PZC Minutes 042883RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS MINUTES OF THE DESIGN REVIEW BOARD MEETING APRIL 28, 1983, 7:30 P. M. The regular meeting of the Design Review Board of Avon was called to order on April 28, 1983, at 7:30 P.M., in the Town Council Chambers of the Town of Avon Municipal Complex, 400 Benchmark Road, Avon, Colorado, by Chairman Bill Pierce. Members present: Mike Blair, Bill Pierce, Tommy Landauer, Jerry Davis, Bob Zeeb, and Jim Meehan. Staff resent: Dick Kvach/Planning Director, Renee Flader Recording Secretary. Item No. 1, Reading and ARp.r_oval of Design Review Board Minutes of April 14, 1983 meeting: Correction: Item # 8, Cheney Duplex Revision, Lot 26, Block 1, Wildridge Subdivision: Bill Pierce had an involvement with the original building plans. Jerry Davis moved to approve the minutes as amended by Bill Pierce. Motion was seconded by Tommy Landauer and was passed unanimously. Item No. 2, Advertising Sign, Bus Sto , Avon Center, Tract G, B1ock_2,_Benchmark Subdivision: Dick Kvach explained to the Board this request was brought back from the April 14, 1983 meeting due to the Board's desire to review the actual sign and their desire to see a picture of the proposal. Carl Hansen of Travel Horizons presented a section of a portion of the sign which was lighted to show color and give an idea of the impact of the sign. (Also presented by Carl was a picture of the proposal.) He stated the sign would be encased as per instructions of the Board. Bill Pierce commented in reference to condition # 2 of the Staff Report to Design Reivew Board which states that when the Tourist Information Center was opened that the sign be removed within 30 days after the official opening of the Tourist Information Center; he would rather see this sign be reapplied at that time. Jerry Davis moved to accept the application as presented anodizing the alluminum encasement, as suggested by Board member Mike Blair, which is to be of earth -tone in color, that the sign be a permanent structure and be maintained in reasonably good condition, and that an 11 X 17 space be reserved, free of charge, for the Town of Avon's display of notice of events sponsored or endorsed by the Town of Avon. Motion was seconded by Tommy Landauer and was passed unanimously. Item No. 3, Forest Service Ground, Portion of Section 1, Portion of Section 2: Dick Kvach introduced this item as being a parcel of ground involved in the trade with another parcel, approximately the same size, in Edwards. He stated the proposal is that the Forest Service wants the other parcel (in Edwards) and this item is brought up to discuss the concepts involved and to get opinions from the Board. (Mike Blair stated he'd been involved in some of the studying of this item and the review of it; however, he had no monetary interests, and would remain on the Board, to which no one had any objections.) Jim Wells explained the history of the proposed trade and indicated Benchmark became involved when the ground was put up for sale in order to develop a use that was compatible with the rest of the Town. Proposed uses included limited residential development and giving the balance of the ground to the Town for open space and recreational uses. Following some additional discussion by Ernie Nunn of the Forest Service, the Board felt the concept was good and would be of benefit to the Town. Item No.4, Beacon Hill Design Reivew, Lot 70, Block 1_, Benchmark Subdivision: Dick Kvach intorduced this item as originally being approved January 21, 1981. He stated however, that the Design Review Rules and Regulations state that approval is void after 2 years if construction is not started. He went on to say that the design is the same as that approved January 21, 1981, with the exception that a cedar shake roof is planned instead of the previously approved metal roof. He recommended approval subject to (1) all items mentioned January 21, 1981 approval be complied with, (2) that the driveway culvert be a minimum of 18" in diameter and that it be installed according to the standard Town detailed drawing, (3) soil reports are to be submitted to and approved by the Town Engineer before issuance of any building permits, and (4) the driveway be a minimum of 24' wide - if it is to serve two separate lots. No one was present to represent applicant and due to this, Jerry Davis moved to table this item with the amendment if someone did show to represent this item, it would be brought back during this meeting. Motion was seconded by Bob Zeeb and was passed unanimously. Item No. 5, Brownlee Duplex, Addition of 3rd Floor and Deck_, I.Ot 40 Block Benchmark Dick Kvach f 2,, introduced this Subdivision. item and request of Robert Brownlee to add a :d story, expand the exi ing deck and add active solar panels. He explained the additional story would be constructed of the same materials and painted the same color as the lower two stories. He stated this addition of the 3rd story would be compatible with the surrounding buildings. Dick pointed out that the 3rd story would be accessible externally via a spiral stairway, and if there was any intent to rent out the upper bedrooms separately, they could be considered lock -off units and would have to get approval through the special review process prior to such use. Dick recommended approval subject to (1) all exterior materials and colors match those of the existing building, and (2) if any lock -offs are designed into the 3rd story, all existing Zoning Ordinace requirements be complied with. Robert Brownlee, applicant, stated at the time he put his duplex on Lot 40, Block 2, Benchmark Subdivision, he did not have enough funds to make it as he would've liked to and is now coming to the Board for approval of his proposed improvements. The Board asked Mr. Brownlee for streetside, rearside, and side elevations showing what the finished item would look like. Brownlee had none of these requests. Due to this lack of information, the Board asked Brownlee if he would permit this item to be tabled until receipt of such giving them the ability to make an accurate decision. Brownlee requested this item to be voted. The Board explained to Brownlee again that for them to make an accurate decision they needed the streetside, rearside, and side elevations, and suggested to Brownlee that this lack of information could jeopardize the final decision by the Board. Robert Brownlee requested that the Board vote. Request was denied by Tommy Landauer and Bob Zeeb with Jim Meehan abstaining. Item No. 6, RoadCal (Sunroad Group, Ltd.), Special Reiew Use, Transfer of Density Units, Lots 67/68, Block 2, lenchmark Subdivision: (Jim Meehan is present for this item and a greater portion of Item No. 5.) Dick Kvach introduced that this is for the transfer of 14 dwelling units from Lots 67/68, Block 2, Benchmark Subdivision, to Lots 29-32, Block 2, Benchmark Subdivision. He stated this proposed transfer would occur totally within the original Benchmark Subdivision and would not change the previously approved density for the area. He stated further that the 14 condominium units may be converted to a maximum of 42 hotel -lodge units by the developer as they are presently zoned RHDC district which allows a 3:1 ratio - 1 dwelling unit = 3 hotel -lodge uni for density purpo: Dick recommended approval subject to (1) a statement be submitted by Dillon Real Estate, Inc., indicating they are willing to transfer their units to Lots 29-32, Block 2, Benchmark Subdivision, prior to consideration by the Town Council, (2) the 14 units are presently under option and may or may not actually be purchased. The petitioner shall notify the Town of the final status of the option within 7 days after it is exercised or determined not to exercise it, and (3) if no notice is received by May 10, 1985, indicating the optin is exercised, the approval of this transfer will be considered null and void. Bill Pierce asked if this was a Public Hearing and if so, was proper notice given. Dick Kvach answered Bill by saying it was indeed a Public Hearing and proper notice was given and there had been no response from the public. Bill Pierce asked if the property line between the lots had been removed, to which Dennis Cole answered it had not. After lengthy discussion, Jim Meehan moved to approve the transfer as recommended with the stipulation that, at no time, could reallocation occur in such a manner as to exceed maximum density from time to time, and that if one lot is separated from the others that an allocation be made at that with conditions added to the 3 conditions submitted by Staff: (4) may not exceed maximum density as it may be imposed by the zoning district, (5) that the assignment of units be designated upon any subdivision of the property, and (6) transfer is for 14 dwelling units; not 42 hotel -lodge units. Motion was seconded by Jerry Davis and was passed with Bob Zeeb opposing. Item No. 7, Swift Gulch, SPA Zoning Amendment, Public Hearing, Parcels 1 & 2, Swift Gulch: Dick Kvach introduced is item as being a continuation from the last meeting of an increase in density in Buck Creek area to 200 hotel -lodge units on Lot 5 and increase the northerly portion of Lot 52B up to 50 condominium units and remove that from the southerly portion where they were originally allocated. As a result, one of the conditions were that they also decrease the Swift Gulch area by 200 hotel -lodge units and 100 condominium units and this action is to comply with that. Dick did recommend approval. (Mike Blair abstained from discussion due to a possible conflict of interest.) Bob Zeeb asked the applicant why they did not notify any of the people actually living on the adjacent property instead of just 3001. Larry Goad, on bc- -,lf of the applicant, answered Bob explaining that the requirement is that you notify by specific mailing to those property owners within 300' of any affected areas and also by posting Public Notices, which was accomplished. After lengthy discussion, Jerry Davis moved to amend the special planned area of the Swift Gulch addition to reduce the allowable density to permit no more than 80 dwelling units or 160 hotel -lodge units, or a combination thereof. Motion was seconded by Tommy Landauer and was passed with Bob Zeeb opposing. Item No. 8, Off -Street Parking and Loading Requirements Revisions: ^� _ - Due to the late time, the Board postponed discussion on this item until another regular meeting. Other Business: P & Z Interviews: Jerry Davis moved to interview the applicants during a Special Meeting which would be held for this purpose. He moved this Special Meeting to be held on Wednesday, May 4, 1983 at 7:30 P. M., in the Town Council Chambers of the Town of Avon Municipal Complex, 400 Benchmark Road, Avon, Colorado. Motion was seconded by Tommy Landauer and was passed unanimously. Comprehensive Plan Status: Bill Pierce asked the s atus of the Comprehensive Plan and Dick Kvach informed the Board that the Town Council, at their regular meeting, held on Tuesday, April 26, 1983, selected the firm of Plum Street Professional Associates as the consultant. Dick also advised the Board that Town Council had advised staff to proceed in finalizing the Scope of Services and contract by the next Council meeting. With no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 11:06 P. M. Respectfully Submitted, Renee' F ader Recording Secretary