DECEMBER 3, 1980 7:30 P.M.
The regular meeting of the Design Review Board for the Town of Avon
was held on December 3, 1980 at 7:35 P.M. in the Town Council Cham-
bers of the Town of Avon in the Benchmark Shopping Center, Avon,
Colorado. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Bill Pierce.
All Board Members were present.
The reading of the minutes was deferred until later in the meeting.
Item #1, Timberline Properties, Sign, Lot 72, Block 2, Benchmark
Subdivision, File No. 80-11-4.
Item #3, Byron B. Brown Real Estate, Sign, Lot 72, Block 2, Bench-
mark Subdivision, File No. 80-11-6.
Item #4, Century 21 Real Estate, Sign, Lot 72, Block 2, Benchmark
Subdivision, File No. 80-11-7.
Item Numbers 1, 3 and 4 were heard at the same time because they
concern signs on the same building. David Cole represented Tim-
berline Properties, Byron Brown represented Byron D. Brown Real
Estate and Van Ewing and Eric Bockman represented Century 21 Real
During the discussion, Byron presented a letter from the Buck Creek
Plaza owners requesting that the Board approve signs for the building
which are like the "Beaver Liquors" sign in color and material.
The condominium map does not specify who owns what space for signs.
The Board suggested that the three applicants meet with the owners
of the building and come back with an application that has to -
scale signs on it with the actual locations. The building owner
could designate the size, scale, lettering type and the location
for each sign.
It was suggested thattsmporary signs be put up for a period of
90 days with a maximum of 20 square feet. The applicants will
decide where the signs are to be put, written approval for sign
location from the owners is to be given to the Board or Building
Administrator. Van suggested that since some businesses are iden-
tified by a logo, that the logo be allowed.
There being no objections, approval was granted for Timberline
Properties, Byron Brown Real Estate and Century 21 Real Estate to
erect a 20 square foot temporary sign to be placed on the Buck
Creek Plaza building at a location mutually agreeable among the
applicants for a period not to exceed 30 days after the -approval
by the Town Council of the Town of Avon. At that time the Board
would expect the applicants to be back with a new sign that would
meet the requirements of the Ordinance for a review as a permanent
sign at that time, modifying the existing applications. This
approval was amended to 60 days after passage of the sign code,
the temporary signs must be removed. The Town will notify the ap-
plicants when the Ordinance is approved.
Item #2, Gore Range Properties, Sign, Benchmark Shopping Center,
Tract Q, Benchmark Subdivision, File No. 80-11-2.
Scott Edwards represented Gore Range Properties. Scott would like
to put two signs in the wooden frames used by the preview tenants,
acrylic, back lighted, about 3 X 5, painted like the picture shown.
The Board granted approval for a permanent sign on the south and
on the west side of Benchmark Shopping Center, the size of the signs
would not exceed the size of the other signs already applied to the
building, light intensity is intended to be the same and if the
Design Review Board finds it noticeably greater than the other signs
on this building the Board would at that time request the applicant
to reduce the wattage of their bulbs. The approval is also for the
sign under the canopy of the building to being the same size as
the other signs along that side.
Item #5, Metcalf Ventures, Warehouses A - I and K, Lots 11-13,
Block 1, Benchmark Subdivision, File No. 80-11-4.
Steve Isom of I -Plan, Inc. represented Metcalf Ventures. There
will be one entrance off of Metcalf Road, sign on the retaining
wall, the parking has been increased along the northern property
Materials - TGI (later amended to T-11), 5/8 inch plywood siding,
cedar faced; wood facia, 12 inch; roofing, bronze color, metal.
The whole project will be 28,320 square feet, 240 of the building
area; parking, 36,000 square feet, 310; open space 8s 45%.
Bill stated that the Board could grant approval for the overall con-
ceptyal plan only for tonight.
Windows will be installed so that some of the warehouse space can
be converted into office space.
The clear stain, CWF preservative tends to show differences in the
color in siding panels, the Board suggested a solid stain.
Board Members were in favor of the overall site plan, Bill does
not like plywood siding - irregular surface and does not weather
well, would like some changes in the landscaping, clumping a lot
of spruce 8-10 feet tall, sod where land is relatively flat.
They will start with building K, F, I and H. The landscaping will
be completed along with the phases. There are five phases of the
watering system.
The Board would like more lighting, submit fixtures, questioned
vacation of the lot lines, submit sign application.
There are 47 parking spaces. Roof pitch - over 3/12 pitch, Steve
wants 1/12 pitch. It was suggested that when the project gets
going, that building J (now standing) be altered to resemble the
rest of the project. Any approval tonight will be for overall ac-
cess, overall massing, arrangement.
Board comments - submit the sign and lighting site plans (would
like more lighting) and lighting fixtures, buildings as placed on
the lots are fine, submit the siding sample for approval, metal
roof seems satisfactory, the weathering of plywood siding causes
some concern, would like to see an elevation of a building which
represents the siding and roofing, would like to have more speci-
fic discussion regarding the roof pitch, use grade A of T-11,
(perhaps a standard practice to approve only the grade A of T-11),
perhaps accent things, develop a general site sign covenant or guide-
line for a uniform look, the corners of the driveway seem rather
narrow, landscaping should be entirely finished before beginning
construction on the next building.
The Board is in general agreement that the overall plan is accept-
able, the material samples should be presented, the landscaping
needs more work, the roof pitch should be greater than 1/12/, about
3 or 4/12 pitch.
Bill asked for comments from the audience. Dick Evans stated that
the Town needs a 100 year flood drainage study, the cribbed walls
(fencing, trash storage, etc.) should be included in the consider-
ation, building elevations, grading study, emergency lanes ad-
dressed early, landscaping budget should be enlarged, building
materials samples of everything which will be used, sample of the
stain to be used, facia wood size needs to be determined, vacation
of lot lines is probably required, check with the Town Attorney.
Item #6, Ann and Eric Fetsch, Furniture Retail, Lot 67, Block 1
Benchmark Subdivision, File No. 80-12-1.
Bill Pierce stepped down for this project. Bill, Ann and Eric
Fetsch represented the project. There will be about 3,500 square
feet of retail showroom space, 5,000 square feet of warehousing or
storage space for the furniture and about 1,500 square feet for
office space related to this business. It is a three story and
two story building, the front part has the retail office space,
the warehouse is behind and the office space occupies the third
There will be two approaches, an "in" only and an "exit" only;
19 parking spaces; two loading docks. It incorporates passive
solar heating. The walls of the warehouse are Kawall which is
opaque and lets light through. The back is metal frame and the
front is wood frame.
The front part is of redwood, there are planters at the entrance.
Water will drain off the roof in open scupper. The window color
is unknown at this time, they will have clear glass and will open.
Lighting - recessed cans at the entry. The inside will be lighted
to show the furniture at night, security lighting at the docks.
Landscaping - several large evergreens to screen the service station
across the road, two mountain ash, columnar poplar particularly
in the back. There is 72% coverage with impervious material.
This is a preliminary conceptual presentation to get the reactions
of the Board to the basic design.
Mike suggested less of a contrast between the shape of the building
and the shape of the land contours, and a road in back of the building
from the adjacent property. Dick mentioned the water retention and
The concept discussion was closed and Mike suggested that the final
design be brought in when ready.
Item #7, Ordinance No. 28, Series of 1980, Sign Code.
Mayor Alpi requested the Board's final changes tonight, the Board
stated that more time is necessary. After discussion, it was de-
cided that the Board would call a special meeting with the Town
Attorney. The meeting will be held on Tuesday, December 9, 1980
at 6:00 P.M. in the Benchmark Companies meeting room and will be
posted as such. It will not be necessary for the recording secre-
tary to attend.
Other business:
Mike stated that Benchmark Companies will be coming before the
Board at the December 17, 1980 meeting with the preliminary plans
for a office building on Lot 20, Block 2, Benchmark Subdivision.
Trailers (moblie homes) - Ken questioned Dick about permits required
by the Town for the installation of trailers in the Benchmark
Mobile Home Village. Dick answered that the Town does not have
Ordinances that strictly cover the mobile home park. Ken is con-
cerned with the hook-ups of sewer, water and gas and the inspection
of them. After discussion, it was decided that the Town Attorney
be consulted regarding governing inspections and other health,
life and safety matters in the park. Al mentioned that since this
is a home -rule town, something might be done.
The minutes were read. Larry moved that the minutes of November
5, 1980 be approved as read, Alice seconded it and it passed unani-
Cheryl made the motion that the minutes of the November 19, 1980
meeting be approved, Tom seconded it and it passed unanimously.
There being no further business to be brought before the Board,
the meeting was adjourned at 10:40 P.M.
Respectfully submitted by
erre Sortland
ecording Secretary
Design Review Board