OCTOBER 15, 1980, 7:30 P.M.
The regular meeting of the Design Review Board for the Town of
Avon was held on October 15, 1980 at 7:40 P.M. in the Town Council
Chambers of the Town of Avon in the Benchmark Shopping Center,
Avon, Colorado. The meeting was called to order by Vice-chairman
Mike Blair, there being a quorum present.
All Board Members were present with the exception of Alice Alpi.
Tom Landauer and Bill Pierce cam in later.
Other business was deferred until after the regularly scheduled
Item #1, Empire Savings, Temporary and Permanent Signs, Lot 70,
Block 2, Benchmark Subdivision, File No. 80-10-2.
Rod Abbott of Sign Language, Inc. represented Empire Savings.
Temporary sign: Empire Savings has several which are moved about
to different sites as buildings are constructed. It is a simple
cabinet -type of sign which remains as long as the temporary building.
The cabinet is bronze sheet metal, the face is a new product called
ex -gloss, has no sheen, the white letters are put over that so all
that is seen is "Empire Savings" or in this case, "Temporary Building,
Empire Savings", double faced, 3 X 6 feet, illumination is T12
fluorescent tubes, warm white. Supports are square tubed steel,
set in concrete, gives the sign the appearance of "floating".
Rod wants the signs to be located on the northwest side of the main
entrance. There is a time clock which governs when the sign lighting
is on, it can turn it on in the morning and turn it off at night,
perhaps about 10:00 P.M.
Mike asked for comments from the Board, staff and audience and
there weren't any.
The sign will be on the westerly side toward the building, along
the driveway, at least five feet setback from the property line on
the side of the road, will be moved if it is in the way of the
Time of light limitation: Left on at their discretion until the
sign code is passed. Temporary sign time limitation: to coincide
with the removal of the temporary building. There being no objec-
tions, approval was granted with tje conditions that the sign be
located as discussed, temporary sign approval will expire at the
time the temporary building approval will expire.
((It was announced tl--at Tom and Bill had arrived, and Bill assumed
the chair at this time.))
Permanent Sign: Rod is asking for approval for the signs on the
two sides facing the road. 22 X 132 inch beveled ltters, made in
England, a symbol of Empire Savings, the return is lead coated sheet
steel, the bevel is gilded with 23 karat gold, a blown neon tube
which illuminates from the inside, the gild will last 35 years.
The neon is 60 mililamps.
Slides were shown of other Empire Savingsnaround the state. Bill
stated his objection to any sign over 20 square feet in area. Rod
stated that his company tries to make the sign size compatible with
the wall size. Both 20 and 24 square feet were mentioned by the
Board tonight as the maximum allowable sign area, Cheryl stated.
The two little people movers are in an aggregate of 142 square feet.
Rod stated that it takes three to four months for the signs to be
ready from the date they are first ordered. Larry questioned setting
an exact maximum for all signs, projects may have to be considered
individually. Mike stated that this is a good example of reviewing
an individual sign for a particular building. Larry would like the
people mover signs placed closer to the ground.
There are two opinions expressed - the sign is appropriately sized
for the building, and Bill's opinion that the sign is too large.
Approval was granted for the permanent signs and the accessory signs
around the site as submitted.
Item #2, Avon Lake Villas, Phase I, Sign, Lots 43 and 44, Block 2,
Benchmark Subdivision, File No. 80-10-1.
Fred Gorenz represented Avon Lake Villas. The sign is six feet tall
and twelve feet wide, a light fixture, located on the southeast
of the Avon Lake Villas Phase I building, located on the side of
the building 18 feet off of the ground between the second and third
floor windows. Letters are 18 inches high, raised 3 inches from the
surface, letters made from 3/4 inch marine plywood, their logo,
standard block lettering, "Avon Lake Villas", border and letters
dark brown of the building and background will be creamy color of
the building. Framing will be 2 X 10 cedar, anchored with leg
Larry stated that he prefers raised letters over a big block sign
such as this as a standard for the Town. Fred would like four
different signs eventually for the four different phases of this
large condominium project; perhaps a temporary sign would be appro-
priate until next spring when a sign expert could come in and cor-
relate with all the plans, locating the temporary sign on the ground
at the entrance to the complex.
The Board expressed favorable opinion for using the sign presented
tonight as a temporary sign installed on the ground with variations
in the dimensions. Rather than 12 feet, can be eight feet, rather
than six feet tall can be 4-42 feet tall. If the sign varies in
any other way than that mentioned, it should be brought before the
There being no objections, the sign was granted approval with the
conditions that it be re -reviewed in six months and a maximum size
of eight feet long and four feet high. The light fixture will be
changed to six feet.
Item #4, Avon Center at Beaver Creek, Site Lighting, Lots 47-54,
Block 2, Benchmark Subdivision, File No. 79-11-5.
Bill McCoy represented Avon Center. Avon Center has reached a point
where they need to put the site lighting on their drawings. The
original standards were going to be 12 feet high, four white boxes
on the top, low wattage. The standards presented tonight are in the
same locations, one fixture with a high sodium light, warm quality,
not yellow. The wall fixtures will remain the same, the pole would
be a one fixture unit.
Bill is asking for guidance in reference to the site lighting.
Larry suggested a careful study to prevent overlighting. Bill
stated that they are in need of the public mall plan to complete
their own plans.