FEBRUARY 10, 1983, 7:30 P. M.
The regular meeting of the Design Review Board of Avon was held on February 10,
1983, at 7:30 p.m., in the Town Council Chambers of the Town of Avon Municipal
Complex, 400 Benchmark Road, Avon, Colorado. The meeting was called to order
by Chairman Bill Pierce.
Members present were: Bill Pierce, Bob Zeeb, Mike Blair, Jerry Davis, Jim
Meehan, '.Pommy Landauer.
Staff present were: Dick Kvach/Planning Director, Norm Wood/Town Engineer,
Melody Cummings/Recording Secretary.
Item No. 1, Reading and Approval of DRB Minutes of 1/27/83 Meeting
Bill Pierce stated that the record needs to show that Henry Wolff was present
at the meeting on January 24, 1983 and that he made some comments as to the
Special Review Use for Hess Electric. The town needs to be more lenient for
the business people.
Jerry Davis also stated that in Item #2 the fence should be stained on the
inside and outside with the same color as the building,
Jerry Davis moved that the Minutes of 1/24/83 meeting with the above amendments
be approved. Motion was seconded by Mike Blair. With no further discussion
the motion was passed unanimously.
Item No. 2, "Ihe Green Machine Washateria" Reinodel/Addition of Roof Vents__
Tract Q, Block 2,-Benchmark Subdivision, File No. 83-2-1.
(Bill Pierce stepped down due to conflict of interest, turned chair over to
Vice -Chairman Mike Blair).
Pat Jackson/Applicant, stated they had made a reduction in the size and a slight
change from what was originally submitted.
Dick Kvach stated that all his comments were directed for the original drawings
submitted. The original proposal is for a 33 foot chase approximately 15 feet
high on the north end and 4 feet on the south end. The applicant has since then
modified the request to delete the upper portion and put in a trapezoid shaped
chase on down which will essentially match the roof line. The purpose of the
chase is to allow for vents coming up into it that will vent the exhaust air and
also be for the intake air on the dryers and boilers that are to be in the
laundry establishment. The original comments were
(1) the vent openings be located so they are not visible from the street or
adjoining properties. (this still applies.)
(2) the vent chase and air grilles be colored to match the existing color of
the building (still applies).
Pat Jackson/Applicant, stated everything will match the existing color of the
building. The reason for the change is to reduce the size. One duct will extend
18 inches above the roof line.
Bob Zeeb moved to approve the application with the amended plan as presented by
Pat Jackson to the Design Review Board and recommended by the Staff including the
two applicable conditions in the staff report. Motion was seconded by Tommy
Landauer and was passed unanimously.
Pat Jackson also asked the Board to look over the sign for the proposed business
and also for the other businesses. The Board could not take any action due to no
formal application. Applicant is to get with Dick Kvach to discuss this matter.
Mike Blair turned the Chair over to Bill Pierce.
Item No. 3, Balas Townhomes, Remodel. Porches (Units G & H only) , Lot 6, Block 1,
Benchmark Subdivision, File No. 83-2-2.
(Bob Zeeb stated that for the record he .lives in this building).
Dick Kvach stated that the request is to be allowed to remodel the porches on
units G & H, by putting sliding glass doors on these units. Staff has no problem
with this change and recommends approval subject to all colors and materials matching
the existing building.
Bob Zeeb added that th:i.s request has been approved by the Homeowners Association.
Tommy Landauer moved to approve the application as submitted and recommended by
staff. Seconded by .Jim Meehan. Bob Zeeb commented that this application needs
to be changed to Ba.las East Townhomes, Lot 6, Block 1, Benchmark. Board members
agreed. This was a staff error. Motion was passed unanimously.
Item No. 4, Benchmark Plaza Office Building, Amendment to Comprehensive Sign_
Program, Lot 20, Block 2, Benchmark Subdivision.
Dick Kvach stated that the request is to be allowed to use black plexiglass for
the letters rather than the anodized aluminium originally approved for the
Directory Sign. The style and size will remain the same.
Bob Zeeb moved to approve the application as submitted and recommended by staff..
Seconded by Tommy Landauer. (Mike Blair abstained due to possible conflict).
Motion was passed.
Item No. 5, Savoy Square, Final. Approval 71 Units & Commercial, Lots 73/74,
Block 2, Benchmark Subdivision, I?ile No. 83-2-3.
(Bill Pierce stepped down due to conflict of interest. Chair turned over to
Vice -Chairman Mike Blair).
Dick Kvach stated that about a month ago the Board reviewed the conceptual plan..
The proposed development is for 71 dwelling units, a 104 seat restaurant/bar,
and a 100 seat convention facility. The building materials will be stucco and
wood trim. The proposed plan generally complies and is recommended for approval
subject to the following conditions:
(1) The parking space in the northeast corner of the site not be counted as
required off-street parking due to not having adequate backup space.
(2) All parking be a minimum of 9' x 18' in size.
(3) All driveways be a minimum of 24' wide.
(4) A plan be submitted and approved by Town Planner & Town Engineer for
snow removal prior to issuing building permit.
(5) Condition #3 of the concept plan required that the 14 spaces in front of
Units 110 & 11.2 be moved to the parking structure and the remaining
parking be moved northward to provide for snow storage. This requirement
has not been met.
(6) Useable Open Space does not meet the 25 percent minimum requirement. There
will have to be a. variance applied for or provide the 2.9 percent additional
open space.
(7) The loading space in front of the lobby not be counted as required parking
unless it is noted that it can be used for overnight guest parking.
Bill Pierce/Applicant, requested that this matter be tabled until the next meeting
so he can take care of the items brought up by staff particularly condition #5
of the staff report.
Jerry Davis asked if the drainage appears to be acceptable for this project?
Norm Wood stated that the general concept of the plan is satisfactory, but does
need more details worked out in the final planning process.
Jerry Davis asked what the sidewalks were going to be made of? Bill Pierce said
they would be concrete pavers. They don't crack easily; they adjust themselves to
settlement and water can drain through easily.
Applicant is to revise the plan in accordance with the discussion by the Board
and is continued to the next regular meeting on February 24, 1983.
Item No. 6. Sign Codes
Dick Kvach stated the copies of the sign codes he presented to the Board should be
looked over by the Board. The Winter Park code has a good section on definitions.
Signs are restricted to wood signs.
Breckenridge is good because it gets right to the point. Signs start at 20
square feet.
Silverthorne is simple and easy to understand.
Other Business:
Jerry Davis brought up the signs at Avon Center. They don't appear to be the
same material for each one. Staff is to check into this.
Bill Pierce commented on the Consultants for the Comprehensive Plan. Out of eight
firms :it is now down to four. The Town Council wants to reduce the costs. Bids
ranged from $55,000 to $84,000. The finalists are:
(1) Plum Street Associates/Fort Collins & Glenwood Springs.
(2) Dames & Moore/San Franscisco
(3) BMML/Boulder
(4) Community Services Collaborative.
Dick Kvach stated the items to be prepared for the Comprehensive Plan were:
(1) Future Land Use Policy Plan (FLUPP) - what type of .land uses should be in
the immediate areas.
(2) Utilities Study
(3) Community Facilities (libraries, parking structures, bus barnes, etc.)
(4) Major Street Section
(5) Capital Improvements Program
(6) Development of Guidelines for Design Review Board
(7) Development of 'boning Ordinance
(8) Park and Open Space Plan
Average time to be spent will be approximately 7 months. Eagle County Planning
Department is going to help out with the costs. Also going to talk with the
Metro Districts to see :if they will help out.
With no further business, Jim Meehan moved to adjourn the meeting. Motion was
seconded by Tommy Landauer and was passed unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 9:05 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Melody Cum ings
Recording ecretary
Design Review Board