PZC Minutes 022483RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS MINUTES OF THE DESIGN REVIEW BOARD MEETING FEBRUARY 24, 1983, 7:30 P. M. The regular meeting of the Design Review Board of Avon was held on February 24, 1983, at 7:30 p.m., in the Town Council Chambers of the Town of Avon Municipal Complex, 400 Benchmark Road, Avon, Colorado. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Bill Pierce. Members present: Bob Zeeb, Bill Pierce, Mike Blair, Jerry Davis, Jim Meehan, Tommy Landauer. Staff present: Dick Kvach/Planning Director, Art Abplanalp/Town Attorney, Melody Cummings/Ribcording Secretary. Item No. 1, Reading and Approval of DRB Minutes of February 10, 1983 Meeting Jim Meehan moved to approve the Minutes of the 2/10/83 meeting as presented. Motion was seconded by Mike Blair and was passed unanimously. Item No. 2, Vail Associates, Buck Creek Sign Variance and Approval, Lots 5, 52A and 52B. Block 1, Benchmark Subdivision, File No. 83-2-4. (Mike Blair abstained from any discussion and action due to a possible conflict of interest). Dick Kvach stated that the proposed sign is to be 4' x 4' in size and will probably be about 7 feet above ground. The current sign code does not provide for a "for sale" sign to be on vacant ground. The sign code presently allows "for sale" signs to be 2 square feet in size and must be located in a window. Feels that the proposed sign is a little large in size and should be restricted down in size to approximately 8 square feet and the top to be no more than about 4 feet above ground level. Recommending that a variance be granted to allow them to install a "for sale" sign on the vacant lot and that the sign be less in size than requested., Bill Pierce stated that if the top of the sign is only 4 feet high that it probably wouldn't be readable in the winter. Charlie Gersbach/Vail Associates Real Estate, stated that they felt that a 2' x 1' sign would not be proper for a site of 17 acres. They would be willing to accept the 8 square foot size for the sign. Art Abplanalp stated that if this was a Development sign it may be permissable. Jerry Davis stated that if the Board does allow this sign that some restrictions should be put on it. Bill Pierce added that certain zone districts should be considered also. Dick Kvach suggested if the project name and the Real Estate Broker was put on the sign then it may be considered a Development sign. Charlie Gersbach stated that the owners of the property have developed a plan for the site. It would be okay to put on the sign "Wildwood Hotel & Athletic Club and Vail Associates Real Estate", just to announce what is going to happen on this site. Art Abplanalp stated that if the sign identifies a development and conforms to the limitations of development signs then it would be a development. Dick Kvach asked how many units were planned for the site? Charlie Gersbach answered 200 units. The owner is planning to transfer units from another property. Jerry Davis stated he would rather table this item. Jim Meehan moved to disapprove the sign and the variance because he is against having "for sale" signs all over the town. Motion was seconded by Tommy Landauer. Tommy Landauer asked Art Abplanalp if the sign was reworded then would it be reasonable? -1- Art Abplanalp stated that it could be reworded to be a Development sign. Jerry Davis stated that if the Board doesn't allow "for sale" signs for built units then they shouldn't be allowed for unbuilt unit. Feels this is a good time to review all development signs presently erected. After no further discussion the motion was unanimous that the "for sale" sign not be allowed. Item No. 5, Special Review Use for Lot 22, Block 1, Benchmark Subdivision, Modifications "Outside Storap-e". Art Abplanalp stated that the Town Council requested there be some modifications made and sent this matter back to the Board for further consideration. They have instructed me to amend the present code to permit them to impose conditions. The Town Council presently has a limited authority to approve or disapprove the DRB's decisions. The DRB has the authority to impose the conditions. Dick Kvach stated there were three items the Town Council wanted considered: (1) Establish a time limit to paint fence. (2) Establish time limit to erect fence. (3) Establish some type of criteria forfuture review of the Special Review Use. Staff's recommendations are that the original approval conditions be modified as follows: (1) add to condition #1 "...Municipal Code and that nothing be stored in the storage area until the fence is completely installed." (2) add to condition #3 "...on the building. Said painting or staining shall be completed within 30 days of the installation of the fence." (3) add a condition #5 - "That the outside storage shall be limited to the storage of electrical contractors equipment and materials." (4) add a condition #6 - "The area adjacent to the designated storage area is currently undeveloped. As such, the storage area currently does not have a significant negative impact on any adjoining uses. This however may not be the case once development of adjoining property occurs. At such time as development occurs on any adjoining property, the approval of this Special Review Use should be reviewed and if it is determined that the outside storage is having a significant negative impact on the adjoining uses then approval of the Special Review Use may be withdrawn or modified by the stipulation of additional conditions. After lengthy discussion Art Abplanalp recommended the following, modifications to Staff's original report: (1) that the entire storage area be surrounded by a fence which includes staining that conforms to the requirements of the Avon Municipal Code within number of days after final approval of the Special Review Use by the Town Council. (2) New Condition - that the outside storage shall be limited to the storage of building contractors equipment and materials. (3) Therefore the Special Review Use shall be effective and authorized only until June 30, 1985. Jerry Davis moved to approve and recommend to the Town Council the above modifications to staff's original report. Motion was seconded by Bob Zeeb and was passed unanimously. (Applicant is to be notified that the Design Review Board has been requested by the Town Council to reconsider this matter at their next meeting and request the applicant to be present.) Item No. 4, Planning & Zoning Commission - Ordinance No. 83-11 Art Abplanalp stated that the Town Council wants to restructure the DRB as the Planning & Zoning Commission. There will be 7 members not 9. The requirements of residence has been changed slightly. Members don't have to be property owners now. Compensation has been raised from $25.00 to $50.00 per meeting. Meetings Provision has been changed in that meetings shall be called sufficiently frequently that the procedure prescribed in this chapter shall commence within 30 days of -2- submission of all materials required by this code. Staff provision is changed to the Planning Director shall serve as the staff and shall provide a recording secretary. Duties of Commission - these are State Law and present DRB requirements. Performance Bonding - prior to issuing a building permit the Commission can require a bond to guarantee to the Town they will comply with the requirements. Materials to be submitted - (B) delete the entire last sentence. Appeal to Town Council - (A) is added. (C) from 7 to 10 working days. (D) 30 days. Jerry Davis asked how is this Commission to protect the morals of the Community? Art Abplanalp stated that this gives them the authority to decide what is wanted in the town. Jerry Davis mentioned under the section "Authority to Retain Consultants" the Commission expects to be funded. Art Abplanalp stated that the DRB have a motion to the effective favorable recommendation that the changes as noted which will be transmitted to Council. .Terry Davis moved to recommend the Ordinance for approval to the Town Council with the changes. Motion was seconded by Tommy Landauer and was passed unanimously. Item No. 3, Savoy Square, Final Approval Site Development Plan, Lots 73/74, Block 2, Benchmark Subdivision, File No. 83-2-3. (Cont'd from 2/10/83 meeting). (Bill Pierce turned the chair over to Mike Blair due to conflict of interest). Dick Kvach stated at the last meeting there were 3 areas that the Board felt needed some revisions. First, the parking space in the northeast corner not being large enought - not be counted as part of the required parking. Second, originally showed 3 bays of parking; now to get more green space they have eliminated 1 bay of parking and put it into the parking structure. Third, Useable open space did not meet the 25 percent minimum requirements. Now with the parking revision they have 30.5 percent open space. Staff does recommend approval of the plan with the following conditions: (1) That all parking spaces, except those granted a variance, be a minimum of 18 feet deep by 9 feet wide. (2) That all driveway areas be a minimum of 24 feet wide. (3) That the petitioner submit a plan for snow storage or snow removal. Said plan shall be approved by the Town Planner and Town Engineer prior to the issuance of a Building Permit. (4) The backup area shown in the northeast corner of the site extends into a utility and drainage easement. Current grading plans indicate this portion of the parking area will have a 5' to 8' high retaining wall around it. A wall of this size will prevent the use of the easement. It is recommended that as much of this backup area be eliminated as possible. Bill Pierce stated they agree with the staff's recommendations. Tommy Landauer moved to approve application as recommended by staff. Motion was seconded by .Jerry Davis and was passed unanimously. Other Business: Bill Pierce asked about the status of the Comprehensive Plan. Dick Kvach stated that the Town Council has directed him to accummulate as much land use data as possible and develop some maps outlining problem areas of the town and also an explanation of what the plan will accomplish. Hope's to complete this by their next meeting. Also hopes to have some samples of a Comprehensive Plan. Bill Pierce suggested that the Board create a Resolution to the Town Council explaining strongly the need for a Comprehensive Plan. Feels the Town Council doesn't understand the value of the Comprehensive Plan. This Comprehensive Plan will have more impact on making Avon a better town than any other single item. If development does take -off it will be too late next year to try to put controls on things. It's got to be done now and needs to be done right. -3- Jerry Davis suggested the Board point out what are the real areas of need. Dick Kvach stated the first thing to do with a Comprehensive Plan is to establish goals and objectives which say what you want your town to be like. These are then used to develop the Zoning Ordinance, Sign Code and Subdivision Regulations, so they will accomplish these goals and objectives. The Planning & Zoning Commission will be the first one to receive anything from the Comprehensive Plan. If the Board doesn't like what the consultant presents then it goes back and is redone. Bill Pierce stated the town needs an Annexation Policy, a Transportation Study, a Capital Improvements Plan, Recreation/Open Space Plan, Utilities Study, Land Use Study and Community Facilities Section. Dick Kvach stated the study limits are the Corporate limits plus three miles. Mike Blair stated that Master Planning can be like insurance - you don't need it until you need it. Whether you can afford it you ought to get it anyway. We have the time to do it - may not have the money, but that can be adjusted. A good enough reason for re -doing a Master Plan is to have a good basis to revise our present ordinances (zoning, subdivision regs and sign code). You need some good basis of policies and plan to prepare those things if nothing else, even if there is no growth occuring. You have to have some basis to develop a sign code, zoning ordinance and subdivision regulations so that in itself is a good enough reason even though we don't have 10,000 projects knocking on our door to get approved right now. Jerry Davis recommended that this be one of the conditions of the letter the Board is to write to the Town Council. Mike Blair also thinks the Town Council is concerned with spending money it doesn't have and with the costs that have been proposed to prepare the plan. I'm sure this scares them off. I've been in the planning business for more than 15 years and have gone through this routine every single time, but it is justified because the Council is made up of elected people that are responsible to the taxpayers and for the tax money that is spent. It is difficult for them to understand what the purpose of the Comprehensive Plan is and how valuable it can be and how much it can cost and the value of having a lot of expert assistance to get it done. Would like to recommend that each member come to the appropriate Town Council meeting and state their reasons for wanting the Master Plan and how it should be done. Feels the Council will appreciate it. .Terry Davis suggested that Mike Blair and Dick Kvach get together and write some kind of Resolution that could be looked at the the next meeting and state some of these facts - that will explain some of these reasons and understanding of the problems. In addition to that it be submitted in writing to the Council at the appropriate meeting. Bill Pierce suggested calling a Special Meeting one week from tonite (3/3/83) to discuss and review this Resolution. Dick Kvach stated that there are 3 basic areas that can't be done without doing the others. (1) Future Land Use Policy Plan - details what land uses you should expect in the future; to have something, to base zoning requests on, Can't do that until you know what (2) Utilities you got so you know you have the sewer capacity and water service and also the (3) Transportion element to let you know where the major streets are going to be developed. Bill Pierce stated some of the physical characteristics of the town need to be addressed also. Need to study Pedestrian impacts of a small town. Mike Blair stated the whole town needs to be looked at to see what improvements and changes can be made. The whole town can't be redone. Special Meeting; is to be called on March 3, 1983 at 6:30 p.m. Secretary is to call all members. With no further business to discuss, Tommy Landauer moved to adjourn the meeting. Motion was seconded by Jerry Davis and was passed unanimously. Meeting was adjourned at 10:10 p.m. -4- Respectfully submitted, Melody Cumm n s Recording S etary Boa Design Review rd -5-