PZC Minutes 0318819� RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS MINUTES OF DESIGN REVIEW BOARD MEETING MARCH 18, 1981 7:30 P. M. The regular meeting of the Design Review Board for the Town of Avon was held on March 18, 1981 at 7:40 P. M. in the Town Council Chambers of the Town of Avon in the Benchmark Shopping Center, Avon, Colorado. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Bill Pierce. All Board Members were present with the exception of Larry Kumpost. Mike Blair came in later. Item #1, Four Walls Furniture, Final, Lot 67, Block 1, Benchmark Subdivision, File No. 80-12-1. Bill Pierce stepped down for this presentation. The Chair was turned over to Tom Landauer. The shrubbery asked for has been added, the lighting'for security purposes has also been added over the doors and in the back. The shrubs grow to be 52 feet high. The lights will be low pressure sodium. Cheryl made the motion that the revised landscaping and lighting be approved, Ken seconded the mo- tion and it was passed unanimously. Item #2, Deer Ridge Townhouses, Landscaping, Lot 87, Block 1, Wild - ridge Subdivision, File No. 81-2-4. Ken Sortland represented Deer Ridge Townhouses. Russian Olives and spruce trees which were asked for were added, the entrance was changed to access directly onto this property from the street and the extra light fixture was added. There being no objections, approval was granted for the landscaping and final approval was granted for the entire project. Item #3, Savoy Square, Sign, Lots 73 and 74, Block 2, Benchmark Subdivision, File No. 81-2-7. Continued to April 1, 1981. Item #4, High Country Plaza, Variances, Lot 3, Block 1, Benchmark Subdivision, File No. 81-2-8. Allen Bulter represented High Country Plaza. Bill reiterated the reasons for the variances: 24.50 open area rather than 250, two rather than four loading spaces, and 55 rather than 55.24 parking spaces. The reason for the reduction in open spaces is to provide enough space for delivery trucks to turn around in. The total building floor area is 23,757 square feet, 53% will be used by the hardware store. The store will be supplied by one of the major hardware distributors with deliveries approximately once per week. The trucks are about 55 feet long. Bill asked if there was any correspondence returned regarding the variances; none came into the office. Bill asked for comments from the audience and there weren't any. Tom expressed concern about the loading space and it was discussed by the Board. The entrance to the below ground parking may be covered by delivery trucks by five or six feet, the opening is 18 feet. -1- Delivery trucks will have to back down to the loading docks, the parking entrance will be blocked during delivery times. Cheryl asked the Town Councilmembers in the audience about the loading requirements set up by the Town. The underground parking will be for people working in the building, visitors will use the on -grade parking, the underground spaces will be assigned, not an "in and out" type of condition. The Board is concerned with the future use of the space in the building, Allen stated that for practical purposes, the second level will always remain offices. Cheryl made the motion to approve the 24.5% open space, Alice sec- onded it and it passed unanimously. Tom made the motion to dis- approve the second variance - two loading docks - it was seconded by Cheryl. Allen stated that the height requirement for the trucks is the problem in moving the docks. The motion was voted on, four voted for disapproval and one against. Tom made the motion to approve the reduction of one parking space (there will be 55 spaces), Alice seconded the motion and it was passed unanimously. The recommendation for the parking variance will be forwarded to the Town Council. Allen will appeal the disapproval of the loading spaces to the Town Council. Item #5, Pagett Duplex, Preliminary, Lot 35, Block 1, Wildridge Subdivision, File No. 81-3-3. Terry Pagett represented this project. Terry stated that they would like the common ceiling to be the garage space, the units will be separated by 15 feet. Bill asked for comments from the audience and there weren't any. Bill stated that the Board has no particular problem with this plan at this time. Terry will bring in a color chip or stain number for the siding. Terry would like a six foot high fence, 15 X 15 for a children's play area, the Board requested that the fence be no higher than the covenants allow. Ground cover - burgandy glow (?) in portions of the site, which was acceptable to the Board. Terry will talk to Dick Evans regarding the rest of the materials needed. Item #6, Skiview Condominiums, Rudd Construction, Inc., Four Units, Lot 18, Block 1, Wildridge Subdivision, File No. 81-3-2. Wayne Rudd represented Skiview Condominiums. There are two three bedroom units with a two -car garage for each unit and two two bed- room units with a single -car garage for each unit, 11 off-street parking spaces. The buildings cover approximately 13% of the lot, a large area of the lot will be natural vetetation, they will irrigate most of the area disturbed during construction. The trash area will be in the parking area, the Board requested that the trash storage be moved away from the property line. Lighting - two lights on each garage, eight in all. Site drainage - drains towards the corner of the lot, it will not be disturbed, snow storage will be as shown on the site plan, one access to the site, will be crushed rock rather than paving. Town Ordinances require paving for driveways and parking areas, they will comply with those requirements. The Board requested some offsets in the building design, especially on the street side. The building is 84 feet long, the Board would like at least three offsets, four feet or more. A different material for the chimney stacks was also suggested. The Board has given suggestions, they would need more complete plans including elevations of all four sides before any official action can be taken. The Board: add an entrance light, indicate the ease- ments into the site, landscaping - more aspen with clumping away from the windows, maybe around the side, would like the size of the spruce trees, the design of the retaining wall should be shown. -2- Bill asked for comments from the audience and there weren't any. Samples were submitted of the cedar shingles, redwood siding, with a natural sealer. Dick: page 10 of the Wildridge Protective Cove- nants - stable pervious materials are encouraged for driveways and parking areas, also must contain edges. Page 2 - units must be connected by a common wall of floor. By a vote of the Board, it has been requested that asphalt be used for the driveway and parking area. Item #7, Cuny/Jordan, Parking, Lot 72, Block 2, Benchmark Subdivision, File No. 79-3-11. John Blish represented Cuny/Jordan. They own property in the'Buck Creek Plaza building. Three agreements have been made to use space in that building as office space. That space was originally not designated office space - units 4 and 5 were condominiums, approxi- mately 2,000 square feet and 1,050 square feet. The parking approved was for residnetial use. 900 square feet of storage space below ground level would also be temporary office space. John requested that they be allowed to rent space from Lot 24, Block 2 for the temporary parking spaces they will need. The site will be adjadent to the entrance to the parking area on Lot 72. Their lease will include that they will maintain the area and erect a fence if necessary, gravel may be put down. Buck Creek Condo Association voted unanimously to approve the use of units 4 and 5 as offices until the end of 1981 and to rent the parking space, with gravel. Gamma Development, one of the condo- minium renters, has agreed to occupy no more than two parking spaces at one time. The Board asked how long the temporary parking would be used. There is space on Lot 72 which could be turned into two mini -car parking spaces. The parking area on Lot 24 would not be used after December 31, 1981. There is no written and signed agreement with the owners of Lot 24 at this time, John would like approval contingent on submitting the signed agreement to the Mayor, or to Dick Evans. Bill asked for comments from the audience. Ken Sortland stated that because of the parking problems on Lot 72 at this time that the rented parking spaces not be limited to five spaces. Dick: the basement storage area converted into offices would require 2.28 parking spaces, Unit 4 needs two spaces and Unit 5 needs 3.2 spaces. Bill: what happens if the temporary parking is not approved. John stated that the parking would be provided as long as is neces- sary for the temporary offices. The two mini -car parking spaces they will be asking for will change the amount of green area. Norman Lamb: asked if the parking vari- ances being requested tonight are accepted by the Design Review Board, will it mean that the units that are to be occupied in the basement on a temporary basis could be then therefore occupied? The leases for the basement will not expire in December, 1981, but they intend to take care of that parking in another way. The lease will expire for the 965 square feet in about 19 months. Bill asked for additional comments from the audience. Alice Alpi, to answer Norman Lamb's question, stated that they could perhaps occupy the basement if the Board approves the lot and the extra parking spaces. Cheryl made the motion to approve the parking on a temporary basis, and that Units 4 and 5 be designated to use those parking spaces. Ken amended the motion to lease parking until December 31, 1981. They will come back in about two months to reconfigure their im- pervious materials. Cheryl amended her motion to include the date December 31, 1981, and gravel on the rented space. Tom seconded the motion and added that a border should be placed around the -3- gravel. Bill asked that a plan should be brought in to show where the gravel will be and to bring in the sign. Cheryl again modified her motion to include a border, a plan submitted and the sign sub- mitted. Ken: before a motion is passed that this request be brought back to the Board with a final drawing of some sort and to be voted on at that time and that this is only a suggestion and a discussion plan rather than put a motion on the floor. John: can it be cleared through the Building Department? Bill: on a temporary basis that can happen, but com back with the plan for park- ing, the Board will give them permission at least until that time. Larry Goad: one of the concerns of the Buck Creek Association is that the agreement with the adjacent lot owners has been reached and the gravel was at the request of the Association. John: they will submit plans that show graveling and designation and upon Dick's approval or temporary approval they will go ahead and do it. Summary of the motion: five parking spaces be installed on Lot 24, Block 2, to provide additional parking on a temporary basis for office use of two condominium spaces at the Buck Creek Plaza building and parking required for 960 square feet of office space in the basement; those parking spaces will be removed as the need for them is removed and will not exist after the 31st of December, 1981, and that the spaces be designated for the use of Units 4 and 5. The motion was voted on and passed unanimously. Item #8, Saddle Ridge Townhouses, Blair and Parker, Five Units, Lot 16, Block 1, Wildridge Subdivision, File No. 81-3-4. Ron Liston requested that this item be heard later in the meeting due to the fact that the owners were absent and trying to return from Denver. Item #9, Warner Properties, Inc., 44 Units, Lot 34, Block 2, Bench- mark Subdivision, File No. 80-12-3. John Rosalack, architect represented this project. They would like final approval. Chris Sivertson, landscape architect and Bobby Warner were also present. This project was presented at an earlier meeting (December 17, 1980). A sign has been added, the name for the project will be "Greenbriar". Materials - stucco, gravel on the roof, siding will be cedar, chan- nel lap, dark stain for the building materials, accent colors in the front doors and metal roofs; storage units on each deck. Exterior lighting, on the balconies will be fluorescent hidden under the handrails,post lighting in the parking lot. Landscaping - ((mostly inaudible, although the secretary asked Chris to talk louder)) There are approximately 2.4 acres, they do not intend to sod the front drainage area, the filter curtain is along the parking area, off of that are the native grass areas. There are six pages of landscaping in the plan. Snow storage along the parking area, cotton wood, spruce, deciduous trees, the immediate area adjacent between the sidewalk and the parking area will be a dry landscape treatment. Trash - as shown on the plans, they will be enclosed. The plant list is on the first page of the plans. Native grass - all open areas are to be sodded. They plan native grasses around the edges and sod next to the building. The Board stated that sod is required within property lines, except on steep slopes. They may appeal this portion to the Town Council. The project can only be approved with sod. They will go with sod on all areas at this time, they may be back to ask for native grasses. Drainage - the ditch is of concern to the Town Engineer, he will address the issue of keeping the water clear to this project. Must be landscaped out to the ditch line. Bill: Town Council may approve -4- of natural grasses rather than sod in areas, he has seen a trend that way. They no longer are interested in adding a pond to their landscaping scheme. Lighting - Ken: will the fluorescent lighting be weather -proofed, enclosed lamps? There will be protection on both sides and will be wood (under the handrails). Will cover with plastic lense, to pro- tect someone from getting cut if the lights broke. The pole light- ing - there will be three, 12 feet high, lamps will be mecury vapor. Ken: concerned that this type of lighting will look out of place along Beaver Creek Boulevard, suggested that it match the lighting on other projects on that street. Bill asked for comments from the audience and there weren't any. Tom made the motion to grant approval for the project, Cheryl sec- onded the motion, Tom amended the motion to include sod all the way through the project and the lights 12 feet high. Cheryl again seconded the motion. Ken recommended that the motion be amended to state that the light poles be no higher than nine feet. Tom stated that his motion would remain as is. The Board voted on the motion, it was passed with four votes for and two against. Item #10, Mountain Shadows, James Dechered, Six Units, Lot 76, Block 1, Wildridge Subdivision, File No. 81-3-5. Richard Bolduc of Mountain High Enterprises, Bill Smith and Jim Dechered represented Mountain Shadows. In a folder they presented siding samples and colors to be used. The Colorado Ute easement, 100 feet, runs through the site. Richard presented a letter from Colorado Ute approving their plan, and requesting that the grade not be changed to any great extent with the driveway that goes through the easement. They are asking for final approval for this project. The stucco will be underneath the decks and between the doors on the west elevation. Landscaping - Richard requested that the Board add to the plant list on their plans; five foot pine, 18;and aspen, 41, and 12 one gallon shrubs. Most of the planted landscape will be around the house, natural vegetation will be under the easement, there are some aspen now on the site under the easement, 4-12 feet high. Drainage is shown on the plans. Lighting - Richard presented a picture of the globes to be used, one at the entrance and two on the island in front of the house and two on the house. The drive- way grades will be between 8 and 120. There will not be an identi- fication sign on the property. The roof material is metal, the Wildridge covenants and guidelines do not normally allow metal roofs. Richard stated that metal is desirable because of economy, function, cosmetics and to break up all of the cedar which will be put up in Wildridge. There was some discussion regarding who would take final action with a design variance, the covenants committee of Wildridge or the Town Design Review Board. The Board will grant approval for the project with the condition that a cedar shake roof is used, the Board would also like to see the matter of metal roofs pursued, several Board Members find metal roofs attractive. Dick: Section 13.5 of the Wildridge covenants state that "...all roofs shall be of a material, color and texture approved by the Design Review Board...''. Bill suggested that they go to the covenants committee, receive their approval and then come back to the Board. The Board will grant final approval for the project with cedar shakes. If the covenants committee allows the metal roof in writing, the Board will grant approval for a metal roof. -5- The Board granted final approval for the building submitted with the substitution of cedar shakes in lieu of the metal roofing that the plans show. On the south, the entire lower level below the deck, on the west the entire level except for the garage doors below the deck will be stucco. Item #8, Saddle Ridge Townhouses, Blair and Parker, Five Units, Lot 16, Block 1, Wildridge Subdivison, File No. 81-3-4. Mike Blair stepped down for this project, Ron Liston represented Saddle Ridge Townhouses. There will be five townhouse units, the adjacent area will be a developed park, their landscaping would be in keeping with the landscaping of the park. There will be two driveway entrances, three three bedroom units and two two bedroom units. Drainage - around the site into the steep cut banks, the drainage will be controlled. They will re - vegetate the disturbed areas, using native materials, landscaping as shown on the plans, irrigation will be used, berms will be used, a mix of seed, ground cover and mixed shrubbery, and trees, around the building there will be sod and will be irrigated,close to the building will be intense planting of aspen on the park side and heavy shrubs around the decks. Accent planting will be of choke cherry, European mountain ash, one hopi crab. Native setting on the edge of the site, semi -native close to the building. Ron presented the elevations. Materials - cedar siding with a light natural colored cedar trim, a gray tone semi -transparent stain for the primary siding, a darker stain on the deck areas and cedar shake s1iingles. Lighting - can be at the entrances but may be a problem with snow removal, perhaps can be adequately lighted from the building. Trash - on the road side of the parking area. The stone material will be moss rock, will wrap around the side of the building to look natural. The Board would like entrance lightring, the stones placed there will be protection for the lights. Dick: Code re- quirements state that lighting is to be installed for safe ingress/ egress. Ron stated that they will add the lighting for the entrances, the kind and number unknown at this time. The Board granted approval, preliminary, with the condition that they bring in entrance light fixtures. Ron may bring it in to the next meeting. Bill added that the elevations shaild also be sub- mitted and should also include the stone work referred to. Other business: Lot 60, Block 2: a letter from John Blish was submitted to each Board Member regarding the zone change for the April 1, 1981 meeting. The time sharing issue will be discussed at the Town Council work session on March 24, 1981, Bill requested that Board Members be present for that discussion if possible. Metcalf Ventures: the schedule for the retaining wall and other portions of the existing building was discussed. Meeting nights of the Design Review Board: Mike requested that the meetings be changed to Thursday nights because of other meetings held on Wednesday nights. The Board would like this matter put on the agenda for the next Town Council work session (March 24, 1981) and the next Design Review Board meeting (April 1, 1981). Trailer court ordinance: there was some discussion regarding the reading of this ordinance. Design Review Board Procedures, Rules and Regulations: change of meeting date would require an amendment of this handbook, landscaping and bond requirements have been changed by ordinance and should be changed in the handbook. The minutes were read and discussed. The Pester sign: is being looked into. On page 2 of the February 24, 1981 minutes: fourth paragraph from the bottom, Mike would like the minutes amended to read "...or else an amendment..." rather than "...or rather an amendment...". ((All of the motions from this meeting and every regular meeting are transcribed verbatim.))Mike asked about the phrase on page 2 at the bottom (February 24, 1981) "...hearing closed."; that phrase was also transcribed verbatim. Cheryl made the motion to approve the minutes of the February 24, 1981 meeting, Tom seconded the motion and it was passed unanimously. Ken made the motion to approve the minutes of the March 4, 1981 meeting, Tom seconded it and it was passed unanimously. There being no further business to be brought before the Board, Mike made the motion to adjourn the meeting, Alice seconded it, it was passed unanimously and the meeting was adjourned at 11:30 P. M. Respectfully submitted by Jerre Sortland Recording Secretary Design Review Board -7-