other incidental or consequential costs,expensesor damages, which may Include but are not Smiled to the removal of permanent decks wails,or other custom fixtures and charges for the use of heavy equipment or specialized tools necessary to access the area or component requiring warranty senrice,repafr,or replacement.Under no circumstances spat MCPS or any of Its representatives be held iable for injury to any person or damage to any property,however arising CHANGES TO SCOPE OF WORK The authorized purchaser,with out nullifying the terms of this proposal may direct MCPS in wiling to make changes to the defined scope of work.Adjustment,II any,to the agreed total price and the construction schedule o fibs Pool/Spa Renovation Proposal shall be set firth In a written change order. An Charge Orders and additional work authorizations must be in writing and approved by the authorized purchaser and or owner before nliatingtho changes Backcharges not approved by MCPS pro&to the occurance of the backcharge are not valid in any way INSURANCE MCPS will carry adequate insurance In force for the following types of coverage Workmen comensation,General iabity,and Commercial Auto.A request to provide more Insurance than listed here will be provided al the cost of the addkional Insurance plus a 15%handling and overhead fee Certifiates of Insurance are available upon request by the autorized purchaser or Owner WARRANTY START DATE: 10/31/2021j ,WARRANTY PROJECT NAME: AVON REC CENTER Page 5 of 5