DECEMBER 17, 1980 7:30 P.M.
The regular meeting of the Design Review Board for the Town of Avon
was held on December 17, 1980 at 7:40 P.M. in the Town Council
Chambers of the Town of Avon in the Benchmark Shopping Center,
Avon, Colorado. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Bill
All Board Members were present with the exception of Alice Alpi.
The reading of the minutes was deferred until later in the meeting.
Item #1, Avon Road Professional Building, Offices, Preliminary
Review, Lot 56, Block 2, Benchmark Subdivision, File No. 80-12-2.
E. James Judd and Buff Arnold represented Avon Road Professional
Building. This building is adjacent to Avon Center at Beaver Creek
on the public mall. It has 53,000 square feet of leaseable square
feet; 6,500 square feet is commercial, the rest is office space.
There is a tier of people space along the edge of the mall, acces-
sible from the mall.
Tonight's presentation is to get reactions to the building itself.._
There are two levels of underground parking with two entrances,
some public parking behind the building also.
Materials may include redwood, the upper areas will have a large
mass of glass and fenestration, and stucco. The walks and ramps
will be presented with the landscape plan, there will be some
sort of masonry treatment along these - brick or a natural moss
rock facing.
The building will face Avon Road and the public mall. Lighting,
landscaping and material samples will be presented later. Buff
mentioned that there will be 80% lot coverage. There was some
discussion concerning the landscaping of the highway right-of-way
and the tie-in with the public mall and crossing of Avon Road.
There was discussion regarding the asthetic tie-in with the Avon
Center building. The Board asked for a drawing showing this build-
ing in relation to the other building. Buff stated that the build-
ing "steps up" to the Avon Center building.
Mike mentioned that the irrigation ditch which runs into the town's
water supply is on two sides of the property, site drainage has
to be kept out of the ditch. They plan to start construction in
the summer of 1981.
Item #2, Venture 20 will be reviewed last tonight.
Item #3, Warner Properties, 44 Units, Preliminary Review, Lot 34,
Block 2, Benchmark Subdivision, File No. 80-12-3.
John Rosolack represented Warner Properties. Bill asked whether
they have development rights to 44 units. Dennis Gelbin
2-U) stated that no units have been traded off. Certification will
be required before a building permit is issued.
It,is a 2-2 story wood framed building around the site, with park-
ing in the middle. The roof pitch is 3/12. The elevation of the
highway embankment in relation to the middle of the parking lot
is unknown, maybe 20 feet. There are 88 parking spaces.
Cheryl asked how close the building is from the highway. The
closest part of the building is 12 feet from the easement for the
highway, about 75-100 feet to the pavement.
A rock and/or gravel roof is planned, gray -brown material. The
footprint is 29%, 29.60 of lot coverage, coverage by impervious
material is just under 550.
Drainage into Buck Creek was mentioned. Warner Properties would
like to reroute the stream and incorporate it into the landscaping
scheme. The chimney will be primed and painted. They will need
to submit an application for a variance for the roof pitch with
their next presentation. ((The minutes will show)) that this is
to be corrected.
Diversion of Buck Creek - Dick stated that according to state
health laws, filtration must be carefully watched and fertilizer,
etc. be kept out of drinking water sources. Before diversion, they
must adhere to the Colorado State health laws and be able to prove
that nothing gets into the potable water system that is detrimen-
tal to health ((let the record show)). Research is indicated.
The creek is a flood path. The Board suggested that it be studied
before the building is planned around the creek.
Bill stated that they have received positive reaction, with areas
that need some more information. Lighting - for parking, two
25 foot high poles in the center. The Board suggested higher and
lower intensity spots.
Item #4, Ski and Shore, Inc., Signs,Benchmark Shopping Center,
Tract Q, Benchmark Subdivision, File No. 80-12-5.
Marlis Perry represented Ski and Shore. The hanging sign is the
same as was there before, it has just been painted over. There
being no objections, approval was granted for both signs.
Item #2, Venture 20, Office Building, Preliminary Review, Lot 20,
Block 2, Benchmark Subdivision, File No. 30-12-4.
Mike stepped down to represent Venture 20. He stated that this
is a preliminary review, any comments would be helpful. Lot 20
is a triangular lot, adjacent to Avon Road and Beaver Creek Blvd.,
across the street is the Christie Lodge. The irrigation ditch
comes across the edge of the lot. The building is approximately
19,000 square feet, three stories high, 5,000 - 7,000 square feet
per floor, underground parking area slightly larger than the building
The front of the building faces south, the ramp to the parking
garage will go under the driveway to the building entry. The siding
will be redwood or cedar vertical, with glass and metal frame
glass paneling on the south elevation. It has a flat built-up
roof. They intend to landscape a great deal of highway right-of-
way along the property, it will be about 29 feet above the ground.
The north side looks a little bland, landscaping may help. The
Board asked if Christie Lodge has seen this plan, and it was stated
that they had not. There is one off-street loading space, they may
ask for more; but less than four. They may be back before the
Board in January.
Other business:
Ordinance No. 23, Series if 1980 - There was considerable discussion
regarding the sign on Pacific Heritage's trailer which was changed
from "Pacific Heritage" to "Pacific Heritage Construction Manage-
ment". The 1-11� X 3 foot identification signs were replaced with
a 3 X 10 foot sign. That company received a summons for an ad-
vertisement sign when it was changed.
It was the concensus of the Board that approval by the Board for
construction trailer signs is not necessary; ((the record shows
that)) these signs should be brought to the attention of Mayor Alpi,
the Town Council and the Town Attorney; page 6, Section 6(c) was
included in the discussion.
Page 3, Section 3(b) - the last sentence in this section should
probably be changed so that signs are brought before the Board.
Page 4, Section 4(e) - these signs are for special events, not
business identification, perhaps limited to temporary events, it
was also suggested that they not be brought before the Board for
Page 4, Section 4(h)(4) - it was mentioned that telephone numbers
are not allowed on signs, but are allowed on trailers.
Page 4, Section 4(i) - Real Estate signs - the word "sales" or
"advertising" should be included in the wording of this section.
There was some discussion regarding whether this item should be
included in the Ordinance, perhaps rewording would be better,
so individual owners can indicate that a unit is for sale.
Lighting was not addressed in the Ordinance and the Board feels
it should be.
The minutes were read. The trailer inspections were discussed
again (page 4, Other Business). ((The record shows that)) the
Board suggested that the Town Attorney be consulted about writing
an ordinance covering mobile homes. It was mentioned that all
references to "T-11" siding should be corrected to read "T 1-11"
siding. The motion was made by Tom to approve the minutes with
the above correction, Mike seconded it and it was passed unani-
Larry made the motion that the meeting be adjourned, Ken seconded
it, it was passed unanimously and the meeting was adjourned at
10:30 P.M.
Respectfully submitted by
Grt.C�f 4��
Jecorre Sor land
edingg Secretary
Design Review Board
Excerpt from the Design Review
Board Meeting
December 17, 1980
Other business:
Ordinance No. 28, Series of 1980 - There was considerable discussion
regarding the sign on Pacific IIeri.tage's trailer which was changed
from "Pacific Heritage" to "Pacific Heritage Construction Manage-
ment". The 1-112 X 3 foot identification signs were replaced with
a 3 X 10 foot sign. That company received a summons for an ad-
vertisement sign when it was changed.
It was the concensus of the Board that approval by the Board for
construction trailer signs is not necessary; the record shows that)
these signs should be brought to the attention of Mayor Alpi, the
Town Council and the Town Attorney; page 6, Section 6(c) was included
in the discussion.
Page 3, Section 3(b) - the last sentence in this section should
probably be changed so that signs are brought before the Board.
Page 4, Section 4(e) - these signs are for special events, not
business identification, perhaps limited to temporary events, it
was also suggested that they not be brought before the Board for
Page 4, Section 4(h)(4) - it was mentioned that telephone numbers
are not allowed on signs, but are allowed on trailers.
Page 4, Section 4(i) - Real Estate signs - the word "sales" or
"advertising" should be included in the wording of this section.
There was some discussion regarding whether this item should be
included .in the Ordinance, perhaps rewording would be better,
so individual owners can indicate that a unit is for sale.
Lighting s not addressed in the Ordinance and the Board feels
it should be.
The minutes were read. The trailer inspections were discussed
again (page 4, Other Business). CThe record shows that the
Board suggested that the Town Attorney be consulted about writing
an ordinance covering mobile homes. It was mentioned that. all
references to "T-11" siding should be corrected to read "T 1-11"
siding. The motion was made by Tom to approve the minutes with
the above correction, Mike seconded it and it was passed unani-
� 3 ra- 5-10
Attorney. The meeting will be held on Tuesday, December 9, 1980
at 6:00 P.M. in the Benchmark Companies meeting room and will be
posted as such. It will not be necessary for the recording secre-
tary to attend.
Other business:
Mike stated that Benchmark Companies will be coming before the
Board at the December 1_7, 1980 meeting with the preliminary plans
for a office building on Lot 20, Block 2, Benchmark Subdivision.
Trailers (mobile homes) - Ken questioned Dick about permits required
by the Town for the installation of trailers in the Benchmark
Mobile Home Village. Dick answered that the Town does not have
Ordinances that strictly cover the mobile home park. Ken is con-
cerned with the hook-ups of sewer, water and gas and the inspection
of them. After discussion, it was decided that the Town Attorney
be consulted regarding governing inspections and other health,
life and safety matters in the park. Al mentioned that since this
is a home -rule town, something might be done.
The minutes were read. Larry moved that the minutes of November
5, 1980 be approved as read, Alice seconded it and it passed unani-
Cheryl made the motion that the minutes of. the November 19, 1980
meeting be approved, Torn seconded it: and it passed unanimously.
There being no further business to be brought before the Board,
the meeting was adjourned at 10:40 P.M.
Respectfully submitted by
ng Secretary
Design Review Board