NOVEMBER 19, 1980 7:30 P.M.
The regular meeting of the Design Review Board for the Town of Avon
was held on November 19, 1980 at 7:30 P.M. in the Town Council Cham-
bers of the Town of Avon in the Benchmark Shopping Center, Avon,
Colorado. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Bill Pierce.
All Board Members were present with the exception of Larry Kumpost.
Item #5, U.S. Home Corporation, Jim Bennett, Color of Siding, Lot
25, Block 2, Benchmark Subdivision, File No. 80-4-1.
This item was added to the agenda the day of the meeting, it was
heard first since no other applicants were present at the beginning
of the meeting. Jim Bennett represented U.S. Home Corporation.
Jim brought a sample of the siding to be used, a yellowish lodge -
pole pine, freshly treated. It is penta, pressure treated material.
There is a slight greenish tint. Jim will bring to the next meeting
a sample of the same material weathered about six months in Galvaston,
This is the material which was always intended to be used for this
project, it was brought in tonight because there was some question
regarding the color. There being no objections, the Board con-
firmed the usage of this material for siding on Christie Lodge.
Item #3, Sea Mountain Developers, Inc., Stone Creek Condos, Sign,
Lot 4, Block 2, Benchmark Subdivision, File No. 80-11-3.
Greg Gage represented Sea Mountain Developers, Inc. Greg brought
the sign with him. It is the same material as the siding on the
Stone Creek Condo buildings, 32 X 3z, 3/4 inch facia stain Olympic
#709, installed with more than a 25 foot setback from Beaver Creek
Blvd. along the south property line in the landscaped area. Be-
cause of the situation of the driveways for Stone Creek and Lake
View condominiums, there may be some confusion regarding which
drive goes to which project.
Ken asked for a resubmittal of the driveway light fixtures, Sea
Mountain will comply. Approval was granted for the sign as presented
for six months in the location shown.
Item #4, Ordinance Number 28, Series of 1980, Siqn Code, Discussion.
The Ordinance was discussed:
Page 2(k) flashing signs definition. Perhaps later in the Ordinance
state that flashing signs are not allowed.
Page 5 (f) window signs. The Board is in favor of a smaller allow-
able sign area, no illumination.
Wattage, strength of illumination must be stated in the Ordinance.
Page 1 (b) advertising identification. The Board would like it
stated in the Ordinance that advertising defined here is not allowed,
make it clear that the signs are for identification only, not ad-
Page 6 (j) residential project entrance signs. Stated that the signs
are to be on private property, change the size of the signs, signs
placed on the building rather than free-standing signs.
Page 4, Section 4(a) individual business lot sign. The size was
Page 4 Section 3(c) duties of the Building Administrator. It was
pointed out that the Board is not listed as the reviewing authority
for signs, it was suggested that the Board be a part of the reviewing
process. The Design Review Board Procedures, Rules and Regulations
adopted by Ordinance Number 9, Series of 1978, states that the Board
will review each sign.
Maximum allowable height was discussed, as well as the possibility
of giving the owners of existing signs a time period in which to
conform to the Sign Code Ordinance.
The Sign Code Committee will meet to discuss the proposed Ordinance
in further detail. The Committee will meet before the December
3, 1980 meeting. Town Attorney John Dunn will receive the Board's
comments and perhaps appear at the December 17, 1980 meeting.
Item #1, PMC Partnership, John Perkins, Warehouses and Offices,
Lots 16 and 17, Block 1, Benchmark Subdivision, File No. 80-10-4.
John reiterated the information he presented at the last meeting
(November 5, 1980). John proposed changing the stucco on the lower
levels to ribbed concrete blocks for maintenance and durability
purposes, a lighter gray surface with darker vertical elements.
The Olypmic #717 stain will be changed to a lighter #716, the doors
and trim will be Olympic Cocoa.
The end elevation has a scupper coming off the end, no window
underneath, the concrete block will sit on a stepped foundation,
concrete blocks will be treated with a waterproofer and sealer.
Landscaping - has been changed on the building ends as requested
by the Board, six 4-5 foot evergreens have been added to the front,
eliminated some of the aspen in front. Mike stated that evergreens
will grow in that area if they are watered in the winter as well
as in the summer. The drawings of the trees on the plans are real-
istic in terms of size.
Contour 82 was altered; a fire hydrant, 60 feet separation of buildings,
Jay Hosburgh, Fire Chief, has asked that the backs of the upper two
buildings be opened on the second floor for easy access. Norm
Wood, Town Engineer has no problem with the drainage at this time,
he will submit a report when he has finished reviewing this project.
The grade is 80, will be plowed by the association with sand or
cinder barrels along the drive. It was suggested that John check
with Colorado Ute regarding the building which is close to the
easement, the height may be a problem, lightning rods on this building
would be a good idea.
Light fixtures - (c) will be used in the soffits of the balconies,
will be a down light over the walkways, the manufacturer is Victor
Redwood Lighting for the standard and Markstone is the type. A
free-standing sign will be submitted later.
Mike asked for coordination of the corners of the buildings with the
slope, the colors will help to soften the buildings.
There being no objections, approval was granted for this project
as presented and as re -reviewed tonight.
Item #2 was again called. There was no one present to represent
Gore Range Properties and no information so this item was not dis-
Other business:
Troxel Warehouses - None of the work promised has been completed,
Steve Isom's written reply was discussed, the rest of this project
will be brought before the Board during the December 3, 1980 meeting
for approval.
Christie Lodge, U.S. Home - the wording of the sign was changed from
"resort condominiums" to "resort accommodations". There being no
objections, the change of wording on the sign was granted approval.
Sign Code Committee - the Committee will meet on Tuesday November
25, 1980 at 5:00 P.M. at the Hole in the Wall. Cheryl will call
the Committee Members to remind them.
There being no further business to be brought before the Board,
Cheryl made the motion to adjourn, Tom seconded the motion and the
meeting was adjourned at 9:30 P.M.
Respectfully submitted by
erre So tland
ecording Secretary
Design Review Board