MARCIi 4, 1981 7:30 P.M.
The regular meeting of the Design Review Board for the Town of Avon
was held on March 4, 1981 at 7:35 P. M. in the Town Council Chambers
of the Town of Avon in the Benchmark Shopping Center, Avon, Colorado.
The meeting was called to order by Chairman Bill Pierce.
All Board Members were present with the exception of Tom Landauer
and Larry Kumpost.
Item #1, Avon Road Professional Building, Lot 56, Block 2, Benchmark
Subdivision, Siqn, File No. 81-2-6.
Dave Cole represented Avon Road Professional Building. The sign
will have brown paint on a beige background, 4 X 4 feet, eight feet
off the ground, the lettering will be professional looking, done
by Sign Craft or Art Draft in Denver. Backing will be marine ply-
wood on 4 X 4 posts, pressure treated posts. It will be on the east
lot line about in the middle, one side, this is the construction sign.
They hope to start their project next month. There will be no light-
ing for the sign. Hardwick made the motion to grant approval for
the sign to be installed by April lst and be completed and removed
on the day of Certificate of Occupancy, the sign can be installed
April lst and removed on the day of temporary Certificate of Occu-
pancy. They will come before the Board for a building sign.
Alice seconded the motion, it was voted on and passed unanimously.
Item #2, Deer Ridge Townhouses, Four Units, Lot 87, Block 1, wild -
ridge Subdivision, File No. 81-2-4.
Ken Sortland represented the Deer Ridge Townhouses. The driveway
and parking area is about 250 feet long. There will not be retaining
walls along the road. For further details please refer to the min-
utes of the February 18, 1981 meeting. The fence will be ballistered,
to look like the deck railing, open ballister, three to four feet
sitting in concrete, a small yard fence, not an entire property
perimeter fence, four feet in height.
Landscaping - aspen groves of three or four trees, spreading juniper.
Pierce would like to see more landscaping. Hardwick: light at the
driveway entrance, fixtures will be poles, globes, made by Progress.
Roofs will be shake shingles at this time, siding will be Olympic
#914, chimneys will be left natural, weathered. Overhangs: after
review with Dick Evans there are no overhangs, has clipped eaves,
there is a cold roof on the building. The Wildridge guidelines
do not require overhangs on buildings, when there are overhangs,
they must be 18 inches. Facia boards are to be 12 inches, counting
the roof and facia board, there is a total of 12 inches. The Archi-
tectural and Landscape Design Guideline booklet is a guideline,
not part of the Ordinance. Mike stated that the Town does not have
to enforce the guidelines of this booklet, the intent is to have
a fairly large facia area. The facia board and trim boards will
be Olympic 4914, a darker stain, set off but not a different color.
The windows will stain darker.
The building is 33 feet in height, the grading and drainage will
be as shown on the site plan, drainage will flow down the driveway,
the driveway will not exceed 10% grade, snow storage is provided
next to the parking area. Landscaping will include natural grass
and sage brush, drainage - drain tile underneath each unit and around
and a swale in the parking area. There will be an underground
sprinkling system.
The Board: the building is nice looking; landscaping - about twice
as much is needed, threes along the drive and along the west property
line, Russian Olives, the slope between the road and drive will be
taken care of by Benchmark Companies - natural grass and wild flowers,
trees in front with the spreading junipers; another light fixture
along the drive.
Ken would like approval contingent on adding more landscaping. The
Board will give approval for the building, the landscaping was
discussed and Ken should come back with the revisions. Pierce asked
for something on paper, for the record; they can give final approval
on the building. The Board requests an approved landscaping plan
before a building permit is issued. Ken has asked Benchmark Companies
for an access easement, it has not been worked out yet. If the
easement is not granted, it would not affect the location of the
The Board granted approval for the building, Ken is to come back
with some resolution to the access easement and revised landscaping
Item #3, Savoy Square, Gamma Development Ventures, Parking and Set-
back variances, Lots 73 and 74, Block 2, Benchmark Subdivision,
File No. 81-2-1.
Continued from February 18, 1981.
Parking Variance cancelled, Setback Variance continued and may
be cancelled.
Item #4, Four Walls Furniture, Fetsch, Site Changes, Lot 67, Block
1, Benchmark Subdivision, File No. 80-12-1.
Bill Pierce stepped down from the Board for this presentation.
Lynn Fritzlen represented Four Walls Furniture. The building has
changed somewhat, there will be no more warehousing, there will be
two retail outlets, 3,500 square feet for Four Walls and 3,000 square
feet for the leasee. There are 19 parking spaces, two loading areas,
no office spaces.
The building is set back further on the property to the property
line. Landscaping - deciduous trees on the sides, blue spruce in
the middle, grove of spruce on the west side, creeping juniper in
a planter around the building. All green areas on the site will
be sodded. Materials - beveled redwood siding, fractured face
concrete block, metal operable louvers, and a glass curtain wall
to cover the store front entrance elevations. The accent color
will be a dark maroon for the doors and the louvers.
The sign - on the facia, 12 inch letters on the west end, sign for
the other business will be on the east end. The changes in this
building from the original application are minor, the footprint
is the same, the setbacks are the same. General design or building
hanges shy ap�would be a new application. The lot coverage is 750. Drain-
age - in the report presented, two trenches, five feet deep, with
a perforated pipe at the bottom. The ditches are underground.
They will filter the parking area water through hay bales before it
reaches municipal water. The ditch is 18 inches wide, screened
by the trees.
Lighting - planning spot lighting on the exterior of the building,
it will be kept to a minimum, the sign will be back -lighted. The
building is approximately 20 feet high, two levels.
The Board: requested shrubs along the east property line, behind
the building will be dug out, the root cellar will be cut out, if
not, they will come back before the Board asking for a retaining
wall. The sign is 14 feet long. Loading - is not for semi's,
but for their own furniture vans. The siding is lap, the finish
will be oil. The building may be condominium-ized, trash collection
will be on the upper east side. There will be no exterior lighting
except in the soffits, security lighting on both sides was suggested.
There are windows on the north side on the lower level, a foot high,
Hardwick suggested that lighting be put on that side also for secur-
ity purposes.
Evans: ((Let the record show)) that the project will need approval
of the Town Engineer for drainage filtration and retention of run-
off water. Roof material - black rubber, a sheet of rubber 20 feet
wide, held down with reddish -brown cinders two inches deep. There
is a 31-2 foot parapet around the roof. The site plan is acceptable,
the landscaping should be revised to add moderate height shrubs
along the east property line, particularly toward the front, light-
ing will be added for security, the sign will have to have proper
application separate from this application, the Board accepts the
general concept of the sign.
The exact changes from the original application: now it is two re-
tail commercial outlets, no warehousing space or office space, the
exterior materials are now redwood siding and fractured concrete
block, may have a small office space in the leasee's space. They
will resubmit a landscape plan including exterior lighting.
There being no objections the Board concurs with the changes as
stated and granted approval with the condition that the changes on
the landscaping plan be presented and the changes in lighting.
This presentation is sufficient for final approval with the excep-
tion of the sign.
Other business: Pester Station sign. Hardwick stated that there
is a new sign on the south side of the building which has been given
neither approval by the Board or a permit. The Building Adminis-
trator was requested to look into the matter and report back to the
Avon Center sign. They would like to put a banner sign on the
structure as it is being built, out of fabric. The Board: they
have the right to apply and it will be discussed.
The minutes were discussed. Buck Creek Plaza: the Board would
like to see a site plan when their proposed parking is presented.
Correction on Page 4: "Robert Strauss" should be "Jack Allen".
Blair made the motion to approve the minutes with the correction,
Alpi seconded it and it was passed unanimously.
Dingwell made the motion to adjourn the meeting, Hardwick seconded
the motion, it was passed unanimously and the meeting adjourned at
9:45 P. M.
Respectfully submitted by
Recording Secretary
Design Review Board