21.04.14 MA Colorado Lacrosse I certify that the team, league. or event on whose behalf I am requesting this certificate mandates 100% membership in US Lacrosse for all players and coaches. In addition, I have verified our team's or league's events roster and all players and coaches are currently registered members of US Lacrosse. I certify that this is true and I understand that liability coverage is only extended to our team, league, or event if all players and coaches are current members of US Lacrosse. Further, I acknowledge by clicking on this box that liability claims may be denied for coverage if our team/league or event does not have 100% registered players and coaches with US Lacrosse. Name: mark foster Organization: Colorado Lacrosse, LLC/Vail Lacrosse Tournament Date: 03/25/2021 ,4( -(we, CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE DATE IMM+DD,YYYY) THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER.THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND,EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURER(S),AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER.AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. IMPORTANT:If the certificate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED,the policy(ies)must have additional insured provision or be endorsed. If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED,subject to the terms and conditions of the policy,certain policies may require an endorsement. A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement(s). PRODUCER CONTACT NAME: RPS Bollinger PHONE FAX F'O Box 1322 IA'C No Extl:800-446-5311 I IC No I:973-921-8474 Morristown, NJ 07980 E-MAIL PHONE: 1-800-445-5311 FAX:973-921-8474 ADDRESS: _ INSURERIS)AFFORDING COVERAGE NAIC A II SURER A:Markel Insurance Company INSURED N SURER B: CS Lacrosse.Inc. -N SURER C: 2 Loveton Circle Sparks,\ID 2 11 52 II SURER D: • Re:Colorado Lacrosse,LLC Vail Lacrosse Tournament II SURERE: N SURER F: COVERAGES CERTIFICATE NUMBER: REVISION NUMBER: THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED EELONi HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NA/:'EC ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT,TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN,THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS,EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. NSR TYPE OF INSURANCE ADDL SUBR POLICY NUMBER POL ICY EFF POLICY EXP LIMITS LTR IN SR 1P/VD IMM'DDs'YYYY) IMMIDD(YYYYI GENERAL LIABILITY x EAc-OCC..ZRE\CE :1,000,000 VVERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY - X .'.'.ASE To tE\TE_C CLAIMS-MADE X OCCUR 8502AH221389 01/01/2021 01/01/2022 =_ ___ _____ 11,000:000 110,000 X Participants Liab :1,000.000 Sexual Abuse&Molestation Liab per occurrence:S1,000.000 -'-':'"A"SAU`:' \_..ZY EN L AGGREGATE LIMIT APPLIES PE= Sexual Abuse&Molestation A gre;;ate limit:S2,000,000 : -A.,r- AT! ==:�:� POLICY PRO- LOC =__- CTS-COI.'-C-A__ 12,000:000 JECT 7. AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY -- _ - - - ANY AUTO - ALL OWNED -SCHEDULED =___Y \_..ZY: eracCe-r.: • AUTOS AUTOS ----c-cTY DA1.'AG_ - HIRED AUTOS NON-OWNED: =_ ,�Iyr, AUTOS UMBRELLA LIAB x OCCUR EA ODD ttE\CE S2,Ca,,C00 X EXCESS LIAB -AL S_ 4602AH221370 01/01/2021 01/01/2022A,.�t-A 0 TE S2,C ,COO .7:_D —PET=!,TIC' WORKERS COMPENSATION Y I1 li ' '_'T-- AND EMPLOYERS'LIABILITY xrs3r�e E. . - --- -- - - __=AC-ACC:EAT - __ _-- - ---= - -_-- E_ :sEASE-_AEL'0.JYE= (Mandatory in NH) _ ' .es oescnx.nxr--_,a-T o = °AS DO-CY_t' ..-'ERAT.0 S??I7N Accident Medical 4102AH02E220 01/01/2021 01/01/2022 Accident Limit: S100,000 Catastrophic Acc 4102AH30E-882 01/01/2021 01/01/2022 Catastrophic Limit:S1,000,000 CRIPTION OF OPERATIONS;LOCATIONS;VEHICLES!Attach ACORD 101,Additional Remarks Schedule,if more space is required) rage applies only to teamsleagues comprised of 100%US Lacrosse players And coaches during scheduled& supervised lacrosse ites.Certificate Holder Is named "Additional Insured "with respect to Colorado Lacrosse,LLC'Vail Lacrosse Tournament. I CERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCELLATION SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, NOTICE WILL BE DELIVERED IN Town of Avon and its Employees and Officers ACCORDANCE WITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS. P.O.Box 975 Avon,CO S1620 AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE ®1988-2015 ACORD CORPORATION. All rights reserved. ACORD 25(201C'03) The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD Avon COLORADO 2021 TOWN OF AVON SPECIAL EVENT AGREEMENT FOR THE VAIL LACROSSE TOURNAMENT THIS AGREEMENT ("Agreement") is made and entered into on April 14, 2021, by and between the Town of Avon("Avon"), a Colorado home rule municipality, and Colorado Lacrosse, LLC ("Producer") (individually referred to as a"Party" and collectively referred to as the "Parties"). In consideration of the mutual promises and agreements herein contained and for other good and valuable consideration, and on behalf of themselves, their successors and assigns, the Parties hereto agree as follows: RECITALS WHEREAS,the Producer filed a 2020 Special Event Funding Application ("2020 Producer Application"), for producing the Vail Lacrosse Tournament("Event"), and the Avon CASE Committee reviewed the 2020 Producer Application, and recommended dates and/or funding for the Event to the Avon Town Council; and WHEREAS, it is the Parties' intention that this Agreement defines the duties, obligations and conditions with respect to the production of the Event so that it is conducted in a manner and direction to be established by both Parties, and so that this Agreement is consistent with and governed by the provisions of the Avon Municipal Code, as may be applicable. NOW, THEREFORE, for good and valuable consideration, including the mutual promises contained herein, the sufficiency of which is acknowledged and accepted by the Parties, the Parties agree as follows: TERMS AND CONDITIONS: 1. SPECIAL EVENT PERMIT. Execution of this Agreement shall constitute issuance of a Special Event Permit. Avon waives the $100 application fee pursuant to Avon Municipal Code Section 9.40.040. A. The Premises for the Event as described in Exhibit A: Description of Premises. B. This Permit grants Producer the right, and imposes the duty, to use the Premises as defined in this Agreement for the purpose of producing the Event, as is more specifically described in Exhibit B: Event Description, subject to compliance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement. The dates and hours of use of the Premises are described in Exhibit B. Vail Lacrosse Tournament—2021 April 14,2021 Page 1 of 19 C. Producer is in receipt of the Producer Toolkit, which includes State, County and Avon policies,procedures, permit applications, requirements and numerous other resource documents for Producers to assist them when planning and producing an Event in Avon. By signing this Agreement, Producer acknowledges they have reviewed, understand and agrees to abide by all requirements,policies, etc. provided for in the Producer Toolkit. The Producer Toolkit can be found at www.avon.org/specialevents. D. The Cultural, Arts & Special Events Manager("Event Manager") for Avon is Danita Dempsey, who shall be the primary contact for Avon. All references to the Event Manager in this Agreement may also include the Event Manager's designee(s). The Event Manager has the authority to reduce any stated minimum timeframe for receipt of documents or Event plans. E. Producer may request, as a result of weather,unforeseen circumstances or catastrophic events, a change to any stated time in this Agreement and/or a change to the Premises, which request shall be subject to written approval by Event Manager in Event Manager's sole discretion. 2. PREMISES INSPECTION & USAGE. A. Pre-Event Inspection. Producer and the Event Manager shall jointly perform and document a pre-Event inspection of the Premises not later than June 20, 2021 before the Premises are released to Producer. Producer acknowledges and agrees that Avon is permitting Producer to use the Premises, in its "as is" condition and the Avon shall be under no obligation to replace,upgrade or otherwise modify the facilities. B. Premises Usage. The following guidelines shall be observed for usage of the Premises: (1) Producer shall not install,place, inscribe, paint or otherwise attach and shall not permit any banner, sign, advertisement, notice, marquis, or awning on or within the Pavilion, without the prior review and consent of Avon in each instance. (2) Producer shall, at its own expense, provide and maintain in first-class condition all permitted signs and shall, upon the expiration of this Agreement, at its own expense,promptly remove all such permitted signs and repair any damage caused by such installation and/or removal. Avon shall have the right to remove all non-permitted signs without notice to Producer, at the expense of the Producer. (3) Producer shall not drive locates and/or stakes into the ground along any pathways, athletic fields,parking lots or grassy areas with underground sprinkler systems without prior permission from the Event Manager. (4) Producer shall not make alterations, additions or improvements on or to the Vail Lacrosse Tournament—2021 April 14,2021 Page 2 of 19 Pavilion without the prior written consent of Avon, to include, but not limited to tenting, catering equipment and portable facilities. All such work permitted by Avon shall be performed in a good, safe and workmanlike manner. (5) By order of the Eagle River Fire Protection District, Producer will ensure that NO THEATRICAL SMOKE, without approval, is blown on the Pavilion and NO PYROTECHNICS OF ANY SORT are to be detonated. Decorative open flame, fire pits,patio-style heaters and/or fire performers are only permissible if permitted through and approved by Eagle River Fire Protection District. Cooking of any sort by hot plate, open flame, grill, etc. is not allowed in the Green Room (including the restroom). (6) To the extent licensed personnel, such as electricians, medical, emergency response or health official, are required to conduct certain services or inspections, Producer shall abide by these local and State requirements. (7) Producer agrees to use its best efforts to retain volunteers and paid staff from qualified persons residing in the Town of Avon or Eagle County. C. Post-Event Inspection. Producer and the Event Manager shall jointly perform and document a post-event inspection of the Premises not later than June 24, 2021 before the Premises are returned to Avon. Producer shall promptly notify the Event Manager of any problems or damage that may have occurred during the Event during the post- event inspection. Producer shall be liable for any damage to the Premises and any adjacent Avon property caused by the installation or removal of any alteration, addition or improvement. Avon may act to repair and restore any damage caused by Producer and Producer shall be liable for such costs, including reasonable attorneys' fees and costs to enforce this Agreement. 3. SECURITY SERVICES. Producer shall assure the Event will be operated in a safe and secure manner and provide for all security needs for the Event. Contracts for services with the Producer's security agency(s) and procedural documents, if any, shall be provided to the Event Manager forty-five (45) days prior to the first date of the Event. Security requirements shall meet the audience profile. Security service requirements include,but are not limited to, security needs for alcohol sales, enforcement of marijuana restrictions, crowd management including lighting for ingress and egress, lost children protocol, lost and found protocol, entry gate security checks, trespassing, weather incident, and a communication protocol for law enforcement and emergency response agencies, including a chain of command. When necessary, security for traffic management may be required, including external support from the Colorado Department of Transportation, Colorado Highway Patrol and/or Eagle County Sheriff's office. The Event Manager shall review the contract(s) for security services (generally within fifteen(15)business days of receipt by Avon) and shall provide notice to the Producer of any concerns. Avon, in its sole discretion, shall determine the number of law enforcement officers Avon will provide for the Event. Avon law enforcement costs may be included, in part or in whole, in the in-kind services provided by Avon, if applicable. If not provided as an in-kind service, in part or in Vail Lacrosse Tournament—2021 April 14,2021 Page 3 of 19 whole, Producer shall be responsible for all costs associated with Avon providing law enforcement officers for the Event. 4. SANITATION & RESOURCE RECOVERY. Producer shall provide for the sanitation facilities, resource recovery (composting and recycling), cleanliness and cleaning needs of the Event. Contracts for services with the Producer's sanitation and resource recovery agencies and procedural documents, if any shall be provided to the Event Manager forty- five (45) days prior to the first date of the Event. Contract services shall cover refuse management, recycling, composting and diversion reporting,portable restrooms, grounds and Pavilion cleaning and all parking lots included in the defined Premises. The Event Manager shall review the contracts for service (generally within fifteen (15)business days of receipt by Avon) and shall notify the Producer of any concerns. 5. MEDICAL AND EMERGENCY RESPONSE SERVICES. Producer shall assure the Event shall provide for on-site medical and emergency needs and response requirements of the Event, unless waived by the Event Manager. Contracts for services with the Producer's emergency response agencies and procedural documents, if any shall be provided to the Event Manager forty-five (45) days prior to the first date of the Event. On-site medical and emergency personnel must be able to address on-site response for attendees who are experiencing heat exhaustion, dehydration, severe intoxication and/or are under the influence of drugs, are injured on site, safety lighting at paths of ingress and/or egress, weather incident or any other medical need. The Event Manager shall review the contract(s) for service (generally within fifteen(15)business days of receipt by Avon) and provide notice to the Producer of any concerns. 6. PARKING. The Producer shall provide parking for the Event in accordance with the table below. If Producer utilizes a private parking lot to satisfy the required parking, Producer shall be responsible to pay any fees to such private parking lot owner and shall provide a copy of a license agreement or Temporary Use Permit indicating Producer's permission to use such private parking lot at least forty-five (45) days prior to the Event. The Event Manager shall review the contracts for parking (generally within fifteen (15)business days of receipt by Avon) and shall notify the Producer of any concerns. Attendance Parking Space Estimate 1,500 or fewer persons 188 1,50w -2,000 persons 25o 2,001 -3,000 375 3,001 or greater TBD 7. AMPLIFIED SOUND. Producer acknowledges that sound checks,performances and announcements may require Avon Town Council approval pursuant to Section 5.24.030 of the Avon Municipal Code and as outlined in the Outdoor Use of Amplified Sound Systems section 5 of the Producer's Toolkit. Avon agrees to waive the $25 Application fee associated with the Amplified Sound Permit. Producer shall abide by the following requirements for amplified sound: Vail Lacrosse Tournament—2021 April 14,2021 Page 4 of 19 A. Sound Checks: Sound checks may generally occur within four(4) hours of the start of the performance. B. Performance Times: Dates and times of all performances and/or announcements will be provided to Avon as soon as available and listed on Event website and marketing collateral as applicable. C. Sound Volume: Producer agrees the volume for any sound check and performance times will be moderated to achieve the sound quality needed for the Event and shall be considerate of the surrounding neighborhoods. The Event Manager has the authority to require the volume to be reduced at any time during the Event. D. Sound Penalty: Producer acknowledges and agrees that strict adherence to the sound check and performance times approved in the Sound Permit are a material term of this Agreement. Producer shall pay a penalty of one hundred dollars ($100.00)per minute for music,public address announcements, sound check, or any other amplified sound that occurs before or after any time period in which amplified sound is permitted or which occurs after the Event Manager has required the volume to be reduced. Producer acknowledges and agrees to pay the sound penalty assessed via the release of the damage deposit or release of the Events final payment in accordance with Section 12.A.(3), if applicable. 8. VENDOR LICENSING& SALES TAXES. Producer shall provide a list of vendors to the Event Manager by not later than thirty(30)business days prior to the first day of the Event; and, shall update the list of vendors up to the date of the Event and shall follow up after each Event to verify what vendors were in attendance for sales tax purposes. The list shall include: All vendors, exhibitors, sponsors and non-profits, engaged in selling food, beverage, merchandise, wares, admissions, etc. during the Event. The vendor list will include: The business names/dba,physical address, mailing address, phone number, email address, contact, and type of activity. Producer shall register for a Sales Tax License with the Town of Avon. 9. SPECIAL EVENT LIQUOR PERMIT. Producer shall be solely responsible for identifying a local non-profit to acquire a Special Event Liquor Permit for the Event and is asked to consider one or more of the local non-profits as the Liquor Permit applicant. Application for the Liquor Permit and all insurance and indemnification requirements pursuant to Avon Municipal Code 5.08.170 shall be the responsibility of Producer and its non-profit. An overview of process and Colorado Special Event Liquor Permit Application can be found in the Producer Toolkit. Producer shall submit to the Town Clerk a complete Special Event Liquor Permit Application including insurance requirements by not later than 5:00 p.m., forty-five (45) days prior to the Event date. 10. ADMISSION TICKET FEE. N/A 11. MARKETING. A. Producer Responsibility. Producer shall implement the Marketing Plan, which was Vail Lacrosse Tournament—2021 April 14,2021 Page 5 of 19 provided in the 2020 Producer Application and attached to this Agreement as Exhibit C: Marketing Plan. (1) Producer shall advertise in all media notification to attendees the alcohol and recreational marijuana restrictions, resource recovery priorities, parking and transportation systems, no dogs except registered service dogs on a leash not to exceed five (5) feet at the Event and all other matters deemed necessary by the Event Manager for the advanced informational needs of Event attendees. (2) If Producer desires to produce banners for promotional purposes, Avon shall provide size requirements, install/remove the banners as part of the in-kind services in the following locations: Avon Road Bridge Banner(up to 2 banners) and Avon Road roundabouts (up to 8 light poles) and are based on availability. Producer and Avon shall mutually agree to the number(up to 8), location and installation of such banners as well as removal dates. Avon agrees to waive the $150 banner application fee. (3) Producer agrees to provide Avon,by not later than sixty(60) days after the Event, not fewer than five (5)professional quality reproducible photographs and not less than ninety (90) seconds of edited video from the 2021 Event for use by Avon in any and all Avon marketing and or promotions, which may include,but is not limited to print, web, social media channels, etc. B. Avon Responsibility. (1) Avon will post on its website, content, provided from the Producer, within fifteen(15)business days after receipt of"posting ready"materials from the Producer. Content may include a high-resolution Event logo and up to five (5) professional quality reproducible photographs and edited video, not to exceed ninety(90) seconds. (2) Avon shall disseminate Producer-prepared press releases and like and/or share Facebook and Instagram postings, as soon as possible, once received from the Producer. (3) Avon will list the Event on its website on the Special Event landing page and/or Events at a Glance landing page sixty (60) days after execution of this Agreement. (4) In addition to the "Exempt Admissions" authorized by Resolution 15-18, Avon will make available up to three hundred(300) additional "Exempt" single-day admissions (Complimentary Media)to the Producer specifically for, and strictly limited to, marketing purposes. 12. AVON CASH AND IN-KIND SERVICES. A. Payment Schedule. N/A Vail Lacrosse Tournament—2021 April 14,2021 Page 6 of 19 B. In-Kind Support. Avon shall provide in-kind support to Producer as shown in Exhibit D: Avon In-Kind Support, in an amount not to exceed One Thousand Seventeen-Hundred Dollars ($1,700.00). The Event Manager shall track the in-kind expenses and notify the Producer at any time the award level is being approached. 13. AVON BENEFITS AS A SPONSOR. A. Complimentary Advertising. Producer shall provide a complete list of sponsor benefits at a level commensurate to other Premium Event sponsors and list of fulfillment benefits, which Avon shall receive within forty-five (45) days of execution of this Agreement. Should Avon be entitled to complimentary advertising, photography or other media exposure in any of the Event program or other informational materials, Producer shall provide Avon all production specifications and deadlines a minimum of sixty(60) days in advance of the publication. B. Complimentary Admissions. N/A 14. SURVEY. Producer shall conduct an on-site intercept survey or a post-event survey via email. The survey instrument questions and final report shall be provided to Avon within thirty(30) days of the last day of the Event. If Avon includes the Event in either an on-site intercept survey or a post-event survey via email, Producer shall grant access to Avon's survey firm. Avon shall retain and have ownership of the data collected by Avon; and, the survey instrument questions and final report shall be provided to the Producer within sixty (60) days of Avon receiving the final report. 15. POST EVENT DEBRIEF. The Event Manager and Producer, and respective key staff and other Avon representatives, shall meet on June 24, 2021, at 10:00 am, in the Avon Town Hall to review the Event. The meeting date may be changed with agreement by the Parties. 16. DAMAGE DEPOSIT. Producer shall pay a damage deposit or other security instrument of Two-Hundred Dollars ($200.00)payable to the Town of Avon no later than ten (10) business days prior to the approved Event load-in date/time. Avon shall return the damage deposit within thirty (30) days after the Event, less any repair costs, clean-up costs, or other costs incurred by Avon unless Avon determines that funds need to be retained longer to evaluate the intended uses of the funds. 17. AVON TRADEMARKS. The Town of Avon's symbols, logos, graphics, fonts and colors, including such marks associated with the Event(collectively referred to as "Marks"), are set forth in the Brand Guidelines available in the Producer's Toolkit. Avon's Marks are and shall remain the sole and exclusive property of Avon. Producer shall not hold itself out as having any ownership rights with respect to Avon's Marks or, except as may be specifically granted hereunder, any other rights herein. Any and all goodwill associated with any such rights shall inure directly and exclusively to the benefit of Avon. Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, Avon hereby grants to Producer a non-exclusive, non-transferable, revocable and limited license to reproduce Vail Lacrosse Tournament—2021 April 14,2021 Page 7 of 19 Avon's Marks in connection with(1)the Events; and, (2) carrying out any other Producer obligations under this Agreement. Except as expressly permitted hereunder, Producer hereby covenants and agrees that it will make no use of Avon's Marks. Producer shall have no right to sublicense its rights under this license. Producer's use of Avon's Marks shall be strictly subject to the prior written approval of the Event Manager, which approval may be granted or withheld in Event Manager's discretion. Notwithstanding any provisions hereof to the contrary,prior to the printing or reproduction of any Avon Marks pursuant to this Agreement, Producer shall provide Avon with samples of all such materials for Avon's review and approval or disapproval. Any trademarks, logos or other intellectual property developed by Avon or by Producer in connection with Avon's Events services provided hereunder shall be the property of Avon. 18. MORALITY CLAUSE. Producer acknowledges that the Town of Avon's image is of immeasurable value to the Avon community. If at any time the Producer, its performers or artists, or the sub-contractors hired to serve or support the event, has an incident, occurrence or public disclosure concerning a statement or action that tends to shock, insult or offend the Avon community or public morals or decency, including but not limited matters involving discrimination, sexual harassment, or alleged felony acts, which Avon perceives as reflecting negatively on Avon's image, then Avon may restrict Producer from using such performer, artist or sub-contractor, or in the case of a matter involving the Producer, Avon may demand assignment of the Event to another producer or may elect to deem such occurrence by Producer as a material breach of this Agreement and may elect to cancel the Event in accordance with Section 22 Event Cancellation after providing notice and opportunity for cure. 19. INDEMNIFICATION. Producer agrees to indemnify the Town of Avon, its officers, agents and employees, and to hold them harmless against any and all claims, actions, demands or liabilities, including attorney fees and court costs, for injury, death, damage or loss to person(s) or property arising out of or directly or indirectly resulting from Producer's actions or omissions in connection with the conduct of the Event. 20. INSURANCE. Producer shall obtain general liability insurance coverage within the minimum limits set below naming Avon as an additional insured; and, insuring Avon and its officers, agents and employees against any and all liability and damages which may arise, directly or indirectly, from the conduct of the Event. Producer shall provide a certificate of additional insured to Avon for its review and records. The policy dates shall include the entire range of dates for which Town of Avon property is used. The minimum limits and requirements of the coverage for less than 1,000 in attendance shall include: $1,000,000 per occurrence primary coverage, and $2,000,000 annual aggregate; 30 days' written notice of cancellation; host and general liquor liability insurance in the same amounts listed above if applicable; $1,000,000 personal and advertising injury coverage; and$50,000 fire damage. For attendance greater than 1,000, the requirements are as follows: Vail Lacrosse Tournament—2021 April 14,2021 Page 8 of 19 Attendance Limits Per Aggregate Host Personal& Fire Automobile Occurrence/ Liquor Advertising Requirements Liability Injury 1,000-2,000 $1M $3M $1M $1M $50,000 $1M 2,001-3,000 $1M $4M $1M $1M $50,000 $1M 3,0001 $1M $5M $1M $1M $50,000 $1M Producer shall provide to Avon proof of Comprehensive Automobile Liability insurance for any motor vehicles owned or hired by Producer or its officers, agents, or employees that are used as part of the Event. The insurance policy shall provide that it is primary insurance and that its coverage will apply prior to utilization of Avon's general liability coverage. Producer shall provide written evidence of all insurance coverage required in this Section to the Event Manager no later than thirty (30) days prior to the first day of the Event. All required insurance policies shall be non-cancellable without thirty(30) days prior written notice to Avon. Producer shall not be relieved of any liability, claims, demands, or other obligations assumed pursuant to this Section of this Agreement by reason of its failure to procure or maintain insurance or by reason of its failure to procure or maintain insurance in sufficient amounts, duration, or types. All subcontractors of Producer shall be required to list the Town of Avon, its elected officials, officers and employees as additional insured and provide the appropriate certificate of insurance to Avon upon request. 21. RELEASE OF LIABILITY. Avon assumes no responsibility whatsoever for any non- municipal property placed in said Premises. Producer hereby expressly releases Avon from any and all liabilities for any loss, injury or damages to any person or property of Producer, its employees, agents, concessionaires, performer, attendee, spectator or other invitee that may be sustained by reason of the occupancy of the Premises under this Agreement, except for the negligent acts of Avon or its officers, agents, employees. To the fullest extent permitted by law, Producer shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless Avon, its members, affiliates, officers, directors, partners, employees, and agents from and against all claims, damages, losses and expenses, including but not limited to reasonable attorney's fees, arising out of the performance of this Agreement,provided that any such claim, damage, loss or expense is caused by any negligent act or omission of Producer, anyone directly or indirectly employed by Producer or anyone for whose acts Producer may be liable, except to the extent any portion is caused in part by a party indemnified hereunder. In the event the Premises or any part thereof is damaged by fire or other natural causes or if for any other reason, including strikes, failure of utilities, which results in cancellation of the Event, or which in the judgment of the Event Manager, renders the fulfillment of this Agreement by Avon impossible, Producer hereby expressly releases and discharges Avon and its officers, agents and employees from any and all demands, claims, liabilities, and causes of actions arising from any of the causes aforesaid. 22. EVENT CANCELLATION. The Event Manager may cancel the Event if material terms of this Agreement are not substantially fulfilled in a timely manner which is foreseen to result in an event which may compromise public safety or which will negatively impact the reputation Vail Lacrosse Tournament—2021 April 14,2021 Page 9 of 19 of the Town of Avon, or in the event of an unforeseeable event beyond the reasonable control of the Event Manager or Town of Avon, including, without limitation, acts of nature, fire, explosion, lightning, labor disputes, strikes, acts of terror, epidemics or pandemics, material shortages or unavailability, government laws or regulations, or war or civil disorder(each a "Force Majeure Event"). Should Avon deem any term or terms of this Agreement unfulfilled or in material breach, Avon shall give Producer written notice and Producer shall have five (5)business days (or such longer time as mutually agreed by the Parties)to cure such breach. Should Producer cure, this Agreement shall continue in full force and effect. If Producer cancels the Event, if the Producer is not able to cure and Avon elects to terminate the Event, or if the Event Manager or Town of Avon cancels the Event due to a Force Majeure Event, then(A) Avon shall remit to Producer all deposits less any Event related expenditure incurred by Avon; (B) all funds provided by Avon for the Event shall be returned in full; and (C) if Avon has dedicated resources toward production and cancellation in less than ninety (90) days prior to the first day of the Event, Producer shall pay Avon five thousand dollars ($5,000) as liquidated damages within ten(10) days, provided, however, that in the case of a Force Majeure Event, Producer shall not be required to pay Avon any payment as liquidated damages; and all such funds shall be provided to the other Party within thirty (30) days of the cancellation. Any funds not returned to and received by Avon shall bear interest at the rate set forth in Avon Municipal Code Chapter 3.32—Interest on Past Due Accounts. Neither Party shall be liable to the other for any lost profits, lost revenues, consequential or special damages as a result of cancellation. 23. MUNICIPAL ADDENDUM. This Agreement is subject to the Municipal Addendum attached here to as Addendum A and made part of this Agreement, the terms of which shall apply and supersede any conflicting term in the body of this Agreement. 24. NOTICES. Any notice to either Party under this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be sent to the addresses designated below. Notices by e-mail shall be deemed received when acknowledged by the recipient. Producer: Mark Foster 3200 E. Harvard Avenue Denver, VO 80210 303-910-5470 vailcoloradolacrosse@gmail.com Avon: Danita Dempsey, CASE Manager P.O. Box 975 100 Mikaela Way Avon, CO 81620 (970) 748-4065 ddempsey@avon.org Vail Lacrosse Tournament—2021 April 14,2021 Page 10 of 19 COPY TO: Paul Wisor, Town Attorney pwisor@garfieldhecht.com IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties hereto have executed this Agreement the day and year first above written. TOWN OF AVON By and Through Its CASE Manager Digitally signed by Danita Dempsey DN:cn=Danita Dempsey,o=Town of Avon, Danita Dempsey ou=Culture,Arts&Special Events Manager, 06/05/2021 By: email=ddempsey@avon.org,c=US Date: Dame.2u21.06.05 14.i 2.03-06.u0' Danita Dempsey, CASE Manager PRODUCER By: 71/1 Date: 05/10/2021 [signature] Name: Mark Foster [print] Title: Event Director, Vail Lacrosse Tournament Vail Lacrosse Tournament—2021 April 14,2021 Page 11 of 19 ADDENDUM A: MUNICIPAL PROVISIONS. Al. Addendum A Controls: In the event the terms and conditions of this Addendum A conflict in whole or in part with the terms and conditions of the Agreement, the terms and conditions of this Addendum A shall control. A.2. No Waiver of Governmental Immunity: Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed to waive, limit, or otherwise modify any governmental immunity that may be available by law to Avon, its officials, employees, contractors, or agents, or any other person acting on behalf of Avon and, in particular, governmental immunity afforded or available pursuant to the Colorado Governmental Immunity Act, Title 24, Article 10, Part 1 of the Colorado Revised Statutes. A.3. Affirmative Action: Producer will not discriminate against any employee or sub- contractor for employment because of race, color, religion, sex or national origin. Producer will take affirmative action to ensure applicants are employed, and employees are treated during employment without regard to their race, color, religion, sex or national origin. Such action shall include, but not be limited to the following: employment, upgrading, demotion or transfer; recruitment or recruitment advertising; layoff or termination; rates of pay or other forms of compensation; and selection for training, including apprenticeship. A.4. Article X, Section 20/TABOR: The Parties understand and acknowledge that Avon is subject to Article X, § 20 of the Colorado Constitution("TABOR"). The Parties do not intend to violate the terms and requirements of TABOR by the execution of this Agreement. It is understood and agreed that this Agreement does not create a multi-fiscal year direct or indirect debt or obligation within the meaning of TABOR and, therefore, notwithstanding anything in this Agreement to the contrary, all payment obligations of Avon are expressly dependent and conditioned upon the continuing availability of funds beyond the term of the Avon's current fiscal period ending upon the next succeeding December 31. Financial obligations of Avon payable after the current fiscal year are contingent upon funds for that purpose being appropriated,budgeted, and otherwise made available in accordance with the rules, regulations, and resolutions of Town of Avon, and other applicable law. Upon the failure to appropriate such funds, this Agreement shall be terminated. A.5. Employment of or Contracts with Illegal Aliens: Producer shall not knowingly employ or contract with an illegal alien to perform work under this Agreement. Producer shall not contract with a subcontractor that fails to certify that the subcontractor does not knowingly employ or contract with any illegal aliens. By entering into this Agreement, Producer certifies as of the date of this Agreement it does not knowingly employ or contract with an illegal alien who will perform work under the public contract for services and that the contractor will participate in the e-verify program or department program in order to confirm the employment eligibility of all employees who are newly hired for employment to perform work under the public contract for services. The Vail Lacrosse Tournament—2021 April 14,2021 Page 12 of 19 Producer is prohibited from using either the e-verify program or the department program procedures to undertake pre-employment screening of job applicants while this Agreement is being performed. If the Producer obtains actual knowledge that a subcontractor performing work under this Agreement knowingly employs or contracts with an illegal alien, Producer shall be required to notify the subcontractor and Avon within three (3) days that Producer has actual knowledge that a subcontractor is employing or contracting with an illegal alien. Producer shall terminate the subcontract if the subcontractor does not stop employing or contracting with the illegal alien within three (3) days of receiving the notice regarding Producer's actual knowledge. Producer shall not terminate the subcontract if, during such three (3) days, the subcontractor provides information to establish that the subcontractor has not knowingly employed or contracted with an illegal alien. Producer is required to comply with any reasonable request made by the Department of Labor and Employment made in the course of an investigation undertaken to determine compliance with this provision and applicable state law. If Producer violates this provision, Avon may terminate this Agreement, and Producer may be liable for actual and/or consequential damages incurred by Avon, notwithstanding any limitation on such damages provided by such Agreement. A.6. No Waiver of Rights: A waiver by any Party to this Agreement of the breach of any term or provision of this Agreement shall not operate or be construed as a waiver of any subsequent breach by either Party. Avon's approval or acceptance of, or payment for, services shall not be construed to operate as a waiver of any rights or benefits to be provided under this Agreement. No covenant or term of this Agreement shall be deemed to be waived by Avon except in writing. A.7. Binding Effect: The Parties agree that this Agreement, by its terms, shall be binding upon the successors, heirs, legal representatives, and assigns. A.8. Limitation of Damages: The Parties agree that Producer's remedies for any claims asserted against Avon shall be limited to proven direct damages in an amount to exceed amounts due under the Agreement and that Town shall not be liable for indirect, incidental, special, consequential or punitive damages, including but not limited to lost profits. A.9. No Third-Party Beneficiaries: Nothing contained in this Agreement is intended to or shall create a contractual relationship with, cause of action in favor of, or claim for relief for, any third party, including any agent, sub-consultant or sub-contractor of Producer. Absolutely no third-party beneficiaries are intended by this Agreement. Any third-party receiving a benefit from this Agreement is an incidental and unintended beneficiary only. A.10. Governing Law,Venue, and Enforcement: This Agreement shall be governed by and interpreted according to the law of the State of Colorado. Venue for any action arising under this Agreement shall be in the appropriate court for Eagle County, Colorado. To reduce the cost of dispute resolution and to expedite the resolution of disputes under this Agreement, the Parties hereby waive any and all right either may have to request a jury trial in any civil action relating primarily to the enforcement of this Agreement. The Vail Lacrosse Tournament—2021 April 14,2021 Page 13 of 19 Parties agree that the rule that ambiguities in a contract are to be construed against the drafting party shall not apply to the interpretation of this Agreement. Other than this Addendum A, which shall trump all other documents, if there is any conflict between the language of this Agreement and any exhibit or attachment, the language of this Agreement shall govern. A.11. Survival of Terms and Conditions: The Parties understand and agree that all terms and conditions of the Agreement that require continued performance, compliance, or effect beyond the termination date of the Agreement shall survive such termination date and shall be enforceable in the event of a failure to perform or comply. A.12. Assignment and Release: All or part of the rights, duties, obligations, responsibilities, or benefits set forth in this Agreement shall not be assigned by Producer without the express written consent of Avon. Any written assignment shall expressly refer to this Agreement, specify the particular rights, duties, obligations, responsibilities, or benefits so assigned, and shall not be effective unless approved by Avon. No assignment shall release the Producer from performance of any duty, obligation, or responsibility unless such release is clearly expressed in such written document of assignment. A.13. Severability: Invalidation of any of the provisions of this Agreement or any paragraph sentence, clause, phrase, or word herein or the application thereof in any given circumstance shall not affect the validity of any other provision of this Agreement. Vail Lacrosse Tournament—2021 April 14,2021 Page 14 of 19 EXHIBIT A: DESCRIPTION OF PREMISES Harry A. Nottingham Park: Upper and Lower Athletic Fields Old Town Hall West parking lot ;yi ., i , 4 , ii" A. EXHIBITA-PREMISES 4 °t 'L.-1.Lower Field '� rt`,` / 4'f(_,Ai'l'' 1 2.Upper Field # -.,,• * / ,-',.4l.- 4k..,. i i� .k 4 `. 10 , j4 , r #144 erg, ,, ' ,• ti N. , . . ,.., ,,r, 2 4. VENDOR PARKING r 1 I Vail Lacrosse Tournament—2021 April 14,2021 Page 15 of 19 EXHIBIT B: EVENT DESCRIPTION Known as the highest altitude tournament in the country, the Vail Lacrosse Tournament is a family-friendly competition, drawing nearly 2,000 players and 3,000 spectators to the Vail Valley! The Vail Lacrosse Tournament laid down its roots in Vail in 1995,just as Lacrosse was picking up name recognition and momentum nationally. One of the few high-altitude tournaments of its kind, the event draws participants from around the country to compete while taking in the gorgeous Vail landscape and all the activities the area has to offer. 1. NON-EXCLUSIVE USE: Producer is granted the non-exclusive use of the Premises for the sole purposes of: a. Event set-up on June 20, 2021, from 4:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m..; and b. Event break-down and site clean-up on June 23, 2021, from 1:00 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. 2. EXCLUSIVE USE: Producer is granted an exclusive use of the premises: a. June 21 and June 22, 2021, from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.; and, June 23, 2021, from 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. for the Event. Vail Lacrosse Tournament—2021 April 14,2021 Page 16 of 19 EXHIBIT C: MARKETING PLAN PROVIDED IN THE 2020 SPECIAL EVENT FUNDING APPLICATION 8)MARKETING&SPONSORSHIPS: a.Please provide a detailed description ofthe event marketing plan and indicate how the budget will support the plan,include strategy and execution details. Vail Lacrosse Tournament uses multiple media platforms to showcase our sponsors: Faceboolc,Instagram,Newsletters,Twitter,and our tournament web page.Please reference the attachments concerning our marketing strategy and geographic reach i Please explain the potential for sponsorships and media exposure. Sponsors can reach over 10,000 followers through our social media platforms.All our sponsors are also encouraged to be on site during the tournament at no additional cost. SEE ATTACHED: VLD WHOLE DECK 2021 1. Avon to receive exposure commiserate with the Premium Sponsor level: a. Logo on Tournament website. b. Logo on Tournament newsletters. c. Two mentions on social media channels. d. On-site banner displayed at player field. e. On site product sampling. Vail Lacrosse Tournament—2021 April 14,2021 Page 17 of 19 EXHIBIT D: IN-KIND SUPPORT In-Kmd Services Services Description Estimated In- Cost Explanation kind Value Avon Performance Cleaning of green room(before and Janitorial Services Pavilion following event). N/A $50/per hour Town Electrician to review power Power Consultation needs,identify location ofpanels, N/A Hourly staffrate at distribution and output capacity. $75/per hour Power Assets Installation Buildings staff to install,distribute and Hourly staffrate at &Removal(based on N/A remove all Town owned power assets. $32/per hour availability) Bridge Banner Public Works stafftime for installation Hourly staffrate at 4- Placement and removal of bridge banner. N/A man hours of work$32/ per hour Avon Road Light Pole Public Works stafftime for installation Hourly staffrate at 8- Banner Placement and removal oflight pole banners. Up man hours ofwark (based on availability) to eight(8)total locations. N/A $32/hour Personnel to strip upper and lower athletic fields;and provide field touch Labor Public Works up.[ livery of event assets to include Hourly staffrate per man (based on availability) but not limited to 4 portable restrooms, $640 hour of work$32/per one handwashing station,Zero Hero hour,20 man-hours tents,collapsible bins and event signage. Field rental fee 8-hours Rental Fee is $20 per hour. per day for three days Fields:Upper and Lower Striping Fee is$50 per field $1,060 for two fields;48 total hours=$960;+$100 for striping TOTAL: $1,700 In-Kmd Service Total: Vail Lacrosse Tournament—2021 April 14,2021 Page 18 of 19