PZC Minutes 051283RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS MINUTES OF THE P & Z COMMISSION MEETING MAY 12, 1983, 7:30 P. M. The regular meeting of the Planning & Zoning Commission of Avon was called to order on May 12, 1983, at 7:40 P. M., in the Council Chambers of the Town of Avon Municipal Complex, 400 Benchmark Road, Avon, Colorado, by Acting Chairman Mike Blair. Members present: Tommy Landauer, Mike Blair, Jerry Davis, Bob Zeeb, Jim Meehan, Clint Watkins. (Chairman Bill Pierce was out of town for this ineeting.) Staff present: Dick Kvach/Planning Director, Renee' Flader/Recording Secretary. Item No. 1, Reading and Approval of DRB Minutes_o A rii 28, 1983 meeting: Item No. 1was postponed to the last item on the Agenda. Item No. 2, Election of Tempo,-aX--Chairm_n Mike Blair informed the Commission they needed to elect a temporary Chairman to organize the meetings until the P & Z elects a Chairman. Jerry Davis motioned to elect Mike Blair as the temporary Chairman. Motion was seconded by Clint Watkins and was passed unanimously. Item No.3, Beacon Hill, SDP & Dew;gn_Pe_view_(tabled_ t 4 2B/83 meeting): Dick Kvach introduced this item as being tabled at the April 28, 1983 meeting. He explained that there is a 2 year limit on approvals of the design review and that this item was approved originally on January 21, 1981 by the Design Review Board. He explained this project is the same with the exception that a cedar shake roof is planned instead of the originally approved metal roof. This project will consist of approximately 18 units which will be constructed into 2, and possibly 3, phases. Dick recommended approval subject to (1) all items approved 1/21/81 be complied with, (2) the driveway culvert be a minimum of 18" in diameter and be installed according to the standard Town detailed drawing, (3) soil reports shall be submitted to, and approved by, the Town Engineer prior to issuance of building permits; and (4) the driveway be a minimum of 24' wide if it is to serve two separate lots. Jerry Davis asked if there were samples of color renderings and materials and Dick Kvach stated no, and the reason there were none at this meeting was based on the approval of 1/21/81. Dick commented to the Commission that they should consider the approval of 1/21/81 because there were not any drastic changes in the plan. Jerry Davis stated to Dick that the reason he requested to see the materials and color renderings was that he -1- was not on the Design Review Board at the time the plan was originally approved and would like to give it a full review as the Commission does for all new applications. Mike Blair asked staff is applicant paid a fee and Dick Kvach answered yes, that the applicant was required to pay a fee because the first file had been voided completely due to the 2 year limit expiration. The required fee for this particular item was $ 259.00, which was paid by applicant. Bill Stroop, applicant, advised the Board that he sent a letter to staff and Commission requesting that this fee be waived. Dick Kvach presented this letter to the Commission and reminded them that the P & Z Commission can only recommend to the Council that this fee be waived. Jerry Davis made a motion as a recommendation to the Council that the Commission does not require a second fee from the applicant. Motion was passed. Dick Kvach informed Bill Stroop that this would be on the Council Agenda of May 24, 1983 meeting. After further discussion, Tommy Landauer moved to approve this application as submitted with all the previous conditions submitted by staff which were included in the minutes of April 28, 1983, and that the drive grade meet the requirements of the Town. Motion was seconded by Bob Zeeb and was passed. Jerry Davis abstained from voting due to unfamiliarity with project. Acting Chairman alike Blair welcomed newly appointed member, Clint Watkins, to the Commission. At this time discussion was held as to the responsibilities of the Commission as far as selecting members to serve on the Commission. After lengthy discussion it was the general feeling of the Commission that it is the Town Council's responsibility to interview and select applicants to serve on the P & Z, therefore giving the Council the benefit of the interviews. Jerry Davis motioned that the P & Z should recommend to the Council that the P & Z feels it is the duty and responsibility of the Town Council to interview and select members to serve on the P & Z; not the P & Z Commission's. This motion was seconded by Tommy Landauer and was passed unanimously. Planning & Zoning Orientation: Dick Kvach informed the Commission that at the regular Town Council meeting on Tuesday, May 10, 1983, the Council passed Resolution No. 83-25, making it effective as of May 1, 1983. This Resolution sets the terms of the Commission as follows: Jim Meehan - 1 year Jerry Davis - 2 years -2- Mike Blair - 1 year Bill Pierce - 1 year Tommy Landauer - 2 years Bob Zeeb - 2 years Clint Watkins - 2 years Dick then informed the Commission of Ordinance PIo. 83-11, which establishes a Planning & Zoning Commission and guidelines as far as establishment and purpose of the Planning & Zoning Commission. He explained that the duties of the Planning & Zoning Commission have expanded from those of the Design Review Board and he used examples such as: the P & Z will be reviewing all plats, preliminary and final, concept, sketch plan, and all zoning, which before, would've gone directly from applicant to the Council, will now be corning to the P & Z for recommendations to the Council He also informed members of the Commission that the P & Z also has the authority, if the money is budgeted, to hire a consultant for major studies. Item No. 5, Election of Officers; Motion was open for nominations for Chairman. Nominees for Chairman were Mike Blair and Bill Pierce. With no further nominations, Jerry Davis moved that nominations cease. Motion was seconded by Jim Eeehan and was passed unanimously, Discussion was held in reference to vote using open or secret ballots. Clint Watkins moved to vote by secret ballot. Motion was seconded by Jerry Davis and was passed unanimously. At this time votes were taken for Chairman. Bill Pierce was voted in as Chairman, with the votes being 4-2. Motion was open for nominations of Vice -Chairman. Nominees for Vice -Chairman were Mike Blair and Bob Zeeb. With no futher nominations, Jerry Davis moved nominations to cease. Motion was seconded by Tommy Landauer and was passed unanimously. Mike Blair was voted in as Vice -Chairman, with the votes being 4-2. Motion was open for nominations of Secretary. Nominees for Secretary were Clint Watkins and Tommy Landauer. With no further nominations Jerry Davis moved nominations to cease. Motion was passed unanimously. Clint Watkins was voted in as Secretary. Votes were 3-3. Candidate Tommy Landauer withdrew from candidacy. ti -3- Item No, 6. Parking and Load in�A_ecrui�nt.s�- Dick Kvach stated to the Commisssion that each member was given a set of the Parking and Loading Requirements approximately one month ago for study and review for discussion. lie stated these requirements would not effect any use in existence at the present time unless there is a use change in the future, after these requirements are adopted, that would require an increase in parking spaces. After discussion was held of Section (a), 1, paragraph A, it was decided that this Section should be revised to say that if the developer's plans are approved prior to the effective date of this Ordinance, they (the developers) have six months after the effective date of this Ordinance to get their building permit and still be allowed to build under the old code. Before the six months time is up the developer can file for a six month extension, one time. If the developer does not get final plat approval until after the effective date of this Ordinance, they have to conform with the requirements of this Ordinance. After discussion was held of Section (a), 4, it was revised by Commission to read as: "...which subsequently thereto is damaged or destroyed, more than 500 of the value by fire, collapse, explosion, or other cause..." Discussion was ended on Parking & Loading Requirements with Mike Blair advising each member to study and be prepared for discussion at the next regular meeting. Item No, 1, Reading and Approval of DRB minutes of Apjil 28, 1, 983; e;a TIo. 6, RoadCal (Sunroad Grout) Ltd.) Special Review Use, Transfer of Density Units, Lots 67/68, Block 2, Benchmark Subdivision: Motion to approve: "...Jim Meehan moved to approve the transfer as recommended with the stipulation that, at no time, could reallocation occur in such a manner as to exceed maximum density allowed, as amended from time to time in accordance with the current zoning,..." Jerry Davis moved to accept the minutes as amended. notion was seconded by Tommy Landauer and was passed with Clint 14atkins abstaining due to not being on the Board at that time. Reading and Approval of Minutes of May -4, 1983 ,___Sp-c' a Meeting: Jerry Davis moved to approve the minutes of the I. -lay 4, 1983, Special Meeting. I -lotion was seconded by Tommy Landauer and was passed with Clint Watkins abstaining due to not being on the -4- Board at that time. Other Business: Comprehensive Plan: Dick Kvach advised the Commission that staff net with Plum Street Professional Associates on Tuesday, May 10, 1983, and they are getting the Scope of Services finalized and it will be ready for the Council for their May 24, 1983, Council meeting. He stated that hopefully they will sign and approve it making it formally underway as of May 24, 1983. With no further business to discuss, the P & Z Commission meeting was adjourned on May 12, 1983, at 10 : 20 P. r,1. Respectfully Submitted, Renee' Flader Recording Secretary P & Z Commission -5-