TC Resolution 21-16 Supporting the American the Beautiful InitiativeAvon
WHEREAS, the United States is facing an urgent conservation and climate crisis as nature
declines and greenhouse gas emissions continue to increase; and
WHEREAS, from 2001 to 2017, more than 24 million acres of land were lost to human
development in the lower 48 United States, which equals the loss of one football field -sized patch
of land every 30 seconds; and
WHEREAS, low-income communities and communities of color are disproportionatelimpacted
by the dual climate and nature crises and continue to experience inequitable access to nature and
its many benefits including clean air and water; and
WHEREAS, worldwide biodiversity is deteriorating at a faster rate than at any time in human
history, which is increasing the number of extreme weather events; and
WHEREAS, human encroachment upon wildlife habitat may increase the risk of the transmission
of infectious diseases such as COVID-19 and SARS; and
WHEREAS, scientists warn we must conserve and restore at least 30 percent of lands and waters
by 2030 if we hope to preserve biodiversity and ecosystems as well as mitigate the impacts of
climate change; and
WHEREAS, the goals of the America the Beautiful initiative are to address climate change; slow
the rapid loss of biodiversity, intact waters, and natural places by conserving and restoring at least
30 percent of U.S. lands, waters, and oceans by the year 2030; and ensure an equal distribution of
nature in communities across the country; and
WHEREAS, the America the Beautiful initiative includes eight key principles to address these
issues: 1. Pursue a collaborative and inclusive approach to conservation; 2. Conserve America's
lands and waters for the benefit of all people; 3. Support locally led and locally designed
conservation efforts; 4. Honor Tribal sovereignty and support the priorities of Tribal Nations; 5.
Pursue conservation and restoration approaches that create jobs and support healthy communities;
6. Honor private property rights and support the voluntary stewardship efforts of private
landowners and fishers; 7. Use science as a guide; 8. Build on existing tools and strategies with an
emphasis on flexibility and adaptive approaches; and
WHEREAS, science has shown that conserving nature can provide over one-third of the cost-
effective climate mitigation needed through 2030 to hold warming at below 2°C; and
Res 21-16 Supporting the America the Beautiful Initiative
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WHEREAS, our natural places help to provide food security, clean air to breathe, and clean
water to drink while offering us a wide range of health benefits; and
WHEREAS, conserved and restored private lands, including working forests, farms, and
ranches protect open spaces, preserve threatened wildlife, and help maintain our way of life; and
WHEREAS, wilderness, wildlife refuges, national conservation lands, national monuments, and
other protected areas drive our local economies and conserved places provide access for hunting,
fishing, hiking, biking, camping, and other outdoor recreation pursuits; and
WHEREAS, over 100 economists and scientists have found that the global economy would
benefit from the creation of far more protected areas on land and at sea than we have today and
economic research shows that employment and personal income grew significantly faster in rural
counties with conserved, restored, and protected public lands than rural counties with fewer
protected and conserved areas; and
WHEREAS, protected public lands are the backbone of our state's outdoor recreation industry,
which generates $788 billion in consumer spending and supports 5.2 million jobs nationally; and
WHEREAS, 77 percent of voters in the Rocky Mountain West support setting a national goal of
conserving 30 percent of land and waters in the United States by 2030 and 61 percent of voters
are concerned about the future of land, water, air, and wildlife.
NOW THEREFORE, be it resolved by the Avon Town Council, that we stand in
support of the science -based, locally -led, collaborative, and inclusive America the Beautiful
initiative to conserve and restore at least 30 percent of lands, waters, and oceans by 2030; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that we call on the U.S. government, Congress, and state and
local leaders to significantly increase the tools and resources available to achieve locally -driven
conservation projects, and to facilitate collaboration and good -faith conversations among all
people living in the United States as we work together to address inequitable access to the
outdoors as well as our biodiversity and climate crises.
ADOPTED this 13th day of July 2021.
Brenda Torres, Town
Res 21-16 Supporting the America the Beautiful Initiative
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