JULY 16, 1980 7:30 P.M.
The regular meeting of the Design Review Board for the Town of Avon
was held on July 16, 1980 at 7:45 P.M. in the Town Council Chambers
of the Town of Avon in the Benchmark Shopping Center, Avon, Colorado.
The meeting was called to order by Chairman Bill Pierce.
All Board Members were present.
The Chairman deferred the reading of the minutes until later in
the meeting.
Item #1, BWI & Sons, Frank Salerno, Revised Landscaping, Lot 8,
Block 1, Benchmark Subdivision, File No. 80-6-2.
Frank Salerno represented BWI & Sons. More greenery has been added
around the fences. Redwood siding will replace the plywood, the
stain will be no darker than that previously presented. The Board
suggested that the trees in the front corners should be moved back
72 feet. Four cottonless cottonwoods will be added north of the
group of three trees shown on the east side of the project.
Bill asked for comments from the audience and there were none.
There being no objections approval was granted with the conditions
that four more cottonless cottonwoods be added to the north of the
cottonwoods placed on the east side of the building and that the
trees shown will be placed back 72 feet, out of the easements.
Item #2, Troxel Warehouses, Wood Facia Plans, Lot 13, Block 1,
Benchmark Subdivision, File No. 79-3-1.
Keith Troxel represented Troxel Warehouses, a part of Metcalf Ven-
ture. There are three lots in this project. The entrance will be
changed into Lots 12 and 11, the steep driveway will be eliminated.
The site plan has been changed so that one of the buildings is
facing a different direction. The driveway will be paved. In
about ten days, Russian Olive trees will be planted to screen the
present building. Keith would like to plant the trees now, have
the Board view the site, and if the Board feels that the facia is
still needed, they will present that plan. Ten four foot trees
will be planted down the sides at six foot intervals; in front of
the building, four eight feet high trees will be planted. The
trees will be installed in about 10 days. Keith will notify the
secretary when the trees are installed. The landscaping has been
approved for the present warehouse, the additional trees will revise
that plan. The Board would like to see a formal presentation of the
overall landscaping plan for Lot 13. Keith will plant the proposed
trees around the "J" building and down the side, and will present
a formal landscaping plan for the entire project with proper appli-
cation at the August 6, 1980 meeting. The Board will view this
project prior to the August 6, 1980 meeting in order to decide if
the additional trees will screen the building adequately so that
the facia is not needed. Keith will add the facia if necessary.
The Board discussed the appearance of the metal siding on the build-
ing. Dick asked for the grade when the driveway is changed. Keith
stated that it will be 0-2o in the lower section and 62-7o up the
The Board recommended that the trees presented be installed, it will
be reviewed at the next meeting and the issue discussed, and Keith
will present a revised landscaping plan at that time.
Item #3, Sherwood Meadows, Bill Stroop, Review Landscaping, Site
Plan and Building Colors, Lot 9, Block l,_ Benchmark Subdivision,
File No. 79-3-20.
Bill Stroop represented Sherwood Meadows. Bill requested a post-
ponement of the change of building colors to a later meeting. Bill
would like to accomplish two items - add more trees and subtract
some shrubs and add planting areas between the buildings. He would
like to create pockets of landscaping at the entrances of each unit.
He would like to add 60 aspen trees in the eight to ten foot range.
23 Hopi crabs, 8-12 blue spruce about seven feet high, 73 shrubs,
43 red dogwood, 28 scrub oak. The planting areas which would take
the place of asphalt are eight to ten feet wide. There would be
a perimeter around the planting area, perhaps of logs. Ground
cover is approximately 6,600 square feet. This is essentially a
new landscaping plan. Sod has been planned,, except for the areas
in back which the Town Engineer recommended should be seeded.
There being no objections, Sherwood Meadows received approval for
the revised landscal_-�ng plan and site plan. The building colors
will be reviewed at a later date.
Item #4, Pacific Heritage, Response to Letter, Lots 9-14, Block 3,
Benchmark Subdivision. File No. 79-3-18.
Pacific Heritage, Parking Spaces.
Larry Kumpost stepped down for the presentation. Bob George repre-
sented Pacific Heritage. Bob brought the latter from the soils
engineer stating that there is no problem regarding slippage from
the slope in question. There may be a problem of safety, a split -
rail fence may be safer than a retaining wall. There were questions
from the Board concerning a 30 inch retaining wall which was shown
in the plans for this area. The wall was never built. Larry stated
that because a sewer line runs along there, it would be harder to
get to the line .if the retaining wall had been built. Also the
wall was added to the plans just in case it was needed. Larry
would rather add a split -rail fence so that the area would be kept
clear for emergency access.
Bill asked for comments from the audience. Rex Frown, who wrote
the letter, stated that the sod in this area has slipped and separ-
ated 1� to 2 inches, the sodded area is eight feet wide, too narrow
for emergency vehicles and needs a retaining wall. The retaining
wall which Rex saw in the plans before he bought his unit at Sun -
ridge showed several retaining walls, 8 X 8 beams and. terraced.
Rex is concerned with asthetics and mostly with the slough -off of
that slope. Cheryl suggested a field trip to view the slope, and
would like to see the approved plans at that time. Dick stated that
all of those slopes will be seeded. He also stated that the bank
is narrow, but wide enough for emergency vehicles. Bill requested
that Dick ask Jay Hosburgh, Fire Chief, to accompany the Board on
their field trip. Patricia Kelly -Brown also voiced her concern
regarding the Board allowing a change from the approved plans with-
out that change being approved also. Bill invited Rex and Patricia
to meet with the Board during their field trip. They are to contact
the recording secretary for the date and time of the field trip.
Bill stated that the Board will make a field trip prior to the next
regularly scheduled meeting to view the slope. This item will be
further discussed at that meeting.
Pacific Heritage Parking Spaces: Larry stated that Sunridge Phase
I was submitted and approved with 8z foot wide parking spaces in
March, 1979. The Zoning Ordinance was passed in May, 1979 and the
Design Review Board Rules and Regulations were passed several days
after the approval for Sunridge. He stated that at that time the
Town could give them no definite guidelines to follow. Pacific
Heritage is asking the current Board to uphold the approval for 84
feet parking spaces given in 1979. Dick stated that there was a
gray area at that time. He recommended that the Town Attorney be
asked to research which guidelines should be adhered to. The minutes
from March, 1979 do not indicate that parking spaces were approved
at 8� feet, the plans show them at that measurement. The length
of the parking spaces is 19 feet, the cars will overhang into an
island area.
The Board will uphold the approval of 8z feet parking spaces for
Sunridge at Avon, Phase I.
Item #5, Holy Cross Electric, Special Review Use - Materials Yard,
Lot 10, Block 1, Benchmark Subdivision, File No. 80-6-3.
Ted Husky, Howard Scarboro and Walt Dorman :represented Holy Cross.
They would like to install a chain -link fence around the periphery
of their lot. It is the same fencing Kamen Supply is using, chain -
link with redwood slats. It will run along Metcalf Road and on the
south side it will continue back beyond the building to the south.
It will be seven feet in height with three strands of barbed wire.
There will be no poles stored there. Disposal of waste materials
will be up to the subcontractor to take care of. There are no
trash dumpsters there. They will have to monitor the area to make
sure trash is disposed of. They believe they can keep the level of
stored materials under sever feet high. Bill stated that because of
the elevation of the road going up past this lot a seven foot fence
will not adequately screen stored materials. Bill would like to
see some variety rather than a straight unbroken line of fence 140
feet long. Mike Blair stated that there are two items to be consi-
dered - 1) whether to allow outside storage and 2) the appearance
of the fence. He also suggested that since there is very little
water in that area that natural ground cover could be added to the
lot, also non -growing things - large boulders, posts could be added,
something to add interest without maintenance. Larry suggested that
materials be stored in such a way as to be out of sight of anyone
on the road up the hill and also that materials be stored in an
orderly fashion. He also suggested that the fence which appears to
be on the property line be moved to maintain the 25 foot setback
from the road and the 71 foot setback on the side. There will be
a 25 foot double gate into the property. The Board will review
this site during their field trip, to be taken prior to the August
6, 1980 meeting. In the interim Bill stated that the Board does
not have any justification to allow Holy Cross to use that lot for
open storage. The materials on that property may be stored for
the time being. They are not to add materials.
Item #6, Vail Associates Real Estate, J.J. Collins, Sign, Lot 1,
Block 3, Benchmark Subdivision, File No. 80-7-1.
Scott Skelten represented Vail Associates Real Estate. They would
like to put a real estate sign on the Sunridge Phase II property.
Larry Kumpost stepped down for the presentation. The sign would be
25 or 50 feet from the road, whichever is appropriate to not hin-
der traffic. It is a site sign, not in front of any building.
The exact colors to be used are on the drawing of the sign. After
discussion, the Board decided that a sign could be erected with any
or all telephone numbers, no sales pitch, Vail Associates Real
Estate, Sunridge at Avon, the logo, will be 3 X 4 feet and can
stand until August 7, 1980. They are to submit a revised sign at
the August 6, 1980 meeting.
Item #7, Sagebrush Duplex, Michael Sanner, I:,ot 27, Block 2, Wild -
ridge Subdivision, File No. 80-7-2.
Michael Sanner represented Sagebrush Duplex. The duplex is a low
profile, passive solar house. It will be of reinforced concrete
or block covered with drivet or equivalent on styrofoam which is
on mesh (fiberglass). The roof will be sod. Landscaping - will be
natural, putting back what is disturbed during construction.
Sage, native grasses around the building. Gravel drive until the
road is paved. Materials - synthetic stucco, troweled on, Settef
#84, Rustico; #718 Olympic stain for the exposed beams. The beams
are structural, solid 4 X 12. A small area of the roof - 8 X 8 -
is metal, these areas are to bring light into the back of the
building. Dick stated that this design has met all basic require-
ments of the Board. The drive will be paved within two years.
Bill would like to see scrub oak or pinon pine on the north and/or
the sides of the building. Regarding the metal roofing, Mike
stated that the Board does have the right to approve something
different from what is in the Wildridge covenants, but it could be
overruled by the covenants committee if that committee wanted to.
If the Board wanted to approve something contrary to the subdivision
design guidelines, then it should notify the covenants committee.
The subdivision design guidelines are part of the approved subdivi-
sion regulations. Dick asked -who is on the covenants committee and
Mike stated that he is. Michael will plant 1.5 scrub oaks and
five or six pinon pines on the east, west and north sides. Windows
will be wood with #719 stain, mainly on the south and on top.
The front door will be wood paneled. The garage is two car, one
for each unit. Lighting - Prescot, wall wash, for the drive and
walk there will be a few low lamps.
There being no objections, the Board granted Sagebrush Duplex approval.
The plans will be forwarded to the covenants committee. Michael
would like to start construction by August .1, 1980.
Item #8, Avon Metro Water District, Pump House, Tract M, Block 1,
Benchmark Subdivision, File No. 80-6-1.
Bill Pierce stepped down to present this project. The pump house
will be on the water tank on the north end of Metcalf Road. The
tank is strong enough to hold large trucks. Materials - channel
rustic cedar, steel on the outside of the door, trim will be aqua
color. The roof is a 9/12 pitch with skylights directly over the
pumps. There will be large windows and it will be kept very neat
inside. There will not be offices or storage, there will be a
little space for parking for maintenance. The roof will have shake
shingles, drywall inside. Berms will be constructed around the out-
side. Landscaping will include cottonwood trees, blue spruce and
pinon pines, natural grass. Lighting - some lighting inside, a
gooseneck, painted shade on the outside of the building over the
door, probably the same color as the trim. The inside lighting
will be very low intensity mercury vapor. :Ken suggested that a
lightning rod be added. The water tank is actually in the Wildridge
Subdivision rather that the Benchmark Subdivision. Dick asked
if the covenants committee had been notified of this project.
Bill will bring in a letter of approval from the committee when he
brings this project back before the Board. The Avon Metro Water
District may put a gate across the driveway, a security gate.
There being no objections, approval was granted with the conditions
that designs for the gate, the outside lighting and for a lightning
rod be submitted.
Other business:
The fencing proposed by Holy Cross was further discussed. Cedar
fencing, open -sided sheds were suggested.
The field trip was planned for July 23, 1980 at 6:00 P.M., the
Board will meet at the Town Offices. During the trip the Board
will view Sunridge, Troxel Warehouses, and the Holy Cross lot
(and Kamen Supply - they have the same fencing).
The sign code committee - they are meeting and reviewing the vari-
ous codes which were sent. Cheryl is to attend all meetings, but
has no voting power unless a regular member is not there.
Tom Landauer made the motion to approve the mintues as read, Larry
Kumpost seconded it and it passed unanimously.
Cheryl Dingwell made the motion to adjourn the meeting, Larry
Kumpost seconded it and it was passed unanimously and adjourned
at 11:10 P.M.
Respectfully submitted by
Jerre Sortland
Recording Secretary
Design Review Board