PZC Minutes 040181RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS MINUTES OF DESIGN REVIEW BOARD MEETING APRIL 1, 1981, 7:30 P. M. The regular meeting of the Design Review Board for the Town of Avon was held on April 1, 1981 at 7:40 P. M. in the Town Council Chambers of the Town of Avon in the Benchmark Shopping Center, Avon, Colorado. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Bill Pierce. All Board Members were present, also present was John Dunn, Town Attorney. Bill announced that there would be changes in the order of the items on the agenda so that John could leave as soon as possible. Item #6, Allwerth, Inc., Zone Change, Lot 60, Block 2, Benchmark Subdivision, File No. 81-3-9. Bill Pierce stepped down for the presentation, John Blish represented Allwerth, Inc. This item was properly posted and notice given as a public hearing. Acting Chairman Mike Blair read the leagl notice. Dunn determined that effort in good faith was exhibited in the notices forwarded to property owners. Blish listed three alternatives in the notice. Blish explained the three alternatives and they were discussed. Dunn stated that the issue is not the merits of a particular project but whether the Ordinance of the Town shall be amended by the Council to allow time sharing as a Special Review Use in a TC (Town Center) district. He read the Special Review Uses in RIIDC (Residential High Density and Commercial) and TC districts. It was stated that the question is whether to change the zoning map - spot zoning - or to change the Ordinance. Dunn: strong recommendation against changing the map, would rather change the Special Review Use in TC. Blair asked for comments from the audience and there weren't any. Board Member Kwiipost asJce�j why 'j'C was not selected for time sharing by the Council. May be an oversight and/or the Council was being cautious. Dunn: would like to have the ordinance that John Blish prepared regarding time sharing. John will prepare the ordinance following the action taken tonight. Dunn recommended that the Board's recommendation to the Town Council be by reso- lution, the Board is acting as a planning commission at this time. He suggested that the Chairman poll the Board for their opinions regarding this matter. Blair again asked for comments from the audience and there weren't any. He re- stated the recommendation: the Board's task is to make a recommendation to the Town Council as to whether or not the Zoning Ordinance of the Town of Avon shall be amended to allow time sharing as a Special Review Use in the Town Center Zone. Each Board Member stated that the recommendation should be made to the Town Council to allow time sharing as a Special Review Use in the Town Center Zone with the ex- ception of Alpi, who recommends that it should not be allowed. Dunn requested that Blish submit a resolution to be presented by the Board to the Council re- commending that time sharing be allowed in TC as a Special Review Use. Dunn read the resolution, which met with his approval: "Be it hereby resolved by the Design Review Board of the Town of Avon, Colorado that: the Design Review Board recommends to the Avon Town Council that the Zoning Ordinance of the Town of Avon be amended to permit time sharing as a Special Review Use in the TC (Town Center) zoned area." Design Review Board Resolution No. 1, Series of 1981, is attached to these minutes. Blair: the Chairman finds that at this public hearing the applicant has made arguments, presented information, the public has been here to offer comments and information, that the members of the Board have heard the arguments, read the -1- information and discussed it and are prepared to make a motion on the resolution submitted by the applicant, read and approved by the Town Attorney. Would ask that a motion be made to recommend to the Town Council of the Town of Avon in accordance with the resolution as it was read. Kumpost made the motion that the Design Review Bpard approve the recommendation for the Town of Avon to pass an ordinance allowing for time sharing as read by the Town Attorney. Dingwell sec- onded the motion, it was passed with four Board Members voting for and one against. Item #12, Ventres - Landauer, Buck Creek Condominiums, Phases III and IV and Parking Structure, 24 Units, Lots 13-16, Block 2, Benchmark Subdivision, File No. 81-3-15_ Tom Landuer stepped down for this presentation. John Dunn stated that in refer- ence to whether a setback variance is required, the parking structure is below ground level and is A feet from the property line. Dunn: no requirement for a setback variance, the utility easement is between the applicant and the utility companies. Tom presented a check for the 14 units of Phase IV which will be built next year. Kathy Warren and David Peel represented Buck Creek Condominiums. Phases III and IV will be the same as Phases I and II, no changes in materials, lighting or landscaping. Bill asked for comments from the audience and there weren't any. Alice asked about the parking structure, Kathy stated that the existing garage has enough parking spaces for the first three phases, the smaller parking structure will be built with Phase IV. The overall site plan and landscaping has already been approved. Mike asked Dick Evans if there are any problems with the existing buildings of which the Board should be aware, there are no problems, the drainage will be as according to the Town Engineer. Mike asked that the construction equipment be kept off of the park. Alice: eastern side setback? It is 7-� feet. Larry Goad asked if the parking structures will be covered, the top levels are exposed. There being no objections, the Board granted final approval for this project for Phases III and IV. Item #3, Pacific Heritage, Trailers, Lot 8, Block 3, Benchmark Subdivision, File No. 81-3-8. Larry Kumpost stepped down for this presentation. George Grimsrud represented Pacific Heritage. He is requesting permission to use temporary facilities, mo- bile units to be placed on Lot 8, Block 3 for the project on Lot 3, Block 3. They plan on a maximum use of 12 months. If the office building on Lot 3 is not completed in one year, they would like to extend the approval for temporary offices on Lot 8 for six months. They plan to berm along West Beaver Creek Boulevard with a five foot, about 800 solid fence, across the front and beyond the offices. There will be some decking in the center (there will be four trailers), they could put some shrubs along the road and fence. There is no formal landscaping plan there will be five or six trees planted in the center and catwalks around the trailers. George stated that the purpose of the trailers is not for sales, three will be construction trailers for finishing Phase II of Sunridge, one will be offices for the projects in Sunridge and Beaver Creek. There will be some construction equipment stored on Lot 8. There will be chain link fence from the end of the wood fence around the property. George stated that there will not be any way for children to get into the lot from the trailer park. Ken asked about the equipment stored there after completion of the office building, George stated that it would be moved to their project in Eagle or Edwards. Sewer facilities are available, they have paid the tap fees. Mike stated that with the improvements suggested, driveway construction and drainage it might be approved. Ken added that due to the location of this lot in reference to the trailer park and the children living there, that the security fencing and lighting be installed immediately. The fencing will be installed - 2- within ten days, there will be exterior lighting. There being no objections, the Board granted approval to make the improvements proposed, they will be re- moved in the period of one year, to April 1, 1982, come back at that time to re- quest an extension. Item #9, Avon Road Professional Building, Trailer, Lot 56, Block 2, Benchmark Subdivision, File No. 81-3-12. Norm Lamb represented this project, he is associated with Timberline Properties. They have approval to build a 60,000 square foot office building on Lot 56. They would like a temporary office on the site for leasing and information for that building. Norm showed a picture of the proposed trailer. It will be a 50 foot long, wood sided, rented trailer. The color will be dark, the roof is pitched with asphalt shingles. They will have electricity in the trailer but not water facilities. They hope to start construction within 30 days, the trailer will have two private offices and two general offices, it will not be a construction trailer. There will be fencing around the trailer to protect people from the construction site. The period of time for the trailer would be 12 months. They are also proposing some light landscapng, gravel for the four parking spaces, and 8 X 8's bordering the parking area. Bill suggested that the time period be for 12 months or until they receive their Certificate of Occupancy. Toilet facilities can be temporary facilities, or what the Board recommends. Norm stated that there will be one other trailer on the lot for construction purposes. Their office in Buck Creek Plaza is their general real estate office, this site is owned by different partners and will be for leasing this building. Mike asked Dick if a public structure can be set up without toilet facilities. Toilet facilities must be on the site for a temporary structure but not neces- sarily in the building. They have a sign on the site which has been approved by the Board, they would like a sign on the trailer which states "leasing infor- mation" which will be under two square feet. There being no objections, the Board granted approval for the trailer. The order of the items on the agenda reverted back to the original agenda. Item #1, Avon Center at Beaver Creek, Signs and Fireman's Emergency Access to the Roof, Lots A, B, C, Block 2, Benchmark Subdivision, File No. 81-3-7. Nick Dalba represented Avon Center at Beaver Creek. Emergency Egress: Fire Marshall Jay Hosburgh requested that the emergency egress from the roof be modi- fied. The shed will be three feet higher than originally proposed, it will be 12 X 19 or 12 X 17. A variance of three feet higher on that shed, it will be on each tower. This item is shown on plans dated March 25, 1981, sheet page A-11. There will be a regular door out onto the roof. Dick stated that the change is minimal, and a safety item. Bill stated that the Board will recommend to the Town Council that this modification be allowed, it is a factor of safety and that only because this is such a small area of the total roof that exceeds the allowed height. SIGN: a 6 X 20 banner, white canvas background, four inch wide letters in red. The sign has been up but not all the Board Members have seen it. They are asking to keep it up for nine months. Bill would like to see a picture of the sign, it was put up before this meeting to give the Board a chance to see it and comment. The Board made the decision to allow the sign to remain up for the next two weeks, until the next meeting, at which time they will bring in a picture of the sign and the Board will either approve the sign or disapprove it. -3- Items #2 and #3a, Heritage Building, and Sign, Lot 3, Block 3, Benchmark Sub- division, File No. 81-3-6 and File No. 81-3-16. Larry Kumpost stepped down, Will Adams, architect represented Pacific Heritage. BUILDING: There is a two -level parking structure, one level entirely underground and one semi underground, one floor of restaurant and retail and three office floors over the structure. Service and garage are inside, with access off of Highway 6. Will stated that they do have permission from the Highway Department. There will be terracing and formal landscapng at the entrance to the project. There is a passive solar wall, 18 inches deep, operable windows all around. The colors used will be different from Sunridge Phase II but complimentary, the building is about 60 feet in height. Chris Sivertson presented the landscape plan. The parking is about 4-5 feet below Highway 6, there will be a small amount of screening along there, with heavy screening along West Beaver Creek Boulevard. The secretary asked Chris twice to talk louder, but most of his presentation was not picked up by the tape recorder. Planters, trying to tie in the landscaping with Sunridge Phase II. The building will be stucco, Will showed the colors of the stucco and trim which are on a sam- ple board. Wood windows, operable, clad with metal. Native grass is shown, for the slope in back. The smallest of the evergreens is 10 feet, the largest is 18 feet, deciduous materials are 2-2-� inches. Lighting - pole lights, recessed downlighting on the steps, pole lights at the entrance, bouldered lights at the main entry area. Bill asked for questions from the audience, Dick stated that the Town Engineer review the drainage plan and there are several items which will require tending to let the record show that it be entered as part of the approval for the Design Review Board. Bill stated his opinion that this is more for an administrative item, unless it changes the contours on the plans submitted, he would like Dick to handle it directly. Dick stated that a permit is ordinarily not issued until the drainage has been accepted. Ken would like Will to resubmit his lighting fixtures when they have been chosen. Bob George requested that the sign be postponed until the April 15, 1981 meeting since the people presenting the sign are not present. The loading docks - Bill stated that Dick will check it out. The front setback is off West Beaver Creek Boulevard. There are two loading docks, the building is 34,000 square feet. Bill asked Dick if there are sufficient loading docks, Dick stated that six are reuiqred for that size of building. There is a maximum of 6,000 square feet of retail and about 4,000 square feet of restaurant. Cheryl stated that the Board should re-evaluate the loading dock requirements. Mike asked if the loading docks would accomodate a semi -truck, they will have to stop on the highway and back in, that is not an acceptable idea. Will stated that the Highway Department will accept this, if the access lane is added. Mike asked if the Department knows trucks will have to stop on the highway, Will stated that it was not presented that way. They are creating a right turn lane. Mike is concerned about stopping on the highway and backing in. The docks will be 12 feet wide with nine foot wide doors, discussion followed regarding the access to the loading docks and the number of docks. Bill stated that it may be necessary to make a variance to the Zoning Ordinance regarding the number of loading spaces required, they are reviewed on a case - by -case basis. He asked the Building Administrator to contact the Town Attorney to determine whether a zoning variance is necessary. The Design Review Board Procedures, Rules and Regulations state that the size and number of loading spaces "...shall be as required by the Board based on the proposed use of the building." Bill would like the Town Attorney to decide which Ordinance (Zoning Ordinance or Design Review Board Procedures, Rules and Regulations) is the more enforceable regulation or the one the Board should follow, there are two things in contra- diction, and to inform the applicant of that decision. Cheryl stated that the entire Regulations need to be looked at because they do not correspond to the Ordinances of the Town. Dick stated that the Regulations give the Board its leeway, that the Board does have the discretion to decide. Mike: the Board does have the discretion on loading docks. Bill would like the Town Attorney to be clearly informed of this contradiction between the guide- lines of the Design Review Board and the Zoning Ordinance and have him give the Board the information, Dick is to pass that request to the Town Attorney and to inform the applicant of his decision as soon as possible. The Board: if the Town Attorney does not require a zoning variance for this particular issue on the number of loading docks then the number Pacific Heritage has provided is sufficient for the uses that are intended for the building, with the modifications that would improve the access. Bill stated that they should come back in two weeks with lighting fixtures, and the modifications for the access to the loading docks. They will also have the plat submitted to the Highway Department and their approval. The Board granted final approval with the condition that a determination be handled by the Town Attorney regarding the number of loading spaces and the Board's dis- cretion, and the resubmission of the area showing better access to the loading spots that are provided on the site, and that exterior lighting fixtures be re- viewed at the same time. A brief discussion between items: Bill asked the secretary to direct a letter to the Town Council requesting that the Town Attorney address the problem of contradictions between the Design Review Board Procedures, Rules and Regulations and the Zoning Ordinance and let the Board know how to handle this, and if appro- priate, to propose the modifications that would in fact reduce these contradic- tions. Bill also stated that the Zoning Ordinance should be reviewed in reference to the number of loading spaces required. Items #4 and #5, Savoy Square, Sign, 71 Units, Lots 73 and 74, Block 2, Benchmark Subdivision, File No. 81-2-7 and File No. 81-1-4. BUILDING: Brent Lords, architect, represented Savoy Square. This project was introduced previously, it has been changed somewhat. The general concept is the same, the project is now entirely residential. The project is a buffer space between all residential and residential/commercial areas along West Beaver Creek Boulevard. The building is a story lower along the side, slopes off at the back and on the ends. The outside is responsive to the landscaping and the inside is urban with transition between the two. At this time there is one access to the project. There are 14 garden units, first and second floor, 14 penthouse units and the remainder are one level units. In the other building, there are four two -level units above and three one -level units on the ground floor, all ground level units have access to private gardens, there will be screening and landscaping for the garden areas and raised two feet above the ground. The building has been pulled back, the closest point to the front property line is 38 feet, they are willing to work with the Town and adjacent property owners regarding landscaping. Trash - there is a chute down the middle of the building and drops into the dumpsters, the dumpsters are stored in the rear parking area. 33.60 of the lot is covered by building, 28% is landscaped. The building is seven stories high on the plaza side, six stories on the perimeter of the building, the smaller is three stories and two stories high. Materials and colors to be used were presented on the sample board, metal hand- rails. Lighting - low level aroind the perimeter, intensified in the plaza with foot level and accent lighting, the foot level lights will be mecury lamps, re- cessed lighting around the swimming pool. There is parking area lighting. There are 71 parking spaces below grade, 71 above ground and two temporary spaces below and above, with a total of 146 spaces. They are asking for approval for 20 com- pact car spaces. For recreation, they are providing a swimming pool, sun deck and the private gardens. The emergency access has been discussed with Jay Hosburgh, Fire Marshall, if there is a change, it will be a four foot wide grass block for that purpose. Bill asked that unless there is something very specific that would affect the site plan on the drainage, he would like that to be handled strictly administra- tive. 2611 Ron Liston presented the landscaping plan. The exterior area will be mainly native materials, irrigated. The interior will be more urban, refined treatment, locusts will be the major tree material, some of it extends out to the native setting along the street. The trees in the plaza will be planted in the ground, the plaza will have all underground irrigation system. Aspen, 68, 6-12 feet; shademaster locust, 30, 1-1� inches; narrowleaf cottonwood (primary around the exterior) 20, 1-1� inches; ponderosa pine, 15, 6 foot; European mountain ash, 8, 1-1� inches; accent evergreens, 3-4 feet; maple, 9, 5-6 feet; dogwood, 11; shrubs, 44 and 43; bugle pines, 32. Bill stated that the numbers are adequate but the sizes are a bit small. Ron stated that they will increase the size, such as eight feet in height for the evergreens. They will use a common Kentucky blue grass intermixed with wild flowers. Since sod is required, they will use it. The Board has asked the Town Council to amend the ordinance so that sod is not required, bu that has not happened at this time. Wild flowers and alternative ground cover where specified is acceptable. Bill asked for comments from the audience and there weren't any. The exact stain number is unknown, they will provide a color chip to Dick Evans. The roofing material is metal, the exact material is unknown at this time, it will be brought in. It will be the blue and the ribbed style shown on the sample board, the gauge is unknown, but they will not use a cheap gauge. The roof material ini- tially has a little sheen but it does not last. A roof sample will be submitted to Dick, the Board would also like a sample of the ballast. If the metal roofing is not available in the exact color shown tonight the Board would like it brought in for approval. Brent pointed out on the plan where the metal roofing will be used -where there are long, horizontal stripes. Alice objected to the color of the roof, perhaps a brown could be used. In general, the Board was in favor of the blue roof, this particular shade is fairly neutral, there will be no reflection from the roof, the ribs will add some shading to the color of the roof. Alice asked about the number of handicapped units. One out of every seven are required by Code, those units will be constructed so that they can be converted into handicapped units. The sun deck on the roof will be an aggregate, wood is not allowed by Code. Larry is concerned that the trash may be in the easement, only the pavement is. They are in the process of vacating the lot line. To take care of ice sliding off of the metal roof, they have placed landscaping where the areas of concern are. The Board granted final approval with the following conditions: the evergreens referred to on the landscaping plan be increased to eight foot or greater, that the built-up roofing material be resubmitted to the Board for consideration, and that a color chip of the exact stain color be provided to the Building Admin- istrator for file. The bristol cone pine is exempted from the height variation. There is no problem with the 20 mini -car spaces. SIGN: Deiter Sander presented the sign. There are two signs on a common structure, one is the permanent project sign and the development sign, they requested a variance to be allowed to put their telephone number on the sign. The colors will be gold lettering on a dark blue background. The lower sign with the telephone number on it is to be removed at the time a Certificate of Occupancy is issued. The only lettering which will be on the permanent sign will be "Savoy Square", it will be lighted from the ground, on wood posts, the sign will be made of marine plywood. The Board granted approval with the stipulation that it is removed according to structural of the final occupancy except for the portion that is agreed upon. Item #7, Stevens Development Company, Two Units, Lot 12, Block 4, Wildridge Sub- division, File No. 81-3-10. Gary Stevens represented this project. The lot is rather steep, a major/minor duplex, stucco siding with redwood decks, natural stain, Olympic #717, stucco will be an ivory, A46, "Pueblo". Landscaping includes 18 aspen, Bill requested more trees, shrubs, evergreens. Gary stated that the lot is too steep for many planting. After discussion, it was decided to move three aspens to the back, 6-8 feet in height and two in another section. There will be lights in the retaining wall to light the driveway entrance, the windows will be clad, either Pella or Henderson. Alice asked if the facia board is 12 inches, it is. There being no objections, the Board granted final approval for this project. Item #8, Wildridge Development Company, One Unit, Lot 15, Block 4, Wildridge Subdivision, File No. 81-3-11. Larry Goad represented Wildridge Company. They propose to move (Ron Allred's) house from Buck Creek to Wildridge. The present house has two bedrooms, they will keep the same footprint, add on over the garage, adding 1;000 - 1,100 square feet, which will provide two additional bedrooms and a bathroom, and a family room. The lot which will be used is large, fairly flat. The house will be moved by removing the garage, the remaining 52 foot section of the house will be split in two 26 foot sections. Bill requested that the site from which the house is re- moved is cleaned up if left unused for a year or more. The new addition will match as closely as possible the color, siding and roof that is on the existing building. The decks will be removed before moving and will be used again in a slightly different configuration. There will be some type of fence or wall close to the house because of children. To move the house, they will have to widen the road above where the house presently sits. Bill asked for comments from the audience and there weren't any. The landscaping plan looks adequate, there will be a lighting fixture at the entrance and perhaps on the garage. Mike Blair abstained from any comment on this project. The Board granted final approval for this project. Item #10, Sea Mountain Developers, Sign, Lot 4, Block 2, Benchmark Subdivision, File No. 81-3-13. Item #11, Peregrine Properties, Trailer, Lots 62-64, Block 2, Benchmark Subdivision, File No. 81-3-14. Greg Gage represented Sea Mountain Developers and Peregrine Properties. SIGN: Greg is proposing to use the same materials as on the outside of the building, 1 X 4 vertical across the whole wooden part of the sign, rock base, posts, a light over the top - the light is installed already. The sign will read "Stone Creek". Bill asked for comments or questions, there weren't any and the Board granted approval for the sign. TRAILERS: Greg requested permission to put a temporary office on Lots 62-64, Block 2, to be used 12 months or shorter, or as soon as they can get into some of the commercial space in Peregrine Village. They are interested in using some Town property adjacent to their site, and will be requesting the use of that space from the Town Council. Bill stated that if the Council approves the use, Greg need not come back before the Board for approval. The real estate and sales office for Peregrine will remain in the Benchmark Shopping Center, there will probably be two construction trailers and up to ten temporary semi trailers. Greg would like to be able to come back for an extension if one year is not long enough for the trailers. Bill stated that the Board could give approval for the trailer in the location requested until April 1, 1982, at that time if necessary, Peregrine could come back with a request for an extension. He also stated that if the Town Council grants approval to relocate the trailer, the Board will have no objection. Peregrine will put in a parking lot, they want to use the site of the inter -faith chapel for all of their trailers, fencing it off for security and lighting. Peregrine anticipates up to three of their own trailers and possibley 12 for subcontractor or semis. If the Town Council approves the use of Town property, the Board requested that Peregrine brings in the site plan. If there are more than two or three trailers, -7- they are to come back to the Board. Mike stated that since all temporary struc- tures are to be brought before the Board, it would be required. Peregrine will come before the Board if they put any signs on the trailers which are over two feet square. The Board granted approval for this modular on that location that has been submitted, Peregrine is to come back with a site plan and signs. The minutes were read and discussed. Cheryl requested that Item #4 be amended to include that the Design Review Board should take a look at the loading dock requirements and perhaps amend them. Mike's project: he has the material requested by the Board at the last meeting, and will present it tonight if the Board agrees. Change in the meeting night for the Design Review Board: was not on this agenda, Mike would like to discuss it tonight if the meeting does not run too late. Dick stated that the Board is to review all trailers and should be considered. The Board would like that changed so that only office trailers are reviewed. Bill requested that Dick ask John Dunn about changing this requirement. Design Review Board Procedures, Rules and Regulations: the Board discussed the possibility of reviewing the Regulations and how they conflict with the Town Ordinances. Cheryl made the motion to approve the minutes with the amendment stated above. Tom mentioned that "Buck Creek Condominium Association" should be "Buck Creek Plaza Condominium Association". Ken seconded the motion and it was passed unani- mously. Other business: Mike Blair's project Saddle Ridge Townhouses, Lot 16, Block 1, Wildridge Subdivision. Mike stepped down to present the conditions requested at the last meeting, including driveway lighting and elevations showing the moss rock face. On the west side of the building, the moss rock face has been continued around the south side as requested. Lighting the driveway - used as a guideline, not to light up the driveway, five feet above the ground, Victor redwood lighting post and fixture, model number 104, 68 inches high, will be installed one on one side of each of the two driveways. The Board granted approval for the project. Ken made the motion to adjourn the meeting, Cheryl seconded the motion it was passed unanimously and the meeting was adjourned at 12:30 A. M. Respectfully submitted by C7��� J rre Sortla d ecording Secretary Design Review Board ff:M TOWN OF AVON DESIGN REVIEW BOARD RESOLUTION NO. 1 SERIES OF 1981 BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the Design Review Board of the Town of Avon, Colorado, that: The Design Review Board recommends to the Avon Town Council that the Zoning Ordinance of the Town of Avon be amended to permit Time -Sharing as a Special Review Use in the "Town Center" zoned area. ADOPTED THE /Z_ day of �dr%/._ 1981. E i1 LM ATTEST: ?Slr eta