2018 Final Adopted Budget 2018 ANNUAL BUDGET Prepared by: Department of Finance Scott C. Wright, CPA, CPFO, Assistant Town Manager TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO 2018 ANNUAL BUDGET Town Council Jennie Fancher, Mayor Sarah Smith Hymes, Mayor Pro Tem Megan Burch Matt Gennett Amy Phillips Scott Prince Jake Wolf Leadership Team Virginia Egger, Town Manager Scott Wright, Asst. Town Manager / Finance Director Preston Neill, Deputy Town Manager John Curutchet, Recreation Director Greg Daly, Police Chief Justin Hildreth, Town Engineer Rego Omerigic, Fleet Director Gary Padilla, Public Works Director Matt Pielsticker, Planning Director Lance Richards, Human Resources Director Eva Wilson, Transportation Director Cover Photo: West Avon Preserve, by Graham Sutton Town of Avon 2018 Annual Budget Table of Contents I. Introduction and Budget Structure Page Budget Message 1-5 Organizational Chart 6 Profile of the Town 7-9 2017-2018 Strategic Plan 10-21 Fund Descriptions and Basis of Budgeting 22-23 Financial and Budgetary Policies 24-28 II. Financial Overview and Fund Summaries Consolidated Financial Schedules and Graphs: Financial Overview - Total All Funds 1 Financial Overview - Total By Fund - 2018 Adopted Budget 2-3 Revenues: Graphs - 2017 and 2018 Total Operating Revenues by Major Source 4 Graph and Table - 2018 Taxes by Type 5 Graphs - Property Taxes 6 Expenditures: Graphs - 2017 and 2018 Total Expenditures by Major Function 7 Graph and Table - 2018 Expenditures by Fund Type 8 Graph and Table - 2018 Fund Balances 9 Graph and Table - 2017 and 2018 Personnel Expenditures 10 General Fund Fund Summary 11 Graphs - 2018 Operating Revenues and Operating Expenditures 12 Graph and Table - 2018 Tax Revenue 13 Graph and Table - 2018 Expenditures by Object Class and Function 14 Revenue Detail 15-17 Department Expenditure Summaries 18-19 Departmental Operating Costs 20-21 Town Center West Maintenance Fund 22-23 Avon Urban Renewal Authority Fund 24-27 Community Enhancement Fund 28-29 Water Fund 30-34 Affordable Housing Fund 35-37 Exterior Energy Offset Fund 38-39 Debt Service Fund 40-41 Transit Enterprise Fund 42-46 Fleet Maintenance Enterprise Service Fund 47-49 Equipment Replacement Internal Service Fund 50-62 Page 1 Town of Avon 2018 Annual Budget Table of Contents III. Capital Projects Capital Projects Budget Summary 1 Capital Projects Fund Summary 2 Capital Projects Fund 5-Year Plan - Summary 3-4 Capital Projects Fund 5-Year Plan - Inventory Detail 5-7 Funding Sources 8 Capital Project Descriptions 9-19 IV. Department Summaries A. General Government General Government Budget Summary 1-3 Mayor and Town Council 4-5 Boards and Commissions 6 Town Attorney 7 Town Clerk 8-10 Municipal Court 11-12 Town Manager 13-14 Community Relations 15-17 B. Human Resources Human Resources Budget Summary 1-3 Human Resources 4-6 C. Finance & IT Finance and Administration Budget Summary 1-3 Finance 4-7 Information Systems 8-10 Nondepartmental 11-14 D. Community Development Community Development Budget Summary 1-3 Planning 4-6 Building Inspection 7-8 Economic Initiatives 9 Town Produced Events 10-12 Special Event Funding 13 Community Grants 14 Salute to the USA 15 E. Police Department Police Department Budget Summary 1-3 Police Administration 4-8 Patrol 9-14 Investigations 15-16 Page 2 Town of Avon 2018 Annual Budget Table of Contents F. Public Works Public Works Budget Summary 1-3 Roads and Bridges 4-9 Parks 10-15 G. Engineering Engineering Budget Summary 1-2 Engineering 3-5 Buildings and Facilities 6-11 H. Recreation Recreation Budget Summary 1-3 Recreation Administration 4-7 Adult Programs 8-9 Aquatics 10-12 Fitness 13-14 Guest Services 15-17 Youth Programs 18-20 Community Swim Program 21-22 I. Transit Transportation Department Budget Summary 1-3 Transit Administration 4-6 Transit Operations 7-10 Transit Wash Bay 11-13 J. Fleet Maintenance Fleet Maintenance Department Budget Summary 1-2 Fleet Maintenance 3-8 V. Supplemental Personnel Schedule - Full-time Employees 1-3 Position Classifications and Salary Ranges 4-6 Debt Schedule 7 Legal Debt Margin 8 Chart of Accounts 9-24 Resolution No. 17-26, Adoption of 2018 Operating Budget 25-27 Resolution No. 17-27, Adoption of 2018 Capital Improvement Program Budget 28-29 Resolution No. 17-03, Adoption of 2018 Urban Renewal Authority Budgets 30-31 Resolution No. 17-31, Property Tax Levy - General Operating Expenses 32 Certification of Tax Levies - Town of Avon 33 Resolution No. 17-32, Property Tax Levy - General Improvement District No. 1 34-35 Certification of Tax Levies - General Improvement District No. 1 36 Page 3 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Page 4 January 19, 2018 Mayor, Town Council and Avon Residents: I am pleased to present the Town of Avon 2018 Adopted Budget and the 2019 Proposed Budget. This budget document reflects the Town’s commitment to provide high-quality yet cost-effective services while exercising prudent financial management and reflecting the Town’s stable financial position. This budget document provides a detailed description of the Town’s investment of its valuable resources in operations and capital projects. Included in this description is information on the Town’s organizational structure, historic and projected revenues and expenditures, and explanations for how funding decisions are guided. The document also includes a detailed five- year plan for major capital project investments. The budget was adopted by the Town Council on November 14, 2017, after a series of work sessions and public hearings. Strategy and Priorities The 2018-19 budget is guided by the 2017-2019 Town of Avon Strategic Plan, which was adopted by the Avon Town Council on July 25, 2017, and was developed to help guide decision- making and provide the structure for ensuring that investments and programs reflect Council priorities in achieving the vision and adopted plans of the Town of Avon. The Strategic Plan is updated each year to reflect the important worked planned by the Town. This budget reflects the Town’s commitment to the successful implementation of the Strategic Plan’s vision for the continued growth and development of Avon. Contained within the Strategic Plan, is the Strategic Plan Vision which provides a dynamic overview describing the way of life in Avon, the value the community holds, and serves as a comprehensive statement regarding the focus and directed outcomes of the Town’s work. Strategic Plan Vision “…to provide a high quality of life, today and in the future, for a diverse population; and to promote their ability to live, work, visit and recreate in the community.” From the Strategic Plan Vision, four key outcomes have been identified to set the prioritized work of the Town. The four outcomes are outlined below: • Support a strong community, building on strengths as a year-round mountain resort community; • Preserve and enhance the natural environment; Section I, Page 1 • Develop inclusive and diverse economic, educational, recreational and cultural opportunities; • Provide a responsive, cutting-edge and effective government. Once the Strategic Plan is adopted, the proposed budget is prepared with departments submitting their plans for implementing the strategies necessary to achieve the outcome identified above. Priority Based Budget The 2018-19 budget utilizes a Priority Based Budget (PBB) approach for using a strategic decision-making process in funding programs and services to best ensure effective use of the Town’s limited resources. This process is intended to evolve over time to provide more useful information as to the relative importance of individual programs and services which can then be prioritized within and across departments. The PBB approach requires budget narratives which describe discrete and specific activities and operations for each Town fund and program. Each operation is then quantified in terms of estimated personnel and nonpersonnel costs providing a total cost for the operation. Performance Metrics In addition to the budgets being described and quantified as activities and operations, “performance metrics” for each of the operations are included. Performance metrics are constructed to encourage performance improvement, effectiveness, efficiency, and appropriate levels of internal controls. The results are intended to help all departments incorporate "best practices” into each operation. The incorporation of performance metrics is a delineation of how department effectiveness will be quantified. The metrics, and the use of the results, are expected to evolve as Avon municipal government becomes more adept in defining, using and amending these measurements. Budget Overview Property Tax and Sales Tax Collection The Town’s net assessed valuation increased by 5.63% in 2017, to a total value of $204,903,930. The Town’s mill rate for general operating purposes will remain at 8.956 mills. The mill rate for debt service remains at 0 mills due to the final maturity of the Town’s general obligation bonds in 2016. Sales tax revenues for 2018 are projected to remain flat over revised 2017 estimates, which were revised down from the original adopted 2017 budget. Accommodation tax revenues for 2018 are projected to decline by 1% over revised 2017 estimates. All Funds: The Town’s total 2018 appropriations for all funds equals $26,795,734. Total estimated revenues for 2018 are $27,792,910, and estimated total ending fund balances are $17,985,370. Section I, Page 2 Taxes make up 74.02% of estimated operating revenues, with charges for services making up 16.34% and intergovernmental revenues 4.71%. Public works and engineering constitute the highest percentage of operating expenditures at 20.03%, with transportation and fleet maintenance at 14.54%, public safety at 15.62%, general government and finance at 15.90%, recreation at 6.53%, and community development at 5.74%. General Fund: General Fund operating revenues are budgeted at $16,346,913 in 2018, with taxes accounting for the majority of revenues ($12,828,034; 78.47%). Sales and accommodation taxes represent 74.25% of total taxes, with general property taxes representing 14.33%. Appropriations for 2018 General Fund operating expenditures total $14,666,200. Expenditures for public works make up the largest portion (30.77%), with public safety at 24.76%, general government 25.02%, recreation 10.35%, and community development 9.10%. Fund balances in the General Fund are budgeted to increase by $160,274 to a total estimated ending balance of $5,916,398 for 2018. The estimated ending fund balance represents 35.7% of 2018 General Fund appropriations or the equivalent of over four (4) months of operations. The Town, as a resort community, retains this level of fund balance because of its heavy reliance on sales and property tax revenues, which can fluctuate due to the weather conditions related to winter snowfall and drought periods, the national economy, and general tourism demand. The Town’s fund balance provides the resources necessary to be more adaptable to the short-term financial environment and reduces the need for long term capital financing. Reserve Policy - General Fund fund balances reflect an allocation of restricted and unassigned fund balances, including the Town’s policy of maintaining a 25% minimum reserve balance. Restricted fund balances include the 3% TABOR Emergency Reserve. In addition, assigned fund balances of $100,000 for Special Events were established in the 2018 budget. Capital Projects Fund: Total expenditures in the Capital Projects Fund are budgeted at $4,035,741 for 2018. Most of the anticipated major projects will be carried-forward from 2017 and include the new Town Hall tenant finish, the Nottingham Park playground, and the Beaver Creek Blvd. Rebuild project. Section I, Page 3 The Town collects a 2% tax on the sale price of real property within the Town. These monies are dedicated to capital improvement projects. Real estate transfer tax collections totaled $3,497,602 in 2016, are estimated at $4,200,000 for 2017, and are budgeted at $3,700,000 for 2018. Demand continues to grow for residential and retail/commercial real estate, and local construction contractors indicate strong demand for work in Eagle County. Debt Service Fund: Appropriations in the Debt Service Fund equal $1,016,854 for 2018. Revenues for payment of debt service come from transfers-in from the Capital Projects Fund. All current outstanding debt issues are certificates of participation. Transit Fund: Appropriations for the Transit Fund, an enterprise fund, total $1,687,784 in 2018. Revenues in support of the expenditures include $1,167,000 from the 2018 General Fund operating subsidy; property taxes of $41,532 from General Improvement District No. 1; charges for services from Beaver Creek of $124,316 for skier and evening restaurant shuttles, and $104,930 from bus wash revenues by both third party and Town departments; other revenues of $83,122 for the lease of bus parking spaces to ECO and others, and $21,000 in advertising revenues. Total estimated ending fund balance is $489,657. Fleet Maintenance Fund: A second enterprise fund, Fleet Maintenance, has budgeted operating revenues of $1,279,426 from charges for services provided to both third parties and Town departments. An additional $415,000 in other sources is provided through a General Fund operating transfer. Appropriations are budgeted at $1,693,973 with a small ending surplus of $453. The total estimated ending fund balance is $240,571. Other Funds: The Urban Renewal, Community Enhancement, Water, Exterior Energy Offset, and Affordable Housing Funds provide for the accounting of dedicated revenues to specific types of expenditures. Revenues to these funds generally are aggregated over a period of years into their respective fund balances, and then spent for prioritized capital projects through a transfer to the Capital Projects Fund. 2018 Budget Expenditure Highlights The 2018 budget has been developed to address priorities identified in the Strategic Plan with major emphasis on the following: • Town of Avon Properties Development Strategies. o Finalize the development strategies for Tract G, Lot 5, and Swift Gulch, including an evaluation of the expansion of the Avon Recreation Center and a parking garage. • Investment in Multi-modal Improvements. o Complete the Beaver Creek Blvd. rebuild/walkability project; o Design the Nottingham, Road / I70 / Avon Road Overpass Improvements o Support Avon Transit as a key element of a walkable community; o Implement the Zagster bike share program.  Climate Action Plan. o Implement the new paper bag fee; o Incorporate paperless workflows and waste reduction strategies. For 2018, the Finance and Human Resources departments are implementing processes and software products based on and an optimization study conducted in the prior year that analyzed Section I, Page 4 work efficiencies surrounding the use of mission critical software systems. The Community Development department also conducted a similar optimization study and is evaluating software products for implementation in 2019.  Inclusive and Diverse Economic, Educational, Recreational and Cultural Opportunities. o Complete the Destination Jump, Splash, Learn playground, which is funded with a GOCO grant and Community Enhancement funds; o Implement the action plan to pursue a Colorado Creative District designation; o Issue a Community Survey; o Continue to solicit, develop and fund, in partnership with qualified producers, a diverse program of special events; o Continue the Town’s significant investment in special events with several new and returning events for 2018. A total budget of $400,000 is budgeted for special events, with another $100,000 set aside in fund balances for events unnamed at the time the budget was adopted.  Implement Marketing Plan Priorities. o Pool marketing resources among departments for cross promotion and integrated communication; o Develop partnerships with local and regional businesses to stay updated on Town priorities and activities; o Continue Town Council festival booth outreach, host coffee chats and create stand- alone displays; o Expand wayfinding for the visitor/resident experience; o Create a regional media strategy and focus social media by audience.  Community Support and Funding. Funding for some of the more significant programs and agencies included in the 2018 budget are as follows: o $15,000 to the Vail Valley Partnership; o $15,000 to Mountain Family Health Centers; o $20,000 to Youth Power 365; o $30,000 for the Walking Mountains Science Center; o $20,000 for the Eagle Air Alliance None of this effort would have been possible without the continuing support and direction of the Town Council. As representatives of the public interest of the Town of Avon, each member has spent a considerable amount of time and energy in governing the process of preparing this document. In addition, preparation of the annual budget requires a significant effort on the part of department directors and the staff. The staff’s commitment to financial management and efficient and effective operations and services is the key to making the most of every taxpayer dollar spent. Thank you to all who participated in this effort. Respectfully submitted, Scott Wright Asst. Town Manager / Director of Finance Section I, Page 5 Section I, Page 6 PROFILE OF THE TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO The Town of Avon was incorporated in 1978 and is located in Eagle County, eight miles west of the Town of Vail and seventeen miles east of the Town of Eagle. The Town sits north of U.S. Highway 6, directly adjacent to the Beaver Creek Resort and is bisected by Interstate Highway 70 from east to west. The primary transportation route to and from Avon is I-70. Aviation services and transportation are available at the Eagle County Airport, 24 miles west of the Town. The Town provides bus transportation services within the Town and offers, in funding partnership with the Beaver Creek Resort Company, a high-speed gondola that provides direct access to Beaver Creek Resort. Avon is also served by the Eagle County Regional Transit Authority which provides bus service throughout Eagle County. Eagle County encompasses approximately 1,694 square miles and spans from the summit of Vail Pass to Glenwood Canyon. Approximately 80% of Eagle County’s land is public – comprised of National Forests, wilderness areas, Bureau of Land Management properties, and state and local public lands. The Town of Avon currently encompasses approximately 8¼ square miles. The 2010 Census reported a population of 6,447. This figure represents the permanent resident population. Total population increases significantly during the winter tourist ski season. The Town operates under the council/manager form of government. Policy-making and legislative authority are vested in the Town Council, which consists of a mayor and a six- member council. The Town Council is responsible, among other things, for passing ordinances, adopting the budget, and appointing a Town Manager, Town Attorney, Town Prosecutor and Municipal Judge. The Town Manager is responsible for carrying out the policies and ordinances of the Council, overseeing the day-to-day operations of the Town, and for appointing the heads of the Town’s departments. The Council is elected on a non-partisan basis. Council members are elected to four-year staggered terms with three council members elected in November, 2016, and the remaining four to be elected in November, 2018. The mayor and mayor pro-tem are elected from amongst the elected council members by a majority vote. The mayor presides at meetings of council and shall not vote until all other Council members present who are eligible to vote have had reasonable opportunity to vote. The affirmative concurring vote of four (4) Council members is required for the adoption of an ordinance, resolution, order for appropriation, approval of a contract or approval of an intergovernmental agreement. The Town is a home-rule community empowered to levy a property tax on the assessed value of real property located within the Town. The Town collects a 4% sales tax on all retail sales, and a 4% accommodations tax on the lease or rental of hotel rooms, condominium units and other accommodations within the Town. The Town also collects a 2% real estate transfer tax on all sales of real property located within the Town. An important exception is within The Village at Avon Planned Unit Development where, in accordance with the Annexation and Development Agreement of October 13, 1998, and as subsequently amended, the Town does not currently collect these taxes. The Town has the power by state Section I, Page 7 statute to extend its corporate limits by annexation, which is done periodically when deemed appropriate by the Town Council. The Town provides a full range of municipal services including police protection; the construction and maintenance of parks, streets and roads, and infrastructure; recreational amenities and cultural activities and events; community planning and zoning; and general administrative services. Annual Budget. The annual budget serves as the foundation for the Town of Avon’s financial planning and control. No later than October 15th, the Town Manager submits to the Mayor and Town Council a proposed budget for the calendar year commencing the following January 1st. The budget is prepared by fund, department, program and project and includes information on the prior year, current estimates and requested appropriations and estimated revenues for the upcoming year. The Town Council holds public hearings and may change appropriations except for expenditures required by law for debt service or for estimated cash deficits. No change to the budget may increase the authorized expenditures to any amount greater than the total amount of funds available. The Town Council must adopt the budget by resolution prior to December 15th. Once adopted, the Town Council may at any time, by resolution, amend the budget. In addition, the Town Manager may transfer part or all of any unencumbered appropriation balance among programs within a department. A department is defined by the Town as a distinct, principal or specialized division (e.g. the department of public works). Expenditures may not legally exceed budgeted appropriations at the fund level. Budget to actual comparison are provided in this report for all funds and are presented at a lower-than- required level of control to facilitate detailed financial analysis. Budgetary comparisons for the Town’s General Fund and its major special revenue funds (Avon Urban Renewal Authority, Water Fund) are presented as required supplemental information in this report. Budget to actual comparisons for all other Town funds are included as other supplemental information in this report. Strategic Plan. Town Council updated and approved its 2017-19 Town of Avon Strategic Plan on July 25, 2017. The 2018-19 budget utilizes a priority-based budget approach for using a strategic decision-making process in funding programs and services to best ensure effective use of the Town’s limited resources. This process is intended to evolve over time to provide more useful information as to the relative importance of individual programs and services which can then be prioritized within and across departments. This budget approach requires budget narratives which describe discrete and specific activities and/or operations for each Town fund and program. Each operation is then quantified in terms of estimated personnel and nonpersonnel costs providing a total cost for the operation. Local Economy. Year-round tourism and winter recreation-related businesses account for a significant portion of the employment and earned income of area residents. Skier and snowboarder visits at Vail and Beaver Creek Resort account for almost 20% of the total such Section I, Page 8 visits in Colorado. Called “A skier’s Disneyland” Skinet.com ranked Vail as the #4 ski resort in the West for the 2016-2017 season, while Beaver Creek Resort was ranked 6th. In addition to skiing and associated winter-time activities, the area promotes a number of summer activities. The Town of Avon sponsors numerous special events throughout the year to area residents and visitors including a 4th of July fireworks display; multiple sporting events, such as Colorado’s annual Triple Bypass Bike Tour; and family-friendly activities like the spring Easter egg hunt. Avon’s Whitewater Park, with three distinct water features, is also open all summer for boaters and spectators to enjoy. Offering several championship golf courses, Eagle County has earned a rating by Golf Digest Magazine as one of the top 40 golf communities in which to live. Other summer activities include hiking, horseback riding, bicycling, kayaking and rafting, as well as other recreational sports. Section I, Page 9 TOWN OF AVON 2017-2019 STRATEGIC PLAN Adopted by the Avon Town Council Resolution 17-16, Series of 2017 July 25, 2017 Section I, Page 10 Purpose of the Strategic Plan The Strategic Plan is developed and adopted to guide decision-making and provide the structure for ensuring investments and programs reflect Council priorities in achieving the vision and adopted plans of the Town of Avon. Updated each year to reflect the priorities of the Town Council, the adopted Strategic Plan provides the Avon community information about the important work planned by the Town, over the planning period. Once the Strategic Plan is adopted, a budget is prepared to meet the multi-year program, followed by each department submitting a business work plan to the Town Manager, identifying the timing and process for implementing each strategy. Progress on the work plans are monitored to ensure outcomes are met.  The Comprehensive Plan is the key leadership planning document of the Town and leads the Strategic Plan’s Vision, with the identification of tactical actions to meet the Vision.  In July of 2015, the Town Council provided the opportunity for residents and businesses to identify the most important issues in the Town through civic engagement outreach at open houses and through a Community Survey. The results have aided the Council in identifying priorities over the next several years and have provided information as to other methods to engage the public in the vision and strategic planning of the Town. A Community Survey is planned again for 2018. The Strategic Plan is organized as follows:  The Strategic Plan Vision provides a dynamic overview describing the way of life in Avon, the values the community holds and serves as a comprehensive statement regarding the focus and directed outcomes of the Town’s work. The Vision is directed by the Comprehensive Plan.  From the Strategic Plan Vision, four key outcomes have been identified to set the prioritized work of the Town. The four outcomes, with successes, challenges and strategies to achieve each vision are detailed, resulting in a Strategic Plan. Section I, Page 11 Strategic Plan Vision “Avon’s vision is to provide a high quality of life, today and in the future, for a diverse population; and to promote their ability to live, work, visit and recreate in the community.” TOWN OF AVON COMPREHENSIVE PLAN, ADOPTED MAY 23, 2017 The Town of Avon, surrounded by natural beauty, is today a strong community, which will maintain a focus on families and workers, and that will build on its strengths to become a nationally and internationally recognized year-round mountain resort community. Committed to providing a high level of municipal services for our citizens and visitors, and the stewardship of our natural resources, Avon will expand its cultural, recreational and educational offerings in partnership with our broader community and regional public and private sector agencies, thereby ensuring sustained economic vitality and a vibrant community experience. Recent resort-oriented accommodations projects in Avon are of a higher standard than the Town attracted at its founding and in its early years. It is this superior level of quality development that Avon believes will be its comparative advantage in the future, and, therefore, will work to attract and promote these types of developments by ensuring Town plans and incentives are constructed in a manner which provides the development community clear and timely information; and, by steadfastly maintaining a professional and solution-oriented municipal business. The Town will continue to value and support our full-time and part-time resident population by providing an exceptional level of municipal services and by working to retain existing businesses as the Town seeks to expand its retail and commercial base, while fostering our sense of community through both our spirit and the built environment. The importance of vibrancy and activity within the Town will be supported by attracting an array of new and diverse cultural and recreational events to Avon which are in concert with the values of our community and serve to nurture a cohesive sense of place and public. It is the Town of Avon’s elected officials and staff commitment to fiduciary responsibility, effectiveness and efficiency in providing government services and a practiced belief in open and transparent governance that will lead the successful implementation of this vision for the growth and development of Avon. Section I, Page 12 Strategic Plan Fiscal Years 2017-19 SUPPORT A STRONG COMMUNITY, BUILDING ON STRENGTHS AS A YEAR-ROUND MOUNTAIN RESORT COMMUNITY The Town will continue to value and support our community through a strong and diverse economy, attentive to business retention and proactively partnering with the private sector to expand Avon’s retail and commercial base. The Town’s commitment to planning for future growth; to ensuring there is a hierarchy of built forms to reflect the importance of the Town Center; an openness to new community development trends; and, recognition of private property interests and the costs of doing business with the Town, sets forth a dynamic relationship for the successful construction of the built environment and business growth. RECENT SUCCESSES ADOPTION OF THE AVON COMPREHENSIVE PLAN –APPROVAL OF BEAVER CREEK BLVD FINAL DESIGN – WEBSITE UPDATED – LOT B HOTEL APPROVAL – EAGLEBEND FINANCING – BENCHMARK COVENANTS TERMINATION - BUS PILOT TESTS, DEVIATED LOOPS & FUNDING OF EVENING SERVICE – ZAGSTER BIKE SHARE PROGRAM - VALLEY HOME STORE MANAGEMENT AGREEMENT – FRANCHISE AGREEMENT - NOVEMBER 2017 BALLOT QUESTION FOR BROADBAND EXEMPTION CURRENT CHALLENGES SHORTAGE OF AFFORDABLE LOCAL HOUSING FOR WORKERS & SENIORS - FEW HOUSING OWNERSHIP OPPORTUNITIES – APPROVALS & OPPORTUNITIES WITH THE RAILROAD - CHANGING DEMOGRAPHICS OF THE SKI INDUSTRY & INCREASED COMPETITION STRATEGIES Tier 1 Priorities  Meet the Comprehensive Plan Housing goals to 1) Achieve a diverse range of housing densities, styles and types, including rental and for sale, to serve all segments of the population; and 2) Coordinate with neighboring communities to provide an attainable housing program that incorporates both rental an ownership opportunities, which are affordable for local working families.  Town of Avon Properties Development Strategies:  Finalize in 2017, through the PZC recommendation process and Council adoption process the preparation of development strategies for Tract G, Lot 5 and Swift Gulch, building on the Stan Clauson Associates, November, 2015, initial plan. In the Tract G planning, evaluate expansion of the Recreation Center and a parking garage. Ensure increase access to the Eagle River and utilization of the river is included in the planning. Engage a citizen committee to serve as a stakeholder group for consideration of the relocation of the Hahnewald Barn, Blacksmith Shop and Cabin in the Town of Avon. The planning will be an inclusive process with the greatest civic engagement from the initial meetings through adoption hearings.  Develop an implementation plan once adopted.In the interim, construct cleaning and minor facility upgrade budgets for Fire Station 7 and the Wildridge Fire Station for renting to Section I, Page 13 workers and/or working families in late 2017/2018, with consideration of terms which allow for future renovation.  Invest in multi-modal improvements prioritizing walkability and bicycle use on streets, with transit, parking and wayfinding.  Beaver Creek Boulevard – Walkability/Bike/Pedestrian/Vehicle Redesign: Bid project in fall of 2017; Construct in 2018, pending bid approval.  2017 Town of Avon Multimodal Transportation and Parking Plan – Finalize PZC recommendation and program Council action for adoption in the summer/fall of 2017  Nottingham Road/I-70-Avon Road Underpass Improvements – Design 1) Nottingham Road drainage improvements to mitigate mud and debris flows; 2) Pedestrian safety improvements including crosswalks and sidewalks; and 3) I-70-Avon Road Underpass Safety/Beautification Entry Improvement. Bid and Construct as designs and funding are approved.  Fully support Avon transit as a key element of a walkable community, including funding of a Town late night transit loop; testing taxi, dial-a-ride or transportation network company (e.g., Uber) services for low-ride routes, including Wildridge and West Beaver Creek Boulevard west of Lake Street, and a Tipsy Taxi program; stay attentive to the potential role of autonomous cars.  Participate in the development of the ECO Transportation Development Plan and work with the ECO Board to advance Avon initiatives, such as increasing to late night bus service to serve workers and a Tipsy Taxi program.  Evaluate the tiers of the Avon water tap fee to ensure that the fee accounts fairly for residential home sizes.  Implement the Zagster bike share program for the period of August 31, 2017 through October 31, 2018, monitor and report on challenges and successes.  Pending outcome of the November, 2017, election seeking exemption from SB-152, develop a program for Avon to join the Smart City vision of integrating information and communication technology to serve first Town public spaces and then, through a public/private partnership, serve residential and commercial users, through broadband development. Participate in the Mountain Connect forums.  Work progressively with the Union Pacific Railroad to: 1) Verify the railroad ROW through Avon; 2) Gain permits for needed pedestrian infrastructure on WBCB; 3) Sustain continual clean-up of the railroad ROW; 4) Address the Richardson Ground Squirrel population; and 5) Explore opportunities for a cross-country ski track and allowing railbikes from Edwards to Minturn.  Retain consultant services to analyze total revenues collected (all major sources) and revenue tax share from the Real Estate Transfer Tax rate, including the primary exemption of $160,000 as a mechanism to increase affordable opportunities for homeownership in Avon to support employee housing shortages for Avon businesses. Once completed, in a collaborative work group, with Eagle County, its municipalities and major metropolitan districts, review Eagle County’s revenues and expenditures apportionment. Tier 2 Priorities  Evaluate the formation of a special improvement district to improve the facades of the Avon Center, Comfort Inn, First Bank, and other properties along E/W Beaver Creek Boulevard, including but not limited to landscaping, streetscape and beautification programs. Include development of public spaces in the district assessment.  Evaluate whether Avon should pursue a Downtown Development Authority to support economic development partnerships. Section I, Page 14  Support Town Council efforts to develop a Sister City relationship. On-going  Work proactively with the owners of vacant commercial property to find leaseholders and/or redevelopment projects and, when appropriate, 1) Utilize Urban Renewal Authority tax increments generated from the existing district or in a potential new Urban Renewal Authority district, and/or 2) Other economic development incentives including tax rebates, zoning amendments, etc.  Maintain a strong partner relationship with the Avon business community, developers, the EGE Air Alliance, Vail Valley Partnership and the Vail Leadership Institute/Vail Centre.  Support the efforts of the Avon Business Association, when appropriate.  Be aware and proactive in Town projects, programs and day-to-day work in the support, retention and development of inclusive neighborhoods, with specific attention to the needs and opportunities for the Avon Elementary School, such as hosting the spring graduation  In the Town’s Swim Program, when appropriate, include Homestake Elementary students in Avon’s school programs.  Throughout the year, Liaison Appointees and Town Manager will meet with respective principals for developments in the Town of Avon to discuss current issues, development needs and opportunities.  Maintain Google Transit maps for local bus schedules. Section I, Page 15 Strategic Plan Fiscal Years 2017-19 PRESERVE & ENHANCE THE NATURAL ENVIRONMENT Maintaining a strong foundation for the stewardship of Avon’s natural resources is a top commitment by the Town in order for the Town to protect Avon’s unique setting and its open spaces. Avon will promote sustainability through the funding of programs and projects to protect the Town’s and the regions clean waters and clean air and to conserve environmental resources. RECENT SUCCESSES WALKING MOUNTAINS CONSERVATION EASEMENT - WILDFIRE COORDINATION WITH ERFPD FOR FIRE RESPONSE AND HOMEOWNER OUTREACH – ADOPTION OF CLIMATE ACTION PLAN & IMPLEMENTATION PRIORITIES – PSF SOLAR – NEW TOWN HALL HEAT RECOVERY – CLEER ENERGY NAVIGATOR INSTALLATIONS - I AM PRO SNOW 110% COMMITTED – MAYORS NATIONAL CLIMATE ACTION SIGNATORY CURRENT CHALLENGES CLIMATE CHANGE - WILDFIRE POTENTIAL – DROUGHT – REDUCED NUMBER OF SKI DAYS - POTENTIAL COLORADO WATER COMPACT CALLS & SHORTAGES - EAGLE RIVER PROTECTION - RESOURCE COST ESCALATION STRATEGIES Tier 1 Priorities  From the 2016 Town of Avon Climate Action Plan Implementation Schedule, adopted on March 28, 2017, implement the Year One priorities, including but not limited to:  Considering legislation to end the use of plastic bags and non-compostable take-out containers by retailers and restaurants in the Town of Avon.  Establishing the CO2 baseline, modifying municipal buildings and street lights and monitoring.  Amending the Town’s landscape code to more effectively replace vegetation which has been removed and improve water quality in drainages, streams and along in the Eagle River  With the expertise of the UERWA, developing outdoor landscape guidelines/regulations to reduce water use and off-site impacts, such as fertilizer run-off, which can affect the Eagle River.  In planning for the new Police Station and Town Hall, adopt a paperless strategy to reduce waste and support files, etc.  Take the lead role in working with the UERWA to assess and potentially partner with the Aspens Mobile Home Village to improve and/or replace the property’s water distribution system to eliminate water loss.  Partnering with Walking Mountains Science Center and Eagle County to expand the Energy Smart Program and community educational outreach.  Identify and prioritize which municipal and/or land use codes should be revised to fully implement the Plan, including but not limited to a re-evaluation of the Alternative Equivalent Compliance regulation to include a stronger nexus, with specific metrics for performance to the Climate Action Plan and Avon’s Housing Goals. Section I, Page 16  Develop, with consultant services, the Harry A. Nottingham Landscape Plan; including in the plan timely replacement of the Town's public tree stock; invite Walking Mountains to evaluate biosphere enhancements to the northwest corner of Nottingham Lake during the planning process.  Proactively ensure trees on public and private property do not host and spread viruses; remove dead trees with a well-developed landscape program.  Complete the annexation of the East Avon Preserve. Tier 2 Priorities  Consider adopting a “pay-as-you-throw” refuse system and evaluate franchise agreements for waste haulers.  At such time as the Eagle County Landfill is prepared to receive compostable collected materials, evaluate how to implement collection in Avon and prepare a recommendation for Council action. On-going  Partner with Eagle County and its political jurisdictions to fully implement the Eagle County Climate Action Plan.  Participate as an active member of the Urban Run-off Group and the Eagle River Watershed Council to evaluate and support, as appropriate, needed Eagle River improvements. Section I, Page 17 Strategic Plan Fiscal Years 2017-19 DEVELOP INCLUSIVE & DIVERSE ECONOMIC, EDUCATIONAL, RECREATIONAL & CULTURAL OPPORTUNITIES The importance of vibrancy and activity within the Town will be supported by partnering with existing special events and attracting an array of new and diverse cultural, educational and recreational events to Avon, which meet the Town’s brand and are in concert with the values of our community and serve to nurture a cohesive sense of place and public. Providing an exceptional system of parks, trails, and recreational programs to serve the year-round needs of area residents and visitors is an important Town goal. RECENT SUCCESSES COMPLETION OF REGIONAL TRAIL AND METCALF CLIMBING LANE – COMPLETION OF PARK RESTROOM UPGRADE - PLAYGROUND GOCO GRANT – RECREATIONAL TRAILS UPDATE - DIVERSE EVENTS & FESTIVAL ACTIVATION – FESTIVAL REPORT & AGREEMENT CHANGES – APPOINTMENT OF AD HOC SPECIAL EVENTS COMMITTEE CURRENT CHALLENGES ATTRACTING & NURTURING A SUSTAINABLE YEAR-ROUND SCHEDULE OF SPECIAL EVENTS - SUMMER REVENUE, WHEN MEASURED BY SALES TAX, LAGS WINTER RECEIPTS STRATEGIES Tier 1 Priorities  Construct the Destination Jump, Splash, Learn playground, which has been funded with a GOCO grant and the appropriation of Community Enhancement Fund monies.  Under the auspices of the Ad Hoc Special Events Committee, continue to solicit, develop and fund, in partnership with qualified producers, a diverse program of vibrant arts, educational, cultural and recreational offerings at the Pavilion & Mall. In particular:  Seek to expand live theater as a desired multi-day or evening festival.  Expand use of the Pavilion in shoulder seasons to local band productions, which are low key and low budget, such as a battle-of-the-bands or open mike nights.  Work with Bravo! Vail to pursue performance options at the Avon Performance Pavilion.  To streamline and assist local and national big city promoters to efficiently produce and market events:  Develop detailed diagrams for all Avon event venues, including but limited to dimensions, location of electrical outlets, irrigation system, domestic water hose bib, parking lots, etc.  Develop best marketing practices and marketing advice for event success in Avon, and coop with any Avon marketing plan, where Avon has provided funding or use of a Town venue.  Establish, for ticketed events, procedures and policies to limit poaching of concerts.  Implement the adopted Avon Recreational Trails Plan as prioritized and adopted by the Avon Town Council, as soon as possible; and 1) pursue construction grants, when appropriate; and 2) rigorously seek an easement to construct a connecting trail from the southern terminus of Lake Street to the Eagle River Regional Trail. Section I, Page 18  As directed by the Town Council on May 23, 2017, implement the action plan to pursue a Colorado Creative District designation; budget and retain qualified consultant services for development of a strategic plan, as may be needed.  Rebuild Eagle River Whitewater Park and ensure the Base Camp development approval to construct on the south side of the Eagle River a connecting path be completed prior to Certificate of Occupancy; once rebuilt, seek to engage the Vail Valley Foundation in an activation program.  Evaluate the pros and cons of the Town of Avon using its special event liquor permit quota, as allowed for events at a Municipal Arts and Cultural Facility, which may include the Main Street Mall, New Town Hall, Harry A. Nottingham Park and the Avon Pavilion. As part of the evaluation assess alternatives for forming a (Liquor) Entertainment District or liquor license for venue premises.  Issue a Community Survey on or about August 15, 2018; coordinate with CAST efforts, if constructive to do so.  Continue to actively work with the USFS on the Town’s request for USFS 779 to be open to winter motorized use. Tier 2 Priorities  Build photo monuments around the commercial core to memorialize Avon’s history.  Evaluate a Scientific and Cultural District to provide funding for Walking Mountains’ educational programming and Avon’s cultural activities.  Identify locations for the installation of outdoor percussion instruments, including pianos, and fund in the Capital Projects Fund, when feasible. On-going  When approving Town funded or supported festivals and events which offer alcoholic libations, require that the sponsoring non-profit is an Avon community grant recipient or locally based nonprofit.  Support regional World Class events and the Walking Mountains School.  As appropriate, share the results of the Community Survey with potential business interests in terms of types of businesses and services desired in Avon.  Maximize the grant resources available through potential sources available such as through the Office of Economic Development and International Trade, including its new Outdoor Industry Recreation Office; a Scientific & Cultural Facilities District, and Department of Local Affairs.  Ensure a valley-wide events calendar is maintained through the Vail Valley Partnership.  Be creative in activating the Town public ways with ideas such as bicycle pedal bars or a railroad trolley car.  Schedule Council civic engagement opportunities at the Pavilion Green Room. Section I, Page 19 Strategic Plan Fiscal Years 2017-19 PROVIDE A RESPONSIVE, CUTTING-EDGE & EFFECTIVE GOVERNMENT Ensure that Town government is managed and operated as a competitive business and in a manner which is client-focused and solution-oriented, meeting the highest standards of fiduciary responsibility, implementing best practices, and using Town resources effectively and efficiently in each department. Provide for the development of capital projects, which support the community- resort economy, and promote the Town brand through a five-year capital investment plan, utilizing appropriate funding mechanisms such as pay-as-you-go, new mill levy and/or current tax receipt long-term debt. Support a work culture that is flexible, innovative and resilient to change RECENT SUCCESSES COUNCIL STRATEGIC PLAN ADOPTED – PUBLIC SAFETY FACILITY COMPLETED – NEW TOWN HALL DESIGN & PRICING COMPLETED - CIVIC ENGAGEMENT PROGRAMS EXPANDED - BALANCED BUDGETS ACHIEVED – RESERVES MAINTAINED – 2017 EXPENDITURE SAVINGS - DEFFERED MAINTENANCE FUNDED CURRENT CHALLENGES CIVIC ENGAGEMENT OUTREACH CHALLENGES - LABOR FORCE COMPETITION – RISING COST OF CONSTRUCTION - COMPETING FOR GRANTS FOR PUBLIC PROJECTS STRATEGIES Tier 1 Priorities  Complete construction of the new Police Station at the Public Safety Facility and staff relocation.  Pursue completion of the New Town Hall as a LEED Gold (or Silver, pending costs) building, with full pricing, value engineering, Council authorization for the bid release and bid. marketing plan; present most qualified lowest price bid to the Town Council for action  Evaluate how best to conduct Avon’s Annual Town Clean-up Day, including but not limited to date (day or evening), marketing and any type of community gathering after the clean-up is completed.  Implement the Marketing Plan’s 2017 – 2019 priorities.  Monitor and adjust as needed the comprehensive Community Swim Program.  Identify location(s) and cost(s) for the development of one or more dog parks in Avon or nearby in partnership with Eagle-Vail. Section I, Page 20 Tier 2 Priorities  Plan and budget for the development of Lot 5, in the Five Year Capital Improvements Plan, including adding a reserve line item for an equipment and vehicle storage facility and future office space. On-going  Maintain Town infrastructure, including all buildings, roads, parks, preserves and trails; appropriating deferred maintenance funds as required, and seeking long term debt approval, when appropriate.  Provide strategic Council leadership, consistently practicing open and transparent government.  Maintain and consistently evaluate a strong civic engagement program, including ad hoc committees, a triannual community survey, volunteerism program, etc.  Maintain fund balances, contingency and reserves to guarantee a fiscal position that is resilient to economic fluctuations; transfer surplus funds to capital projects.  Continue to develop annual department work plans, which are measurable and maintain accountability.  Hold annual or bi-annual sessions in joint meeting settings with government partners.  Host a Ski with the Police Day at the Beaver Creek Resort as part of Avon’s Resort/Police Department agreement.  Seek a naming sponsor for the Avon Performance Pavilion. Section I, Page 21 TOWN OF AVON DESCRIPTION OF FUNDS Fund Major Revenue Sources Purpose Fund Balance Restrictions Fund Balance Reserve Policies General Fund General property taxes, sales taxes, utility taxes, lodging taxes, franchise fees, licenses & permit fees, intergovernmental revenues, recreation charges, fines & forfeitures, investment earnings, other miscellaneous revenues. The Town’s primary operating fund. It is used to account for all activities of the Town not required to be accounted for in some other fund. Restricted - 3% TABOR Emegency Reserve 25% of General Fund total operating expenditures and operating transfers-out, excluding contingency and transfers-out to Capital Projects Fund. Avon Urban Renewal Fund Property tax increment revenues, bond proceeds. Used to account for the activities of redevelopment that are undertaken by the Avon Urban Renewal Authority, including issuing debt and constructing public improvements. Restricted - Bond reserve in the amount of $628,240 is held in a separate Colotrust account.None Water Fund Water surcharges, tap fees. Used to account for the cost of maintaining certain water-related assets and for the receipt of water surcharges and tap fees within the Town limits. Restricted - Water-related improvements None Debt Service Fund Property taxes, transfers-in from other funds. Used to account for the accumulation of resources for the payment of principal and interest on the Town's general obligation and revenue bonds. Restricted - for repayment of bonded indebtedness.None Capital Projects Fund Real estate transfer taxes, transfers-in from other funds. Used to account for the acquisition and construction of major capital facilities and infrastructure. Restricted - for the purpose of capital improvements, including but not limited to, railroad crossings, bridges and streets, payment of principal of premium, if any, and interest on debt incurred by the Town relating to capital improvements or, upon determination of an emergency by unanimous minus one (1) vote of Council Members present, for any valid municipal purpose. (Ord. 87-19 §1; Ord. 80-6 §14). No formal policy. However, staff has informally used a policy of $1.0 - $1.5 million for any given year within the long-range plan The Town of Avon provides an extensive range of municipal services. The following is a list of the Town's funds with major revenue sources, purposesrestrictions and reserve policies listed. Section I, Page 22 TOWN OF AVON DESCRIPTION OF FUNDS Fund Major Revenue Sources Purpose Fund Balance Restrictions Fund Balance Reserve Policies Transit Fund General Improvement District No.1 property taxes, contracts with other local entities and wash bay charges. Use to account for activities involved in operating the Town's transif system.No legal restrictions.None Fleet Maintenance Fund Charges for services from Town departments and 3rd party entities, and sales of fuel. Used to account for activities involved in performing maintenance of Town fleet and certain other equipment and for certain 3rd party entities.No legal restrictions.None Equipment Replacement Fund Rental charges to other funds and departments for use of equipment, sales of capital assets, and capital lease proceeds. Used to account for the rental of vehicles and equipment to Town departments for the accumulation of funds for future replacement.No legal restrictions. Fund balance generally equals the collected future repalcement cost of the assets held in the fund. Community Enhancement Fund 1% Community Enhancement Fee from Holy Cross pursuant to franchise agreement. Used to account for revenues received from the 1% Community Enhancement Fee for use for beatification projects, energy conservation projects, equipment and technology upgrades for schools, scholarship funds, acquisition of open space and/or park land, sponsorship of special community events, and undergrounding of overhead electric and other utility lines Restricted - for the purposes identified per the Holy Cross Franchise Agreement.None Affordable Housing Fund Affordable housing exaction fees, rental revenues from housing units. Used to account for accumulation of resources received and restricted for use in the Town's affordable housing program.No legal restrictions.None Section I, Page 23 TOWN OF AVON FINANCIAL AND BUDGETARY POLICIES The following budget policies are intended to help provide general guidance for operating and CIP budget preparation, adoption, and implementation. GENERAL BUDGETARY POLICIES Responsibilities. Prior to the beginning of each fiscal year, the Town Manager shall prepare and submit to the Council a recommended budget for the next fiscal year and an accompanying message. The Town Manager may delegate this responsibility to a budget officer. If so delegated, the budget officer has full responsibility for managing the coordination and administration of the budget process. The budget is a resource-allocation policy document. Council’s primary focus should be on policy issues. Major policy issues such as funding priorities and “macro” problems shall be described in the budget document. As representatives of the public interest, elected officials frequently devote considerable time and energy to examining details of government operations. This watchdog function is important and is an inevitable part of the budget review process. However, excessive review of details may preclude thoughtful study of broader policy issues that rightfully should dominate public policy debate. The Town Manager, Budget Officer, and Department Directors shall be expected to provide sufficient information to help frame the policy review and debate. Communication. The budget document shall be prepared so that it facilitates public study and effectively communicates key economic issues and fiscal policies. The Town should avoid preparing a budget document that is so detailed that it does not communicate effectively with the public. Long-range Planning. The operating budget shall be developed with a focus on long- term financial balance. Long-term financial commitments should be evaluated closely. Nonrecurring revenues and resources should not be used to finance continuing operations. A 5-year long-range plan providing projections of revenues and expenditures for the general, special revenue, and debt service funds will be prepared and updated annually to provide prospective to each annual budget process. Public Involvement. Opportunities should be provided for public input at the beginning of the budgeting process as well as during the Council’s public review and budget adoption. Efforts to improve the legitimacy of the budgeting process by involving the public shall be encouraged. Town Council and staff should seek to obtain resident and business reactions before the budget becomes adopted. Section I, Page 24 Level of Service. The Town shall endeavor to maintain its current level of service to its citizens. No increase or decrease in service should be planned with the exception of items discussed during the budget planning process. Performance Measurement. Efficiency and economy in the delivery of Town services is always a priority. Where possible, the Town will endeavor to integrate performance measurement and productivity indicators within the budget. FINANCIAL POLICIES Basis of Accounting. All governmental fund budgets are prepared using the modified accrual basis of accounting. Under this method, revenues are recognized when susceptible to accrual, that is, measurable and available. Available means collectible in the current period or soon enough thereafter to be used to pay liabilities of the current period. Expenditures, other than interest on long-term obligations that is recorded when due, are recognized when they are expected to be liquidated with expendable available resources. All proprietary fund budgets are also prepared using the modified accrual basis of accounting. While this method is not recognized as generally accepted for proprietary funds, it remains the most practical for the Town of Avon for budgetary purposes. Budgetary Control. Budgetary control is maintained at the departmental level as directed by the Town Charter. All non-capital fund appropriations lapse at the end of the Town’s fiscal year. The Finance Department operates and maintains the Town’s centralize accounting system. Accounting records are maintained in accordance with all legal requirements and generally accepted accounting principles. This automated accounting system, including the Finance Department’s policies and procedures and organizational structure, provide multiple levels of controls on expenditures of funds. In addition to the Town’s internal controls, the Town employs a Certified Public Accounting Firm to annually audit its accounting records and review its internal controls. The Town also submits its Annual Comprehensive Financial Report annually to the Government Finance Officers Association for review regarding conformance to financial reporting standards. The Town has received the Certificate of Achievement for excellence in Financial Reporting each year since 1991. Fund Balances. Fund balances shall be maintained at levels sufficient to absorb unpredictable revenue shortfalls and to insure desired cash flow levels. Fund balances should also be maintained at levels sufficient to avoid undesirable borrowing. “Surplus” fund balances should be committed first to capital needs. Section I, Page 25 Revenues. Revenues provide the resources by which the Town carries out its mission, goals and objectives. Revenue policies in general shall strive to improve the equity and efficiency of the Town’s revenue structure. The Town shall strive to diversify and broaden its supporting revenue base. Cost Recovery Fees and User Fee Levels. Cost recovery fees, where appropriate, should be established to ensure that rates are equitable and cover the total cost of providing the service or that portion of the total cost deemed appropriated by the Town. All fee schedules should be reviewed annually as a part of the budget process and adjusted accordingly. Grants. The Town shall aggressively seek a fair share of available State and Federal financial support unless conditions attached to such assistance are contrary to the Town’s interest. Prior to applying for and accepting intergovernmental aid, the Town will examine the matching requirements so that the source and availability of these funds may be determined before the grant application is made. The Town shall assess the merits of a particular program as if it were funded with local tax dollars. Local tax dollars will not be used to make up for losses of intergovernmental aid without first reviewing the program and its merits. Balanced Budget. The Town of Avon will develop balanced budgets in which current resources (current revenues plus beginning fund balance) will equal or exceed current expenditures. The Town will avoid budgetary and accounting procedures which balance the budget at the expense of future budgets, such as: postponing expenditures, accruing future years revenues, or rolling over short-term debt. The budget will provide for adequate maintenance and replacement of capital plant and equipment. All budgetary procedures will conform with existing state and local regulations. Contingencies. The budget shall include a line item for contingencies for unexpected or unplanned expenditures and emergencies. No transfer from this line item shall be made without the approval of the Town Council. The amount provided for shall be a minimum of 0.5% of total operating expenditures within the General Fund. Procurement. Procurement practices should promote maximum value and economy through a competitive process. Vendors and Service providers should be selected using processes that minimize opportunities for favoritism. The Town’s purchasing and procurement process should encourage life-cycle costing, value analysis, cooperative purchasing, and efficient disposition of surplus assets. Local vendors should be preferred only when such practices are shown to benefit Town citizens and taxpayers. Emergency purchases should be minimized. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT AND DEBT FINANCING POLICIES Capital improvement policies provide for the systematic repair and/or replacement of existing capital assets. Section I, Page 26 Capital Improvement Program. The Town will plan for capital improvements over a multi-year period of time. The Capital Projects Fund 5-Year Plan represents the Town’s commitment to a multi-year CIP program and relates directly to other long-range plans and policies of the Town. The plan will be updated each year as part of the budget planning process. The plan may include (in years other than the first year of the plan) “unfunded” projects that carry out the Towns strategic and general objectives, but it should also include capital spending that identifies specific projects that can and will be completed with known funding sources. The capital improvements program will incorporate in its projections of expenditures and funding sources any amounts relating to previous year’s appropriations but which have yet to be expended. The first year of the 5-Year Plan will be used as the basis for formal fiscal year appropriations during the annual budget process. Appropriations made in prior years for which expenditures have not been changed nor projects completed will be reevaluated and incorporated into appropriations for the next fiscal year. Operating Impacts. An economic impact analysis and a maintenance impact statement shall be prepared by staff when submitting a major capital improvement project to Council for consideration for inclusion in the CIP program and 5-Year Plan. Operating fund budgets to maintain capital improvements and addition staff needs must be identified, estimated and amended if necessary, prior to making a final decision to approve and undertake a specific capital improvement project. Technology. New and emerging technologies should be evaluated for opportunities for use. Where new technologies permit labor savings or allow other cost reductions capital spending can actually help balance future budgets. Capital Financing. Capital improvements will be financed primarily through the Town’s Real Estate Transfer Tax, other user fees, service charges, assessments, or developer agreements when benefits can be specifically attributed to users. Development impact fees should be created and implemented at levels sufficient to ensure that new development pays its fair share of the cost of constructing necessary community facilities. Debt financing is appropriate only as a means of matching facilities’ costs with the benefits enjoyed by future residents. Projects should be categorized as follows, with financing noted for each category: (1) Replacement – capital expenditures relating to normal replacement of worn or obsolete capital plant should be financed on a pay-as-you-go basis, with debt Section I, Page 27 financing only considered when appropriate. Depreciable assets should, whenever possible, be financed through internal service funds; (2) Expansion – capital expenditures relating to the construction of new or expanded facilities necessitated by growth should be financed primarily on a pay-as-you-go basis, but when new improvements can be determined to benefit the overall population in the future, debt financing may be appropriate; (3) Unusual – some capital expenditures for improvements enhance the quality of life in the Town of Avon and are consistent with the Town’s goals but cannot be categorized as essential for the provision of basic services or maintenance of the useful life of existing facilities. The source of funding in this category shall be determined by looking to the ultimate beneficiary of the capital improvement. Section I, Page 28 Original or Final Prev. Amend.Revised Adopted Proposed Actual Budget Budget Budget Budget 2016 2017 2017 2018 2019 REVENUES Taxes 17,783,035$ 16,141,441$ 18,135,097 17,988,894$ 16,488,894$ Licenses and Permits 259,997 206,100 356,646 231,100 231,100 Intergovernmental 3,614,467 1,780,778 2,449,929 1,144,926 1,048,926 Charges for Services 3,820,650 4,125,433 3,377,441 3,972,058 3,973,992 Fines and Forfeitures 91,014 92,445 92,445 92,445 92,445 Investment Earnings 141,567 157,533 221,503 186,974 211,193 Other Revenue 748,969 590,860 756,164 687,542 687,445 Total Operating Revenues 26,459,699 23,094,590 25,389,225 24,303,939 22,733,995 Other Sources Sales of Fixed Assets 55,300 15,000 15,000 23,000 21,000 Capital Lease Proceeds - 185,000 355,615 375,000 - Bond and Loan Proceeds 6,602,205 3,000,000 3,000,000 - - Transfers-In From Other Funds 4,454,313 7,262,696 7,260,086 3,090,971 3,056,685 Total Other Sources 11,111,818 10,462,696 10,630,701 3,488,971 3,077,685 TOTAL REVENUES 37,571,517 33,557,286 36,019,926 27,792,910 25,811,680 EXPENDITURES General Government and Finance 3,119,007 3,489,558 3,457,058 3,697,489 3,698,862 Community Development 1,201,086 1,539,520 1,533,484 1,334,749 1,320,764 Public Safety 3,122,942 3,396,218 3,304,540 3,631,929 3,572,668 Public Works, Engineering and Utilities 5,067,825 4,766,489 4,546,220 4,657,238 4,730,293 Transportation and Fleet Maintenance 3,236,810 3,823,320 3,754,819 3,381,757 3,334,051 Recreation 1,293,277 1,452,275 1,411,931 1,517,394 1,559,839 Total Operating Expenditures 17,040,947 18,467,380 18,008,052 18,220,556 18,216,477 Debt Service 2,057,521 2,106,308 2,107,254 2,029,690 2,008,143 Capital Improvements and Equipment Replacement 9,072,418 13,203,402 14,205,711 3,004,517 1,412,014 Contingency - 444,493 - 450,000 325,000 Other Uses Transfers-Out To Other Funds 4,454,313 7,244,486 7,260,086 3,090,971 3,056,685 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 32,625,199 41,466,069 41,581,103 26,795,734 25,018,319 NET SOURCE (USE) OF FUNDS 4,946,318 (7,908,783) (5,561,177) 997,176 793,361 FUND BALANCES, Beginning of Year 17,603,053 22,274,611 22,549,371 16,988,194 17,985,370 FUND BALANCES, End of Year 22,549,371$ 14,365,828$ 16,988,194$ 17,985,370$ 18,778,731$ TOTAL - ALL FUNDS TOWN OF AVON Financial Overview Section II, Page 1 Urban Community Affordable General Renewal Enhancement Water Housing Fund Fund Fund Fund Fund REVENUE Taxes 12,828,034$ 1,419,328$ -$ -$ -$ Licenses and Permits 226,100 - - - - Intergovernmental 1,029,926 - - - - Charges for Services 1,615,108 - - 170,000 28,800 Fines and Forfeitures 92,445 - - - - Investment Earnings 135,000 7,853 - - 621 Other Revenue 420,300 - 80,000 - 3,120 Total Operating Revenues 16,346,913 1,427,181 80,000 170,000 32,541 Other Sources Sales of Fixed Assets - - - - - Capital Lease Proceeds - - - - - Bond and Loan Proceeds - - - - - Transfers-In From Other Funds 233,117 - - - - TOTAL REVENUES 16,580,030 1,427,181 80,000 170,000 32,541 EXPENDITURES General Government, Housing and Finance 3,669,039$ 3,450 - - 25,000 Community Development 1,334,749 - - - - Police 3,631,929 - - - - Public Works, Engineering and Utilities 4,513,089 - - 144,149 - Transportation and Fleet Maintenance - - - - - Recreation and Culture 1,517,394 - - - - Total Operating Expenditures 14,666,200 3,450 - 144,149 25,000 Debt Service - 891,066 - - - Capital Expenditures - - - - - Contingency 200,000 - - - - Other Uses Transfers-Out To Other Funds 1,702,000 20,000 - 125,000 - TOTAL EXPENDITURES 16,568,200 914,516 - 269,149 25,000 NET SOURCE (USE) OF FUNDS 11,830 512,665 80,000 (99,149) 7,541 FUND BALANCES, Beginning of Year 5,904,568 1,323,321 205 111,946 563,329 FUND BALANCES, End of Year 5,916,398$ 1,835,986$ 80,205$ 12,797$ 570,870$ Special Revenue Funds TOTAL - BY FUND TOWN OF AVON Financial Overview Section II, Page 2 Debt Service Internal Fund Service Exterior Capital Percent Energy Offset Bond Projects Transit Fleet Equipment of Fund Redemption Fund Fund Maintenance Replacement Total Total -$ -$ 3,700,000$ 41,532$ -$ -$ 17,988,894$ 74.02% 5,000 - - - - - 231,100 0.95% - - 40,000 75,000 - - 1,144,926 4.71% - - - 239,246 1,279,426 639,478 3,972,058 16.34% - - - - - - 92,445 0.38% - 6,000 37,500 - - - 186,974 0.77% - - 80,000 104,122 - - 687,542 2.83% 5,000 6,000 3,857,500 459,900 1,279,426 639,478 24,303,939 100.00% - - - - - 23,000 23,000 - - 375,000 - - - 375,000 - - - - - - - - 1,010,854 265,000 1,167,000 415,000 - 3,090,971 5,000 1,016,854 4,497,500 1,626,900 1,694,426 662,478 27,792,910 - - - - - - 3,697,489 20.29% - - - - - - 1,334,749 7.33% - - - - - - 3,631,929 19.93% - - - - - - 4,657,238 25.56% - - - 1,687,784 1,693,973 - 3,381,757 18.56% - - - - - - 1,517,394 8.33% - - - 1,687,784 1,693,973 - 18,220,556 100.00% - 1,016,854 121,770 - - - 2,029,690 - - 2,420,000 - - 584,517 3,004,517 - - 250,000 - - - 450,000 - - 1,243,971 - - - 3,090,971 - 1,016,854 4,035,741 1,687,784 1,693,973 584,517 26,795,734 5,000 - 461,759 (60,884) 453 77,961 997,176 32,768 536,567 4,418,512 625,541 239,818 3,231,619 16,988,194 37,768$ 536,567$ 4,880,271$ 564,657$ 240,271$ 3,309,580$ 17,985,370$ Enterprise Funds TOTAL - BY FUND TOWN OF AVON Financial Overview Section II, Page 3 REVENUES TOWN OF AVON Financial Overview Taxes 74.02% Intergovernmental 4.71% Charges for Services 16.34% Investment Earnings 0.77%Licenses, Fines, Other 4.16% 2018 Total Operating Revenues By Major Source Taxes 71.43% Intergovernmental 9.65% Charges for Services 13.30% Investment Earnings 0.87%Licenses, Fines, Other 4.75% 2017 Total Operating Revenues By Major Source Section II, Page 4 Original or Final Prev. Amend.Revised Adopted Proposed Actual Budget Budget Budget Budget 2016 2017 2017 2018 2019 TAXES General Property Tax 2,808,814 2,778,154 2,902,011 3,298,945 3,298,945 Specific Ownership Tax 119,483 120,000 120,000 120,000 120,000 Real Estate Transfer Tax 3,497,602 2,200,000 4,200,000 3,700,000 2,200,000 Sales Tax 8,250,381 8,451,015 8,263,606 8,248,606 8,248,606 Utility Tax 102,643 110,000 110,000 110,000 110,000 Accomodations Tax 1,289,879 1,367,272 1,319,538 1,306,343 1,306,343 VAA Retail Sales Fee 735,280 700,000 781,822 775,000 775,000 Franchise Fees 432,488 415,000 438,120 430,000 430,000 Total Taxes 17,236,570$ 16,141,441$ 18,135,097$ 17,988,894$ 16,488,894$ REVENUES TOWN OF AVON Financial Overview The Town of Avon anticipates collecting approximately $17,988,894 or 74.02% of its operating revenues, through an assortment of taxes in 2018. The chart and table below depicts the amount and type of taxes projected for 2018. The Town's sales tax rate is 4.0%. The sales tax is deposited into the General Fund to partially finance the operating costs associated with providing general governmental type services to the community. The Town also has a 2.0% real estate transfer tax. The tax is charged on all sales of real estate within the Town. Proceeds from this tax are deposited into the Town's Capital Projects Fund and help pay for major capital improvement projects. General Property Tax 18.34% Specific Ownership Tax 0.67% Real Estate Transfer Tax 20.57%Sales Tax 45.85% Utility Tax 0.61% Accomodations Tax 7.26% VAA Retail Sales Fee 4.31%Franchise Fees 2.39% 2018 Taxes By Type Section II, Page 5 REVENUES TOWN OF AVON Financial Overview Property Tax For 2018, the Towns' property tax rate for the General Fund will remain at 8.956 mills. In addition, the Avon Urban Renewal Authority has budgeted $1,419,328 in property tax increment. Total property tax revenues for the Town are budgeted at $3,298,945 or 18.34% of total tax revenues. The two charts below show the Town's historical property tax levies and assessed valuations for the past ten years. $- $50,000,000 $100,000,000 $150,000,000 $200,000,000 $250,000,000 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 Year Historical Assessed Values $- $500,000 $1,000,000 $1,500,000 $2,000,000 $2,500,000 $3,000,000 $3,500,000 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 Year Property Tax Levy Section II, Page 6 *Total expenditures excluding operating transfers and contingencies EXPENDITURES TOWN OF AVON Financial Overview General Government and Finance 10.07% Community Development 4.47% Public Safety 9.63% Public Works, Engineering and Utilities 13.25% Transportation and Fleet Maintenance 10.94% Recreation 4.11% Debt Service 6.14% Capital Improvements and Equipment Replacement 41.39% 2017 Total Expenditures By Major Function* General Government and Finance 15.90% Community Development 5.74% Public Safety 15.62%Public Works, Engineering and Utilities 20.03% Transportation and Fleet Maintenance 14.54% Recreation 6.53% Debt Service 8.73% Capital Improvements and Equipment Replacement 12.92% 2018 Total Expenditures By Major Function* Section II, Page 7 Original or Final Prev. Amend.Revised Adopted Proposed Actual Budget Budget Budget Budget 2016 2017 2017 2018 2019 EXPENDITURES Governmental Funds: General Fund 15,877,219$ 17,580,126$ 16,937,774$ 16,568,200$ 16,554,997$ Special Revenue Funds 2,283,222 4,201,496 4,344,264 1,208,665 1,100,431 Debt Service Funds 1,120,551 1,027,469 1,022,469 1,016,854 1,017,707 Capital Projects Fund 9,899,544 14,446,458 15,038,474 4,035,741 2,509,119 Total 29,180,536 37,255,549 37,342,981 22,829,460 21,182,254 Proprietary Fund Types: Transit Fund 1,599,903 2,170,774 2,132,062 1,687,784 1,630,579 Fleet Maintenance Fund 1,636,907 1,652,546 1,622,757 1,693,973 1,703,472 Equipment Replacement Fund 207,853 387,200 483,303 584,517 502,014 Total 3,444,663 4,210,520 4,238,122 3,966,274 3,836,065 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 32,625,199$ 41,466,069$ 41,581,103$ 26,795,734$ 25,018,319$ EXPENDITURES TOWN OF AVON Financial Overview General Fund 66.17% Special Revenue Funds 4.40% Debt Service Funds 4.07% Capital Projects Fund 11.46% Transit Fund 6.52% Fleet Maintenance Fund 6.81% Equipment Replacement Fund 1.02% 2018 Total Expenditures By Fund Type Section II, Page 8 Original or Final Prev. Amend.Revised Adopted Proposed Actual Budget Budget Budget Budget 2016 2017 2017 2018 2019 Fund Balances General Fund 6,063,891$ 5,094,604$ 5,904,568$ 5,916,398$ 5,943,474$ Capital Projects Fund 10,416,611 2,958,576 4,418,512 4,880,271 4,931,270 Bond Reserves 536,567 536,567 536,567 536,567 536,567 Equipment Replacement 2,777,507 3,099,922 3,231,619 3,309,580 3,468,044 Enterprise Funds 908,749 791,723 865,359 804,928 745,887 Special Revenue Funds 1,846,046 1,884,436 2,031,569 2,537,626 3,153,489 Total 22,549,371$ 14,365,828$ 16,988,194$ 17,985,370$ 18,778,731$ FUND BALANCES General Fund 32.90% Capital Projects Fund 27.13% Bond Reserves 2.98% Equipment Replacement 18.40% Enterprise Funds 4.48% Special Revenue Funds 14.11% 2018 Fund Balances By Fund TOWN OF AVON Financial Overview General Fund 34.76% Capital Projects Fund 26.01% Bond Reserves 3.16% Equipment Replacement 19.02% Enterprise Funds 5.09% Special Revenue Funds 11.96%2017 Fund Balances By Fund Section II, Page 9 Original or Final Prev. Amend.Revised Adopted Proposed Actual Budget Budget Budget Budget 2016 2017 2017 2018 2019 PERSONNEL COSTS Salaries and Wages: Full-time Employees 5,537,525$ 6,131,637$ 6,010,584$ 6,334,433$ 6,235,575$ PTS Employees 639,418 673,018 664,789 698,034 719,064 Overtime & Other Misc. Wages 338,061 336,476 361,107 356,660 389,529 Benefits: Insurance 1,901,364 2,120,589 2,016,193 2,457,851 2,610,326 Taxes 91,168 103,915 102,398 105,658 107,869 Retirement 637,402 705,305 694,351 723,945 735,780 Other Benefits 24,447 27,546 27,529 30,390 29,478 Total Personnel Costs 9,169,385$ 10,098,486$ 9,876,951$ 10,706,971$ 10,827,621$ EXPENDITURES TOWN OF AVON Financial Overview Full-time Employees 59.16%PTS Employees 6.52% Overtime & Other Misc. Wages 3.33% Insurance 22.96% Taxes 0.99% Retirement 6.76%Other Benefits 0.28% 2018 Personnel Expenditures Full-time Employees 60.85%PTS Employees 6.73% Overtime & Other Misc. Wages 3.66% Insurance 20.41% Taxes 1.04% Retirement 7.03%Other Benefits 0.28% 2017 Personnel Expenditures Section II, Page 10 Fund Summary Original or Final Prev. Amend.Revised Proposed Proposed Actual Budget Budget Budget Budget 2016 2017 2017 2018 2019 REVENUES Taxes 12,672,461$ 12,900,212$ 12,770,684$ 12,828,034$ 12,828,034$ Licenses and Permits 259,997 206,100 323,878 226,100 226,100 Intergovernmental 1,014,141 1,032,778 1,055,129 1,029,926 1,008,926 Charges for Services 1,543,296 1,748,077 1,665,189 1,615,108 1,616,358 Fines and Forfeitures 91,014 92,445 92,445 92,445 92,445 Investment Earnings 73,208 75,000 135,000 135,000 150,000 Other Revenue 407,333 329,900 429,799 420,300 420,100 Total Operating Revenues 16,061,450 16,384,512 16,472,124 16,346,913 16,341,963 Other Sources Capital Lease Proceeds - - 80,000 - - Transfer-In From Capital Projects Fund 219,735 226,327 226,327 233,117 240,110 Total Other Sources 219,735 226,327 306,327 233,117 240,110 TOTAL REVENUES 16,281,185$ 16,610,839$ 16,778,451$ 16,580,030$ 16,582,073$ EXPENDITURES General Government 3,103,970$ 3,461,108$ 3,427,608$ 3,669,039$ 3,672,862$ Community Development 1,201,086 1,539,520 1,533,484 1,334,749 1,320,764 Public Safety 3,122,942 3,396,218 3,304,540 3,631,929 3,572,668 Public Works 3,823,374 4,608,512 4,389,796 4,513,089 4,623,864 Recreation 1,293,277 1,452,275 1,411,931 1,517,394 1,559,839 Total Operating Expenditures 12,544,649 14,457,633 14,067,359 14,666,200 14,749,997 Contingency - 194,493 - 200,000 75,000 Other Uses Transfers-Out to Town Center West Fund 77,576 - - - - Transfers-Out to Capital Projects Fund 1,670,000 1,120,000 1,120,000 120,000 120,000 Transfers-Out to Transit 1,134,994 1,408,000 1,390,415 1,167,000 1,185,000 Transfers-Out to Fleet Maintenance 450,000 400,000 360,000 415,000 425,000 Total Other Uses 3,332,570 2,928,000 2,870,415 1,702,000 1,730,000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 15,877,219 17,580,126 16,937,774 16,568,200 16,554,997 NET SOURCE (USE) OF FUNDS 403,966 (969,287) (159,323) 11,830 27,076 FUND BALANCES, Beginning of Year 5,659,925 6,063,891 6,063,891 5,904,568 5,916,398 FUND BALANCES, End of Year 6,063,891$ 5,094,604$ 5,904,568$ 5,916,398$ 5,943,474$ FUND BALANCES: Nonspendable -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Restricted For: 3% TABOR Emergency Reserve 664,805 664,805 664,805 664,805 664,805 Assigned For: Special Events - - - 100,000 100,000 Capital Improvements - - - - - Unassigned: 25% Minimum Reserve Balance 3,551,805 4,066,408 3,954,444 4,062,050 4,089,999 Undesignated, Unreserved 1,847,281 363,391 1,285,320 1,089,543 1,088,670 TOTAL FUND BALANCES 6,063,891$ 5,094,604$ 5,904,568$ 5,916,398$ 5,943,474$ MUNICIPAL SERVICES General Fund #10 Section II, Page 11 MUNICIPAL SERVICES General Fund Taxes 78.47% Licenses and Permits 1.38% Intergovernmental 6.30% Charges for Services 9.88% Fines and Forfeitures 0.57%Investment Earnings 0.83%Other Revenue 2.57% 2018 Operating Revenues General Government 25.02% Community Development 9.10% Public Safety 24.76% Public Works 30.77% Recreation 10.35% 2018 Operating Expenditures Section II, Page 12 Original or Final Prev. Amend.Revised Proposed Proposed Actual Budget Budget Budget Budget 2016 2017 2017 2018 2019 TAXES General Property Tax 1,742,307$ 1,736,925$ 1,737,598$ 1,838,085$ 1,838,085$ Specific Ownership Tax 119,483 120,000 120,000 120,000 120,000 Sales Tax 8,097,130 8,421,015 8,218,606 8,218,606 8,218,606 Utility Tax 102,643 110,000 110,000 110,000 110,000 Accommodation Tax 1,289,879 1,367,272 1,319,538 1,306,343 1,306,343 Other 153,251 30,000 45,000 30,000 30,000 VAA RSF 735,280 700,000 781,822 775,000 775,000 Franchise Fees 432,488 415,000 438,120 430,000 430,000 TOTAL TAXES 12,672,461$ 12,900,212$ 12,770,684$ 12,828,034$ 12,828,034$ Revenues MUNICIPAL SERVICES General Fund General Property Tax 14.33% Specific Ownership Tax 0.94% Sales Tax 64.07% Utility Tax 0.86% Accommodation Tax 10.18% Other 0.23% VAA RSF 6.04% Franchise Fees 3.35% 2018 Taxes Section II, Page 13 Other Personnel Contracted Operating Debt Capital Services Commodities Services Costs Service Outlay Total EXPENDITURES General Government 2,426,614$ 94,117$ 660,083$ 474,125$ #REF!14,100$ 3,669,039$ Community Development 540,222 99,110 112,653 580,265 #REF!2,500 1,334,749 Public Safety 2,594,448 196,240 58,189 662,760 #REF!120,291 3,631,929 Public Works 2,224,780 391,403 780,308 1,077,598 #REF!39,000 4,513,089 Recreation and Culture 1,206,090 70,305 34,486 203,663 #REF!2,850 1,517,394 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENDITURES 8,992,154$ 851,175$ 1,645,719$ 2,998,411$ #REF!178,741$ #REF! Expenditures MUNICIPAL SERVICES General Fund Personnel Services 61.31%Commodities 6.28% Contracted Services 11.22% Other Operating Costs 20.30% Debt Service 0.00%Capital Outlay 0.98% 2018 Operating Expenditures By Object Class Section II, Page 14 Original or Final Prev. Amend.Revised Proposed Proposed Account Actual Budget Budget Budget Budget Number Description 2016 2017 2017 2018 2019 Taxes: 51101 General Property Tax 1,740,308$ 1,735,425$ 1,735,425$ 1,836,085$ 1,836,085$ 51102 General Property Tax - Delinquencies - 500 500 500 500 51103 General Property Tax - Interest 2,999 1,000 1,673 1,500 1,500 51104 General Property Tax - Abatements (1,000) - - - - 51201 Specific Ownership Tax 119,483 120,000 120,000 120,000 120,000 51301 Sales Tax 8,097,130 8,421,015 8,218,606 8,218,606 8,218,606 51302 Utility Tax 102,643 110,000 110,000 110,000 110,000 51303 Accommodation Tax 1,289,879 1,367,272 1,319,538 1,306,343 1,306,343 51304 Penalties and Interest 30,487 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 51305 Sales Tax Audit Assessments 122,764 5,000 20,000 5,000 5,000 51307 VAA Retail Sales Fee 735,280 700,000 781,822 775,000 775,000 51402 Franchise Fees 432,488 415,000 438,120 430,000 430,000 51000 Total Taxes 12,672,461 12,900,212 12,770,684 12,828,034 12,828,034 Licenses and Permits: 52101 Liquor Licenses 8,234 7,000 7,000 7,000 7,000 52102 Business Licenses 87,510 65,000 84,678 85,000 85,000 52103 Contractor's Licenses 12,520 10,500 10,500 10,500 10,500 52201 Building Permits 143,642 115,000 185,000 115,000 115,000 52205 Road Cut Permits 7,615 8,000 11,100 8,000 8,000 52207 Mobile Vendor Cart Permits 476 600 600 600 600 52209 School Site In-lieu-of Payment - - 25,000 - - 52000 Total Licenses and Permits 259,997 206,100 323,878 226,100 226,100 Intergovernmental: Federal Grants: 53106 Click It or Ticket 8,360 5,500 5,500 5,500 5,500 53107 Ballistic Vests 2,320 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 State Grants 53204 LEAF Grant 31,422 23,000 23,000 18,000 18,000 53206 High Visibility Grant 24,140 27,000 27,000 20,000 20,000 53299 Other State Grants 33,048 21,852 34,203 21,000 - Local Government/Other Agency 53402 Eagle County - Childcare 6,677 - - - - 53900 Eagle River Youth Coalition 570 8,500 8,500 8,500 8,500 Subtotal: Grants 106,537 87,852 100,203 75,000 54,000 Revenue Detail MUNICIPAL SERVICES General Fund Section II, Page 15 Original or Final Prev. Amend.Revised Proposed Proposed Account Actual Budget Budget Budget Budget Number Description 2016 2017 2017 2018 2019 Revenue Detail MUNICIPAL SERVICES General Fund State/County Shared Revenue: 53301 Conservation Trust 72,226 62,000 72,000 72,000 72,000 53302 Motor Vehicle Registration 24,639 22,000 22,000 22,000 22,000 53303 Highway User's Tax 193,388 201,963 201,963 201,963 201,963 53304 Cigarette Tax 43,200 42,000 42,000 42,000 42,000 53305 County Sales Tax 445,043 483,743 483,743 483,743 483,743 53306 Road & Bridge Fund 128,078 132,220 132,220 132,220 132,220 53308 State Severance Tax 1,030 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 Subtotal: Shared Revenue 907,604 944,926 954,926 954,926 954,926 53000 Total Intergovernmental 1,014,141 1,032,778 1,055,129 1,029,926 1,008,926 Charges for Services: General Government: 54102 Photocopying Charges 14$ 300$ 300$ 300$ 300$ 54103 License Hearing Fees - 100 100 100 100 54104 Other Fees and Charges 1,828 1,250 1,250 1,250 1,250 54105 CC & Paper Filing Fees 2,332 - - - - 54201 Plan Check Fees 104,641 95,000 95,000 95,000 95,000 54202 Subdivision Review Fees 916 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 54203 Design Review Fees 15,754 14,295 14,295 14,295 14,295 54204 Animal Control Fees 590 500 500 500 500 54206 Fire Impact Fee Administration Fees 832 750 750 750 750 54301 Police Reports 713 600 600 600 600 54302 Police Extra Duty 18,564 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 54303 Fingerprinting Fees 5,547 4,500 4,500 5,000 5,000 54304 VIN Inspection Fees 18,030 18,000 18,000 5,000 5,000 54305 False Alarm Fees/Misc Fees 240 500 500 500 500 54306 National Night Out 1,430 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 54399 DUI Reimbursement 19,063 24,250 24,250 24,250 24,250 Subtotal: General Govern.190,494 188,045 188,045 175,545 175,545 Recreation Facility: 54601 Admission Fees 901,307 888,200 925,000 915,000 915,000 54602 Program Fees 46,582 88,810 88,810 94,580 94,580 54603 Rentals 49,426 45,000 45,000 42,500 42,500 54604 Merchandise Sales 8,598 8,500 8,500 8,500 8,500 54606 Rec Center Services 10,603 9,200 9,200 10,000 10,000 54607 Fitness Program Revenues 50,159 52,000 52,000 50,125 51,000 Other Recreation: 54651 Adult Program Revenues 19,378 25,350 25,350 24,921 25,921 54652 Cabin Equipment Rentals 17,542 13,500 22,000 17,500 17,500 54653 Athletic Field Rentals 8,535 - 2,000 2,000 2,000 54655 Youth Program Revenues 149,700 145,565 145,565 215,625 215,000 Section II, Page 16 Original or Final Prev. Amend.Revised Proposed Proposed Account Actual Budget Budget Budget Budget Number Description 2016 2017 2017 2018 2019 Revenue Detail MUNICIPAL SERVICES General Fund Special Events: 54670 Ticket Sales - 192,250 84,500 - - 54671 Revenues from Vendor Sales - 12,000 7,040 - - 54676 Sponsorships 38,000 40,000 25,600 38,000 38,000 54678 Event Fees 11,937 20,100 20,100 10,525 10,525 54679 Special Event Admission Fees 41,035 19,557 16,479 10,287 10,287 Subtotal: Recreation 1,352,802 1,560,032 1,477,144 1,439,563 1,440,813 54000 Total Charges for Services 1,543,296 1,748,077 1,665,189 1,615,108 1,616,358 Fines and Forfeitures: 55101 Court Fines - Traffic 47,006 51,300 51,300 51,300 51,300 55102 Court Fines - Criminal 22,958 21,000 21,000 21,000 21,000 55103 Court Fines - Parking 7,245 6,735 6,735 6,735 6,735 55105 Court Costs 7,280 7,000 7,000 7,000 7,000 55106 Jury Fees - 100 100 100 100 55107 Bond Forfeitures 250 100 100 100 100 55110 Police Training Surcharge 6,275 6,210 6,210 6,210 6,210 55000 Total Fines and Forfeitures 91,014 92,445 92,445 92,445 92,445 Investment Earnings: 57101 Interest 73,208$ 75,000 135,000$ 135,000$ 150,000$ 57000 Total Investment Earnings 73,208 75,000 135,000 135,000 150,000 Other Revenues: 58101 Recreational Amenity Fees 250,468 235,000 325,000 325,000 325,000 58109 Bond Issuance Fees 10,696 9,800 10,532 10,200 10,000 58201 Lease of Town-Owned Property 46,662 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 58999 Miscellaneous Nonclassified Revenues 99,507 45,100 54,267 45,100 45,100 58000 Total Other Revenues 407,333 329,900 429,799 420,300 420,100 50000 TOTAL REVENUES 16,061,450$ 16,384,512$ 16,472,124$ 16,346,913$ 16,341,963$ Section II, Page 17 Original or Final Dept./Prev. Amend.Revised Proposed Proposed Div.Actual Budget Budget Budget Budget Number Description 2016 2017 2017 2018 2019 General Government: 111 Mayor and Town Council 207,490$ 221,972$ 218,786$ 226,760$ 227,260$ 112 Boards and Commissions 12,454 18,066 18,192 16,049 16,049 113 Town Attorney 133,145 132,000 132,000 132,000 132,000 115 Town Clerk 135,048 126,191 124,455 117,913 120,153 121 Municipal Court 106,594 129,000 137,287 148,899 153,829 131 Town Manager 364,898 405,797 382,240 375,561 383,906 133 Community Relations 124,692 187,497 187,372 195,666 177,772 Subtotal General Government 1,084,321 1,220,523 1,200,332 1,212,848 1,210,969 Human Resources: 132 Human Resources 416,018 439,677 445,365 503,153 480,048 Finance and IT: 141 Finance 802,661 911,500 886,438 1,021,522 1,050,218 143 Information Systems 380,891 406,753 400,647 434,262 438,849 149 Nondepartmental 420,079 482,655 494,826 497,254 492,778 Subtotal Finance and IT 1,603,631 1,800,908 1,781,911 1,953,038 1,981,845 Total General Government and Finance 3,103,970 3,461,108 3,427,608 3,669,039 3,672,862 Community Development: 212 Planning 215,001 283,033 282,393 281,940 283,621 213 Building Inspection 141,694 149,265 148,302 151,049 153,263 214 Economic Development 37,147 - - - - 215 Town Produced Events 291,225 563,831 598,952 243,760 225,880 216 Special Event Funding 307,788 360,771 296,217 400,000 400,000 217 Community Grants 208,231 182,620 207,620 161,000 161,000 218 Salute to the USA - - - 97,000 97,000 Total Community Development 1,201,086 1,539,520 1,533,484 1,334,749 1,320,764 Police Department: 311 Administration 535,815 686,574 685,087 775,392 729,506 312 Patrol 2,332,791 2,438,204 2,352,401 2,570,770 2,541,865 313 Investigations 254,336 271,440 267,052 285,767 301,297 Total Police Department 3,122,942 3,396,218 3,304,540 3,631,929 3,572,668 Department Expenditure Summaries MUNICIPAL SERVICES General Fund Section II, Page 18 Original or Final Dept./Prev. Amend.Revised Proposed Proposed Div.Actual Budget Budget Budget Budget Number Description 2016 2017 2017 2018 2019 Department Expenditure Summaries MUNICIPAL SERVICES General Fund Public Works Engineering: 412 Engineering 267,207 251,376 245,969 283,636 250,954 418 Buildings and Facilities 1,085,263 1,293,193 1,218,952 1,194,952 1,169,021 Roads and Bridges: 413 Roads and Bridges 1,400,312 2,357,162 2,259,519 2,362,984 2,507,016 415 Parks and Grounds 1,070,592 706,781 665,356 671,517 696,873 Total Public Works Department 3,823,374 4,608,512 4,389,796 4,513,089 4,623,864 Recreation Department: 514 Administration 241,114 227,282 227,743 237,063 245,425 515 Adult Programs 50,914 56,087 55,962 61,906 53,757 516 Aquatics 441,428 574,478 533,684 542,219 543,545 518 Fitness 136,161 150,785 150,645 144,227 144,227 519 Guest Services 295,102 297,882 308,017 325,124 326,497 521 Youth Programs 128,558 145,761 135,880 149,536 189,069 523 Communtiy Swim Program - - - 57,319 57,319 Total Recreation 1,293,277 1,452,275 1,411,931 1,517,394 1,559,839 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENDITURES 12,544,649$ 14,457,633$ 14,067,359$ 14,666,200$ 14,749,997$ Section II, Page 19 Dept./Purchased &Other Div.Personnel Contracted Operating Capital Number Description Services Commodities Services Costs Outlay Total General Government: 111 Town Council 197,120$ -$ 3,700$ 25,940$ -$ 226,760$ 112 Boards and Commissions 13,299 500 - 2,250 - 16,049 113 Town Attorney - - 132,000 - - 132,000 115 Town Clerk 98,874 2,910 9,299 6,830 - 117,913 121 Municipal Court 121,018 200 25,506 2,175 - 148,899 131 Town Manager 356,341 75 4,550 12,995 1,600 375,561 133 Community Relations 87,651 125 47,290 60,600 - 195,666 Subtotal General Govt 874,303 3,810 222,345 110,790 1,600 1,212,848 Human Resources Department: 132 Human Resources 397,203 38,640 33,900 30,910 2,500 503,153 Finance and IT: 141 Finance Department 820,555 5,635 159,660 25,672 10,000 1,021,522 143 Information Systems 252,830 14,457 106,776 60,199 - 434,262 149 Nondepartmental 81,723 31,575 137,402 246,554 - 497,254 Subtotal Finance and IT 1,155,108 51,667 403,838 332,425 10,000 1,953,038 Total General Govt and Finance 2,426,614 94,117 660,083 474,125 14,100 3,669,039 Community Development: 212 Planning 215,870 810 54,123 9,537 1,600 281,940 213 Building Inspection 143,635 375 2,500 4,539 - 151,049 215 Town Produced Events 180,716 925 56,030 5,189 900 243,760 216 Special Event Funding - - - 400,000 - 400,000 218 Community Grants - - - 161,000 - 161,000 218 Salute to the USA - 97,000 - - - 97,000 Total Community Development 540,221 99,110 112,653 580,265 2,500 1,334,749 Public Safety: Police Department: 311 Administration 601,905 78,660 37,147 42,680 15,000 775,392 312 Patrol 1,723,151 112,030 19,842 610,456 105,291 2,570,770 313 Investigations 269,393 5,550 1,200 9,624 - 285,767 Total Public Safety 2,594,449 196,240 58,189 662,760 120,291 3,631,929 Departmental Operating Costs MUNICIPAL SERVICES General Fund Section II, Page 20 Dept./Purchased &Other Div.Personnel Contracted Operating Capital Number Description Services Commodities Services Costs Outlay Total Departmental Operating Costs MUNICIPAL SERVICES General Fund Public Works 412 Engineering 231,090 5,888 34,200 9,058 3,400 283,636 413 Buildings & Facilities 460,488 94,330 150,308 489,826 - 1,194,952 415 Roads and Bridges 1,533,202 150,950 318,310 352,022 8,500 2,362,984 418 Parks - 140,235 277,490 226,692 27,100 671,517 Total Public Works 2,224,780 391,403 780,308 1,077,598 39,000 4,513,089 Recreation: 514 Administration 173,663 5,800 13,230 44,370 - 237,063 515 Adult Programs 55,496 6,410 - - - 61,906 516 Aquatics 466,482 26,425 20,272 29,040 - 542,219 518 Fitness 71,017 3,700 - 69,510 - 144,227 519 Guest Services 281,315 14,625 - 26,334 2,850 325,124 521 Youth Programs 127,983 11,370 984 9,199 - 149,536 523 Community Swim Program 30,134 1,975 - 25,210 - 57,319 Total Recreation 1,206,090 70,305 34,486 203,663 2,850 1,517,394 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENDITURES 8,992,154$ 851,175$ 1,645,719$ 2,998,411$ 178,741$ 14,666,200$ Section II, Page 21 Original or Final Prev. Amend.Revised Proposed Proposed Actual Budget Budget Budget Budget 2016 2017 2017 2018 2019 SEE THE GENERAL FUND - PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT BUDGET SUMMARY: TOWN CENTER WEST MAINTENANCE FUND The Town Center West Maintenance Fund receives fund transfers in from the General and Urban Renewal Funds. Monies are used for maintenance of the "pedestrian mall", including summer landscaping and winter snow removal. Effective January 1, 2017, the Town Center West Maintenance Fund has been consolidated into the Parks budget wtihin the General Fund. ADMINISTRATION OF THE DEPARTMENT The Director of Public Works oversees the Fund budget, which is accounted for in the Public Works department. DEPARTMENT FINANCIAL SUMMARY DEPARTMENT EXPENDITURES BY CATEGORY Section II, Page 22 Fund Summary Original or Final Prev. Amend.Revised Proposed Proposed Actual Budget Budget Budget Budget 2016 2017 2017 2018 2019 REVENUES Other Revenue: Insurance Proceeds -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Miscellaneous Nonclassified Revenues - - - - - Total Operating Revenues - - - - - Other Sources Transfers In - General Fund 77,576 - - - - Transfers In - Urban Renewal Authority 50,000 - - - - TOTAL REVENUES 127,576 - - - - EXPENDITURES Public Works: Main Street Maintenance 252,173 - - - - Total Operating Expenditures 252,173 - - - - TOTAL EXPENDITURES 252,173 - - - - NET SOURCE (USE) OF FUNDS (124,597) - - - - FUND BALANCES, Beginning of Year 124,597 - - - - FUND BALANCES, End of Year -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ MUNICIPAL SERVICES Town Center West Maintenance Fund #21 Section II, Page 23 Original or Final Prev. Amend.Revised Proposed Proposed Actual Budget Budget Budget Budget 2016 2017 2017 2018 2019 Personnel Services -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Commodities - - - - - Contract Services - 3,200 3,200 3,200 1,000 Other Operating Costs - 250 250 250 - Capital Outlay 32,603 - 50,000 - - Total 32,603$ 3,450$ 53,450$ 3,450$ 1,000$ SEE CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND The Urban Renewal Fund's main source of funding is property tax increment revenues for Urban Renewal Plan areas within the Town. The Town Center West Urban Renewal Plan Area was created in 2007, and is the only urban renewal plan area within Avon. The plan area has a 25-year life for tax increment financing. Debt issuance proceeds from tax increment financing in the amount of $3 million were received in early January, 2017. These proceeds were transferred to the Capital Projects Fund for the New Town Hall tenant finish project. Property tax increment revenues for 2018 are based upon an increment of $21,907,190 and an overlapping mill rate of 63.008, resulting in a 26% increase in net revenues from the previous year. BUDGET SUMMARY: AVON URBAN RENEWAL FUND ADMINISTRATION OF THE DEPARTMENT The Urban Renewal Fund is administered by the Finance Director. DEPARTMENT FINANCIAL SUMMARY DEPARTMENT EXPENDITURES BY CATEGORY DEPARTMENT EXPENDITURES BY PROGRAM Section II, Page 24 Fund Summary Original or Final Prev. Amend.Revised Proposed Proposed Actual Budget Budget Budget Budget 2016 2017 2017 2018 2019 REVENUES Taxes 1,026,249$ 1,000,832$ 1,124,116$ 1,419,328$ 1,419,328$ Investment Earnings 4,085 4,712 6,282 7,853 9,424 Total Operating Revenues 1,030,334 1,005,544 1,130,398 1,427,181 1,428,752 Other Sources Debt Issuance Proceeds - 3,000,000 3,000,000 - - TOTAL REVENUES 1,030,334 4,005,544 4,130,398 1,427,181 1,428,752 EXPENDITURES Current: General Government - 3,450 3,450 3,450 1,000 Capital Improvements 32,603 - 50,000 - - Debt Service: Principal 410,000 545,000 564,637 576,079 595,998 Interest 218,240 282,569 282,253 271,907 252,556 Bond Issuance Costs - 90,000 81,625 - - Treasurer Fees 39,391 39,000 34,000 42,580 42,580 Fiscal Charges 300 500 500 500 500 Total Operating Expenditures 700,534 960,519 1,016,465 894,516 892,634 Other Uses Transfers Out - Capital Projects Fund - 2,900,000 2,978,375 20,000 - Transfers Out - Town Center West Mtc. Fund 50,000 - - - - Total Other Uses 50,000 2,900,000 2,978,375 20,000 - TOTAL EXPENDITURES 750,534 3,860,519 3,994,840 914,516 892,634 NET SOURCE (USE) OF FUNDS 279,800 145,025 135,558 512,665 536,118 FUND BALANCES, Beginning of Year 907,963 1,162,585 1,187,763 1,323,321 1,835,986 FUND BALANCES, End of Year 1,187,763$ 1,307,610$ 1,323,321$ 1,835,986$ 2,372,104$ FUND BALANCES: Restricted For: Debt Service 628,240$ 628,240$ 628,240$ 628,240$ 628,240$ Urban Renewal 559,523 679,370 695,081 7,746 543,864 Assigned For: New Town Hall - - - 1,200,000 1,200,000 TOTAL FUND BALANCES 1,187,763$ 1,307,610$ 1,323,321$ 1,835,986$ 2,372,104$ AVON URBAN RENEWAL AUTHORITY #22 Summary Section II, Page 25 Debt Service Summary Original or Final Prev. Amend.Revised Adopted Proposed Account Actual Budget Budget Budget Budget Number Description 2016 2017 2017 2018 2019 DEBT SERVICE 932 Series 2013, Tax Increment Revenue Bonds 65101 Principal 410,000$ 395,000$ 395,000$ 410,000$ 425,000$ 65102 Interest 218,240 203,808 203,808 189,904 175,472 933 Series 2016, Tax Increment Revenue Bonds 65101 Principal - 150,000 169,637 166,079 170,998 65102 Interest - 78,761 78,445 82,003 77,084 Fiscal Charges 65104 Bond Issuance Charges - 90,000 81,625 - - 64303 Treasurer Fees 39,391 39,000 34,000 42,580 42,580 65103 Trustee Fees 300 500 500 500 500 60000 TOTAL DEBT SERVICE 667,931$ 957,069$ 963,015$ 891,066$ 891,634$ AVON URBAN RENEWAL AUTHORITY Debt Service Section II, Page 26 CIP Projects Inventory Original or Final Prev. Amend.Revised Adopted Proposed Account Actual Budget Budget Budget Budget Number Description 2016 2017 2017 2018 2019 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS Facilities Cultural and Recreational Facilities 15001 Hahnewald Barn Study -$ -$ 10,000$ -$ -$ Roads and Streets: Street Improvements: 32018 Nottingham Road Streetlights 32,603 - - - - Utilities 41008 Heat Recovery Study - - 40,000 - - Total Capital Improvement Projects 32,603$ -$ 50,000$ -$ -$ AVON URBAN RENEWAL AUTHORITY Capital Projects Section II, Page 27 Original or Final Prev. Amend.Revised Proposed Proposed Actual Budget Budget Budget Budget 2016 2017 2017 2017 2019 SEE CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND The Community Enhancement Fund (CEF) originates from the Franchise Agreement the Town of Avon has with Holy Cross Energy to sell electricity to the Town. One percent (1%) of the revenue generated by Holy Cross Energy in the Town of Avon is placed in the Community Enhancement Fund and is restricted to the following uses: beautification projects, energy conservation projects, equipment and technology upgrades for schools, scholarship funds, acquisition of open space and/or park land and development, sponsorship of special community events, and undergrounding of overhead electric and other utility lines. The CEF generates approximately $80,000/year and at the end of 2017 there is estimated be $205 remaining in the CEF Fund Balance. The project in the CIP to be funded by the CEF in 2017 is the Nottingham Park playground ($142,000 Revised). There are no proejcts currently budgeted for 2018 or 2019. BUDGET SUMMARY: COMMUNITY ENHANCEMENT FUND ADMINISTRATION OF THE DEPARTMENT The Town Engineer administers the Community Enhancement Fund. DEPARTMENT FINANCIAL SUMMARY DEPARTMENT EXPENDITURES BY CATEGORY Section II, Page 28 Fund Summary Original or Final Prev. Amend.Revised Proposed Proposed Actual Budget Budget Budget Budget 2016 2017 2017 2018 2019 REVENUES Other Revenue: Community Enhancement Fees 71,736$ 84,000$ 80,000$ 80,000$ 80,000$ Total Operating Revenues 71,736 84,000 80,000 80,000 80,000 Other Sources Transfers In - General Fund - - - - - TOTAL REVENUES 71,736 84,000 80,000 80,000 80,000 EXPENDITURES Public Works: Community Enhancement - - - - - Total Operating Expenditures - - - - - Other Uses Transfers Out - Capital Projects Fund 100,000 158,000 142,000 - - TOTAL EXPENDITURES 100,000 158,000 142,000 - - NET SOURCE (USE) OF FUNDS (28,264) (74,000) (62,000) 80,000 80,000 FUND BALANCES, Beginning of Year 90,469 74,469 62,205 205 80,205 FUND BALANCES, End of Year 62,205$ 469$ 205$ 80,205$ 160,205$ FUND BALANCES: Restricted For: Community Enhancement Projects 62,205$ 469$ 205$ 80,205$ 160,205$ TOTAL FUND BALANCES 62,205$ 469$ 205$ 80,205$ 160,205$ MUNICIPAL SERVICES Community Enhancement Fund #23 Section II, Page 29 Original or Final Prev. Amend.Revised Adopted Proposed Actual Budget Budget Budget Budget 2016 2017 2017 2018 2019 Personnel Services 48,360$ 33,227$ 33,199$ 34,399$ 34,679$ Commodities - - - - - Contract Services 52,749 88,000 33,000 91,000 53,000 Other Operating Costs 891,169 36,750 36,750 18,750 18,750 Capital Outlay - - 53,475 - - Total 992,278$ 157,977$ 156,424$ 144,149$ 106,429$ Water Utilities 992,278$ 157,977$ 156,424$ 144,149$ 106,429$ Total 992,278$ 157,977$ 156,424$ 144,149$ 106,429$ Estimated Personnel Time Non- Personnel Costs Total Activity Cost Management of Capital Water Projects 25%$27,438 $36,037 Projects on Time/Budget Long-Range Planning 75%82,313 108,112 Community Survey Performance Metric(s) DEPARTMENT COST ALLOCATIONS Water Utilities BUDGET SUMMARY: WATER FUND ADMINISTRATION OF THE DEPARTMENT The Water Fund is administered by the Town Engineer. Approximately 15% of the Engineer's total administration time is charged to the Water Fund. DEPARTMENT FINANCIAL SUMMARY DEPARTMENT EXPENDITURES BY CATEGORY The Water Fund collects revenues, which are restricted to water related projects and expenses. Revenues are generated by a $4,000 per Single Family Equivalent (SFE) water tap fee and a $3.25/SFE/month fee on the water bill. Expenditures in the Water Fund include engineering and construction of projects, water attorney fees and irrigation ditch maintenance. In addition, revenues are contributed to third parties for water quality monitoring, river clean- up and associated projects. DEPARTMENT EXPENDITURES BY PROGRAM PROGRAM ACTIVITIES AND OPERATIONS: WATER FUND Management of Capital Water Projects: Includes accounts payable and payroll processing and general accounting; revenue collection, compliance, licensing and administration; procurement compliance and fixed asset inventory; internal control structure and asset safekeeping; and preparation of the Town's comprehensive annual financial report. Long-Range Planning: Includes oversight of water rights and work on the resolution of issues with the Water Authority as identified in the 2017-19 Strategic Plan. Section II, Page 30 1. Develop an implementation plan for the Eagle River Water Quality Plan 2. Begin the design and construction mitigation measures of the Nottingham Road mud flows. ACCOMPLISHMENTS AND GOALS: WATER FUND 2017 MAJOR ACCOMPLISHMENTS 1. Continued to work to develop an Eagle River Water Qualtiy Plan to protect the long-term sustainability of the river. 2. Completed the Nottingham Road mud and debris flow mitigation study. 2018 STRATEGIC GOALS Section II, Page 31 Fund Summary Original or Final Prev. Amend.Revised Proposed Proposed Actual Budget Budget Budget Budget 2016 2017 2017 2018 2019 REVENUES Charges for Services: Water Surcharges 153,637$ 150,000$ 150,000$ 150,000$ 150,000$ Tap Fees 58,865 51,200 10,000 20,000 20,000 Tap Fees - Mountain Star 16,712 10,000 53,475 - - Total Charges for Services 229,214 211,200 213,475 170,000 170,000 Other Revenues Nonclassified Revenues - - - - - TOTAL REVENUES 229,214$ 211,200$ 213,475$ 170,000$ 170,000$ EXPENDITURES Water Utilities 992,278 157,977 156,424 144,149 106,429 Total Operating Expenditures 992,278 157,977 156,424 144,149 106,429 Other Uses Transfers Out - Capital Projects Fund 173,200 - 25,000 125,000 76,368 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 1,165,478 157,977 181,424 269,149 182,797 NET SOURCE (USE) OF FUNDS (936,264) 53,223 32,051 (99,149) (12,797) FUND BALANCES, Beginning of Year 1,016,159 38,173 79,895 111,946 12,797 FUND BALANCES, End of Year 79,895$ 91,396$ 111,946$ 12,797$ -$ FUND BALANCES: Restricted For: Water Projects 79,895$ 91,396$ 111,946$ 12,797$ -$ TOTAL FUND BALANCES -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ MUNICIPAL SERVICES Water Fund #24 Section II, Page 32 DESCRIPTION 2016 ACTUALS 2017 SUPL-1 2017 FINAL 2018 BASE 2019 PROPOSED 61101 Regular Full-time Salaries 35,912 25,313 24,384 24,623 24,556 61106 Paid out Leave 0 235 235 238 238 61201 Automobile Allowance 900 550 530 528 527 61301 FT Pension 3,950 2,810 2,708 2,735 2,727 61304 Employee Assistance Progr 8 6 6 6 6 61401 FICA/Medicare 564 365 365 368 367 61501 Group Health and Life Insur 5,542 3,929 3,923 4,772 5,114 61505 Long-term Disability Insuran 168 121 144 146 146 61507 Dental Insurance 435 307 321 324 340 61509 Worker's Compensation 771 568 507 584 582 61510 Unemployment Insurance 109 75 75 76 76 61000 Personnel Services 48,360 33,227 33,199 34,399 34,679 63101 Legal Services 22,204 20,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [424] Water Attorney Fees 10,000 Total 10,000 63102 Audit and Accounting Servic 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [424] 2016 Audit 1,500 Total 1,500 63104 Engineering Services 1,371 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [424] Engineering Services for Dam Monitoring 1,500 Total 1,500 63199 Other Professional Services 563 0 0 0 0 63999 Other Contract Services 27,112 65,000 20,000 78,000 40,000 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [424] Ditch Main., pump WQ structures 20,000 [424] Water Quality Plan Implementation 20,000 [424] Wet Well (delayed)38,000 Total 78,000 63000 Purchased and Contracte 52,749 88,000 33,000 91,000 53,000 64902 Financial Support, Donation 890,919 36,500 36,500 18,500 18,500 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [424] Watershed Council 4,000 [424] Water Quality Monitoring 13,500 [424] Eagle River Cleanup 1,000 [424] Mountain Star Contribution 0 424 Water Utilities Town of Avon Line Item Detail Section II, Page 33 64905 Insurance Premiums 250 250 250 250 250 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [424] CIRSA Insurance Premium 250 Total 250 64000 Other Operating Costs 891,169 36,750 36,750 18,750 18,750 66601 Mountain Star Tap Fee Rei 0 0 53,475 0 0 66000 Capital Outlay 0 0 53,475 0 0 69101 Operating Transfers-Out 173,200 0 25,000 125,000 76,368 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [424] Operating Transfer-out - Capital Projects Fund 125,000 Total 125,000 69000 Other Uses 173,200 0 25,000 125,000 76,368 60000T Total Expenditures & Oth 1,165,478 157,977 181,424 269,149 182,797 424 Water Utilities Town of Avon Line Item Detail Section II, Page 34 Original or Final Prev. Amend.Revised Proposed Proposed Actual Budget Budget Budget Budget 2016 2017 2017 2018 2019 Personnel Services -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Commodities - - - - - Contract Services 15,037 25,000 26,000 25,000 25,000 Other Operating Costs - - - - - Capital Outlay - - - - - Total 15,037$ 25,000$ 26,000$ 25,000$ 25,000$ DEPARTMENT EXPENDITURES BY CATEGORY BUDGET SUMMARY: AFFORDABLE HOUSING FUND The Affordable Housing Fund was established to receive payment from two developments: $846,000 from the Westin Riverfront development, and $100,000 from the original Gates Development (now known as The Ascent). The exactions were paid in full satisfaction of the employee housing impact fee and mitigation requirements. Monies in the Fund may be used for any purpose deemed appropriate by the Town Council. Funds have been appropriated in the 2017, 2018 and 2019 budgets for project development associated with affordable housing programs. For 2018 and 2019, rental revenues from the leasing of two residential units from the recently vacated Wildridge Fire Station have been included in the Affordable Housing Fund budget. The Town Manager administers the Affordable Housing Fund. DEPARTMENT FINANCIAL SUMMARY Section II, Page 35 Fund Summary Original or Final Prev. Amend.Revised Proposed Proposed Actual Budget Budget Budget Budget 2016 2017 2017 2018 2019 REVENUES Charges for Services: Rental Revenues - Employees -$ -$ -$ 28,800$ 28,800$ Investment Earnings 900 721 721 621 519 Other Revenue: Nonclassified Revenues 12,985 3,020 72,425 3,120 3,223 Total Operating Revenues 13,885 3,741 73,146 32,541 32,542 TOTAL REVENUES 13,885 3,741 73,146 32,541 32,542 EXPENDITURES General Government: Affordable Housing 15,037 25,000 26,000 25,000 25,000 Total Operating Expenditures 15,037 25,000 26,000 25,000 25,000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 15,037 25,000 26,000 25,000 25,000 NET SOURCE (USE) OF FUNDS (1,152) (21,259) 47,146 7,541 7,542 FUND BALANCES, Beginning of Year 517,335 506,220 516,183 563,329 570,870 FUND BALANCES, End of Year 516,183$ 484,961$ 563,329$ 570,870$ 578,412$ MUNICIPAL SERVICES Affordable Housing Fund #25 Section II, Page 36 DESCRIPTION 2016 ACTUALS 2017 SUPL-1 2017 FINAL 2018 BASE 2019 PROPOSED 63401 Feasibility/Conceptual Desig 15,037 25,000 5,000 25,000 25,000 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [193] Project Development 25,000 Total 25,000 63999 Other Contract Services 0 0 21,000 0 0 63000 Purchased and Contracte 15,037 25,000 26,000 25,000 25,000 60000T Total Expenditures & Oth 15,037 25,000 26,000 25,000 25,000 193 Affordable Housing Program Town of Avon Line Item Detail Section II, Page 37 Original or Final Prev. Amend.Revised Proposed Proposed Actual Budget Budget Budget Budget 2016 2017 2017 2018 2019 Personnel Services -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Commodities - - - - - Contract Services - - - - - Other Operating Costs - - - - - Capital Outlay - - - - - Total -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ DEPARTMENT EXPENDITURES BY CATEGORY BUDGET SUMMARY: EXTERIOR ENERGY OFFSET FUND The Exterior Energy Offset Fund (EEOP) was establsihed to encourage sustainable, energy efficient, exterior heating solutions that conserve energy and natural resources. EEOP considers exterior energy uses over a nominal amount and establsihes fees based on average British Thermal Units (BTUs) required for such amenities over a 20-year period in our climate. Fees are exempted if renewable energy system(s) are installed on-site prior to completion of the amenity which generate the equivalent of 50% of the energy needed for the exterior energy use. Any partial renewable offsets and/or energy efficiency rebates earned may be credited accordingly. System design, calculations, and field inspection are required and must be verified by theTown's Building Official. (b) The following EEOP fees shall apply at the time of Building Permit. Fees collected at building permit are placed in the EEOP fund to create financial assistance, rebates, and incentives to promote energy efficient projects elsewhere within the Town of Avon. Expenditures of EEOP funds shall be used for: a) Provide educational materials and outreach for Town of Avon residents, businesses, employees and building owners including but not necessarily limited to printed guides, efficient building educational events, a webpage with available resources, links, and information. (b) Planning, design and implementation of renewable energy generation projects. (c) Providing a community grant and/or rebate program for energy efficiency enhancements or renewable energy generation projects. (d) Funding other resources and administrative costs associated with green building and environmental sustainability oriented efforts. (e) Special consideration is given to projects that positively affect occupants of local affordable housing or low income residents in Town of Avon ADMINISTRATION OF THE DEPARTMENT The Town Manager administers the Exterior Energy Offset Fund. DEPARTMENT FINANCIAL SUMMARY Section II, Page 38 Fund Summary Original or Final Prev. Amend.Revised Proposed Proposed Actual Budget Budget Budget Budget 2016 2017 2017 2018 2019 REVENUES Licenses and Permits: Exterior Energy Offset Fee -$ -$ 32,768$ 5,000$ 5,000$ Total Operating Revenues - - 32,768 5,000 5,000 TOTAL REVENUES - - 32,768 5,000 5,000 EXPENDITURES Community Development: Energy Efficiency Projects - - - - - Total Operating Expenditures - - - - - TOTAL EXPENDITURES - - - - - NET SOURCE (USE) OF FUNDS - - 32,768 5,000 5,000 FUND BALANCES, Beginning of Year - - - 32,768 37,768 FUND BALANCES, End of Year -$ -$ 32,768$ 37,768$ 42,768$ MUNICIPAL SERVICES Exterior Energy Offset Fund #27 Section II, Page 39 Original or Final Prev. Amend.Revised Adopted Proposed Actual Budget Budget Budget Budget 2016 2017 2017 2018 2019 SEE FUND SUMMARY The Debt Service fund is used to account for the accumulation of resources for the payment of principal and interest on the Town's debt not accounted for in any other fund. 2016 was the final year for levying property taxes used to pay the Town's Series 2004 General Obligation Refunding bonds, which were paid in full on December 1, 2016. Also accounted for in this fund are the Series 2010 Certificates of Participation issued for the Regional Transportation Facility, the Series 2014B Certificates of Participation issued for street improvements, and the recently issued Series 2016 Certificates of Participation that are being used to finance the construction of a new public safety facility. BUDGET SUMMARY: DEBT SERVICE FUND ADMINISTRATION OF THE DEPARTMENT The Finance Director administers the Debt Service Fund. DEPARTMENT FINANCIAL SUMMARY DEPARTMENT EXPENDITURES BY CATEGORY Section II, Page 40 Fund Summary Original or Final Prev. Amend.Revised Proposed Proposed Account Actual Budget Budget Budget Budget Number Description 2016 2017 2017 2018 2019 REVENUES Taxes: 51101 General Property Taxes 545,838$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 51102 Property Tax - Delinquent - - - - - 51103 Property Tax - Interest & Penalties 941 - - - - 51104 Property Tax - Abatement (314) - - - - 51000 Total Taxes 546,465 - - - - Investment Earnings: 57101 Investment Earnings 2,728 2,100 4,500 6,000 7,500 Other Sources: 59201 Transfers-In from Capital Projects Fund 578,808 1,025,369 1,017,969 1,010,854 1,010,207 59000 Total Other Sources 578,808 1,025,369 1,017,969 1,010,854 1,010,207 50000 TOTAL REVENUES 1,128,001 1,027,469 1,022,469 1,016,854 1,017,707 EXPENDITURES Debt Service: 922 Series 2004, G.O. Refunding Bonds 65101 Principal 515,000 - - - - 65102 Interest 20,600 - - - - 924 Series 2010, Certificates of Participation 65101 Principal 135,000 140,000 140,000 145,000 145,000 65102 Interest 116,944 111,881 111,881 107,331 102,800 926 Series 2014B, Certificates of Participation (Street Improvements) 65101 Principal 210,000 215,000 215,000 220,000 230,000 65102 Interest 108,626 102,263 102,263 95,748 89,082 927 Series 2016, Certificates of Participation (Public Safety Facility) 65101 Principal - 205,000 205,000 265,000 275,000 65102 Interest - 243,325 243,325 178,775 170,825 911 64303 County Treasurer Fees 10,931 - - - - 65103 Fiscal Agent Fees 3,450 10,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 Total Debt Service 1,120,551 1,027,469 1,022,469 1,016,854 1,017,707 60000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 1,120,551 1,027,469 1,022,469 1,016,854 1,017,707 NET SOURCE (USE) OF FUNDS 7,450 - - - - FUND BALANCES, Beginning of Year 529,117 536,567 536,567 536,567 536,567 FUND BALANCES, End of Year 536,567$ 536,567$ 536,567$ 536,567$ 536,567$ MUNICIPAL SERVICES Debt Service Fund #31 Section II, Page 41 Original or Final Prev. Amend.Revised Proposed Proposed Actual Budget Budget Budget Budget 2016 2017 2017 2018 2019 Personnel Services 721,084$ 808,364$ 786,329$ 881,669$ 907,505$ Commodities 69,123 87,652 90,657 99,542 86,927 Contract Services 50,070 229,306 231,486 111,809 102,669 Other Operating Costs 563,444 567,917 546,055 532,844 532,078 Debt Service 60,220 60,220 60,220 60,220 - Capital Outlay 135,962 417,315 417,315 1,700 1,400 Total 1,599,903$ 2,170,774$ 2,132,062$ 1,687,784$ 1,630,579$ Administration 235,867$ 247,060$ 258,360$ 271,617$ 285,236$ Operations 1,261,623 1,793,604 1,727,168 1,258,194 1,178,774 Wash Bay 102,413 130,110 146,534 157,973 166,569 Total 1,599,903$ 2,170,774$ 2,132,062$ 1,687,784$ 1,630,579$ Transit Director 1 1 1 1 1 Transit Operations Supervisor -1 1 1 1 Wash Bay Operator -1 1 1 1 Transit Operator 4 4 3.6 3.6 3.6 Total 5 7 6.6 6.6 6.6 BUDGET SUMMARY: TRANSIT DEPARTMENT The Transit Department is the singular department of the Transit Fund and is responsible for all multimodal (mobility) operations for the Town of Avon, and parking management. The Department coordinates with ECO regional buses. The Transit Fund receives Town general taxes (accommodation taxes) to support free bus operations and grant matches, in addition to a joint funding of the skier bus and evening dinner services, with the Beaver Creek Resort Company. ADMINISTRATION OF THE DEPARTMENT The Transit Department is administered by the Transportation Director, with the assistance of the Transit Operations Supervisor and Bus Wash Operator. DEPARTMENT FINANCIAL SUMMARY DEPARTMENT EXPENDITURES BY CATEGORY DEPARTMENT EXPENDITURES BY PROGRAM AUTHORIZED POSITIONS Section II, Page 42 ROUTE OPERATIONS Route Operations: Includes service design/service implementation schedule and policy, system safety and security, fleet management, customer (guest) service protocols, employee standards, seasonal employee recruitment, training, and certification, performance metric(s), and day to day field operational supervision. Winter Service: Five (5) route operations occur during the winter months: The Blue, Red, and Night Rider routes serve the Avon Core and residential areas other than Wildridge, a Skier Shuttle and an evening Restaurant Shuttle is supported with a contribution from Beaver Creek. Service Hours and costs are summarized in the table below. The Town provides in-kind bus service for The Birds of Prey World Cup, running additional buses. Summer Service: The seven-day per week Blue, Red, and Night Rider Routes operate during the summer months. Hours and route frequency are summarized in the table below. 2018 Avon Transportation Proposed Routes WASH BAY Wash Bay: Located in the Bus Storage Facility, the wash bay is sized for large buses and smaller vehicles, and equipment. The bay also includes a service station for checking fluids and daily checklists. Charges are estimated each year based upon the operational and maintenance costs of operating the wash bay, including staff time for servicing vehicles. Administration: The Transportation Director oversees the Town of Avon's multimodal transportation program, an parking management program, including buy not limited to day-to-day bus service routes, strategic planning, budget development and management, establishment of performance goals and passenger feedback systems, designs and implements advertising and promotion, maintains ADA certification and compliance, assists with vehicle procurement, Federal Transit Administration, Region VIII/Colorado Department of Transportation grant solicitation/management, and Intergovernmental Agreement/Third Party contract execution. PROGRAM ACTIVITIES AND OPERATIONS: TRANSIT ADMINISTRATION Section II, Page 43 Estimated Personnel Time Non- Personnel Costs Total Activity Cost Administration 100%112,361$ 271,617$ Operational Success Winter Service 62%389,557$ 780,080$ Cost/Route, Route Timeliness Summer Service 38%238,760$ 478,114$ Cost/Route, Route Timeliness Wash Bay Operations 100%65,437$ 157,973$ Satisfaction, Timeliness 1. Increased ridership on the Red and Blue Lines and establishment of the Night Rider evening route. 2018 STRATEGIC GOALS 1. Explore and test new multimodal transportation programs to decrease dependence on personal vehicles. 2. Continue to Investigate new public/private technologies/partnerships available to increase ridership and control costs. 3. Continue to focus on safety and guest satisfaction; launch a strong marketing plan that supports walkability, parking and transit ridership. ACCOMPLISHMENTS AND GOALS: TRANSPORTATION 2017 MAJOR ACCOMPLISHMENTS 2. Increased ridership on the Skier Shuttle. 3. Tlaunched the first bikeshare program in the Eagle Valley. 4. Awarded $75,000 grant from CDOT for Operations; first ever for the Town. 5. Leads the Multimodal Transportation & Parking Work Group. Wash Bay DEPARTMENT COST ALLOCATIONS Performance Metric(s) Administration Route Operations Section II, Page 44 Original or Final Prev. Amend.Revised Proposed Proposed Actual Budget Budget Budget Budget 2016 2017 2017 2018 2019 REVENUES Taxes 40,258$ 40,397$ 40,297$ 41,532$ 41,532$ Intergovernmental 100,000 328,000 328,000 - - Charges for Services 227,617 239,930 219,351 239,246 239,930 Other Revenues 92,740 93,940 93,940 104,122 104,122 Total Operating Revenues 460,615 702,267 681,588 384,900 385,584 Other Sources Sales of Capital Assets - - - - - Transfers In from General Fund - Operating 1,107,995 1,326,000 1,303,000 1,167,000 1,185,000 Transfers In from General Fund - Capital 26,999 82,000 87,415 - - Total Other Sources 1,134,994 1,408,000 1,390,415 1,167,000 1,185,000 TOTAL REVENUES 1,595,609 2,110,267 2,072,003 1,551,900 1,570,584 EXPENDITURES Administration 235,867 247,060 258,360 271,617 285,236 Operations 1,261,623 1,793,604 1,727,168 1,258,194 1,178,774 Washbay 102,413 130,110 146,534 157,973 166,569 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 1,599,903 2,170,774 2,132,062 1,687,784 1,630,579 NET SOURCE (USE) OF FUNDS (4,294) (60,507) (60,059) (135,884) (59,995) FUND BALANCES, Beginning of Year 689,894 685,600 685,600 625,541 489,657 FUND BALANCES, End of Year 685,600$ 625,093$ 625,541$ 489,657$ 429,662$ Fund Summary MUNICIPAL SERVICES Transit Enterprise Fund #52 Section II, Page 45 Original or Final Prev. Amend.Revised Proposed Proposed Acct.Actual Budget Budget Budget Budget Number Description 2016 2017 2017 2018 2019 Taxes: Property Taxes 51101 Property Tax/ Gates GID 40,190$ 40,397$ 40,190$ 41,532$ 41,532$ 51103 Current & Delinquent interest 68 - 107 - - 51000 Total Taxes 40,258 40,397 40,297 41,532 41,532 Intergovernmental: Federal Grants: 53104 FTA Grant - 328,000 328,000 - - 53199 Other Federal Grants - - - - - 53205 CDOT FASTER Grant 100,000 - - - - 53000 Total Intergovernmental 100,000 328,000 328,000 - - Charges for Services: Transportation: 54501 Beaver Creek 104,835 125,000 104,421 124,316 125,000 54507 Wash Bay Services- External 75,852 68,000 68,000 68,000 68,000 54902 Wash Bay Services- Internal 46,930 46,930 46,930 46,930 46,930 54000 Total Charges for Services 227,617 239,930 219,351 239,246 239,930 Other Revenues: 58201 Lease of Town-owned Property 63,405 73,440 73,440 83,122 83,122 58995 Bus Advertising Revenues 29,335 20,500 20,500 21,000 21,000 58000 Total Other Revenues 92,740 93,940 93,940 104,122 104,122 Other Sources: 59201 Transfers In Gen. Fund - Operating 1,107,995 1,326,000 1,303,000 1,167,000 1,185,000 59201 Transfers In Gen. Fund - Capital 26,999 82,000 87,415 - - 59101 Sales of Capital Assets - - - - - 59000 Total Other Sources 1,134,994 1,408,000 1,390,415 1,167,000 1,185,000 50000 TOTAL REVENUES 1,595,609$ 2,110,267$ 2,072,003$ 1,551,900$ 1,570,584$ Revenue Detail MUNICIPAL SERVICES Transit Enterprise Fund #52 Section II, Page 46 Original or Final Prev. Amend.Revised Proposed Proposed Actual Budget Budget Budget Budget 2016 2017 2017 2018 2019 Personnel Services 692,972$ 777,771$ 761,829$ 809,638$ 847,618$ Commodities 426,882 417,950 410,234 428,869 410,294 Contract Services 80,719 57,868 57,868 62,431 54,953 Other Operating Costs 163,865 120,291 119,741 120,894 117,691 Debt Service 256,717 259,016 259,016 259,016 259,016 Capital Outlay 15,752 19,650 14,069 13,125 13,900 Total 1,636,907$ 1,652,546$ 1,622,757$ 1,693,973$ 1,703,472$ Fleet Maintenance 1,636,907$ 1,652,546$ 1,622,757$ 1,693,973$ 1,703,472$ Total 1,636,907$ 1,652,546$ 1,622,757$ 1,693,973$ 1,703,472$ Fleet Director 1 1 1 1 1 Purchasing Coordinator --1 1 1 Accounting Assistant II 1 1 --- Fleet Maintenance Foreman 1 1 2 2 2 Mechanic I-II 4 4 3 3 3 Mechanics Helper 1 1 1 1 1 Total 8 8 8 8 8 The Fleet Department is administered by the Fleet Director who spends approximately 90% on general department administration, and the balance on mechanic training and hands-on support. BUDGET SUMMARY: FLEET MAINTENANCE DEPARTMENT The Fleet Maintenance Fund is an enterprise operation and is used to account for operations that are financed and operated a manner similar to private business enterprises, where the costs of providing services to the Town's departments, other governmental third party agencies, and up to 10% private clients, can be fully recovered through user charges. Monies may also be provided to the Fleet Maintenance Fund from general taxes collected by the Town of Avon, when appropriate, to ensure a positive net income on an annual basis. The Fleet Department is the only division in the Fund and provides equipment, vehicle and rolling stock maintenance and repair services are offered. ADMINISTRATION OF THE DEPARTMENT DEPARTMENT FINANCIAL SUMMARY DEPARTMENT EXPENDITURES BY CATEGORY DEPARTMENT EXPENDITURES BY PROGRAM AUTHORIZED POSITIONS Section II, Page 47 Estimated Personnel Time Non- Personnel Costs Total Activity Cost Town of Avon Vehicles and Rolling Stock 30%$265,301 $508,192 70% Cost Recovery Manage Town of Avon Fleet 5%44,217 84,699 Department Satsfaction Complete Monthly Billing 5%44,217 84,699 Timeliness/Accuracy Third Party Vehicles and Rolling Stock 60%530,601 1,016,384 70% Cost Recovery Town of Avon Vehicles and Rolling Stock: Town departments are charged a competitive “fully burdened” shop rate for regular maintenance and repair. The Fleet Department targets a billable total cost recovery of 60% - 80% from work through the year. PROGRAM ACTIVITIES AND OPERATIONS: FLEET MAINTENANCE 3. Emergency Vehicle Certification for technicians Manage Town of Avon Fleet: Procure fuel efficient and cost effective vehicles and equipment that meets the needs of departments. Monitor use, manage and dispose of vehicles and equipment for greatest return of investment. Procures parts and fuel for Town and user agencies. Complete Monthly Billing: Generate invoices, spreadsheets and work orders for all fleet users using data incorporated from a fleet management cost accounting system and fuel management program. Third Party Vehicles/Rolling Stock and 10% Private Clients: Third party governmental agencies are charged a competitive “fully burdened” shop rate for regular maintenance and repair. The Fleet Department targets a cost recovery of 60% - 80% from total work through the year. The department is allowed to contract with private clients up to 10% of revenues or shop hours. DEPARTMENT COST ALLOCATIONS Performance Metric(s) Fleet Maintenance ACCOMPLISHMENTS AND GOALS: FLEET MAINTENANCE 2017 MAJOR ACCOMPLISHMENTS 1. Increased customer base by adding one private party contract and one governmental contract. 2. Reduced stocked parts by $10,000.00 5. Develop standard operating procedures and, where applicable, standard shop rates. 2018 STRATEGIC GOALS 1. Procure and operate a fleet of vehicles that minimizes environmental impact, enhances domestic energy, and maximizes fuel efficiency and diversification. 2. Strengthen partnerships with local third party government agencies; solicit private clients. 3. Continue to reduce stock parts inventory. 4. Develop three-year business plan for the department. Section II, Page 48 Original or Final Prev. Amend.Revised Adopted Proposed Actual Budget Budget Budget Budget 2016 2017 2017 2018 2019 REVENUES Charges for Services 1,230,556$ 1,279,426$ 1,279,426$ 1,279,426$ 1,279,426$ Other Revenue 4,626 - - - - Total Operating Revenues 1,235,182 1,279,426 1,279,426 1,279,426 1,279,426 Other Sources Transfers-In from General Fund 450,000 400,000 360,000 415,000 425,000 Sales of Fixed Assets 5,400 - - - - Total Other Sources 455,400 400,000 360,000 415,000 425,000 TOTAL REVENUES 1,690,582 1,679,426 1,639,426 1,694,426 1,704,426 EXPENDITURES Public Works: Fleet Maintenance 1,636,907 1,652,546 1,622,757 1,693,973 1,703,472 Total Operating Expenditures 1,636,907 1,652,546 1,622,757 1,693,973 1,703,472 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 1,636,907 1,652,546 1,622,757 1,693,973 1,703,472 NET SOURCE (USE) OF FUNDS 53,675 26,880 16,669 453 954 FUND BALANCES, Beginning of Year 169,474 139,750 223,149 239,818 240,271 FUND BALANCES, End of Year 223,149$ 166,630$ 239,818$ 240,271$ 241,225$ Fund Summary MUNICIPAL SERVICES Fleet Maintenance Enterprise Fund #61 Section II, Page 49 Original or Final Prev. Amend.Revised Adopted Proposed Acct.Actual Budget Budget Budget Budget Number Description 2016 2017 2017 2018 2019 Charges for Services: 54806 3rd Party Fleet Maintenance Chrgs.669,230$ 758,240$ 758,240$ 758,240$ 758,240$ 54901 Dept. Fleet Maintenance Chrgs.557,445 511,186 511,186 511,186 511,186 54903 Sales of Fuel 3,881 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 54000 Total Charges for Services 1,230,556 1,279,426 1,279,426 1,279,426 1,279,426 Other Revenues: 58205 Insurance Reimbursements 4,626 - - - - 58999 Miscellaneous Nonclassified Revenues - - - - - 58000 Total Other Revenues 4,626 - - - - Other Sources: 59201 Transfers In - General Fund 450,000 400,000 360,000 415,000 425,000 59101 Sales of Fixed Assets 5,400 - - - - 59000 Total Other Sources 455,400 400,000 360,000 415,000 425,000 50000 TOTAL REVENUES 1,690,582$ 1,679,426$ 1,639,426$ 1,694,426$ 1,704,426$ Revenue Summary MUNICIPAL SERVICES Fleet Maintenance Enterprise Fund #61 Section II, Page 50 Original or Final Prev. Amend.Revised Proposed Proposed Actual Budget Budget Budget Budget 2016 2017 2017 2018 2019 Fleet and Heavy Equipment 67,411$ 220,500$ 311,190$ 473,485$ 341,451$ Recreation Center Equipment 18,927 8,857 12,297 31,515 160,563 Computer and Office Equipment 92,679 152,948 151,716 47,587 - Machinery and Equipment 28,836 4,895 4,895 31,930 - Heat Recovery - - 3,205 - - Total 207,853$ 387,200$ 483,303$ 584,517$ 502,014$ DEPARTMENT EXPENDITURES BY CATEGORY The Equipment Repacement Fund is used to account for the rental of certain vehicles and equipment to other departments for the accumulation of funds for future replacements. BUDGET SUMMARY: EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT FUND ADMINISTRATION OF THE DEPARTMENT The Equipment Replacement Fund is administered by the Finance Director with assistance from other department directors. DEPARTMENT FINANCIAL SUMMARY Section II, Page 51 Original or Final Prev. Amend.Revised Adopted Proposed Actual Budget Budget Budget Budget 2016 2017 2017 2018 2019 REVENUES Intergovernmental 646,190$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Charges for Services: Equipment Replacement Charges 589,967 646,800 646,800 639,478 639,478 Investment Earnings - - - - - Total Operating Revenues 1,236,157 646,800 646,800 639,478 639,478 Other Sources Sales of Fixed Assets 49,900 15,000 15,000 23,000 21,000 Capital Lease Proceeds - 185,000 275,615 - - Total Other Sources 49,900 200,000 290,615 23,000 21,000 TOTAL REVENUES 1,286,057 846,800 937,415 662,478 660,478 EXPENDITURES Capital Outlay: Fleet and Heavy Equipment 67,411 220,500 311,190 473,485 341,451 Recreation Center Equipment 18,927 8,857 12,297 31,515 160,563 Computer and Office Equipment 92,679 152,948 151,716 47,587 - Machinery and Equipment 28,836 4,895 4,895 31,930 - Heat Recovery - - 3,205 - - Total Operating Expenditures 207,853 387,200 483,303 584,517 502,014 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 207,853 387,200 483,303 584,517 502,014 NET SOURCE (USE) OF FUNDS 1,078,204 459,600 454,112 77,961 158,464 FUND BALANCES, Beginning of Year 1,699,303 2,640,322 2,777,507 3,231,619 3,309,580 FUND BALANCES, End of Year 2,777,507$ 3,099,922$ 3,231,619$ 3,309,580$ 3,468,044$ Fund Summary MUNICIPAL SERVICES Equipment Replacement Internal Service Fund #63 Section II, Page 52 Original or Final Prev. Amend.Revised Adopted Proposed Account Actual Budget Budget Budget Budget Number Description 2016 2017 2017 2018 2019 Intergovernmental 53404 Loan Repayment - ERFPD 646,190$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Charges for Services: Equipment Rental Charges 54904 Finance 3,337 3,337 3,337 3,337 3,337 54904 Information Systems 44,319 49,762 49,762 51,871 51,871 54904 Nondepartmental 18,040 18,040 18,040 17,100 17,100 54904 Comm Dev - Planning 846 847 847 847 847 54904 Comm Dev - Building Inspection 2,147 2,148 2,148 - - 54904 Comm Dev - Town Produced Events 1,226 - - - - 54904 Police - Administration 9,709 11,383 11,383 11,383 11,383 54904 Police - Patrol 113,707 122,361 122,361 119,796 119,796 54904 Police - Investigations 6,644 6,644 6,644 6,644 6,644 54904 Engineering - - - 3,573 3,573 54904 Buildings 61,737 61,524 61,524 61,524 61,524 54904 Public Works - Road and Bridge 80,424 81,870 81,870 78,967 78,967 54904 Public Works - Parks 60,081 72,306 72,306 73,425 73,425 54904 Town Center West 22,035 24,389 24,389 24,389 24,389 54904 Transit - Operations 45,904 48,828 48,828 48,828 48,828 54904 Transit - Wash Bay 22,236 22,237 22,237 22,237 22,237 54904 Fleet Maintenance 3,623 4,960 4,960 4,960 4,960 54904 Recreation - Administration 9,083 10,583 10,583 10,583 10,583 54904 Recreation - Aquatics 14,094 23,959 23,959 24,800 24,800 54904 Recreation - Fitness 64,403 75,568 75,568 69,160 69,160 54904 Recreation - Cabin 6,372 6,054 6,054 6,054 6,054 54000 Total Charges for Services 589,967 646,800 646,800 639,478 639,478 Investment Earnings: 57101 Interest Earnings - - - - - Other Sources: 59101 Sale of Fixed Assets 49,900 15,000 15,000 23,000 21,000 59303 Capital Lease Proceeds - 185,000 275,615 - - 59000 Total Other Sources 49,900 1,493,600 1,584,215 1,301,956 1,299,956 50000 TOTAL REVENUES 1,286,057$ 2,140,400$ 2,231,015$ 1,941,434$ 1,939,434$ Revenue Detail MUNICIPAL SERVICES Equipment Replacement Internal Service Fund #63 Section II, Page 53 TOWN OF AVON DETAILED BUDGET REQUESTS 2017 Revised Department:N/A Program: Fleet and Heavy Equipment #811 2017 Account Revised Number Account Name Justification Budget EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT: Fleet and Heavy Equipment 66501 Automobiles and Light Duty Trucks - Public Works Dept: Plow Truck w/ Wing - Capital Lease Purchase 275,615 Replace #111 66502 Heavy Trucks and Moving Equipment 275,615 Public Works Dept: Aerator - Replace #298 & 299 35,575 66499 Other Machinery and Equipment 35,575 66000 Total Capital Outlay 311,190$ Fleet & Heavy Equip. to Auction: #111 International Paystar Plow Truck Section II, Page 54 TOWN OF AVON DETAILED BUDGET REQUESTS 2018-19 Department:N/A Program: Fleet and Heavy Equipment #811 Account 2018 2019 Number Account Name Justification Budget Budget EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT: Fleet and Heavy Equipment Community Development Dept: Building Inspector Vehicle - Replace #600 30,543$ -$ Police Dept - Patrol: Chevy Tahoes Replace #340, 343, 344 101,417 - Replace #341, 342, 345, 346,347 - 227,278 Police Volunteer Service Officer Vehicle Replace #337 31,936 - Roads and Bridges: Pickup w/ Plow - Replace #200 - 33,088 Recreation Dept: Chevy Van - Replace #500 - 28,473 Transit Dept: Hybrid Vehicle - Replace #800 27,026 66501 Automobiles and Light Duty Trucks 190,922 288,839 Roads and Bridges: Streetsweeper - Replace #268 242,228 Excavator - Replace #118 40,335 Toolcat - Replace #773 52,612 66499 Other Machinery and Equipment 282,563 52,612 66000 Total Capital Outlay 473,485$ 341,451$ Fleet & Heavy Equip. to Auction in 2018: #268 Tymco Streetsweeper #340 2011 Chevy Tahoe #343 2012 Caprice #344 2013 Chevy Tahoe #345 2013 Chevy Tahoe #321 2004 Chevy Tahoe #329 2007 Chevy Tahoe Section II, Page 55 TOWN OF AVON DETAILED BUDGET REQUESTS 2017 Revised Department:N/A Program:Recreation Equipment #812 2017 Account Revised Number Account Name Justification Budget EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT: Recreation Center Fitness: Roman Bench 720$ Leg Extension 3,440 Aquatics: Climbing Wall 8,137 66407 Athletic and Recreational Equipment 12,297 66000 Total Capital Outlay 12,297$ Section II, Page 56 TOWN OF AVON DETAILED BUDGET REQUESTS 2018-19 Department:N/A Program:Recreation Equipment #812 Account 2018 2019 Number Account Name Justification Budget Budget EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT: Recreation Center Fitness: Roman Bench Rowers (2)3,319$ Recumbent Bikes (3)14,756 Upright Bikes (3)13,440 Stepmill (1)5,781$ Elliptical Machines (6)48,656 AMT (2)19,252 Incline Trainer (2)12,380 Treadmills 47,922 Technogym/Precor Circuit Weight Machines 26,572 66407 Athletic and Recreational Equipment 31,515 160,563 66000 Total Capital Outlay 31,515$ 160,563$ Section II, Page 57 TOWN OF AVON DETAILED BUDGET REQUESTS 2017 Revised Department:N/A Program:Computers and Office Equipment #813 Account 2017 Number Account Name Justification Budget EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT: Computers and Office Equipment Police: Toughbook MDTs (8)26,607$ Fingerprint System 18,486 Information Systems: Office 365/Skype for Business 85,000 Firewall 5,855 Datacenter UPS 4,212 208/240 SmartUPS (2)9,830 Switched Rack PDU 1,726 66402 Computers and Peripherals 151,716 66000 Total Capital Outlay 151,716$ Section II, Page 58 TOWN OF AVON DETAILED BUDGET REQUESTS 2018-19 Department:N/A Program:Computers and Office Equipment #813 Account 2018 2019 Number Account Name Justification Budget Budget EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT: Computers and Office Equipment Information Systems: Raritan KVM Switch Replacement 2,441$ 2018 Network Switch Refresh 35,151 Engineering: Large Format Copier, Printer, Scanner 9,995 66402 Computers and Peripherals 47,587 - 66000 Total Capital Outlay 47,587$ -$ Section II, Page 59 TOWN OF AVON DETAILED BUDGET REQUESTS 2017 Revised Department:N/A Program:Machinery and Equipment #814 Account 2017 Number Account Name Justification Budget EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT: Machinery and Equipment Road and Bridge Dept: Plotter/Sign Maker - Replace #1127 4,895$ 66499 Other Machinery and Equipment 4,895 66000 Total Capital Outlay 4,895$ Section II, Page 60 TOWN OF AVON DETAILED BUDGET REQUESTS 2018-19 Department:N/A Program:Machinery and Equipment #814 Account 2018 2019 Number Account Name Justification Budget Budget EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT: Machinery and Equipment Road and Bridge Dept: Pavement Cutter - Replace #375 5,377$ Parks Dept: Lawn Mower 21,684 Field Paint Sprayer 4,869 66499 Other Machinery and Equipment 31,930 - 66000 Total Capital Outlay 31,930$ -$ Section II, Page 61 TOWN OF AVON DETAILED BUDGET REQUESTS 2017 Revised Department:N/A Program:Heat Recovery #815 Account 2017 Number Account Name Justification Budget EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT: Heat Recovery Buildings and Facilities: Heat Recovery Loop Pump Replacement 3,205$ 66499 Other Machinery and Equipment 3,205 66000 Total Capital Outlay 3,205$ Section II, Page 62 Original or Final Prev. Amend.Revised Proposed Proposed Actual Budget Budget Budget Budget 2016 2017 2017 2018 2019 SEE LINE ITEM DETAIL BUDGET SUMMARY: CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND The Capital Projects Fund is primarily funded with a 2% real estate transfer tax (RETT). Projected RETT revenues reflect historic collection trends and the best information available regarding the local real estate market. In addition to RETT revenues, the General Fund also makes transfers to the Capital Projects Fund, after achieving a balanced budget, and with all reserves fully funded. Certain other Town funds also occasionally contribute to capital infrastructure depending on the project, such as the Water Fund and the Community Enhancement Fund. Capital projects are selected based on several criteria including, but not limited to, the need for new streets, road and facility development, major maintenance of the Town’s existing facilities and infrastructure, investments in economic development, and projects identified that have high priorities in meeting adopted planning document objectives such as the the Town Comprehnsive Plan, Nottinham Park Master Plan and the Recreation Trails Master Plan. A Five-year Capital Improvements Program, required by the Town Charter and necessary to the long-term planning of infrastructure development and maintenance is also prepared and adopted annually. ADMINISTRATION OF THE DEPARTMENT The Capital Projects Fund is administered by the Town Engineer. The two engineers in the Engineering Department spend a significant portion of each position's time on planning and implementation of the Fund and Five-Year Program. Proportional monies for the engineer's salary are transferred to the General Fund. DEPARTMENT FINANCIAL SUMMARY DEPARTMENT EXPENDITURES BY CATEGORY Section III, Page 1 Original or Final Prev. Amend.Revised Proposed Proposed Actual Budget Budget Budget Budget 2016 2017 2017 2018 2019 REVENUES Taxes 3,497,602$ 2,200,000$ 4,200,000$ 3,700,000$ 2,200,000$ Intergovernmental 1,854,136 420,000 420,000 40,000 40,000 Investment Earnings 60,646 75,000 75,000 37,500 43,750 Other Revenue 159,549 80,000 80,000 80,000 80,000 Total Operating Revenues 5,571,933 2,775,000 4,775,000 3,857,500 2,363,750 Other Sources: Debt Proceeds 6,602,205 - - 375,000 - Operating Transfers-In 1,943,200 4,203,000 4,265,375 265,000 196,368 Total Other Sources 8,545,405 4,203,000 4,265,375 640,000 196,368 TOTAL REVENUES 14,117,338 6,978,000 9,040,375 4,497,500 2,560,118 EXPENDITURES Capital Improvements: Facilities 4,826,688 7,183,137 7,153,034 630,000 - Land and Land Improvements 119,077 1,237,273 1,260,703 100,000 - Roads and Streets 3,718,368 4,370,792 5,120,671 1,440,000 610,000 Water Fund Projects 129,796 25,000 25,000 125,000 300,000 Communications and Technology 35,182 - - 125,000 - Strategic Planning - - 75,000 - - Other 2,851 - 38,000 - - Debt Service: Bond Issuance Costs 147,270 - - - - Capital Leases 121,769 121,770 121,770 121,770 98,802 Contingency - 250,000 - 250,000 250,000 Total Capital Improvements 9,101,001 13,187,972 13,794,178 2,791,770 1,258,802 Other Uses Operating Transfer-Out - General Fund 219,735 233,117 226,327 233,117 240,110 Operating Transfer-Out - Debt Service Fund 578,808 1,025,369 1,017,969 1,010,854 1,010,207 - - Total Other Uses 798,543 1,258,486 1,244,296 1,243,971 1,250,317 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 9,899,544 14,446,458 15,038,474 4,035,741 2,509,119 NET SOURCE (USE) OF FUNDS 4,217,794 (7,468,458) (5,998,099) 461,759 50,999 FUND BALANCE, Beginning of Year 6,198,817 10,427,034 10,416,611 4,418,512 4,880,271 FUND BALANCE, End of Year 10,416,611$ 2,958,576$ 4,418,512$ 4,880,271$ 4,931,270$ Fund Balances Restricted For: Street Improvements (COPs)2,637,739$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Asphalt Overlay 480,000 720,000 720,000 20,000 260,000 Assigned For: Town-owned Properties Development Strategies Plan - - 2,000,000 3,500,000 3,500,000 Unassigned: Unreserved 7,298,872 2,238,576 1,698,512 1,360,271 1,171,270 Total Fund Balances 10,416,611$ 2,958,576$ 4,418,512$ 4,880,271$ 4,931,270$ Fund Summary MUNICIPAL SERVICES Capital Projects Fund #41 Section III, Page 2 CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND 5-YEAR PLAN SUMMARY Current Revised Proposed Actual Budget Budget Budget 2016 2017 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 REVENUES Real Estate Transfer Tax: Base Level 2,858,182$ 2,200,000$ 2,200,000$ 2,200,000$ 2,200,000$ 2,200,000$ 2,200,000$ 2,200,000$ Wyndham Vacation Ownership Club 639,420 - 2,000,000 1,500,000 - - - - Interest Earnings 60,646 75,000 75,000 37,500 43,750 50,000 50,000 50,000 Intergovernmental: Federal/State: MAP-21 Grant (CFDA 20.205)1,355,000 - - - - - - - GOCO Grant - Playground - 350,000 350,000 - - - - - Local Government: ECO Grant - Traer Creek Bus Stop (50%)- 30,000 30,000 - - - - - Eagle County Trails Grant - Phase 3 459,136 - - - - - - - Asphalt Overlay Contributions - TCMD 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 75,000 75,000 75,000 Other Revenues: Asphalt Overlay Contributions - Developer 80,000 80,000 80,000 80,000 80,000 - - - Donations and Contributions 1,000 - - - - - - - Project Cost Reimbursements 77,153 - - - - - - - Nonclassified 1,396 - - - - - - - Total Operating Revenues 5,571,933 2,775,000 4,775,000 3,857,500 2,363,750 2,325,000 2,325,000 2,325,000 Other Sources: Bond Issue Proceeds - Joint Public Safely Facility 6,602,205 - - - - - - - Capital Lease Financing - Solar Panels - - - 375,000 - - - 725,000 Transfer in from General Fund - Assigned to Capital Improvements 1,550,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 - - - Asphalt Overlay 120,000 120,000 120,000 120,000 120,000 75,000 75,000 75,000 Transfer in from the AURA - New Town Hall Tenant Finish - 2,900,000 2,918,375 - - - - - - Sustainability/LEED Designation - - 60,000 - - - - - - Mall Activation Elements - - - 20,000 - - - - Transfer in from Community Enhancement Fund - 2016 Power line Undergrounding 100,000 - - - - - - - - 2017 Playground - 158,000 142,000 - - - - - Transfer in from Water Fund 173,200 25,000 25,000 125,000 76,368 - - - Total Other Sources 8,545,405 4,203,000 4,265,375 640,000 196,368 75,000 75,000 800,000 Total Revenues and Sources of Funds 14,117,338$ 6,978,000$ 9,040,375$ 4,497,500$ 2,560,118$ 2,400,000$ 2,400,000$ 3,125,000$ Projected Section III, Page 3 CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND 5-YEAR PLAN SUMMARY Current Revised Proposed Actual Budget Budget Budget 2016 2017 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Projected EXPENDITURES Capital Improvements: Facilities 4,826,688 7,183,137 7,153,034 630,000 - - - 725,000 Land and Land Improvements 119,077 1,237,273 1,260,703 100,000 - - - - Roads and Streets 3,718,368 4,370,792 5,120,671 1,440,000 610,000 645,000 625,000 450,000 Water Fund Projects 129,796 25,000 25,000 125,000 300,000 - - - Communications and Technology 35,182 - - 125,000 - - - - Strategic Planning - - 75,000 - - - - - Other 2,851 - 38,000 - - - - - Debt Service: Debt Issuance Costs 147,270 - - - - - - - Capital Leases 121,769 121,770 121,770 121,770 98,802 81,999 81,999 55,720 Contingency - 250,000 - 250,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 Total Expenditures 9,101,001 13,187,972 13,794,178 2,791,770 1,258,802 976,999 956,999 1,480,720 Other Uses: Operating Transfers Out - General Fund: - Engineering Department Salary and Operations 219,735 233,117 226,327 233,117 240,110 247,314 254,733 262,375 Operating Transfers Out - Debt Service Fund: - 2010 COPs (ARTF)255,557 254,481 248,881 247,831 241,800 255,225 254,800 251,800 - 2015B COPS (Street Improvements)323,251 319,863 318,763 317,248 320,582 319,613 322,493 320,069 - 2016 COPS (Public Safety Bldg.)- 451,025 450,325 445,775 447,825 450,075 449,375 448,575 Total Other Uses 798,543 1,258,486 1,244,296 1,243,971 1,250,317 1,272,227 1,281,401 1,282,819 Total Expenditures and Uses of Funds 9,899,544 14,446,458 15,038,474 4,035,741 2,509,119 2,249,226 2,238,400 2,763,539 Net Source (Use) of Funds 4,217,794 (7,468,458) (5,998,099) 461,759 50,999 150,774 161,600 361,461 Fund Balance, Beginning of Year 6,198,817 10,427,034 10,416,611 4,418,512 4,880,271 4,931,270 5,082,044 5,243,644 Fund Balance, End of Year 10,416,611$ 2,958,576$ 4,418,512$ 4,880,271$ 4,931,270$ 5,082,044$ 5,243,644$ 5,605,105$ Fund Balances Restricted For: Street Improvements COPs 2,637,739.00$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Asphalt Overlay 480,000 720,000 720,000 20,000 260,000 410,000 560,000 710,000 Assigned For: Town-owned Properties Development Strategies Plan - - 2,000,000 3,500,000 3,500,000 3,500,000 3,500,000 3,500,000 Unassigned: Unreserved 7,298,872 2,238,576 1,698,512 1,360,271 1,171,270 1,172,044 1,183,644 1,395,105 Total Fund Balances 10,416,611$ 2,958,576$ 4,418,512$ 4,880,271$ 4,931,270$ 5,082,044$ 5,243,644$ 5,605,105$ Section III, Page 4 CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND 5-YEAR PLAN INVENTORY DETAIL Proposed Estimated Total 2015 and Current Revised Project Cost Proposed Project Prior Yr.Actual Budget Budget To-Date Budget Budget Actuals 2016 2017 2017 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS Facilities: New Town Hall: 11013 Mountain Vista Office Building Purchase 1,500,925$ -$ 1,504,751$ -$ -$ 1,504,751$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 11014 Tenant Finish Design 219,725 - 37,838 152,162 181,887 219,725 - - - - - 11015 Floor Expansion Feasibility Study 10,500 - 10,082 - - 10,082 - - - - - 11012 Tenant Finish Construction 2,699,500 - 62,447 2,637,053 2,637,053 2,699,500 - - - - - 11016 Sustainability/LEED Designation 60,000 - - 60,000 60,000 60,000 - - - - - 11017 Fiber - PSF to NTH 135,275 - - 135,275 135,275 135,275 - - - - - 11018 NTH Solar Panels 50,000 - - - - - 50,000 - - - - Joint Public Safety Facility Project: 12003 Design 450,000 69,606 263,130 117,264 117,264 450,000 - - - - - 12004 Construction 6,320,855 - 2,586,599 3,734,256 3,734,256 6,320,855 - - - - - 12005 Fiber - ATF to PSF 141,305 - - 141,305 141,305 141,305 - - - - - Transportation Facilities: 14010 Fleet Maintenance EPDM Roof Replacement 300,000 - - - - - - - - - 300,000 New Fleet Solar Panels 425,000 - - - - - - - - - 425,000 14011 Transit Bus Shelters 264,382 19,382 130,833 - - 150,215 - - - - - 14012 Transit Bus Stop - Traer Creek Plaza 60,000 4,490 52,943 2,567 2,567 60,000 - - - - - 14013 Transit Bus Stop - Eaglebend / US Hyw 6 48,000 - 40,249 7,751 7,751 48,000 - - - - - 14014 Fleet Maintenance Building Improvements 90,000 - 98,050 - - 98,050 - - - - - 14015 ARTF Door Repairs 55,000 - - - 55,000 55,000 - - - - - 14016 ARTF Solar Panels 325,000 - - - - - 325,000 - - - - Cultural and Recreational Facilities: 15016 Recreation Center - Slide Flume Refurbishment and S 59,000 23,730 35,270 - - 59,000 - - - - - 15017 Recreation Center - Fitness Floor 75,000 - - 75,000 - - 75,000 - - - - 15018 Nottingham Park Pavilion - Retractable Door/Stage Re 204,496 - 4,496 120,504 20,000 24,496 180,000 - - - - Other Facilities 19002 Avon Elementary Parking Lot Repair 60,676 - - - 60,676 60,676 - - - - - Land and Land Improvements: H.A. Nottingham Park Improvements 21016 Nottingham Park Zone C Improvements - Playground 872,266 3,966 70,000 798,300 798,300 872,266 - - - - - 21017 Nottingham Park - Remodel Restrooms 348,430 - 21,027 228,973 327,403 348,430 - - - - - 21022 Eagle River Whitewater Park Repair 90,000 - - 10,000 10,000 10,000 80,000 - - - - 21023 Eaglebend Affordable Housing Landscaping 28,050 - 28,050 - - 28,050 - - - - - 21024 Nottingham Park Light Upgrade 125,000 - - 125,000 125,000 125,000 - - - - - 21025 Nottingham Park Northside Port-a-Potty Sheds - - - 75,000 - - - - - - - 21027 O'Neil Spur Park Improvements Design 20,000 - - - - - 20,000 - - - - Projected Section III, Page 5 CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND 5-YEAR PLAN INVENTORY DETAIL Proposed Estimated Total 2015 and Current Revised Project Cost Proposed Project Prior Yr.Actual Budget Budget To-Date Budget Budget Actuals 2016 2017 2017 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS Projected Roads and Streets: Streetscape Improvements 31022 Avon Rd./I70 Overpass Pedestrian Safety Improveme 88,000 - 12,209 75,791 75,791 88,000 - - - - - 31023 Metcalf Road - Retaining Wall Stabilization 100,000 - - 100,000 - - 20,000 80,000 - - - 31024 Roundabout #4 TCW Art Element 260,000 10,000 - - - 10,000 - 20,000 230,000 - - 31025 2015 Avon Rd. Landscaping Project 485,000 438,130 (1,786) - - 436,344 - - - - - 31027 Post Blvd. Light Pole Replacement 100,000 - - - - - - - - - 100,000 31028 Post Blvd. Irrigation Wet Well 45,000 - - 45,000 - - 45,000 - - - - 31029 Wayfinding Signage 59,145 - 24,145 20,855 35,000 59,145 25,000 - - - - 31030 Mall Activation Elements 20,000 - - - - - 20,000 - - - - 31031 Avon Rd./I70 Overpass Aesthetics Improvements 270,000 - - - 25,000 25,000 - 270,000 - - - Annual Street Maintenance and Repair NA Annual Paving/Road Improvements NA 717,372 - - - NA 1,200,000 200,000 350,000 350,000 350,000 NA Annual Guard Rail Repair NA - - - - - 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 - 33101 2017 Microsurface/Slurry Seal 250,000 - - 250,000 250,000 250,000 - - - - - 32018 Post Blvd. Settlement Repair Design 75,000 - 9,550 65,450 500 10,050 - - - - - 32019 Wildwood Road Repair Design 75,000 - 7,834 67,166 1,016 8,850 - - - - - 34034 Nottingham Rd. Paving 1,097,500 - 7,500 652,500 1,090,000 1,097,500 - - - - - 32025 E. Benchmark Rd / Beaver Creek Place 425,587 - - 300,000 425,587 425,587 - - - - - 32026 Retaining Wall Repairs - Nottingham & Swift Gulch Rd 50,000 - - - - - 50,000 - - - - Street Improvements: 32020 2016 Safety Improvements - West B/C Blvd 50,000 - 43,657 - - 43,657 - - - - - 32021 West B/C Blvd. RR Crossing Improvements 110,000 - 5,970 104,030 104,030 110,000 - - - - - 32023 Nottingham Rd. Pedestrian Crossings (3)- - - 60,000 - - - - - - - 32024 2017 Safety Improvements - West B/C Blvd 30,000 - - 30,000 30,000 30,000 - - - - - Multi-Modal/Alternative Mobility: 34014 Metcalf Bike Lane Phases 1 & 2 1,082,300 32,883 1,035,873 - - 1,068,756 - - - - - 34015/34021 Eagle Valley Trails Phase 3 (CDOT Funded)2,460,000 32,589 2,341,526 - - 2,374,115 - - - - - 34016 Eagle Valley Trails Undergrounding Project (CEF)100,000 - 97,037 - - 97,037 - - - - - 34033 East and West B/C Blvd. Street Rebuild 3,110,739 1,254 85,738 2,500,000 3,023,747 3,110,739 - - - - - Recreational Trails Program: 34027 Soft and Hard Surface Trail Improvements 150,000 - 49,115 - - 49,115 - - - - - 34030 Trail Improvements 100,000 - - 100,000 60,000 60,000 40,000 - - - - 34035 Metcalf Rd. FS 7-779 Trailhead Design & Improv.255,000 - - - - - - - 25,000 235,000 - Water Fund Projects 21020 Pump House Pump Replacement 150,000 - 129,796 - - 129,796 - - - - - 21026 Nottingham Rd. Debris Flow Study and Improvements 425,000 - - 25,000 25,000 25,000 125,000 300,000 - - - Section III, Page 6 CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND 5-YEAR PLAN INVENTORY DETAIL Proposed Estimated Total 2015 and Current Revised Project Cost Proposed Project Prior Yr.Actual Budget Budget To-Date Budget Budget Actuals 2016 2017 2017 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS Projected Communications and Technology e-Gov.: 81008 Fullcourt 30,668 - 31,648 - - 31,648 - - - - - 81010 Timekeeping Software and Peripheral Devices 35,000 31,799 3,534 - - 35,333 - - - - - 81011 Broadband/WiFi 125,000 - - - - - 125,000 - - - - Strategic Planning Planning and Consulting: 79113 Tract G Core / Parking Plan 75,000 - - - 75,000 75,000 - - - - - Other 93012 Historical Preservation 5,000 - 2,851 - - 2,851 - - - - - 91011 RETT Rebates 38,000 - - - 38,000 38,000 - - - - - Total Capital Improvement Projects 26,770,324$ 1,385,201$ 8,831,962$ 12,816,202$ 13,672,408$ 23,172,199$ 2,420,000$ 910,000$ 645,000$ 625,000$ 1,175,000$ Section III, Page 7 Capital Expenditures by Funding Source 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Total FUNDING SOURCES Real Estate Transfer Tax 3,700,000$ 2,200,000$ 2,200,000$ 2,200,000$ 2,200,000$ 12,500,000$ Interest Earnings 37,500 43,750 50,000 50,000 50,000 231,250 Intergovernmental and Other 120,000 120,000 75,000 75,000 75,000 465,000 Transfers and Fund Balances 5,058,512 196,368 75,000 75,000 800,000 6,204,880 TOTAL 8,916,012$ 2,560,118$ 2,400,000$ 2,400,000$ 3,125,000$ 19,401,130$ CAPITAL COST BY CATEGORY Roads and Streets 1,440,000$ 610,000$ 645,000$ 625,000$ 450,000$ 3,770,000$ Facilities and Land Improvements 730,000 - - - 725,000 1,455,000 Water Fund Projects and Technology 250,000 300,000 - - - 550,000 Capital Leases and Debt Issuance Cost 121,770 98,802 81,999 81,999 55,720 440,290 Contingency 250,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 1,250,000 Tranfers Out 1,243,971 1,250,317 1,272,227 1,281,401 1,282,819 6,330,735 TOTAL 4,035,741$ 2,509,119$ 2,249,226$ 2,238,400$ 2,763,539$ 13,796,025$ Real Estate Transfer Tax 64.43%Interest Earnings 1.19% Intergovernmental and Other 6.42% Transfers and Fund Balances 31.98% 2018-2022 Funding Sources Roads and Streets 27.33% Facilities and Land Improvements 10.55% Water Fund Projects and Technology 3.99% Capital Leases and Debt Issuance Cost 3.19% Contingency 9.06% Tranfers Out 45.89% 2018-2022 Capital Costs by Category TOWN OF AVON Capital Projects Fund #41 Section III, Page 8 CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTIONS _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Facilities Town Owned Properties Master Plan Implementation Description: The Town Owned Properties Master Plan is moving through the approval process. Upon adoption, there will be several projects that will be recommended for implementation. Projects will focus on the Municipal Building site, Nottingham Park, and the Recreation Center. Specific projects will be identified once the plan is adopted. Reserved Funds: 2018 $2,500,000 2019 $1,000,000 Mountain Vista Office Building Purchase Description: 2016 Purchase of the Mountain Vista office building that will be converted to the New Town Hall. Budget: 2016 $1,504,751 Town Hall Tenant Finish Description: The Town of Avon purchased the Mountain Vista office building in 2016 with the intent of moving Town Hall to that location. The building is currently only a core and shell and this project will finish out the building as Avon Town Hall. The project is scheduled to be completed in summer 2018. Budget: 2017 $2,900,000 Fiber Connection from Public Safety Facility to New Town Hall Description: This project will extend fiber optic cable from the Public Safety Facility to the New Town Hall. This will allow the Town’s servers to be in the more secure Public Safety Facility and eliminate the Town having to pay access fees to an internet service provider. Budget: 2017 135,275 Joint Public Safety Facility Design and Construction Description: The Town and the Eagle River Fire Protection District partnered to construct a joint Public Safety Facility at Lot 1B, Buck Creek PUD and is located at 60 Buck Creek Road. The project is scheduled to be completed in October 2017. Budget: Design: $450,000 Construction: $6,320,855 Fiber Connection from Avon Regional Transit Facility to Public Safety Facility Description: This project will extend fiber optic cable from the Avon Regional Transit Facility to the Public Safety Facility. This will enable the Public Safety Facility to be connected to the town’s network without having to pay for a new access port from an internet service provider generating significant yearly savings. Budget 2017 $141,305 Fleet Maintenance Facility EPDM Roof Replacement Solar Panels Description: EPDM roofs have an expected life expectancy of 20-years and the existing roof will reach that life in 2018. This project will replace the EPDM roof with a similar roofing system. As part of the project solar photovoltaic panels will be installed. Budget: 2022 $725,000 Transit Bus Stop Shelters Description: This project constructed bus shelters at four locations including City Market, Stonebridge Drive, Avon Elementary School and Buffalo Ridge apartments. Budget: 2015 $19,382 2016 $130,833 Section III, Page 9 CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTIONS _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Transit Bus Stop - Traer Creek Plaza Description: This project constructed an ECO Transit type bus shelter at Traer Creek Plaza in East Avon. ECO Transit provided 50% of the funding. Budget: 2015 $8,980 2016 $51,020 Transit Bus Stop – Eaglebend / US Hwy. 6 Description: This project constructed an ECO Transit type bus shelter at the Eaglebend / US Hwy 6 bus stop in conjunction the Eagle Valley Trail project. Budget: 2016 $48,000 Fleet Maintenance Building Improvements Description: This project included an overhaul of the buildings HVAC system. Budget: 2016 $98,050 Avon Regional Transit Facility Door Repairs Description: This project improved the reliability and safety of the large garage doors into the bus storage area and bus wash. Budget: 2017 $55,000 Avon Regional Transportation Facility Solar Photovoltaic Panels Description: This project will install solar photovoltaic panels on the Avon Regional Transportation Facility roof per the Climate Action Plan goals. Budget: 2018 $325,000 Recreation Center Slide Refurbishment Description: The slide in the pool area was refurbished and the project included painting the flume and repair of the metal stairs where there has been excessive rust from the chlorine treated pool water. Budget: 2015 $23,730 2016 $35,270 Recreation Center Fitness Floor Description: The flooring material in the fitness / workout area is 20-years old and past its design life. The project includes removal and replacement of the flooring material. Budget: 2017 $75,000 Nottingham Park Pavilion – Retractable Door Description: Replacement of the stage curtain with a retractable door allowing for more flexibility during inclement weather. The project includes repair of several water leaks into the pavilion basement. Budget: 2016 $180,000 Avon Elementary School Parking Lot Description: In partnership with the Eagle County School District, the parking lot at Avon Elementary School was resurfaced. The parking lot is a shared facility for employees and guests at the school and Nottingham Park. Budget: 2017 $60,676 Section III, Page 10 CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTIONS _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Land and Land Improvements Nottingham Park – Zone C Improvements - Playground Description: This project will replace the existing playground equipment with a new facility east of the existing location. The Park Master Plan recommended moving the playground to the current location of the restrooms. The new playground is currently being constructed and is partially funded with grants. Budget: 2014 $3,966 2016 $71,034 2017 $798,300 Nottingham Park – Remodel Restrooms Description: The park restrooms were due for a remodel. The remodel incorporated vandal resistant fixtures and was completed in 2017. Budget: 2016 $21,027 2017 $327,403 Nottingham Park – Athletic Field Replacement Description: The replacement of the 15-year old turf is also overdue. Most sand based athletic fields have a life span of 10-15 years under normal wear and tear and with yearly maintenance (aeration, fertilizing, top-dressing and over-seeding). Due to wear and tear from events such as Lacrosse, Soccer, Pond Hockey, concerts, etc., the turf has been replaced in sections causing thin spots which have an impact on athletic play as well as overall aesthetics. Also, athletic field technology has advanced in the last 15 years to the point that sand based fields are no longer recommended. The new standard is for a sand/soil hybrid which is more durable. Budget: 2018 $335,000 Nottingham Park Fishing Pier Repairs Description: The fishing pier deck was dislodged from the supporting piers by ice and snow during the 2014 / 2015 winter. This project reattached the deck and reinforced the piers to better handle ice and snow loads into the future. Budget: 2015 $44,632 Whitewater Park Repairs Description: The whitewater park experienced some changes as a result of spring runoff over the last several years. The features need to be updated to make them more enjoyable and effective for boaters. Budget: 2017 $10,000 2018 $80,000 Eagle Bend Affordable Housing Landscaping Description: Eagle Bend Affordable Housing development improved the landscaping along Eaglebend Drive by adding trees, native bushes, and flowering plants. The Town contributed 50% of the cost as landscaping was removed during the Town’s Hurd Lane Sidewalk Project in 2007. Budget: 2016 $28,050 Section III, Page 11 CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTIONS _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Nottingham Park Light Upgrade Description: The existing lights were originally installed in 1980 and show signs of wear and tear. The project will replace the lights with modern energy efficient LED bollard fixtures, similar to those installed around the pavilion and along the Main Street Mall. This is the first phase of a multi-year project and will install the bollards on the northside of the park. Budget: 2017 $125,000 Nottingham Park Porta-Potty Sheds Description: Since the installation of the beach on the north side of the park, there has been a significant increase in the traffic in this area. Several port-a-potty’s have been installed in the area and this will enclose them in a more aesthetic manner appropriate for the park. This project has been delayed pending the outcome of the Town Owned Properties Master Plan and the Nottingham Park Landscape Plan. O’Neil Spur Park Playground and Park Improvements Description: The existing playground at O’Neil Spur Park is 20-years old and is starting to require extensive maintenance. The parking lot and porta-potty shelter are also in poor shape and are due to be replaced. This project will develop a scope and design to replace the improvements. The project will also be evaluated for grant eligibility. Budget 2019 $20,000 Section III, Page 12 CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTIONS _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Roads, Streetscape, and Trails Avon Road/I-70 Interchange Pedestrian Improvements Description: The pedestrian experience along Avon Road underneath I-70 is important because it connects the Nottingham Road trail, Swift Gulch Road trail and the Nottingham Road neighborhood with the Town Core. It has poor connectivity; light poles are obstructing pedestrian and bicycle traffic, and there are winter icing issues. The project will widen the path to the west separating it from traffic, replace lighting, and improve safety and aesthetics in the area. Budget: 2016 $ 88,000 Metcalf Road Retaining Wall Stabilization Description: The sandstone cliff above Metcalf Road just prior to the upper switchback was not stabilized during its original construction. The cliff is made up of loose sandstone that is steadily eroding and causing the lot immediately above to gradually erode toward the existing structure’s foundations. This project will install a retaining wall to prevent further erosion of the steep slope. Budget: 2018 $ 20,000 2019 $80,000 Roundabout #4 Town Center West Art Element Description: This central roundabout requires a distinctive monument to identify the Avon town core. A specialized piece will be designed and constructed to replace the 2015 World Cup Element. Budget: 2015 $10,525 2018 $20,000 2019 $230,000 2015 Avon Road Streetscape Update Description: The landscaping and streetscape installed in 1998 and showed signs of wear. Also, some of the landscaping was not compatible with a high traffic environment and needs to be replaced with hardier species. The project replaced the landscaping and included drought resistant species that are compatible with this environment. Budget: 2015 $269,735 Post Boulevard Streetlight Replacement Description: The streetlights along Post Blvd are the old-style 40-foot tall lights that overspray light to areas that don’t require light. This project will replace the light poles with the style installed on Avon Road in 2014. Budget: 2022 $100,000 Post Blvd Irrigation Wet Well Description: The existing wet well was flooded and the equipment located in the vault was damaged. Staff is currently renegotiating the agreement with the property owner to allow the electrical equipment be installed above ground. Once the agreement is completed, the wet well will be repaired and electrical equipment placed above ground. Budget: $45,000 Town of Avon Wayfinding Description: This project includes improving signage and wayfinding throughout Nottingham Park, the Recreation Center and Town Core. Budget: 2016 $59,145 2018 $25,000 Section III, Page 13 CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTIONS _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Mall Activation Elements Description Several elements are proposed to help activate the Main Street Mall. These include outdoor musical instruments and monuments to honor the history of Avon. Budget 2018 $20,000 Avon Road/I70 Interchange Aesthetic Improvements Description: The existing underpass consists of a patchwork of grey concrete that does not create the desired welcoming environment needed for tourists arriving to Avon. This project will improve the entry way with new landscaping, removal of the concrete panels, and signage. The construction budget is a placeholder since the project has not been designed and approved by CDOT. Budget: 2017 $88,000 2019 $270,000 Section III, Page 14 CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTIONS _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ STREET IMPROVEMENTS Annual Paving/Road Improvements Description: The Town’s annual street resurfacing and pavement maintenance program generally consists of asphalt overlays, slurry seals and related surface treatments such as curb and gutter replacement, storm drainage repair, ADA Ramp updates and guardrail replacement or adjustment. The program includes a 5-year slurry seal rotation and 20-year rebuild rotation for the roads. The paving locations are determined annually based on the Asphalt Paving Association rating system. 2017 projects included microsurfacing West Beaver Creek Blvd and a section of Wildridge Road. Beaver Creek Place, East Benchmark Road and Nottingham Road were paved in 2017. 2018 projects include paving Yoder Ave., Fawcett Ave. and Eaglebend Drive. Budget: 2017 $1,090,000-Nottingham Road 2017 $425,586.58-East Benchmark/Beaver Creek Place 2018 $1,200,000 2019 $200,000 2020 $350,000 2021 $350,000 2022 $350,000 Annual Guardrail Maintenance Improvements Description: Most of the guardrail in Avon was installed when the roads were constructed in the 1970’s and early 1980’s. Much of the guard rail is in poor condition requires maintenance. This project will fund yearly maintenance for the next four years. Budget: $40,000/year Retaining wall repairs, Nottingham Road and Swift Gulch Road Description: The retaining walls along the bike path paralleling Nottingham Road and Swift Gulch Road are starting to show signs of deterioration. This project will provide repairs and maintenance to ensure longevity. Budget: 2018 $50,000 2016 Safety Improvements – West Beaver Creek Blvd Description: Improve the safety for pedestrians and bicyclists along West Beaver Creek Blvd from Lake Street to Beaver Creek Place. The improvements include pedestrian crossings, bike lanes, bollards and planters. Budget: 2016 $75,000 West Beaver Creek Blvd Railroad Crossing Improvements Description: Currently the sidewalk along West Beaver Creek Blvd is not continuous through the railroad right-of- way creating a safety concern for pedestrians. This project will install sidewalk creating a cohesive network in that neighborhood. The project will start once the agreements with the Union Pacific Railroad have been obtained. Budget 2016 $5,970 2017 $104,030 Nottingham Road Pedestrian Crossings (3) Descriptions This project removed sections of guardrail; installed impact attenuators and a 6-foot wide paved path and stairs to access the existing recreation path. This project was incorporated into the Nottingham Road Street Improvement Project. Section III, Page 15 CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTIONS _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2017 Safety Improvements – West Beaver Creek Blvd Description: After completing a design test and analyses in 2016, this project includes restriping to replicate the final proposed design in 2017 prior to the construction of the 2018 West Beaver Creek Blvd. streetscape project. Budget: 2017 $35,000 Metcalf Road Bike Climbing Lane and Asphalt Overlay Description: Construction of a 6-foot wide bicycle climbing lane and drainage improvements from Nottingham Road to Wildwood Road to improve safety for bicyclists. A downhill lane is not required because the bicyclists can ride fast enough down-hill with traffic. A full asphalt overlay was included from Nottingham Road to Wildwood Road. Budget: 2016 $1,082,300 Eagle Valley Trails Phase 1 and 2 Description: This Project included construction of a pedestrian / bike bridge over the Eagle River and Beaver Creek along with the associated trail. Budget: 2014 $1,068,756 Eagle Valley Trails Phase 3 – Avon Road to Stonebridge (CDOT Funded) Description: The final phase of the trail was completed in 2016. CDOT grant funds provided $1,350,000 of the project costs and ECO Trails provided $453,534. The project undergrounded overhead powerlines along US6 which was paid for from Holy Cross Energy Community Enhancement Funds. Budget: 2014 $10,341 2015 $39,659 2016 $2,410,000 2016 $100,000 – Undergrounding Powerlines West and East Beaver Creek Blvd Reconstruction Description: This project will improve East and West Beaver Creek Blvd to become less of a car oriented street to a more pedestrian and bicycle oriented street. Improvements will include road narrowing, on-street parking, enhanced pedestrian crossings, bicycle lanes, and landscape improvements. Budget: 2015 $30,000 2016 $203,746 2017 $2,500,000 Soft and Hard Surface Trail Improvement Program Description: This is a multi-year program, similar to our Street Improvements program, which will create a multi- year funding source for new soft surface trails in and around Avon. Budget: 2016 $49,115 2017 $60,000 2018 $40,000 Metcalf Creek Rd., FS 7-779 Trailhead Design and Improvements Description: The current Forest Service Road 779, also known as Metcalf Creek Road, is very steep, erosive and the trailhead parking lot is inadequate. This project will realign a portion of the existing road on Town property and construct a parking lot for summer and winter users. Budget: 2021 $25,000 2022 $235,000 Section III, Page 16 CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTIONS _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Water Pump House Pump Replacement Description: The Nottingham Park Irrigation Pump-house required several improvements to help improve efficiency and extend pump life. Currently, the pumps are not the same size. Upsizing the smaller pump to match the primary pump allowed the pumps to alternate on a weekly basis and extend the life of both pumps by more evenly matching working hours. The addition of new pump monitors (i.e., low flow alarms, high flow or break alarms, and a flow meter) will help to conserve water by allowing the irrigation system to monitor watering use and adjust flow based on local weather data and the type of landscaping. A new VFD drive lessened impacts of the startup process by slowly bringing the systems flow and pressure online based on demand, thus reducing breaks and damage to the system. Budget: 2016 $129,796 Nottingham Road Debris Flow Study and Implementation Description: Currently after large rainstorms the runoff transports large amounts of mud and debris onto Nottingham Road overwhelming the ditches and occasionally closing the road. This project started with a study analyzing the drainages and proposing mitigation alternatives. The 2018 and 2019 projects will be implemented to reduce the amount of sediment deposited in the roadside ditches, drainage facilities, and Nottingham Road. Budget: 2017 $25,000 2018 $125,000 2019 $300,000 Section III, Page 17 CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTIONS _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Communications and Technology Full Court Software System Description: Prior to this project, tickets issued by the police department were manually written out by the officer at the time the ticket is issued. The ticket is then manually entered into the Intergraph system that the police department uses for ticket tracking purposes. The ticket is then also manually entered into the Sleuth court system so the ticket can be tracked in the Avon Municipal Court application. An electronic ticketing solution would allow officers to scan the driver’s license and all of that data would be captured electronically to a handheld device. The officer can complete the ticket on the device, print out a hard copy to give to the citizen and they are done. The electronic information can then be downloaded from the hand held device and automatically interfaced to the Intergraph and Sleuth Court system which would eliminate all of the duplication of effort that exists today in both systems. Status: This project was completed in 2016 Budget: 2016 $31,648 Timekeeping Software and Peripheral Devices Description: The timekeeping software assists in monitoring employee time and attendance, control labor costs, help minimize compliance risks and improve workforce productivity through data collection. Budget: Project $35,333 Section III, Page 18 CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTIONS _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Strategic Planning Tract G and other Town Facilities Planning Study Description: The project examined existing Town facilities, including Tract G, 375 Yoder Ave. and the Public Works complex at 500 Swift Gulch Road in order to develop a long term plan for the facilities. Budget: 2014 $24,801 Tract G Core & Parking Plan Description: This is a follow up to the 2014 Town Facilities planning study. It included professional services to assist in preparing final land use development plans for Town owned properties including Tract G, 375 Yoder Ave., 500 Swift Gulch Rd, and the Wildridge Fire Station. In addition, the plan will include a Parking Study for the Town Commercial Core Area. The consultant will take lead in providing land use development options, coordinating the community input process, and developing and assisting with the preparation and approval of final development plans. Budget: 2016 $75,000 Section III, Page 19 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Section III, Page 20 Original or Final Prev. Amend.Revised Proposed Proposed Actual Budget Budget Budget Budget 2016 2017 2017 2018 2019 Personnel Services 744,014$ 843,921$ 840,460$ 874,303$ 895,264$ Commodities 5,446 4,017 3,640 3,810 3,810 Contract Services 194,184 233,223 220,035 222,345 197,005 Other Operating Costs 138,512 134,412 131,247 110,790 108,090 Capital Outlay 2,165 4,950 4,950 1,600 6,800 Total 1,084,321$ 1,220,523$ 1,200,332$ 1,212,848$ 1,210,969$ Mayor and Town Council 207,490$ 221,972$ 218,786$ 226,760$ 227,260$ Planning & Zoning Commission 12,454 18,066 18,192 16,049 16,049 Town Attorney 133,145 132,000 132,000 132,000 132,000 Town Clerk 135,048 126,191 124,455 117,913 120,153 Municipal Court 106,594 129,000 137,287 148,899 153,829 Town Manager 364,898 405,797 382,240 375,561 383,906 Community Relations 124,692 187,497 187,372 195,666 177,772 Total 1,084,321$ 1,220,523$ 1,200,332$ 1,212,848$ 1,210,969$ Town Manager 1 1 1 1 1 Town Attorney (Contract)1 1 1 1 1 Town Clerk/Court Clerk 1 1 1 1 1 Deputy Town Clerk/ Deputy Court Clerk 1 1 0.6 1 1 Deputy Town Manager 1 1 1 1 1 Communications Manager --1 1 1 Community Relations Officer 0.75 0.75 --- Total 5.75 5.75 5.6 6 6 BUDGET SUMMARY: GENERAL GOVERNMENT DEPARTMENT ADMINISTRATION OF THE DEPARTMENT The Town Manager is the Chief Executive and Administrative Officer for the Town of Avon and oversees all operations and activities of the Town. The expenditures for the Town Manager are accounted for entirely in General Government and not dispersed proportionately among departments and funds. The Assistant Town Manager position also serves as the Finance Director. All expenses, for this administrative role,are accounted for in the Finance Department. The Deputy Town Manager is included in the Manager's budget. DEPARTMENT FINANCIAL SUMMARY The General Government Department includes the Mayor/Council budget plus the direct appointees of the Council, including the Town Manager, Town Attorney, Municipal Judge, Prosecutor and Planning and Zoning Commission. Duties of the Town Clerk's office are included in the Department as well as the work and expenses for the Communications Manager. DEPARTMENT EXPENDITURES BY CATEGORY DEPARTMENT EXPENDITURES BY PROGRAM AUTHORIZED POSITIONS Section IV, Page A-1 LEGISLATIVE Town Council: The Town Council elects the Mayor, and together the elected officials serve as the legislative body for the Town, setting policy and adopting and updating the Municipal Code, as needed. Contributions to outside agencies and economic development investments, which are provided funding to other agencies, are approved by the Town Council. JUDICIAL Planning & Zoning Commission: A seven (7) person board, the Commission implements as authorized the land use code regulations and leads long-range planning. Town Clerk: The Town Clerk’s office is responsible for maintaining the Town’s official records and the minutes of all meetings, as well as providing notifications to the public per the Town’s Charter. The office is responsible for the administration of municipal elections and for the administration of liquor licenses. The Clerk’s office also responds to citizen inquiries concerning Town legislation and public records requests. Town Attorney: The Town Attorney, appointed by the Town Council and is a contracted position. The Attorney serves as the legal representative of the Town, advising the Town Council and staff, and coordinating with special counsel appointments. ADMINISTRATION Town Manager: Appointed by the Council and serving as the Chief Executive and Administrative Officer, the Manager, in addition to general administrative responsibilities, is tasked with enforcing the laws and ordinances of the Town, oversight of all Town personnel, the preparation and implementation of the annual budget, attending Council meetings and participating in discussions with the Council in an advisory capacity, and establishing a system of accounting and auditing for the Town. Community Relations: The Community Relations office plays a primary role in communicating with Town of Avon residents through the accurate and consistent flow of public information, through the media and Town's website to fully inform the Town’s various constituencies on activities, agendas and programs. Municipal Court: Avon’s Home Rule Charter Section 10.2 establishes the Municipal Court that has “exclusive original jurisdiction of all causes arising under the ordinances of the town as may be conferred by law”. The Town Council appoints the Town Prosecutor and the Municipal Judge, who presides over the Court to hear violations of the Town of Avon Ordinances. PROGRAM ACTIVITIES AND OPERATIONS: GENERAL GOVERNMENT Section IV, Page A-2 Estimated Personnel Time Non- Personnel Costs Total Activity Cost Town Council 100%29,640$ 226,760$ Community Survey Planning and Zoning Commission 100%2,750 16,049 Community Survey Town Attorney 100%132,000 132,000 Town Clerk 100%19,039 117,913 Community Survey Municipal Court 100%27,881 148,899 Community Survey Town Manager 100%19,220 375,561 Community Relations 100%108,015 195,666 2018 STRATEGIC GOALS ACCOMPLISHMENTS AND GOALS: GENERAL GOVERNMENT 2017 MAJOR ACCOMPLISHMENTS 1. Implementation of priorities listed in the 2017-2018 Strategic Plan , including but not limited to: (1) Completion of construction of the new Police Station at the Avon Public Safety Facility; (2) Development of Implementation Plan for Town Council's adopted Climate Action Plan; (3) New Harry A. Nottingham Park Playground construction, with grant from Great Outdoors Colorado; (4) Planning for the multi-modal improvements on West Beaver Creek Boulevard; and (5) Approval of the Plastic Bag Ordinance. 2. Contracting of 2017 special events; Staff support for the AHSEC; Developed 2018 coordinated applicaton process; Produced Ben Harper Concert Objectives being met. 3. Implementation of all aspects of the 2017 Town of Avon Community Grants Program. 4. Implementation of the Town of Avon Marketing Plan's 2017 priorities, including redesign of the Town's website; and enhanced civic engagement opportunities. Judicial Administration Performance Metric(s) DEPARTMENT COST ALLOCATIONS Executive 5. Implement plastic bag ordinance and provide research and draft ordinance for polystyrene ban. 6. Oversee Community Survey. Community & Internal Surveys Community & Internal Surveys 2. Contract all third party special event producers; seek to streamline production; evaluate investments. 3. Lead role in Town-Owned Properties implementation, worker housing and economic development projects. 4. Lead role for the Climate Action Plan Implementation Work Group. 1. Manage the implementation of the adopted 2017-2019 Strategic Plan Section IV, Page A-3 DESCRIPTION 2016 ACTUALS 2017 SUPL-1 2017 FINAL 2018 BASE 2019 PROPOSED 61102 Regular Part-time Salaries 51,000 53,099 51,137 51,137 51,137 61207 Telephone Allowance 480 480 480 480 480 61302 PTS Pension 1,913 1,918 1,918 1,918 1,918 61401 FICA/Medicare 618 748 748 748 748 61501 Group Health and Life Insurance 111,534 111,038 111,020 132,646 132,646 61507 Dental Insurance 9,558 9,493 9,885 9,976 9,976 61509 Worker's Compensation 22 22 62 62 62 61510 Unemployment Insurance 153 153 153 153 153 61000 Personnel Services 175,278 174,990 175,404 197,120 197,120 63203 Printing and Reproduction Servic 392 300 1,525 200 200 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [111] Business Cards, Badges & Name Plates 200 Total 200 63303 Photography Services 200 1,000 1,000 0 0 63999 Other Contract Services 4,498 7,000 7,750 3,500 3,500 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [111] Consulting/Training 2,500 [111] Town Clean-Up Day (2x$500)1,000 Total 3,500 63000 Purchased and Contracted Ser 5,090 8,300 10,275 3,700 3,700 64101 Professional Development 3,902 12,100 8,100 3,600 4,500 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [111] Creative Industries Summit - Hotel & Conf. Fees (2) 600 [111] CML Conf. Vail - Fees (4)1,500 [111] CAST Meetings 1,500 Total 3,600 64102 Dues, Licenses and Membership 14,675 15,632 15,057 17,340 16,940 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [111] I-70 Coalition 3,500 [111] CAST 2,426 [111] CML 9,414 [111] Compact of CO Communities 2,000 Total 17,340 111 Mayor and Town Council Town of Avon Line Item Detail Section IV, Page A-4 DESCRIPTION 2016 ACTUALS 2017 SUPL-1 2017 FINAL 2018 BASE 2019 PROPOSED 64104 Meeting Expenses 8,545 6,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [111] Town Council Meetings & Retreats 5,000 Total 5,000 64000 Other Operating Costs 27,122 33,732 28,157 25,940 26,440 66402 Computers and Peripherals 0 4,950 4,950 0 0 66000 Capital Outlay 0 4,950 4,950 0 0 60000T Total Expenditures & Other U 207,490 221,972 218,786 226,760 227,260 111 Mayor and Town Council Town of Avon Line Item Detail Section IV, Page A-5 DESCRIPTION 2016 ACTUALS 2017 SUPL-1 2017 FINAL 2018 BASE 2019 PROPOSED 61121 PTS Wages 9,975 15,100 14,867 12,600 12,600 61302 PTS Pension 374 566 558 473 473 61401 FICA/Medicare 154 219 216 183 183 61509 Worker's Compensation 4 7 7 6 6 61510 Unemployment Insurance 30 45 45 38 38 61000 Personnel Services 10,537 15,938 15,692 13,299 13,299 62801 Employee Recognition Expenditur 0 267 500 500 500 62000 Commodities 0 267 500 500 500 64104 Meeting Expenses 1,917 2,000 2,000 2,250 2,250 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [112] Food for P&Z Meetings 2,250 Total 2,250 64000 Other Operating Costs 1,917 2,000 2,000 2,250 2,250 60000T Total Expenditures & Other U 12,454 18,205 18,192 16,049 16,049 112 Boards and Commissions Town of Avon Line Item Detail Section IV, Page A-6 DESCRIPTION 2016 ACTUALS 2017 SUPL-1 2017 FINAL 2018 BASE 2019 PROPOSED 63101 Legal Services 133,145 132,000 132,000 132,000 132,000 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [113] Town Attorney General Legal Services 127,000 [113] Other Legal Services 5,000 Total 132,000 63000 Purchased and Contracted Ser 133,145 132,000 132,000 132,000 132,000 60000T Total Expenditures & Other U 133,145 132,000 132,000 132,000 132,000 113 Town Attorney Town of Avon Line Item Detail Section IV, Page A-7 DESCRIPTION 2016 ACTUALS 2017 SUPL-1 2017 FINAL 2018 BASE 2019 PROPOSED 61101 Regular Full-time Salaries 59,848 55,114 51,760 63,488 63,790 61106 Paid out Leave 835 489 489 604 616 61151 Overtime Wages 209 500 500 500 500 61159 Other Wages 750 0 0 0 0 61301 FT Pension 6,071 6,116 5,747 7,050 7,085 61304 Employee Assistance Program 20 21 20 25 24 61401 FICA/Medicare 909 765 765 937 941 61501 Group Health and Life Insurance 21,187 19,577 27,218 23,864 25,651 61505 Long-term Disability Insurance 434 366 285 351 363 61507 Dental Insurance 1,783 1,712 2,417 1,768 1,856 61509 Worker's Compensation 90 76 63 94 94 61510 Unemployment Insurance 183 158 158 194 195 61000 Personnel Services 92,318 81,171 89,422 98,874 101,114 62801 Employee Recognition Expenditur 0 50 50 50 50 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [115] $25 x 2 employees 50 Total 50 62905 Books and Periodicals 2,210 3,000 2,600 2,600 2,600 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [115] Codification of Ordinances and Records Retention Codification 2,600 Total 2,600 62999 Office Supplies and Materials 164 500 260 260 260 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [115] Office Supplies 260 Total 260 62000 Commodities 2,374 3,550 2,910 2,910 2,910 63204 Temporary Employment Services 0 18,720 18,720 0 0 63304 Computer Services and Support 1,031 5,256 2,016 1,525 1,525 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [115] Municipal Code Hosting on Website 525 [115] Laserfiche consulting $150 x 20 hours 1,000 Total 1,525 63504 R&M - Office Equipment and Co 1,423 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [115] Printer Repairs and Maintenance 100 [115] Xerox print charges 1,100 Total 1,200 115 Town Clerk Town of Avon Line Item Detail Section IV, Page A-8 DESCRIPTION 2016 ACTUALS 2017 SUPL-1 2017 FINAL 2018 BASE 2019 PROPOSED 63603 Rentals - Office Equipment 2,874 2,874 2,874 2,874 2,874 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [115] Copier Lease ($239.52 x 12) 2,874 Total 2,874 63999 Other Contract Services 9,191 8,200 700 3,700 3,700 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [115] Background Checks 700 [115] Records Destruction 3,000 Total 3,700 63000 Purchased and Contracted Ser 14,520 36,250 25,510 9,299 9,299 64101 Professional Development 5,619 2,000 983 1,100 900 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [115] CML Clerks Institute x 1 and Clerk Workshops 1,100 Total 1,100 64102 Dues, Licenses and Membership 435 435 345 445 445 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [115] IMCA $160 Town Clerk $100 Deputy Town 260 [115] CMCA $185 for both 185 Total 445 64301 Postage and Delivery 12 100 100 100 100 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [115] Fed Ex and UPS Charges 100 Total 100 64302 Recording Fees 137 185 185 185 185 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [115] County Recording Fees 185 Total 185 64305 Election and Registration Costs 7,687 0 2,500 2,500 0 64901 Advertising and Legal Notices 11,947 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [115] Town Clerk Legal Notices 2,500 Total 2,500 64000 Other Operating Costs 25,837 5,220 6,613 6,830 4,130 66402 Computers and Peripherals 0 0 0 0 2,700 115 Town Clerk Town of Avon Line Item Detail Section IV, Page A-9 66000 Capital Outlay 0 0 0 0 2,700 60000T Total Expenditures & Other U 135,048 126,191 124,455 117,913 120,153 115 Town Clerk Town of Avon Line Item Detail Section IV, Page A-10 DESCRIPTION 2016 ACTUALS 2017 SUPL-1 2017 FINAL 2018 BASE 2019 PROPOSED 61101 Regular Full-time Salaries 35,132 50,512 49,154 60,398 63,790 61102 Regular Part-time Salaries 22,380 25,186 24,256 24,256 24,256 61106 Paid out Leave 655 721 721 836 848 61151 Overtime Wages 209 0 500 0 0 61159 Other Wages 750 0 0 0 0 61301 FT Pension 3,635 5,636 5,486 6,736 7,110 61302 PTS Pension 839 910 910 910 910 61304 Employee Assistance Program 12 44 43 48 48 61401 FICA/Medicare 845 1,075 1,082 1,240 1,289 61501 Group Health and Life Insurance 12,882 19,676 27,311 23,957 25,744 61505 Long-term Disability Insurance 233 589 423 489 500 61507 Dental Insurance 1,070 1,712 2,417 1,768 1,856 61509 Worker's Compensation 86 108 89 125 130 61510 Unemployment Insurance 175 222 224 256 267 61000 Personnel Services 78,901 103,952 112,615 121,018 126,748 62999 Office Supplies and Materials 72 0 30 200 200 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [121] Supplies Specific to Court 200 Total 200 62000 Commodities 72 0 30 200 200 63101 Legal Services 20,260 18,000 18,000 18,000 18,000 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [121] Municipal Court Legal Sevices 18,000 Total 18,000 63199 Other Professional Services 0 500 500 500 500 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [121] Indigent Attorney Fees 500 Total 500 63202 Juror and Witness Fees 480 250 250 250 250 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [121] Jury Trial Requests 250 Total 250 63203 Printing and Reproduction Servic 0 250 0 0 0 63304 Computer Services and Support 616 2,173 0 3,256 3,256 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [121] FullCourt Annual Maintenance $2128 + Additional Login Maintenance $1128 3,256 Total 3,256 121 Municipal Court Town of Avon Line Item Detail Section IV, Page A-11 DESCRIPTION 2016 ACTUALS 2017 SUPL-1 2017 FINAL 2018 BASE 2019 PROPOSED 63999 Other Contract Services 4,317 3,500 3,500 3,500 3,500 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [121] Translation 23 court days and misc. documents 3,500 Total 3,500 63000 Purchased and Contracted Ser 25,673 24,673 22,250 25,506 25,506 64101 Professional Development 1,927 300 2,317 2,100 1,300 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [121] CAMCA $150 x 2 300 [121] FullCourt Conference x 1 $1000 1,000 [121] MSU Judicial Administration $800 5 year 800 Total 2,100 64102 Dues, Licenses and Membership 20 75 75 75 75 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [121] Colorado Assn of Municipal Court Clerks 75 Total 75 64000 Other Operating Costs 1,947 375 2,392 2,175 1,375 60000T Total Expenditures & Other U 106,594 129,000 137,287 148,899 153,829 121 Municipal Court Town of Avon Line Item Detail Section IV, Page A-12 DESCRIPTION 2016 ACTUALS 2017 SUPL-1 2017 FINAL 2018 BASE 2019 PROPOSED 61101 Regular Full-time Salaries 249,585 280,457 252,921 252,416 255,461 61106 Paid out Leave 180 2,600 2,455 2,434 2,472 61159 Other Wages 750 0 0 0 0 61201 Automobile Allowance 12,490 13,336 12,875 12,875 12,875 61301 FT Pension 27,172 31,136 28,091 28,034 28,373 61304 Employee Assistance Program 48 50 48 48 48 61401 FICA/Medicare 3,809 4,155 3,890 3,882 3,927 61501 Group Health and Life Insurance 40,107 55,929 55,794 48,221 51,792 61505 Long-term Disability Insurance 994 994 1,437 1,434 1,452 61507 Dental Insurance 3,331 4,595 4,787 3,536 3,711 61509 Worker's Compensation 2,808 2,916 2,527 2,657 2,662 61510 Unemployment Insurance 749 860 805 803 812 61000 Personnel Services 342,022 386,187 365,630 356,341 363,586 62801 Employee Recognition Expenditur 437 25 25 25 25 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [131] $25 x 1 employee 25 Total 25 62802 Food and Beverages 1,647 0 0 0 0 62999 Office Supplies and Materials 73 50 50 50 50 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [131] General Supplies 50 Total 50 62000 Commodities 2,157 75 75 75 75 63203 Printing and Reproduction Servic 0 0 0 100 0 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [131] Department Director Name Badges 100 Total 100 63999 Other Contract Services 446 2,700 2,700 1,450 1,450 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [131] Professional Services 700 [131] Pianos on Parade (1 piano)750 Total 1,450 63000 Purchased and Contracted Ser 446 2,700 2,700 1,550 1,450 64101 Professional Development 10,769 7,100 6,040 6,500 6,800 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [131] CAST Meetings 1,000 [131] CML Conf. Vail - Conf. Fees (2)600 131 Town Manager Town of Avon Line Item Detail Section IV, Page A-13 64102 Dues, Licenses and Membership 1,273 1,475 1,535 1,535 1,535 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [131] ICMA 1,360 [131] CCCMA (2)175 Total 1,535 64104 Meeting Expenses 2,276 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [131] Town Business Expenses 2,500 Total 2,500 64206 Cellular and Paging 1,259 1,260 1,260 1,260 1,260 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [131] $105 x 12 months 1,260 Total 1,260 64902 Financial Support, Donations, an 1,250 1,500 1,500 1,200 1,200 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [131] Contributions 1,200 Total 1,200 64000 Other Operating Costs 16,827 13,835 12,835 12,995 13,295 66402 Computers and Peripherals 2,030 0 0 1,600 2,500 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [131] VMS Laptop 1,600 Total 1,600 66403 Audio/Visual Equipment 135 0 0 0 0 66000 Capital Outlay 2,165 0 0 1,600 2,500 68101 Contingency 1,280 3,000 1,000 3,000 3,000 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [131] Unforseen Expenses 3,000 Total 3,000 68000 Contingency 1,280 3,000 1,000 3,000 3,000 60000T Total Expenditures & Other U 364,898 405,797 382,240 375,561 383,906 131 Town Manager Town of Avon Line Item Detail Section IV, Page A-14 DESCRIPTION 2016 ACTUALS 2017 SUPL-1 2017 FINAL 2018 BASE 2019 PROPOSED 61101 Regular Full-time Salaries 24,541 63,731 63,731 67,311 71,705 61106 Paid out Leave 0 629 629 669 715 61121 PTS Wages 13,477 0 0 0 0 61301 FT Pension 2,700 7,080 7,080 7,478 7,966 61302 PTS Pension 505 0 0 0 0 61304 Employee Assistance Program 8 24 24 24 24 61401 FICA/Medicare 556 933 933 986 1,050 61501 Group Health and Life Insurance 2,630 8,020 8,005 9,835 10,511 61505 Long-term Disability Insurance 166 497 362 383 408 61507 Dental Insurance 204 620 662 663 695 61509 Worker's Compensation 56 94 77 99 106 61510 Unemployment Insurance 114 193 193 204 217 61000 Personnel Services 44,957 81,822 81,697 87,651 93,397 62801 Employee Recognition Expenditur 774 25 25 25 25 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [133] 1 employee x $25 25 Total 25 62999 Office Supplies and Materials 69 100 100 100 100 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [133] General Office Supplies 100 Total 100 62000 Commodities 843 125 125 125 125 63199 Other Professional Services 0 10,000 10,000 34,000 9,000 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [133] Marketing, Design & Creative Services 2,000 [133] Community Outreach/Marketing Plan 7,000 [133] Community Survey 25,000 Total 34,000 63203 Printing and Reproduction Servic 0 200 200 0 0 63303 Photography Services 0 3,000 3,000 3,400 3,400 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [133] Professional Photos - Council, Website, Events 2,000 [133] Videography 1,400 Total 3,400 63304 Computer Services and Support 0 600 600 240 0 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [133] Adobe Subscription 240 Total 240 133 Community Relations Town of Avon Line Item Detail Section IV, Page A-15 DESCRIPTION 2016 ACTUALS 2017 SUPL-1 2017 FINAL 2018 BASE 2019 PROPOSED 63999 Other Contract Services 14,030 12,500 12,500 9,650 9,650 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [133] Website Hosting Fee 8,000 [133] Maintenance & Upgrades 1,000 [133] Recreation Web Home Page Annual Fee 650 Total 9,650 63000 Purchased and Contracted Ser 14,030 26,300 26,300 47,290 22,050 64101 Professional Development 231 400 400 400 400 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [133] Marketing/Communications Seminar 400 Total 400 64301 Postage and Delivery 84 50 50 0 0 64901 Advertising and Legal Notices 0 22,200 22,200 21,600 21,600 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [133] Vail Daily Bi-Weekly Ad - Town News 10,400 [133] Event Advertising 9,700 [133] Miscellaneous Community Outreach Ads 1,500 Total 21,600 64904 Operating Fees, Assessments, a 64,546 56,600 56,600 38,600 38,600 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [133] Channel 5 - 2% Franchise Fee Collection 38,600 Total 38,600 64000 Other Operating Costs 64,862 79,250 79,250 60,600 60,600 66402 Computers and Peripherals 0 0 0 0 1,600 66000 Capital Outlay 0 0 0 0 1,600 60000T Total Expenditures & Other U 124,692 187,497 187,372 195,666 177,772 133 Community Relations Town of Avon Line Item Detail Section IV, Page A-16 Original or Final Prev. Amend.Revised Proposed Proposed Actual Budget Budget Budget Budget 2016 2017 2017 2018 2019 Personnel Services 361,886$ 380,142$ 380,291$ 397,203$ 414,972$ Commodities 11,396 12,675 18,213 38,640 12,386 Contract Services 7,932 13,250 9,650 33,900 21,130 Other Operating Costs 34,804 32,510 36,110 30,910 30,660 Capital Outlay - 1,100 1,100 2,500 900 Total 416,018$ 439,677$ 445,364$ 503,153$ 480,048$ Human Resources 416,018$ 439,677$ 445,365$ 503,153$ 480,048$ Total 416,018$ 439,677$ 445,365$ 503,153$ 480,048$ Human Resources Director -1 1 1 1 Human Resources Manager 1 1 1 1 1 Human Resources Assistant 1 1 1 1 1 Total 2 3 3 3 3 BUDGET SUMMARY: HUMAN RESOURCES DEPARTMENT The Human Resources Department was established in August 2015. Essential functions of the department include assisting department directors with recruitment, hiring, employee relations and performance management; managing and administering the compensation and benefits programs; oversight of the Town’s risk management and safety programs; policy development and compliance; and, working with department directors to develop appropriate training and professional development plans for employees. ADMINISTRATION OF THE DEPARTMENT The Human Resources Department is administered by the Human Resources Director, who is responsible for providing leadership in developing and implementing the Human Resources strategic plan, and overseeing all administrative, legislative, and fiscal operations necessary to assure quality management of core human resources functions for the Town. DEPARTMENT FINANCIAL SUMMARY DEPARTMENT EXPENDITURES BY CATEGORY DEPARTMENT EXPENDITURES BY PROGRAM AUTHORIZED POSITIONS Section IV, Page B-1 Estimated Personnel Time Non- Personnel Costs Total Activity Cost Compensation and Benefits Administration 20%$21,190 $100,631 Organizational Culture and Employee Relations 25%26,488 125,788 Turnover Rate Policy Development and Compliance 10%10,595 50,315 Disputes Recruitment and Selection 20%21,190 100,631 Quality of Hire Risk Management 15%15,893 75,473 Insurance Rates Training and Development 10%10,595 50,315 Effectiveness Rates Compensation and Benefits Administration: Conducts and reviews salary comparisons and market adjustment surveys, evaluates and analyzes pay practice data to determine market competitiveness, and develops and administers the Town’s compensation structures and classification policies. Assist in the development and implementation of the Town’s retirement plans and group health insurance plan; providing support in the areas of plan elections, medical, dental, vision, disability coverages. PROGRAM ACTIVITIES AND OPERATIONS: HUMAN RESOURCES Training and Development: Develops, in collaboration with department directors, training and professional development programs that address employee training needs, including but not limited to new employee orientation, performance management training and leadership training. Performance Metric(s) DEPARTMENT COST ALLOCATIONS Human Resources Organizational Culture and Employee Relations: Provides support to department directors to strengthen the employer-employee relationship through measuring job satisfaction, employee engagement and resolving workplace conflict. Policy Development and Compliance: Reviews and makes recommendations for improvement of the Town's policies, procedures and practices on personnel and risk management matters. Responsible for monitoring state and federal employment laws and practices to ensure the Town's compliance with all personnel administration and matters. Recruitment and Selection: Works closely with the departments to assist with assessments in relation to current staffing levels and advertising for vacant positions. Arranges and participates in the interview and screening process to obtain and fill open positions with qualified candidates. Risk Management and Safety: Oversees the administration of the Town's risk management and safety programs, including workers' compensation and property and liability insurance. Manages the Town's safety committee meetings, employee workplace safety training, workplace injury and property and liability reporting, modified duty and return-to-work programs, and annual risk management and safety insurance audits and renewals. Section IV, Page B-2 4. Continue to host training sessions designed to enhance the Town's culture and maintain and improve teamwork. 2. Completed an extensive and comprehensive Salary Market Study, with multiple model iterations. 3. Maintained and periodically adjusted the Employee Policies and Procedures and Compensation and Benefits guiding documents. 2018 STRATEGIC GOALS 2. Refine the Employee Evaluation process, procedures, and forms and provide management training and coaching skills. 3. Develop and implement metrics for manager new hire satisfaction and follow-up effectiveness ratings for training. 5. Continue to execute a variety of employee events including Health Fair, Recognition, Fall Social, Open Enrollment, and Wellness. 6. Elevate employee understanding of health care mechanisms and cost saving alternatives. 7. Develop a three-year strategic plan for the effective delivery of services to Town employees and new hires. 1. Received CIRSA's Loss Prevention Award for outstanding accomplishments in the management of a successful loss control program. 2017 MAJOR ACCOMPLISHMENTS ACCOMPLISHMENTS AND GOALS: HUMAN RESOURCES 1. Develop RFP, select vendor, drive consulting engagement and operationalize agreed outcomes for adjustment of the Town's Compensation Structure. 5. Successfully navigated through, and completed, first and second quarter reporting requirements for the changes made to the Affordable Care Act (ACA). 4. Received 5% premium discount in Worker's Comp insurance from State of Colorado as a result of department work to mitigate and reduce risk, through safety training and awareness. Section IV, Page B-3 DESCRIPTION 2016 ACTUALS 2017 SUPL-1 2017 FINAL 2018 BASE 2019 PROPOSED 61101 Regular Full-time Salaries 264,410 284,082 278,449 283,384 294,343 61106 Paid out Leave 0 2,703 2,703 2,750 2,859 61151 Overtime Wages 901 600 600 600 600 61301 FT Pension 29,085 31,546 30,927 31,475 32,692 61304 Employee Assistance Progr 72 74 72 72 72 61401 FICA/Medicare 3,719 4,085 4,085 4,158 4,318 61501 Group Health and Life Insur 56,334 55,964 55,897 67,038 72,008 61505 Long-term Disability Insuran 1,531 1,491 1,590 1,618 1,680 61507 Dental Insurance 4,648 4,595 4,787 4,830 5,071 61509 Worker's Compensation 390 411 336 419 435 61510 Unemployment Insurance 796 845 845 860 893 61000 Personnel Services 361,886 380,142 380,291 397,203 414,972 62801 Employee Recognition Expe 8,117 11,625 11,625 12,250 11,336 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [132] Summer Picnic 2,700 [132] Years of Service Awards 1,850 [132] Awards of Excellence 725 [132] Fall Social 4,200 [132] Retirement Recognition 1,500 [132] Gift Cards - $25 x 3 employees 75 [132] Employee Appreciation Lunch 1,200 Total 12,250 62904 Software 0 0 5,538 25,340 0 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [132] Cognos AnalyticsNow 25,340 Total 25,340 62905 Books and Periodicals 0 250 250 250 250 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [132] Safety Publications & Training Materials 250 Total 250 62999 Office Supplies and Material 3,279 800 800 800 800 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [132] Office Supplies 800 Total 800 62000 Commodities 11,396 12,675 18,213 38,640 12,386 63101 Legal Services 245 500 0 0 0 63203 Printing and Reproduction S 122 0 0 0 0 63205 Background Checks 2,920 3,800 3,800 3,800 3,800 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [132] New Hire Background Checks 3,800 132 Human Resources Town of Avon Line Item Detail Section IV, Page B-4 63301 Medical Services and Exami 0 0 0 9,900 4,900 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [132] Random Drug & Alcohol Testing 4,100 [132] DOT Physicals 5,800 Total 9,900 63304 Computer Services and Sup 0 0 0 0 3,480 63504 R&M - Office Equipment an 220 0 900 0 0 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [132] Printer Repair & Maintenance 0 Total 0 63999 Other Contract Services 4,425 8,950 4,950 20,200 8,950 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [132] Health & Wellness Fair 2,000 [132] Pre-Employment Drug Screening 2,250 [132] Flu Shots 950 [132] MSEC for Comp Review 15,000 Total 20,200 63000 Purchased and Contracte 7,932 13,250 9,650 33,900 21,130 64101 Professional Development 12,312 10,150 4,150 5,900 5,900 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [132] COSHRM State Conference Registrations 0 [132] Training for Staff 1,800 [132] SHRM Annual Conference & Expo (2)4,100 Total 5,900 64102 Dues, Licenses and Membe 5,390 5,900 5,900 6,150 5,900 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [132] Society for Human Resource Association 400 [132] High County Human Resource Association 250 [132] Mountain States Employers Council 5,500 Total 6,150 64104 Meeting Expenses 1,118 800 800 800 800 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [132] Benefits & Retirement Meetings 800 Total 800 64105 Training 0 3,000 3,000 6,000 6,000 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [132] Supervisory Town-wide Trainings (2)2-day Course, Materials for 10 persons, Travel, Meals & Hotel 6,000 132 Human Resources Town of Avon Line Item Detail Section IV, Page B-5 64206 Cellular and Paging 644 660 660 660 660 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [132] $55 x 12 months 660 Total 660 64901 Advertising and Legal Notic 15,339 12,000 20,000 9,000 9,000 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [132] Classification Advertising for Job 9,000 Total 9,000 64999 Other Miscellaneous Operat 0 0 1,600 2,400 2,400 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [132] Candidate and Mtg Expenses 2,400 Total 2,400 64000 Other Operating Costs 34,804 32,510 36,110 30,910 30,660 66402 Computers and Peripherals 0 1,100 1,100 2,500 900 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [132] Desktop Replacement - HR Mgr 900 [132] SurfaceBookPro 1600 1,600 Total 2,500 66000 Capital Outlay 0 1,100 1,100 2,500 900 60000T Total Expenditures & Oth 416,018 439,677 445,365 503,153 480,048 132 Human Resources Town of Avon Line Item Detail Section IV, Page B-6 Original or Final Prev. Amend.Revised Proposed Proposed Actual Budget Budget Budget Budget 2016 2017 2017 2018 2019 Personnel Services 975,142$ 1,013,815$ 976,453$ 1,155,108$ 1,182,836$ Commodities 50,723 62,229 62,588 51,667 69,140 Contract Services 235,083 407,217 409,567 403,838 400,704 Other Operating Costs 338,310 315,847 330,689 332,425 324,865 Capital Outlay 4,373 1,800 2,614 10,000 4,300 Total 1,603,631$ 1,800,908$ 1,781,911$ 1,953,038$ 1,981,845$ Finance 802,661$ 911,500$ 886,438$ 1,021,522$ 1,050,218$ Information Technology 380,891 406,753 400,647 434,262 438,849 Nondepartmental 420,079 482,655 494,826 497,254 492,778 Total 1,603,631$ 1,800,908$ 1,781,911$ 1,953,038$ 1,981,845$ Finance Director / Asst. Town Manager 1 1 1 1 1 Finance Manager 1 1 1 1 1 Budget Analyst 1 1 0 0 0 Senior Accountant --1 2 2 Payroll Specialist 1 1 1 1 1 Accounting Assistant II 2 2 2 2 2 IT Administrator 1 1 1 1 1 Help Desk Technician 1 1 1 1 1 Building Attendant 1 1 1 1 1 Total 9 9 9 10 10 The Finance Department is responsible for all financial activities of the Town and maintaining its fiscal integrity. The Department is also responsible for the Town's information technology systems. ADMINISTRATION OF THE DEPARTMENT BUDGET SUMMARY: FINANCE AND IT DEPARTMENT AUTHORIZED POSITIONS DEPARTMENT EXPENDITURES BY PROGRAM DEPARTMENT EXPENDITURES BY CATEGORY DEPARTMENT FINANCIAL SUMMARY The Finance Department is administered by the Assistant Town Manager/Finance Director who spends approximately 35% of time in finance administration, accounting and auditing, and another 40% in budgeting and long-range planning activities. The remainder of the time is split between debt administration, treasury management, and benefits administration. The Finance Division is managed on a day-to-day basis by the Finance Manager. The Information Technology division is managed by the Town's Information Technology Manager. Section IV, Page C-1 PROGRAM ACTIVITIES AND OPERATIONS: FINANCE AND IT IT Network Administration: Includes maintaining the Town's computer network systems, telephone systems, servers, security, routine maintenance & upgrades of hardware and software, documentation & disaster recovery. Customer Service: Provides support and service to all Town computer and telephone users. Log calls, resolve issues, track requests for equipment, software and training. Technology Planning: Continuously evaluates new technologies that can assist the Town in being more efficient. NONDEPARTMENTAL Central Services and Stores: The nondepartmental program budgets and reports those costs that are impractical or administratively burdensome to be reported in another program. Includes the budget for the Town's janitorial services for Town facilities, central office supply stores and the Town's main Xerox copier. Also includes the Town's general property and liability insurance coverages, and the Town's telephony and internet connections. Accounting and Financial Reporting: Includes accounts payable and payroll processing and general accounting; revenue collection, compliance, licensing and administration; procurement compliance and fixed asset inventory; internal control structure and asset safekeeping; and preparation of the Town's comprehensive annual financial report. Budgeting and Long-range Planning: Includes establishing budgetary policies, coordination of the budget process and preparation of the annual budget document. Also includes the Capital Improvement Program and preparing the 5- year Capital Improvement Plan, various other financial modeling, and gathering and reporting on economic and financial statistical information and analysis. Debt Administration and Treasury Management: Debt administration includes capital planning and analysis, debt issuance, meeting on-going disclosure and bond covenant requirements, maintaining credit ratings and investing bond proceeds. Treasury management includes establishing and reviewing cash controls, monitoring cash collection and disbursement procedures, forecasting, maintaining banking relations, cash management services, establishing investment policies and portfolio management. Benefits Administration: Includes financial analysis of self-insurance pools and renewals, reconciliation of departmental claims to premium invoices, reserve accounting and human resources support. Other responsibilities include retirement plan administration and support. Finance Director and Finance Manager serve on the retirement boards. FINANCE Section IV, Page C-2 Estimated Personnel Time Non- Personnel Costs Total Activity Cost Accounting and Financial Reporting 67%$84,968 $544,599 Audit Budgeting and Long-Range Planning 23%29,168 186,952 Budget vs. Actual Debt Administration and Treasury Management 6%7,609 48,770 None Benefits Administration 4%5,073 32,514 Employee Outreach Network Administration 45%$72,268 $172,326 System Availability Customer Service 50%80,298 191,474 Problem Resolution Performance Technology Planning 5%8,030 19,148 Long-Range IT Plan Central Services and Stores 100%$418,797 $497,254 1. Implemented Host Compliance - a short-term rental administration and compliance program. 2. Re-structured budgeting and tax compliance staff responsibilities and hired a new senior accountant. 3. Implemented Office 365 and Skype for Business applications for all Town departments and employees. 4. Completed an optimization review of business processes. 5. Began implementation of paperless cash receipting and archival program. 6. Successfully transitioned the Police Department's IT requirements to their new facility. 1. Implement changes and improvements in businesses processes based on final optimization report. 2. Convert capital assets and equipment replacement spreadsheets to new PubWorks application. 3. Plan and manage the infrastructure needs for the new Town facilities. ACCOMPLISHMENTS AND GOALS: FINANCE AND IT Finance IT Nondepartmental Performance Metric(s) DEPARTMENT COST ALLOCATIONS 2017 MAJOR ACCOMPLISHMENTS 2018 STRATEGIC GOALS Section IV, Page C-3 DESCRIPTION 2016 ACTUALS 2017 SUPL-1 2017 FINAL 2018 BASE 2019 PROPOSED 61101 Regular Full-time Salaries 509,921 541,487 492,797 584,433 595,758 61106 Paid out Leave 4,303 4,959 4,858 5,575 5,683 61151 Overtime Wages 3,162 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [141] Staff OT 3,000 Total 3,000 61201 Automobile Allowance 3,600 3,748 3,610 3,610 3,610 61301 FT Pension 56,565 60,109 54,742 64,901 66,158 61304 Employee Assistance Progr 144 150 137 168 168 61401 FICA/Medicare 5,784 7,733 7,312 8,651 8,817 61501 Group Health and Life Insur 84,046 87,761 84,939 134,577 144,426 61505 Long-term Disability Insuran 2,894 2,892 2,779 3,296 3,359 61507 Dental Insurance 7,670 7,062 7,174 9,692 10,173 61509 Worker's Compensation 767 771 595 863 880 61510 Unemployment Insurance 1,552 1,600 1,513 1,790 1,824 61000 Personnel Services 680,408 699,182 663,456 820,555 843,855 62801 Employee Recognition Expe 150 150 564 175 175 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [141] Gift Cards 175 Total 175 62903 Data Processing Supplies 1,872 0 0 0 0 62904 Software 150 4,500 4,500 1,000 22,980 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [141] Financial Software & PC Computer Upgrades 1,000 Total 1,000 62905 Books and Periodicals 2,676 2,770 2,915 2,960 2,961 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [141] Reuters-Books online 2,120 [141] US Master Tax Guide 115 [141] GAAFR Newsletter 50 [141] Kiplinger Letter 100 [141] Payroll Handbook 225 [141] CPFO Handbooks 200 [141] Other Publications 150 Total 2,960 62999 Office Supplies and Material 2,074 2,000 2,000 1,500 1,500 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [141] Calculator Replacements 125 [141] Miscellaneous Supplies 1,125 [141] New Position-start up 250 Total 1,500 141 Finance Town of Avon Line Item Detail Section IV, Page C-4 DESCRIPTION 2016 ACTUALS 2017 SUPL-1 2017 FINAL 2018 BASE 2019 PROPOSED 62000 Commodities 6,922 9,420 9,979 5,635 27,616 63102 Audit and Accounting Servic 18,200 21,980 19,080 19,800 20,439 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [141] Annual Audit 19,800 Total 19,800 63199 Other Professional Services 11,100 17,765 15,765 5,500 5,500 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [141] Sales Tax Audit Program 3,500 [141] Financial Modeling & Advisory Services 2,000 Total 5,500 63203 Printing and Reproduction S 2,333 3,550 5,000 2,550 2,550 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [141] Eagle County RETT Sales Reports 100 [141] W-2's & 1099's 250 [141] Budget Printing (15) 700 [141] AP, PR, Petty Cash Cks & Envelopes 1,500 Total 2,550 63304 Computer Services and Sup 59,050 115,921 114,221 130,060 122,486 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [141] Sungard Software Mtc & Support 29,579 [141] PowerPlan Mtc & Support 4,988 [141] MUNIRevs SAAS 15,276 [141] Kronos SAAS 11,339 [141] Sungard Webex Training 2,800 [141] Sungard Scripts 1,000 [141] PowerPlan Webex Training 1,000 [141] Host Compliance 51,578 [141] Pubworks Data Conversion and Training 10,000 [141] Other Computer Services 2,500 Total 130,060 63504 R&M - Office Equipment an 179 1,750 1,750 1,750 1,750 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [141] Toner Cartridges 1,750 Total 1,750 63999 Other Contract Services 0 15,000 22,500 0 0 63000 Purchased and Contracte 90,862 175,966 178,316 159,660 152,725 64101 Professional Development 9,795 10,775 10,775 11,865 11,315 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [141] Training Classes for Staff 2,075 141 Finance Town of Avon Line Item Detail Section IV, Page C-5 64102 Dues, Licenses and Membe 1,469 1,495 1,395 1,745 1,745 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [141] Co Chapter APA 60 [141] Sungard Users Group 195 [141] American Institute of CPAs 250 [141] Government FInance Officers Association 470 [141] CO Government Finance Officers Association 180 [141] CO Secretary of State (Finance Authority) 120 [141] American Payroll Association 220 [141] New Position 250 Total 1,745 64104 Meeting Expenses 533 750 450 750 750 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [141] CO American Payroll Association Meetings 10 @ $25 250 [141] CO Tax Audit Coalition Meetings 4 @ $45 180 [141] West Slope Coalition Meetings 150 [141] Staff & Organizational Meetings 170 Total 750 64206 Cellular and Paging 1,454 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [141] Director ($60 X 12) 720 [141] Mobile Hotspot ($40 X 12) 480 Total 1,200 64301 Postage and Delivery 0 125 2,625 0 0 64307 Bank Service Charges and 4,553 6,000 4,805 4,700 4,700 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [141] Vericheck 2,100 [141] 1st Bank 2,100 [141] Asphalt Overlay 500 Total 4,700 64399 Other Administrative Fees 1,820 1,450 2,100 2,075 2,075 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [141] RETT Recording Fees 1,600 [141] GFOA Certification of Achievement Program 475 Total 2,075 64402 Equipment Replacement Ch 3,337 3,337 3,337 3,337 3,337 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [141] Annual Equipment Rental Charges - Kronos Time Clock 3,337 Total 3,337 141 Finance Town of Avon Line Item Detail Section IV, Page C-6 DESCRIPTION 2016 ACTUALS 2017 SUPL-1 2017 FINAL 2018 BASE 2019 PROPOSED 64901 Advertising and Legal Notic 0 0 200 0 0 64906 Insurance Deductibles 0 0 6,000 0 0 64000 Other Operating Costs 22,961 25,132 32,887 25,672 25,122 66402 Computers and Peripherals 1,508 1,800 1,800 10,000 900 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [141] Desktop Replacement - Sr Accountant 900 [141] Desktop Replacement - Payroll Specialist 900 [141] Desktop Replacement - Assistant Town 900 [141] Desktop Replacement - Accounting Asst II (2) 1,800 [141] Laptop Replacement - Kiosk 1,600 [141] Desktop Computer - New Position 1,400 [141] Scanner - AP/CR to LF 2,500 Total 10,000 66000 Capital Outlay 1,508 1,800 1,800 10,000 900 60000T Total Expenditures & Oth 802,661 911,500 886,438 1,021,522 1,050,218 141 Finance Town of Avon Line Item Detail Section IV, Page C-7 DESCRIPTION 2016 ACTUALS 2017 SUPL-1 2017 FINAL 2018 BASE 2019 PROPOSED 61101 Regular Full-time Salaries 159,120 181,033 174,698 183,854 183,854 61106 Paid out Leave 1,164 1,729 1,729 1,729 1,729 61151 Overtime Wages 157 500 500 500 500 61301 FT Pension 17,631 20,104 19,407 20,414 20,414 61304 Employee Assistance Progr 48 50 48 48 48 61401 FICA/Medicare 2,244 2,565 2,565 2,698 2,698 61501 Group Health and Life Insur 32,856 32,687 32,645 38,828 41,678 61505 Long-term Disability Insuran 994 994 991 1,025 1,025 61507 Dental Insurance 2,791 2,759 2,880 2,904 3,048 61509 Worker's Compensation 236 258 211 272 272 61510 Unemployment Insurance 481 531 531 558 558 61000 Personnel Services 217,723 236,177 236,206 252,830 255,824 62801 Employee Recognition Expe 50 50 50 50 50 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [143] 2 employees x $25 50 Total 50 62903 Data Processing Supplies 1,679 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [143] Misc Parts 2,500 Total 2,500 62904 Software 1,111 15,884 15,884 11,907 7,899 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [143] Exch Ent CAL SA 30 CAL for temp and service acct 609 [143] Exch Serv Enterprise SA Software Assurance 775 [143] SQL Server Std SA 5 SA 858 [143] Windows Serv Std SA 80 dual coar 1,679 [143] Windows Enterprise SA 7 SA 349 [143] Office Pro Plus SA 5 license for servers and kiosk 564 [143] Office Std SA 20 for servers and kiosk 1,650 [143] Windows Serv CAL SA 80 560 [143] SQL Serv CAL (20)797 [143] Miscellaneous Software 500 [143] Symantec virus protection 35 new 2018, bring Town into compliance 3,566 Total 11,907 62905 Books and Periodicals 0 200 0 0 0 62999 Office Supplies and Material 2 0 0 0 0 62000 Commodities 2,842 18,634 18,434 14,457 10,449 63304 Computer Services and Sup 107,906 92,353 92,353 105,276 109,077 143 Information Systems Town of Avon Line Item Detail Section IV, Page C-8 DESCRIPTION 2016 ACTUALS 2017 SUPL-1 2017 FINAL 2018 BASE 2019 PROPOSED [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [143] Switch TOA-REC01 FD01708R0YL Mnt 1yr 891 [143] Switch TOA-REC02 FDO1818R09D 891 [143] Switch TOA-REC03 CAT0850R0MA can't renew 0 [143] Switch TOA-BB01 F0C1723W2M6 Mnt 1yr 407 [143] Switch TOA-BB02 F0C1718Y120 Mnt 1yr 407 [143] Switch TOA-BB03 F0C1747S201 Mnt 1yr 355 [143] Switch TOA-FE01 FD01349Y2AA Mnt 1yr 889 [143] Switch TOA-CORE02 F0C1131Y4JT Mnt 1yr 801 [143] Switch TOA-GIG01 F0C1610W3H8 Mnt 1yr 587 [143] Switch TOA-GIG02 F0C1723W2R7 Mnt 1yr 407 [143] Switch TOA-SRV-SW01 F0C1744W49X Mnt 1yr 331 [143] Switch TOA-SRV-SW02 F0X1744W445 Mnt 1yr 331 [143] Wi-Fi AP's Wireless Mnt 1 yr 803 [143] Muni-VMHOST01 FCH1938V2MH Mnt 1y 625 [143] Muni-VMHOST02 FCH1938V2MP Mnt 1y 625 [143] TOA-VMHOST03 FCH1750V1W9 Mnt 1y 525 [143] SG-VHHost01 FCH1814V05G 691 [143] SWright DSL 75 / month 900 [143] WHalstead DSL 55 / month 660 [143] Public Wifi DSL Comcast 235 / month 2,820 [143] TOA Backup DSL Comcast 145 / month 1,740 [143] Symtantec AntiVirus 85 devices Mnt 1y 5,337 [143] SPS Labor Phones Support Assistance 0 [143] Barracuda Web Filter 1 yr maint 1,147 [143] Barracuda Backup Server 1 yr maint 1,978 [143] Barracuda Email Archiver 1 yr maint 2,693 [143] PEI Labor w/ Managed Svcs 1 yr 5,000 [143] PEI Managed Services 1 yr 1,800 / month 21,600 [143] Axis Camera Server 1yr Mnt x 2 300 [143] Electronic Recycling 400 [143] Spam filter 1yr subscription 2,403 [143] VMWare Maintenance 1 year maint 3,735 [143] Switch PumpHouse FCW1844A3FT Mnt 1y 355 143 Information Systems Town of Avon Line Item Detail Section IV, Page C-9 63504 R&M - Office Equipment an 1,527 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [143] Repairs / Replacements 1,500 Total 1,500 63000 Purchased and Contracte 109,433 93,853 93,853 106,776 110,577 64101 Professional Development 4,986 6,750 0 6,750 6,750 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [143] CGAIT Conference 750 [143] Training Classes 3000 * 2 Online 6,000 Total 6,750 64102 Dues, Licenses and Membe 330 330 330 330 330 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [143] CGAIT Dues 330 Total 330 64206 Cellular and Paging 1,259 1,248 1,248 1,248 1,248 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [143] $104 x 12 months 1,248 Total 1,248 64402 Equipment Replacement Ch 44,319 49,762 49,762 51,871 51,871 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [143] Annual Equipment Rental Charges 51,871 Total 51,871 64000 Other Operating Costs 50,893 58,090 51,340 60,199 60,199 66402 Computers and Peripherals 0 0 814 0 1,800 66000 Capital Outlay 0 0 814 0 1,800 60000T Total Expenditures & Oth 380,891 406,753 400,647 434,262 438,849 143 Information Systems Town of Avon Line Item Detail Section IV, Page C-10 DESCRIPTION 2016 ACTUALS 2017 SUPL-1 2017 FINAL 2018 BASE 2019 PROPOSED 61101 Regular Full-time Salaries 50,888 53,834 51,883 51,883 51,883 61106 Paid out Leave 0 488 488 488 488 61151 Overtime Wages 268 0 0 0 0 61301 FT Pension 5,570 5,975 5,761 5,761 5,761 61304 Employee Assistance Progr 24 25 24 24 24 61401 FICA/Medicare 722 759 759 759 759 61501 Group Health and Life Insur 15,517 15,512 15,500 18,889 20,257 61505 Long-term Disability Insuran 456 467 289 289 289 61507 Dental Insurance 1,242 1,228 1,284 1,294 1,359 61509 Worker's Compensation 2,172 2,179 646 2,179 2,179 61510 Unemployment Insurance 154 157 157 157 157 61000 Personnel Services 77,011 78,457 76,791 81,723 83,157 62401 Gasoline 678 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [149] Fuel Charges for Motor Pool Vehicles 1,000 Total 1,000 62402 Diesel 403 550 550 550 550 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [149] Fuel Charges for Buildings Attendant 550 Total 550 62801 Employee Recognition Expe 0 25 25 25 25 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [149] $25 x 1 employee 25 Total 25 62802 Food and Beverages 374 5,000 5,000 3,500 3,000 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [149] Monthly Staff Coffees and Staff Meetings 2,500 [149] Town Hall Coffee 1,000 Total 3,500 62803 Janitorial, Custodial and Cle 21,721 22,900 22,900 22,900 22,900 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [149] Hand Towels 4,000 [149] Tissue 3,500 [149] Toilet Paper 3,500 [149] Aerosols 1,824 [149] Chemicals 2,900 [149] Hygiene 3,000 [149] Refuge Supplies 2,183 [149] PPE and Other Safety (Gloves, signs, etc)1,993 Total 22,900 149 Nondepartmental Town of Avon Line Item Detail Section IV, Page C-11 DESCRIPTION 2016 ACTUALS 2017 SUPL-1 2017 FINAL 2018 BASE 2019 PROPOSED 62805 Clothing and Uniforms 105 1,050 1,050 100 100 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [149] Clothing and Uniform - Bldgs Attendant 100 Total 100 62806 Safety Materials and Suppli 0 150 150 0 0 62904 Software 13,828 0 0 0 0 62999 Office Supplies and Material 3,850 3,500 3,500 3,500 3,500 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [149] Town Hall General Office Supplies and Copy Paper 3,500 Total 3,500 62000 Commodities 40,959 34,175 34,175 31,575 31,075 63504 R&M - Office Equipment an 10,885 5,540 5,540 5,540 5,540 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [149] Xerox Copier/Print Charges 5,000 [149] Mail Machine Annual Maintenance 540 [149] Avaya IP Office 0 Total 5,540 63552 Janitorial and Custodial Ser 0 106,708 106,708 106,708 106,708 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [149] ARC Cleaning Svc $7,507 x 12 mos 90,084 [149] Town Hall Cleaning $634 x 12 mos 7,608 [149] Avon Elementary School Cleaning Svc $234 x 3 702 [149] FT Vacation Coverage $500 x 3 wks 1,500 [149] Steam Cleaning for Sauna and Steam Room 1,200 [149] Pavilion Cleaning Svc 1,040 [149] Park Restroom Cleaning Svc 1,404 [149] Public Safety Facility Cleaning Service 3,170 Total 106,708 63603 Rentals - Office Equipment 10,867 10,140 10,140 10,140 10,140 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [149] Copier Lease ($799.92 x 12)9,600 [149] Postage Meter Rental @ $45/month 540 Total 10,140 63999 Other Contract Services 13,035 15,010 15,010 15,014 15,014 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [149] Laserfiche Annual Basic Services Support 8,900 [149] Laserfiche Public Portal Maint Support 1,600 [149] Employee Bus Passes 1,500 149 Nondepartmental Town of Avon Line Item Detail Section IV, Page C-12 63000 Purchased and Contracte 34,787 137,398 137,398 137,402 137,402 64201 Telephone & Long-distance 49,665 31,522 31,522 31,522 31,522 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [149] TOA Main Fax 1,116 [149] NewCloud Networks 7,620 [149] Mammoth ISP 50Mbs 5,064 [149] P to P SG to Muni 50 Mbs 17,722 Total 31,522 64301 Postage and Delivery 1,817 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [149] General Admin Postage and Delivery Costs 4,000 Total 4,000 64303 Treasurer Fees 34,852 34,596 34,596 36,762 41,515 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [149] 2% Eagle County Treasurer Collection Fee 36,762 Total 36,762 64307 Bank Service Charges and 0 150 150 150 150 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [149] Various Fees 150 Total 150 64309 VAA RSF Collection Fees 7,767 10,000 10,000 6,000 10,000 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [149] VAA RSF Collection Fees 6,000 Total 6,000 64399 Other Administrative Fees 452 0 3,415 1,724 0 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [149] PCORI Fee 400 [149] PTS 457 Recordkeeping Fees 1,324 Total 1,724 64401 Fleet Maintenance Charges 14,035 992 992 992 992 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [149] Annual Fleet Maintenance Charges 992 Total 992 64402 Equipment Replacement Ch 18,040 18,040 18,040 18,040 18,040 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [149] Annual Equipment Rental Charges 18,040 Total 18,040 149 Nondepartmental Town of Avon Line Item Detail Section IV, Page C-13 DESCRIPTION 2016 ACTUALS 2017 SUPL-1 2017 FINAL 2018 BASE 2019 PROPOSED 64403 Washbay Charges 1,456 1,456 1,456 1,456 1,456 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [149] Annual Washbay Charges - 4 vehicles 1,456 Total 1,456 64905 Insurance Premiums 136,291 131,869 142,291 145,908 131,869 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [149] CIRSA: Property and Casualty (71%) 135,000 [149] Fiduciary Liability 2,610 [149] Excess Crime 255 [149] Boiler and Machinery 3,500 [149] Treasurer's Bond - Finance Director 350 [149] Volunteer Accident Medical Plan 193 [149] Excess Cyber 4,000 Total 145,908 64906 Insurance Deductibles 81 0 0 0 0 64000 Other Operating Costs 264,456 232,625 246,462 246,554 239,544 66401 Office Equipment 2,865 0 0 0 0 66402 Computers and Peripherals 0 0 0 0 1,600 66000 Capital Outlay 2,865 0 0 0 1,600 60000T Total Expenditures & Oth 420,079 482,655 494,826 497,254 492,778 149 Nondepartmental Town of Avon Line Item Detail Section IV, Page C-14 Original or Final Prev. Amend.Revised Proposed Proposed Actual Budget Budget Budget Budget 2016 2017 2017 2018 2019 Personnel Services 448,062$ 517,794$ 510,373$ 540,221$ 559,441$ Commodities 6,858 10,865 10,315 99,110 99,110 Contract Services 196,527 402,615 374,610 120,253 79,118 Other Operating Costs 547,806 608,246 638,186 572,665 580,395 Capital Outlay 1,833 - - 2,500 2,700 Total 1,201,086$ 1,539,520$ 1,533,484$ 1,334,749$ 1,320,764$ Planning 215,001$ 283,033$ 282,393$ 281,940$ 283,621$ Building Inspection 141,694 149,265 148,302 151,049 153,263 Economic Development 37,147 - - - - Town Produced Events 291,225 563,831 598,952 243,760 225,880 Special Event Funding 307,788 360,771 296,217 400,000 400,000 Community Grants 208,231 182,620 207,620 161,000 161,000 Salute to the USA - - - 97,000 97,000 Total 1,201,086$ 1,539,520$ 1,533,484$ 1,334,749$ 1,320,764$ Planning Director 1 1 1 1 1 Building Official 1 1 1 1 1 Planner I-II 1 1 1 1 1 Director of Economic Initiatives 1 ---- Manager of Special Events 1 1 1 1 1 Special Events Production Assistant 0.33 0.5 1 1 1 Total 5.33 4.5 5 5 5 ADMINISTRATION OF THE DEPARTMENT The Community Development Department is administered by the Planning Director, who spends approximately 60% of the position’s time in managing applications, Council agenda items, Planning and Zoning Commission agendas, and special project work. The remainder of the Planning Director’s time is spent with hands-on project review and special planning work. The Special Events Manager is supervised by the Town Manager. DEPARTMENT FINANCIAL SUMMARY BUDGET SUMMARY: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT DEPARTMENT EXPENDITURES BY CATEGORY DEPARTMENT EXPENDITURES BY PROGRAM AUTHORIZED POSITIONS The Community Development Department takes the lead role in ensuring the Town’s built environment maintains and advances a livable community, one which meets the needs of the residents, businesses, and visitors. The Planning Division manages all current and long-range community planning functions. The Building Official provides permit and inspection services for residential and commercial development. The Special Events staff takes the lead role in event administration, production and follow-up. Section IV, Page D-1 BUILDING PERMITS AND INSPECTIONS COMMUNITY EVENTS AND GRANTS Building Inspection/Plan Review: The Building Division provides all construction relatedservices in the Town. The division is responsible for the enforcement of the building, plumbing, and mechanical codes, and Title 15 of the Avon Municipal Code. On a day to day basis this division reviews and processes permit applications, performs inspections, and coordinates with other agencies that perform specialized inspections such as Eagle County Health, NWCCOG, and State Electrical Inspectors. Code enforcement matters are handled on an as-needed, or complaint driven basis with a gradual increase in activity each year. Special Event Adminstration & Production: Responsible for the special event development operations of all special events in the Town of Avon, including Town produced events, such as Salute to the USA and outside producer festivals. The staff provides administrative support to the AHSEC. The Special Events Manager oversees one full- time employee and the Town's volunteeers. Event Funding: $500,000 has been approved by the Town Council for 2018 special events, which included Town- produced and third party private producers. Community Grants: This account includes all grant monies the Council approves for use by outside agencies, which include economic development, art and cultural programs, regional environmental projects, sporting events and health and human service needs. PLANNING Current Planning / Land Use Applications: Review and process applications for land use under the rules and procedures of the Avon Municipal Code. Includes pre-applicaiton, public process with PZC/Council. Long-Term Planning: The Community Development Department is responsible for the development of long range planning for the Town of Avon. Walkability improvements and capital projects related thereto will be prioritized with the Beaver Creek Boulevard redesign and construction project. GIS Mapping / Informational Services: Create and manage all mapping functions and associated data management for the Town. Supports special projects with geographical information as well as cartagraphy useful in land use decisions and Comprehensive Planning. Administration: Review all new applications and contractor registration applications at the front counter, including assisting the general public with inquiries. Finance administration for permitting and planning applications, including escrow accounts. This includes administration of the department by the Planning Director. PROGRAM ACTIVITIES AND OPERATIONS: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Section IV, Page D-2 Estimated Personnel Time Non- Personnel Costs Total Activity Cost Administration 30%19,821$ 84,582$ Community Survey Current Planning / Land Use Applications 28%18,500 78,943 Community Survey Long-Term Planning 40%26,428 112,776 Community Survey GIS Mapping / Informational Services 2%1,321 5,639 Cost Effectiveness of IGA Building Inspection / Plan Review 100%7,414 151,049 Community Survey Special Event Administration & Production 100%160,044 340,760 Community Survey; Tax Growth Special Event Funding 0%- 400,000 Community Survey; Tax Growth Community Grants 0%- 161,000 Community Survey; Tax Growth 1. Transferred deed restricted housing compliance and administration to Eagle Valley Home Store. 3. Completed Beaver Creek Boulevard design. 4. Launched Tract G planning project, and brought through public meetings and hearings. 5. Completed the 10-year Comprehensive Plan Update. 2. Assist with the Town Properties Plan implementation. 3. Implement Online Contractor Licensing and Permit Submittals. 4. Provide support to the PZC to overhaul Sign Code 5. Participate in the Interstate 70 Gateway and Corridor Planning. 6. Continue implementation of Trails Master Plan. 1. Provide staff support for the formation of the Creative Arts Committee and Creative District, including development of the 351 Benchmark Road Building. Building Permits and Inspections Community Events and Grants 2017 MAJOR ACCOMPLISHMENTS 2018 STRATEGIC GOALS 6. Ad Hoc Special Events Committee formation; 2017 event production and administration, including Ben Harper Concert; 2018 Event solicitation. 2. Updated Landscaping Regulations. ACCOMPLISHMENTS AND GOALS: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Performance Metric(s) DEPARTMENT COST ALLOCATIONS Planning Section IV, Page D-3 DESCRIPTION 2016 ACTUALS 2017 SUPL-1 2017 FINAL 2018 BASE 2019 PROPOSED 61101 Regular Full-time Salaries 120,166 156,903 152,182 159,611 163,359 61106 Paid out Leave 0 1,452 1,477 1,543 1,582 61301 FT Pension 13,218 17,419 16,902 17,727 18,143 61304 Employee Assistance Progr 36 50 48 48 48 61401 FICA/Medicare 1,720 2,205 2,228 2,337 2,392 61501 Group Health and Life Insur 19,843 23,679 23,649 28,882 30,924 61505 Long-term Disability Insuran 787 994 865 907 928 61507 Dental Insurance 1,559 1,847 1,946 1,957 2,054 61509 Worker's Compensation 1,786 2,241 2,135 2,375 2,431 61510 Unemployment Insurance 360 456 461 483 495 61000 Personnel Services 159,475 200,233 201,893 215,870 222,356 62801 Employee Recognition Expe 225 50 50 50 50 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [212] $25 x 2 employees 50 Total 50 62904 Software 360 360 360 360 360 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [212] Adobe Cloud 360 Total 360 62905 Books and Periodicals 0 150 0 0 0 62999 Office Supplies and Material 376 900 500 400 400 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [212] Office Supplies 400 Total 400 62000 Commodities 961 1,460 910 810 810 63101 Legal Services 4,344 2,000 1,000 2,000 2,000 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [212] Town Attorney Land Use Case Review 2,000 Total 2,000 63199 Other Professional Services 26,238 56,020 56,020 37,400 31,900 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [212] County GIS 3,000 [212] TVHS Qualifications for Resales of Town Deed- Restricted Housing Stock 6,000 [212] TVHS Employee Housing Unit Compliance 7,800 [212] TVHS Consulting - Town Affordable Housing 2,600 [212] TVHS Wildridge Management 3,000 [212] Other Contract Services (i.e. Creative District)15,000 Total 37,400 212 Planning Town of Avon Line Item Detail Section IV, Page D-4 DESCRIPTION 2016 ACTUALS 2017 SUPL-1 2017 FINAL 2018 BASE 2019 PROPOSED 63203 Printing and Reproduction S 532 250 1,000 750 750 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [212] Large Format Color Printing for Public Outreach 750 Total 750 63304 Computer Services and Sup 5,529 5,865 5,865 6,155 6,400 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [212] Sungard Permitting Software 6,155 Total 6,155 63504 R&M - Office Equipment an 2,332 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 63603 Rentals - Office Equipment 4,788 5,318 5,318 5,318 5,318 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [212] Copier Lease ($443.16 x 12) 5,318 Total 5,318 63000 Purchased and Contracte 43,763 71,953 71,703 54,123 48,868 64101 Professional Development 6,338 2,550 2,550 3,700 3,750 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [212] APA Colorado 2 Planners 1,350 [212] RMLUI for One (1)750 [212] DCI for One (1)500 [212] Colorado Creative Indust. for One (1)600 [212] AICP Certification for One (1)500 Total 3,700 64102 Dues, Licenses and Membe 774 1,240 1,240 1,240 1,440 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [212] APA & AICP for 2 Planners Manager 940 [212] DCI 300 Total 1,240 64104 Meeting Expenses 375 500 500 1,000 1,000 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [212] Committee Meetings (Trails/Historic/Creative District) 1,000 Total 1,000 64301 Postage and Delivery 270 250 250 500 500 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [212] Municipal Postage Mailings 500 Total 500 212 Planning Town of Avon Line Item Detail Section IV, Page D-5 DESCRIPTION 2016 ACTUALS 2017 SUPL-1 2017 FINAL 2018 BASE 2019 PROPOSED 64402 Equipment Replacement Ch 846 847 847 847 847 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [212] Annual Equipment Rental Charges 847 Total 847 64901 Advertising and Legal Notic 1,238 2,500 2,500 2,250 2,250 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [212] Vail Daily Legal Noticing 1,500 [212] Vail Daily Advertisements 750 Total 2,250 64000 Other Operating Costs 9,841 7,887 7,887 9,537 9,787 66402 Computers and Peripherals 872 0 0 1,600 1,800 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [212] Laptop for Planning Director 1,600 Total 1,600 66404 Furniture and Fixtures 90 0 0 0 0 66000 Capital Outlay 961 0 0 1,600 1,800 60000T Total Expenditures & Oth 215,001 281,533 282,393 281,940 283,621 212 Planning Town of Avon Line Item Detail Section IV, Page D-6 DESCRIPTION 2016 ACTUALS 2017 SUPL-1 2017 FINAL 2018 BASE 2019 PROPOSED 61101 Regular Full-time Salaries 100,384 110,360 106,360 106,360 106,360 61106 Paid out Leave 2,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 61301 FT Pension 11,262 12,250 11,810 11,810 11,810 61304 Employee Assistance Progr 24 25 24 24 24 61401 FICA/Medicare 1,498 1,557 1,557 1,557 1,557 61501 Group Health and Life Insur 15,824 15,729 15,704 19,093 20,462 61505 Long-term Disability Insuran 497 497 593 593 593 61507 Dental Insurance 1,242 1,228 1,284 1,294 1,359 61509 Worker's Compensation 1,522 1,583 1,492 1,583 1,583 61510 Unemployment Insurance 307 322 322 322 322 61000 Personnel Services 134,560 140,109 140,146 143,635 145,069 62401 Gasoline 244 300 300 300 300 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [213] One (1) Hybrid Vehicle Fueling 300 Total 300 62801 Employee Recognition Expe 20 25 25 25 25 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [213] Employee Recognition for one (1) Employee 25 Total 25 62807 Consumable Tools/Small Eq 0 50 50 50 50 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [213] Inspection Equipment 50 Total 50 62000 Commodities 264 375 375 375 375 63199 Other Professional Services 1,520 2,500 1,500 2,500 2,500 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [213] Safebuilt 2 weeks of inspections 2,500 Total 2,500 63000 Purchased and Contracte 1,520 2,500 1,500 2,500 2,500 64101 Professional Development 1,223 2,100 2,100 2,050 2,050 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [213] ICB Annual Conference 1,200 [213] Building Official Conf 850 Total 2,050 213 Building Inspection Town of Avon Line Item Detail Section IV, Page D-7 DESCRIPTION 2016 ACTUALS 2017 SUPL-1 2017 FINAL 2018 BASE 2019 PROPOSED 64102 Dues, Licenses and Membe 135 275 275 275 275 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [213] ICBO License Renewal 125 [213] Recertifications for Personal Certificates 150 Total 275 64206 Cellular and Paging 207 204 204 660 540 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [213] $55 x 12 months 660 Total 660 64401 Fleet Maintenance Charges 1,275 1,190 1,190 1,190 1,190 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [213] Annual Fleet Maintenance Charges 1,190 Total 1,190 64402 Equipment Replacement Ch 2,147 2,148 2,148 0 0 64403 Washbay Charges 364 364 364 364 364 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [213] Annual Washbay Charges - 1 vehicle 364 Total 364 64000 Other Operating Costs 5,350 6,281 6,281 4,539 4,419 66402 Computers and Peripherals 0 0 0 0 900 66000 Capital Outlay 0 0 0 0 900 60000T Total Expenditures & Oth 141,694 149,265 148,302 151,049 153,263 213 Building Inspection Town of Avon Line Item Detail Section IV, Page D-8 DESCRIPTION 2016 ACTUALS 2017 SUPL-1 2017 FINAL 2018 BASE 2019 PROPOSED 62999 Office Supplies and Material 32 0 0 0 0 62000 Commodities 32 0 0 0 0 63199 Other Professional Services 36,741 0 0 0 0 63304 Computer Services and Sup 374 0 0 0 0 63000 Purchased and Contracte 37,115 0 0 0 0 60000T Total Expenditures & Oth 37,147 0 0 0 0 214 Economic Initiatives Town of Avon Line Item Detail Section IV, Page D-9 DESCRIPTION 2016 ACTUALS 2017 SUPL-1 2017 FINAL 2018 BASE 2019 PROPOSED 61101 Regular Full-time Salaries 83,072 90,058 120,952 129,574 137,482 61106 Paid out Leave 1,581 832 1,203 1,255 1,329 61121 PTS Wages 21,457 142 142 0 0 61151 Overtime Wages 4,258 4,440 4,440 0 0 61159 Other Wages 2,000 0 0 0 0 61301 FT Pension 9,532 9,998 13,437 14,391 15,269 61302 PTS Pension 869 5 5 0 0 61304 Employee Assistance Progr 24 25 44 48 48 61401 FICA/Medicare 1,612 1,336 1,838 1,897 2,013 61501 Group Health and Life Insur 25,305 24,569 21,875 28,768 30,825 61505 Long-term Disability Insuran 509 497 658 738 780 61507 Dental Insurance 2,225 2,139 1,852 1,957 2,054 61509 Worker's Compensation 1,246 1,137 1,508 1,696 1,799 61510 Unemployment Insurance 337 276 380 392 416 61000 Personnel Services 154,028 131,772 168,334 180,716 192,016 62302 Special Event Materials & S 1,636 4,380 4,380 200 200 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [215] Micellaneous supplies 200 Total 200 62801 Employee Recognition Expe 25 325 325 325 325 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [215] Volunteer recognition, incentives - 55 persons $ gift cards for each volunteer 275 [215] Employees 2@ $25 50 Total 325 62802 Food and Beverages 3,441 4,025 4,025 300 300 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [215] Water and snacks for volunteers 300 Total 300 62805 Clothing and Uniforms 0 200 200 100 100 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [215] Staff event apparel - 2 ppl 100 Total 100 62999 Office Supplies and Material 500 100 100 0 0 62000 Commodities 5,602 9,030 9,030 925 925 63199 Other Professional Services 46,891 202,378 202,378 22,450 22,450 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [215] Destimetrics Contract 22,450 Total 22,450 215 Town Produced Events Town of Avon Line Item Detail Section IV, Page D-10 DESCRIPTION 2016 ACTUALS 2017 SUPL-1 2017 FINAL 2018 BASE 2019 PROPOSED 63203 Printing and Reproduction S 1,329 2,965 2,965 0 0 63304 Computer Services and Sup 0 480 480 0 0 63305 Audio/Visual Services 5,250 5,500 5,500 0 0 63306 Security Services 7,021 7,100 7,100 0 0 63504 R&M - Office Equipment an 0 300 300 300 300 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [215] Printer cartridges 300 Total 300 63606 Rentals - Crowd & Traffic C 11,150 11,770 11,770 0 0 63607 Rentals - Portable Facilities 5,722 5,800 5,800 0 0 Admission Fees Expenses 36,767 16,869 20,402 33,280 5,000 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [215] Admission Fees 33,280 Total 33,280 63999 Other Contract Services 0 75,000 44,712 0 0 63000 Purchased and Contracte 114,130 328,162 301,407 56,030 27,750 64101 Professional Development 3,039 875 875 1,100 1,100 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [215] Event Conferences 700 [215] CCI Summit (1) 400 Total 1,100 64102 Dues, Licenses and Membe 0 795 795 795 795 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [215] IFEA Membership Dues 795 Total 795 64104 Meeting Expenses 35 2,450 2,450 1,550 1,550 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [215] Food for AHSEC meetings 1,500 [215] Other meeting expenses 50 Total 1,550 64206 Cellular and Paging 1,234 978 978 978 978 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [215] Director Cell Phone $53/mo 636 [215] Asst Cell Phone $40/mo x 6 mos; $17/mo x 6 mos 342 Total 978 215 Town Produced Events Town of Avon Line Item Detail Section IV, Page D-11 DESCRIPTION 2016 ACTUALS 2017 SUPL-1 2017 FINAL 2018 BASE 2019 PROPOSED 64301 Postage and Delivery 0 0 0 0 0 64306 Permit and Licensing Fees 829 841 841 766 766 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [215] Eagle County event coordinator permit 50 [215] ASCAP 336 [215] SESAC 380 Total 766 64402 Equipment Replacement Ch 1,226 0 0 0 0 64901 Advertising and Legal Notic 10,232 1,600 1,600 0 0 64902 Financial Support, Donation 0 137,050 112,642 0 0 64000 Other Operating Costs 16,595 144,589 120,181 5,189 5,189 66402 Computers and Peripherals 872 0 0 900 0 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [215] Desktop Replacement - Special Events 900 Total 900 66000 Capital Outlay 872 0 0 900 0 60000T Total Expenditures & Oth 291,225 613,553 598,952 243,760 225,880 215 Town Produced Events Town of Avon Line Item Detail Section IV, Page D-12 DESCRIPTION 2016 ACTUALS 2017 SUPL-1 2017 FINAL 2018 BASE 2019 PROPOSED 64902 Financial Support, Donation 307,788 266,869 296,217 400,000 400,000 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [216] Event Seed Funding - SMALL EVENT 400,000 Total 400,000 64000 Other Operating Costs 307,788 266,869 296,217 400,000 400,000 60000T Total Expenditures & Oth 307,788 266,869 296,217 400,000 400,000 216 Special Event Funding Town of Avon Line Item Detail Section IV, Page D-13 DESCRIPTION 2016 ACTUALS 2017 SUPL-1 2017 FINAL 2018 BASE 2019 PROPOSED 64902 Financial Support, Donation 208,232 182,620 207,620 153,400 161,000 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [217] 2018 Community Grants 0 [217] Bright Future Foundation 4,000 [217] Buddy Werner League 1,000 [217] Catholic Charities 3,000 [217] Duchess Ride 1,000 [217] Eagle River Youth Coalition 3,500 [217] Eagle Valley Land Trust 1,000 [217] Education Foundation of Eagle County 4,500 [217] EGE Air Alliance 20,000 [217] Friends of Mountain Rescue 1,000 [217] Habitat for Humanity Vail Valley 3,000 [217] Mountain Family Health Centers 15,000 [217] Red Ribbon Project 1,000 [217] Small Champions 9,000 [217] SOS Outreach 2,000 [217] SpeakUp ReachOut 5,000 [217] Starting Hearts 5,000 [217] Vail Valley Art Guild 4,400 [217] Vail Valley Partnership 15,000 [217] Vail Valley Salvation Army 5,000 [217] Walking Mountains Science Center 30,000 [217] YouthPower365 20,000 Total 153,400 64000 Other Operating Costs 208,232 182,620 207,620 153,400 161,000 68101 Contingency 0 0 0 7,600 0 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [217] Unforeseen Contributions 7,600 Total 7,600 68000 Contingency 0 0 0 7,600 0 60000T Total Expenditures & Oth 208,232 182,620 207,620 161,000 161,000 217 Community Grants Town of Avon Line Item Detail Section IV, Page D-14 DESCRIPTION 2016 ACTUALS 2017 SUPL-1 2017 FINAL 2018 BASE 2019 PROPOSED 62899 Other Miscellaneous Operat 0 0 0 97,000 97,000 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [218] Salute Fireworks 45,000 [218] Salute Production Expenses 52,000 Total 97,000 62000 Commodities 0 0 0 97,000 97,000 60000T Total Expenditures & Oth 0 0 0 97,000 97,000 218 Salute to the USA Town of Avon Line Item Detail Section IV, Page D-15 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Section IV, Page D-16 Original or Final Prev. Amend.Revised Proposed Proposed Actual Budget Budget Budget Budget 2016 2017 2017 2018 2019 Personnel Services 2,350,325$ 2,534,747$ 2,435,193$ 2,594,449$ 2,655,575$ Commodities 116,615 167,574 165,273 196,240 143,218 Contract Services 39,673 43,954 45,879 58,189 66,793 Other Operating Costs 579,477 608,143 613,994 662,760 639,160 Capital Outlay 36,852 41,800 44,201 120,291 67,922 Total 3,122,942$ 3,396,218$ 3,304,540$ 3,631,929$ 3,572,668$ Administration 535,815$ 686,574$ 685,087$ 775,392$ 729,506$ Patrol 2,332,791 2,438,204 2,352,401 2,570,770 2,541,865 Investigation 254,336 271,440 267,052 285,767 301,297 Total 3,122,942$ 3,396,218$ 3,304,540$ 3,631,929$ 3,572,668$ Police Chief 1 1 1 1 1 Deputy Police Chief 1 1 1 1 1 Sergeant 3 3 3 3 3 Investigator/Detective 1 1 1 1 1 Officers 12 12 12 12 12 Administrative Services Officer 2 2 2 2 2 Administrative Asst.-0.5 0.4 0.4 0.4 Total 20 20.5 20.4 20.4 20.4 BUDGET SUMMARY: POLICE DEPARTMENT The Avon Police Department is a full service municipal law enforcement agency responsible for 24/7 police protection in the Town of Avon. Avon police employees strive to meet the Department’s Mission Statement of “We serve to better our community”, employing community policing strategic goals on a day-to-day basis to ensure the safety and security of our residents and guests in Avon. Department Expenditures by Category Department Expenditures by Program Authorized Positions ADMINISTRATION OF THE DEPARTMENT The Police Department is administered by the Police Chief, and is assisted by a Deputy Chief and three (3) Sergeants. The Police Chief spends 90 % in general administration with 10 % contributed to the oversight of community policing programs, including time on law enforcement committees and community organizations. The Deputy Chief provides general administration approximately 95% of time, including time on law enforcement committees and community organizations with the balance spent in the field. Each Patrol Sergeant oversees six (6) police officers while the Detective Sergeant supervises a detective and major programs such as police training. DEPARTMENT FINANCIAL SUMMARY Section IV, Page E-1 Estimated Personnel Time Non- Personnel Costs Total Activity Cost Administration 20%207,496$ 726,386$ Community/Internal Survey, CALEA Patrol Operations 65%674,362 2,360,754 Response Time, Crime Stats Investigations 10%103,748 363,193 Crime Clearance Rates Community Programs/Outreach 5%51,874 181,596 Community Survey, Facebook Investigations: The Investigations Division is staffed by one (1) Detective Sergeant and (1) Detective. The Detectives are responsible to support patrol operations, investigate major crimes, conduct background investigations, administer the police training program, and provide administrative support to the Town Clerk for liquor licensing. The part-time officer/sergeant assists with special events, training, employment background checks and other projects. Community Programs/Outreach: Community Policing is the philosophy of the Avon Police Department and each member is responsible to “better our community” during every shift. Approximately 5% of Avon Police time, 2000 hours is associated with community programs, community resort policing and outreach. These Community Programs include Citizens and Latino Academies, National Night Out; Neighborhood Watch; School Programs; Public Safety/Community Committees, Bike Patrol, Task Forces, Special Olympics events and Coalitions. The Community programs and outreach involves everyone in the department from Chief, Deputy Chief, officers and administrative staff. Performance Metric(s) DEPARTMENT COST ALLOCATIONS Police PROGRAM ACTIVITIES AND OPERATIONS: POLICE Administration: The Police Chief, Deputy Chief, two (2) Administrative Services Officers and Administrative Assistant are responsible for the day-to-day operations of the police department and interaction with Avon Town staff on projects such as budget and department liaisons. Administration is responsible for managing the front desk, customer service, accreditation, records management, outside government liaisons, evidence/property management, policy/procedure, training, and support for police operations. The Chief and Deputy Chief sit on many law enforcement committees and community organizations. Patrol Operations: Patrol Operations are staffed by two (2) sergeants and twelve (12) patrol officers (Three (3) night, three (3) day on opposite sides of the week). These teams are responsible for community policing, proactive biking, walking and vehicle patrolling and responding to emergencies and calls for service. Officers are responsible for investigation of crimes to property and persons, traffic enforcement/education, traffic crash investigations and crime prevention/community outreach. Section IV, Page E-2 ACCOMPLISHMENTS AND GOALS: POLICE 2017 MAJOR ACCOMPLISHMENTS 1. The department completed year one (1) of a new four (4) year Comission on Accrecitation for Law Enforcement Agencies accreditation period in April of 2017. 2. Completed over 460 hours of community policing bike patrol; participated in multiple successful special events that concluded safely; hosted Coffee with a Cop events; softened police uniform look; particiated in resort plicing ski patrol program and Granite Drug Task Force; increased social media presence with over 1300 followers. 3. Completed envisioning sessions with outside consultant to produce refreshed and relevant mission, vision and core value statement; trained all FTE sworn officers in Crisis Intervention. 4. Two Avon Police Officers received a lifesaving awards for their heroic actions; other awards for leadership and volunteer service were recognized in the department; and, received Colorado Traffic Safety Award. 5. Coordinated multiple community engagements to include inaugural Polar Plunge raising money for Special Olympic Athletes. 2018 STRATEGIC GOALS 6. Successfully completed the 9th Annual Avon Police Citizen's Academy; & 5th Annual Latino Citizen's Academy. 1. Continue community resort policing by further engaging with our community and guests, through bicycle patrols, Coffee with a Cop events, hosting a Ski with a Cop activity, Nantional Night out, Police Academies and the Kids, Cops and Hoops program. 2. Continue our CALEA national accreditation, adhering to nationally recognized policies and procedures reflecting community values, while recognizing and respecting individual rights. 3. Complete an Avon PD recruitment video showcasing the Avon PD family and the many beautiful aspects of the Town of Avon. 4. Assist with the GRANITE Drug Task Force in apprehending and prosecuting drug dealers out of our community. Section IV, Page E-3 DESCRIPTION 2016 ACTUALS 2017 SUPL-1 2017 FINAL 2018 BASE 2019 PROPOSED 61101 Regular Full-time Salaries 313,268 394,898 383,470 382,370 387,654 61106 Paid out Leave 9,492 3,688 3,732 3,658 3,712 61121 PTS Wages 5,894 0 0 18,720 18,750 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [311] Admin Asst 1,040 hrs X $18/hr 18,720 Total 18,720 61151 Overtime Wages 2,194 3,000 4,800 5,000 5,000 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [311] Victim Services, Evidence Call Out, Administrative Overtime 5,000 Total 5,000 61301 FT Pension 35,503 43,679 42,431 42,297 42,880 61302 PTS Pension 221 0 0 702 703 61304 Employee Assistance Progr 85 109 106 96 96 61401 FICA/Medicare 4,615 5,617 5,684 5,941 6,019 61501 Group Health and Life Insur 63,370 108,093 108,013 115,695 124,480 61505 Long-term Disability Insuran 5,547 7,411 7,160 8,765 8,936 61507 Dental Insurance 5,431 9,414 9,761 8,966 9,409 61509 Worker's Compensation 6,445 8,032 6,768 8,465 8,642 61510 Unemployment Insurance 993 1,162 1,176 1,229 1,245 61000 Personnel Services 453,058 569,090 573,102 601,905 617,527 62401 Gasoline 1,401 3,160 3,160 3,160 3,160 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [311] Gasoline for Vehicles 3,160 Total 3,160 62801 Employee Recognition Expe 1,307 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [311] Employee Incentives, Gifts $25 x 20 + potential retirement 1,000 Total 1,000 62802 Food and Beverages 3,969 3,000 3,000 4,200 4,200 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [311] Food for Salute $700 for Salute 700 [311] National Night Out Paid by Donations 1,200 [311] Food for meetings, interviews, etc 2,300 Total 4,200 311 Police Administration Town of Avon Line Item Detail Section IV, Page E-4 DESCRIPTION 2016 ACTUALS 2017 SUPL-1 2017 FINAL 2018 BASE 2019 PROPOSED 62805 Clothing and Uniforms 1,099 1,500 1,500 1,500 2,400 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [311] Administration Uniforms 2x$600,2x$150 1,500 Total 1,500 62807 Consumable Tools/Small Eq 402 48 48 775 775 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [311] Miscellaneous Equipment 775 Total 775 62808 Promotional, Informational a 3,252 2,278 2,278 3,100 3,100 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [311] Stickers, challenge coins 1,500 [311] National Night Out 800 [311] Photographs 800 Total 3,100 62901 Duplicating Supplies 201 200 200 200 200 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [311] Copier, Paper, Toner, Misc 200 Total 200 62902 Audio/Visual Supplies 640 0 0 0 0 62903 Data Processing Supplies 85 0 0 0 0 62904 Software 4,125 29,125 29,125 62,315 3,315 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [311] RMS Software Upgrade TOA Share - 15.12% 59,000 [311] CALEA Licenses 25 x $132.61 3,315 Total 62,315 62905 Books and Periodicals 420 210 210 210 210 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [311] Muni. Codes, Traffic Codes, Law Enforcement Periodicals 210 Total 210 62999 Office Supplies and Material 2,324 2,200 2,200 2,200 2,200 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [311] Copier, CBI Computer, Paper 2,200 Total 2,200 311 Police Administration Town of Avon Line Item Detail Section IV, Page E-5 DESCRIPTION 2016 ACTUALS 2017 SUPL-1 2017 FINAL 2018 BASE 2019 PROPOSED 62000 Commodities 19,224 42,721 42,721 78,660 20,560 63203 Printing and Reproduction S 1,707 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [311] Business Cards, Stationary, Manuals, Pamphlets, Court Envelopes & Letterhead 2,000 Total 2,000 63301 Medical Services and Exami 110 500 1,207 1,200 1,200 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [311] Hepatitis/Drug Screens, Annual Physicals, Fitness Program Psych Exams & Doctors On Call 1,200 Total 1,200 63302 Laboratory Services 325 750 250 250 0 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [311] Pre-employment Testing 250 Total 250 63504 R&M - Office Equipment an 1,267 1,585 1,585 1,585 1,585 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [311] Copier, Computers, Printers, Shredder, Etc.1,285 [311] Toner Cartridges 300 Total 1,585 63506 R&M - Radios and Commun 0 200 200 0 200 63603 Rentals - Office Equipment 5,000 4,212 4,212 4,212 4,212 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [311] Copier Lease ($350.60 x 12)4,212 Total 4,212 63999 Other Contract Services 15,015 18,500 19,293 27,900 34,642 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [311] Accreditation Fee 4,000 [311] Vehicle Towing Evidence Impound Tows 3,100 [311] Eagle County Animal Services 20,000 [311] Abandon Vehicle Services Steve Nofziger 800 Total 27,900 63000 Purchased and Contracte 23,425 27,747 28,747 37,147 43,839 64101 Professional Development 12,644 11,537 11,537 10,450 9,900 311 Police Administration Town of Avon Line Item Detail Section IV, Page E-6 DESCRIPTION 2016 ACTUALS 2017 SUPL-1 2017 FINAL 2018 BASE 2019 PROPOSED [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [311] SWAT 1,000 [311] Records Certification 400 [311] Evidence Certification 500 [311] IACP Conference 2,500 [311] Professional Development 2,000 [311] CACP Conference 1,000 [311] CALEA-RMAN Conference 1,000 [311] Memorial Week in DC Send 2 officers 1,500 [311] 911 Public Safety Awards One Table Sponsorship 550 Total 10,450 64102 Dues, Licenses and Membe 1,627 2,880 2,380 2,430 1,880 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [311] IACP 300 [311] FBI Dues 240 [311] Eagle River Youth 250 [311] Colorado Chiefs 240 [311] Rocky Mountain Accreditation Network 100 [311] Consolidated Comm Network of CO 100 [311] When I Work 450 [311] CCRN 100 [311] IAPE 50 [311] NTOA Daly 40 [311] RMTTA Daly 10 [311] Rotary 911 Event 550 Total 2,430 64206 Cellular and Paging 1,277 1,260 1,260 1,260 1,260 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [311] $105 x 12 months 1,260 Total 1,260 64301 Postage and Delivery 726 1,100 1,100 1,100 1,100 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [311] Postage and Cost of Delivery of Evidence Items to CBI for Testing 1,100 Total 1,100 64399 Other Administrative Fees 0 12,000 6,000 8,000 8,000 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [311] Retirement Plan Fees The public retirement fund admin fees are covered by forfeiture funds resulting in employees leaving before the vesting period. There has been less turnover in PD and no forfeitures have accrued. This covers PD retirement admin and legal fees. 8,000 Total 8,000 311 Police Administration Town of Avon Line Item Detail Section IV, Page E-7 DESCRIPTION 2016 ACTUALS 2017 SUPL-1 2017 FINAL 2018 BASE 2019 PROPOSED 64401 Fleet Maintenance Charges 5,192 3,329 3,329 3,329 3,329 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [311] Annual Fleet Maintenance Charges 3,329 Total 3,329 64402 Equipment Replacement Ch 9,709 11,383 11,383 11,383 11,383 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [311] Annual Equipment Rental Charges 11,383 Total 11,383 64403 Washbay Charges 728 728 728 728 728 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [311] Annual Washbay Charges - 2 vehicle 728 Total 728 64901 Advertising and Legal Notic 0 500 500 0 500 64905 Insurance Premiums 0 0 0 4,000 4,000 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [311] New PSF Building 4,000 Total 4,000 64906 Insurance Deductibles 6,746 0 0 0 0 64000 Other Operating Costs 38,648 44,717 38,217 42,680 42,080 66402 Computers and Peripherals 1,077 1,900 1,900 5,000 5,500 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [311] Desktop Replacement - Admin Svcs Officer (2) 1,800 [311] Laptop Replacement - Chief 1,600 [311] Laptop Replacement - Deputy Chief 1,600 Total 5,000 66404 Furniture and Fixtures 383 400 400 10,000 0 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [311] Remainder of furniture for new building 10,000 Total 10,000 66000 Capital Outlay 1,460 2,300 2,300 15,000 5,500 60000T Total Expenditures & Oth 535,816 686,575 685,087 775,392 729,506 311 Police Administration Town of Avon Line Item Detail Section IV, Page E-8 DESCRIPTION 2016 ACTUALS 2017 SUPL-1 2017 FINAL 2018 BASE 2019 PROPOSED 61101 Regular Full-time Salaries 937,918 1,039,531 924,249 970,766 929,811 61106 Paid out Leave 0 9,458 32,441 9,334 8,917 61121 PTS Wages 22,106 14,960 14,960 14,100 34,100 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [312] Part Time Sergeant Dammen 500 hrs x $35 17,500 [312] Seasonal Community Response Officer 480 hrs x $20 9,600 [312] FTO Increase $3.60/hr 7,000 [312] Budget to be reviewed in May 2018 -20,000 Total 14,100 61151 Overtime Wages 155,423 150,600 150,600 158,000 197,100 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [312] HI Vis/LEAF Grant Funded- 2016 Hi Vis $23,940 LEAF $27,047 38,000 [312] Eagle River Youth Coaltion Grant Funded 5,000 [312] Click It Or Ticket Grant Funded - One two week enforcment period 5,500 [312] Investigations, Court, Report Writing, Patrol 50K for Qtrly Training OT 78,900 [312] Avon Live Concerts 4 concerts x 2 officers x 4 hrs x $50/hr 1,600 [312] Drug Task Force TOA's contribution by way of OT man hours to countywide drug task force 25,000 [312] Cover Rock 4 officers x 10 hrs x 2 days x $50/hr 4,000 [312] Lyle Lovett/Ben Harper Concerts 0 Total 158,000 61156 Extra Duty Pay 33,056 25,000 25,000 31,600 25,000 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [312] Extra Duty Contracts (Triple Bypass, Xterra, Bec Tri, Chain Law) Increase to 25K with additonal officers requested for Triple Bypass. Ref $25,000 in 2015, $25,000 off set by revenue from extra duty contracts 25,000 [312] Haute Route 6,600 Total 31,600 61159 Other Wages 1,547 0 0 0 0 61301 FT Pension 103,160 114,682 104,657 107,200 102,677 61302 PTS Pension 1,949 561 561 529 1,279 61304 Employee Assistance Progr 339 355 327 337 313 61401 FICA/Medicare 16,245 17,231 16,635 17,165 17,326 61501 Group Health and Life Insur 298,165 306,221 265,490 326,098 350,265 61505 Long-term Disability Insuran 22,710 26,861 23,202 29,502 28,173 61507 Dental Insurance 24,661 26,013 23,562 24,436 25,646 61509 Worker's Compensation 38,167 33,676 26,287 30,533 29,834 61510 Unemployment Insurance 3,450 3,565 3,442 3,551 3,585 312 Patrol Town of Avon Line Item Detail Section IV, Page E-9 am ance ce 61000 Personnel Services 1,658,897 1,710,592 1,611,413 1,723,151 1,754,025 62101 Police Operating and Field 8,241 7,500 7,500 7,500 5,000 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [312] Field Equipment Replacement, Intox Supplies, Taser Batteries 5,000 [312] One police patrol bike 2,500 Total 7,500 62102 Firearms and Weapons Sup 22,738 24,621 20,220 20,935 20,935 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [312] Firearm Supplies, Shotgun Shells, Bullets, Rifle Repairs, Cleaning Supplies, Targets, Less Than Lethal Forces Munitions 14,000 [312] SOU Firearms 1,000 [312] Tasers 5 x $1187 5 of 19 (4.5 year replacement schedule for Taser fleet) 5,935 Total 20,935 62401 Gasoline 24,928 31,000 31,000 31,000 31,000 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [312] Gasoline for Patrol Cars 31,000 Total 31,000 62804 Training Supplies 1,954 16,190 18,290 2,000 2,000 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [312] Defensive Tactics/Arrest Control Equipment eg. red guns, pads 2,000 Total 2,000 62805 Clothing and Uniforms 11,789 16,000 19,000 18,200 24,950 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [312] Uniforms $700x16 (includes CRO)11,200 [312] Misc. Uniforms, Leather Gear, Equipment 6,000 [312] SOU Replacement Uniforms 1,000 Total 18,200 312 Patrol Town of Avon Line Item Detail Section IV, Page E-10 DESCRIPTION 2016 ACTUALS 2017 SUPL-1 2017 FINAL 2018 BASE 2019 PROPOSED 62806 Safety Materials and Suppli 14,983 12,985 9,985 16,200 15,400 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [312] Flares, Cones, Safety Equipment, Winter Boots 11,400 [312] Ballistic Vests 4 vests (50% grant funded) 4,000 [312] Narcan Replacement 800 Total 16,200 62807 Consumable Tools/Small Eq 9,124 10,507 10,507 7,800 15,628 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [312] Narcotics Testing Eq., NIK Kits, Swabs 1,300 [312] SOU Equipment Helmets, earsets, gas masks (over 5 years replacement) 6,500 Total 7,800 62809 Medical Supplies and 1st Ai 450 400 400 400 400 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [312] Blood and Urine Test Equipment, 1st Aid 400 Total 400 62902 Audio/Visual Supplies 0 100 100 0 100 62904 Software 0 0 0 7,995 795 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [312] Input Ace Forensic Video 3,495 [312] Evidence on Q Upgrade 4,500 Total 7,995 62000 Commodities 94,208 119,303 117,002 112,030 116,208 63302 Laboratory Services 4,260 7,000 7,000 3,000 7,000 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [312] Toxicology Testing, Blood and Urine Testing 3,000 Total 3,000 63304 Computer Services and Sup 6,840 8,007 8,007 14,754 14,754 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [312] Livescan Fingerprint System Maintenance 3,942 [312] Axon BWC Annual Fees Media storage, assurance plans, 2.5 capital replacement 10,812 Total 14,754 312 Patrol Town of Avon Line Item Detail Section IV, Page E-11 DESCRIPTION 2016 ACTUALS 2017 SUPL-1 2017 FINAL 2018 BASE 2019 PROPOSED 63504 R&M - Office Equipment an 0 0 0 300 0 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [312] Xerox Copier Print Charges 300 Total 300 63505 R&M - Vehicles 2,075 0 0 0 0 63549 R&M - Other Specialized Eq 1,274 0 478 0 0 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [312] Radar 0 Total 0 63603 Rentals - Office Equipment 0 0 447 1,788 0 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [312] Patrol Room Xerox Copier ($149/mo.) 1,788 Total 1,788 63000 Purchased and Contracte 14,449 15,007 15,932 19,842 21,754 64101 Professional Development 42,931 35,853 56,504 50,328 25,978 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [312] Misc Training, Bike Patrol, Community Policing, SRO, Police Liability, Search and Seizure 16,650 [312] Academy Possibility of 1 officers retiring 2018 3,350 [312] Krav Maga Recert POST I70 Grant 21,000 [312] Sigma Health Screening $848 x 22(50% funded by CIRSA) 9,328 Total 50,328 64102 Dues, Licenses and Membe 0 320 320 320 320 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [312] Int. Homicide Investigation Assoc. Holmstrom 50 [312] Rocky Mtn Tactical Team Assoc. Gray, Lovins, Lundblade 30 [312] National Assoc. School Resource Officers Benson 40 [312] Rocky Mountain Info Network 100 [312] Misc.100 Total 320 64206 Cellular and Paging 6,438 7,680 7,680 7,680 7,680 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [312] $640 x 12 months 7,680 Total 7,680 312 Patrol Town of Avon Line Item Detail Section IV, Page E-12 DESCRIPTION 2016 ACTUALS 2017 SUPL-1 2017 FINAL 2018 BASE 2019 PROPOSED 64401 Fleet Maintenance Charges 45,483 60,219 60,219 60,219 60,219 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [312] Annual Fleet Maintenance Charges 60,219 Total 60,219 64402 Equipment Replacement Ch 113,707 122,361 122,361 119,796 119,796 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [312] Annual Equipment Rental Charges 119,796 Total 119,796 64403 Washbay Charges 4,368 4,368 4,368 4,368 4,368 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [312] Annual Washbay Charges - 12 vehicles 4,368 Total 4,368 64904 Operating Fees, Assessmen 318,614 323,001 314,701 367,745 369,095 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [312] Crime Stoppers 500 [312] E-Ticketing $400 handsets maint fee x 7, $1000 interface maint fee for court 3,800 [312] Detox Operation 19,567 [312] Boarding Prisoners 750 [312] 800 MHz System Fee 40,660 [312] Vail Dispatch Services 284,280 [312] Raids on Line 3,780 [312] AED Concierge Program 720 [312] Transunion Fee 1,320 [312] Evidence on Q 868 [312] NSWC Night Vision Equipment Loan Program 1,500 [312] TreeTop 5,000 [312] River Bridge 5,000 Total 367,745 64906 Insurance Deductibles 288 0 0 0 0 64000 Other Operating Costs 531,829 553,802 566,153 610,456 587,456 66402 Computers and Peripherals 2,178 10,000 15,630 15,900 2,700 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [312] Desktop Replacement - Sergeant 900 [312] PSF Wireless Access Point 15,000 Total 15,900 66403 Audio/Visual Equipment 0 0 0 10,000 0 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [312] A/V Equipment for PSF 10,000 Total 10,000 312 Patrol Town of Avon Line Item Detail Section IV, Page E-13 DESCRIPTION 2016 ACTUALS 2017 SUPL-1 2017 FINAL 2018 BASE 2019 PROPOSED 66405 Radios and Communication 9,586 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [312] Mobile Radios Per Scott Wright, no longer rental accruals for radios, tracking 38 radios, therefore increasing 10k to 20k to create 5-6 year plan. 20,000 Total 20,000 66406 Public Safety Equipment 21,646 9,500 6,271 9,500 9,500 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [312] SOU Equipment 2,000 [312] 3 radar units x $2500 each (includes installation) Replace every 5 yrs 7,500 Total 9,500 66501 Automobiles and Light Duty 0 0 0 49,891 30,222 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [312] Equipment Replacement Catchup (3 Patrol 49,891 Total 49,891 66000 Capital Outlay 33,409 39,500 41,901 105,291 62,422 60000T Total Expenditures & Oth 2,332,791 2,438,204 2,352,401 2,570,770 2,541,865 312 Patrol Town of Avon Line Item Detail Section IV, Page E-14 DESCRIPTION 2016 ACTUALS 2017 SUPL-1 2017 FINAL 2018 BASE 2019 PROPOSED 61101 Regular Full-time Salaries 154,597 178,454 169,051 164,110 173,174 61106 Paid out Leave 0 1,636 1,593 1,593 1,636 61151 Overtime Wages 20,254 15,000 15,000 20,000 20,000 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [313] Investigator's Overtime 20,000 Total 20,000 61301 FT Pension 17,006 19,689 18,657 18,117 19,112 61304 Employee Assistance Progr 48 50 48 48 48 61401 FICA/Medicare 2,500 2,737 2,692 2,693 2,825 61501 Group Health and Life Insur 31,285 31,298 31,246 47,887 51,482 61505 Long-term Disability Insuran 4,027 4,611 4,536 5,343 5,638 61507 Dental Insurance 2,464 2,455 2,568 3,536 3,711 61509 Worker's Compensation 5,667 5,777 4,729 5,508 5,812 61510 Unemployment Insurance 525 566 557 557 584 61000 Personnel Services 238,372 255,066 250,678 269,393 284,023 62101 Police Operating and Field 1,260 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [313] DUI Blood Storage Refrigerator Equipment, Crime Scene Investigation Inventory Replacement, Investigative Supplies 1,500 Total 1,500 62401 Gasoline 1,256 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [313] Gasoline for Vehicles 2,500 Total 2,500 62805 Clothing and Uniforms 666 1,200 1,200 1,200 2,100 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [313] Miscellaneous Uniforms 1,200 Total 1,200 62806 Safety Materials and Suppli 0 200 200 200 200 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [313] Gloves, PPE, Decontamination Wipes 200 Total 200 62807 Consumable Tools/Small Eq 0 150 150 150 150 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [313] Miscellaneous 150 Total 150 313 Investigation Town of Avon Line Item Detail Section IV, Page E-15 DESCRIPTION 2016 ACTUALS 2017 SUPL-1 2017 FINAL 2018 BASE 2019 PROPOSED 62000 Commodities 3,183 5,550 5,550 5,550 6,450 63301 Medical Services and Exami 1,800 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [313] Sex Assault Medical Services 1,200 Total 1,200 63000 Purchased and Contracte 1,800 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 64206 Cellular and Paging 742 1,260 1,260 1,260 1,260 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [313] $105 x 12 months 1,260 Total 1,260 64401 Fleet Maintenance Charges 886 992 992 992 992 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [313] Annual Fleet Maintenance Charges 992 Total 992 64402 Equipment Replacement Ch 6,644 6,644 6,644 6,644 6,644 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [313] Annual Equipment Rental Charges 6,644 Total 6,644 64403 Washbay Charges 728 728 728 728 728 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [313] Annual Washbay Charges - 2 Vehicles 728 Total 728 64000 Other Operating Costs 9,000 9,624 9,624 9,624 9,624 66402 Computers and Peripherals 1,982 0 0 0 0 66000 Capital Outlay 1,982 0 0 0 0 60000T Total Expenditures & Oth 254,336 271,440 267,052 285,767 301,297 313 Investigation Town of Avon Line Item Detail Section IV, Page E-16 Original or Final Prev. Amend.Revised Proposed Proposed Actual Budget Budget Budget Budget 2016 2017 2017 2018 2019 Personnel Services 1,253,137$ 1,426,233$ 1,379,202$ 1,533,202$ 1,655,401$ Commodities 283,820 338,729 295,878 291,185 307,655 Contract Services 608,144 678,856 643,160 595,800 600,000 Other Operating Costs 564,633 598,175 583,485 578,714 585,197 Debt Service - - - - 14,486 Capital Outlay 13,343 21,950 23,150 35,600 41,150 Total 2,723,077$ 3,063,943$ 2,924,875$ 3,034,501$ 3,203,889$ Roads and Bridges 1,400,312$ 2,357,162$ 2,259,519$ 2,362,984$ 2,507,016$ Parks 1,070,592 706,781 665,356 671,517 696,873 Town Center West 252,173 - - - - Total 2,723,077$ 3,063,943$ 2,924,875$ 3,034,501$ 3,203,889$ Public Works Director 1 1 1 1 1 Public Works Superintendent 1 1 1 1 1 Public Works Supervisor 2 2 1 1 1 Operator II / Master Gardener 2 2 2 2 2 Operator I 8 8 10.4 10.4 10.4 Total 14 14 15.4 15.4 15.4 ADMINISTRATION OF THE DEPARTMENT DEPARTMENT EXPENDITURES BY PROGRAM AUTHORIZED POSITIONS BUDGET SUMMARY: PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT The Public Works Department is responsible for operational management and maintenance of the Town's parks, open space, streetscape, hard and soft trails, Nottingham Lake, bridges, roads and streets, sidewalks, landscaping and storn water infrastructure. The Department is managed by the Public Works Director, with supervisory support from the Public Works Superintendent and Public Works Supervisor. The Department is managed on a day-to-day basis by the Public Works Director, who reports directly to the Town Manager. The Director spends approximately 75% in general department administration, including developing work plans and work supervision. Right-of-way and snow removal permit administration and inspection of permits takes 20% of the position's time, with the balance working in the field. The Public Works Superintendent, spends approximately 60% in general department administration and 40% in the field, who reports directly to the Public Works Director. DEPARTMENT FINANCIAL SUMMARY DEPARTMENT EXPENDITURES BY CATEGORY Section IV, Page F-1 Estimated Personnel Time Non- Personnel Costs Total Activity Cost Administration 24%351,768$ 719,736$ General Road Maintenance 23%337,111 689,747 Maintenance Cost per Mile Snow Removal Operations 23%337,111 689,747 Cost Per Lane Mile Ditch Maintenance 5%73,285 149,945 Cost Per Linear Foot Parks Operations and Maintenance 23%372,711 725,347 Maint. Cost Per Acre/Facility Town Center West 2%29,314 59,978 Community Survey General Road Maintenance: The Town has approximately 60 lane miles of streets and roads, six bridges, two railroad overpasses, eight miles of sidewalk, appproximately and 17 miles of soft and hard trails. Work includes guardrail repair, utility locates, Special Event assistance, street sweeping, including cinder pick-up, street striping, sign production and maintenance, banner placement,and weed control. Snow Removal Operations: Work includes snow and ice removal on all streets, roads and bridges, including traffic enforcement, education, traffic crash investigations and crime prevention/community outreach. Ditch Maintenance: Maintenance of the Town's major storm water system, includes traffic control and cleaning of ditches and hauling of waste. PARKS Parks Operations and Maintenance Parks Maintenance: Maintenance of four parks, including over 65 acres of irrigated open space, multi-use fields, three tennis courts, two pickle ball courts, three basketball courts, two volleyball courts, a nine-hole disc golf course, two picnic shelters, 800+ trees, 83 trash recepticales, 24 pet stations, set-up and care of the outdoor ice rink is included in the work of the division. Maintenance of playground equipment and beach areas. Town Center West: Maintenance of the Avon pedestrian mall, including Possibilities Plaza and Lettuce Shed Lane. Road and Bridge Performance Metric(s) DEPARTMENT COST ALLOCATIONS Administration PROGRAM ACTIVITIES AND OPERATIONS: PUBLIC WORKS ADMINISTRATION Administration: The Public Works Director manages all work of the department, including but not limited to development, implementation and monitoring of seasonal staff work plans for snowplowing, ice management, cinder clean-up, ditch maintenance, noxious weed program, special event assistance, and parks operations and maintenance. The work also includes management of contract work, locate requests, ROW permit program, inspections of construction sites, utility projects, budgetary planning and approval of travel, training and conferences. In addition to the Director, the Parks Superintendent contributes 75% of all hours to administration. ROAD AND BRIDGE Section IV, Page F-2 4. Complete tree assessment and recommed action plan for diseased trees 5. Implement the use of Pubwork and train accordingly 1. Assist with 2018 capital project implementation 2. Complete all maintenance upgrades, including chipped concrete repair, crosswalks and bench painting 3. Cinder clean-up on various areas within Town limits 2017 MAJOR ACCOMPLISHMENTS 2018 STRATEGIC GOALS ACCOMPLISHMENTS AND GOALS: PUBLIC WORKS 1. In-kind support for 2017 Special Events - Town produced and 3rd party 2. Review of final plan for Lot 5 development 4. Striping program, including West Beaver Creek Boulevard and new bike lane markings Section IV, Page F-3 DESCRIPTION 2016 ACTUALS 2017 SUPL-1 2017 FINAL 2018 BASE 2019 PROPOSED 61101 Regular Full-time Salaries 338,559 908,951 873,359 919,395 979,636 61106 Paid out Leave 996 8,563 8,523 8,870 9,403 61151 Overtime Wages 21,575 50,000 48,000 50,000 50,000 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [413] Ovetime wages Parks and R/B Staff 50,000 Total 50,000 61301 FT Pension 37,351 100,927 97,007 102,109 108,794 61304 Employee Assistance Progr 144 379 363 369 385 61401 FICA/Medicare 5,082 13,664 13,483 14,185 15,066 61501 Group Health and Life Insur 129,775 289,992 267,999 354,641 401,699 61505 Long-term Disability Insuran 2,750 7,208 4,965 5,225 5,553 61507 Dental Insurance 11,141 24,619 23,699 26,529 29,389 61509 Worker's Compensation 16,611 47,071 39,014 48,944 52,358 61510 Unemployment Insurance 1,083 2,827 2,790 2,935 3,117 61000 Personnel Services 565,067 1,426,233 1,379,202 1,533,202 1,655,401 62201 Street Repair and Maintena 20,610 16,500 11,000 18,000 18,000 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [413] Pre Mark Striping 5,000 [413] Replenish Guardrail Material 3,000 [413] Asphalt/Cold Patch 3,000 [413] Brick Sealer-Crosswalks 5,000 [413] Street Paint 2,000 Total 18,000 62202 Sand and Gravel 34,470 48,000 48,000 48,000 48,000 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [413] Cinders 42,000 [413] Shoulder Material 6,000 Total 48,000 62203 Street Sign Materials and S 23,046 27,370 21,000 20,650 22,650 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [413] W ood Posts 100 @ $70 7,000 [413] Sign Materials 4,000 [413] Construction Signs (Vil)500 [413] Replenish Cones and Barrels 1,000 [413] Stains, Paints, Brushes 750 [413] Steel Posts 17@ 200 2,500 [413] Delineators, Reflectors 2,000 [413] 6x6 W ood Posts 24 @ $140 2,500 [413] Bracket Hardware 400 Total 20,650 413 Roads and Bridges Town of Avon Line Item Detail Section IV, Page F-4 DESCRIPTION 2016 ACTUALS 2017 SUPL-1 2017 FINAL 2018 BASE 2019 PROPOSED 62305 Chemicals 0 25,100 25,100 25,100 25,100 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [413] Ice Slicer 21,000 [413] Neutro Wash/Lubra Seal chemicals to wash equipment and sanding units 4,100 Total 25,100 62401 Gasoline 5,302 7,141 5,300 5,300 5,300 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [413] Unleaded Fuel 5,300 Total 5,300 62402 Diesel 20,264 20,000 20,000 20,800 20,800 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [413] Diesel Fuel increased by 4% 20,800 Total 20,800 62801 Employee Recognition Expe 100 350 350 350 350 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [413] Employee Recognition $25 x 14 350 Total 350 62802 Food and Beverages 1,032 1,605 1,605 1,750 1,750 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [413] Food and Beverage Lunch Winter In-Service Meeting, End of Season, general meetings 1,000 [413] Coffee Service 750 Total 1,750 62804 Training Supplies 182 200 0 0 0 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [413] Video Rental, Safety handouts 0 Total 0 62805 Clothing and Uniforms 2,857 3,480 3,480 3,480 3,480 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [413] Uniforms, Hats, Shirts 8 @ $125 clothing for CDL Operator Position 1,000 [413] 8 Bibs @ $135 each 8 x $135 each, added the CDL Operator position (1) 1,080 [413] 8 Coats @ $175 each 8 x $175 each, added the CDL Operator position (1) 1,400 Total 3,480 413 Roads and Bridges Town of Avon Line Item Detail Section IV, Page F-5 DESCRIPTION 2016 ACTUALS 2017 SUPL-1 2017 FINAL 2018 BASE 2019 PROPOSED 62806 Safety Materials and Suppli 1,822 2,400 2,400 2,400 2,400 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [413] Personal Protective Equipment 2,400 Total 2,400 62807 Consumable Tools/Small Eq 5,168 5,440 6,000 3,320 6,040 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [413] 1 Weed Trimmer 720 [413] Air Tools 1,000 [413] Hand Tools 1,600 Total 3,320 62899 Other Miscellaneous Operat 5,731 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [413] Miscellaneous Hardware 1,000 Total 1,000 62999 Office Supplies and Material 983 800 800 800 800 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [413] Flyers and Supplies 800 Total 800 62000 Commodities 121,568 159,386 146,035 150,950 155,670 63301 Medical Services and Exami 0 1,000 0 0 0 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [413] DOT Physicals HR is taking this over 0 [413] Random Drug 0 [413] Random Alcohol 0 Total 0 63502 R&M - Streets 115,522 131,400 131,400 100,000 100,000 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [413] Crackfill Maintenance 24,000 [413] Crosswalk Brick Repair Village at Avon (3) Town (4) crosswalks @ $7000 Each 49,000 [413] Infra Red Patch 17,000 [413] Misc. Patch (potholes, sinkholes 10,000 Total 100,000 63504 R&M - Office Equipment an 377 700 700 700 700 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [413] Copier Print Charges 200 [413] Toner Cartridges 500 413 Roads and Bridges Town of Avon Line Item Detail Section IV, Page F-6 63506 R&M - Radios and Commun 15,126 19,696 10,000 9,980 9,980 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [413] 800 MHZ Radio Service 2018 County cost 2,702 [413] 800 MHZ Radio Replacement/Breakdown 2 x $2200 each 4,400 [413] Batteries 5 x 800 MHZ Batteries @ $120 each 600 [413] Repairs 500 [413] UHF Radio Replacement/Breakdown 2 x $749 each 1,498 [413] Batteries UHF 4 x 70 280 Total 9,980 63603 Rentals - Office Equipment 1,379 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [413] 1/2 Copier Lease ($199.98 x 12)1,200 Total 1,200 63608 Rentals - Machinery and Eq 405 2,780 2,780 5,630 5,630 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [413] Misc. Equipment Rentals 500 [413] Fastenal Annual Fee 2,280 [413] All Traffic Solutions Annual Renewal Fee 3 Portable VMS Boards 2,850 Total 5,630 63999 Other Contract Services 225,892 250,800 235,800 200,800 212,800 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [413] Ditch Maintenance/mud slide emergency repair 7,000 [413] Hauling snow, cinders, ditch material etc.40,000 [413] Snow Removal/Handwork 15,000 [413] Street Striping 30,000 [413] Concrete work 40,000 [413] Trash, Landfill (includes clean up work)9,500 [413] Vandalism 3,500 [413] UNCC Charges (Locates, Tier 1)more construction projects 4,000 [413] Paint RR Bridge Walls/rails 6,800 [413] Weed Mitigation added trails and lots at VAA 40,000 [413] Snow Removal Avon Elem 1/2 of cost per agreement 5,000 Total 200,800 63000 Purchased and Contracte 358,702 407,576 381,880 318,310 330,310 64101 Professional Development 6,600 13,400 5,000 13,100 12,400 413 Roads and Bridges Town of Avon Line Item Detail Section IV, Page F-7 DESCRIPTION 2016 ACTUALS 2017 SUPL-1 2017 FINAL 2018 BASE 2019 PROPOSED [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [413] Management Training 5,000 [413] Equipment Operator Certification see attached spreadsheet 8,100 Total 13,100 64102 Dues, Licenses and Membe 410 438 438 438 438 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [413] APWA 238 [413] CO Weed Association 100 [413] Consolidated Communication Network of Colorado 100 Total 438 64201 Telephone & Long-distance 761 700 700 700 700 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [413] PW Fax, Fire Alarm, Long Distance 700 Total 700 64203 Electric 27,896 35,000 28,000 28,000 28,000 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [413] Street, Path, Christmal lights and outlest 28,000 Total 28,000 64206 Cellular and Paging 1,110 3,980 3,980 1,140 1,140 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [413] $95 x 12 months 1,140 Total 1,140 64301 Postage and Delivery 124 200 200 200 225 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [413] Postage 200 Total 200 64401 Fleet Maintenance Charges 164,696 182,034 182,034 182,034 182,034 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [413] Annual Fleet Maintenance Charges 182,034 Total 182,034 64402 Equipment Replacement Ch 80,424 81,870 81,870 78,967 78,967 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [413] Annual Equipment Rental Charges 78,967 Total 78,967 413 Roads and Bridges Town of Avon Line Item Detail Section IV, Page F-8 DESCRIPTION 2016 ACTUALS 2017 SUPL-1 2017 FINAL 2018 BASE 2019 PROPOSED 64403 Washbay Charges 5,980 5,980 5,980 5,980 5,980 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [413] Annual Washbay Charges - 10 vehicles/equipment 5,980 Total 5,980 64902 Financial Support, Donation 51,045 40,365 40,365 41,463 40,365 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [413] Westin Riverfront Public Plaza 41,463 Total 41,463 64906 Insurance Deductibles 15,930 0 875 0 0 64907 Paid Claims 0 0 2,960 0 0 64000 Other Operating Costs 354,975 363,967 352,402 352,022 350,249 65201 Capital Lease Payments 0 0 0 0 14,486 65000 Debt Services 0 0 0 0 14,486 66402 Computers and Peripherals 0 0 0 1,800 900 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [413] Desktop Replacement - Public Works Director 900 [413] Desktop Replacement - Sign Shop 900 Total 1,800 66499 Other Machinery and Equip 0 0 0 6,700 0 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [413] Line Lazer Paint Sprayer 6,700 Total 6,700 66000 Capital Outlay 0 0 0 8,500 900 60000T Total Expenditures & Oth 1,400,312 2,357,162 2,259,519 2,362,984 2,507,016 413 Roads and Bridges Town of Avon Line Item Detail Section IV, Page F-9 DESCRIPTION 2016 ACTUALS 2017 SUPL-1 2017 FINAL 2018 BASE 2019 PROPOSED 61101 Regular Full-time Salaries 334,253 4,334 0 0 0 61106 Paid out Leave 3,482 0 0 0 0 61121 PTS Wages 15,353 0 0 0 0 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [415] 1 26 week winter PTS @ $19.00 0 [415] 1 26 week summer PTS @ $19.00 0 Total 0 61151 Overtime Wages 22,566 0 0 0 0 61301 FT Pension 37,151 477 0 0 0 61302 PTS Pension 612 0 0 0 0 61304 Employee Assistance Progr 147 2 0 0 0 61401 FICA/Medicare 5,332 0 0 0 0 61501 Group Health and Life Insur 99,947 0 0 0 0 61505 Long-term Disability Insuran 2,803 0 0 0 0 61507 Dental Insurance 8,368 0 0 0 0 61509 Worker's Compensation 17,818 0 0 0 0 61510 Unemployment Insurance 1,126 0 0 0 0 61000 Personnel Services 548,958 0 0 0 0 62202 Sand and Gravel 5,483 32,208 27,208 13,500 13,500 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [415] Sand 1,500 [415] Athletic Field Top dressing 10,000 [415] Decorative Rock 2,000 Total 13,500 62203 Street Sign Materials and S 311 1,000 1,000 500 500 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [415] Playground Signage 500 Total 500 62204 Construction, Maintenance 25,130 19,000 9,000 14,000 15,000 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [415] Misc Lumber 2,500 [415] Hardware 1,000 [415] Weed Barrier 3,500 [415] Misc Other Items 3,500 [415] Engineered Wood Fiber for playground 3,500 Total 14,000 62205 Plumbing Supplies 13,559 16,000 12,800 16,000 16,500 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [415] Irrigation Controller Upgrades 2,500 [415] Nozzles 1,500 [415] PVC 1,000 [415] Rotors 4,000 [415] Valves 1,500 [415] Misc Other plumbing 2,000 415 Parks Town of Avon Line Item Detail Section IV, Page F-10 62206 Landscaping and Plant Mate 23,130 25,050 15,050 11,000 21,050 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [415] Annuals and Perennials 4,000 [415] Trees 2,500 [415] Sod 1,000 [415] Wildflower Seed 500 [415] Grass Seed 1,000 [415] Bulbs 1,000 [415] Misc Other Items 1,000 Total 11,000 62305 Chemicals 7,589 13,700 13,700 12,900 11,200 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [415] Fertilizer 9,000 [415] Snow Melt 2,200 [415] Pesticides 1,000 [415] Tag-i-nator 700 Total 12,900 62401 Gasoline 4,018 7,342 7,342 7,342 7,342 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [415] Fuel 7,342 Total 7,342 62402 Diesel 2,210 6,893 6,893 6,893 6,893 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [415] Diesel Fuel 6,893 Total 6,893 62802 Food and Beverages 1,048 1,250 1,250 1,250 1,250 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [415] Spring Lunch 350 [415] Fall Lunch 350 [415] Misc. Meetings 550 Total 1,250 62803 Janitorial, Custodial and Cle 7,454 9,550 8,650 7,150 8,650 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [415] Dog Waste Bags 3,000 [415] Trash Liners 2,600 [415] Recycle liners 400 [415] Compost Bags 400 [415] Misc Cleaning supplies 750 Total 7,150 62804 Training Supplies 153 400 0 400 0 62805 Clothing and Uniforms 2,883 4,300 4,300 3,600 4,300 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [415] Work Wear 3,600 415 Parks Town of Avon Line Item Detail Section IV, Page F-11 62806 Safety Materials and Suppli 2,787 3,950 3,950 4,600 4,600 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [415] Type II clothing 700 [415] Gloves 700 [415] Work Boots 1,550 [415] PPE 1,650 Total 4,600 62807 Consumable Tools/Small Eq 6,304 7,000 7,000 3,400 7,000 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [415] Tools 2,200 [415] String Trimmers (2) 1,200 Total 3,400 62809 Medical Supplies and 1st Ai 798 1,200 1,200 0 1,200 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [415] ??0 Total 0 62899 Other Miscellaneous Operat 38,235 30,500 30,500 37,700 33,000 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [415] LED Holiday Iights Increased amount to 2016 cost for lights budget. Even years are heavier LED installation years 22,500 [415] Recreation Supplies 3,000 [415] Flags 3,200 [415] Special Events Materials 1,000 [415] Bear Proof Cans 3,500 [415] Misc 4,500 Total 37,700 62999 Office Supplies and Material 186 0 0 0 0 62000 Commodities 141,280 179,343 149,843 140,235 151,985 63503 R&M - Parks and Athletic Fa 20,438 17,000 7,000 15,000 15,000 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [415] Upper Field R&M 6,000 [415] Lower Field R&M 4,000 [415] Courts R&M 5,000 Total 15,000 63608 Rentals - Machinery and Eq 16,190 15,700 15,700 19,500 15,700 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [415] Compressor Rental For irrigation blowout 3,500 [415] Lift Rental for Lights For Holiday Lights 15,000 [415] Other 1,000 415 Parks Town of Avon Line Item Detail Section IV, Page F-12 63999 Other Contract Services 176,269 238,580 238,580 242,990 238,990 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [415] Tree Care Anticipating higher costs due to new tree code, but left at 2017 budget to reduce costs 13,500 [415] Turf Weed and Feed 6,000 [415] Statue Maintenance 7,000 [415] Park Dumpster Service Raised in 2016 to cover more special events. 5,500 [415] Landscape Debris Dumpster 2,500 [415] Asphalt R&M Extra funds added for work on north side of park trail 20,000 [415] POL rental (5)8,000 [415] Contract Landscaping Service Covers: Post Blvd, Avon Rd, Avon Station, Pedestrian Mall, Lake Street and Pavillion. 44,390 [415] WAP noxious weeds Reduced to $5,000 for 2018 from $10,000 5,000 [415] VAA noxious weeds 6,600 [415] Pavillion Snow and Ice removal Reduced to $0 to cut costs. 0 [415] WAP trails maintenance 5,500 [415] Temp Laborers 5,000 [415] Rodent Control 6,000 [415] Annuals Contract Planting and Maintenance 20,000 [415] Snow removal-parking lots, sidewalks, and plazas. Based on 2016-2017 monthly cost 80,000 [415] Misc. other repairs 1,000 [415] Tree ID and Mapping Reduced to $0 for cost savings. Can this be a CIP item? 0 [415] Dam Hydroseeding 3,000 [415] Diseased Tree Survey 4,000 Total 242,990 63000 Purchased and Contracte 212,898 271,280 261,280 277,490 269,690 64101 Professional Development 12,051 13,750 10,750 14,815 14,995 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [415] Conference 1,470 [415] Lodging 28 nights (@ $200/night 5,600 [415] Meal Allowance 1,800 [415] Tecnical Training 5,945 Total 14,815 64203 Electric 17,311 34,800 30,000 30,000 34,800 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [415] Pavillion, Parks Garage and Pump House electric Increase to $22,000 based on 2015 usage 17,200 [415] Public Restrooms 2,500 [415] Oneal Spur Pavillion 300 415 Parks Town of Avon Line Item Detail Section IV, Page F-13 64204 Water and Sanitation 24,055 5,425 15,000 5,425 5,425 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [415] Parks Irrigation 5,425 Total 5,425 64206 Cellular and Paging 821 5,740 840 840 4,116 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [415] $70 x 12 Months 840 Total 840 64401 Fleet Maintenance Charges 39,926 72,234 72,234 72,234 72,234 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [415] Annual Fleet Maintenance Charges 72,234 Total 72,234 64402 Equipment Replacement Ch 60,081 96,695 96,695 97,814 97,814 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [415] Annual Equipment Rental Charges 73,425 [415] Annual Equipment Rental Charges TCW 24,389 Total 97,814 64403 Washbay Charges 4,836 5,564 5,564 5,564 5,564 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [415] Annual Wash Bay Charges - 7 vehicles/equipment 5,564 Total 5,564 64906 Insurance Deductibles 631 0 0 0 0 64000 Other Operating Costs 159,712 234,208 231,083 226,692 234,948 66402 Computers and Peripherals 1,849 950 2,150 900 0 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [415] Desktop Replacement - Parks Garage 900 Total 900 66404 Furniture and Fixtures 5,895 19,086 19,086 19,200 0 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [415] Playground Repairs - WR Firestation 19,200 Total 19,200 66499 Other Machinery and Equip 0 1,914 1,914 7,000 40,250 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [415] Wright Stander Mower 7,000 Total 7,000 415 Parks Town of Avon Line Item Detail Section IV, Page F-14 DESCRIPTION 2016 ACTUALS 2017 SUPL-1 2017 FINAL 2018 BASE 2019 PROPOSED 66000 Capital Outlay 7,743 21,950 23,150 27,100 40,250 60000T Total Expenditures & Oth 1,070,592 706,781 665,356 671,517 696,873 415 Parks Town of Avon Line Item Detail Section IV, Page F-15 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Section IV, Page F-16 Original or Final Prev. Amend.Revised Proposed Proposed Actual Budget Budget Budget Budget 2016 2017 2017 2018 2019 Personnel Services 562,314$ 671,432$ 652,494$ 691,578$ 715,293$ Commodities 75,701 171,310 153,575 100,218 89,169 Contract Services 310,192 194,347 149,968 184,508 126,163 Other Operating Costs 388,942 446,530 427,730 498,884 488,450 Capital Outlay 15,321 60,950 81,154 3,400 900 Total 1,352,470$ 1,544,569$ 1,464,921$ 1,478,588$ 1,419,975$ Engineering 267,207$ 251,376$ 245,969$ 283,636$ 250,954$ Buildings and Facilities 1,085,263 1,293,193 1,218,952 1,194,952 1,169,021 Total 1,352,470$ 1,544,569$ 1,464,921$ 1,478,588$ 1,419,975$ Town Engineer 1 1 1 1 1 Project Engineer 1 1 1 1 1 Town Electrician 1 1 1 1 1 Facilities Superintendent 0 0 0 1 1 Building Technician 1/2 3 3 3 2 2 Lead Building Technician 0 0 0 1 1 Total 6 6 6 7 7 BUDGET SUMMARY: ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT The Engineering Department provides and maintains public infrastructure, such as roads, drainage ways, and town facilities in a safe and sound manner. Department work includes the managing capital projects, review of construction documents, and assisting in the planning for future infrastructure. The Buildings and Facilities division operates and maintains the six major buildings, pavilion and other faciliites. ADMINISTRATION OF THE DEPARTMENT The Engineering Department is administered by the Town Engineer who spends approximately 15% managing the Water Fund, 15% on the Buildings and Facilities operations, and the remaining 65% on the Capital Improvement Program. The Project Engineer spends the majority of the time on managing capital projects . The Facility Supervisor, a Building Technician and Electrician maintain the Town's facilities. DEPARTMENT FINANCIAL SUMMARY DEPARTMENT EXPENDITURES BY CATEGORY DEPARTMENT EXPENDITURES BY PROGRAM AUTHORIZED POSITIONS Section IV, Page G-1 Estimated Personnel Time Non- Personnel Costs Total Activity Cost Capital Improvement Program 85%44,664$ 241,091$ Construction On Time/Budget Subdivision and Development Review 15%7,882 42,545 Timely Review of Projects Buildings and Facilities 100%734,464 1,194,952 Response Time/Complaints 2. Lead department in the design of the New Town Hall. 3. LED Conversion of 100 streetlight fixtures and Swift Gulch parking lot lights 5. Complete all capital projects identified in the 2018 budget. Subdivision and Development Review: Assisting the Community Development Department with the review of all development applications, the Engineering Department ensures conformance with the Town’s adopted design guidelines, codes and standards. Buildings and Facilities: The Buildings and Facilities Division is responsible for the maintenance, repair, and electrical and needs of town buildings and assets. The Division reviews what can be done in-house and what should be contracted, utilizing outside resources when the Town lacks the specialized expertise or equipment for maintenance. The Division employs one Facility Supervisor, three full-time Building Technicians and one Electrician. Salary to operational budget ratio is 29%, with the Division dividing its time between building maintenance and repair (60%), operating facilities (20%) and admin. duties (20%). BUILDINGS AND FACILITIES Buildings and Facilities Performance Metric(s) DEPARTMENT COST ALLOCATIONS Engineering and Capital Planning 1. Implement the Facility Management Software PubWorks. 2. Initiate the Towned Owned Properties Development Plan. 3. Successfully complete the remodel of the New Town Hall for a move in summer 2018. 4. Construct the Beaver Creek Blvd improvements to make the street safer for pedestrians and bicyclists and more vibrant for the community. PROGRAM ACTIVITIES AND OPERATIONS: ENGINEERING ACCOMPLISHMENTS AND GOALS: ENGINEERING 2017 MAJOR ACCOMPLISHMENTS 1. Managed the construction of the street imporvement projects, new playground and park lighting, New Town Hall, Beaver Creek Blvd Improvements, and the Public Safety Facility, including bidding and design. 2018 STRATEGIC GOALS ENGINEERING AND CAPITAL PLANNING Capital Improvement Program: The Engineering Department oversees the Capital Improvement Program by identifying and estimating costs for needed projects, procuring engineering and architecture firms to design identified projects, preparing the contract documents, advertising and bidding out the projects, selecting the contractor and managing the projects through construction and warranty. Section IV, Page G-2 DESCRIPTION 2016 ACTUALS 2017 SUPL-1 2017 FINAL 2018 BASE 2019 PROPOSED 61101 Regular Full-time Salaries 174,902 178,157 171,818 176,675 176,797 61106 Paid out Leave 0 1,622 1,622 1,667 1,667 61201 Automobile Allowance 2,700 2,464 2,374 2,377 2,381 61301 FT Pension 19,239 19,776 19,078 19,618 19,631 61304 Employee Assistance Progr 42 41 40 40 40 61401 FICA/Medicare 2,647 2,549 2,549 2,620 2,622 61501 Group Health and Life Insur 20,089 18,412 18,371 22,408 23,957 61505 Long-term Disability Insuran 869 820 982 1,009 1,009 61507 Dental Insurance 1,558 1,418 1,497 1,504 1,579 61509 Worker's Compensation 2,640 2,557 2,410 2,629 2,631 61510 Unemployment Insurance 525 527 527 542 543 61000 Personnel Services 225,212 221,216 221,269 231,090 232,857 62401 Gasoline 196 0 0 0 0 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [412] Engineering Car 0 Total 0 62801 Employee Recognition Expe 50 50 50 50 50 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [412] 2 Employees x $25 50 Total 50 62802 Food and Beverages 260 250 250 250 250 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [412] Coffee 250 Total 250 62807 Consumable Tools/Small Eq 394 250 250 250 250 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [412] Electrician & ENG Tools 250 Total 250 62901 Duplicating Supplies 1,280 1,300 1,300 1,300 1,300 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [412] Wide Format Xerox Copier 1,300 Total 1,300 62904 Software 26,820 7,400 3,440 3,738 3,739 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [412] Auto Cad License 338 [412] GIS LIcense 3,400 Total 3,738 412 Engineering Town of Avon Line Item Detail Section IV, Page G-3 DESCRIPTION 2016 ACTUALS 2017 SUPL-1 2017 FINAL 2018 BASE 2019 PROPOSED 62905 Books and Periodicals 0 250 0 0 0 62999 Office Supplies and Material 975 600 350 300 250 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [412] Office Supplies 300 Total 300 62000 Commodities 29,976 10,100 5,640 5,888 5,839 63104 Engineering Services 0 7,600 0 0 0 63199 Other Professional Services 6,000 3,000 10,600 31,000 0 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [412] Yearly Traffic Counts 6,000 [412] Level 3 Energy Audit, Fleet 15,000 [412] CO2 Baseline Analysis 10,000 Total 31,000 63304 Computer Services and Sup 3,200 3,200 3,200 3,200 3,200 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [412] Pub Works Annual Maintenance 3,200 Total 3,200 63000 Purchased and Contracte 9,200 13,800 13,800 34,200 3,200 64101 Professional Development 385 3,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [412] Professional Development 2,500 Total 2,500 64102 Dues, Licenses and Membe 505 750 750 975 975 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [412] ASCE and PE License 500 [412] Actively Green Program 250 [412] CO Asphalt Assoc 225 Total 975 64206 Cellular and Paging 1,259 1,260 1,260 1,260 1,260 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [412] $105 x 12 months 1,260 Total 1,260 64301 Postage and Delivery 81 0 0 0 0 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [412] Fed Ex and UPS 0 Total 0 412 Engineering Town of Avon Line Item Detail Section IV, Page G-4 DESCRIPTION 2016 ACTUALS 2017 SUPL-1 2017 FINAL 2018 BASE 2019 PROPOSED 64402 Equipment Replacement Ch 0 0 0 3,573 3,573 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [412] Annual Equipment Rental Charges 3,573 Total 3,573 64901 Advertising and Legal Notic 360 750 750 750 750 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [412] Legal Notices for Construction 750 Total 750 64906 Insurance Deductibles 230 0 0 0 0 64000 Other Operating Costs 2,820 6,260 5,260 9,058 9,058 66402 Computers and Peripherals 0 0 0 3,400 0 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [412] Desktop Replacement - Town Engineer 900 [412] Desktop Replacement - Project Engineer 900 [412] Laptop Town Engineer Laptop 1,600 Total 3,400 66000 Capital Outlay 0 0 0 3,400 0 60000T Total Expenditures & Oth 267,207 251,376 245,969 283,636 250,954 412 Engineering Town of Avon Line Item Detail Section IV, Page G-5 DESCRIPTION 2016 ACTUALS 2017 SUPL-1 2017 FINAL 2018 BASE 2019 PROPOSED 61101 Regular Full-time Salaries 223,576 289,742 289,675 279,905 290,364 61106 Paid out Leave 2,956 2,712 3,165 2,726 2,834 61151 Overtime Wages 825 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 61201 Automobile Allowance 0 734 706 704 702 61301 FT Pension 24,919 32,170 32,212 31,089 32,252 61304 Employee Assistance Progr 90 105 104 101 101 61401 FICA/Medicare 3,233 4,122 4,274 4,126 4,279 61501 Group Health and Life Insur 68,969 84,610 85,296 119,064 128,142 61505 Long-term Disability Insuran 1,809 2,087 1,633 1,608 1,668 61507 Dental Insurance 5,877 7,284 7,648 9,225 9,681 61509 Worker's Compensation 4,167 6,596 4,426 9,886 10,327 61510 Unemployment Insurance 682 853 884 854 885 61000 Personnel Services 337,103 420,960 431,225 460,488 482,436 62204 Construction, Maintenance 9,225 35,500 35,500 10,500 10,500 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [418] Interior building materials (carpet, etc)3,100 [418] Hardware 1,500 [418] Paint 1,900 [418] Lumber 2,000 [418] Exterior building materials 2,000 Total 10,500 62205 Plumbing Supplies 20,822 9,200 9,200 6,000 6,000 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [418] Valves 3,000 [418] Boiler Parts 2,000 [418] Plumbing Fittings 1,000 Total 6,000 62207 Electrical Supplies 3,570 80,400 80,400 52,000 41,000 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [418] Light Bulbs 1,000 [418] General Supplies wire, conduit, contactors 3,000 [418] Light Poles 5,000 [418] Fixture Heads 2,000 [418] LED Conversions & Dark Sky 41,000 Total 52,000 62208 Mechanical - HVAC 1,307 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [418] Filters, Belts, Glycol 1,500 Total 1,500 62209 Mechanical - Other 2,472 21,600 9,600 9,600 9,600 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [418] Motors 1,000 [418] Pumps 3,000 418 Buildings & Facilities Town of Avon Line Item Detail Section IV, Page G-6 62401 Gasoline 1,858 2,200 2,200 2,250 2,250 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [418] 4 vehicles (12X100) 2,250 Total 2,250 62402 Diesel 385 480 480 2,400 2,400 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [418] 1 vehicle (12X40) 400 [418] PSF Generator 2,000 Total 2,400 62801 Employee Recognition Expe 361 75 75 125 125 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [418] 5 employees x $25 125 Total 125 62805 Clothing and Uniforms 887 1,200 1,200 1,400 1,400 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [418] Clothing and Uniforms (350X4) 1,400 Total 1,400 62806 Safety Materials and Suppli 744 1,080 1,080 1,080 1,080 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [418] (5) safety footwear 625 [418] (5) PPE 200 [418] Electrician safety gear 155 [418] Lockout/Tagout kits (2)100 Total 1,080 62807 Consumable Tools/Small Eq 1,242 1,500 1,700 1,500 1,500 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [418] Small Tools 200 [418] Small Equipment 500 [418] HVAC Diagnostic Tool 800 Total 1,500 62809 Medical Supplies and 1st Ai 360 4,500 4,000 4,000 4,000 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [418] Fleet and Facilities 1,400 [418] PD 350 [418] Parks 1,300 [418] Rec 250 [418] Muni 200 [418] Transit 500 Total 4,000 418 Buildings & Facilities Town of Avon Line Item Detail Section IV, Page G-7 DESCRIPTION 2016 ACTUALS 2017 SUPL-1 2017 FINAL 2018 BASE 2019 PROPOSED 62899 Other Miscellaneous Operat 2,493 1,975 1,000 1,975 1,975 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [418] Locker Parts 725 [418] Hardware (nuts & bolts, etc.)850 [418] Security Hardware (doors)400 Total 1,975 62000 Commodities 45,725 161,210 147,935 94,330 83,330 63104 Engineering Services 3,266 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [418] Repair & Project Consulting 3,000 Total 3,000 63304 Computer Services and Sup 0 4,302 0 0 9,255 63306 Security Services 8,701 13,800 13,800 19,008 19,308 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [418] Annual Monitoring (7) contract (muni, rec, cabin, pavilion, fleet) 6X50X12 15,008 [418] Annual Inspections (fire/monitor) contract 1,000 [418] Repairs 2,000 [418] Fire Ext. maint. (169 extinguishers) 700 [418] PSF Fire Monitoring 300 Total 19,008 63501 R&M - Buildings and Faciliti 111,293 85,277 52,000 72,185 57,685 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [418] HVAC Repairs 5,000 [418] Elevator maint. contract (2400X2) 1800X4 7,200 [418] Building Inspections increase # buildings 2,500 [418] Steam Boiler Repairs 1,000 [418] Piping Repairs 2,000 [418] Heat Recovery HVAC Maint. Cont 880 [418] Rec, Ctr, HVAC Maint. Cont.4,823 [418] Modular HVAC Maint. Cont.880 [418] Muni HVAC Maint. Cont.3,302 [418] Rec Center Building Maintenance Replaces Accumulation in Equipment Replacement Fund 10,000 [418] Security Lock Service 2,000 [418] PSF cont 17,200 [418] Rec Plumbing Repair 14,500 [418] PSF Elevator 900 Total 72,185 63502 R&M - Streets 0 4,400 4,400 0 0 63504 R&M - Office Equipment an 27 0 200 250 250 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [418] Printer Cartridge Charges 250 418 Buildings & Facilities Town of Avon Line Item Detail Section IV, Page G-8 63549 R&M - Other Specialized Eq 10,694 20,500 13,500 12,000 9,000 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [418] Heat Rec Repairs. 3,000 [418] Cardio & Wt Equipment Repairs 6,000 [418] Two Level ADA Fountain 3,000 Total 12,000 63551 Laundry and Cleaning Servi 2,428 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [418] Window Cleaner 1,000 [418] Carpet Cleaning 1,000 Total 2,000 63552 Janitorial and Custodial Ser 114,622 0 0 0 0 63599 Other Maintenance Services 11,136 7,318 7,318 6,475 6,475 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [418] Pest Control 4,000 [418] Drain Care 1,375 [418] Add Wildridge Fire 750 [418] PSF 350 Total 6,475 63699 Other Miscellaneous Rental 2,400 2,400 2,400 2,400 2,400 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [418] Walgreens VMS Board Lease 2,400 Total 2,400 63999 Other Contract Services 36,425 37,550 37,550 32,990 13,590 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [418] Rec Ctr Roof Snow Removal 2 X 2000 8,800 [418] Signs 1,000 [418] Heat Recovery Chem Test 1,050 [418] Cleer Monitoring Fee 6,700 [418] Lake St Base Safety Repair 5,000 [418] PSF HVAC Chem Test 440 [418] PSF Jail Door Actuators 10,000 Total 32,990 63000 Purchased and Contracte 300,992 180,547 136,168 150,308 122,963 64101 Professional Development 4,515 3,000 3,000 3,300 3,300 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [418] Electrician Training & License (2x600) 1,500 [418] BT Training (4X600) 1,800 Total 3,300 418 Buildings & Facilities Town of Avon Line Item Detail Section IV, Page G-9 DESCRIPTION 2016 ACTUALS 2017 SUPL-1 2017 FINAL 2018 BASE 2019 PROPOSED 64102 Dues, Licenses and Membe 4,456 4,836 4,836 5,436 5,436 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [418] Sherwood Meadows HOA Dues $453 x 12 months 5,436 Total 5,436 64201 Telephone & Long-distance 4,950 4,917 4,917 4,917 4,917 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [418] Heat Rec Alarm adjusted rate to actual 4,917 Total 4,917 64202 Gas 46,479 56,030 56,030 73,279 76,259 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [418] $4073.33 X 12 55,231 [418] PSF 8,544 [418] NTH 8,544 [418] Wildridge Fire stagtion 960 Total 73,279 64203 Electric 197,560 218,882 218,882 246,072 233,190 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [418] Heat Recovery Electric 68,000 [418] Electricity $11573.00 X 12 138,882 [418] PSF 24,000 [418] NTH 12,000 [418] Wildridge Fire Station 3,190 Total 246,072 64204 Water and Sanitation 43,290 66,800 50,600 72,435 72,435 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [418] 5,000 X 12 60,000 [418] NTH 4,800 [418] PSF 3,600 [418] Wildridge Fire Station 4,035 Total 72,435 64205 Trash Collection and Recycl 6,399 8,000 6,400 7,950 8,050 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [418] Trash Service 6,000 [418] Recycle 900 [418] Wildridge Fire Station 650 [418] PSF Trash 400 Total 7,950 418 Buildings & Facilities Town of Avon Line Item Detail Section IV, Page G-10 DESCRIPTION 2016 ACTUALS 2017 SUPL-1 2017 FINAL 2018 BASE 2019 PROPOSED 64206 Cellular and Paging 1,902 2,508 2,508 3,140 2,508 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [418] $52.33 x 12 months x 5 Phones 3,140 Total 3,140 64301 Postage and Delivery 0 2,000 2,000 0 0 64401 Fleet Maintenance Charges 9,880 10,317 10,317 10,317 10,317 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [418] Annual Fleet Maintenance Charges 10,317 Total 10,317 64402 Equipment Replacement Ch 61,737 61,524 61,524 61,524 61,524 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [418] Annual Equipment Rental Charges 61,524 Total 61,524 64403 Washbay Charges 1,456 1,456 1,456 1,456 1,456 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [418] Annual Washbay Charges - 4 vehicles 1,456 Total 1,456 64906 Insurance Deductibles 3,500 0 0 0 0 64000 Other Operating Costs 386,123 440,270 422,470 489,826 479,392 66402 Computers and Peripherals 1,603 950 950 0 900 66403 Audio/Visual Equipment 13,718 0 0 0 0 66501 Automobiles and Light Duty 0 60,000 80,204 0 0 66000 Capital Outlay 15,321 60,950 81,154 0 900 60000T Total Expenditures & Oth 1,085,263 1,263,937 1,218,952 1,194,952 1,169,021 418 Buildings & Facilities Town of Avon Line Item Detail Section IV, Page G-11 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Section IV, Page G-12 Original or Final Prev. Amend.Revised Proposed Proposed Actual Budget Budget Budget Budget 2016 2017 2017 2018 2019 Personnel Services 1,012,089$ 1,154,980$ 1,121,127$ 1,206,090$ 1,264,477$ Commodities 64,828 69,195 65,079 70,305 65,470 Contract Services 40,116 29,760 29,910 34,486 26,964 Other Operating Costs 167,182 198,340 195,815 203,663 202,928 Capital Outlay 9,062 - - 2,850 - Total 1,293,277$ 1,452,275$ 1,411,931$ 1,517,394$ 1,559,839$ Administration 241,114$ 227,282$ 227,743$ 237,063$ 245,425$ Adult Programs 50,914 56,087 55,962 61,906 53,757 Aquatics 441,428 574,478 533,684 542,219 543,545 Fitness 136,161 150,785 150,645 144,227 144,227 Guest Services 295,102 297,882 308,017 325,124 326,497 Youth Programs 128,558 145,761 135,880 149,536 189,069 Community Swim Program - - - 57,319 57,319 Total 1,293,277$ 1,452,275$ 1,411,931$ 1,517,394$ 1,559,839$ Recreation Director 1 1 1 1 1 Guest Services Coordinator 1 1 1 1 1 Recreation Programs Coordinator 1 1 1 1 1 Aquatics Supervisor 1 1 1 1 1 Swim Program Supervisor -1 1 1 1 Senior Lifeguard 2 3 3 3 3 Guest Services Attendant III 1 2 2 2 2 Total 7 10 10 10 10 DEPARTMENT EXPENDITURES BY PROGRAM AUTHORIZED POSITIONS BUDGET SUMMARY: RECREATION DEPARTMENT ADMINISTRATION OF THE DEPARTMENT The Recreation Department is administered by the Recreation Director, who dedicates time to strategic leadership, personnel management, financial reporting and controls, contract negotiations, and the development and implementation of operating guidelines. The Director also oversees all program development and implementation, online brochure production and distribution and the oversight and management of cleaning and custodial of all Town owned properties. DEPARTMENT FINANCIAL SUMMARY DEPARTMENT EXPENDITURES BY CATEGORY The Recreation Department oversees the operations and management of the 45,000 square foot Avon Recreation Center, and youth, adult and senior recreational programs, which are provided at the Recreation Center and Town parks. The Department is responsible for operational oversight and management of park and lake recreational activities and is also responsible for all facility custodial care and supplies, including the Recreation Center, Town Hall and Swift Gulch buildings. Section IV, Page H- 1 Guest Services: This Division primarily provides admission to the recreation center, pass/punch card sales, and program registration. The front desk serves as the focal point for information dissemination to customers as well as personnel. The Guest Service division also oversees swim beach based operations. The salary to operational budget expenses ratio is 64%. Guest Services Division spends 69% of time with front desk operations, 25% on administrative duties and 6% on hiring and training. PROGRAM ACTIVITIES AND OPERATIONS: RECREATION FITNESS AND RECREATIONAL PROGRAMS Adult Programs: This department focuses on meeting the needs of adult recreation program participants ages 18-85. New and innovative programming is being developed and tested to meet the needs of our ever-changing population. The estimated recovery ratio for 2018 will be 33%. The Adult Program Division spends 85% of time on development and maintenance of existing program offerings and 15% on scheduling, marketing and researching new program offerings. Youth Programs: This department focuses on offering community based child care for school aged children throughout the year. In 2018 the youth program department plans to piggy back on the success of 2017. The estimated recovery ratio for 2018 will be 109%. The Youth Program Division spends 40% of time on Summer Camp operations, 30% on After School Program operations, 15% on Schools-Out Program operations and 10% on New Program Development and 5% on Existing Programming maintenance. Fitness: The Fitness Division provides the community with over 30-hours of weekly "Group X" classes to include a balanced offering of Yoga/Pilates based classes, group cycling, aerobics based and strength/conditioning based classes, as well as personal training services, fitness assessments and orientation and body composition testing. The Division offers seasonal programming and classes such as Outdoor Boot Camp and Winter Sports Conditioning. The Fitness Division oversees the management of the fitness floor. 91% of staffing time is applied to fitness classes and programs, with the balance of 9% on administrative responsibilities for hiring, training, scheduling and marketing. GUEST SERVICES AQUATICS Aquatics: This Division offers aquatic programming for people of all ages and abilities including: lifeguard training classes, water safety instructor courses, kayak and scuba offerings, water aerobics classes, beginning diving classes and public safety classes. The Aquatics Division devotes 60% of personnel time to pool safeguarding activities, with 5% of time to other programs, 20% spent on administration, and 15% on maintenance of the pools. Community swim program: The Town of Avon Community Swim Program is a year-round comprehensive program that includes four levels of Learn to Swim classes. The Learn to Swim progression of skills will prepare students to be proficient in basic swimming skills. Swimmers wishing to go beyond the learn to swim progression may continue with Swim Team Prep, Recreational Swim Team, or our USA Swimming registered competitive travel team. The Avon Narwols Swim Club is our competitive travel team that competes at the state level on a year-round swim meet schedule. The program also offers private and semi-private swim lessons for all ages and levels of ability. Section IV, Page H- 2 Estimated Personnel Time Non- Personnel Costs Total Activity Cost Administration 100%63,400$ 237,063$ Membership Guest Services 100%43,809 325,124 Community Survey Aquatics: Administration 20%9,710 108,444 Staffing Success Aquatics: Lifeguarding 60%29,131 325,331 Accidents/Claims Aquatics: CPR and other classes 5%2,428 27,111 Participation, Recovery Ratio Aquatics: Pool Maintenance 15%7,283 81,333 Pool Condition/cleanliness Swim Program 100%27,185 57,319 Participation, Recovery Ratio Adult Programs 100%6,410 61,906 Participation, Recovery Ratio Youth Programs: Summer Camp 40%8,621 59,814 Participation, Recovery Ratio Youth Programs: Before & After School Programs 30%6,466 44,861 Participation, Recovery Ratio Youth Programs: Schools Out Camps 15%3,233 22,430 Participation, Recovery Ratio Youth Programs: Administration 15%3,233 22,430 Staffing Success Fitness 100%73,210 144,227 Participation, Recovery Ratio 1. Bring the Recreation Center expansion to the 2018 ballot and receive a favorable level of support. 2. Expand swim lessons to Homestake Peak Elementary school. 3. Increase swim team participation to 90 swimmers. 4. Enroll 300 students in our learn to swim program; 20% of whom join through our financial assistance program. 5. Host the first ever USA Swimming sanctioned open water swim meet. 6. Complete a successful Tract G plan for programmable chilled ice. 7. Grand opening of Destination Jump, Splash Learn playground. 12. Dated mushroom slide was replaced; play features replaced. 2018 STRATEGIC GOALS 5. Created and implemented the new Cardboard Boat Regatta. 7. Expanded adult league offerings with Tea Kettle curling. 8.Expanded existing marketing strategies with the acquisition of REACH, digital media platform. 9. Expanded swim lessons to first, third and fifth grade classes at AES. 10. Increased swim team participation to 69 participants. 6. Increased summer camp attendance by offering multiple weekly field trips to the older camp group. 11. Experienced top ten finishers in large state swim meets. Aquatics Fitness and Recreational Programs Performance Metric(s) DEPARTMENT COST ALLOCATIONS Administration and Guest Services 4. Created two youth program clinincs to provide basketball skills camps to 40 participants. 2017 MAJOR ACCOMPLISHMENTS ACCOMPLISHMENTS AND GOALS: RECREATION 1. Awarded a GOCO for for $350,000 to construct, Destination: Jump, Splash, Learn Playground. 3. Increased CCAP participation by 15%. 2. Fully implemented the new Community Swim Program. Section IV, Page H- 3 DESCRIPTION 2016 ACTUALS 2017 SUPL-1 2017 FINAL 2018 BASE 2019 PROPOSED 61101 Regular Full-time Salaries 112,965 122,568 118,185 123,034 128,254 61106 Paid out Leave 2,191 1,139 1,139 1,186 1,236 61301 FT Pension 12,667 13,608 13,126 13,664 14,244 61304 Employee Assistance Progr 24 25 24 24 24 61401 FICA/Medicare 1,643 1,730 1,730 1,801 1,878 61501 Group Health and Life Insur 24,850 24,697 24,668 29,031 31,242 61505 Long-term Disability Insuran 497 497 671 698 728 61507 Dental Insurance 2,164 2,139 2,218 2,242 2,352 61509 Worker's Compensation 198 175 1,471 1,610 1,678 61510 Unemployment Insurance 346 358 358 373 388 61000 Personnel Services 157,544 162,070 163,591 173,663 182,025 62401 Gasoline 1,420 1,560 2,500 2,500 2,500 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [514] Gasoline for department vehicles: Vans for youth programs and for swim meet travel 2,500 Total 2,500 62801 Employee Recognition Expe 230 225 225 250 250 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [514] gift cards and other for recognition - 6 FT staff employees x $25 250 Total 250 62802 Food and Beverages 594 400 400 450 450 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [514] food for staff meetings and trainings 450 Total 450 62899 Other Miscellaneous Operat 1,287 1,150 1,150 1,150 1,150 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [514] Other operating and unforseen expenses for needs of the entire Department 1,150 Total 1,150 62901 Duplicating Supplies 654 0 0 0 0 62903 Data Processing Supplies 722 0 0 0 0 62999 Office Supplies and Material 1,078 1,450 1,450 1,450 1,450 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [514] office supplies for department staff 900 [514] Copy Paper 550 Total 1,450 62000 Commodities 5,985 4,785 5,725 5,800 5,800 63199 Other Professional Services 2,749 1,000 1,000 600 600 514 Recreation Administration Town of Avon Line Item Detail Section IV, Page H- 4 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [514] translations services, creative artwork 600 Total 600 63304 Computer Services and Sup 14,205 5,307 5,307 5,430 5,430 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [514] Rec Trac Annual Maintenance 3,807 [514] Web Trac Annual Maintenance 1,623 Total 5,430 63504 R&M - Office Equipment an 2,907 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [514] Xerox Printer Charges 2,000 [514] Toner Cartridges for HP Printers 1,000 Total 3,000 63603 Rentals - Office Equipment 4,803 4,200 4,200 4,200 4,200 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [514] Copier Lease ($349.62 x 12)4,200 Total 4,200 63000 Purchased and Contracte 24,664 13,507 13,507 13,230 13,230 64101 Professional Development 687 500 500 750 750 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [514] Visitation to other recreation centers for five staff memebers $150.00 each 750 Total 750 64201 Telephone & Long-distance 3,946 3,450 3,450 3,450 3,450 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [514] department phone charges 3,450 Total 3,450 64206 Cellular and Paging 740 744 744 744 744 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [514] $17 x 12 months x 2 Phones 408 [514] $28 x 12 months x 1 Phone 336 Total 744 514 Recreation Administration Town of Avon Line Item Detail Section IV, Page H- 5 DESCRIPTION 2016 ACTUALS 2017 SUPL-1 2017 FINAL 2018 BASE 2019 PROPOSED 64301 Postage and Delivery 38 600 600 200 200 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [514] postage and shipping fees 200 Total 200 64308 Sales Tax 366 900 900 500 500 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [514] Sales Tax on Merchandise 500 Total 500 64401 Fleet Maintenance Charges 5,535 4,153 4,153 4,153 4,153 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [514] Annual Fleet Maintenance Charges 4,153 Total 4,153 64402 Equipment Replacement Ch 9,083 10,583 10,583 10,583 10,583 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [514] Annual Equipment Rental Charges 10,583 Total 10,583 64403 Washbay Charges 728 728 728 728 728 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [514] Annual Washbay Charges - 2 vehicles 728 Total 728 64901 Advertising and Legal Notic 8,411 9,000 7,000 7,000 7,000 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [514] Adverstising and marketing for all department programs 7,000 Total 7,000 64905 Insurance Premiums 16,285 16,262 16,262 16,262 16,262 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [514] CIRSA Allocation - Rec Center (9%)16,262 Total 16,262 64906 Insurance Deductibles 663 0 0 0 0 64000 Other Operating Costs 46,480 46,920 44,920 44,370 44,370 66402 Computers and Peripherals 823 0 0 0 0 66404 Furniture and Fixtures 5,619 0 0 0 0 66000 Capital Outlay 6,442 0 0 0 0 514 Recreation Administration Town of Avon Line Item Detail Section IV, Page H- 6 60000T Total Expenditures & Oth 241,114 227,282 227,743 237,063 245,425 514 Recreation Administration Town of Avon Line Item Detail Section IV, Page H- 7 DESCRIPTION 2016 ACTUALS 2017 SUPL-1 2017 FINAL 2018 BASE 2019 PROPOSED 61101 Regular Full-time Salaries 24,008 25,845 24,899 26,019 27,249 61106 Paid out Leave 0 250 250 262 0 61121 PTS Wages 11,719 16,604 16,604 18,022 18,022 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [515] Drop-In Supervision 120 days. 3 hours/day. $19/hour 6,840 [515] League Referees 4 days/league. 3hours/day. $19/hour. 6 leagues 1,140 [515] Instructors: 75%/25% Split Tennis, Volleyball, Tai Chi, Baby Fitness, Womens Yoga, SUP Fit Classes, Dance Classes, Arts Classes 9,700 [515] Tournaments 4 tournaments. 1 day/tournament. 6 hours/day. $19/hour 342 Total 18,022 61151 Overtime Wages 25 0 0 0 0 61202 Ski Pass 0 809 809 849 809 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [515] ski pass 849 Total 849 61301 FT Pension 2,641 2,870 2,766 2,891 0 61302 PTS Pension 440 623 623 676 676 61304 Employee Assistance Progr 12 12 12 12 0 61401 FICA/Medicare 520 617 617 655 273 61501 Group Health and Life Insur 4,006 3,984 3,978 4,891 0 61505 Long-term Disability Insuran 219 233 145 152 0 61507 Dental Insurance 314 310 331 331 0 61509 Worker's Compensation 467 567 517 603 262 61510 Unemployment Insurance 107 128 128 135 56 61000 Personnel Services 44,479 51,802 51,677 55,496 47,347 62301 General Program Supplies 5,934 3,925 3,925 6,050 6,050 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [515] General Program Supplies Drop-In Sports Supplies, League Supplies, Tournament Supplies, General Class Supplies 6,050 Total 6,050 62904 Software 0 360 360 360 360 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [515] Adobe Subscription $30/mo 360 [515] Webscorer App 50 0 [515] Computer Graphics Card 100 0 Total 360 515 Adult Programs Town of Avon Line Item Detail Section IV, Page H- 8 DESCRIPTION 2016 ACTUALS 2017 SUPL-1 2017 FINAL 2018 BASE 2019 PROPOSED 62000 Commodities 5,934 4,285 4,285 6,410 6,410 63199 Other Professional Services 165 0 0 0 0 63000 Purchased and Contracte 165 0 0 0 0 64906 Insurance Deductibles 337 0 0 0 0 64000 Other Operating Costs 337 0 0 0 0 60000T Total Expenditures & Oth 50,914 56,087 55,962 61,906 53,757 515 Adult Programs Town of Avon Line Item Detail Section IV, Page H- 9 DESCRIPTION 2016 ACTUALS 2017 SUPL-1 2017 FINAL 2018 BASE 2019 PROPOSED 61101 Regular Full-time Salaries 163,575 237,841 220,243 240,491 247,408 61106 Paid out Leave 1,045 2,273 2,246 2,306 2,374 61121 PTS Wages 146,327 144,796 144,796 120,080 120,080 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [516] Guard;112*52*13=75172 67,600 [516] lead guard; 18.80*52*50=48,880 48,880 [516] Guard for special events 3,600 Total 120,080 61122 PTS Bonuses 0 1,618 1,618 1,618 1,618 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [516] 2 x $809 1,618 Total 1,618 61151 Overtime Wages 573 1,500 3,300 1,500 1,500 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [516] 60 over time hours 1,500 Total 1,500 61202 Ski Pass 1,538 1,618 1,618 4,295 4,295 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [516] 5 x $859 4,295 Total 4,295 61301 FT Pension 18,108 26,413 24,474 26,708 27,476 61302 PTS Pension 5,499 5,430 5,430 4,503 4,503 61304 Employee Assistance Progr 96 124 114 120 120 61401 FICA/Medicare 4,590 5,556 5,420 5,369 5,470 61501 Group Health and Life Insur 31,546 56,203 35,757 48,806 52,130 61505 Long-term Disability Insuran 1,493 2,069 1,234 1,368 1,407 61507 Dental Insurance 2,467 4,619 2,979 3,314 3,476 61509 Worker's Compensation 4,071 5,133 4,544 4,893 4,984 61510 Unemployment Insurance 935 1,149 1,121 1,111 1,132 61000 Personnel Services 381,863 489,143 454,893 466,482 477,975 62301 General Program Supplies 8,058 5,744 4,244 5,334 3,144 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [516] Noodles = $92/box *12=1,104 [516] 3 ring binders = $5*78 380 [516] Lifeguard DVD 175 [516] Patio/Pool Chairs 800 [516] kick boards and pull buoys 300 [516] Buoys 1,850 [516] First Aid/CPR/AED VIDEO 175 [516] CPR FOR PRO 50 [516] Aqua Joggers $40 * 10 400 [516] Aqua belts replacement: $10*10 100 Total 5,334 516 Aquatics Town of Avon Line Item Detail Section IV, Page H- 10 DESCRIPTION 2016 ACTUALS 2017 SUPL-1 2017 FINAL 2018 BASE 2019 PROPOSED 62305 Chemicals 17,195 22,000 18,000 19,000 19,000 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [516] Calhypo - 12000 9,000 [516] Non Chl Shock -166 *24 2,000 [516] Thiosulfate - 500 250 [516] M. Acid - 7,000 6,000 [516] Soda Ash - 250 300 [516] Sodium Bi-Carb 500 300 [516] Flocculant 14.69 * 4*12 529 [516] off the wall 8.62 * 6*12=621 Total 19,000 62805 Clothing and Uniforms 657 1,000 650 650 650 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [516] Guard shirts = $15/shirt * 35 =525 [516] whisltes = $3/whistle * 40 =125 125 Total 650 62806 Safety Materials and Suppli 219 590 350 300 300 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [516] Eye Protection $5*5=25 25 [516] Gloves: $12.50 * 4 = 50 50 [516] Res. Cartridge = $31.25 * 4=85 [516] Respirators: $40*3 = 120 80 [516] Boots = 60 60 Total 300 62809 Medical Supplies and 1st Ai 374 1,066 400 641 641 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [516] Band Aids 9.1 *10 =91 [516] Ice Packs: $25/box * 10 = 250 250 [516] Tape: $10 rolls @ 12.50 125 [516] Guaze 75 75 [516] cpr masks: $10 * 20 =100 Total 641 62899 Other Miscellaneous Operat 42 1,000 500 500 500 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [516] Pool Equipment 500 Total 500 62000 Commodities 26,546 31,400 24,144 26,425 24,235 63501 R&M - Buildings and Faciliti 15,000 4,613 4,613 2,250 2,250 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [516] channel grates: $5/grate * 50 250 [516] Miscellaneous R&M and Emergency Repairs 2,000 Total 2,250 516 Aquatics Town of Avon Line Item Detail Section IV, Page H- 11 DESCRIPTION 2016 ACTUALS 2017 SUPL-1 2017 FINAL 2018 BASE 2019 PROPOSED 63549 R&M - Other Specialized Eq 0 10,500 10,500 18,022 10,500 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [516] Pool R&M - Acid Feeders, Timers, PH ORP Sensors, Etc. 10,500 [516] Swim Lift ADA 7,522 Total 18,022 63000 Purchased and Contracte 15,000 15,113 15,113 20,272 12,750 64101 Professional Development 830 6,700 6,700 450 450 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [516] Lifeguard Instructor Training 450 Total 450 64102 Dues, Licenses and Membe 1,386 2,275 2,275 2,730 2,275 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [516] Lifeguard Challenge: $35/cert *10 350 [516] Lifeguard course: $35/cert * 25 875 [516] CPR/First aid challenge: $35/cert * 18 630 [516] CPR/First aid course: $35*30 875 Total 2,730 64399 Other Administrative Fees 885 1,200 1,200 1,060 1,060 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [516] Lake Water Testing 120/month for 3 months 360 [516] Slide Registration 700 700 Total 1,060 64402 Equipment Replacement Ch 14,094 23,959 23,959 24,800 24,800 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [516] Annual Equipment Rental Charges 24,800 Total 24,800 64904 Operating Fees, Assessmen 0 5,400 5,400 0 0 64000 Other Operating Costs 17,195 39,534 39,534 29,040 28,585 66402 Computers and Peripherals 823 0 0 0 0 66000 Capital Outlay 823 0 0 0 0 60000T Total Expenditures & Oth 441,428 575,190 533,684 542,219 543,545 516 Aquatics Town of Avon Line Item Detail Section IV, Page H- 12 DESCRIPTION 2016 ACTUALS 2017 SUPL-1 2017 FINAL 2018 BASE 2019 PROPOSED 61121 PTS Wages 65,524 66,399 66,399 66,399 66,399 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [518] Boot Camp: $4,500 x 75% Personal Trainers $20,000 x 75% Aerobics Instructor 1,441 hrs x 3,375 [518] Personal Trainers 29813 x 75%22,359 [518] Outdoor Boot camp 2200 x75%1,650 [518] Fitness and yoga instructors $25.01/hr. x 30 classes week, 52 weeks 39,015 Total 66,399 61302 PTS Pension 2,457 2,490 2,490 2,490 2,490 61401 FICA/Medicare 986 963 963 963 963 61509 Worker's Compensation 857 966 826 966 966 61510 Unemployment Insurance 197 199 199 199 199 61000 Personnel Services 70,021 71,017 70,877 71,017 71,017 62301 General Program Supplies 969 2,200 2,200 2,200 2,200 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [518] group X class supplies 1,100 [518] weight room supplies, Yoga equipment 1,100 Total 2,200 62899 Other Miscellaneous Operat 350 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [518] Fitness Floor Supplies 1,500 Total 1,500 62000 Commodities 1,319 3,700 3,700 3,700 3,700 64101 Professional Development 418 500 500 350 350 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [518] First Aid & CPR $50 x 5 250 [518] Personal Training Seminars $50 x 2 100 Total 350 64402 Equipment Replacement Ch 64,403 75,568 75,568 69,160 69,160 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [518] Annual Equipment Rental Charges 69,160 Total 69,160 518 Fitness Town of Avon Line Item Detail Section IV, Page H- 13 DESCRIPTION 2016 ACTUALS 2017 SUPL-1 2017 FINAL 2018 BASE 2019 PROPOSED 64000 Other Operating Costs 64,821 76,068 76,068 69,510 69,510 60000T Total Expenditures & Oth 136,161 150,785 150,645 144,227 144,227 518 Fitness Town of Avon Line Item Detail Section IV, Page H- 14 DESCRIPTION 2016 ACTUALS 2017 SUPL-1 2017 FINAL 2018 BASE 2019 PROPOSED 61101 Regular Full-time Salaries 135,254 146,989 142,884 148,907 150,646 61106 Paid out Leave 822 1,359 1,370 1,432 1,450 61121 PTS Wages 45,333 42,980 42,980 42,980 42,980 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [519] Specialist 1356hrs x 17.5 23,730 [519] Attendant 1540 hrs x 12.5 19,250 Total 42,980 61151 Overtime Wages 417 893 500 500 500 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [519] 19 x17.5x1.5 500 Total 500 61202 Ski Pass 0 1,618 1,618 849 849 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [519] 1 x $849 849 Total 849 61301 FT Pension 14,968 16,318 15,868 16,537 16,731 61302 PTS Pension 1,714 1,612 1,612 1,612 1,612 61304 Employee Assistance Progr 72 75 72 72 72 61401 FICA/Medicare 2,610 2,735 2,746 2,823 2,848 61501 Group Health and Life Insur 42,776 40,315 47,830 57,401 61,627 61505 Long-term Disability Insuran 1,210 1,300 812 846 856 61507 Dental Insurance 2,669 3,379 4,164 4,199 4,407 61509 Worker's Compensation 2,375 2,480 2,313 2,574 2,596 61510 Unemployment Insurance 545 566 568 584 589 61000 Personnel Services 250,766 256,787 265,338 281,315 287,763 62301 General Program Supplies 7,596 3,800 5,300 7,600 4,405 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [519] Back office & FD supplies hand san, lotion, plates, plastic ware, cleaning wipes, shoe spray 350 [519] Gym membership passes See attached note 1,575 [519] fish tank supplies 150 [519] towels 2,400 [519] Coffee, creamer, sugar, cups, stirrers.1,250 [519] Lifejackets See attached note 1,100 [519] Park Needs airhorns, locks, etc. 100 [519] Park Signage 350 [519] Lobby flyer displays See attached note 325 Total 7,600 519 Guest Services Town of Avon Line Item Detail Section IV, Page H- 15 DESCRIPTION 2016 ACTUALS 2017 SUPL-1 2017 FINAL 2018 BASE 2019 PROPOSED 62304 Merchandise for Resale 5,219 7,525 9,025 6,425 7,525 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [519] locks 125 [519] headphones 150 [519] swim caps 50 [519] men's swimsuit 1,000 [519] womens swimsuit 1,500 [519] youth goggles 1,500 [519] adult goggles 1,300 [519] squirt toys/balls 400 [519] swim diapers 400 Total 6,425 62802 Food and Beverages 267 300 300 300 300 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [519] staff meetings 300 Total 300 62805 Clothing and Uniforms 0 900 300 300 450 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [519] staff shirts and name tags 300 Total 300 62899 Other Miscellaneous Operat 0 1,700 1,700 0 0 62000 Commodities 13,082 14,225 16,625 14,625 12,680 64101 Professional Development 1,348 0 0 280 0 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [519] CPR/ First Aid $35 * 8 staff 280 Total 280 64307 Bank Service Charges and 22,662 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [519] credit card charges-16400 19,400 [519] ach billing chages 72 [519] EC Merchant account 528 Total 20,000 64402 Equipment Replacement Ch 6,372 6,054 6,054 6,054 6,054 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [519] Annual Equipment Rental Charges 6,054 Total 6,054 519 Guest Services Town of Avon Line Item Detail Section IV, Page H- 16 DESCRIPTION 2016 ACTUALS 2017 SUPL-1 2017 FINAL 2018 BASE 2019 PROPOSED 64000 Other Operating Costs 30,382 26,054 26,054 26,334 26,054 66402 Computers and Peripherals 872 0 0 2,850 0 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [519] Desktop Replacement - Rec Front Desk (3)2,850 Total 2,850 66000 Capital Outlay 872 0 0 2,850 0 60000T Total Expenditures & Oth 295,102 297,066 308,017 325,124 326,497 519 Guest Services Town of Avon Line Item Detail Section IV, Page H- 17 DESCRIPTION 2016 ACTUALS 2017 SUPL-1 2017 FINAL 2018 BASE 2019 PROPOSED 61101 Regular Full-time Salaries 24,008 26,983 26,037 27,359 56,060 61106 Paid out Leave 0 250 250 262 550 61121 PTS Wages 68,930 81,996 74,000 83,928 84,928 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [521] After School Counselor 171 days. 2 counslors/day. 4 hours/day. average hourly wage/counselor $18. 18,624 [521] Friday Counselor 32 days. 1 counselor/day. 4hours/day. average hourly wage/counselor $18. 2,304 [521] Day Camp Counselor 32 dats. 3 counselors/day. 10 hours/day. average hourly wage/counselor $18. 13,280 [521] Summer Camp Counselor Rec Programs Instructor II. 2 counselors/day. 10 hours/day. average hourly wage/counselor $18. Rec Programs Instructor I. 3 Counselors/day. 10 hours/day. 40,800 [521] Training Hours 10 Hours @ $18/Hour 180 [521] Summer Camp Aide 60 Days 10 Hours/Aide/Day 6,240 [521] Babysitters Course 2500 2,500 Total 83,928 61151 Overtime Wages 1,719 1,000 500 500 500 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [521] Over Time Hours 500 Total 500 61202 Ski Pass 0 809 809 809 809 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [521] Ski Pass x $809 809 Total 809 61301 FT Pension 2,641 2,996 2,891 3,038 6,227 61302 PTS Pension 2,649 3,075 2,775 3,147 3,185 61304 Employee Assistance Progr 12 13 12 12 24 61401 FICA/Medicare 1,406 1,596 1,473 1,636 2,071 61501 Group Health and Life Insur 4,006 3,984 3,978 4,891 10,451 61505 Long-term Disability Insuran 219 233 145 152 318 61507 Dental Insurance 313 310 331 331 695 61509 Worker's Compensation 1,230 1,533 1,245 1,579 1,969 61510 Unemployment Insurance 284 330 305 339 429 61000 Personnel Services 107,417 124,057 114,751 127,983 168,216 62301 General Program Supplies 5,111 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [521] After School Supplies 1,000 521 Youth Programs Town of Avon Line Item Detail Section IV, Page H- 18 62802 Food and Beverages 3,538 3,000 3,000 3,770 3,770 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [521] After School/Day Camp 3,500 [521] Employee Appreciation 270 Total 3,770 62805 Clothing and Uniforms 1,982 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [521] Camp Shirts 2,000 Total 2,000 62808 Promotional, Informational a 693 1,000 1,000 1,200 0 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [521] Digital Marketing and Advertising Materials REACH 1,200 Total 1,200 62809 Medical Supplies and 1st Ai 88 300 100 400 400 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [521] 1st Aid Supplies 100 [521] Nurse Delegation Training 4 hours@$75/hour 300 Total 400 62899 Other Miscellaneous Operat 550 500 500 0 500 62000 Commodities 11,962 10,800 10,600 11,370 10,670 63103 Training Facilitators 287 1,140 1,290 984 984 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [521] First-Aid/CPR/AED $46/Person 184 [521] Medical Administration $45/Person 180 [521] Archery Training $60/Person 240 [521] ARC Instructor Training $300/Person 300 [521] Universal Precautions $20/Person 80 Total 984 63000 Purchased and Contracte 287 1,140 1,290 984 984 64101 Professional Development 844 0 0 0 0 64102 Dues, Licenses and Membe 95 300 300 105 105 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [521] CPRA Membership 105 521 Youth Programs Town of Avon Line Item Detail Section IV, Page H- 19 64306 Permit and Licensing Fees 982 1,139 614 719 719 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [521] Employee Finger Prints $39.50/Employee 158 [521] TRAILs/Child Abuse $28/Employee 112 [521] Program License 2 Liscenses 329 [521] Health Inspection $60/Inspection *2 120 Total 719 64399 Other Administrative Fees 6,046 8,325 8,325 8,375 8,375 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [521] Zip Lining 500 [521] Rock Climbing 600 [521] Horse Back Riding 625 [521] Hot Springs 500 [521] Bowling 500 [521] Trampoline Park 500 [521] Sailing 600 [521] Mining 400 [521] Mini Golf 150 [521] Tubing 650 [521] Sylvan Lake 150 [521] Rifle Pool 250 [521] BC Activities 150 [521] Painting 300 [521] Thanksgiving FT 100 [521] Chrismas FT 200 [521] Spring Break FT 100 [521] Mid-Winter Break FT 100 [521] Stand Up Paddle Boarding 1,000 [521] Other 1,000 Total 8,375 64000 Other Operating Costs 7,967 9,764 9,239 9,199 9,199 66402 Computers and Peripherals 926 0 0 0 0 66000 Capital Outlay 926 0 0 0 0 60000T Total Expenditures & Oth 128,558 145,761 135,880 149,536 189,069 521 Youth Programs Town of Avon Line Item Detail Section IV, Page H- 20 DESCRIPTION 2016 ACTUALS 2017 SUPL-1 2017 FINAL 2018 BASE 2019 PROPOSED 61121 PTS Wages 0 0 0 29,384 29,384 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [523] Private Inst; 770 lessons x 14,438 [523] PT swim coach 10hours/week 42 weeks at $16.91/hr = $7,102.20 7,102 [523] PT swim instructors 5 hours a week at $16.91/hr 36 weeks =$3043.80 3,044 [523] Master Swim Coach 20 hours a week at $20/hr for 12 weeks $4800.00 4,800 Total 29,384 61151 Overtime Wages 0 0 0 750 750 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [523] 18.75 hours of overtime at $40.00 an hour. 750 Total 750 61000 Personnel Services 0 0 0 30,134 30,134 62301 General Program Supplies 0 0 0 1,055 1,055 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [523] Breast Stroke Swim Fins $30.00x11 pairs =$330.00 330 [523] GoPro Video Cart = $300.00 300 [523] Kick Boards $20.00x10 kick boards = $200.00 200 [523] Equipment Cart = $225.00 225 Total 1,055 62802 Food and Beverages 0 0 0 600 600 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [523] 10 Events a year at $60.00 an event =$600.00 600 Total 600 62805 Clothing and Uniforms 0 0 0 320 320 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [523] Swimsuits $65.00x4 = $260.00 260 [523] Tee Shirt $30.00x2= 60.00 60 Total 320 62000 Commodities 0 0 0 1,975 1,975 64101 Professional Development 0 0 0 0 10,260 64102 Dues, Licenses and Membe 0 0 0 400 14,950 523 Community Swim Program Town of Avon Line Item Detail Section IV, Page H- 21 DESCRIPTION 2016 ACTUALS 2017 SUPL-1 2017 FINAL 2018 BASE 2019 PROPOSED [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [523] USA Coach Membership= $100.00 100 [523] USA Team Membership= $300.00 300 Total 400 64103 Mileage Reimb. and Travel 0 0 0 10,260 0 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [523] 57 Hotel Nights x $130 / Night 7,410 [523] 57 Days Meal Allowance x $50.00 / Day 2,850 Total 10,260 64904 Operating Fees, Assessmen 0 0 0 14,550 0 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [523] WECMRD Summer Swimming Leaque Fee 100 [523] Team Unify Yearly Fee 1,300 [523] Rec Meet Fees $50.00 x 3 Meets 150 [523] USA Meet Fees $500.00 x 26 Meets 13,000 Total 14,550 64000 Other Operating Costs 0 0 0 25,210 25,210 60000T Total Expenditures & Oth 0 0 0 57,319 57,319 523 Community Swim Program Town of Avon Line Item Detail Section IV, Page H- 22 Original or Final Prev. Amend.Revised Proposed Proposed Actual Budget Budget Budget Budget 2016 2017 2017 2018 2019 Personnel Services 721,084$ 808,364$ 786,329$ 881,669$ 907,505$ Commodities 69,123 87,652 90,657 99,542 86,927 Contract Services 50,070 229,306 231,486 111,809 102,669 Other Operating Costs 563,444 567,917 546,055 532,844 532,078 Debt Service 60,220 60,220 60,220 60,220 - Capital Outlay 135,962 417,315 417,315 1,700 1,400 Total 1,599,903$ 2,170,774$ 2,132,062$ 1,687,784$ 1,630,579$ Administration 235,867$ 247,060$ 258,360$ 271,617$ 285,236$ Operations 1,261,623 1,793,604 1,727,168 1,258,194 1,178,774 Wash Bay 102,413 130,110 146,534 157,973 166,569 Total 1,599,903$ 2,170,774$ 2,132,062$ 1,687,784$ 1,630,579$ Transit Director 1 1 1 1 1 Transit Operations Supervisor -1 1 1 1 Wash Bay Operator -1 1 1 1 Transit Operator 4 4 3.6 3.6 3.6 Total 5 7 6.6 6.6 6.6 The Transit Department is the singular department of the Transit Fund and is responsible for all multimodal (mobility) operations for the Town of Avon, and parking management. The Department coordinates with ECO regional buses. The Transit Fund receives Town general taxes (accommodation taxes) to support free bus operations and grant matches, in addition to a joint funding of the skier bus and evening dinner services, with the Beaver Creek Resort Company. BUDGET SUMMARY: TRANSIT DEPARTMENT DEPARTMENT EXPENDITURES BY PROGRAM DEPARTMENT EXPENDITURES BY CATEGORY AUTHORIZED POSITIONS ADMINISTRATION OF THE DEPARTMENT The Transit Department is administered by the Transportation Director, with the assistance of the Transit Operations Supervisor and Bus Wash Operator. DEPARTMENT FINANCIAL SUMMARY Section IV, Page I-1 PROGRAM ACTIVITIES AND OPERATIONS: TRANSIT ADMINISTRATION Administration: The Transportation Director oversees the Town of Avon's multimodal transportation program, an parking management program, including buy not limited to day-to-day bus service routes, strategic planning, budget development and management, establishment of performance goals and passenger feedback systems, designs and implements advertising and promotion, maintains ADA certification and compliance, assists with vehicle procurement, Federal Transit Administration, Region VIII/Colorado Department of Transportation grant solicitation/management, and Intergovernmental Agreement/Third Party contract execution. ROUTE OPERATIONS Route Operations: Includes service design/service implementation schedule and policy, system safety and security, fleet management, customer (guest) service protocols, employee standards, seasonal employee recruitment, training, and certification, performance metric(s), and day to day field operational supervision. Winter Service: Five (5) route operations occur during the winter months: The Blue, Red, and Night Rider routes serve the Avon Core and residential areas other than Wildridge, a Skier Shuttle and an evening Restaurant Shuttle is supported with a contribution from Beaver Creek. Service Hours and costs are summarized in the table below. The Town provides in-kind bus service for The Birds of Prey World Cup, running additional buses. Summer Service: The seven-day per week Blue, Red, and Night Rider Routes operate during the summer months. Hours and route frequency are summarized in the table below. WASH BAY Wash Bay: Located in the Bus Storage Facility, the wash bay is sized for large buses and smaller vehicles, and equipment. The bay also includes a service station for checking fluids and daily checklists. Charges are estimated each year based upon the operational and maintenance costs of operating the wash bay, including staff time for 2018 Avon Transportation Proposed Routes Section IV, Page I-2 Estimated Personnel Time Non- Personnel Costs Total Activity Cost Administration 100%112,361$ 271,617$ Operational Success Winter Service 62%389,557 780,080 Cost/Route, Route Timeliness Summer Service 38%238,760 478,114 Cost/Route, Route Timeliness Wash Bay Operations 100%65,437 157,973 Satisfaction, Timeliness 1. Increased ridership on the Red and Blue Lines and establishment of the Night Rider evening route. 1. Explore and test new multimodal transportation programs to decrease dependence on personal vehicles. Wash Bay Performance Metric(s) DEPARTMENT COST ALLOCATIONS Administration Route Operations 2018 STRATEGIC GOALS 3. Tlaunched the first bikeshare program in the Eagle Valley. 2. Continue to Investigate new public/private technologies/partnerships available to increase ridership and control costs. 3. Continue to focus on safety and guest satisfaction; launch a strong marketing plan that supports walkability, parking and transit ridership. ACCOMPLISHMENTS AND GOALS: TRANSPORTATION 2017 MAJOR ACCOMPLISHMENTS 2. Increased ridership on the Skier Shuttle. 4. Awarded $75,000 grant from CDOT for Operations; first ever for the Town. 5. Leads the Multimodal Transportation & Parking Work Group. Section IV, Page I-3 DESCRIPTION 2016 ACTUALS 2017 SUPL-1 2017 FINAL 2018 BASE 2019 PROPOSED 61101 Regular Full-time Salaries 96,267 99,793 98,518 107,315 111,820 61106 Paid out Leave 0 923 995 1,036 1,080 61301 FT Pension 10,239 11,079 10,946 11,919 12,419 61304 Employee Assistance Progr 24 25 23 24 24 61401 FICA/Medicare 1,345 1,409 1,443 1,571 1,637 61501 Group Health and Life Insur 15,795 15,696 21,103 28,971 31,180 61505 Long-term Disability Insuran 497 497 579 610 636 61507 Dental Insurance 1,242 1,228 1,878 2,242 2,352 61509 Worker's Compensation 4,486 4,702 4,008 5,244 5,464 61510 Unemployment Insurance 279 291 299 325 339 61000 Personnel Services 130,175 131,686 139,793 159,256 166,950 62208 Mechanical - HVAC 915 1,050 2,800 1,050 1,050 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [431] Filters & Belts 1,050 Total 1,050 62801 Employee Recognition Expe 0 25 1,280 25 500 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [431] 1 x $25 25 Total 25 62899 Other Miscellaneous Operat 622 500 500 0 500 62901 Duplicating Supplies 0 0 0 0 500 62905 Books and Periodicals 0 0 0 0 400 62999 Office Supplies and Material 602 500 500 1,000 1,000 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [431] General Office Supplies 1,000 Total 1,000 62000 Commodities 2,139 2,075 5,080 2,075 3,950 63203 Printing and Reproduction S 6,007 6,720 5,000 4,000 4,000 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [431] Bus Stop Displays - Bus Schedules 4,000 Total 4,000 63306 Security Services 1,928 2,100 2,100 2,150 2,150 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [431] Bldg. Security & Fire Monitoring 2,150 Total 2,150 431 Transit Administration Town of Avon Line Item Detail Section IV, Page I-4 DESCRIPTION 2016 ACTUALS 2017 SUPL-1 2017 FINAL 2018 BASE 2019 PROPOSED 63501 R&M - Buildings and Faciliti 17,331 23,665 23,665 13,780 18,190 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [431] Elevator Maintenance 2,600 [431] AMS Contract 1,400 [431] Fire Ext. Maintenance 400 [431] Boiler Inspection 500 [431] HVAC Maintenace 5,000 [431] Access Control Repairs 3,000 [431] HVAC Water Quality Testing 880 Total 13,780 63504 R&M - Office Equipment an 416 150 500 410 410 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [431] Laser Jet Printer 410 Total 410 63599 Other Maintenance Services 806 847 847 810 810 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [431] Pest Control 810 Total 810 63603 Rentals - Office Equipment 1,379 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [431] 1/2 Copier Lease $199.98 x 12 months 1,200 Total 1,200 63999 Other Contract Services 165 1,200 1,200 1,000 1,000 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [431] Carpet Cleaning 1,000 Total 1,000 63000 Purchased and Contracte 28,034 35,882 34,512 23,350 27,760 64101 Professional Development 1,242 500 500 2,250 1,000 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [431] CASTA Spring/Fall Conference 2,000 [431] FTA/CDOT Training 250 Total 2,250 64105 Training 0 0 0 1,000 2,250 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [431] Training 1,000 Total 1,000 431 Transit Administration Town of Avon Line Item Detail Section IV, Page I-5 DESCRIPTION 2016 ACTUALS 2017 SUPL-1 2017 FINAL 2018 BASE 2019 PROPOSED 64201 Telephone & Long-distance 2,475 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [431] Fire Alarm Elevator 2,500 Total 2,500 64202 Gas 18,283 25,356 25,356 25,356 25,356 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [431] Annual Utility Cost 25,356 Total 25,356 64203 Electric 31,914 29,724 29,724 33,000 33,000 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [431] Annual Utility Cost 33,000 Total 33,000 64204 Water and Sanitation 4,680 4,500 4,500 4,700 4,700 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [431] Annual Utility Cost 4,700 Total 4,700 64301 Postage and Delivery 3 75 75 50 50 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [431] Direct Mailing, FedEx Shipping 50 Total 50 64303 Treasurer Fees 1,208 1,186 1,186 1,246 1,186 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [431] Treasurer Collection Fee 1,246 Total 1,246 64401 Fleet Maintenance Charges 798 0 0 0 0 64901 Advertising and Legal Notic 304 0 0 0 0 64905 Insurance Premiums 13,644 13,576 15,134 15,134 15,134 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [431] CIRSA Allocation - Transit (7.5%) 15,134 Total 15,134 64000 Other Operating Costs 74,551 77,417 78,975 85,236 85,176 66402 Computers and Peripherals 968 0 0 1,350 1,400 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [431] Desktop Replacement - Transit Director two 950 [431] (2) Monitors 400 Total 1,350 431 Transit Administration Town of Avon Line Item Detail Section IV, Page I-6 DESCRIPTION 2016 ACTUALS 2017 SUPL-1 2017 FINAL 2018 BASE 2019 PROPOSED 66403 Audio/Visual Equipment 0 0 0 350 0 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [431] Bus Video Reader Repair 350 Total 350 66000 Capital Outlay 968 0 0 1,700 1,400 60000T Total Expenditures & Oth 235,867 247,060 258,360 271,617 285,236 431 Transit Administration Town of Avon Line Item Detail Section IV, Page I-7 DESCRIPTION 2016 ACTUALS 2017 SUPL-1 2017 FINAL 2018 BASE 2019 PROPOSED 61101 Regular Full-time Salaries 244,681 258,666 223,920 251,741 259,354 61106 Paid out Leave 1,304 2,439 2,386 2,479 2,498 61121 PTS Wages 135,418 208,600 208,600 210,380 210,380 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [432] 6,075 Winter Hours, 3,322 Summer Hours 0 [432] PTS Operators - 9,297 hrs. x $20/hr 187,940 [432] Employee Benefits for Conversion of PTS Hours to 1 FTE 20,000 [432] Operator Training - New - 1 @ $20/hr. x 80 hrs. 1,600 [432] Returning Operators - 10 @ $21/hr. x 4 hrs. 840 Total 210,380 61122 PTS Bonuses 4,272 6,472 6,472 8,490 8,090 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [432] End of Season Bonus - 10 @ $849 8,490 Total 8,490 61151 Overtime Wages 3,125 5,510 5,510 5,400 5,400 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [432] Safety Meetings 80 hours x $40.00/hour 3,200 [432] 2% of PTS Wages ($109,940 x 2%)2,200 Total 5,400 61202 Ski Pass 769 0 0 849 0 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [432] 1 @ $849 849 Total 849 61301 FT Pension 26,658 28,722 24,894 27,964 28,804 61302 PTS Pension 5,226 7,823 7,823 7,889 7,889 61304 Employee Assistance Progr 116 116 102 110 110 61401 FICA/Medicare 5,472 6,822 6,480 6,950 7,043 61501 Group Health and Life Insur 83,750 79,488 56,984 75,389 80,904 61505 Long-term Disability Insuran 2,167 2,180 1,274 1,427 1,473 61507 Dental Insurance 7,059 6,802 5,019 5,575 5,850 61509 Worker's Compensation 18,954 23,473 17,751 23,795 24,171 61510 Unemployment Insurance 1,153 1,411 1,341 1,438 1,457 61000 Personnel Services 540,125 626,079 568,554 629,877 643,423 62401 Gasoline 14,598 17,500 17,500 15,000 15,000 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [432] Fuel for Avon Buses 0 [432] Unleaded Fuel based on Historical Avgs.15,000 Total 15,000 432 Transit Operations Town of Avon Line Item Detail Section IV, Page I-8 DESCRIPTION 2016 ACTUALS 2017 SUPL-1 2017 FINAL 2018 BASE 2019 PROPOSED 62402 Diesel 43,470 50,000 50,000 63,140 50,000 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [432] Fuel for Avon Buses - 8,127 Service Hours @ 3 gal. / hr x $3.56 0 [432] Diesel Fuel based on Historical Avgs.50,000 [432] Add'; Fuel for Night Rider Service - 1,460 Service Hours 3 gal per service hour 13,140 Total 63,140 62801 Employee Recognition Expe 0 180 180 2,000 2,000 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [432] Employee Recognition - PTS Drivers 2,000 Total 2,000 62802 Food and Beverages 1,283 1,000 1,000 2,000 3,100 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [432] Meeting/Functions 2,000 Total 2,000 62805 Clothing and Uniforms 1,207 1,847 1,847 2,327 2,327 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [432] Driver Uniform Winter Jackets 10 x $120 1,000 [432] Vests 400 [432] Shirts 432 [432] Hats 120 [432] Embroidery 375 Total 2,327 62809 Medical Supplies and 1st Ai 0 0 0 0 1,000 62899 Other Miscellaneous Operat 0 5,500 5,500 0 0 62000 Commodities 60,558 76,027 76,027 84,467 73,427 63301 Medical Services and Exami 2,280 2,750 2,750 0 2,750 63506 R&M - Radios and Commun 6,970 8,209 8,209 9,459 10,709 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [432] 800 MHz Radio Service 8,209 [432] 2 Replacement Radios 1,250 Total 9,459 63999 Other Contract Services 0 157,900 161,450 61,000 36,000 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [432] Zagster Bike Share 2018-2019 36,000 [432] Multimodal Pilot Studies 25,000 Total 61,000 432 Transit Operations Town of Avon Line Item Detail Section IV, Page I-9 DESCRIPTION 2016 ACTUALS 2017 SUPL-1 2017 FINAL 2018 BASE 2019 PROPOSED 63000 Purchased and Contracte 9,250 168,859 172,409 70,459 49,459 64102 Dues, Licenses and Membe 2,306 3,392 3,392 3,155 2,449 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [432] CASTA Coalition 2,000 [432] National Safety Council 300 [432] FTA/DOT CDL Certification 400 [432] PTOE 425 [432] PE 30 Total 3,155 64206 Cellular and Paging 851 840 840 840 840 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [432] $70 x 12 months 840 Total 840 64401 Fleet Maintenance Charges 163,705 129,433 129,433 129,433 129,433 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [432] Annual Fleet Maintenance Charges 129,433 Total 129,433 64402 Equipment Replacement Ch 45,904 48,828 48,828 48,828 48,828 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [432] Annual Equipment Rental Charges 48,828 Total 48,828 64403 Washbay Charges 24,102 24,102 24,102 24,102 24,102 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [432] Annual Washbay Charges - 1 wash/bus/day + 2 vehicles 24,102 Total 24,102 64902 Financial Support, Donation 219,608 249,468 226,048 206,813 206,813 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [432] Gondola Operations 2017/18 (81%) 163,283 [432] Gondola Operations 2018/19 (19%) 43,530 Total 206,813 64000 Other Operating Costs 456,476 456,063 432,643 413,171 412,465 65201 Capital Lease Payments 60,220 60,220 60,220 60,220 0 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [432] Bus CApital Lease Purchase 60,220 Total 60,220 432 Transit Operations Town of Avon Line Item Detail Section IV, Page I-10 DESCRIPTION 2016 ACTUALS 2017 SUPL-1 2017 FINAL 2018 BASE 2019 PROPOSED 65000 Debt Services 60,220 60,220 60,220 60,220 0 66402 Computers and Peripherals 0 1,900 1,900 0 0 66503 Buses and People Moving V 134,994 415,415 415,415 0 0 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [432] FTA-5339 Grant $556,000 0 [432] FASTER Grant 0 Total 0 66000 Capital Outlay 134,994 417,315 417,315 0 0 60000T Total Expenditures & Oth 1,261,623 1,804,563 1,727,168 1,258,194 1,178,774 432 Transit Operations Town of Avon Line Item Detail Section IV, Page I-11 DESCRIPTION 2016 ACTUALS 2017 SUPL-1 2017 FINAL 2018 BASE 2019 PROPOSED 61101 Regular Full-time Salaries 35,177 44,693 42,675 44,976 46,925 61106 Paid out Leave 238 444 413 444 465 61121 PTS Wages 4,523 6,048 6,048 6,048 6,048 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [436] Winter Hours 336 x $18/hr.6,048 Total 6,048 61122 PTS Bonuses 0 809 809 849 809 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [436] 1 @ $849 849 Total 849 61151 Overtime Wages 0 336 336 302 302 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [436] $6,048 x 5%302 Total 302 61301 FT Pension 3,896 4,965 4,740 4,996 5,213 61302 PTS Pension 170 227 227 227 227 61304 Employee Assistance Progr 22 24 24 24 24 61401 FICA/Medicare 584 759 729 763 791 61501 Group Health and Life Insur 3,489 181 18,016 28,732 30,931 61505 Long-term Disability Insuran 394 409 245 255 266 61507 Dental Insurance 256 0 1,586 2,242 2,352 61509 Worker's Compensation 1,916 2,507 1,982 2,521 2,616 61510 Unemployment Insurance 120 157 151 158 164 61000 Personnel Services 50,784 61,558 77,982 92,536 97,132 62208 Mechanical - HVAC 0 500 500 500 500 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [436] Filters/Belts 500 Total 500 62899 Other Miscellaneous Operat 6,426 9,050 9,050 12,500 9,050 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [436] Soap & Misc. Supplies 10,000 [436] Water Softner Supplies 2,500 Total 12,500 62000 Commodities 6,426 9,550 9,550 13,000 9,550 63501 R&M - Buildings and Faciliti 8,536 12,065 12,065 5,000 12,950 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [436] MTech Contract @ $12,950- 50/50 split 431 & 436 yearly repair 4,300 436 Transit Washbay Town of Avon Line Item Detail Section IV, Page I-12 63549 R&M - Other Specialized Eq 0 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [436] Pump and Motor Repair 4,000 Total 4,000 63999 Other Contract Services 4,250 8,500 8,500 9,000 8,500 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [436] Sludge Pit Annual Cleaning - 2 @ $750 5,400 [436] North Roof Snow Removal 2,000 [436] Interclean 1,600 Total 9,000 63000 Purchased and Contracte 12,786 24,565 24,565 18,000 25,450 64201 Telephone & Long-distance 1,513 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [436] Modem 1,500 Total 1,500 64204 Water and Sanitation 8,668 9,500 9,500 9,500 9,500 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [436] Annual Utility Cost 9,500 Total 9,500 64205 Trash Collection and Recycl 0 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [436] Trash Removal 1,200 Total 1,200 64402 Equipment Replacement Ch 22,236 22,237 22,237 22,237 22,237 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [436] Annual Equipment Rental Charges 22,237 Total 22,237 64000 Other Operating Costs 32,417 34,437 34,437 34,437 34,437 60000T Total Expenditures & Oth 102,413 130,110 146,534 157,973 166,569 436 Transit Washbay Town of Avon Line Item Detail Section IV, Page I-13 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Section IV, Page I-14 Original or Final Prev. Amend.Revised Proposed Proposed Actual Budget Budget Budget Budget 2016 2017 2017 2018 2019 Personnel Services 692,972$ 777,771$ 761,829$ 809,638$ 847,618$ Commodities 426,882 417,950 410,234 428,869 410,294 Contract Services 80,719 57,868 57,868 62,431 54,953 Other Operating Costs 163,865 120,291 119,741 120,894 117,691 Debt Service 256,717 259,016 259,016 259,016 259,016 Capital Outlay 15,752 19,650 14,069 13,125 13,900 Total 1,636,907$ 1,652,546$ 1,622,757$ 1,693,973$ 1,703,472$ Fleet Maintenance 1,636,907$ 1,652,546$ 1,622,757$ 1,693,973$ 1,703,472$ Total 1,636,907$ 1,652,546$ 1,622,757$ 1,693,973$ 1,703,472$ Fleet Director 1 1 1 1 1 Purchasing Coordinator --1 1 1 Accounting Assistant II 1 1 --- Fleet Maintenance Foreman 1 1 2 2 2 Mechanic I-II 4 4 3 3 3 Mechanics Helper 1 1 1 1 1 Total 8 8 8 8 8 BUDGET SUMMARY: FLEET MAINTENANCE DEPARTMENT ADMINISTRATION OF THE DEPARTMENT The Fleet Department is administered by the Fleet Director who spends approximately 90% on general department administration, and the balance on mechanic training and hands-on support. DEPARTMENT FINANCIAL SUMMARY DEPARTMENT EXPENDITURES BY CATEGORY The Fleet Maintenance Fund is an enterprise operation and is used to account for operations that are financed and operated a manner similar to private business enterprises, where the costs of providing services to the Town's departments, other governmental third party agencies, and up to 10% private clients, can be fully recovered through user charges. Monies may also be provided to the Fleet Maintenance Fund from general taxes collected by the Town of Avon, when appropriate, to ensure a positive net income on an annual basis. The Fleet Department is the only division in the Fund and provides equipment, vehicle and rolling stock maintenance and repair services are offered. DEPARTMENT EXPENDITURES BY PROGRAM AUTHORIZED POSITIONS Section IV, Page J-1 Estimated Personnel Time Non- Personnel Costs Total Activity Cost Town of Avon Vehicles and Rolling Stock 30%265,301$ 508,192$ 70% Cost Recovery Manage Town of Avon Fleet 5%44,217 84,699 Department Satsfaction Complete Monthly Billing 5%44,217 84,699 Timeliness/Accuracy Third Party Vehicles and Rolling Stock 60%530,601 1,016,384 70% Cost Recovery 4. Develop three-year business plan for the department. 5. Develop standard operating procedures and, where applicable, standard shop rates. 1. Increased customer base by adding one private party contract and one governmental contract. PROGRAM ACTIVITIES AND OPERATIONS: FLEET MAINTENANCE Town of Avon Vehicles and Rolling Stock: Town departments are charged a competitive “fully burdened” shop rate for regular maintenance and repair. The Fleet Department targets a billable total cost recovery of 60% - 80% from work through the year. Third Party Vehicles/Rolling Stock and 10% Private Clients: Third party governmental agencies are charged a competitive “fully burdened” shop rate for regular maintenance and repair. The Fleet Department targets a cost recovery of 60% - 80% from total work through the year. The department is allowed to contract with private clients up to 10% of revenues or shop hours. Performance Metric(s) Manage Town of Avon Fleet: Procure fuel efficient and cost effective vehicles and equipment that meets the needs of departments. Monitor use, manage and dispose of vehicles and equipment for greatest return of investment. Procures parts and fuel for Town and user agencies. Complete Monthly Billing: Generate invoices, spreadsheets and work orders for all fleet users using data incorporated from a fleet management cost accounting system and fuel management program. DEPARTMENT COST ALLOCATIONS 2. Reduced stocked parts by $10,000.00 3. Continue to reduce stock parts inventory. 2018 STRATEGIC GOALS 1. Procure and operate a fleet of vehicles that minimizes environmental impact, enhances domestic energy, and maximizes fuel efficiency and diversification. 2. Strengthen partnerships with local third party government agencies; solicit private clients. 3. Emergency Vehicle Certification for technicians Fleet Maintenance ACCOMPLISHMENTS AND GOALS: FLEET MAINTENANCE 2017 MAJOR ACCOMPLISHMENTS Section IV, Page J-2 DESCRIPTION 2016 ACTUALS 2017 SUPL-1 2017 FINAL 2018 BASE 2019 PROPOSED 61101 Regular Full-time Salaries 444,702 511,208 482,327 504,037 522,618 61106 Paid out Leave 10,858 4,807 4,708 4,877 5,065 61151 Overtime Wages 7,768 5,100 5,100 5,100 5,100 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [434] Overtime for 6 mechanics to cover sick days and PTO 5,100 Total 5,100 61301 FT Pension 49,788 56,762 53,574 55,980 58,045 61304 Employee Assistance Progr 184 199 192 193 193 61401 FICA/Medicare 6,301 7,308 7,136 7,453 7,725 61501 Group Health and Life Insur 154,760 178,140 177,980 211,151 227,056 61505 Long-term Disability Insuran 3,697 3,901 2,753 2,881 2,986 61507 Dental Insurance 13,330 15,304 15,918 16,070 16,864 61509 Worker's Compensation 202 12,515 10,663 355 368 61510 Unemployment Insurance 1,383 1,512 1,476 1,542 1,598 61000 Personnel Services 692,972 777,771 761,829 809,638 847,618 62401 Gasoline 884 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [434] For 3 Fleet trucks 1,000 Total 1,000 62404 Auto & Equip Parts - Stock 386,221 368,427 368,427 368,427 368,427 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [434] Parts for TOA vehicles and Equipment 147,275 [434] Parts for 3rd Party vehicles and Equipment 221,152 Total 368,427 62801 Employee Recognition Expe 382 200 200 200 200 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [434] Employee Recgonition (8 X $25) 200 Total 200 62802 Food and Beverages 680 800 600 600 600 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [434] Coffee for Fleet staff 435 [434] Food for Fleet staff meetings 165 Total 600 62805 Clothing and Uniforms 1,761 1,265 1,265 1,325 1,325 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [434] Winter and Summer gloves 125 [434] Jackets and insulated coveralls for 8 1,200 Total 1,325 434 Fleet Maintenance Operations Town of Avon Line Item Detail Section IV, Page J-3 DESCRIPTION 2016 ACTUALS 2017 SUPL-1 2017 FINAL 2018 BASE 2019 PROPOSED 62807 Consumable Tools/Small Eq 8,220 9,500 9,500 9,500 9,500 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [434] Hand and miscellaneous spceiality tools 5,500 [434] Tool Allowance 4,000 Total 9,500 62809 Medical Supplies and 1st Ai 546 0 0 0 0 62899 Other Miscellaneous Operat 26,927 31,816 27,800 26,800 27,800 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [434] Shop supplies 16,000 [434] Repair related hardware 5,400 [434] chemicals 5,400 Total 26,800 62904 Software 0 3,500 0 19,575 0 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [434] P:ubWorks Fleet Maintenance Module 19,575 Total 19,575 62999 Office Supplies and Material 1,262 1,442 1,442 1,442 1,442 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [434] Copier and Fax paper 1,030 [434] Misc office supplies 412 Total 1,442 62000 Commodities 426,882 417,950 410,234 428,869 410,294 63304 Computer Services and Sup 0 5,215 5,215 2,700 2,700 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [434] PubWorks Fleet 2,700 Total 2,700 63501 R&M - Buildings and Faciliti 0 720 5,501 6,798 3,220 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [434] Misc. Building Repairs 720 [434] AMC HVAC Maintenance Contract 2,078 [434] HVAC Repairs 1,500 [434] Roof Maintenance 2,500 Total 6,798 63504 R&M - Office Equipment an 242 200 200 200 200 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [434] Copier Printing Charges 200 Total 200 434 Fleet Maintenance Operations Town of Avon Line Item Detail Section IV, Page J-4 DESCRIPTION 2016 ACTUALS 2017 SUPL-1 2017 FINAL 2018 BASE 2019 PROPOSED 63505 R&M - Vehicles 50,051 12,000 23,000 12,000 12,000 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [434] Sublet Repairs 12,000 Total 12,000 63506 R&M - Radios and Commun 0 100 100 2,500 500 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [434] Fleet radio repairs 2,500 Total 2,500 63507 R&M - Machinery and Equip 4,864 10,000 2,000 10,000 10,000 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [434] Sublet Repairs 10,000 Total 10,000 63549 R&M - Other Specialized Eq 1,896 5,000 2,000 5,000 5,000 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [434] Misc. shop Equipment 5,000 Total 5,000 63551 Laundry and Cleaning Servi 7,107 6,600 6,600 6,600 6,600 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [434] Uniform and shop towel service 6,600 Total 6,600 63599 Other Maintenance Services 5,784 10,800 6,019 9,400 7,500 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [434] Tire Disposal fees 400 [434] Parts washer service 7,000 [434] Waste oil and Filter disposal 2,000 Total 9,400 63603 Rentals - Office Equipment 1,346 1,248 1,248 1,248 1,248 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [434] Copier Lease ($103.56 x 12)1,248 Total 1,248 63999 Other Contract Services 9,427 5,985 5,985 5,985 5,985 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [434] Welding gas tank lease 1,050 [434] International Diagnostics Software 366 [434] Allison Diagnostic Software 420 [434] Cummins Insite and Quick Serve subscriptions 1,313 [434] Alldata subscription 1,838 [434] Other Diagnostics subscrition updates 998 Total 5,985 434 Fleet Maintenance Operations Town of Avon Line Item Detail Section IV, Page J-5 DESCRIPTION 2016 ACTUALS 2017 SUPL-1 2017 FINAL 2018 BASE 2019 PROPOSED 63000 Purchased and Contracte 80,719 57,868 57,868 62,431 54,953 64101 Professional Development 5,423 5,450 5,450 5,450 5,450 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [434] EVT certifications 900 [434] ASE certifications 1,000 [434] AC certifications 250 [434] Fire Mechanics Academy 2,000 [434] CMC 100 [434] CPFC Certifications 1,200 Total 5,450 64102 Dues, Licenses and Membe 0 800 800 800 800 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [434] NAFA 500 [434] APWA 150 [434] Colorado Emergency Vehicle Mechanics Association 150 Total 800 64201 Telephone & Long-distance 217 0 0 0 0 64202 Gas 9,236 11,000 11,000 11,000 11,000 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [434] Fleet Building 11,000 Total 11,000 64203 Electric 21,628 19,000 19,000 19,000 19,000 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [434] Fleet Building 19,000 Total 19,000 64204 Water and Sanitation 4,599 4,515 4,515 4,515 4,515 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [434] Fleet Building 4,515 Total 4,515 64205 Trash Collection and Recycl 2,231 2,800 2,800 2,800 750 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [434] 50% of 20yd dumpster and Fuel Island trash 2,800 Total 2,800 64206 Cellular and Paging 836 840 840 840 840 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [434] $70 x 12 months 840 Total 840 434 Fleet Maintenance Operations Town of Avon Line Item Detail Section IV, Page J-6 DESCRIPTION 2016 ACTUALS 2017 SUPL-1 2017 FINAL 2018 BASE 2019 PROPOSED 64301 Postage and Delivery 553 550 0 550 0 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [434] Parts and Supplies 550 Total 550 64401 Fleet Maintenance Charges 90,813 46,293 46,293 46,293 46,293 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [434] Annual Fleet Maintenance Charges 46,293 Total 46,293 64402 Equipment Replacement Ch 3,623 4,960 4,960 4,960 4,960 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [434] Annual Equipment Rental Charges 4,960 Total 4,960 64403 Washbay Charges 1,456 1,456 1,456 1,456 1,456 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [434] Annual Washbay Charges - 4 vehicles 1,456 Total 1,456 64905 Insurance Premiums 22,617 22,627 22,627 23,230 22,627 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [434] CIRSA Allocation - Shop Bldg (12.5%) 23,230 Total 23,230 64906 Insurance Deductibles 634 0 0 0 0 64000 Other Operating Costs 163,865 120,291 119,741 120,894 117,691 65101 Principal 135,000 140,000 140,000 140,000 140,000 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [434] 2010 COPs 140,000 Total 140,000 65102 Interest 116,606 113,906 113,906 113,906 113,906 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [434] 2010 COPs 113,906 Total 113,906 65201 Capital Lease Payments 5,110 5,110 5,110 5,110 5,110 65000 Debt Services 256,717 259,016 259,016 259,016 259,016 66402 Computers and Peripherals 3,382 7,650 6,004 1,900 1,900 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Note Total [434] Desktop Replacement - Fleet Director 950 [434] Desktop Replacement - Fleet Foreman 950 434 Fleet Maintenance Operations Town of Avon Line Item Detail Section IV, Page J-7 66404 Furniture and Fixtures 11,180 0 0 0 0 66499 Other Machinery and Equip 1,190 12,000 8,065 11,225 12,000 [Entity] Budget Detail Desc.Total [434] Toe gauge turn tables 2,300 [434] Tire Balancer 20,000 [434] Cooling sytem PSI check 400 [434] Stall Mats 600 [434] Hose cutting machine 550 [434] Brake flush machine 1,900 [434] Power Steering flush 1,375 [434] Cummins adapter 300 [434] Reductions per Virginia -16,200 Total 11,225 66000 Capital Outlay 15,752 19,650 14,069 13,125 13,900 60000T Total Expenditures & Oth 1,636,907 1,652,546 1,622,757 1,693,973 1,703,472 434 Fleet Maintenance Operations Town of Avon Line Item Detail Section IV, Page J-8 Personnel Schedule Full-time Equivalent Employees 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 Department/Position Actual Actual Actual Actual Adopted General Government: Town Manager / Acting Town Manager 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Deputy Town Manager - - - 1.00 1.00 Community Relations Officer 0.75 0.75 - - - Communications Manager - - 1.00 1.00 1.00 Deputy Court Clerk / Deputy Town Clerk - - 0.60 0.60 1.00 Town Clerk / Municipal Court Administrator 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Records Administrator/Deputy Town Clerk/Deputy Court 1.00 1.00 - - - Executive Assistant to the Town Manager 1.00 1.00 1.00 - - Total General Government 4.75 4.75 4.60 4.60 5.00 Finance & Information Technology Department Finance Director/Assistant Town Manager 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Finance Manager 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Senior Accountant 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 Payroll Specialist 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Accounting Assistant I-II 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 IT Manager 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Help Desk Technician 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Building Attendant 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Total Finance 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 10.00 Human Resource Department Human Resource Director - 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Human Resource Manager - 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Human Resource Generalist 1.00 - - - - Human Resource Assistant 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Total Human Resource Department 2.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 Community Development Planning Director - 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Building Official 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Senior Planner 1.00 - - - - Planner I-II 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Economic Initiatives Director 1.00 - - - - Director of Special Events & Festivals - 1.00 1.00 - - Manager of Special Events - - - 1.00 1.00 Special Events Production Assistant - 1.00 - 1.00 1.00 Total Community Development 4.00 5.00 4.00 5.00 5.00 Section V, Page 1 Personnel Schedule Full-time Equivalent Employees 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 Department/Position Actual Actual Actual Actual Adopted Police Department Police Chief 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Deputy Police Chief - 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Police Lieutenant 1.00 - - - - Sergeant 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 Administrative Services Officer 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 Administrative Assistant - - 0.40 0.40 - Investigator/Detective 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Police Officer 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 Total Police Department 20.00 20.00 20.40 20.40 20.00 Public Works Department Public Works Director - 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Public Works Superintendent 2.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Public Works Supervisor 2.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Public Works Operator I - II 5.00 10.00 12.00 11.00 11.00 Public Works Operator II / Master Gardener - - - 1.00 1.00 Public Works & Transit Operator - - - 1.00 1.00 Public Works Maintenance Worker I - II 5.00 - - - - Total Public Works Department 14.00 14.00 15.00 16.00 16.00 Engineering Department Town Engineer 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Project Engineer - - 1.00 1.00 1.00 Engineer I-III 1.00 1.00 - - - Sub-total - Engineering 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 Building & Facilities Facilities Superintendent - - - 1.00 1.00 Town Electrician 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Lead Building Technician - - - 1.00 1.00 Building Technician I - II 2.00 3.00 3.00 2.00 2.00 Sub-total - Buildings & Facilities 3.00 4.00 4.00 5.00 5.00 Total Engineering Department 5.00 6.00 6.00 7.00 7.00 Transit Transit Director - 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Transit Superintendent 1.00 - - - - Transit Operations Supervisor - 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Transit Operator 2.00 2.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 Transit Wash Bay Operator - 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Public Works & Transit Operator 1.00 1.00 - - - Total Transit 4.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 Section V, Page 2 Personnel Schedule Full-time Equivalent Employees 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 Department/Position Actual Actual Actual Actual Adopted Fleet Maintenance Fleet Director - 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Fleet Manager 1.00 - - - - Fleet Mechanic Foreman - 1.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 Accounting Assistant I-II 1.00 1.00 - - - Mechanic Helper 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Fleet Purchasing Coordinator - - 1.00 1.00 1.00 Mechanic I-II 5.00 4.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 Total Fleet Maintenance 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 Recreation Department Recreation Director 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Guest Services Coordinator 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Recreation Program Coordinator 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Swim Program Supervisor - - - 1.00 1.00 Aquatics Supervisor - 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Aquatics Coordinator 1.00 - - - - Senior Lifeguard 2.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 Guest Services Attendant III 1.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 Total Recreation 7.00 9.00 9.00 10.00 10.00 Total Full-time Employees 77.75 84.75 85.00 89.00 90.00 Section V, Page 3 Minimum Midpoint Maximum Community Development Director, Planning 84,621 99,344 114,067 Planner I 55,538 63,861 72,183 Building Official 80,148 92,076 104,003 Special Events Manager 70,707 81,237 91,767 Special Events Production Assistant 48,309 55,655 63,001 Engineering Town Engineer 96,348 113,051 129,753 Project Engineer 77,740 89,543 101,347 Facilities Superintendent 62,167 71,364 80,562 Town Electrician 57,580 66,112 74,645 Building Technician II 51,858 59,722 67,586 Building Technician I 45,916 52,813 59,709 Finance & IT Assistant Town Manager - Finance Director 119,891 140,605 161,318 Finance Manager 82,577 94,980 107,382 Senior Accountant - Budget 63,097 72,566 82,034 Senior Accountant - Tax 63,097 72,566 82,034 Payroll Specialist 51,582 59,195 66,808 Accounting Assistant II 42,975 48,962 54,949 Information Technology Administrator 82,158 94,571 106,985 Help Desk Technician 56,004 64,400 72,797 Fleet Maintenance Director, Fleet 86,906 102,007 117,108 Fleet Maintenance Foreman 55,717 64,199 72,682 Fleet Mechanic II 50,926 58,581 66,235 Fleet Mechanic I 44,449 51,122 57,795 Fleet Purchasing Coordinator 50,778 58,461 66,144 Fleet Mechanic's Helper 42,079 47,234 52,389 General Government Deputy Town Manager 78,452 90,248 102,044 Communications Manager 57,284 65,799 74,314 Town Clerk/Court Administrator 61,856 71,124 80,392 Deputy Town Clerk/Deputy Court Clerk 41,621 47,901 54,181 Human Resources Director, Human Resources 105,372 123,867 142,362 Human Resources Manager 82,935 95,269 107,603 Human Resources Assistant 45,421 52,156 58,891 2018 Full-Time Salary Ranges Section V, Page 4 2018 Full-Time Salary Ranges Police Police Chief 101,972 119,645 137,318 Deputy Chief of Police 93,270 107,239 121,208 Police Sergeant 72,654 83,709 94,763 Police Detective 61,933 71,283 80,632 Police Officer 56,761 65,147 73,533 Administrative Services Officer 51,873 59,549 67,224 Public Works Director, Public Works 86,906 102,007 117,108 Public Works Superintendent 73,981 84,919 95,856 Public Works Supervisor 51,168 58,874 66,580 Public Works Operator II 45,878 52,778 59,677 Public Works Operator / Master Gardener 45,878 52,778 59,677 Public Works Operator I 43,771 50,280 56,789 Recreation Director , Recreation 99,281 116,725 134,169 Recreation Programs Supervisor 54,831 63,078 71,324 Recreation Services Supervisor 54,831 63,078 71,324 Guest Services Attendant III 41,120 46,161 51,201 Aquatics Supervisor 54,831 63,078 71,324 Swim Program Supervisor 54,831 63,078 71,324 Recreation Specialist 44,692 51,352 58,011 Senior Lifeguard 35,654 38,635 41,615 Building Attendant 40,423 45,574 50,725 Transportation Director, Mobility 86,906 102,007 117,108 Transit Operations Supervisor 58,814 67,687 76,560 Transit Operator 42,972 48,614 54,256 Transit Wash Bay Operator 42,972 48,614 54,256 Section V, Page 5 Minimum Midpoint Maximum Community Development Special Events Production Assistant - PT 19.43 22.39 25.35 General Government Administrative Assistant - PT 15.94 18.07 20.20 Police Extra Duty Police Officer (High Visibility, Leaf, CDOT)57.00 Eagle River Youth Coalition 50.00 Click-It or Ticket 55.00 Field Training Officer (Additional $2 / hr)2.00 Police Officer - Part-Time Intermittent 15.00 Police Sergeant - Part-Time Intermittent 57.00 Public Works Maintenance Worker I - PT 12.14 13.48 14.82 Maintenance Worker II - PT 16.87 18.73 20.58 Public Works Seasonal Operator I - PT 20.22 21.33 22.43 Recreation Fitness Instructor - PT 25.01 25.01 25.01 Guest Services Attendant I - PT 12.29 13.63 14.96 Guest Services Attendant II - PT 17.93 19.78 21.63 Lifeguard I - PT 12.29 13.63 14.96 Lifeguard II - PT 18.10 19.97 21.83 Swim Instructor - PT 13.80 15.36 16.91 Master Swim Coach - PT 17.34 19.38 21.42 Swim Coach - PT 13.80 15.36 16.91 Camp Aide 10.00 11.00 12.00 Program Instructor I - PT 13.83 15.16 16.49 Program Instructor II - PT 17.34 19.13 20.91 Sports Program Referee - PT 18.75 21.03 23.32 Instructor (Private Swim, Swim Coach)75% Personal Trainer 75% Instructor (Boot Camp, Dance, Martial Arts, Men's Fitness)75% Instructor (Program, Tennis)75% Transportation Maintenance Worker/Bus Washer - PT 16.63 18.46 20.28 Transit Operator - PT 20.35 22.03 23.70 2018 Part-Time Hourly Ranges Section V, Page 6 Year Principal Interest Principal Interest Principal Interest Principal Interest Principal Interest 2018 290,000.00$ 216,688.00$ 410,000.00$ 189,904.00$ 220,000.00$ 95,748.00$ 265,000.00$ 178,775.00$ 166,078.95$ 82,003.67$ 2019 295,000.00 207,625.00 425,000.00 175,472.00 230,000.00 89,082.00 275,000.00 170,825.00 170,998.02 77,084.60 2020 310,000.00 197,300.00 440,000.00 160,512.00 235,000.00 82,113.00 285,000.00 162,575.00 176,062.80 72,019.82 2021 320,000.00 186,450.00 455,000.00 145,024.00 245,000.00 74,992.50 290,000.00 156,875.00 181,277.59 66,805.03 2022 335,000.00 170,450.00 470,000.00 129,008.00 250,000.00 67,569.00 295,000.00 151,075.00 186,646.83 61,435.79 2023 355,000.00 153,700.00 485,000.00 112,464.00 260,000.00 59,994.00 300,000.00 145,175.00 192,175.11 55,907.51 2024 370,000.00 135,950.00 505,000.00 95,392.00 265,000.00 52,116.00 305,000.00 136,175.00 197,867.12 50,215.50 2025 385,000.00 117,450.00 525,000.00 77,616.00 275,000.00 44,086.50 320,000.00 127,025.00 203,727.73 44,354.89 2026 405,000.00 100,125.00 540,000.00 59,136.00 280,000.00 35,754.00 325,000.00 120,625.00 209,761.93 38,320.69 2027 425,000.00 81,900.00 560,000.00 40,128.00 290,000.00 27,270.00 330,000.00 114,125.00 215,974.84 32,107.78 2028 445,000.00 62,775.00 580,000.00 20,416.00 300,000.00 18,483.00 345,000.00 100,925.00 222,371.78 25,710.84 2029 465,000.00 42,750.00 - - 310,000.00 9,393.00 355,000.00 87,125.00 228,958.19 19,124.43 2030 485,000.00 21,825.00 - - - - 370,000.00 72,925.00 235,739.68 12,342.94 2031 - - - - - - 385,000.00 58,125.00 242,721.93 5,360.69 2032 - - - - - - 395,000.00 48,018.76 - - 2033 - - - - - - 405,000.00 37,650.00 - - 2034 - - - - - - 420,000.00 25,500.00 - - 2035 - - - - - - 430,000.00 12,900.00 - - Total 4,885,000.00$ 1,694,988.00$ 5,395,000.00$ 1,205,072.00$ 3,160,000.00$ 656,601.00$ 6,095,000.00$ 1,906,418.76$ 2,830,362.50$ 642,794.18$ Funding: Interest Dates: Date of Issue: Interest Rate: Amount of Issue: Urban Renewal Fund Tax Increment Revenues June 1 and December 1 December 1, 2031 2.90% $3,000,000 Real Estate Transfer Taxes, General Revenues of the Town June 1 and December 1 December 1, 2035 2.00% - 4.00% $6,300,000 Series 2010 Certificates of Participation Series 2013 Tax Increment Revenue Bonds Series 2014B Certificates of Participation Series 2016 Certificates of Participation Series 2017 Tax Increment Revenue Bonds Urban Renewal Fund Tax Increment Revenues Real Estate Transfer Taxes, General Revenues of the Town June 1 and December 1 Real Estate Transfer Taxes, Fleet Maintenance Revenues June 1 and December 1 June 1 and December 1 $6,680,000 $6,825,000 $3,800,000 November 1, 2010 December 1, 2013 December 1, 2029 3.03%3.52%2.00% - 3.25% TOWN OF AVON Self-Supported Bonded Debt Section V, Page 7 2017 2018 General Bonded Debt Outstanding General Obligation Bonds -$ -$ Actual Taxable Property Value 1,825,187,770$ 2,104,646,220$ Net Assessed Value 193,982,580$ 204,903,930$ Percentage of General Bonded Debt Outstanding to Actual Taxable Property Value 0.00%0.00% Town of Avon Population 6,500 6,500 Per Capita -$ -$ Legal Debt Limit 48,495,645$ 51,225,983$ Total Debt Applicable to Limit - - Legal Debt Margin 48,495,645$ 51,225,983$ Total Debt Applicable to the Limit as a Percentage of Legal Debt Limit 0.00%0.00% TOWN OF AVON Legal Debt Margin Section V, Page 8 Town of Avon Chart of Accounts Object Codes Program/ Fund Function Department Activity Code Code Code Code 10 General Fund 100 General Government 111 Mayor and Town Council 112 Boards and Commissions 113 Town Attorney 121 Municipal Court 115 Town Clerk 131 Town Manager 133 Community Relations 132 Human Resources Department 132 Human Resources 140 Finance Department 141 Finance 143 Information Systems 149 Nondepartmental 200 Community Development 210 Community Development Department 212 Planning 213 Building Inspection 214 Economic Development 215 Town Produced Events 216 Special Event Funding 217 Community Grants 218 Salute to the USA 300 Public Safety 310 Police Department 311 Police Administration 312 Patrol 313 Investigation 400 Public Works 412 Engineering Department 412 Engineering 418 Buildings & Facilities 413 Public Works Department 413 Roads and Bridges 415 Parks 500 Recreation 510 Recreation Department 514 Recreation Administration 515 Adult Programs 516 Aquatics 518 Fitness 519 Guest Services 521 Youth Programs 523 Community Swim Program 21 Mall Maintenance Fund 400 Public Works 410 Public Works Department Fund/Function/Department/Program Section V, Page 9 Town of Avon Chart of Accounts Object Codes Program/ Fund Function Department Activity Code Code Code Code Fund/Function/Department/Program 417 Town Center West Maintenance 22 Avon Urban Renewal Fund 100 General Government 140 Finance Department 148 Avon Urban Renewal Authority 810 URA Improvement Projects 932 2013 URA Tax Increment Revenue Bonds 933 2017 TIF Bonds 23 Community Enhancement Fund 400 Public Works 410 Public Works Department 416 Community Enhancement Fund 24 Water Fund 400 Public Works 420 Utilities 424 Water Utilities 25 Affordable Housing Fund 100 General Government 190 Housing 193 Affordable Housing Program 31 Bond Redemption Fund 910 Debt Service 911 Bond Redemption 924 2010 COP Refunding (Refunds 1998 COPs) 926 Series 2014B, COPs Street Improvements 927 Series 2016, COPs Public Safety Facility 41 Capital Projects Fund 800 Capital Improvements 800 Capital Improvement Projects 52 Transit Enterprise Fund 400 Public Works 430 Transportation 431 Transit Administration 432 Operations 436 Washbay 61 Fleet Maintenance Enterprise Fund 400 Public Works 430 Transportation 434 Fleet Maintenance Operations 63 Equipment Replacement Internal Service Fund 810 Equipment Replacement 811 Fleet & Heavy Equipment 812 Recreation Center Equipment 813 Computer and Office Equipment 814 Machinery and Equipment 815 Heat Recovery 600 610 610 Other Uses and Contingency Section V, Page 10 Town of Avon Chart of Accounts Object Codes Sub Account Code Personnel Services Salaries and Wages 61101 Regular Full-time Salaries 61102 Regular Part-time Salaries 61105 STD Wages 61106 Paid out Leave 61111 FT Bonuses 61121 PTS Wages 61122 Seasonal Bonuses 61151 Overtime Wages 61152 Off-duty Wages 61153 On Call 61154 Standby 61155 Shift Differential Pay 61156 Extra Duty Pay 61159 Other Wages Other Compensation 61201 Automobile Allowance 61202 Ski Pass 61203 Housing Allowance 61204 Moving Expenses 61205 Uniform and Cleaning Allowance 61206 Tool Allowance 61207 Telephone Allowance Employee Benefits 61301 FT Pension 61302 PTS Pension 61303 Wellness 61304 Employee Assistance Program Taxes 61401 FICA/Medicare Insurance 61501 Group Health and Life Insurance 61502 PTS Group Health Insurance 61505 Long-term Disability Insurance 61506 Short-term Disability Insurance 61507 Dental Insurance 61509 Worker's Compensation 61510 Unemployment Insurance Commodities Public Safety Operating Supplies Police 62101 Police Operating and Field Supplies 62102 Firearms and Weapons Supplies 62103 National Night Out and Other Community Events 62143 Hazmat Equipment & Materials Account Title/Line Item Description Section V, Page 11 Town of Avon Chart of Accounts Object Codes Sub Account Code Account Title/Line Item Description Public Works Operating Supplies 62201 Street Repair and Maintenance Materials and Supplies 62202 Sand and Gravel 62203 Street Sign Materials and Supplies 62204 Construction, Maintenance and Permanent Materials 62205 Plumbing Supplies 62206 Landscaping and Plant Materials 62207 Electrical Supplies 62208 Mechanical - HVAC 62209 Mechanical - Other Recreation and Cultural Supplies and Materials 62301 General Program Supplies 62302 Special Event Materials & Supplies 62303 Concessions 62304 Merchandise for Resale 62305 Chemicals Motor Pool/Automotive 62401 Gasoline 62402 Diesel 62403 Oil and Lubricants 62404 Auto & Equip Parts - Stock 62405 Auto & Equip Parts - Non Stock 62406 Automotive and Equipment Maintenance Supplies 62407 Tires, Tubes and Patches Other Operating Supplies 62801 Employee Recognition Expenditures 62802 Food and Beverages 62803 Janitorial, Custodial and Cleaning Supplies 62804 Training Supplies 62805 Clothing and Uniforms 62806 Safety Materials and Supplies 62807 Consumable Tools/Small Equipment 62808 Promotional, Informational and Marketing Materials 62809 Medical Supplies and 1st Aid 62810 Lab Supplies 62811 Communications Supplies 62899 Other Miscellaneous Operating Supplies Office Supplies and Materials 62901 Duplicating Supplies 62902 Audio/Visual Supplies 62903 Data Processing Supplies 62904 Software 62905 Books and Periodicals 62999 Office Supplies and Materials Section V, Page 12 Town of Avon Chart of Accounts Object Codes Sub Account Code Account Title/Line Item Description Purchased and Contracted Services Professional Services 63101 Legal Services 63102 Audit and Accounting Services 63103 Training Facilitators 63104 Engineering Services 63199 Other Professional Services Official/Administrative Services 63201 Election Judges and Support Services 63202 Juror and Witness Fees 63203 Printing and Reproduction Services 63204 Temporary Employment Services 63205 Background Checks Technical Services 63301 Medical Services and Examinations 63302 Laboratory Services 63303 Photography Services 63304 Computer Services and Support 63305 Audio/Visual Services 63306 Security Services Construction and Pre-Construction Services 63401 Feasibility/Conceptual Design 63402 Preliminary Design 63403 Final Design/Contract Documents 63404 Construction Administration 63405 Construction 63406 Utility Construction Costs Repairs and Maintenance 63501 R&M - Buildings and Facilities 63502 R&M - Streets 63503 R&M - Parks and Athletic Facilities 63504 R&M - Office Equipment and Computers 63505 R&M - Vehicles 63506 R&M - Radios and Communications Equipment 63507 R&M - Machinery and Equipment 63549 R&M - Other Specialized Equipment 63551 Laundry and Cleaning Services 63552 Janitorial and Custodial Services 63599 Other Maintenance Services Section V, Page 13 Town of Avon Chart of Accounts Object Codes Sub Account Code Account Title/Line Item Description Rentals and Leases 63601 Rentals - Building and Office Space 63602 Rentals - Telephone Equipment 63603 Rentals - Office Equipment 63604 Rentals - Radios and Communications Equipment 63605 Rentals - Construction Equipment 63606 Rentals - Crowd & Traffic Control Equipment 63607 Rentals - Portable Facilities 63608 Rentals - Machinery and Equipment 63609 Rentals - Vehicles 63699 Other Miscellaneous Rentals Other Purchased and Contracted Services 63998 Admission Fees Expenses 63999 Other Purchased and Contracted Services Other Operating Costs Employee Development and Training 64101 Professional Development 64102 Dues, Licenses and Memberships 64103 Mileage Reimbursement and Travel Expense 64104 Meeting Expenses 64105 Training Utilities 64201 Telephone & Long-distance 64202 Gas 64203 Electric 64204 Water and Sanitation 64205 Trash Collection and Recycling 64206 Cellular and Paging 64207 Cable Television Administrative Fees and Charges 64301 Postage and Delivery 64302 Recording Fees 64303 Treasurer Fees 64304 Bond Paying Agent Fees 64305 Election and Registration Costs 64306 Permit and Licensing Fees 64307 Bank Service Charges and Credit Card Fees 64308 Sales Tax 64309 VAA RSF Collection Fees 64399 Other Administrative Fees Interfund Service Charges 64401 Fleet Maintenance Charges 64402 Equipment Replacement Charges 64403 Washbay Charges 64404 Charter Charges Down Payment Assistance 64501 Down Payment Assistance Section V, Page 14 Town of Avon Chart of Accounts Object Codes Sub Account Code Account Title/Line Item Description Other Miscellaneous Operating Costs 64901 Advertising and Legal Notices 64902 Financial Support, Donations, and Contributions 64903 Economic Development Costs 64904 Operating Fees, Assessments, and Charges 64905 Insurance Premiums 64906 Insurance Deductibles 64907 Paid Claims 64996 Bad Debt Expense 64997 Amortization Expense 64998 Depreciation Expense 64999 Other Miscellaneous Operating Costs Debt Service Bonded Indebtedness 65101 Principal 65102 Interest 65103 Fiscal Agent Fees 65104 Bond Issuance Costs 65105 Payment to Refund Bond Escrow Agent 65106 Letter of Credit Fees 65107 Remarketing Fees Capital Leases 65201 Capital Lease Payments 65202 Interest Capital Outlay Land 66101 Land Acquisition 66102 Land Improvements Buildings and Facilities 66201 Building Acquisition 66202 Building Improvements Improvements Other Than Buildings 66301 Improvements Other Than Buildings Machinery and Equipment 66401 Office Equipment 66402 Computers and Peripherals 66403 Audio/Visual Equipment 66404 Furniture and Fixtures 66405 Radios and Communications Equipment 66406 Public Safety Equipment 66407 Athletic and Recreational Equipment 66499 Other Machinery and Equipment Vehicles and Rolling Stock 66501 Automobiles and Light Duty Trucks 66502 Heavy Trucks and Moving Equipment 66503 Buses and People Moving Vehicles 66599 Other Transportation Equipment Section V, Page 15 Town of Avon Chart of Accounts Object Codes Sub Account Code Account Title/Line Item Description Water Systems 66601 Mountain Star Tap Fee Reimbursement 66602 Brookside Tap Fee Reimbursement 66603 Village at Avon Tap Fee Reimbursement 66701 Water Rights and Augmentation 66702 Water Lines 66703 Irrigation Ditches 66704 Heat Distribution Systems 66705 Streets & Roads 66706 Bike Paths Infrastructure 66801 Storm Drainage 66802 Streets & Roads 66803 Bridges 66804 Bike Paths 66805 Public Parking 66806 Parks 66807 Landscaping 66901 Construction in Progress Developer Rebates 67101 Developer Rebates 67201 Developer Capital Contributions 67301 RETT Rebates Contingency 68101 Contingency Other Uses 69101 Operating Transfers-Out 69102 Contributions Out 69105 Bond Escrow Agent Expense Section V, Page 16 Town of Avon Chart of Accounts Revenue Codes Major Sub Account Account Code Code 51000 Taxes Property Taxes 51101 Property Tax - Current 51102 Property Tax - Delinquent 51103 Current and Delinquent Interest 51104 Property Tax - Abatement 51201 Specific Ownership Taxes Sales Taxes 51301 General Sales Tax 51302 Utility Tax 51303 Accommodations Tax 51304 Penalties and Interest 51305 Sales Tax Audit Assessments 51306 Payments in Lieu of Sales Tax 51307 VAA Retail Add-on Sales Fee Other Taxes 51401 Real Estate Transfer Tax 51402 Franchise Fees 52000 Licenses and Permits Business Licenses 52101 Liquor Licenses 52102 Business Licenses 52103 Contractor's Licenses Permits 52201 Building Permits 52202 Electrical Permits 52203 Plumbing Permits 52204 Mechanical Permits 52205 Road Cut Permits 52206 Other Permits 52207 Mobile Vendor Cart Permits 52208 Exterior Energy Offset Fund 52209 School Site In-lieu-of Payment 53000 Intergovernmental Federal Grants 53101 COPS Grant 53102 OEC Grant 53103 Federal Drug Forfeiture 53104 FTA Bus Grant #0037 53105 School Resource Officer Grant 53106 Click It or Ticket Grant 53107 Bullet Proof Vest Grant 53150 FTA SGR Grant - Transit Facility Grant #0090 53151 FTA Facility Design Grant #0084 53152 FTA/CDOT ARRA Grant 53153 FHWA/CDOT US Hwy 6 Avon Rd to Post Blvd Trail 53199 Other Federal Grants Account Title/Line Item Description Section V, Page 17 Town of Avon Chart of Accounts Revenue Codes Major Sub Account Account Code Code Account Title/Line Item Description State Grants 53201 CDOT 53202 GOCO Grant (Eagle River Bridge) 53204 LEAF Grant 53205 CDOT Faster Grant 53206 High Visability Enforcement Grant 53299 Other State Grants State/County Shared Revenues 53301 Conservation Trust 53302 Motor Vehicle Registration Fees 53303 Highway Users Tax 53304 Cigarette Tax 53305 Eagle County Sales Tax 53306 Eagle County Road and Bridge 53307 DWI/DUI 53308 State Severance Tax Local Government/Other Agency 53401 Local Intergovernmental Participation 53402 Eagle County Grants 53403 Asphalt Overlay Contributions - TCMD 53404 Short Term Loan Repayment - ERFPD 53900 Other Grants 54000 Charges for Services General Government 54101 Sales of Maps and Publications 54102 Photocopying Charges 54103 License Hearing Fees 54104 Other Fees and Charges 54105 CC & Paper Filing Fees Community Development 54201 Plan Check Fees 54202 Subdivision Review Fees 54203 Design Review Fees 54204 Animal Control Fees 54205 Abatement Services 54206 Impact Fee Administrative Charge Public Safety 54301 Police Reports 54302 Off-duty Police Employment 54303 Fingerprinting Fees 54304 V.I.N. Inspection Fees 54305 False Alarm Fees 54306 National Night Out 54307 Kids, Cops, Hoops 54399 Miscellaneous Police Dept Fees (DUI Reimbursements, etc.) Section V, Page 18 Town of Avon Chart of Accounts Revenue Codes Major Sub Account Account Code Code Account Title/Line Item Description Public Works and Utilities 54401 Water Usage Charges 54402 Tap Fees - General 54403 Tap Fees - Brookside 54404 Tap Fees - Mountain Star 54405 Tap Fees - Village at Avon 54451 Mall Maintenance Charges 54452 Sherwood Maintenance Charges 54453 Village at Avon Municipal Service Charges 54454 Sale of Signs Transportation 54501 Beaver Creek 54502 Charter 54503 Regional Transit Authority 54504 Other Bus Revenues 54505 Vail Resorts 54506 Village at Avon 54507 Wash Bay Services - External Employee Housing 54551 Rental Revenues - Employees 54552 Rental Subsidies 54553 Employee Housing Maintenance 54554 Employee Housing Damages 54555 Rental Revenue - Non-employee 54556 Rental Late Fees & Other Charges Culture and Recreation Avon Recreation Center 54601 ARC Admissions 54602 ARC Program Fees 54603 ARC Facility Rentals 54604 Sales of Merchandise 54605 Babysitting 54606 Other Services 54607 Fitness Program Revenue 54608 Locker Rental 54609 Gift Certificates 54610 Swim Team Revenue General Recreation 54651 Adult Program Fees 54652 Cabin Equipment Rentals 54653 Rentals - Athletic Fields and Facilities 54654 Cabin Concessions 54655 Youth Program Revenue Section V, Page 19 Town of Avon Chart of Accounts Revenue Codes Major Sub Account Account Code Code Account Title/Line Item Description Special Events 54670 Ticket Sales 54671 Revenues from Vendor Sales 54676 Sponsorships 54677 Advertising Sales 54678 Event Fees 54679 Special Event Admission Fees Internal Service Charges - 3rd Party 54801 Beaver Creek Fleet Maintenance Charge 54802 Eagle County Fleet Maintenance Charge 54803 Vail Resorts Fleet Maintenance Charge 54804 Eagle River Fire Protection District 54805 Eagle County Ambulance District Fleet Maintenance Charge 54806 External Fleet Maintenance Charges Internal Service Charges - Departmental 54901 Fleet Maintenance O&M Services 54902 Wash Bay Services 54903 Sales of Fuel 54904 Equipment Rentals 55000 Fines and Forfeitures 55101 Court Fines - Traffic 55102 Court Fines - Criminal 55103 Court Fines - Parking 55104 Court Fines - General 55105 Court Costs 55106 Jury Fees 55107 Bond Forfeiture 55108 Traumatic Brain Injury Surcharge (Food Fines) 55109 Miscellaneous Court Revenues 55110 Police Training Surcharge 55120 Police Forfeiture Revenue 56000 Special Assessments 56101 Special Assessments - Principal 56201 Special Assessments - Interest 57000 Investment Earnings 57101 Interest Earnings 57102 Net Increase (Decrease) in Fair Value 58000 Other Revenues Miscellaneous Fees 58101 Recreational Amenity Fees 58102 Utility Capital Facility Fees 58103 Recreational Impact Fees 58104 Fireplace Fees 58105 Mall Maintenance Fees 58106 Community Enhancement Fee 58107 Penalties 58108 Finance Charges 58109 Bond Issuance Fee Section V, Page 20 Town of Avon Chart of Accounts Revenue Codes Major Sub Account Account Code Code Account Title/Line Item Description Other Nonclassified Revenues 58201 Lease of Town-Owned Property 58202 Cash Over/Short 58203 Vending Machine Revenues 58204 Returned Check Fees 58205 Insurance Claim Reimbursement 58206 Telephone Receipts 58207 Miscellaneous Refunds 58208 Contributions and Donations 58209 Contributed Infrastructure and Improvements 58210 Avon Metro District Indirect Cost Reimbursement 58211 Development Reimbursements 58212 Staff Labor Charges 58213 Project Cost Reimbursement 58214 Asphalt Overlay Contributions - Developer 58995 Bus Advertising Revenue 58996 Miscellaneous Reimbursement 58997 Gain/Loss on Disposal of Fixed Assets 58998 Petty Cash Check Reimbursement 58999 Miscellaneous Nonclassified Revenues 59000 Other Sources 59101 Sales of Fixed Assets 59201 Operating Transfers In General Long-term Debt Proceeds 59301 General Obligation Bond Proceeds 59302 Revenue Bond Proceeds 59303 Capital Lease Proceeds 59304 Certificates of Participation Proceeds 59305 Refunding Bond Proceeds 59306 Loan Proceeds Capital Contributions 59401 Contributions In Clearing Accounts 59998 AR Fuel Clearing Account 59999 AR Clearing Account Section V, Page 21 Town of Avon Chart of Accounts Project Codes Project Project Project Code Code Code Sub-Project Type Category Category Code CIP Capital Improvement Projects 10000 Facilities 11000 General Government Facilities 11012 Town Hall Tenant Finish 11013 Mountain Vista Office Building Purchase 11014 Town Hall Tenant Finish Design 11015 Town Hall Floor Expansion Feasibility Study 11016 Town Hall Sustainability/LEED Designation 11017 Fiber PSF to NTH 11018 NTH Solar Panels 12000 Public Safety Facilities 13000 Public Works Facilities 14000 Transportation and Fleet Facilities 14010 Fleet Maintenance EPDM Roof Replacement 14011 Transit Bus Shelters 14012 Transit Bus Stop - Traer Creek Plaza 14013 Transit Bus Stop - Eaglebend/US Hwy 6 14014 Fleet Maintenance Building Improvements 14015 ARTF Doors 14016 ARTF Solar Panels 15000 Cultural and Recreational Facilities 15016 Recreation Center - Slide Refurbishment 15017 Recreation Center - Fitness Floor 15018 Nottingham Park Pavilion - Retractable Door 19000 Other Facilities 19002 Avon Elementary Parking Lot Repairs 20000 Land and Land Improvements 21000 Parks 21016 Nottingham Park Zone C Improvements - Playground 21017 Nottingham Park Restroom Remodel 21018 Nottingham Park Athletic Field Drainage Improvements 21019 UNUSED 21020 Pumphouse Pump Replacement 21021 Fishing Pier Repairs - 2015 21022 Eagle River Whitewater Park Repairs 21023 Eaglebend Affordable Housing Landscaping Project 21024 Nottingham Park Light Upgrade 21025 Nottingham Park Northside Port-a-Potty Sheds 21026 Nottingham Rd Debris Flow Study and Improvements 21027 O'Neil Spur Park Improvements Design 21050 2010 Whitewater Park Repairs Project Title/Line Item Description Section V, Page 22 Town of Avon Chart of Accounts Project Codes Project Project Project Code Code Code Sub-Project Type Category Category Code Project Title/Line Item Description 30000 Roads and Streets 31000 Streetscape 31022 Avon Rd/I-70 Overpass Pedestrian Improvements 31023 Metcalf Road - Retaining Wall Stabilization 31024 Roundabout #4 TCW Art Element 31025 2015 Avon Rd Landscaping 31026 Mall Improvements - Phase 2 31027 Post Blvd Light Pole Replacement 31028 Post Blvd. Irrigation Wet Well 31029 Wayfinding Signage 31030 Mall Activation Elements 31031 Avon Rd/I-70 Overpass Aesthetics Improvements 32000 Street Improvements 32018 Post Blvd. Settlement Repair 32019 Wildwood Rd Repair 32020 2016 Safety Improvements - WBCB 32021 WBCB Railroad Crossing Improvements 32022 Eaglebend Dr and Nottingham Rd Repaving 32023 Nottingham Rd Pedestrian Crossings 32024 2017 Safety Improvements - WBCB 32025 E. Benchmark Rd/Beaver Creek Place 32026 Retaining Wall Repairs - Nottingham & Swift Gulch Road 33000 Annual Street Maintenance 33018 2018 Paving/Road Improvements 33101 2017 Microsurface/Slurry Seal 33218 2018 Guardrail Repair 34000 Multi-Modal/Alternative Mobility 34014 Metcalf Road Bike Lane Phase 1 & 2 34015 Eagle Valley Trails Phase 3 (Non CDOT Expenditures) 34016 US Hwy 6 Trail Project Undergrounding 34017 Eagle Valley Trails Phase 1: GOCO Grant - Eagle River Pedestrian 34018 Beaver Creek Overlook Trail Improvements 34019 West Avon Preserve Trail Improvements 34020 West Avon Access Improvements 34021 Eagle Valley Trails Phase 3 (CDOT funded ) 34022 UNUSED 34023 Eagle Valley Trails Phase 2 (ECO Funded) 34024 Beaver Creek Blvd Bike Lanes 34025 West Beaver Creek Pedestrian Crossing 34026 Trails Master Plan 34027 Soft and Hard Surface Trail Improvements 34030 2017 Trail Improvements 34032 West BC Blvd Slurry Seal - Lake St to US 6 (URA) 34033 East and West B/C Blvd. Street Rebuild 34034 Eaglebend Dr. & Nottingham Rd Resurfacing 34035 Metcalf Rd. FS-779 Trailhead Deisgn and Improvements Section V, Page 23 Town of Avon Chart of Accounts Project Codes Project Project Project Code Code Code Sub-Project Type Category Category Code Project Title/Line Item Description 35000 Roundabouts 36000 Public Art 40000 Utilities 50000 Recreation 51000 Fields and Courts 60000 Stormwater and Drainage 61000 Stormwater and Drainage 65000 Development Services 70000 Strategic Planning 71000 Development Analysis and Review 79000 Planning and Consulting 79113 Tract G Core/Parking Plan 80000 Communications and Technology 81008 Digital Ticketing 81009 CityVision Budgeting and BPM Software 81010 Timekeeping Software and Peripheral Devices 81011 Broadband/Wifi 90000 Other 91000 Other 91011 RETT Rebate 92000 Developer Rebates 93000 Historic Preservation 93012 2016 Historical Preservation Section V, Page 24 TOWN OF AVON RESOLUTION NO. 17-26 SERIES OF 2017 A RESOLUTION TO ADOPT THE 2018 TOWN OF AVON BUDGET A RESOLUTION SUMMARIZING EXPENDITURES AND REVENUES FOR EACH FUND AND ADOPTING A BUDGET FOR THE TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO, FOR THE CALENDAR YEAR BEGINNING ON THE FIRST DAY OF JANUARY, 2018 AND ENDING ON THE LAST DAY OF DECEMBER, 2018 WHEREAS, the Town Council of the Town of Avon has appointed the Town Manager to prepare and submit a proposed budget to said governing body for its consideration; and WHEREAS, upon due and proper notice, published and posted in accordance with the law, said proposed budget was open for inspection by the public at a designated place. A public hearing was held on November 14, 2017, and interested taxpayers were given the opportunity to file or register any comment to said proposed budget; and WHEREAS, whatever increases may have been made in the expenditures, like increases were added to the revenues so that the budget remains in balance, as required by law. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO: Section 1. That estimated revenues and expenditures for each fund are as follows for QUM Ending Fund Balance 5.916. 398 Community Enhancement Fund Beginning Fund Balance $ 205 Revenues and Other Sources 80,000 Expenditures and Other Uses 0 Ending Fund Balance $ 80,205 Resolution No. 17-26 November 14, 2017 Page 1 of 3 2018 Proposed Budget General Fund Beginning Fund Balance 5,904,568 Revenues and Other Sources 16,580,030 Expenditures and Other Uses 16,568,200 Ending Fund Balance 5.916. 398 Community Enhancement Fund Beginning Fund Balance $ 205 Revenues and Other Sources 80,000 Expenditures and Other Uses 0 Ending Fund Balance $ 80,205 Resolution No. 17-26 November 14, 2017 Page 1 of 3 Section V, Page 25 Water Fund Beginning Fund Balance Revenues and Other Sources Expenditures and Other Uses Ending Fund Balance Affordable Housine Fund Beginning Fund Balance Revenues and Other Sources Expenditures and Other Uses Ending Fund Balance Exterior Energy Offset Fund Beginning Fund Balance Revenues and Other Sources Expenditures and Other Uses Ending Fund Balance Debt Service Fund Beginning Fund Balance Revenues and Other Sources Expenditures and Other Uses Ending Fund Balance Transit Enterprise Fund Beginning Fund Balance Revenues and Other Sources Expenditures and Other Uses Ending Fund Balance Fleet Maintenance Enterprise Fund Beginning Fund Balance Revenues and Other Sources Expenditures and Other Uses Ending Fund Balance Resolution No. 17-26 November 14, 2017 Page 2 of 3 2018 Proposed Budget 111,946 170,000 269,149 12,797 563,329 32,541 25,000 570,870 32,768 5,000 37.768 536,567 1,016,854 1,016,854 536,567 625,541 1,626,900 1,687,784 564,657 239,818 1,694,426 1,693,973 240,271 Section V, Page 26 Equipment Replacement Internal Service Fund Beginning Fund Balance Revenues and Other Sources Expenditures and Other Uses Ending Fund Balance 3,231,619 662,478 584,517 3,309,580 Section 2. That the budget, as submitted, amended, and hereinabove summarized by fund, hereby is approved and adopted as the budget of the Town of Avon for the year stated above. Section 3. That the budget hereby approved and adopted shall be signed by the Mayor and made part of the public record of the Town. ADOPTED this 141h day of November, 2017. ATTEST: Debbie Hoppe Town Clerk Resolution No. 17-26 November 14, 2017 Page 3 of 3 OF4 S E -A T OF AjION, COLORADO Jenn Fancher, Mayor Section V, Page 27 TOWN OF AVON RESOLUTION NO. 17-27 SERIES OF 2017 A RESOLUTION TO ACCEPT THE PROPOSED TOWN OF AVON LONG RANGE CAPITAL PROGRAM AND SIMULTANEOUSLY ADOPT THE YEAR 2017 CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND BUDGET A RESOLUTION SUMMARIZING EXPENDITURES AND REVENUES FOR THE CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND AND ADOPTING A BUDGET FOR THE CALENDAR YEAR BEGINNING ON THE FIRST DAY OF JANUARY, 2018 AND ENDING ON THE LAST DAY OF DECEMBER, 2018 WHEREAS, the Town Council of the Town of Avon has appointed the Town Manager to prepare and submit a long-range capital program to said governing body for its consideration; and WHEREAS, the Town Council of the Town of Avon has also appointed the Town Manager to prepare and submit a proposed Capital Projects Fund budget to said governing body for its consideration; and WHEREAS, upon due and proper notice, published and posted in accordance with the law, said proposed budget was open for inspection by the public at a designated place. A public hearing was held on November 14, 2017, and interested taxpayers were given the opportunity to file or register any comment to said proposed budget; and WHEREAS, whatever increases may have been made in the expenditures, like increases were added to the revenues so that the Capital Projects Fund budget remains in balance, as required by law. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO: Section 1. That the long-range capital program as submitted to the Town Council is hereby accepted as an official Town document and planning tool, and that the information contained therein may be revised or extended each year with regard to capital improvements. Section 2. That estimated revenues and expenditures for the Capital Projects Fund are as follows for 2018: Resolution No. 17-27 November 14, 2017 Page 1 of 2 Section V, Page 28 Ending Fund Balance $ 4.880.271 Section 3. That the budget, as submitted, and hereinabove summarized, hereby is approved and adopted as the Capital Projects Fund budget of the Town of Avon for the year stated above. Section 4. That the Capital Projects Fund budget hereby approved and adopted shall be signed by the Mayor and made part of the public record of the Town. ADOPTED this 141h day of November, 2017. ATTEST: Debbie Hoppe, Resolution No. 17-27 November 14, 2017 Page 2 of 2 w`10F sE . : Clerk L01 ID t.. TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO enn a Fancher, Mayor 2018 Proposed Budget Capital Proiects Fund Beginning Fund Balance 4,880,271 Revenues and Other Sources 4,497,500 Expenditures and Other Uses 4,035,741 Ending Fund Balance $ 4.880.271 Section 3. That the budget, as submitted, and hereinabove summarized, hereby is approved and adopted as the Capital Projects Fund budget of the Town of Avon for the year stated above. Section 4. That the Capital Projects Fund budget hereby approved and adopted shall be signed by the Mayor and made part of the public record of the Town. ADOPTED this 141h day of November, 2017. ATTEST: Debbie Hoppe, Resolution No. 17-27 November 14, 2017 Page 2 of 2 w`10F sE . : Clerk L01 ID t.. TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO enn a Fancher, Mayor Section V, Page 29 Section V, Page 30 Section V, Page 31 TOWN OF AVON RESOLUTION NO. 17-31 SERIES OF 2017 A RESOLUTION LEVYING GENERAL PROPERTY TAXES FOR THE YEAR 2017, TO HELP DEFRAY THE COSTS OF GOVERNMENT FOR THE TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO, FOR THE 2018 BUDGET YEAR WHEREAS, the Town Council of the Town of Avon has adopted the annual budget in accordance with the Local Government Budget Law and Town Charter on November 14, 2017; and WHEREAS, the amount of money necessary to balance the budget for general operating purposes from property tax revenue is $1,835,120; and WHEREAS, the 2017 net total assessed valuation for the Town of Avon, as certified by the County Assessor is $204,903,930. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO: Section 1. That for the purpose of meeting all general operating expenses of the Town of Avon during the 2018 budget year there is levied a tax of 8.956 mills upon each dollar of the net total assessed valuation of all taxable property within the Town of Avon for the year 2017. Section 2. That the Mayor is hereby authorized and directed to certify to the County Commissioners of Eagle County, Colorado, the mill levies for the Town of Avon as hereinabove determined and set. ADOPTED this 12"' day of December, 2017. TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO Jennie Fancher pWN ori., Mayor ATTEST: Debbie Hoppe J Town Clerk Section V, Page 32 Section V, Page 33 TOWN OF AVON RESOLUTION 17-32 A RESOLUTION LEVYING GENERAL PROPERTY TAXES FOR THE TOWN OF AVON GENERAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 1 FOR THE YEAR 2017, TO HELP DEFRAY THE COSTS OF GOVERNMENT FOR THE TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO, FOR THE 2018 BUDGET YEAR WHEREAS, on August 28, 2007, the Town Council of the Town of Avon passed on second reading Ordinance No. 07-07 declaring the Town of Avon General Improvement District No. 1 (District) organized and submitted to the electors of the District the question of imposing an ad valorem tax to pay the annual expenses of the District; and WHEREAS, on November 6, 2007, an election was held under the requirements and procedures of the Uniform Election Code, the Mail Ballot Election Act, and TABOR, and a majority of the votes cast on the question were in favor of incurring such levy as provided in such question; and WHEREAS, the Town Council is authorized to act as the ex -officio Board of Directors of the District and is authorized to proceed with the necessary action to levy the ad valorem taxes so authorized; and WHEREAS, the authority to levy ad valorem taxes as conferred by the results of the election, is deemed and considered a continuing authority to levy the ad valorem taxes so authorized; and WHEREAS, the Town Council of the Town of Avon has adopted the annual budget in accordance with the Local Government Budget Law and Town Charter on November 14,2017; and WHEREAS, the estimated cost of providing transportation and recreation services to and within the District is $41,532; and WHEREAS, the 2017 net total assessed valuation for the property included in the District as certified by the County Assessor is $2,965, 510. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO: Section 1. That for the purpose of providing transportation and recreation services to and within the District during the 2018 budget year there is levied a tax of 14.005 mills Section V, Page 34 upon each dollar of the net total assessed valuation of all taxable property within the District for the year 2017. Section 2. That the Mayor is hereby authorized and directed to certify to the County Commissioners of Eagle County, Colorado, the mill levies for the Town of Avon Local Improvement District No. 1 as hereinabove determined and set. ADOPTED this 1211 day of December, 2017. TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO Je ie Fancher 11 OF ATTEST: lei a ,p F Debbie Hoppe Town Clerk - Section V, Page 35 Section V, Page 36