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PZC Packet 040621
Notice of Regular Avon Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting April 6, 2021 at 5:00 p.m. MST WEBINAR MEETING ONLY Avon Town Hall is closed to the public due to COVID-19 pandemic health orders to restrict gatherings. Physical attendance of Avon Planning and Zoning meeting is not allowed. Please go to the Town of Avon website, www.Avon.org, and click on the Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting bar on the top of the home page to find information on registering to join the meeting. You can also find the agenda and meeting packet materials for the Council meeting under Government > Planning and Zoning Commission > Agendas, Packets & Materials. We apologize for the inconvenience and appreciate your patience! ______________________________________________________________________________ MEETING AGENDAS AND PACKETS ARE FOUND AT: WWW.AVON.ORG AGENDAS WERE POSTED AT AVON TOWN HALL, AVON RECREATION CENTER, AVON ELEMENTARY AND AVON PUBLIC LIBRARY. IF YOU HAVE ANY SPECIAL ACCOMMODATION NEEDS, PLEASE, IN ADVANCE OF THE MEETING, CALL TOWN PLANNER DAVID MCWILLIAMS AT 970-748-4023 OR EMAIL CMCWILLIAMS@AVON.ORG WITH ANY SPECIAL REQUESTS. 1 3:30 PM: 42 RIVERFRONT LANE. SITE TOUR: CONCERNING ITEM 4.1 -MAJOR DEVELOPMENT PLAN. SUMMARY: PLAN FOR APPROXIMATELY 30 MINUTES AND MEET AT THE WEST SIDE OF THE PROPERTY FOR A TOUR. MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC ARE WELCOME TO JOIN. PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING AGENDA TUESDAY, APRIL 6, 2021 MEETING BEGINS AT 5:00 PM VIRTUAL MEETING ONLY 1. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL 2. APPROVAL OF AGENDA 3. DISCLOSURE OF ANY CONFLICTS OF INTEREST OR EX-PARTE COMMUNICATION RELATED TO AGENDA ITEMS 4. BUSINESS I TEMS 4.1. 42 RIVERFRONT LANE – LOT 1 RIVERFRONT SUBDIVISION - PUBLIC HEARING – MAJOR DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR A 40 UNIT CONDOMINIUM BUILDING ABOVE A PARKING GARAGE. THIS IS PHASE II FOR THE PROPERTY (TOWN PLANNER DAVID MCWILLIAMS AND J IM TELLING). 5. CONSENT AGENDA 5.1. MEETING MINUTES 5.1.1. MARCH 16, 2021 5.2. RECORDS OF DECISION 5.2.1. 2171 LONG SPUR – #MJR21001 – MAJOR DEVELOPMENT PLAN 5.2.2. 42 RIVERFRONT LANE - MJR20006 – MAJOR DEVELOPMENT PLAN 5.2.3. 120 METCALF ROAD – #SGN21001 – MAJOR SIGN PROGRAM 5.2.4. 5150 LONGSUN LANE UNIT A - #MJR21002 AND #AEC21001 – MAJOR DEVELOPMENT PLAN AND ALTERNATIVE EQUIVALENT COMPLIANCE 5.2.5. 5150 LONGSUN LANE UNIT B - #MJR21003 AND #AEC21002 - MAJOR DEVELOPMENT PLAN AND ALTERNATIVE EQUIVALENT COMPLIANCE 6. STAFF UPDATES 7. ADJOURN PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES TUESDAY, MARCH 16, 2021 VIRTUAL MEETING ONLY 1. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL Vice-Chairperson Steve Nusbaum called the meeting to order at 5:02 p.m. A roll call was taken, and Planning Commission members present were Sara Lanious, Marty Golembiewski, Anthony Sekinger, and Trevor MacAllister. Also present were Town Planner David McWilliams, Planning Director Matt Pielsticker, Town Manager Eric Heil and Town Attorney Haley Cramer. 2. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Action: Commissioner Lanious motioned to approve the agenda. Commissioner MacAllister seconded the motion and it carried unanimously 6-0. 3. DISCLOSURE OF ANY CONFLICTS OF INTEREST OR EX-PARTE COMMUNICATION RELATED TO AGENDA ITEMS Action: No conflicts or communication were disclosed. 4. BUSINESS I TEMS 4.1. 2171 LONG SPUR – LOT 36A BLOCK 1 WILDRIDGE SUBDIVISION - PUBLIC HEARING – MAJOR DEVELOPMENT PLAN TO BUILD A NEW GARAGE AND ADDITIONAL SPACE ON THE PROPERTY (TOWN PLANNER DAVID MC WILLIAMS AND REBECCA ASBURY). Public Comment: None. Action: Commissioner Sekinger motioned to approve Case #MJR21001 with the following findings and conditions: Findings: 1. The Application was reviewed pursuant to §7.16.080(f), Development Plan, §7.16.090(f), Design Review. The design meets the development and design standards established in the Avon Development Code; 2. The Application is complete; 3. The Application provides sufficient information to allow the PZC to determine that the Application complies with the relevant Review Criteria; 4. The Application complies with the goals and policies of the Avon Comprehensive Plan; 5. The demand for public services or infrastructure exceeding current capacity is mitigated by the Application; and 6. The design relates the development to the character of the surrounding community. Conditions: 1. Additional landscaping in the form of shrubs and one tree shall be planted between the west property line and the building addition; and 2. All exterior lighting will be Dark Sky Compliant. Commissioner Lang seconded the motion and it carried unanimously 6-0. 4.2. 48 RIVERFRONT LANE – LOT 1 RIVERFRONT SUBDIVISION - PUBLIC HEARING – MAJOR DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR 13 DWELLING UNITS IN DUPLEX AND TRIPLEX DESIGN, WITH A POOL AREA AND PARKING GARAGE (TOWN PLANNER DAVID MCWILLIAMS AND JIM TELLING). Public Comment: None. Action: Commissioner Lang motioned to recommend Case #MJR20006 for approval by Town Council, with the following findings and conditions: Findings: 1. The proposed application was reviewed pursuant to §7.16.080(f), Development Plan, §7.16.090(f), Design Review. The design meets the development and design standards established in the Avon Development Code and the PUD Design Standards; 2. The application is complete; 3. The application provides sufficient information to allow the PZC to determine that the application complies with the relevant review criteria; 4. The application complies with the goals and policies of the Avon Comprehensive Plan; and 5. The design relates the development to the character of the surrounding community. Conditions: 1. A stormwater quality plan will be approved by Staff before issuing a building permit; 2. Temporary parking design for the area north of Lot 1 is required before issuing a building permit; 3. An irrigation plan is required to be approved by Staff before issuing a building permit; 4. Temporary irrigation systems must be removed upon sufficient vegetation establishment, which shall not exceed one (1) year for ground cover, two (2) years for shrubs or three (3) years for trees; 5. An on-site materials mockup will be presented for final review of building materials and colors before issuing a building; and 6. The following will be presented for Town Council review: a. Description of deed restricted housing b. Fence and guardrail materials and clarification above the garage c. A revised landscape plan delineating the landscaped areas of phase I, temporarily seeded grass areas, and the landscaped areas of phase II d. mountable curbs should only be in the vicinity of the dumpster Commissioner Golembiewski seconded the motion and it carried unanimously 6-0. 4.3. 120 METCALF ROAD – LOT 36 BLOCK 1 BENCHMARK AT BEAVER CREEK SUBDIVISION - PUBLIC HEARING – MAJOR SIGN PROGRAM FOR GERBER COLLISION AND GLASS (TOWN PLANNER DAVID MCWILLIAMS AND KIMBERLY EARNHEART). Public Comment: None. Action: Commissioner Lang motioned to approve Case #SGN21001 with the following findings and conditions: Findings: 1. The Application is complete; 2. The Application provides sufficient information to allow the PZC to determine that the Application complies with the relevant review criteria; 3. The Application was reviewed pursuant to §7.16.160(f), Sign Plan. The application meets the sign standards established in the Avon Development Code; 4. The Application complies with the goals and policies of the Avon Comprehensive Plan; 5. No extra demand for public services is made by the Application; 6. The design relates the development to the character of the surrounding community; and 7. The Application is not so restrictive as to eliminate individuality but provides for the expectation of attractive sign installation. Conditions: 1. The freestanding sign shall have a barrier at the base, landscaping, and concrete mounting approved by Staff before construction; 2. A new Development Plan application will list a proper phone number and mailing address; and 3. The building identification sign is only permitted to be illuminated during business hours. Commissioner Sekinger seconded the motion and it carried 5-1 with commissioner Lanious voting against. 4.4. 5150 LONGSUN LANE UNIT A - LOT 61 BLOCK 4 WILDRIDGE SUBDIVISION - PUBLIC HEARING – MAJOR DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR A SINGLE-FAMILY HOUSE. THE HOUSE REQUIRES AN ALTERNATIVE EQUIVALENT COMPLIANCE HEARING DUE TO ROOF PITCHES UNDER 4:12 (TOWN PLANNER DAVID MCWILLIAMS AND JEFF MANLEY). Public Comment: None. Action: Commissioner Sekinger motioned to approve Case #AEC21001 with the following findings: 1. The Application was reviewed pursuant to §7.16.120, Alternative Equivalent Compliance; 2. The proposed alternatives achieve the intent of §7.28.090(d)(3), Roofs, to the same or better degree than the subject standard; 3. The proposed alternative achieves the goals and policies of the Avon Comprehensive Plan to the same or better degree than the subject standard; 4. The proposed alternative results in benefits to the community that are equivalent to or better than compliance with the subject standard; and 5. The proposed alternative imposes no greater impacts on adjacent properties than would occur through compliance with the specific requirements of the Code. Commissioner Lang seconded the motion and it carried 5-1 with commissioner MacAllister voting against. Action: Commissioner MacAllister motioned to approve Case #MJR21002 with the following findings and condition: Findings: 1. The Application was reviewed pursuant to §7.16.080(f), Development Plan, §7.16.090(f), Design Review. The design meets the development and design standards established in the Avon Development Code; 2. The Application is complete; 3. The Application provides sufficient information to allow the PZC to determine that the application complies with the relevant review criteria; 4. The Application complies with the goals and policies of the Avon Comprehensive Plan; 5. The demand for public services or infrastructure exceeding current capacity is mitigated by the Application; and 6. The design relates the development to the character of the surrounding community. Condition: 1. ILCs are required to confirm building location. Commissioner Golembiewski seconded the motion and it carried unanimously 6-0. 4.5. 5150 LONGSUN LANE UNIT B - LOT 61 BLOCK 4 WILDRIDGE SUBDIVISION - PUBLIC HEARING – MAJOR DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR A SINGLE-FAMILY HOUSE. THE HOUSE REQUIRES AN ALTERNATIVE EQUIVALENT COMPLIANCE HEARING DUE TO ROOF PITCHES UNDER 4:12 (TOWN PLANNER DAVID MCWILLIAMS AND JEFF MANLEY). Public Comment: None. Action: Commissioner Lang motioned to approve Case #AEC21002 with the following findings: Findings: 1. The Application was reviewed pursuant to §7.16.120, Alternative Equivalent Compliance; 2. The proposed alternatives achieve the intent of §7.28.090(d)(3), Roofs and §7.28.090(e), Design Standards for the Wildridge Subdivision, to the same or better degree than the subject standard; 3. The proposed alternative achieves the goals and policies of the Avon Comprehensive Plan to the same or better degree than the subject standard; 4. The proposed alternative results in benefits to the community that are equivalent to or better than compliance with the subject standard; and 5. The proposed alternative imposes no greater impacts on adjacent properties than would occur through compliance with the specific requirements of the Code. Commissioner Golembiewski seconded the motion and it carried 5-1 with commissioner MacAllister voting against. Action: Commissioner MacAllister motioned to approve Case #MJR21003 with the following findings and conditions: Findings: 7. The Application was reviewed pursuant to §7.16.080(f), Development Plan, §7.16.090(f), Design Review. The design meets the development and design standards established in the Avon Development Code; 8. The Application is complete; 9. The Application provides sufficient information to allow the PZC to determine that the application complies with the relevant review criteria; 10. The Application complies with the goals and policies of the Avon Comprehensive Plan; 11. The demand for public services or infrastructure exceeding current capacity is mitigated by the Application; and 12. The design relates the development to the character of the surrounding community. Conditions: 1. ILCs are required to confirm building location; and 2. Page A0.0 will be updated to show the correct zoning information. Commissioner Sekinger seconded the motion and it carried unanimously 6-0. 5. CONSENT AGENDA 5.1. MEETING MINUTES 5.1.1. FEBRUARY 2, 2021 5.1.2. MARCH 2, 2021 5.2. RECORDS OF DECISION 5.2.1. 5380 EAGLEBEND DRIVE – #MJR20005 – MAJOR DEVELOPMENT PLAN 5.2.2. 5150 LONGSUN LANE - #PUD21001 – PUD AMENDMENT 5.2.3. 1990 AND 1910 HURD LANE – #PUD21002 – PUD AMENDMENT\ Action: Commissioner Golembiewski motioned to approve the Consent Agenga. Commissioner Sekinger seconded the motion and it carried unanimously 6-0. 6. TOWN MANAGER UPDATES (TOWN MANAGER ERIC HEIL) Action: Eric updated PZC on various projects including Nottingham Park East, West, and North, the I-70 underpass and engage.avon.org. 7. ADJOURN There being no further business before the Commission adjourned the meeting at 7:50 p.m. These meeting minutes are only a summary of the proceedings of the meeting. They are not intended to be comprehensive or to include each statement, person speaking or to portray with complete accuracy. The most accurate records of the meeting are the audio of the meeting, which is housed in the Town Clerk' s office. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED: _________________________________ David McWilliams, Town Planner APPROVED: __________________________________ Chairperson PZC Record of Decision: MJR21001 Page 1 of 1 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION FINDINGS OF FACT AND RECORD OF DECISION DATE OF DECISION: March 16, 2021 TYPE OF APPLICATION: Major Development Plan PROPERTY LOCATION: Lot 36A, Block 1 Wildridge Subdivision FILE NUMBER: MJR21001 APPLICANT: Rebecca Asbury This Record of Decision is made in accordance with the Avon Development Code §7.16.080(c): DECISION: Approval of the development plan with the following findings and condition: Findings: 1. The Application was reviewed pursuant to §7.16.080(f), Development Plan, §7.16.090(f), Design Review. The design meets the development and design standards established in the Avon Development Code; 2. The Application is complete; 3. The Application provides sufficient information to allow the PZC to determine that the Application complies with the relevant Review Criteria; 4. The Application complies with the goals and policies of the Avon Comprehensive Plan; 5. The demand for public services or infrastructure exceeding current capacity is mitigated by the Application; and 6. The design relates the development to the character of the surrounding community. Conditions: 1. Additional landscaping in the form of shrubs and one tree shall be planted between the west property line and the building addition; and 2. All exterior lighting will be Dark Sky Compliant. THESE FINDINGS OF FACT AND RECORD OF DECISION ARE HEREBY APPROVED: BY:______________________________________ DATE: ___________________ PZC Chairperson PZC Record of Decision: MJR20006 Page 1 of 1 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION FINDINGS OF FACT AND RECORD OF RECOMMENDATION DATE OF DECISION: March 16, 2021 TYPE OF APPLICATION: Major Development Plan PROPERTY LOCATION: Lot 36A, Block 1 Wildridge Subdivision FILE NUMBER: MJR20006 APPLICANT: EW Riverfront East Investor, LLC This Record of Recommendation is made in accordance with the Avon Development Code §7.16.080(c): DECISION: Approval of the development plan with the following findings and condition: Findings: 1. The proposed application was reviewed pursuant to §7.16.080(f), Development Plan, §7.16.090(f), Design Review. The design meets the development and design standards established in the Avon Development Code and the PUD Design Standards; 2. The application is complete; 3. The application provides sufficient information to allow the PZC to determine that the application complies with the relevant review criteria; 4. The application complies with the goals and policies of the Avon Comprehensive Plan; and 5. The design relates the development to the character of the surrounding community. Conditions: 1. A stormwater quality plan will be approved by Staff before issuing a building permit; 2. Temporary parking design for the area north of Lot 1 is required before issuing a building permit; 3. An irrigation plan is required to be approved by Staff before issuing a building permit; 4. Temporary irrigation systems must be removed upon sufficient vegetation establishment, which shall not exceed one (1) year for ground cover, two (2) years for shrubs or three (3) years for trees; 5. An on-site materials mockup will be presented for final review of building materials and colors before issuing a building; and 6. The following will be presented for Town Council review: a. Description of deed restricted housing b. Fence and guardrail materials and clarification above the garage c. A revised landscape plan delineating the landscaped areas of phase I, temporarily seeded grass areas, and the landscaped areas of phase II d. mountable curbs should only be in the vicinity of the dumpster THESE FINDINGS OF FACT AND RECORD OF DECISION ARE HEREBY APPROVED: BY:______________________________________ DATE: ___________________ PZC Chairperson PZC Record of Decision: #SGN21001 Page 1 of 1 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION FINDINGS OF FACT AND RECORD OF DECISION DATE OF DECISION: March 16, 2021 TYPE OF APPLICATION: Master Sign Program PROPERTY LOCATION: Lot 36, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision FILE NUMBER: SGN21001 APPLICANT: Kimberly Earnheart with Freemason Signs This Record of Decision is made in accordance with the Avon Development Code (“Development Code”) §7.16.160(c): DECISION: Approval of the Master Sign Program with the following findings and condition: Findings: 1. The Application is complete; 2. The Application provides sufficient information to allow the PZC to determine that the Application complies with the relevant review criteria; 3. The Application was reviewed pursuant to §7.16.160(f), Sign Plan. The application meets the sign standards established in the Avon Development Code; 4. The Application complies with the goals and policies of the Avon Comprehensive Plan; 5. No extra demand for public services is made by the Application; 6. The design relates the development to the character of the surrounding community; and 7. The Application is not so restrictive as to eliminate individuality but provides for the expectation of attractive sign installation. Conditions: 1. The freestanding sign shall have a barrier at the base, landscaping, and concrete mounting approved by Staff before construction; 2. A new Development Plan application will list a proper phone number and mailing address; and 3. The building identification sign is only permitted to be illuminated during business hours. THESE FINDINGS OF FACT AND RECORD OF DECISION ARE HEREBY APPROVED: BY:______________________________________ DATE: ___________________ PZC Chairperson PZC Record of Decision: AEC21001 and MJR21002 Page 1 of 2 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION FINDINGS OF FACT AND RECORD OF DECISION DATE OF DECISION: March 16, 2021 TYPE OF APPLICATION: Major Development Plan PROPERTY LOCATION: Lot 61A, Block 4 Wildridge Subdivision FILE NUMBER: AEC21001 and MJR21002 APPLICANT: Jeff Manley Case# AEC21001 This Record of Decision is made in accordance with the Avon Development Code §7.16.120(b): DECISION: Approval of the development plan with the following findings: Findings: 1. The Application was reviewed pursuant to §7.16.120, Alternative Equivalent Compliance; 2. The proposed alternatives achieve the intent of §7.28.090(d)(3), Roofs, to the same or better degree than the subject standard; 3. The proposed alternative achieves the goals and policies of the Avon Comprehensive Plan to the same or better degree than the subject standard; 4. The proposed alternative results in benefits to the community that are equivalent to or better than compliance with the subject standard; and 5. The proposed alternative imposes no greater impacts on adjacent properties than would occur through compliance with the specific requirements of the Code. CASE# MJR21002 This Record of Decision is made in accordance with the Avon Development Code §7.16.080(c): DECISION: Approval of the development plan with the following findings and condition: Findings: 1. The Application was reviewed pursuant to §7.16.080(f), Development Plan, §7.16.090(f), Design Review. The design meets the development and design standards established in the Avon Development Code; 2. The Application is complete; 3. The Application provides sufficient information to allow the PZC to determine that the application complies with the relevant review criteria; 4. The Application complies with the goals and policies of the Avon Comprehensive Plan; 5. The demand for public services or infrastructure exceeding current capacity is mitigated by the Application; and 6. The design relates the development to the character of the surrounding community. Condition: 1. ILCs are required to confirm building location. PZC Record of Decision: AEC21001 and MJR21002 Page 2 of 2 THESE FINDINGS OF FACT AND RECORD OF DECISION ARE HEREBY APPROVED: BY:______________________________________ DATE: ___________________ PZC Chairperson PZC Record of Decision: AEC21002 and MJR21003 Page 1 of 2 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION FINDINGS OF FACT AND RECORD OF DECISION DATE OF DECISION: March 16, 2021 TYPE OF APPLICATION: Major Development Plan PROPERTY LOCATION: Lot 61B, Block 4 Wildridge Subdivision FILE NUMBER: AEC21002 and MJR21003 APPLICANT: Jeff Manley Case# AEC21002 This Record of Decision is made in accordance with the Avon Development Code §7.16.120(b): DECISION: Approval of the development plan with the following findings: Findings: 1. The Application was reviewed pursuant to §7.16.120, Alternative Equivalent Compliance; 2. The proposed alternatives achieve the intent of §7.28.090(d)(3), Roofs and §7.28.090(e), Design Standards for the Wildridge Subdivision, to the same or better degree than the subject standard; 3. The proposed alternative achieves the goals and policies of the Avon Comprehensive Plan to the same or better degree than the subject standard; 4. The proposed alternative results in benefits to the community that are equivalent to or better than compliance with the subject standard; and 5. The proposed alternative imposes no greater impacts on adjacent properties than would occur through compliance with the specific requirements of the Code. CASE# MJR21003 This Record of Decision is made in accordance with the Avon Development Code §7.16.080(c): DECISION: Approval of the development plan with the following findings and conditions: Findings: 1. The Application was reviewed pursuant to §7.16.080(f), Development Plan, §7.16.090(f), Design Review. The design meets the development and design standards established in the Avon Development Code; 2. The Application is complete; 3. The Application provides sufficient information to allow the PZC to determine that the application complies with the relevant review criteria; 4. The Application complies with the goals and policies of the Avon Comprehensive Plan; 5. The demand for public services or infrastructure exceeding current capacity is mitigated by the Application; and 6. The design relates the development to the character of the surrounding community. Conditions: 1. ILCs are required to confirm building location; and PZC Record of Decision: AEC21002 and MJR21003 Page 2 of 2 2. Page A0.0 will be updated to show the correct zoning information. THESE FINDINGS OF FACT AND RECORD OF DECISION ARE HEREBY APPROVED: BY:______________________________________ DATE: ___________________ PZC Chairperson TO: Planning and Zoning Commission FROM: David McWilliams, AICP, Town Planner RE: MJR21004 – PUBLIC HEARING – Major Development Plan on Lot 1Riverfront Subdivision – 42 Riverfront Lane DATE: March 19, 2021 STAFF REPORT OVERVIEW: This Staff report contains one application for consideration by the Planning and Zoning Commission (PZC): Major Development Plan with Design Review (the Application) for a condo development with 40 units. Application Type: Major Development Plan Property Address: 42 Riverfront Lane Property Zoning: PUD Property Size: 1.7 Acres Applicant/Property Owner Name: EW Riverfront East Investor, LLC SUMMARY OF REQUEST: CRP/ EWP Riverfront Avon Owner II, LLC (the Applicant) proposes a new development on Lot 1. This Application presets the second phase for Lot 1 and the final phase for the Riverfront PUD. This phase is located to the north of the phase I townhome development, (scheduled for Town Council review soon) and Riverfront Lane. The primary access will be from the phase I garage entrance on the east and a new garage level above it, with entry on the north. The building is seven (7) stories and has a mix of 1, 2, 3 and 4‐bedroom units. It will include two (2) 1-bedroom units or at least 1,000 square feet of deed restricted residential space per the 2019 PUD amendment. There is a rooftop bar on the east side of the sixth floor. The building mainly features gable roofs wish some shed roofs creating additional floor space below in certain area. The property is zoned PUD and allows for the uses proposed in this Application. The proposed Condominium building is highlighted, with the phase I townhome units uncolored behind it. PROCESS: Major Development Plan applications within the Riverfront Planned Unit Development (PUD) are reviewed by PZC, with a recommendation given to Town Council for final review and decision. Town Council review is tentatively scheduled for April 27, 2021. PUBLIC NOTICE: Notice of the public hearing was published in the March 26, 2021 edition of the Vail Daily in accordance with Sec. 7.16.020(d) of the Avon Development Code (ADC). Mailed notice is not required for this application type. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: Lot 1 is 1.7 acres located on the east side of the Riverfront PUD. The PUD includes overall dwelling unit and site coverage requirements that span the entire PUD (Attachment C). PLANNING ANALYSIS: Lot Coverage, Setback and Easements: Lot 1 has the following building envelope and easements: Front Side Back (Eagle River) 10’ 0’ 75’ Building Height: The maximum building height permitted for this property is 105’ and the Application’s maximum height is 92’. A height step-back requirement of 55’ interacts with the phase I townhomes but not this project. Stormwater Plan: Staff requests a stormwater quality treatment plan for the developed portions of the lot before building permits will be issued, which is included as a recommended condition of approval for this application. Deed Restricted Housing: Per the Riverfront PUD, “Owner of Lot 1 shall convey deed restriction(s) for two (2) 1- bedroom residential units or a total gross floor area of one thousand square feet (1000 sq. ft.) in Lot 1 development to the Town of Avon as a condition of receiving any certificate of occupancy”, for residents of the County. The narrative mentions the units but does not identify which units will be restricted. DESIGN STANDARDS ANALYSIS: The PUD has its own Design Standards, which are elaborated on when applicable. In cases where the PUD is silent, ADC standards preside. Parking: The 40-unit development requires a total of 1.2 parking space per unit, with a 15% reduction (41 required spaces total). The commercial component of the development requires 6 parking spaces under the PUD. Between the two levels of the garage, a total of 61 spaces are provided, which is sufficient to cover the 14 spaces required for Phaes I and the 47 spaces required for Phase II. Projects with over 25 parking spaces are required to provide bicycle parking facilities at a rate of one (1) bicycle parking space for every ten (10) vehicle parking spaces or a minimum of four (4) bicycle parking spaces per ADC Sec. 7.28.020(j). The applicant proposes eight (8) bike parking spaces on the north side of the project, near the northern garage entry. Electric Vehicle parking is required per ADC Sec. 7.28.020(g)(2)(iv) and the garage plan demonstrates compliance with the regulation. A new design for short-term parking on Riverfront Lane is underway for the area north of Lot 1, and implementation is recommended before any closure of the current short-term parking area (related to building on Lot 1). ADC language requires above-grade visible parking structures to be sited so that the narrow end of the parking structure is perpendicular to the perimeter street. In this case, the parking area is not visible, and the regulation does not apply. Landscaping & Irrigation: At buildout of both phases, the total landscape area proposed is 25,024 square feet, or 33.8% of Lot 1. 500 landscape units are required, and 2,012 units are proposed, primarily of blue spruce, fir, bristlecone pine, aspen, maple, serviceberry, several deciduous shrub species, native grasses, ground cover, and mulch areas (attachment B, Sheet 2). The landscaping is well developed and complimentary the property and the Riverfront as a whole. The applicant has not proposed an irrigation plan, and hydrozones are not expressly demarcated. The applicant states that the landscape plan has been prepared to meet the LEED Gold standard, therefore anticipates an intense focus on water conservation practices. Staff suggests that the application can be approved with the condition that a satisfactory irrigation plan is presented to staff prior to building permit submittal. Building Design, Building Materials and Colors: The primary exterior building materials are stone veneer, cementitious stucco, wood siding (stained brown), pre-finished metal panels, and stained concrete (Attachment A, Sheet 28). Materials and colors were reviewed for conformance with the PUD Development Plan and determined to comply with the design standards. All materials are of high quality and compliment Avon’s built landscape. Staff recommends that an on-site mockup be a requirement for final review of building materials and colors. The street-level aesthetics of the building are driven by the two-level garage design. The second and third image below are examples of recently approved condo-type buildings. According to ADC Sec. 7.28.090(d)(4)(i), “Buildings shall have street-facing architectural details and elements which provide a human scale to the facade. Flat, monotonous facades shall be avoided.” The metal panel detailing will help achieve this requirement. Proposed exterior of the new Condominium Building. From the vehicular entry, there will be little landscaping screening the building. Approved (but not built) "Colorado World Resorts" building included louvers in the raised parking garage. Completed “Riverfront Lodge” building has an underground garage and has a more active street presence. Roof Material and Pitch: The Application includes proposing 6:12 shingled and 2:12 metal standing seam roof pitches, which conforms with the PUD Development Standards. Sec 7.28.090(4) states, “(i) Pitched roofs, particularly those located over building entrances, shall be oriented such that excessive snow and ice does not accumulate over or drop onto pedestrian walkways, parking areas or drives. Special protection, such as snow fences, shall be required for roofs so oriented.” Further, Sec 7.28.090(5) states, (i)Building Design: (A)Buildings shall be designed so that entries, steps, balconies and pedestrian walkways or sidewalks are protected from precipitation shedding off roofs. (B)Sheltering roofs or building projections for protection from rain, wind, snow and ice shall be provided in areas of pedestrian activity around public/ institutional, commercial and mixed-use buildings, including sheltered entranceways at major entrances and pedestrian-oriented façades along public sidewalks or walkways. (C)Buildings shall avoid roof designs, canopy structures or other design features that would allow accumulated snow, ice or rain or to fall or slide onto sidewalks or walkways. Roofs shall be designed to protect doorways, exterior stairs, balconies, garage entrances, bicycle parking and pedestrian sidewalks and walkways from snow and ice. Where sloping rooflines incline toward such areas, protective features, such as arcades, loggias and dormers, shall be used to protect pedestrians from falling snow. Such devices need not be continuous if foundation planning beds are located to set the walkway away from the building facades. The Application includes a small roof that sheds to the front of the building and special care needs to be taken to assure that pedestrians below are not impacted by falling snow. Staff included a clarification of snow arresting measures for these roofs as a condition of approval for review by the Building Official. Shade Analysis: Per the PUD, a shade analysis was produced for the project. The lodge building will shade Riverfront Lane in the winter. Snow Removal: The Applicant proposes a snow plan on the south of the sidewalk, which will have trouble melting in the winter. The Riverfront property is responsible for its own snow removal, both internally, and along Riverfront Lane. The Riverfront owners have been responsive to snow removal needs in the past. Screening: Several existing mechanical features occupy the northwest side of the proposal. While no new infrastructure will be added here, the area is properly screened with landscaping and provided a good buffer between the project and the neighboring facilities garage entrance. Exterior Lighting: The proposed exterior building lighting (Attachment B) comply with ADC requirements. Regulation III.A.4 of the PUD Design Standards: This regulation states, “on any given elevations at Lots 1, 3, and 4 80 percent of the vertical wall area will be permitted to be within the same plane, with a minimum of 2-foot offset for plane changes. Vertical forms comprised of stacked decks and balconies will be considered plane changes.” The elevations are articulated with stairwells, balconies and building angles so that none are flat. Four-Sided Design: Per ADC Sec. 7.28.090(j)(4)(ii), “The rear and side elevations of new buildings that are visible from public spaces and adjacent buildings shall be designed with equal care and quality as the front or principal face. If a blank wall cannot be avoided, it shall be detailed, painted or landscaped in a manner that renders the wall attractive to pedestrians.” Staff is satisfied that the elevations have high quality detailing, thus complying with four- sided design regulations. MAJOR DEVELOPMENT PLAN & DESIGN REVIEW - REVIEW CRITERIA § 7.16.080(f), Development Plan 1. Evidence of substantial compliance with the purpose of the Development Code as specified in §7.04.030, Purposes; Staff Response: The Application is in compliance with the applicable purposes outlined in the Development Code. Purpose (f) states, “Provide a planned and orderly use of land, protection of the environment and preservation of viability, all to conserve the value of the investments of the people of the Avon community and encourage a high quality of life and the most appropriate use of land throughout the municipality.” 2. Evidence of substantial compliance with §7.16.090, Design Review; Staff Response: The Design Review section seeks quality development and structures that are visually harmonious with the site and the surrounding vicinity. Conformance with this code section is discussed below and in Staff Analysis. 2. Consistency with the Avon Comprehensive Plan; Staff Response: The site is located in the Riverfront District (District 2 in the Comprehensive Plan), which states, “Visibility from U.S. Highway 6, protection and enhancement of the riparian environment along the Eagle River, and appropriate public access along the river should be taken into consideration with all development.” Select district principles are elaborated below, with Staff responses: • Orient buildings to capitalize on the Eagle River as an amenity. Use sensitive site planning, architectural detailing, articulation, and appropriate setbacks, color, screening, and scale of structure to preserve the character of the river and its associated natural habitat. • Limit building height to a scale that is subordinate to Town Center and compatible with the river environment. Buildings should be designed to step down in height as they near the river and in response to the natural topography. • Minimize the loss of trees and impact to the riparian area while achieving urban design goals. The scale and design detail of the building does not dominate the site and is in scale with the river setting and its relationship to the more dominant Westin Hotel (nine (9) stories tall on the street side). The building height is compliant with the PUD buildings step down between Lot 1 and 2. This building is closer to the street edge. The impact to existing vegetation is minimal. Other general Goals and Policies are listed below: Goal A.1: Promote a compact community form. Goal B.2: Ensure that Avon continues to develop as a community of safe, interactive, and cohesive neighborhoods that contribute to the Town’s overall character and image. Goal B.4: Encourage commercial development that enhances Avon’s overall economic health, contributes to the community’s image and character, and provides residents and visitors with increased choices and services. Goal C.1: Ensure that development is compatible with existing and planned adjacent development and contributes to Avon’s community image and character. Goal E.1: Achieve a diverse range of housing densities, styles, and types, including rental and for sale, to serve all segments of the population. Staff finds substantial consistency with the form, cohesion, compatibility, and housing types offered in this project. 3. Consistency with any previously approved and not revoked subdivision plat, planned development, or any other precedent plan or land use approval for the property as applicable; Staff Response: The application was reviewed for the requirements that accompany the PUD Development Plan and the Avon Development Code and found to be consistent with them. 4. Compliance with all applicable development and design standards set forth in this Code, including but not limited to the provisions in Chapter 7.20, Zone Districts and Official Zoning Map, Chapter 7.24, Use Regulations, and Chapter 7.28, Development Standards; and Staff Response: The analysis contained in this Staff report addresses all applicable Development Code standards. Staff finds this criterion to be met for the reasons addressed in this report. 5. That the development can be adequately served by city services including but not limited to roads, water, wastewater, fire protection, and emergency medical services. Staff Response: All special services are well established in the subdivision. Pertinent fire protection, water and wastewater requirements have been coordinated with the special districts serving the property. §7.16.090(f), Design Review Criteria 1. The design relates the development to the character of the surrounding community; or, where redevelopment is anticipated, relates the development to the character of Avon as a whole; Staff Response: Staff finds that design of the building complies with this criterion, compliments the surrounding community and the Riverfront neighborhood, and is consistent with development on adjacent lots. 2. The design meets the development and design standards established in this Development Code; and Staff Response: T he application is in compliance with the development and design standards contained in the Development Code for the reasons described elsewhere in this report. 3. The design reflects the long-range goals and design criteria from the Avon Comprehensive Plan and other applicable, adopted plan documents. Staff Response: Applicable adopted plans include the Avon Comprehensive Plan, provisions of the Development Code, and the PUD Design Standards. The design has been evaluated for conformance with these plans and Staff has determined the proposed design meets the requirements as proposed. Motion to Recommend Approve the Application: “I move to recommend Avon Town Council approve Case #MJR21004, an application for Major Design and Development Plan for Lot 1 Riverfront Subdivision, together with the Findings and Conditions as recommended by staff.” Findings: 1. The proposed application was reviewed pursuant to §7.16.080(f), Development Plan, §7.16.090(f), Design Review. The design meets the development and design standards established in the Avon Development Code and the PUD Design Standards; 2. The application is complete; 3. The application provides sufficient information to allow the PZC to determine that the application complies with the relevant review criteria; 4. The application complies with the goals and policies of the Avon Comprehensive Plan; and 5. The design relates the development to the character of the surrounding community. Conditions: 1. A satisfactory irrigation plan that achieves silver or better LEED standards, and demonstrates square footage coverage and hydrozones shall be presented to staff before a building permit will be issued; 2. A stormwater quality plan that accounts for Phase I development will be approved by Staff before issuing a building permit; 3. Snow arresting measures for roofs that shed onto pedestrian areas will be presented for Building Official review; and A new design for short-term parking on Riverfront will be implemented before any closure of the current short- term parking area related to building on Lot 1. Attachments A. Application Narrative and Development Plans B. Lighting Cut Sheets C. PUD Tracker D. Riverfront PUD Development Plan ONE RIVERFRONT CONDOMINIUMS Major Development Plan Application (Phase 2) Application Narrative Submitted: Lot 1 | Riverfront Village PUD March 15, 2021 Attachment A A. INTRODUCTION The applicant and owner EW Riverfront East Investor, LLC is hereby submitting a Major Development Plan application to the Town of Avon for Phase 2 of the Lot 1 Riverfront Planned Unit Development (PUD) and Subdivision. Henceforward, Phases 1 and 2 of the project are referenced as “One Riverfront,” with Phase 2 referenced as “One Riverfront Condominiums.” The legal description of the property is as follows: Lot 1, Riverfront Subdivision; and the physical address is 42 Riverfront Lane, Avon, Colorado, 81620. The enclosed application is for Phase 2 of the project. One Riverfront is proposed on Lot 1, the easternmost of seven lots that compromise the Riverfront PUD. First adopted in 2006, the Riverfront PUD has been developed incrementally since that time. Lots 2 and 3 were developed first between 2006 and 2008, resulting in the Westin Riverfront Hotel and Spa, and Westin Residences. Between 2016 and 2020 Lots 4 and 5 were developed as the Riverfront Lodge and Townhomes respectively, with the Riverfront Lodge complete except for landscaping, which will take place in spring 2021. Lots 6 and 7 at the far west end of the PUD are under construction as the Riverfront Residences with a targeted completion of fall 2021. Upon completion of both Phases 1 and 2, One Riverfront will accomplish the full build-out of the Riverfront PUD as Avon’s premiere residential and hospitality neighborhood. As the last parcel to be built-out, One Riverfront will anchor the eastern end of the Riverfront PUD and be an important landmark for the west Town Center district of Avon. One Riverfront has been conceived to fit within the overall neighborhood. The proposed architecture and landscape design for One Riverfront is complementary to the overall style of Riverfront while introducing special elements responsive to its site and program opportunities. B. PROJECT OVERVIEW The Lot 1 property is 1.7 acres in area. It is surrounded by the Eagle River to the south, Riverfront Lane to the north and east, and the Westin Riverfront Hotel to the west. The Eagle Valley Regional Trail and the Riverfront Park that border the site to the south are part of the program of amenities and public benefits that have been implemented as part of the Riverfront PUD. Avon Road to the east and the Union Pacific Railroad corridor to the north are other important adjacencies influencing the layout of the project. The Major Development Plan for One Riverfront calls for the eventual development of fifty- three (53) units total on Lot 1 in two phases. As part of this Phase 2 project, forty (40) condominium units are proposed as part of a 7-story condominium building, “One Riverfront Attachment A Condominiums.” A previous application described Phase 1, comprised of thirteen (13) 2–to-3 story townhome units surrounding a central courtyard and pool (One Riverfront Townhomes). One Riverfront Condominiums: One Riverfront Condominiums represent Phase 2 of the overall project and are comprised of forty (40) condominium residences within a 7-story building. The lowest story is an on- grade parking garage (stacked over the underground garage that is part of Phase 1), and the top two stories are 2-level penthouse condominiums. Within the building is 1,000 SF of deed-restricted space required by the PUD, and Level 6 also includes a Rooftop Bar that faces Beaver Creek to the south and the Gore Range to the east. The building creates the fourth edge of the courtyard and pool space formed by the Phase 1 Townhomes. The south side of the building overlooks the courtyard and pool, the Eagle River, and boasts dramatic views to Beaver Creek Resort. The north side of the building is oriented to the Town of Avon and the mountains to the north. Condominium owners have access to both levels of parking for their residences. The on- grade parking near the front entry and drop-off enters from the west side of the building, while the underground parking enters from Riverfront Lane on the east side of the property. Minimal landscape and hardscape is proposed as part of Phase 2, since most of that will have been installed as part of Phase 1. The total project floor area is approximately 85,451 SF. The architectural character of the Condominium building is one which acts as a “good neighbor” to the Westin and the entire Riverfront neighborhood, through the use of similar roof forms and massing, along with complementary colors and exterior finish materials, including: stone veneer to anchor the building to its site, cementitious “wood” siding, cementitious architectural panels, expressed glu-lam structure, metal-clad windows and doors, composite shingles, and standing seam metal accent roofs. Like the Townhomes, the Condominium building will be certified LEED Gold and again the team is studying the possibility of introducing sustainability initiatives that will propel the project beyond this metric. C. CONFORMANCE TO THE RIVERFRONT PUD The development plan aims to meet the goals of Avon’s Comprehensive and Development Codes by providing a development concept that promotes quality real estate compatible with surrounding land uses and fulfills the vision of the Riverfront Village PUD. The development plan has been prepared to be consistent with the dimensional limitations and Attachment A design guidelines established by the Riverfront PUD guide. The proposed forty (40) units, along with the previously-submitted thirteen (13) units, fall within the overall allowable density per the Riverfront PUD. The overall density of the project is thirty-one (31) dwelling units per acre. The proposed development plan respects setbacks and easements established by the original PUD in 2006 and recorded amendments in 2017 and 2019. The amendments honor the town’s 75-foot riparian stream setback, and the open space and recreation corridor previously established by the Riverfront Village remains intact. No variances from the PUD and the Town’s Development Code are proposed nor anticipated in association with the application. The only potential deviation—which was also described within the Phase 1 application—is regarding the 5,000 square foot maximum of permanently irrigated landscape area allowed. The landscape design for One Riverfront as currently proposed includes 7,594 square feet of permanently irrigated landscape area. The 2,594 square feet in excess is proposed to effectively landscape all four sides and central area associated with the proposed buildings, to screen private spaces, complement the architecture, and integrate the overall project into the Riverfront subdivision and west Town Center. The proposed landscape design otherwise applies the principles of xeriscape to achieve a water- conserving landscape that meets the requirements of LEED Gold certification. Additionally, there is no irrigated sod proposed for the project and any green space near the pool deck will be comprised of artificial turf. D. SITE CACULATIONS, HEIGHT, BULK, AND MASS The following are key statistics regarding the proposed development including site calculations and key dimensional measurements. Total Lot 1 Area: 74,030 SF Building Footprint Area: 28,501 SF (38.5% of Lot 1 Area) Paved Area (Heated): 14,367 SF (19.4% of Lot 1 Area) / 253 SF IN RF LANE R.O.W. Paved Area (Unheated) 1,195 SF (1.6% of Lot 1 Area) Snow Storage Area: 5,013 SF (419% of Unheated Paved Area) Total Impervious Area: 44,063 SF (59.5% of Lot 1 Area) Landscape Area: 25,024 SF (33.8% of Lot 1 Area) Building Heights: Condominium Building: maximum height to the tallest point on the roof: Maximum actual height is 92’-0” (Maximum allowable height is 105’-0”) Attachment A E. LANDSCAPE, SITE ELEMENTS, AND SITE AMENITIES One Riverfront seeks to fit within the overall character of the Riverfront PUD and integrate into the natural context and setting along the Eagle River. Strategic landscaping and distribution of exterior amenities and uses throughout the project site create an environment for residents to enjoy the outdoors. The landscape and irrigation are designed to conform to the Town’s standards and also meet a LEED Gold certification. The approach is to create an attractive landscape using drought-tolerant adaptable plants, organized by watering zones and coordinated with an automated irrigation system using efficient emitters and micro-spray heads. Landscaping is proposed to help ground the building, screen utilities, and provide privacy where needed. Certain areas receive greater landscape emphasis based on location and prominence within the site as appropriate. Landscape calculations for One Riverfront are as follow: Total proposed landscape area: 25,024 SF or 33.8% of the Lot 1 area Total irrigated area: 8,601 SF or 34.4% of the proposed landscape area Total spray irrigated area: 1,186 SF or 13.8% of total irrigated area Total drip irrigated area: 7,415 SF or 86.2% of total irrigated area Temporary irrigated area: 8,985 SF (for revegetation seeded areas) Most exterior amenities have been submitted as part of the Phase 1 project; they include the pool deck, pool and spas, most internal sidewalks, most of the perimeter sidewalk, and connection to the regional recreation path along the Eagle River. The pool is proposed as a family pool with areas both for play and relaxation. Three hot tub spas are proposed with two potentially connected to the pool and one located at the southeast corner of the pool deck. F. PARKING Parking for One Riverfront Condominiums is proposed within two garage levels: the single- level underground garage (Level +88.0) and the single-level on-grade garage (Level +100.0). The underground garage is 18,103 square feet in area and provides thirty-three (33) spaces, some of which will be used by Townhome owners. The on-grade garage is 13,179 square feet in area and provides twenty-eight (28) spaces. Together, the two garage levels provide 61 total spaces and apply the parking requirement of 1.2 parking spaces per unit and a 15% Attachment A reduction per the PUD parking requirements for Lot 1, for fifty-five (55) spaces required total for all residences. Additionally, they include the 6 extra spaces required for the 1200-SF Rooftop Bar, again based upon the PUD requirements and the area of “leasable commercial space.” Two ADA spaces were provided as part of Phase 1—one standard ADA space and one van ADA space—and one additional ADA space is being provided as part of Phase 2, for a total of three spaces. Both levels of garage include totals of 10 Spaces that are EV-capable, 7 spaces that are EVSE-ready, and 4 spaces that are EVSE-installed. Temporary short-term parking for the Westin hotel that currently occurs along the northern edge of Lot 1 is being replaced by the Westin hotel in other areas of Riverfront Lane that have been coordinated with Town representatives. These new temporary short-term parking areas are shown on the overall Riverfront Site Illustrative for reference. These improvements will be submitted as a separate application by the Westin Hotel in direct association with the One Riverfront proposal. - END OF NARRATIVE - Attachment A 101 El PaseoSanta Barbara, California 93101(805) 963-6890 FAX (805) 963-8102ARCHITECTURE -PLANNING -INTERIORSAND ASSOCIATES, INC.Z E H R E N48 East Beaver Creek Blvd., Suite 303P.O. Box 1976 - Avon, Colorado 81620(970) 949-0257 FAX (970) 949-1080LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURECopyright © 2021 by Zehren & Associates Inc.IN3/15/2021 4:25:31 PM20182642.10AVON, COLORADO4/06/2021DPNZISSUE D - PLANNING AND ZONING SUBMITTALApril 6, 2021Attachment A 61 33 7 GARAGE LEVEL FLOOR PLAN (+88) 8 GARAGE LEVEL FLOOR PLAN (+100) 9 LOBBY LEVEL FLOOR PLAN (+112) 10 THIRD LEVEL FLOOR PLAN (+123’-6”) 11 FOURTH LEVEL FLOOR PLAN (+135’) 12 FIFTH LEVEL FLOOR PLAN (+146’-6”) 1313 SIXTH LEVEL FLOOR PLAN (+158’) 14 SEVENTH LEVEL FLOOR PLAN (+169-6”) 15 ROOF PLAN 16 CONDOMINIUM BUILDING UNIT FLOOR PLANS 17 CONDOMINIUM BUILDING UNIT FLOOR PLANS 18 CONDOMINIUM BUILDING UNIT FLOOR PLANS 19 CONDOMINIUM BUILDING UNIT FLOOR PLANS 2020 CONDOMINIUM BUILDING UNIT FLOOR PLANS 21 CONDOMINIUM BUILDING UNIT FLOOR PLANS 22 CONDOMINIUM BUILDING UNIT FLOOR PLANS 23 CONDOMINIUM BUILDING UNIT FLOOR PLANS 24 CONDOMINIUM BUILDING UNIT FLOOR PLANS 25 CONDOMINIUM BUILDING UNIT FLOOR PLANS 26 CONDOMINIUM BUILDING UNIT FLOOR PLANS 2727 CONDOMINIUM BUILDING ELEVATIONS 28 CONDOMINIUM BUILDING ELEVATIONS 29 ONE RIVERFRONT NEIGHBORHOOD - AERIAL VIEW FROM NORTHEAST 30 ONE RIVERFRONT NEIGHBORHOOD - VIEW FROM NORTHEAST 31 ONE RIVERFRONT NEIGHBORHOOD - VIEW FROM NORTHWEST 32 ONE RIVERFRONT NEIGHBORHOOD - AERIAL VIEW FROM SOUTHEAST 33 ONE RIVERFRONT NEIGHBORHOOD - AERIAL VIEW FROM SOUTHWEST 3434 ONE RIVERFRONT NEIGHBORHOOD - RIVERFRONT VILLAGE PERSPECTIVES 35 ONE RIVERFRONT NEIGHBORHOOD - SOLAR ACCESS STUDY 36 MATERIAL BOARD 37 TYPICAL CONDOMINIUM BUILDING DETAILS 38 TYPICAL CONDOMINIUM BUILDING DETAILS 4/06/2021 2/26/2021 D472 SF 25,024 SF 28,501SF (32,011 SF 85,450 (EXCLUDES +88 GARAGE) Attachment A EXISTING CONDITIONS SURVEY © 2020 Zehren and Associates, Inc. east west partners PLANNING AND ZONING SUBMITTAL T112.18.2020ONE RIVERFRONT Attachment A Attachment A Attachment A Attachment A Attachment A Attachment A RIVE R F R O N T L A N E AVON ROADRIVE R F R O N T L A N E WATE R F R O N T W A Y LOT 6 LOT 5 LOT 3 LOT 2 LOT 1 FUTURE PARKING FUTURE WESTIN SHUTTLE DROP-OFF LOT 7 E A G L E R I V E R ECO-TrailECO-Trail WESTIN HOTEL WESTING RIVERFRONT MOUNTAIN VILLAS GONDOLA RIVERFRONT LODGE LOT 4 RIVERFRONT TOWNHOMES RIVERFRONT RESIDENCES ONE RIVERFRONTCONDOMINIUMS 1 R1 R2 R3 R4 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Legend Completed Buildings Buildings Under Construction One Riverfront Condominiums North Not to Scale ONE RIVERFRONTTOWNHOMES © 2021 Zehren and Associates, Inc. east west partners PLANNING AND ZONING SUBMITTAL 04.06.2021ONE RIVERFRONT OVERALL ILLUSTRATIVE PLAN Unit Type Unit Qty. Total SF Condominiums 40 85,451 ONE RIVERFRONT CONDOMINIUMS DEVELOPMENT SUMMARY Totals 40 85,451 3 Attachment A North Scale: 1” = 20’ 0 20’10’40’ © 2021 Zehren and Associates, Inc. east west partners PLANNING AND ZONING SUBMITTAL 04.06.2021ONE RIVERFRONT ILLUSTRATIVE SITE PLAN 4 Attachment A North Scale: 1” = 20’ 0 20’10’40’ © 2021 Zehren and Associates, Inc. east west partners PLANNING AND ZONING SUBMITTAL 04.06.2021ONE RIVERFRONT LANDSCAPE PLAN EXISTING TRAIL (ASPHALT) WESTIN HOTEL AVON RDENTRY ARTIFICIAL TURF ENTRY GATE GATE RIDGE GATEGATE 1 1 5 .0 'AASHTO (2 0 mph ) SPA 3 7.5' x 9' BLDG ENTRY GARAGE ENTRY EXIT BLDG ENTRY RIV E R F R O N T L A N E 1 234567 8 9 10 11 12 13 POOL EAST TH FFE = 7440.0 RIVER EAST TH FFE GROUND LVL = 7440.0 FFE BASEMENT = 7429.0 RIVER WEST TH FFE GROUND LVL = 7440.0 FFE BASEMENT = 7429.0 POOL 24' x 41.5'SPA 28' x 21SPA 1 8' x 18' POOL WEST TH FFE = 7440.0 PLANT BED (MULCH) GROUND COVER PROPOSED PLANTING STRIP (MULCH) NATIVE SEED MULCH PLANT BED MULCH PLANT BED MULCH PLANT BED NATIVE SEED PERENNIALS GROUND COVER NATIVE SEED PLANT BED (MULCH) GROUND COVER PLANT BED (MULCH) (2) CONC STEPS 6" STEP AT THRESHOLD (2) CONC STEPS (2) CONC STEPS (2) CONC STEPS 6" STEP AT THRESHOLD 6" STEP AT THRESHOLD 6" STEP AT THRESHOLD EXISTING CURB LINE PROPOSED CONC SIDEWALK (REF CIVIL) PROPERTY LINE EXISTING SIDEWALK ADA RAMP WAYFINDING SIGN CARD READER FLUSH CONC CURB RETAINING WALL W/ STONE CAP AND VENEER EMERGENCY GENERATOR PAD 6' HT WOOD FENCE (REF ARCH) PROPOSED ELEC TRANSFORMER (REF CIVIL) (4) BIKE RACKS REF 9 / L5.1 COLORED CONC STEPS HEATED / (3) RISERS PROPOSED SIDEWALK 8" CONC EDGE RESTRAINT 50' BUILDING HEIGHT SETBACK (50' MAX HT SOUTH OF THIS LINE / 105' MAX HT NORTH OF LINE ) UTILITY AND DRAINAGE EASEMENT (REAR SETBACK) WESTIN GARAGE EASEMENT EXISTING ELEC TRANSFORMER TO REMAIN EXISTING WESTIN LOADING DOCK ENTRANCE PROPOSED CURB AND GUTTER REF CIVIL EXISTING FIRE HYDRANT TO BE RELOCATED (REF CIVIL) CONC PARKING GARAGE RAMP REF CIVIL FOR DETAIL (HEATED) EXISTING SIDEWALK CONC SIDEWALK REF CIVIL EXISTING SIDEWALK CONC APRON (UNHEATED) REF CIVIL EGRESS DOOR EXISTING CONC STEPS AND WALL TO REMAIN EXISTING CONC PATH EXISTING CONC PATH (TO REMAIN) COLORED CONC STEPS REF 8 / L5.1 10' BUILDING SETBACK TRENCH DRAIN (BELOW) WAYFINDING SIGN DUMPSTER PICKUP AREA (TEMPORARY STORAGE LOCATION ON TRASH PICKUP DAY) CONCRETE BLOCK WALL (2.5' HT) MFR: ROSESTTA PRODUCT: KODAH REF 6 / L5.1 CURB AND GUTTER (REF CIVIL) VEHICULAR PAVERS (80MM) SAND SET W / 5" CONC SUB-SLAB (HEATED) BOLLARD LIGHT, TYP BOLLARD LIGHT, TYP REF LIGHTING PLANS BOLLARD LIGHT, TYP 5' HT METAL POOL SECURITY FENCE W / 4" VERT PICKETS DECK (ABOVE) LIMIT OF WORK (PATH EDGE) LIMIT OF WORK LIMIT OF WORK EXISTING ROAD (ASPHALT) MOUNTABLE CURB REF CIVIL BOLLARD LIGHT, TYP REF LIGHTING DWGS GARAGE FOUNDATION WALL COLORED CONC STEPS (HEATED) REF 8 / L5.1 COLORED CONC POOL DECK (HEATED) COLORED CONC STEPS REF 8 / L5.1 MOUNTABLE CURB REF CIVIL COLORED CONC STEPS REF 8 / L5.1 WESTIN GARAGE WALL (BELOW) DECK (ABOVE) COLORED CONC PATIOS, TYP DECK (ABOVE) COLORED CONC PATIOS, TYP COLORED CONCRETE SIDEWALK W / THICKENED SLAB EDGE ALONG WEST SIDE ADJACENT TO BLOCK WALL COLORED CONC ACCESS RAMP (ADA ACCESSIBLE) DECK (ABOVE) EXISTING ELEC EASEMENT PROPERTY LINE EXISTING RETAINING WALL 3" X 18" SANDSTONE POOL COPING (2) CONC STEPS EXISTING BOLLARD LIGHTS TO REMAIN STEPPING STONE PATHS, TYP (3" FLAGSTONE) EDGING, TYP EXISTING CONC DRAINAGE PAN AND APRON TO REMAIN EDGING, TYP EDGING, TYP ENTRY STEPS RELOCATED WESTIN BBQ PATIO BOULDER WALL (HT VARIES / 4' MAX) RE-LOCATE EXISTING BOLLARD LIGHT BOULDER WALL (HT VARIES / 4' MAX) INTERIOR GARAGE RAMP 6" STEP AT THRESHOLD EGRESS DOOR BLDG WALL BELOW EDGING, TYP ROOF LINE (ABOVE) BOULDER WALL (HT VARIES / 4' MAX) COLORED CONC STEPS HEATED (REF 8 /L5.1) EDGING, TYP RETAINING WALL W/STONE VENEER AND CAP BLDG WALL BELOW VRF UNITSVRF UNITS VRF UNIT VRF UNITS VRF UNITS VRF UNITS VRF UNITS BOULDER SEAT WALL SCREENING ENCLOSURE SCREENING ENCLOSURE TRASH ENCLOSURE ROOF LINE (ABOVE) ROOF LINE (ABOVE) ROOF LINE (ABOVE) ONE RIVERFRONT CONDOMINIUMS FFE LOBBY = 7440.0 FFE GARAGE = 7428.0 RID G E 7 5 2 6 . 6 7 RID G E 7 5 2 9 . 0 RIDGE 7529.0TRASH ENCLOSURE TRASH ENCLOSURE DECORATIVE LANDSCAPE BOULDERS SYMBOL LEGEND: PROPOSED SPOT ELEVATION BOLLARD LIGHTS (REF LIGHTING DWGS TYPE) EXISTING TREE TO BE PRESERVED QTY (29) BUILDING ENTRY MULCH 11,601 SF RIVER ROCK COBBLE MULCH 217 SF (1" MULTI-COLORED) EXISTING TREE TO BE REMOVED QTY (37) LIMIT OF WORK NATIVE SEED 9,568 SF ARTIFICIAL TURF 593 SF PRODUCT: SYNAUGUSTINE 347 MFR: SYNLAWN 200 88 48 234 119 63 133 40 47 TOTAL LU FOR TREES = 925 (46%) TOTAL LU FOR SHRUBS = 594 (29.5%) 33 64 18 11 15 7 35 7 16 43 20 84 23 38 58 PLANT LEGEND: EVERGREEN TREES DECIDUOUS TREES SHRUBS BLUE SPRUCE (14' HT) QTY - 25 Picea pungens 'Gluaca' DOUGLAS FIR (12' HT) QTY - 11 Pseudotsuga menziesii BRISTLECONE PINE (10' HT) QTY - 4 Pinus aristata MULTI-STEM ASPEN (3" CAL / 14' HT) QTY - 17 Populus tremuloides ROCKY MTN GLOW MAPLE (3" CAL) QTY - 9 Acer grandidentatum 'Schmidt' MUGO PINE (6' HT) QTY - 39 Pinus mugo var. rostrata WOODS ROSE (15 GAL) QTY - 47 Rosa woodsii MORDEN GOLDEN GLOW ELDERBERRY (15 GAL) QTY - 33 Sambucus racemosa 'Morden Golden Glow' RED TWIG DOGWOOD (15 GAL) QTY - 64 Cornus sericea 'Baileyi' TIGER EYES SUMAC (15 GAL) QTY - 18 Rhus typhina 'bailtiger' COMMON LILAC (15 GAL) QTY - 15 Syringa vulgaris 'Andeken an Ludwig Spaeth' FRAGRANT SUMAC (15 GAL) QTY - 7 Rhus aromatica HARRISON'S YELLOW ROSE (15 GAL) QTY - 35 Rosa x harisonii 'Harrisons Yellow' GAMBEL OAK (15 GAL) QTY - 7 Quercus gambellii SERVICEBERRY (15 GAL) QTY - 16 Amelanchier alnifoila BLUE MUFFIN VIBURNUM (15 GAL) QTY - 43 Viburnum dentatum 'Blue Muffin' GOOSEBERRY (15 GAL) QTY - 20 Ribes aureum ORANGE ROCKET BARBERRY (15 GAL) QTY - 84 Berberis thunbergii 'Orange Rocket' DIABOLO NINEBARK (15 GAL) QTY - 23 Physocarpus opulifolius 'Diabolo' MONTGOMERY SPRUCE (3' HT) QTY - 38 Picea pungens 'Montgomery' COMMON JUNIPER QTY - 11 Juniperus communis var. depressa CRUSADER COCKSPUR HAWTHORN QTY - 19 (3" CAL) Crataegus crus-gali inermis "Crusader' NANKING CHERRY (6' HT / Multi-stem) QTY - 10 Prunus tomentosa LANDSCAPE UNIT QTY (TREES) LANDSCAPE UNIT QTY (Shrubs) RUSSIAN SAGE QTY - 58 Perovskia atriplicifolia (29.5%) 215 277 1 TOTAL LU GRASSES / PERENNIALS = 493 (24.5%) PERENNIALS MIXED SPECIES (1 GAL) 1,186 SF NATIVE SEED - MONTANE MEADOW MIX 8,985 SF APPLICATION RATE: 30 LBS / ACRE GROUND COVER ORNAMENTAL GRASSES LANDSCAPE UNIT QTY FEATHER REED GRASS (5 GAL) QTY - 277 Calamagrostis acutiflora 'Karl Forester' BLUE AVENA GRASS (5 GAL) QTY - 215 Helictotrichon sempervirens MIXED SPECIES PLANTS 1,194 SF (SEE GC PLANT LIST) F15 FLATS SCALE: 1"=20' 11/13/19 0 10' 20' 40' RIVERFRONT VILLAGE AVON, CO IRRIGATION AREA CALCULATIONS LANDSCAPE AREA PROVIDED 25,024 SF 33.8 % LOT 1 AREA TOTAL IRRIGATED AREA 8,601 SF 34.4 % OF LANDSCAPE AREA SPRAY AREA 1186 SF 13.8 % OF TOTAL IRRIGATED AREA DRIP AREA 7,415 SF 86.2 % OF TOTAL IRRIGATED AREA NOTES: 1. ALL TREE AND SHRUB PLANT BEDS ARE TO RECEIVE A MINIMUM OF 3" DEPTH OF BARK MULCH. 2. ALL DISTURBED OR RE-GRADED AREAS TO BE RE-VEGETATED WITH A NATIVE WILDFLOWER AND GRASS SEED MIX. 3. IRRIGATION SYSTEM TO BE MOISTURE SENSOR AUTOMATED AND TIME CLOCK OPERATED. SHRUBS, TREES, AND PERENNIALS TO BE DRIP OR MICRO SPRAY TYPE IRRIGATION. 4. NATIVE SEED AREAS SHALL BE TEMPORARY IRRIGATED FOR AND ESTABLISHMENT PERIOD OF TWO YEARS. TREES AND SHRUBS WITHIN THE NATIVE SEED AREAS SHALL HAVE PERMANENT DRIP IRRIGATION. 5. SILT FENCE OR HAY BALES ARE TO BE PLACED AT THE LIMIT OF CONSTRUCTION AS NEEDED TO PREVENT EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION. A CONSTRUCTION FENCE WILL BE PLACED AT THE LIMIT OF DISTURBANCE WHERE THE SILT FENCE OR HAY BALES ARE NOT USED. GROUNDCOVER PLANT LIST: Scientific Name Common Name Delosperma 'Fire Spinner and Mesa Verde' Ice Plant Galium odoratum Sweet Woodruff Lysimachia nummularia 'Aurea'Creeping Jenny PERMANENT IRRIGATION 1186 SF PERENNIALS (ENTIRE AREA) 1194 SF GROUND COVER PLANTS (ENTIRE AREA) 2144 SF (134) TREES X 16 SF EACH 2970 SF (594) SHRUBS X 5 SF EACH 1107 SF (492) GRASSES X 2.25 SF EACH 8,601 SF TOTAL TEMPORARY IRRIGATION (SPRAY OR ROTORS) 8,985 SF NATIVE SEED AREA IRRIGATED AREA CALCULATIONS TOTAL LANDSCAPE UNITS = 2,012 ONE RIVERFRONT LANDSCAPE PLAN 5 Attachment A North Scale: 1” = 20’ 0 20’10’40’ © 2021 Zehren and Associates, Inc. east west partners PLANNING AND ZONING SUBMITTAL 04.06.2021ONE RIVERFRONT SITE PLAN 5'-0" 6'-0" EXISTING TRAIL (ASPHALT) WESTIN HOTEL AVON RDENTRY ARTIFICIAL TURF ENTRY 16'-6"3'-7"6'-6"28'-0"16'- 3 "8'-6"GATE 6'-3"7'-0"5'-0"5'-0"7'-0"5'-0"24'-0"41'-6"8'-0"9'-10"26'-5"11'-8" 13'-2" GATE RIDGE 4'-0 " 1'-6"16'-4"8'-4" 1'-6"1'-6"2'-0" 11'-9" 5'-1"3'-0"GATEGATE SPA 3 7.5' x 9' BLDG ENTRY GARAGE ENTRY EXIT BLDG ENTRY RIV E R F R O N T L A N E 1 234567 8 9 10 11 12 13 POOL EAST TH FFE = 7440.0 RIVER EAST TH FFE GROUND LVL = 7440.0 FFE BASEMENT = 7429.0 RIVER WEST TH FFE GROUND LVL = 7440.0 FFE BASEMENT = 7429.0 POOL 24' x 41.5'SPA 28' x 21SPA 1 8' x 18' POOL WEST TH FFE = 7440.0 9'-6"3'-0"10'-8"3'-0"3'-0" 1'-6"1'-6"6'-812"5'-0"5'-0" 4'-6" 4'-6"4'-0"4'-0"4'-0"5'-0 " 5'-0" EXISTING CURB LINE PROPOSED CONC SIDEWALK (REF CIVIL) PROPERTY LINE EXISTING SIDEWALK ADA RAMP WAYFINDING SIGN CARD READER FLUSH CONC CURB RETAINING WALL W/ STONE CAP AND VENEER EMERGENCY GENERATOR PAD 6' HT WOOD FENCE (REF ARCH) PROPOSED ELEC TRANSFORMER (REF CIVIL) (4) BIKE RACKS REF 9 / L5.1 COLORED CONC STEPS HEATED / (3) RISERS PROPOSED SIDEWALK 8" CONC EDGE RESTRAINT 50' BUILDING HEIGHT SETBACK (50' MAX HT SOUTH OF THIS LINE / 105' MAX HT NORTH OF LINE ) UTILITY AND DRAINAGE EASEMENT (REAR SETBACK) WESTIN GARAGE EASEMENT EXISTING ELEC TRANSFORMER TO REMAIN EXISTING WESTIN LOADING DOCK ENTRANCE PROPOSED CURB AND GUTTER REF CIVIL EXISTING FIRE HYDRANT TO BE RELOCATED (REF CIVIL) CONC PARKING GARAGE RAMP REF CIVIL FOR DETAIL (HEATED) EXISTING SIDEWALK CONC SIDEWALK REF CIVIL EXISTING SIDEWALK CONC APRON (UNHEATED) REF CIVIL EGRESS DOOR EXISTING CONC STEPS AND WALL TO REMAIN EXISTING CONC PATH EXISTING CONC PATH (TO REMAIN) COLORED CONC STEPS REF 8 / L5.1 10' BUILDING SETBACK TRENCH DRAIN (BELOW) WAYFINDING SIGN DUMPSTER PICKUP AREA (TEMPORARY STORAGE LOCATION ON TRASH PICKUP DAY) CONCRETE BLOCK WALL (2.5' HT) MFR: ROSESTTA PRODUCT: KODAH REF 6 / L5.1 CURB AND GUTTER (REF CIVIL) VEHICULAR PAVERS (80MM) SAND SET W / 5" CONC SUB-SLAB (HEATED) BOLLARD LIGHT, TYP BOLLARD LIGHT, TYP REF LIGHTING PLANS BOLLARD LIGHT, TYP 5' HT METAL POOL SECURITY FENCE W / 4" VERT PICKETS DECK (ABOVE) LIMIT OF WORK (PATH EDGE) LIMIT OF WORK LIMIT OF WORK EXISTING ROAD (ASPHALT) MOUNTABLE CURB REF CIVIL BOLLARD LIGHT, TYP REF LIGHTING DWGS GARAGE FOUNDATION WALL COLORED CONC STEPS (HEATED) REF 8 / L5.1 COLORED CONC POOL DECK (HEATED) COLORED CONC STEPS REF 8 / L5.1 MOUNTABLE CURB REF CIVIL COLORED CONC STEPS REF 8 / L5.1 WESTIN GARAGE WALL (BELOW) DECK (ABOVE) COLORED CONC PATIOS, TYP DECK (ABOVE) COLORED CONC PATIOS, TYP COLORED CONCRETE SIDEWALK W / THICKENED SLAB EDGE ALONG WEST SIDE ADJACENT TO BLOCK WALL COLORED CONC ACCESS RAMP (ADA ACCESSIBLE) DECK (ABOVE) EXISTING ELEC EASEMENT PROPERTY LINE EXISTING RETAINING WALL 3" X 18" SANDSTONE POOL COPING (2) CONC STEPS EXISTING BOLLARD LIGHTS TO REMAIN STEPPING STONE PATHS, TYP (3" FLAGSTONE) EDGING, TYP EXISTING CONC DRAINAGE PAN AND APRON TO REMAIN EDGING, TYP EDGING, TYP ENTRY STEPS RELOCATED WESTIN BBQ PATIO BOULDER WALL (HT VARIES / 4' MAX) RE-LOCATE EXISTING BOLLARD LIGHT BOULDER WALL (HT VARIES / 4' MAX) INTERIOR GARAGE RAMP 6" STEP AT THRESHOLD EGRESS DOOR BLDG WALL BELOW EDGING, TYP ROOF LINE (ABOVE) BOULDER WALL (HT VARIES / 4' MAX) COLORED CONC STEPS HEATED (REF 8 /L5.1) EDGING, TYP RETAINING WALL W/STONE VENEER AND CAP BLDG WALL BELOW VRF UNITSVRF UNITS VRF UNIT VRF UNITS VRF UNITS VRF UNITS VRF UNITS BOULDER SEAT WALL SCREENING ENCLOSURE SCREENING ENCLOSURE TRASH ENCLOSURE ROOF LINE (ABOVE) ROOF LINE (ABOVE) ROOF LINE (ABOVE) ONE RIVERFRONT CONDOMINIUMS FFE LOBBY = 7440.0 FFE GARAGE = 7428.0 RID G E 7 5 2 6 . 6 7 RID G E 7 5 2 9 . 0 RIDGE 7529.0TRASH ENCLOSURE TRASH ENCLOSURE SYMBOL LEGEND: PROPOSED SPOT ELEVATION BOLLARD LIGHTS (REF LIGHTING DWGS TYPE) EXISTING TREE TO BE PRESERVED QTY (29) BUILDING ENTRY VEHICULAR PAVERS 1,788 SF (80mm / HEATED) REF 1 / L5.1 PEDESTRIAN PAVERS 1,403 SF (80mm / HEATED) REF 1 / L5.1 GRAY CONCRETE 3,780 SF (UNHEATED) REF CIVIL FOR DETAIL COLORED CONCRETE (HEATED / COLOR TBD) 9,982 SF REF 4 & 5 / L5.1 GRAY CONCRETE (HEATED) 1,194 SF RIVER ROCK COBBLE MULCH 226 SF (2"-4" MULTI-COLORED) ARTIFICIAL TURF 593 SF PRODUCT: SYNAUGUSTINE 347 MFR: SYNLAWN LIMIT OF WORK DECORATIVE LANDSCAPE BOULDERS SNOW STORAGE 5,013 SF SCALE: 1"=20' 2/17/21 0 10' 20' 40' RIVERFRONT VILLAGE AVON, CO ONE RIVERFRONT Site Plan SITE CALCULATIONS: Total Lot 1 Area = 74,030 SF Building Footprint Area: 28,501 SF (38.5% of Lot 1 Area) Paved Area (Heated): 14,367 SF (19.4% of Lot 1 Area) / 253 SF IN RF LANE R.O.W Paved Area (Unheated) 1,195 SF (1.6% of Lot 1 Area) Landscape Area: 25,024 SF (33.8% of Lot 1 Area) Snow Storage Area: 5,013 SF (419% of Unheated Paved Area) BUILDING TYPE UNITS / SF PARKING CALCULATONS CONDOMINIUMS 40 Units 1.2 Per Unit = 48 Off Street Spaces Required -7 (15% Reduction Per PUD) 41 Off Street Spaces Required COMMERCIAL 1200 Sq. Ft.5 per 1000 SF =6 Off Street Spaces Required (Roof Top Bar) 47 Total Off Street Spaces Note: (14) Additional spaces are allocated for Townhomes parking. Total off street parking capacity is (61) spaces. NOTES: 1. SNOWMELTED AREAS WILL BE HYDRONICALLY HEATED 2. ALL DISTURBED OR RE-GRADED AREAS TO BE RE-VEGETATED WITH A NATIVE WILDFLOWER AND GRASS SEED MIX. 3. REFERENCE ARCH ELEVATIONS FOR BLDG HEIGHT AND ROOF LINE ELEVATIONS 4. REFERENCE CIVIL DRAWINGS FOR SLOPE AND TURNING RADII INFORMATION 5. SILT FENCE OR HAY BALES ARE TO BE PLACED AT THE LIMIT OF CONSTRUCTION AS NEEDED TO PREVENT EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION. A CONSTRUCTION FENCE WILL BE PLACED AT THE LIMIT OF DISTURBANCE WHERE THE SILT FENCE OR HAY BALES ARE NOT USED. 6 Attachment A © 2021 Zehren and Associates, Inc. east west partners PLANNING AND ZONING SUBMITTAL 704.06.2021ONE RIVERFRONT GARAGE LEVEL (+88) FLOOR PLAN PUD Requirements: 14 Townhome Spaces (1.2/ Unit x 15% Reduction) 41 Condominium Spaces (1.2/ Unit x 15% Reduction) 6 Bar Spaces (5/1,000 sqft) 61 Spaces Required TOA EV Requirements: 61 x 5% = 4 Spaces EVSE Installed 61 x 10% = 7 Spaces EVSE Ready 61 x 15% = 10 Spaces EV Capable 8 9 9 10 10 11 11 12 12 13 13 14 14 15 18 20 20 7 6 5 5 4 4 3 3 1 19 19 D M M 2 C R 4 4 6 TRASH ROOM 0122 2STAIR 030 ELEV 002 ELEV 001 STAIR 032 L IN E A R T R E N C H D R A IN E X IS T IN G W E S T IN F O U N D A T IO N S P F DWATER S E R V IC E E N T R Y A R E A A N D B O L L A R D S 030A 032A 010A 010B 012A 011A 1 6 x 1 6 L O U V E R , R E F M E P D W GS 2 4 x 3 6 L O U V E R , R E F M E P D W GS PARKING GARAGE +88'-0" (33 PARKING SPACES) 010 LOBBY 016 016A016A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 1 6 1 7 1 8 1 9202122232425262728293031 3 2 3 3 1 3 2 STORAGE LOCKERS (40 LOCKERS) 022 CONSTRUCT TEMPORARY STEEL EGRESS AND ACCESS STAIR FOR ACCESS TO TOWNHOMES CONSTRUCT TEMPORARY STEEL EGRESS AND ACCESS STAIR FOR ACCESS TO TOWNHOMES 022A 023A 024A CONDO AND POOL MECH 023 MECH / IT ROOM 024 ELEV 025 +8 6 '-0 "+8 8 '-0 "T /O C O N C T /O C O N C 16 16 17 17 B C C A E E K K F F G G H LCR 4 4 6 TRASH ROOM 0122 2STAIR 030 ELEV 002 ELEV 001 STAIR 032 L IN E A R T R E N C H D R A IN E X IS T IN G W E S T IN F O U N D A T IO N S P F DWATER S E R V IC E E N T R Y A R E A A N D B O L L A R D S 030A 032A 010A 010B 012A 011A 1 6 x 1 6 L O U V E R , R E F M E P D W GS 2 4 x 3 6 L O U V E R , R E F M E P D W GS PARKING GARAGE +88'-0" (33 PARKING SPACES) 010 LOBBY 016 016A016A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 1 6 1 7 1 8 1 9202122232425262728293031 3 2 3 3 1 3 2 STORAGE LOCKERS (40 LOCKERS) 022 CONSTRUCT TEMPORARY STEEL EGRESS AND ACCESS STAIR FOR ACCESS TO TOWNHOMES CONSTRUCT TEMPORARY STEEL EGRESS AND ACCESS STAIR FOR ACCESS TO TOWNHOMES 022A 023A 024A CONDO AND POOL MECH 023 MECH / IT ROOM 024 ELEV 025 +8 6 '-0 "+8 8 '-0 "T /O C O N C T /O C O N C 1. ALL INTERIOR WALL ASSEMBLIES TYPEUNLESS SHOWN OTHERWISE.2. ALL EXTERIOR WALL ASSEMBLIES TYPEUNLESS SHOWN OTHERWISE.3. ALL FLOOR ASSEMBLIES TYPEUNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE ONFLOOR PLAN OR RCP.4. DRAWING REVISIONS ARE INDICATED BY5. CENTER DOORS AND OPENINGS IN ROOMSOR PROVIDE 6" WALL RETURNS UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE.6. REFERENCE ENLARGED PLANS FOR ADDITIONAL DIMENSIONS, ASSEMBLY TAGS, AND DETAIL TAGS.7. REFERENCE SHEETS X.XX FOR ALL OTHER DOOR AND WINDOW SCHEDULES.FLOOR PLAN SHEET GENERAL NOTESPXWXFXX NOTE: LEVEL +88 GARAGE FOUNDATION WALLS, CORE WALLS, FLOOR SLABS, AND TEMPORARY STAIRS AT SOUTH WALL WILL BE CONSTRUCTED AS PART OF PHASE 1 TOWNHOMES PROJECT -- REFER TO DOCUMENTS ISSUED WITH THAT PROJECT FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION. SCOPE FOR PHASE 2 CONDOMINIUMS PROJECT INCLUDES INTERIOR OF OWNER LOCKER, INSTALLATION OF MECHANICAL PLANT EQUIPMENT, AND INSTALLATION OF ELEVATORS. TRV BY SHEET No. DRAWN BY SCALE: CHK BY PROJECT No. DATE ISSUE SEA L 101 El PaseoSanta Barbara, California 93101(805) 963-6890 FAX (805) 963-8102ARCHITECTURE - PLANNING - INTERIORSAND ASSOCIATES, INC.Z E H R E N48 East Beaver Creek Blvd., Suite 303P.O. Box 1976 - Avon, Colorado 81620(970) 949-0257 FAX (970) 949-1080LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURECopyright © 2021 by Zehren & Associates Inc.KEY PLAN AS SHOWN 3/12/2021 4:56:32 PMA1.01 20182642.10 12/30/2020 DF MR FLOOR PLAN +88' -0" (GARAGE LEVEL)CONDOMINIUMSONE RIVERFRONTAVON, COLORADO970.927.5174KL&A ENGINEERS & BUILDERS, INC.BG BUILDINGWORKSALPINE ENGINEERING, INCB-G BUILDING WORKS970.926.3373DK 970.949.6108970.949.6108CIVIL CONSULTANTSTRUCTURAL CONSULTANTMECHANICAL CONSULTANTLIGHTING CONSULTANTNo. DATE COMMENT A 11/23/2020 SCHEMATIC DESIGN B 12/18/2020 PLANNING & ZONING C 2/26/2021 REVISED SD SET 1/8" = 1'-0"A1.01 1 FLOOR PLAN +88' -0" (GARAGE LEVEL) Attachment A © 2021 Zehren and Associates, Inc. east west partners PLANNING AND ZONING SUBMITTAL 804.06.2021ONE RIVERFRONT UP 8 9 9 10 10 11 11 12 12 13 13 14 14 15 15 18 20 20 7 6 5 5 3 3 19 19 D M M 16 17 17 C C A E E K K F F G G H L CORRIDOR 009 STAIR 019 ELEV 001 LOBBY 004 STAIR 018 CORRIDOR 005 COOLING TOWER 006 ELEV 003 LOBBY / STAIR 008 CR PARKING GARAGE +100'-0" (28 PARKING SPACES) 010 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 51617181920212223242526 2 7 2 8 4 6 1 2 48 2 ELEV 002 IT ROOM 007 019A 019B 009A 004C 004B 004A 018A 018B 005A 006A 007A 010A 008B 008C CONSTRUCT METAL STUD ENCLOSURE FOR TEMPORARY EGRESS AND ACCESS STAIR WITH PROTECTIVE ROOF AND RATED DOOR CONSTRUCT METAL STUD ENCLOSURE FOR TEMPORARY EGRESS AND ACCESS STAIR WITH PROTECTIVE ROOF AND RATED DOOR + 100' - 0" T/O CONC 008A 1. ALL INTERIOR WALL ASSEMBLIES TYPEUNLESS SHOWN OTHERWISE.2. ALL EXTERIOR WALL ASSEMBLIES TYPEUNLESS SHOWN OTHERWISE.3. ALL FLOOR ASSEMBLIES TYPEUNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE ONFLOOR PLAN OR RCP.4. DRAWING REVISIONS ARE INDICATED BY5. CENTER DOORS AND OPENINGS IN ROOMSOR PROVIDE 6" WALL RETURNS UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE.6. REFERENCE ENLARGED PLANS FOR ADDITIONAL DIMENSIONS, ASSEMBLY TAGS, AND DETAIL TAGS.7. REFERENCE SHEETS X.XX FOR ALL OTHER DOOR AND WINDOW SCHEDULES.FLOOR PLAN SHEET GENERAL NOTESPXWXFXX TRV BY SHEET No. DRAWN BY SCALE: CHK BY PROJECT No. DATE ISSUE SEA L 101 El PaseoSanta Barbara, California 93101(805) 963-6890 FAX (805) 963-8102ARCHITECTURE - PLANNING - INTERIORSAND ASSOCIATES, INC.Z E H R E N48 East Beaver Creek Blvd., Suite 303P.O. Box 1976 - Avon, Colorado 81620(970) 949-0257 FAX (970) 949-1080LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURECopyright © 2021 by Zehren & Associates Inc.KEY PLAN AS SHOWN 3/12/2021 4:47:41 PMA1.02 20182642.10 12/30/2020 DF MR FLOOR PLAN +100' -0" (GARAGE LEVEL)CONDOMINIUMSONE RIVERFRONTAVON, COLORADO970.927.5174KL&A ENGINEERS & BUILDERS, INC.BG BUILDINGWORKSALPINE ENGINEERING, INCB-G BUILDING WORKS970.926.3373DK 970.949.6108970.949.6108CIVIL CONSULTANTSTRUCTURAL CONSULTANTMECHANICAL CONSULTANTLIGHTING CONSULTANTNo. DATE COMMENT A 11/23/2020 SCHEMATIC DESIGN B 12/18/2020 PLANNING & ZONING C 2/26/2021 REVISED SD SET 1/8" = 1'-0"A1.02 1 FLOOR PLAN +100'-0" (GARAGE LEVEL) GARAGE LEVEL (+100’) FLOOR PLAN PUD Requirements: 14 Townhome Spaces (1.2/ Unit x 15% Reduction) 41 Condominium Spaces (1.2/ Unit x 15% Reduction) 6 Bar Spaces (5/1,000sqft) 61 Spaces Required TOA EV Requirements: 61 x 5% = 4 Spaces EVSE Installed 61x 10% = 7 Spaces EVSE Ready 61 x 15% = 10 Spaces EV Capable Attachment A © 2021 Zehren and Associates, Inc. east west partners PLANNING AND ZONING SUBMITTAL 904.06.2021ONE RIVERFRONT Program Color Key One Bedroom Units Two Bedroom Units Three Bedroom Units Four Bedroom Units Area: 12,944 Gross SF Unit Count: (6) 1 Bedroom Units (3) 2 Bedroom Units (1) 3 Bedroom Units (0) 4 Bedroom Units (10) Total Units DN 100A 100B 100C 100D 100E 100F 100G 100H 100J 100K 100M 100N 100P100Q 1BR TYPICAL 101 REFERENCE 1/A1.10 1BR TYPICAL 103 REFERENCE 1/A1.10 101B 101A103B103A 102A 102B 102C 102D 102F102E 104B104A 1BR PLUS 108 REFERENCE 3/A1.11 108A 1BR END 110 REFERENCE 1/A1.11 110A 110B 110D 110C 2BR NORTHWEST 107 REFERENCE 3/A1.12 107B 107A 107C 107D 107E 107F 107G 107H 107J 107K 1 BR NORTH 105 REFERENCE 3/A1.10 120F 120E CORRIDOR 117 OFFICE 115 120G ELEV 001 ELEV 002 STAIR 119 STAIR 118 ELEV 003 103A 101A 103B 101B 118A 100A 100B 102A 102B 107A 110A 108A 110B 104B 119B 104A 105A 106B106A 106C 106D 106E 106F 106B 106A 107B 100L 8 9 9 10 10 11 11 12 12 13 13 14 14 15 15 18 20 20 7 6 5 5 4 3 3 1 19 19 D M M 2 WOOD OVERHEAD COILING DOOR COOLING TOWER W6 W6W6 LOBBY 116 P13 16 16 17 17 B C C A 65' - 9"E E K K F F 30' - 3"5' - 6"30' - 0"G G H L 2BR TYPICAL 106 REFERENCE 1/A1.12 1BR TYPICAL 104 REFERENCE 1/A1.10 2BR TYPICAL 102 REFERENCE 1/A1.12 CORRIDOR 117 3 BR EAST 100 REFERENCE 1/A1.14 100U 100T 100S 100R120D 120A 105B105C A1.30 2 105B 120B 120C T/O CONC 110G 108B 108B + 112' - 0" 105C WOMENS RESTROOM 123 JANITORS CLOSET 122 MENS RESTROOM 121 FAMILY RESTROOM 120 13' - 6"19' - 0"19' - 0"19' - 0"19' - 0"19' - 0"19' - 0"9' - 10"23' - 8"10' - 0"3' - 0"2' - 6" 176' - 6" 6 6 ' - 0 "5 ' - 6 "1 0 ' - 6 "4 ' - 0 "1 5 ' - 0 "1 8 ' - 6 "1 2 ' - 6 "LIGHTWEIGHT COLORED PAVERS ON FLAT ROOF 1. ALL INTERIOR WALL ASSEMBLIES TYPEUNLESS SHOWN OTHERWISE.2. ALL EXTERIOR WALL ASSEMBLIES TYPEUNLESS SHOWN OTHERWISE.3. ALL FLOOR ASSEMBLIES TYPEUNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE ONFLOOR PLAN OR RCP.4. DRAWING REVISIONS ARE INDICATED BY5. CENTER DOORS AND OPENINGS IN ROOMSOR PROVIDE 6" WALL RETURNS UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE.6. REFERENCE ENLARGED PLANS FOR ADDITIONAL DIMENSIONS, ASSEMBLY TAGS, AND DETAIL TAGS.7. REFERENCE SHEETS X.XX FOR ALL OTHER DOOR AND WINDOW SCHEDULES.FLOOR PLAN SHEET GENERAL NOTESPXWXFXX TRV BY SHEET No. DRAWN BY SCALE: CHK BY PROJECT No. DATE ISSUE SEA L 101 El PaseoSanta Barbara, California 93101(805) 963-6890 FAX (805) 963-8102ARCHITECTURE - PLANNING - INTERIORSAND ASSOCIATES, INC.Z E H R E N48 East Beaver Creek Blvd., Suite 303P.O. Box 1976 - Avon, Colorado 81620(970) 949-0257 FAX (970) 949-1080LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURECopyright © 2021 by Zehren & Associates Inc.KEY PLAN AS SHOWN 3/12/2021 12:42:37 PMA1.03 20182642.10 12/30/2020 ES MR FLOOR PLAN +112'-0" (LOBBY LEVEL)CONDOMINIUMSONE RIVERFRONTAVON, COLORADO970.927.5174KL&A ENGINEERS & BUILDERS, INC.BG BUILDINGWORKSALPINE ENGINEERING, INCB-G BUILDING WORKS970.926.3373DK 970.949.6108970.949.6108CIVIL CONSULTANTSTRUCTURAL CONSULTANTMECHANICAL CONSULTANTLIGHTING CONSULTANTNo. DATE COMMENT A 11/23/2020 SCHEMATIC DESIGN B 12/18/2020 PLANNING & ZONING C 2/26/2021 REVISED SD SET 1/8" = 1'-0"A1.03 1 FLOOR PLAN +112'-0" (LOBBY LEVEL) LOBBY LEVEL (+112’) FLOOR PLAN Attachment A © 2021 Zehren and Associates, Inc. east west partners PLANNING AND ZONING SUBMITTAL 1004.06.2021ONE RIVERFRONT Program Color Key One Bedroom Units Two Bedroom Units Three Bedroom Units Four Bedroom Units Area: 12,798 Gross SF Unit Count: (2) 1 Bedroom Units (5) 2 Bedroom Units (2) 3 Bedroom Units (0) 4 Bedroom Units (9) Total Units 3BR EAST 200 REFERENCE 1/A1.14 3BR TYPICAL 203 REFERENCE 3/A1.13 2BR TYPICAL 202 REFERENCE 1/A1.12 2BR TYPICAL 204 REFERENCE 1/A1.12 2BR TYPICAL 205 REFERENCE 1/A1.12 1BR END 210 REFERENCE 1/A1.11 2BR NORTHWEST 207 REFERENCE 3/A1.12 LOBBY 216 MAID 221 CORRIDOR 217 CORRIDOR 217 ELEV 001 ELEV 002 STAIR 219 STAIR 218 204A 202A 204B 202B 205A 221A 205B 207A 210A 208A 200A 203A 210B 200B 203B 204A 204B 204C 204D 204F204E 202A 202B 202D 202C 202F202E 205F 205E 205D 205C 205B 205A 220A 219A 203E 203F 203H203J 203G 203C203D 203A203B 200R 200N 200M 200G 200H200F 200A 200E 200D200C200B 218A 208A 210C 210D 210B 210A 207D 207E 207C 207H 207G 207F 207J 207K ELEV 003 206A 206B206B206A 206C 206D 206E 206F 206B 207B 207B 207A 200J 200K 200L 200P200Q 2BR TYPICAL 206 REFERENCE 1/A1.12 8 9 9 10 10 11 11 12 12 13 13 14 14 15 15 18 20 20 7 6 5 5 4 3 3 1 19 19 D M M 2 200S200T200U LIGHTWEIGHT COLORED PAVERS ON FLAT ROOF W6W6W6 W6 W6 W6 16 16 17 17 B C C A E E K K F F G G H L 207L + 123' - 6" T/O CONC 208B 208B 1 BR PLUS 529 REFERENCE 3/A1.11 1. ALL INTERIOR WALL ASSEMBLIES TYPEUNLESS SHOWN OTHERWISE.2. ALL EXTERIOR WALL ASSEMBLIES TYPEUNLESS SHOWN OTHERWISE.3. ALL FLOOR ASSEMBLIES TYPEUNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE ONFLOOR PLAN OR RCP.4. DRAWING REVISIONS ARE INDICATED BY5. CENTER DOORS AND OPENINGS IN ROOMSOR PROVIDE 6" WALL RETURNS UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE.6. REFERENCE ENLARGED PLANS FOR ADDITIONAL DIMENSIONS, ASSEMBLY TAGS, AND DETAIL TAGS.7. REFERENCE SHEETS X.XX FOR ALL OTHER DOOR AND WINDOW SCHEDULES.FLOOR PLAN SHEET GENERAL NOTESPXWXFXX TRV BY SHEET No. DRAWN BY SCALE: CHK BY PROJECT No. DATE ISSUE SEA L 101 El PaseoSanta Barbara, California 93101(805) 963-6890 FAX (805) 963-8102ARCHITECTURE - PLANNING - INTERIORSAND ASSOCIATES, INC.Z E H R E N48 East Beaver Creek Blvd., Suite 303P.O. Box 1976 - Avon, Colorado 81620(970) 949-0257 FAX (970) 949-1080LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURECopyright © 2021 by Zehren & Associates Inc.KEY PLAN AS SHOWN 3/12/2021 12:42:44 PMA1.04 20182642.10 12/30/2020 ES MR FLOOR PLAN +123' -6" (LEVEL THREE)CONDOMINIUMSONE RIVERFRONTAVON, COLORADO970.927.5174KL&A ENGINEERS & BUILDERS, INC.BG BUILDINGWORKSALPINE ENGINEERING, INCB-G BUILDING WORKS970.926.3373DK 970.949.6108970.949.6108CIVIL CONSULTANTSTRUCTURAL CONSULTANTMECHANICAL CONSULTANTLIGHTING CONSULTANT 1/8" = 1'-0"A1.04 1 FLOOR PLAN +123'-6" (LEVEL THREE) TRV BY SHEET No. DRAWN BY SCALE: CHK BY PROJECT No. DATE ISSUE SEA L 101 El PaseoSanta Barbara, California 93101(805) 963-6890 FAX (805) 963-8102ARCHITECTURE - PLANNING - INTERIORSAND ASSOCIATES, INC.Z E H R E N48 East Beaver Creek Blvd., Suite 303P.O. Box 1976 - Avon, Colorado 81620(970) 949-0257 FAX (970) 949-1080LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURECopyright © 2021 by Zehren & Associates Inc.KEY PLAN AS SHOWN 3/12/2021 12:42:44 PMA1.04 20182642.10 12/30/2020 ES MR FLOOR PLAN +123' -6" (LEVEL THREE)CONDOMINIUMSONE RIVERFRONTAVON, COLORADO970.927.5174KL&A ENGINEERS & BUILDERS, INC.BG BUILDINGWORKSALPINE ENGINEERING, INCB-G BUILDING WORKS970.926.3373DK 970.949.6108970.949.6108CIVIL CONSULTANTSTRUCTURAL CONSULTANTMECHANICAL CONSULTANTLIGHTING CONSULTANTNo. DATE COMMENT A 11/23/2020 SCHEMATIC DESIGN B 12/18/2020 PLANNING & ZONING C 2/26/2021 REVISED SD SET No. DATE COMMENT A 11/23/2020 SCHEMATIC DESIGN B 12/18/2020 PLANNING & ZONING C 2/26/2021 REVISED SD SET THIRD LEVEL (+123’-6”) FLOOR PLAN Attachment A © 2021 Zehren and Associates, Inc. east west partners PLANNING AND ZONING SUBMITTAL 1104.06.2021ONE RIVERFRONT Program Color Key One Bedroom Units Two Bedroom Units Three Bedroom Units Four Bedroom Units Area: 12,798 Gross SF Unit Count: (2) 1 Bedroom Units (5) 2 Bedroom Units (2) 3 Bedroom Units (0) 4 Bedroom Units (9) Total Units ELEV 003 ELEV 001 ELEV 002 2BR TYPICAL 302 REFERENCE 1/A1.12 2BR TYPICAL 304 REFERENCE 1/A1.12 2BR TYPICAL 306 REFERENCE 1/A1.12 3BR TYPICAL 303 REFERENCE 3/A1.13 2BR TYPICAL 305 REFERENCE 1/A1.12 1BR PLUS 308 REFERENCE 3/A1.111BR END 310 REFERENCE 1/A1.11 2BR NORTHWEST 307 REFERENCE 3/A1.12 LOBBY 316MAID 321 CORRIDOR 317 CORRIDOR 317 STAIR 319 STAIR 318 304A 302A 304B 302B 305A 321A 305B 307A 310A 308A 300A 303A 310B 300B 303B 304E 302F 305E 303F 310C 304D 302D 305C 303H 300C 307D 304F 302E 305F 303E 310D 304C 302C 305D 303J 303G 300D 307E 307C 304A 302A 305A 303D 303B 300N 300H300F 310B 310A 307H 307F 307J 307K 307G 308A 304B 302B 305B 303C 303A 300M 300G 300A 300B 300E 319A 318A 320A 306A 306B306A306B 306C 306D 306E 306F 307B 307A307B 300J 300K 300L 300P 8 9 9 10 10 11 11 12 12 13 13 14 14 15 15 18 20 20 7 6 5 5 4 3 3 1 19 19 D M M 2 300Q300R300S300T300U W6 W6 W6W6W6 W6 16 16 17 17 B C C A E E K K F F G G H L + 135' - 0" T/O CONC 308B 308B 3BR EAST 300 REFERENCE 1/A1.14 1. ALL INTERIOR WALL ASSEMBLIES TYPEUNLESS SHOWN OTHERWISE.2. ALL EXTERIOR WALL ASSEMBLIES TYPEUNLESS SHOWN OTHERWISE.3. ALL FLOOR ASSEMBLIES TYPEUNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE ONFLOOR PLAN OR RCP.4. DRAWING REVISIONS ARE INDICATED BY5. CENTER DOORS AND OPENINGS IN ROOMSOR PROVIDE 6" WALL RETURNS UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE.6. REFERENCE ENLARGED PLANS FOR ADDITIONAL DIMENSIONS, ASSEMBLY TAGS, AND DETAIL TAGS.7. REFERENCE SHEETS X.XX FOR ALL OTHER DOOR AND WINDOW SCHEDULES.FLOOR PLAN SHEET GENERAL NOTESPXWXFXX TRV BY SHEET No. DRAWN BY SCALE: CHK BY PROJECT No. DATE ISSUE SEA L 101 El PaseoSanta Barbara, California 93101(805) 963-6890 FAX (805) 963-8102ARCHITECTURE - PLANNING - INTERIORSAND ASSOCIATES, INC.Z E H R E N48 East Beaver Creek Blvd., Suite 303P.O. Box 1976 - Avon, Colorado 81620(970) 949-0257 FAX (970) 949-1080LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURECopyright © 2021 by Zehren & Associates Inc.KEY PLAN AS SHOWN 3/12/2021 12:38:20 PMA1.05 20182642.10 12/30/2020 ES MR FLOOR PLAN +135'-0" (LEVEL FOUR)CONDOMINIUMSONE RIVERFRONTAVON, COLORADO970.927.5174KL&A ENGINEERS & BUILDERS, INC.BG BUILDINGWORKSALPINE ENGINEERING, INCB-G BUILDING WORKS970.926.3373DK 970.949.6108970.949.6108CIVIL CONSULTANTSTRUCTURAL CONSULTANTMECHANICAL CONSULTANTLIGHTING CONSULTANT 1/8" = 1'-0"A1.05 1 FLOOR PLAN +135'-0" (LEVEL FOUR) TRV BY SHEET No. DRAWN BY SCALE: CHK BY PROJECT No. DATE ISSUE SEA L 101 El PaseoSanta Barbara, California 93101(805) 963-6890 FAX (805) 963-8102ARCHITECTURE - PLANNING - INTERIORSAND ASSOCIATES, INC.Z E H R E N48 East Beaver Creek Blvd., Suite 303P.O. Box 1976 - Avon, Colorado 81620(970) 949-0257 FAX (970) 949-1080LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURECopyright © 2021 by Zehren & Associates Inc.KEY PLAN AS SHOWN 3/12/2021 12:38:20 PMA1.05 20182642.10 12/30/2020 ES MR FLOOR PLAN +135'-0" (LEVEL FOUR)CONDOMINIUMSONE RIVERFRONTAVON, COLORADO970.927.5174KL&A ENGINEERS & BUILDERS, INC.BG BUILDINGWORKSALPINE ENGINEERING, INCB-G BUILDING WORKS970.926.3373DK 970.949.6108970.949.6108CIVIL CONSULTANTSTRUCTURAL CONSULTANTMECHANICAL CONSULTANTLIGHTING CONSULTANTNo. DATE COMMENT A 11/23/2020 SCHEMATIC DESIGN B 12/18/2020 PLANNING & ZONING C 2/26/2021 REVISED SD SET No. DATE COMMENT A 11/23/2020 SCHEMATIC DESIGN B 12/18/2020 PLANNING & ZONING C 2/26/2021 REVISED SD SET FOURTH LEVEL (+135’) FLOOR PLAN Attachment A © 2021 Zehren and Associates, Inc. east west partners PLANNING AND ZONING SUBMITTAL 1204.06.2021ONE RIVERFRONT Program Color Key One Bedroom Units Two Bedroom Units Three Bedroom Units Four Bedroom Units Area: 12,844 Gross SF Unit Count: (0) 1 Bedroom Units (2) 2 Bedroom Units (2) 3 Bedroom Units (2) 4 Bedroom Units (6) Total Units 3BR EAST 400 REFERENCE 1/A1.14 4BR 402 REFERENCE 1/A1.17 4BR WEST 406 REFERENCE 1/A1.18 3BR TYPICAL 403 REFERENCE 3/A1.13LOBBY 416 ELEV 001 ELEV 002 ELEV 003 2BR TYPICAL 405 REFERENCE 1/A1.122BR NORTHWEST UPPER 407 REFERENCE 1/A1.13 CORRIDOR 417 CORRIDOR 417 STAIR 419 STAIR 418 406A 402A 402B 405A 421A 405B 407A 400A 403A 400B 403B 420A 419A 418A 403F 403E 403H403J 403G 403C403D 403A403B 400N 400M 400G 400H400F 400A 400E 400D400C400B 405F 405E 405D 405C 405B 405A 407D 407E 407C 407H 407G 407F 407J 407K 402M402L 406C 406B 406D 406E 406F 406G 406H 402B402A 402C 402E402D 402F 402H402G 402K 406K 406L 406M 406N 406P 406B MAID 421 407B 407A407B 400J 400K 400P 406Q 402J 8 9 9 10 10 11 11 12 12 13 13 14 14 15 15 18 20 20 7 6 5 5 4 3 3 1 19 19 D M M 2 407L 400Q400R400S400T400U W6 W6 W6 16 16 17 17 B C C A E E K K F F G G H L 400L + 146' - 6" T/O CONC 406J 1. ALL INTERIOR WALL ASSEMBLIES TYPEUNLESS SHOWN OTHERWISE.2. ALL EXTERIOR WALL ASSEMBLIES TYPEUNLESS SHOWN OTHERWISE.3. ALL FLOOR ASSEMBLIES TYPEUNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE ONFLOOR PLAN OR RCP.4. DRAWING REVISIONS ARE INDICATED BY5. CENTER DOORS AND OPENINGS IN ROOMSOR PROVIDE 6" WALL RETURNS UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE.6. REFERENCE ENLARGED PLANS FOR ADDITIONAL DIMENSIONS, ASSEMBLY TAGS, AND DETAIL TAGS.7. REFERENCE SHEETS X.XX FOR ALL OTHER DOOR AND WINDOW SCHEDULES.FLOOR PLAN SHEET GENERAL NOTESPXWXFXX TRV BY SHEET No. DRAWN BY SCALE: CHK BY PROJECT No. DATE ISSUE SEA L 101 El PaseoSanta Barbara, California 93101(805) 963-6890 FAX (805) 963-8102ARCHITECTURE - PLANNING - INTERIORSAND ASSOCIATES, INC.Z E H R E N48 East Beaver Creek Blvd., Suite 303P.O. Box 1976 - Avon, Colorado 81620(970) 949-0257 FAX (970) 949-1080LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURECopyright © 2021 by Zehren & Associates Inc.KEY PLAN AS SHOWN 3/12/2021 12:38:30 PMA1.06 20182642.10 12/30/2020 ES MR FLOOR PLAN +146''-6" (LEVEL FIVE)CONDOMINIUMSONE RIVERFRONTAVON, COLORADO970.927.5174KL&A ENGINEERS & BUILDERS, INC.BG BUILDINGWORKSALPINE ENGINEERING, INCB-G BUILDING WORKS970.926.3373DK 970.949.6108970.949.6108CIVIL CONSULTANTSTRUCTURAL CONSULTANTMECHANICAL CONSULTANTLIGHTING CONSULTANT 1/8" = 1'-0"A1.06 1 FLOOR PLAN +146'-6" (LEVEL FIVE) TRV BY SHEET No. DRAWN BY SCALE: CHK BY PROJECT No. DATE ISSUE SEA L 101 El PaseoSanta Barbara, California 93101(805) 963-6890 FAX (805) 963-8102ARCHITECTURE - PLANNING - INTERIORSAND ASSOCIATES, INC.Z E H R E N48 East Beaver Creek Blvd., Suite 303P.O. Box 1976 - Avon, Colorado 81620(970) 949-0257 FAX (970) 949-1080LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURECopyright © 2021 by Zehren & Associates Inc.KEY PLAN AS SHOWN 3/12/2021 12:38:30 PMA1.06 20182642.10 12/30/2020 ES MR FLOOR PLAN +146''-6" (LEVEL FIVE)CONDOMINIUMSONE RIVERFRONTAVON, COLORADO970.927.5174KL&A ENGINEERS & BUILDERS, INC.BG BUILDINGWORKSALPINE ENGINEERING, INCB-G BUILDING WORKS970.926.3373DK 970.949.6108970.949.6108CIVIL CONSULTANTSTRUCTURAL CONSULTANTMECHANICAL CONSULTANTLIGHTING CONSULTANTNo. DATE COMMENT A 11/23/2020 SCHEMATIC DESIGN B 12/18/2020 PLANNING & ZONING C 2/26/2021 REVISED SD SET No. DATE COMMENT A 11/23/2020 SCHEMATIC DESIGN B 12/18/2020 PLANNING & ZONING C 2/26/2021 REVISED SD SET FIFTH LEVEL (+146’-6”) FLOOR PLAN Attachment A © 2021 Zehren and Associates, Inc. east west partners PLANNING AND ZONING SUBMITTAL 1304.06.2021ONE RIVERFRONT Program Color Key One Bedroom Units Two Bedroom Units Three Bedroom Units Four Bedroom Units Area: 12,906 Gross SF Unit Count: (0) 1 Bedroom Units (0) 2 Bedroom Units (2) 3 Bedroom Units (4) 4 Bedroom Units (6) Total Units LOBBY 516MAID 521 ELEV 001 ELEV 002 4BR SOUTHEST PENTHOUSE 502 REFERENCE 1/A1.21 4BR SOUTHWEST PENTHOUSE 506 REFERENCE 1/A1.20 4BR NORTHWEST PENTHOUSE 505 REFERENCE 1/A1.20 3BR SOUTHWEST PENTHOUSE 508 REFERENCE 1/A1.15 3BR NORTHWEST PENTHOUSE 507 REFERENCE 1/A1.16 STAIR 519 STAIR 518 CORRIDOR 517 505A 507A 520A 519A 518A 508A 506A 502A 503A 506B 502B 503B 507B 507A507B 507D 507E 507C 520A505B505A 507H 507G 507F 507J 507K 508B 508A 508C 508D 508E 508F 508G 502A 502B 502C 502G 502H 502J 502K 503A503B503C 503G503H503J520A 508J508H 506A 506B 506C 506D 506E 506G 506H 506J 505C505E505D 505F505G 521A 8 9 9 10 10 11 11 12 12 13 13 14 14 15 15 18 20 20 7 6 5 5 4 3 3 1 19 19 D M M 2 506F 502D 518B WOMEN'S 527 MEN'S 528526A 527A 528A 503F 507L W6 W6 W6W6W6 W6 16 16 17 17 B C C A E E K K F F G G H L 525A 4BR NORTHEAST PENTHOUSE 503 REFERENCE 1/A1.21 CORRIDOR 517 ELEV 003 502E 502F 503D503E 528A 528B527A + 158' - 0" T/O CONC KITCHEN 526 ROOF TOP BAR 525 + 158' - 0" T/O CONC 1,200 SQ FT 1. ALL INTERIOR WALL ASSEMBLIES TYPEUNLESS SHOWN OTHERWISE.2. ALL EXTERIOR WALL ASSEMBLIES TYPEUNLESS SHOWN OTHERWISE.3. ALL FLOOR ASSEMBLIES TYPEUNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE ONFLOOR PLAN OR RCP.4. DRAWING REVISIONS ARE INDICATED BY5. CENTER DOORS AND OPENINGS IN ROOMSOR PROVIDE 6" WALL RETURNS UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE.6. REFERENCE ENLARGED PLANS FOR ADDITIONAL DIMENSIONS, ASSEMBLY TAGS, AND DETAIL TAGS.7. REFERENCE SHEETS X.XX FOR ALL OTHER DOOR AND WINDOW SCHEDULES.FLOOR PLAN SHEET GENERAL NOTESPXWXFXX TRV BY SHEET No. DRAWN BY SCALE: CHK BY PROJECT No. DATE ISSUE SEA L 101 El PaseoSanta Barbara, California 93101(805) 963-6890 FAX (805) 963-8102ARCHITECTURE - PLANNING - INTERIORSAND ASSOCIATES, INC.Z E H R E N48 East Beaver Creek Blvd., Suite 303P.O. Box 1976 - Avon, Colorado 81620(970) 949-0257 FAX (970) 949-1080LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURECopyright © 2021 by Zehren & Associates Inc.KEY PLAN AS SHOWN 3/12/2021 4:47:51 PMA1.07 20182642.10 12/30/2020 ES MR FLOOR PLAN +158'-0" (LEVEL SIX)CONDOMINIUMSONE RIVERFRONTAVON, COLORADO970.927.5174KL&A ENGINEERS & BUILDERS, INC.BG BUILDINGWORKSALPINE ENGINEERING, INCB-G BUILDING WORKS970.926.3373DK 970.949.6108970.949.6108CIVIL CONSULTANTSTRUCTURAL CONSULTANTMECHANICAL CONSULTANTLIGHTING CONSULTANT1/8" = 1'-0"A1.07 1 FLOOR PLAN +158'-0" (LEVEL SIX) No. DATE COMMENT A 11/23/2020 SCHEMATIC DESIGN B 12/18/2020 PLANNING & ZONING C 2/26/2021 REVISED SD SET SIXTH LEVEL (+158’) FLOOR PLAN Attachment A © 2021 Zehren and Associates, Inc. east west partners PLANNING AND ZONING SUBMITTAL 1404.06.2021ONE RIVERFRONT Program Color Key One Bedroom Units Two Bedroom Units Three Bedroom Units Four Bedroom Units Area: 7,736 Gross SF Unit Count: (0) 1 Bedroom Units (0) 2 Bedroom Units (0) 3 Bedroom Units (0) 4 Bedroom Units (0) Total Units *Penthouse Level of Units 502, 503, 505, 506, 507, 508 4BR SOUTHEAST PENTHOUSE 502 REFERENCE 3/A1.21 4BR SOUTHWEST PENTHOUSE 506 REFERENCE 3/A1.20 4BR NORTHEAST PENTHOUSE 503 REFERENCE 3/A1.21 4BR NORTHWEST PENTHOUSE 505 REFERENCE 3/A1.19 3BR SOUTHWEST PENTHOUSE 508 REFERENCE 3/A1.15 3BR NORTHWEST PENTHOUSE 507 REFERENCE 3/A1.16 506N 506P 506Q 502L 502M 502P502M 503R503S 8 9 9 10 10 11 11 12 12 13 13 14 14 15 15 18 20 20 7 6 5 5 4 3 3 1 19 19 D M M 2 507Q 507R 507S 507T 508K 508L 508M STAIRS BELOW STAIRS BELOW ELEV BELOW ELEV BELOW 16 16 17 17 B C C A E E K K F F G G H L 503T505H505J505K 507M 507N 507P 508N 508P 506K 506L 506M 502Q 502R 502S 502T 502U 502V 502Q 503K 503L 502M 503N503P503Q 1. ALL INTERIOR WALL ASSEMBLIES TYPEUNLESS SHOWN OTHERWISE.2. ALL EXTERIOR WALL ASSEMBLIES TYPEUNLESS SHOWN OTHERWISE.3. ALL FLOOR ASSEMBLIES TYPEUNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE ONFLOOR PLAN OR RCP.4. DRAWING REVISIONS ARE INDICATED BY5. CENTER DOORS AND OPENINGS IN ROOMSOR PROVIDE 6" WALL RETURNS UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE.6. REFERENCE ENLARGED PLANS FOR ADDITIONAL DIMENSIONS, ASSEMBLY TAGS, AND DETAIL TAGS.7. REFERENCE SHEETS X.XX FOR ALL OTHER DOOR AND WINDOW SCHEDULES.FLOOR PLAN SHEET GENERAL NOTESPXWXFXX TRV BY SHEET No. DRAWN BY SCALE: CHK BY PROJECT No. DATE ISSUE SEA L 101 El PaseoSanta Barbara, California 93101(805) 963-6890 FAX (805) 963-8102ARCHITECTURE - PLANNING - INTERIORSAND ASSOCIATES, INC.Z E H R E N48 East Beaver Creek Blvd., Suite 303P.O. Box 1976 - Avon, Colorado 81620(970) 949-0257 FAX (970) 949-1080LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURECopyright © 2021 by Zehren & Associates Inc.KEY PLAN AS SHOWN 3/12/2021 12:38:43 PMA1.08 20182642.10 12/30/2020 ES MR FLOOR PLAN +169'-6" (LEVEL SEVEN)CONDOMINIUMSONE RIVERFRONTAVON, COLORADO970.927.5174KL&A ENGINEERS & BUILDERS, INC.BG BUILDINGWORKSALPINE ENGINEERING, INCB-G BUILDING WORKS970.926.3373DK 970.949.6108970.949.6108CIVIL CONSULTANTSTRUCTURAL CONSULTANTMECHANICAL CONSULTANTLIGHTING CONSULTANT 1/8" = 1'-0"A1.08 1 FLOOR PLAN +169'-6" (LEVEL SEVEN) TRV BY SHEET No. DRAWN BY SCALE: CHK BY PROJECT No. DATE ISSUE SEA L 101 El PaseoSanta Barbara, California 93101(805) 963-6890 FAX (805) 963-8102ARCHITECTURE - PLANNING - INTERIORSAND ASSOCIATES, INC.Z E H R E N48 East Beaver Creek Blvd., Suite 303P.O. Box 1976 - Avon, Colorado 81620(970) 949-0257 FAX (970) 949-1080LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURECopyright © 2021 by Zehren & Associates Inc.KEY PLAN AS SHOWN 3/12/2021 12:38:43 PMA1.08 20182642.10 12/30/2020 ES MR FLOOR PLAN +169'-6" (LEVEL SEVEN)CONDOMINIUMSONE RIVERFRONTAVON, COLORADO970.927.5174KL&A ENGINEERS & BUILDERS, INC.BG BUILDINGWORKSALPINE ENGINEERING, INCB-G BUILDING WORKS970.926.3373DK 970.949.6108970.949.6108CIVIL CONSULTANTSTRUCTURAL CONSULTANTMECHANICAL CONSULTANTLIGHTING CONSULTANTNo. DATE COMMENT A 11/23/2020 SCHEMATIC DESIGN B 12/18/2020 PLANNING & ZONING C 2/26/2021 REVISED SD SET No. DATE COMMENT A 11/23/2020 SCHEMATIC DESIGN B 12/18/2020 PLANNING & ZONING C 2/26/2021 REVISED SD SET SEVENTH LEVEL (+169’-6”) Attachment A © 2021 Zehren and Associates, Inc. east west partners PLANNING AND ZONING SUBMITTAL 1504.06.2021ONE RIVERFRONT ROOF PLAN SHEET GENERAL NOTES1. (xxx '- x") INDICATES PLATE HEIGHTS, RELATIVE TO 100'-0" DATUM.2. ALL ROOF ASSEMBLIES TYPE UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE ON ROOF PLAN OR RCPS:3. ALL OVERHANG DIMENSIONS ARE FROM EXTERIOR FACE OF EXTERIOR STUD TO EXTERIOR FACE OF STRUCTURAL RAFTER, UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE.4. DENOTES FLUES AND VENTS, PAINT BLACK. REF MEP DWGS FOR ALL LOCATIONS.5. REF MECHANICAL DWGS FOR PRECISE LOCATIONS OF ROOF PENETRATIONS.6. REFER DETAIL x/A5.xx FOR TYPICAL EAVE / FASCIA DETAIL UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. 7. REFER DETAIL x/A5.xx FOR TYPICAL RAKE DETAIL UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. 8. REFER DETAIL x/A5.xx FOR TYPICAL VALLEY DETAIL UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. 9. REFER DETAIL x/A5.xx FOR TYPICAL RIDGE DETAIL UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE.10. REFER DETAIL x/A5.xx FOR TYPICAL ROOF-TO-WALL FLASHING DETAIL AND x/A5.xx FOR TYP KICK-OUT FLASHING UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. A. TYPE DENOTES COMPOSITE ASPHALT ROOFINGB. TYPE DENOTES METAL STANDING SEAMR1R2 R1 8 9 9 10 10 11 11 12 12 13 13 14 14 15 15 18 20 20 7 6 5 5 4 3 3 1 19 19 D M M 2 16 16 17 17 B C C A E E K K F F G G H L 2:122:126:126:122:12 2 :1 2 6:12 2:122:12 6:122:12 3 :1 26:122:121:122:12 1:126:12 6:12 6:12 2:122:126:126:126:12FLAT ROOF BELOW 2:12 DECK BELOW DECK BELOW DECK BELOW DECK BELOW DECK BELOW DECK BELOWDECK BELOW (50) 39"x65" PV PANELS (16) 39"x65" PV PANELS (8) 39"x65" PV PANELS (20) 39"x65" PV PANELS R2 R2 R2 R2 R2 R2 R2 R2R2 R2 R2 R2 R2 R2 R2 (14) 39"x65" PV PANELS (14) 39"x65" PV PANELS TRV BY SHEET No. DRAWN BY SCALE: CHK BY PROJECT No. DATE ISSUE SEA L 101 El PaseoSanta Barbara, California 93101(805) 963-6890 FAX (805) 963-8102ARCHITECTURE - PLANNING - INTERIORSAND ASSOCIATES, INC.Z E H R E N48 East Beaver Creek Blvd., Suite 303P.O. Box 1976 - Avon, Colorado 81620(970) 949-0257 FAX (970) 949-1080LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURECopyright © 2021 by Zehren & Associates Inc.KEY PLAN AS SHOWN 3/12/2021 12:38:50 PMA1.09 20182642.10 12/30/2020 ES MR ROOF PLANCONDOMINIUMSONE RIVERFRONTAVON, COLORADO970.927.5174KL&A ENGINEERS & BUILDERS, INC.BG BUILDINGWORKSALPINE ENGINEERING, INCB-G BUILDING WORKS970.926.3373DK 970.949.6108970.949.6108CIVIL CONSULTANTSTRUCTURAL CONSULTANTMECHANICAL CONSULTANTLIGHTING CONSULTANT 1/8" = 1'-0"A1.09 1 ROOF PLAN No. DATE COMMENT A 11/23/2020 SCHEMATIC DESIGN B 12/18/2020 PLANNING & ZONING C 2/26/2021 REVISED SD SET ROOF PLAN ROOF PLAN SHEET GENERAL NOTES 1. (xxx '- x") INDICATES PLATE HEIGHTS, RELATIVE TO 100'-0" DATUM. 2. ALL ROOF ASSEMBLIES TYPE UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE ON ROOF PLAN OR RCPS: 3. ALL OVERHANG DIMENSIONS ARE FROM EXTERIOR FACE OF EXTERIOR STUD TO EXTERIOR FACE OF STRUCTURAL RAFTER, UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. 4. DENOTES FLUES AND VENTS, PAINT BLACK. REF MEP DWGS FOR ALL LOCATIONS. 5. REF MECHANICAL DWGS FOR PRECISE LOCATIONS OF ROOF PENETRATIONS. 6. REFER DETAIL x/A5.xx FOR TYPICAL EAVE / FASCIA DETAIL UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. 7. REFER DETAIL x/A5.xx FOR TYPICAL RAKE DETAIL UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. 8. REFER DETAIL x/A5.xx FOR TYPICAL VALLEY DETAIL UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. 9. REFER DETAIL x/A5.xx FOR TYPICAL RIDGE DETAIL UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. 10. REFER DETAIL x/A5.xx FOR TYPICAL ROOF-TO-WALL FLASHING DETAIL AND x/A5.xx FOR TYP KICK-OUT FLASHING UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. A. TYPE DENOTES COMPOSITE ASPHALT ROOFING B. TYPE DENOTES METAL STANDING SEAM R1 R2 R1 8 9 9 10 10 11 11 12 12 13 13 14 14 15 1518 20 20 7 6 5 5 4 3 3 1 19 19 D M M 2 16 16 17 17 B C C A E E K K F F G G H L 2:122:126:126:122:12 2:12 6:122:122:12 6:122:12 3:126:122:121:122:12 1:126:12 6:126:12 2:122:126:126:126:12FLAT ROOF BELOW 2:12 DECK BELOWDECK BELOW DECK BELOW DECK BELOW DECK BELOW DECK BELOWDECK BELOW (50) 39"x65" PV PANELS (16) 39"x65" PV PANELS (8) 39"x65" PV PANELS (20) 39"x65" PV PANELS R2R2 R2 R2 R2 R2 R2 R2R2 R2 R2 R2R2 R2 R2 (14) 39"x65" PV PANELS(14) 39"x65" PV PANELS TRV BY SHEET No. DRAWN BY SCALE: CHK BY PROJECT No. DATE ISSUE SEA L 101 El PaseoSanta Barbara, California 93101(805) 963-6890 FAX (805) 963-8102ARCHITECTURE - PLANNING - INTERIORSAND ASSOCIATES, INC.Z E H R E N48 East Beaver Creek Blvd., Suite 303P.O. Box 1976 - Avon, Colorado 81620(970) 949-0257 FAX (970) 949-1080LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURECopyright © 2021 by Zehren & Associates Inc.KEY PLAN AS SHOWN 3/12/2021 12:38:50 PMA1.09 20182642.10 12/30/2020 ES MR ROOF PLANCONDOMINIUMSONE RIVERFRONTAVON, COLORADO970.927.5174KL&A ENGINEERS & BUILDERS, INC.BG BUILDINGWORKSALPINE ENGINEERING, INCB-G BUILDING WORKS970.926.3373DK 970.949.6108970.949.6108CIVIL CONSULTANTSTRUCTURAL CONSULTANTMECHANICAL CONSULTANTLIGHTING CONSULTANT 1/8" = 1'-0"A1.09 1ROOF PLAN No. DATE COMMENT A 11/23/2020 SCHEMATIC DESIGN B 12/18/2020 PLANNING & ZONING C 2/26/2021 REVISED SD SET Attachment A © 2021 Zehren and Associates, Inc. east west partners PLANNING AND ZONING SUBMITTAL 1104.06.2021ONE RIVERFRONT Program Color Key One Bedroom Units Two Bedroom Units Three Bedroom Units Four Bedroom Units CONDOMINIUM BUILDING UNIT FLOOR PLANS UNIT FLOOR PLAN : 101, 103, 104 (1 BR TYPICAL) TOTAL AREA: 570 SF ,DECK AREA: 56 SF UNIT FLOOR PLAN : 105 (1 BR NORTH)0TOTAL AREA: 886 SF DECK AREA: 56 SF UNIT FLOOR PLAN : 110, 210, 310 (1 BR END)TOTAL AREA: 658 SFDECK AREA: 28 SF 9 10 11 C A E F 106A CLO 3 108 CLO 2 107 LAUNDRY 103 10'-11" x 14'-8" KITCHEN/DINING 104 5'-2" x 6'-10" ENTRY 101 5'-10" x 12'-9" BATHROOM 109 CLO 1 102 12'-10" x 14'-8" BEDROOM 106 LIVING ROOM 105 12'-10" x 14'-8" 9 10 11 Attachment A © 2021 Zehren and Associates, Inc. east west partners PLANNING AND ZONING SUBMITTAL 1604.06.2021ONE RIVERFRONT Program Color Key One Bedroom Units Two Bedroom Units Three Bedroom Units Four Bedroom Units CONDOMINIUM BUILDING UNIT FLOOR PLANS UNIT FLOOR PLAN : 108, 208, 308 (1 BR PLUS)TOTAL AREA: 736 SFDECK AREA: 28 SF Attachment A © 2021 Zehren and Associates, Inc. east west partners PLANNING AND ZONING SUBMITTAL 1704.06.2021ONE RIVERFRONT Program Color Key One Bedroom Units Two Bedroom Units Three Bedroom Units Four Bedroom Units CONDOMINIUM BUILDING UNIT FLOOR PLANS UNIT FLOOR PLAN : 102, 106, 202, 204, 205, 206, 302, 304, 305, 306, 405, (2 BR TYPICAL)TOTAL AREA: 1,070 SFDECK AREA: 100 SF Attachment A UNIT FLOOR PLAN : 407 (2 BR NORTHWEST UPPER LEVEL)TOTAL AREA: 1,339 SFDECK AREA: 96 SF © 2021 Zehren and Associates, Inc. east west partners PLANNING AND ZONING SUBMITTAL 1804.06.2021ONE RIVERFRONT Program Color Key One Bedroom Units Two Bedroom Units Three Bedroom Units Four Bedroom Units CONDOMINIUM BUILDING UNIT FLOOR PLANS UNIT FLOOR PLAN : 107, 207, 307 (2 BR NORTHWEST)TOTAL AREA: 1,254 SFDECK AREA: 96 SF Attachment A © 2021 Zehren and Associates, Inc. east west partners PLANNING AND ZONING SUBMITTAL 1904.06.2021ONE RIVERFRONT Program Color Key One Bedroom Units Two Bedroom Units Three Bedroom Units Four Bedroom Units CONDOMINIUM BUILDING UNIT FLOOR PLANS UNIT FLOOR PLAN : 203, 303, 403 (3 BR TYPICAL)TOTAL AREA: 1,648 SFDECK AREA: 105 SF UNIT FLOOR PLAN : 100, 200, 300, 400 (3 BR EAST)TOTAL AREA: 1,949 SFDECK AREA: 198 SF Attachment A © 2021 Zehren and Associates, Inc. east west partners PLANNING AND ZONING SUBMITTAL 2004.06.2021ONE RIVERFRONT Program Color Key One Bedroom Units Two Bedroom Units Three Bedroom Units Four Bedroom Units CONDOMINIUM BUILDING UNIT FLOOR PLANS UNIT FLOOR PLAN : 508 (3 BR SOUTHWEST PENTHOUSE)TOTAL AREA: 2,086 SFDECK AREA: 192 SF UPPER LEVEL MAIN LEVEL Attachment A © 2021 Zehren and Associates, Inc. east west partners PLANNING AND ZONING SUBMITTAL 2104.06.2021ONE RIVERFRONT Program Color Key One Bedroom Units Two Bedroom Units Three Bedroom Units Four Bedroom Units CONDOMINIUM BUILDING UNIT FLOOR PLANS UNIT FLOOR PLAN : 507 (3 BR NORTHWEST PENTHOUSE)TOTAL AREA: 2,245 SFDECK AREA: 96 SF UPPER LEVEL MAIN LEVEL UNIT PLAN SHEET GENERAL NOTES1. REFER TO SHEET A0.01 FOR PROJECT DIRECTORY, GENERAL NOTES, DATUM REFERENCE, GRAPHIC SYMBOLS, AND ABBREVIATIONS.2. REFER TO SHEET A5.60 FOR DOOR SCHEDULES FOR ALL INTERIOR UNIT DOORS. REFER TO OVERALL FLOOR PLANS FOR DOOR SCHEDULES FOR ALL UNIT ENTRY DOORS, EXTERIOR DOORS AND CORRIDOR DOORS.(REFER TO SHEET A5.6X FOR DOOR DETAILS).3. ALL INTERIOR WALL ASSEMBLIES TYPE UNLESS SHOWN OTHERWISE (REFER TO SHEET A5.20). 4. REFERENCE OVERALL FLOOR PLANS FOR ALL EXTERIOR WALL, UNIT DEMISING WALL AND INTERIOR SHAFT WALL ASSEMBLIES. 5. ALL FLOOR / CEILING ASSEMBLIES TYPES ARE NOTED ON OVERALL PLANS (REFER TO SHEET A5.21).6. REFER TO SHEET A5.7X FOR WINDOW DETAILS AND ACCESS DOOR DETAILS.7. REFERENCE ID DRAWINGS FOR INTERIOR ELEVATIONS AND ENLARGED INTERIOR PLANS.8. CENTER DOORS AND OPENINGS IN ROOMS OR PROVIDE 6" WALL RETURNS UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE.9. PROVIDE BLOCKING FOR FUTURE GRAB BARS PER ANSI 117.1 REQUIREMENTS IN BATHROOMS ON SHEET A5.XX.10. DRAWING REVISIONS ARE INDICATED BY .11. ALL ANGLES ARE 45° OR 90° UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE.12. INTERIOR WALL DIMENSIONS ARE TO CENTER OF STUD AND CENTER OF GRID. EXTERIOR, DEMISING, CHASE, AND CORRIDOR WALL DIMENSIONS ARE TAKEN TO FACE OF NAKED STUD, UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE.P1X 8 54 B C E F G PRIMARY BEDROOM 107 PRIMARY CLOSET 108 PRIMARY BATH 109 ENTRY 100 LIVING ROOM 106 KITCHEN 104 (9'-5" x 6'-5") (10'-11" x 14'-7") (10'-8" x 17'-1") (12'- 10" x 13'-6") (9'-0" x 12'-1") (13'-11" x 6'-6") DINING 105 (9'-7" x 13'-7") POWDER 101 LAUNDRY 102 (6'-8" x 7'-6") COATS 110 109B 109A 108A 107A 101A (9'-3" x 6'-5") 102A OWNER STORAGE 111 102B 110A STAIR 112 DECK P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P9A 8 54 B C E F G (13'-7" x 16'-10") BEDROOM 2 201 BEDROOM 3 203 BATH 2 200 BATH 3 205 CLOSET 202 (6'-6" x 17'-1") (6'-8" x 9'-6") (12'-10" x 12'-10") (13'-11" x 6'-0") OPEN TO BELOW (9'-8" x 4'-8") 200A 201A 202A 204A 205A 200B CLOSET 3 204 STAIR 212 203ALOFT 206 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 205B P2 8BCE F G + 9' - 6" AFF+ 8' - 0" AFFFLAT CLG + 8' - 0" AFF FLAT CLG + 8' - 0" AFFFLAT CLG + 8' - 6" AFFFLAT CLG+ 8' - 6" AFFFLAT CLG + 8' - 0" AFF + 8' - 0" AFFFLAT CLG + 8' - 0" AFFFLAT CLG+ 8' - 0" AFFFLAT CLG+ 9' - 0" AFFFLAT CLGPRIMARYBEDROOM107LIVING ROOM106PRIMARYCLOSET108 PRIMARY BATH 109 ENTRY100COATS110 POWDER101 OWNERSTORAGE111LAUNDRY102KITCHEN104+ 8' - 0" AFFFLAT CLG STAIR112OPEN TO ABOVE + 8' - 6" AFFB/O SOFFIT8BCE F G + 9' - 0" AFFFLAT CLG + 8' - 0" AFF FLAT CLG + 8' - 0" AFFFLAT CLG + 9' - 0" AFFFLAT CLG + 8' - 0" AFF FLAT CLG + 8' - 0" AFF FLAT CLG + 8' - 0" AFF FLAT CLG BEDROOM 2201 BATH 2 200 CLOSET202 BEDROOM 3203 BATH 3205 CLOSET 3 204 + 8' - 0" AFF FLAT CLG STAIR212+ 8' - 6" AFFFLAT CLG 2:12B/O STRUCTURELOFT206 1. ANY MECHANICAL OR ELECTRICAL ITEMS SHOWN ARE FOR COORDINATION PURPOSES ONLY --- REF MEP DRAWINGS. MEP COMPONENTS SHALL BE PRECISELY CENTERED AS SHOWN ON RCPs. 2. FIRE SPRINKLER DESIGN IS DESIGN-BUILD BY CONTRACTOR. RECESSED SPRINKLER HEADS SHALL BE PROVIDED THROUGHOUT THE PROJECT, EXCEPT AT BACK-OF-HOUSE LOCATIONS. PROVIDE WHITE CAPS WITHIN GWB CEILINGS AND BLACK OR BROWN CAPS WITHIN WOOD CEILINGS OR WOOD BEAMS. 3. ALL CASED OR WRAPPED OPENINGS 7'-0" AFF, UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. 4. ALL CEILING HEIGHTS INDICATED IN (PARENTHESES) ARE APPROXIMATE AND ARE TO BOTTOM OF STRUCTURE. 5. LIGHTS SHALL BE PRECISELY CENTERED WITHIN ROOMS, ON WALLS, OR IN SOFFITS UNLESS NOTED OHERWISE. 6. FOR BEAMS AND BOXED BEAMS INDICATED ON RCPs WIDTH LISTED FIRST, FOLLOWED BY DEPTH: 8X10 EQUALS 8-INCH WIDE BEAM BY 10 INCHES DEEP, NOMINAL. REFER TO SHEET A5.90 FOR BOXED BEAM DETAILS. 7. NOTIFY ARCHITECT OF ANY MEP AND STRUCTURAL CONFLICTS. 8. ACCESS PANELS TO BE CENTERED WINTHIN SPACES UNLESS OTHERWISE SHOWN. RCP SHEET GENERAL NOTES TRV BY SHEET No. DRAWN BY SCALE: CHK BY PROJECT No. DATE ISSUE SEAL 101 El PaseoSanta Barbara, California 93101(805) 963-6890 FAX (805) 963-8102ARCHITECTURE - PLANNING - INTERIORSAND ASSOCIATES, INC.Z E H R E N48 East Beaver Creek Blvd., Suite 303P.O. Box 1976 - Avon, Colorado 81620(970) 949-0257 FAX (970) 949-1080LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURECopyright © 2021 by Zehren & Associates Inc.KEY PLAN AS SHOWN 3/9/2021 2:36:31 PMA1.16 20182642.10 12/30/2020 LH DK UNIT FLOOR PLANS / RCPSCONDOMINIUMSONE RIVERFRONTAVON, COLORADO970.927.5174KL&A ENGINEERS & BUILDERS, INC.BG BUILDINGWORKSALPINE ENGINEERING, INCB-G BUILDING WORKS970.926.3373DK 970.949.6108970.949.6108CIVIL CONSULTANTSTRUCTURAL CONSULTANTMECHANICAL CONSULTANTLIGHTING CONSULTANT0'1'2'4'8' SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" 1/4" = 1'-0"A1.16 1 FLOOR PLAN - UNIT 507 - MAIN LEVEL 1/4" = 1'-0"A1.16 3 FLOOR PLAN - UNIT 507 - UPPER LEVEL 1/4" = 1'-0"A1.16 2 REFLECTED CEILING PLAN - UNIT 507- MAIN LEVEL 1/4" = 1'-0"A1.16 4 REFLECTED CEILING PLAN - UNIT 507 - UPPER LEVEL TRV BY SHEET No. DRAWN BY SCALE: CHK BY PROJECT No. DATE ISSUE SEAL 101 El PaseoSanta Barbara, California 93101(805) 963-6890 FAX (805) 963-8102ARCHITECTURE - PLANNING - INTERIORSAND ASSOCIATES, INC.Z E H R E N48 East Beaver Creek Blvd., Suite 303P.O. Box 1976 - Avon, Colorado 81620(970) 949-0257 FAX (970) 949-1080LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURECopyright © 2021 by Zehren & Associates Inc.KEY PLAN AS SHOWN 3/9/2021 2:36:31 PMA1.16 20182642.10 12/30/2020 LH DK UNIT FLOOR PLANS / RCPSCONDOMINIUMSONE RIVERFRONTAVON, COLORADO970.927.5174KL&A ENGINEERS & BUILDERS, INC.BG BUILDINGWORKSALPINE ENGINEERING, INCB-G BUILDING WORKS970.926.3373DK 970.949.6108970.949.6108CIVIL CONSULTANTSTRUCTURAL CONSULTANTMECHANICAL CONSULTANTLIGHTING CONSULTANT(3 BR NORTHWEST PENTHOUSE - UPPER LEVEL) (3 BR NORTHWEST PENTHOUSE - UPPER LEVEL) (3 BR NORTHWEST PENTHOUSE - MAIN LEVEL) (3 BR NORTHWEST PENTHOUSE - MAIN LEVEL) No. DATE COMMENT A 11/23/2020 SCHEMATIC DESIGN B 12/18/2020 PLANNING & ZONING C 2/26/2021 REVISED SD SET No. DATE COMMENT A 11/23/2020 SCHEMATIC DESIGN B 12/18/2020 PLANNING & ZONING C 2/26/2021 REVISED SD SET UNIT PLAN SHEET GENERAL NOTES1. REFER TO SHEET A0.01 FOR PROJECT DIRECTORY, GENERAL NOTES, DATUM REFERENCE, GRAPHIC SYMBOLS, AND ABBREVIATIONS.2. REFER TO SHEET A5.60 FOR DOOR SCHEDULES FOR ALL INTERIOR UNIT DOORS. REFER TO OVERALL FLOOR PLANS FOR DOOR SCHEDULES FOR ALL UNIT ENTRY DOORS, EXTERIOR DOORS AND CORRIDOR DOORS.(REFER TO SHEET A5.6X FOR DOOR DETAILS).3. ALL INTERIOR WALL ASSEMBLIES TYPE UNLESS SHOWN OTHERWISE (REFER TO SHEET A5.20). 4. REFERENCE OVERALL FLOOR PLANS FOR ALL EXTERIOR WALL, UNIT DEMISING WALL AND INTERIOR SHAFT WALL ASSEMBLIES. 5. ALL FLOOR / CEILING ASSEMBLIES TYPES ARE NOTED ON OVERALL PLANS (REFER TO SHEET A5.21).6. REFER TO SHEET A5.7X FOR WINDOW DETAILS AND ACCESS DOOR DETAILS.7. REFERENCE ID DRAWINGS FOR INTERIOR ELEVATIONS AND ENLARGED INTERIOR PLANS.8. CENTER DOORS AND OPENINGS IN ROOMS OR PROVIDE 6" WALL RETURNS UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE.9. PROVIDE BLOCKING FOR FUTURE GRAB BARS PER ANSI 117.1 REQUIREMENTS IN BATHROOMS ON SHEET A5.XX.10. DRAWING REVISIONS ARE INDICATED BY .11. ALL ANGLES ARE 45° OR 90° UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE.12. INTERIOR WALL DIMENSIONS ARE TO CENTER OF STUD AND CENTER OF GRID. EXTERIOR, DEMISING, CHASE, AND CORRIDOR WALL DIMENSIONS ARE TAKEN TO FACE OF NAKED STUD, UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE.P1X 8 54 B C E F G PRIMARY BEDROOM 107 PRIMARY CLOSET 108 PRIMARY BATH 109 ENTRY 100 LIVING ROOM 106 KITCHEN 104 (9'-5" x 6'-5") (10'-11" x 14'-7") (10'-8" x 17'-1") (12'- 10" x 13'-6") (9'-0" x 12'-1") (13'-11" x 6'-6") DINING 105 (9'-7" x 13'-7") POWDER 101 LAUNDRY 102 (6'-8" x 7'-6") COATS 110 109B 109A 108A 107A 101A (9'-3" x 6'-5") 102A OWNER STORAGE 111 102B 110A STAIR 112 DECK P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P9A 8 54 B C E F G (13'-7" x 16'-10") BEDROOM 2 201 BEDROOM 3 203 BATH 2 200 BATH 3 205 CLOSET 202 (6'-6" x 17'-1") (6'-8" x 9'-6") (12'-10" x 12'-10") (13'-11" x 6'-0") OPEN TO BELOW (9'-8" x 4'-8") 200A 201A 202A 204A 205A 200B CLOSET 3 204 STAIR 212 203ALOFT 206 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 205B P2 8BCE F G + 9' - 6" AFF+ 8' - 0" AFFFLAT CLG + 8' - 0" AFF FLAT CLG + 8' - 0" AFFFLAT CLG + 8' - 6" AFFFLAT CLG+ 8' - 6" AFFFLAT CLG + 8' - 0" AFF + 8' - 0" AFFFLAT CLG + 8' - 0" AFFFLAT CLG+ 8' - 0" AFFFLAT CLG+ 9' - 0" AFFFLAT CLGPRIMARYBEDROOM107LIVING ROOM106PRIMARYCLOSET108 PRIMARY BATH 109 ENTRY100COATS110 POWDER101 OWNERSTORAGE111LAUNDRY102KITCHEN104+ 8' - 0" AFFFLAT CLG STAIR112OPEN TO ABOVE + 8' - 6" AFFB/O SOFFIT8BCE F G + 9' - 0" AFFFLAT CLG + 8' - 0" AFF FLAT CLG + 8' - 0" AFFFLAT CLG + 9' - 0" AFFFLAT CLG + 8' - 0" AFF FLAT CLG + 8' - 0" AFF FLAT CLG + 8' - 0" AFF FLAT CLG BEDROOM 2201 BATH 2 200 CLOSET202 BEDROOM 3203 BATH 3205 CLOSET 3 204 + 8' - 0" AFF FLAT CLG STAIR212+ 8' - 6" AFFFLAT CLG 2:12B/O STRUCTURELOFT206 1. ANY MECHANICAL OR ELECTRICAL ITEMS SHOWN ARE FOR COORDINATION PURPOSES ONLY --- REF MEP DRAWINGS. MEP COMPONENTS SHALL BE PRECISELY CENTERED AS SHOWN ON RCPs. 2. FIRE SPRINKLER DESIGN IS DESIGN-BUILD BY CONTRACTOR. RECESSED SPRINKLER HEADS SHALL BE PROVIDED THROUGHOUT THE PROJECT, EXCEPT AT BACK-OF-HOUSE LOCATIONS. PROVIDE WHITE CAPS WITHIN GWB CEILINGS AND BLACK OR BROWN CAPS WITHIN WOOD CEILINGS OR WOOD BEAMS. 3. ALL CASED OR WRAPPED OPENINGS 7'-0" AFF, UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. 4. ALL CEILING HEIGHTS INDICATED IN (PARENTHESES) ARE APPROXIMATE AND ARE TO BOTTOM OF STRUCTURE. 5. LIGHTS SHALL BE PRECISELY CENTERED WITHIN ROOMS, ON WALLS, OR IN SOFFITS UNLESS NOTED OHERWISE. 6. FOR BEAMS AND BOXED BEAMS INDICATED ON RCPs WIDTH LISTED FIRST, FOLLOWED BY DEPTH: 8X10 EQUALS 8-INCH WIDE BEAM BY 10 INCHES DEEP, NOMINAL. REFER TO SHEET A5.90 FOR BOXED BEAM DETAILS. 7. NOTIFY ARCHITECT OF ANY MEP AND STRUCTURAL CONFLICTS. 8. ACCESS PANELS TO BE CENTERED WINTHIN SPACES UNLESS OTHERWISE SHOWN. RCP SHEET GENERAL NOTES TRV BY SHEET No. DRAWN BY SCALE: CHK BY PROJECT No. DATE ISSUE SEAL 101 El PaseoSanta Barbara, California 93101(805) 963-6890 FAX (805) 963-8102ARCHITECTURE - PLANNING - INTERIORSAND ASSOCIATES, INC.Z E H R E N48 East Beaver Creek Blvd., Suite 303P.O. Box 1976 - Avon, Colorado 81620(970) 949-0257 FAX (970) 949-1080LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURECopyright © 2021 by Zehren & Associates Inc.KEY PLAN AS SHOWN 3/9/2021 2:36:31 PMA1.16 20182642.10 12/30/2020 LH DK UNIT FLOOR PLANS / RCPSCONDOMINIUMSONE RIVERFRONTAVON, COLORADO970.927.5174KL&A ENGINEERS & BUILDERS, INC.BG BUILDINGWORKSALPINE ENGINEERING, INCB-G BUILDING WORKS970.926.3373DK 970.949.6108970.949.6108CIVIL CONSULTANTSTRUCTURAL CONSULTANTMECHANICAL CONSULTANTLIGHTING CONSULTANT0'1'2'4'8' SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" 1/4" = 1'-0"A1.16 1 FLOOR PLAN - UNIT 507 - MAIN LEVEL 1/4" = 1'-0"A1.16 3 FLOOR PLAN - UNIT 507 - UPPER LEVEL 1/4" = 1'-0"A1.16 2 REFLECTED CEILING PLAN - UNIT 507- MAIN LEVEL 1/4" = 1'-0"A1.16 4 REFLECTED CEILING PLAN - UNIT 507 - UPPER LEVEL TRV BY SHEET No. DRAWN BY SCALE: CHK BY PROJECT No. DATE ISSUE SEAL 101 El PaseoSanta Barbara, California 93101(805) 963-6890 FAX (805) 963-8102ARCHITECTURE - PLANNING - INTERIORSAND ASSOCIATES, INC.Z E H R E N48 East Beaver Creek Blvd., Suite 303P.O. Box 1976 - Avon, Colorado 81620(970) 949-0257 FAX (970) 949-1080LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURECopyright © 2021 by Zehren & Associates Inc.KEY PLAN AS SHOWN 3/9/2021 2:36:31 PMA1.16 20182642.10 12/30/2020 LH DK UNIT FLOOR PLANS / RCPSCONDOMINIUMSONE RIVERFRONTAVON, COLORADO970.927.5174KL&A ENGINEERS & BUILDERS, INC.BG BUILDINGWORKSALPINE ENGINEERING, INCB-G BUILDING WORKS970.926.3373DK 970.949.6108970.949.6108CIVIL CONSULTANTSTRUCTURAL CONSULTANTMECHANICAL CONSULTANTLIGHTING CONSULTANT(3 BR NORTHWEST PENTHOUSE - UPPER LEVEL) (3 BR NORTHWEST PENTHOUSE - UPPER LEVEL) (3 BR NORTHWEST PENTHOUSE - MAIN LEVEL) (3 BR NORTHWEST PENTHOUSE - MAIN LEVEL) No. DATE COMMENT A 11/23/2020 SCHEMATIC DESIGN B 12/18/2020 PLANNING & ZONING C 2/26/2021 REVISED SD SET No. DATE COMMENT A 11/23/2020 SCHEMATIC DESIGN B 12/18/2020 PLANNING & ZONING C 2/26/2021 REVISED SD SET UNIT PLAN SHEET GENERAL NOTES1. REFER TO SHEET A0.01 FOR PROJECT DIRECTORY, GENERAL NOTES, DATUM REFERENCE, GRAPHIC SYMBOLS, AND ABBREVIATIONS.2. REFER TO SHEET A5.60 FOR DOOR SCHEDULES FOR ALL INTERIOR UNIT DOORS. REFER TO OVERALL FLOOR PLANS FOR DOOR SCHEDULES FOR ALL UNIT ENTRY DOORS, EXTERIOR DOORS AND CORRIDOR DOORS.(REFER TO SHEET A5.6X FOR DOOR DETAILS).3. ALL INTERIOR WALL ASSEMBLIES TYPE UNLESS SHOWN OTHERWISE (REFER TO SHEET A5.20). 4. REFERENCE OVERALL FLOOR PLANS FOR ALL EXTERIOR WALL, UNIT DEMISING WALL AND INTERIOR SHAFT WALL ASSEMBLIES. 5. ALL FLOOR / CEILING ASSEMBLIES TYPES ARE NOTED ON OVERALL PLANS (REFER TO SHEET A5.21).6. REFER TO SHEET A5.7X FOR WINDOW DETAILS AND ACCESS DOOR DETAILS.7. REFERENCE ID DRAWINGS FOR INTERIOR ELEVATIONS AND ENLARGED INTERIOR PLANS.8. CENTER DOORS AND OPENINGS IN ROOMS OR PROVIDE 6" WALL RETURNS UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE.9. PROVIDE BLOCKING FOR FUTURE GRAB BARS PER ANSI 117.1 REQUIREMENTS IN BATHROOMS ON SHEET A5.XX.10. DRAWING REVISIONS ARE INDICATED BY .11. ALL ANGLES ARE 45° OR 90° UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE.12. INTERIOR WALL DIMENSIONS ARE TO CENTER OF STUD AND CENTER OF GRID. EXTERIOR, DEMISING, CHASE, AND CORRIDOR WALL DIMENSIONS ARE TAKEN TO FACE OF NAKED STUD, UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. P1X 8 54 B C E F G PRIMARY BEDROOM 107 PRIMARY CLOSET 108 PRIMARY BATH 109 ENTRY 100 LIVING ROOM 106 KITCHEN 104 (9'-5" x 6'-5") (10'-11" x 14'-7") (10'-8" x 17'-1") (12'- 10" x 13'-6") (9'-0" x 12'-1") (13'-11" x 6'-6") DINING 105 (9'-7" x 13'-7") POWDER 101 LAUNDRY 102 (6'-8" x 7'-6") COATS 110 109B 109A 108A 107A 101A (9'-3" x 6'-5") 102A OWNER STORAGE 111 102B 110A STAIR 112 DECK P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P9A 8 54 B C E F G (13'-7" x 16'-10") BEDROOM 2 201 BEDROOM 3 203 BATH 2 200 BATH 3 205 CLOSET 202 (6'-6" x 17'-1") (6'-8" x 9'-6") (12'-10" x 12'-10") (13'-11" x 6'-0") OPEN TO BELOW (9'-8" x 4'-8") 200A 201A 202A 204A 205A 200B CLOSET 3 204 STAIR 212 203ALOFT 206 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 205B P2 8BCE F G + 9' - 6" AFF + 8' - 0" AFF FLAT CLG + 8' - 0" AFF FLAT CLG + 8' - 0" AFF FLAT CLG + 8' - 6" AFF FLAT CLG + 8' - 6" AFFFLAT CLG + 8' - 0" AFF + 8' - 0" AFF FLAT CLG + 8' - 0" AFF FLAT CLG + 8' - 0" AFF FLAT CLG + 9' - 0" AFFFLAT CLGPRIMARYBEDROOM107LIVING ROOM106PRIMARYCLOSET108 PRIMARY BATH 109 ENTRY 100 COATS 110 POWDER 101 OWNER STORAGE 111 LAUNDRY102KITCHEN104 + 8' - 0" AFF FLAT CLG STAIR 112 OPEN TO ABOVE + 8' - 6" AFFB/O SOFFIT8BCE F G + 9' - 0" AFF FLAT CLG + 8' - 0" AFF FLAT CLG + 8' - 0" AFF FLAT CLG + 9' - 0" AFF FLAT CLG + 8' - 0" AFF FLAT CLG + 8' - 0" AFF FLAT CLG + 8' - 0" AFF FLAT CLG BEDROOM 2201 BATH 2 200 CLOSET 202 BEDROOM 3 203 BATH 3 205 CLOSET 3 204 + 8' - 0" AFF FLAT CLG STAIR 212 + 8' - 6" AFFFLAT CLG 2:12B/O STRUCTURELOFT206 1. ANY MECHANICAL OR ELECTRICAL ITEMS SHOWN ARE FOR COORDINATION PURPOSES ONLY --- REF MEP DRAWINGS. MEP COMPONENTS SHALL BE PRECISELY CENTERED AS SHOWN ON RCPs. 2. FIRE SPRINKLER DESIGN IS DESIGN-BUILD BY CONTRACTOR. RECESSED SPRINKLER HEADS SHALL BE PROVIDED THROUGHOUT THE PROJECT, EXCEPT AT BACK-OF-HOUSE LOCATIONS. PROVIDE WHITE CAPS WITHIN GWB CEILINGS AND BLACK OR BROWN CAPS WITHIN WOOD CEILINGS OR WOOD BEAMS. 3. ALL CASED OR WRAPPED OPENINGS 7'-0" AFF, UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. 4. ALL CEILING HEIGHTS INDICATED IN (PARENTHESES) ARE APPROXIMATE AND ARE TO BOTTOM OF STRUCTURE. 5. LIGHTS SHALL BE PRECISELY CENTERED WITHIN ROOMS, ON WALLS, OR IN SOFFITS UNLESS NOTED OHERWISE. 6. FOR BEAMS AND BOXED BEAMS INDICATED ON RCPs WIDTH LISTED FIRST, FOLLOWED BY DEPTH: 8X10 EQUALS 8-INCH WIDE BEAM BY 10 INCHES DEEP, NOMINAL. REFER TO SHEET A5.90 FOR BOXED BEAM DETAILS. 7. NOTIFY ARCHITECT OF ANY MEP AND STRUCTURAL CONFLICTS. 8. ACCESS PANELS TO BE CENTERED WINTHIN SPACES UNLESS OTHERWISE SHOWN. RCP SHEET GENERAL NOTES TRV BY SHEET No. DRAWN BY SCALE: CHK BY PROJECT No. DATE ISSUE SEA L 101 El PaseoSanta Barbara, California 93101(805) 963-6890 FAX (805) 963-8102ARCHITECTURE - PLANNING - INTERIORSAND ASSOCIATES, INC.Z E H R E N48 East Beaver Creek Blvd., Suite 303P.O. Box 1976 - Avon, Colorado 81620(970) 949-0257 FAX (970) 949-1080LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURECopyright © 2021 by Zehren & Associates Inc.KEY PLAN AS SHOWN 3/9/2021 2:36:31 PMA1.16 20182642.10 12/30/2020 LH DK UNIT FLOOR PLANS / RCPSCONDOMINIUMSONE RIVERFRONTAVON, COLORADO970.927.5174KL&A ENGINEERS & BUILDERS, INC.BG BUILDINGWORKSALPINE ENGINEERING, INCB-G BUILDING WORKS970.926.3373DK 970.949.6108970.949.6108CIVIL CONSULTANTSTRUCTURAL CONSULTANTMECHANICAL CONSULTANTLIGHTING CONSULTANT0'1'2'4'8' SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" 1/4" = 1'-0"A1.16 1 FLOOR PLAN - UNIT 507 - MAIN LEVEL 1/4" = 1'-0"A1.16 3 FLOOR PLAN - UNIT 507 - UPPER LEVEL 1/4" = 1'-0"A1.16 2 REFLECTED CEILING PLAN - UNIT 507- MAIN LEVEL 1/4" = 1'-0"A1.16 4 REFLECTED CEILING PLAN - UNIT 507 - UPPER LEVEL TRV BY SHEET No. DRAWN BY SCALE: CHK BY PROJECT No. DATE ISSUE SEA L 101 El PaseoSanta Barbara, California 93101(805) 963-6890 FAX (805) 963-8102ARCHITECTURE - PLANNING - INTERIORSAND ASSOCIATES, INC.Z E H R E N48 East Beaver Creek Blvd., Suite 303P.O. Box 1976 - Avon, Colorado 81620(970) 949-0257 FAX (970) 949-1080LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURECopyright © 2021 by Zehren & Associates Inc.KEY PLAN AS SHOWN 3/9/2021 2:36:31 PMA1.16 20182642.10 12/30/2020 LH DK UNIT FLOOR PLANS / RCPSCONDOMINIUMSONE RIVERFRONTAVON, COLORADO970.927.5174KL&A ENGINEERS & BUILDERS, INC.BG BUILDINGWORKSALPINE ENGINEERING, INCB-G BUILDING WORKS970.926.3373DK 970.949.6108970.949.6108CIVIL CONSULTANTSTRUCTURAL CONSULTANTMECHANICAL CONSULTANTLIGHTING CONSULTANT(3 BR NORTHWEST PENTHOUSE - UPPER LEVEL) (3 BR NORTHWEST PENTHOUSE - UPPER LEVEL) (3 BR NORTHWEST PENTHOUSE - MAIN LEVEL) (3 BR NORTHWEST PENTHOUSE - MAIN LEVEL) No. DATE COMMENT A 11/23/2020 SCHEMATIC DESIGN B 12/18/2020 PLANNING & ZONING C 2/26/2021 REVISED SD SET No. DATE COMMENT A 11/23/2020 SCHEMATIC DESIGN B 12/18/2020 PLANNING & ZONING C 2/26/2021 REVISED SD SET Attachment A © 2021 Zehren and Associates, Inc. east west partners PLANNING AND ZONING SUBMITTAL 2204.06.2021ONE RIVERFRONT Program Color Key One Bedroom Units Two Bedroom Units Three Bedroom Units Four Bedroom Units CONDOMINIUM BUILDING UNIT FLOOR PLANS UNIT FLOOR PLAN : 402 (4 BR)TOTAL AREA: 2,218 SFDECK AREA: 102 SF UNIT PLAN SHEET GENERAL NOTES1. REFER TO SHEET A0.01 FOR PROJECT DIRECTORY, GENERAL NOTES, DATUM REFERENCE, GRAPHIC SYMBOLS, AND ABBREVIATIONS.2. REFER TO SHEET A5.60 FOR DOOR SCHEDULES FOR ALL INTERIOR UNIT DOORS. REFER TO OVERALL FLOOR PLANS FOR DOOR SCHEDULES FOR ALL UNIT ENTRY DOORS, EXTERIOR DOORS AND CORRIDOR DOORS.(REFER TO SHEET A5.6X FOR DOOR DETAILS).3. ALL INTERIOR WALL ASSEMBLIES TYPE UNLESS SHOWN OTHERWISE (REFER TO SHEET A5.20). 4. REFERENCE OVERALL FLOOR PLANS FOR ALL EXTERIOR WALL, UNIT DEMISING WALL AND INTERIOR SHAFT WALL ASSEMBLIES. 5. ALL FLOOR / CEILING ASSEMBLIES TYPES ARE NOTED ON OVERALL PLANS (REFER TO SHEET A5.21).6. REFER TO SHEET A5.7X FOR WINDOW DETAILS AND ACCESS DOOR DETAILS.7. REFERENCE ID DRAWINGS FOR INTERIOR ELEVATIONS AND ENLARGED INTERIOR PLANS.8. CENTER DOORS AND OPENINGS IN ROOMS OR PROVIDE 6" WALL RETURNS UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE.9. PROVIDE BLOCKING FOR FUTURE GRAB BARS PER ANSI 117.1 REQUIREMENTS IN BATHROOMS ON SHEET A5.XX.10. DRAWING REVISIONS ARE INDICATED BY .11. ALL ANGLES ARE 45° OR 90° UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE.12. INTERIOR WALL DIMENSIONS ARE TO CENTER OF STUD AND CENTER OF GRID. EXTERIOR, DEMISING, CHASE, AND CORRIDOR WALL DIMENSIONS ARE TAKEN TO FACE OF NAKED STUD, UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE.P1X 11 12 13 14 15 M K G ENTRY 100 BEDROOM 4 102 BATH 4 104 KITCHEN 105 DINING 106LIVING ROOM 107 POWDER 108 BEDROOM 2 117 CLO 2 115 PRIMARY CLOSET 114 BEDROOM 3 111 BATH 3 109 CLO 3 110 BATH 2 118 LAUNDRY 116 PRIMARY BATH 113 COATS 101 CLO 4 103 (6'-10" x 10'-7") (13'-0" x 12'-6") (6'-4" x 12'-6") (6'-1" x 12'-0")(12'-8" x 12'-0") (7'-0" x 6'-4") (7'-9" x 11'-8") (9'-1" x 11'-8") (12'-11" x 16'-10") (11'-2" x 12'-9") (6'-11" x 5'-1") (14'-6" x 16'-5") (10'-0" x 16'-5") (14'-0" x 11'-11") (10'-4" x 6'-8") 113A 113B 114A 112A 116A 115A 118A 117A 110A 111A 109B 108A 109A 101A 102A 104A 103A 104B PRIMARY BEDROOM 112 DECK (7'-0" x 6'-0") P2 P2 P2 P2P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P9A P9A 11 12 13 14 15 M KG PRIMARYBATH113 PRIMARYCLOSET114 CLO 2115LAUNDRY116 BEDROOM 2117 BATH 2118 ENTRY100COATS101PRIMARYBEDROOM112BEDROOM 3111 CLO 3110 POWDER108 BATH 3 109 LIVING ROOM107 DINING106 KITCHEN105BEDROOM 4102 BATH 4104CLO 4103+ 9' - 6" AFFFLAT CLG + 9' - 0" AFF FLAT CLG + 8' - 0" AFF FLAT CLG + 8' - 0" AFFFLAT CLG+ 8' - 0" AFFFLAT CLG+ 8' - 0" AFFFLAT CLG+ 8' - 0" AFFFLAT CLG+ 8' - 0" AFFFLAT CLG+ 8' - 0" AFFFLAT CLG + 8' - 0" AFFFLAT CLG + 8' - 6" AFFFLAT CLG+ 8' - 0" AFFFLAT CLG + 9' - 0" AFFFLAT CLG + 8' - 0" AFFFLAT CLG+ 8' - 0" AFFFLAT CLG+ 9' - 0" AFFFLAT CLG + 9' - 6" AFF FLAT CLG + 8' - 0" AFF FLAT CLG + 8' - 0" AFFFLAT CLG+ 8' - 0" AFFFLAT CLG + 8' - 0" AFFFLAT CLG+ 8' - 0" AFFFLAT CLG 1. ANY MECHANICAL OR ELECTRICAL ITEMS SHOWN ARE FOR COORDINATION PURPOSES ONLY --- REF MEP DRAWINGS. MEP COMPONENTS SHALL BE PRECISELY CENTERED AS SHOWN ON RCPs. 2. FIRE SPRINKLER DESIGN IS DESIGN-BUILD BY CONTRACTOR. RECESSED SPRINKLER HEADS SHALL BE PROVIDED THROUGHOUT THE PROJECT, EXCEPT AT BACK-OF-HOUSE LOCATIONS. PROVIDE WHITE CAPS WITHIN GWB CEILINGS AND BLACK OR BROWN CAPS WITHIN WOOD CEILINGS OR WOOD BEAMS. 3. ALL CASED OR WRAPPED OPENINGS 7'-0" AFF, UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. 4. ALL CEILING HEIGHTS INDICATED IN (PARENTHESES) ARE APPROXIMATE AND ARE TO BOTTOM OF STRUCTURE. 5. LIGHTS SHALL BE PRECISELY CENTERED WITHIN ROOMS, ON WALLS, OR IN SOFFITS UNLESS NOTED OHERWISE. 6. FOR BEAMS AND BOXED BEAMS INDICATED ON RCPs WIDTH LISTED FIRST, FOLLOWED BY DEPTH: 8X10 EQUALS 8-INCH WIDE BEAM BY 10 INCHES DEEP, NOMINAL. REFER TO SHEET A5.90 FOR BOXED BEAM DETAILS. 7. NOTIFY ARCHITECT OF ANY MEP AND STRUCTURAL CONFLICTS. 8. ACCESS PANELS TO BE CENTERED WINTHIN SPACES UNLESS OTHERWISE SHOWN. RCP SHEET GENERAL NOTES TRV BY SHEET No. DRAWN BY SCALE: CHK BY PROJECT No. DATE ISSUE SEAL 101 El PaseoSanta Barbara, California 93101(805) 963-6890 FAX (805) 963-8102ARCHITECTURE - PLANNING - INTERIORSAND ASSOCIATES, INC.Z E H R E N48 East Beaver Creek Blvd., Suite 303P.O. Box 1976 - Avon, Colorado 81620(970) 949-0257 FAX (970) 949-1080LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURECopyright © 2021 by Zehren & Associates Inc.KEY PLAN AS SHOWN 3/9/2021 2:36:33 PMA1.17 20182642.10 12/30/2020 LH DK UNIT FLOOR PLANS / RCPSCONDOMINIUMSONE RIVERFRONTAVON, COLORADO970.927.5174KL&A ENGINEERS & BUILDERS, INC.BG BUILDINGWORKSALPINE ENGINEERING, INCB-G BUILDING WORKS970.926.3373DK 970.949.6108970.949.6108CIVIL CONSULTANTSTRUCTURAL CONSULTANTMECHANICAL CONSULTANTLIGHTING CONSULTANT0'1'2'4'8' SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" 1/4" = 1'-0"A1.17 1 FLOOR PLAN - UNIT 402 1/4" = 1'-0"A1.17 2 REFLECTED CEILING PLAN - UNIT 402 TRV BY SHEET No. DRAWN BY SCALE: CHK BY PROJECT No. DATE ISSUE SEAL 101 El PaseoSanta Barbara, California 93101(805) 963-6890 FAX (805) 963-8102ARCHITECTURE - PLANNING - INTERIORSAND ASSOCIATES, INC.Z E H R E N48 East Beaver Creek Blvd., Suite 303P.O. Box 1976 - Avon, Colorado 81620(970) 949-0257 FAX (970) 949-1080LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURECopyright © 2021 by Zehren & Associates Inc.KEY PLAN AS SHOWN 3/9/2021 2:36:33 PMA1.17 20182642.10 12/30/2020 LH DK UNIT FLOOR PLANS / RCPSCONDOMINIUMSONE RIVERFRONTAVON, COLORADO970.927.5174KL&A ENGINEERS & BUILDERS, INC.BG BUILDINGWORKSALPINE ENGINEERING, INCB-G BUILDING WORKS970.926.3373DK 970.949.6108970.949.6108CIVIL CONSULTANTSTRUCTURAL CONSULTANTMECHANICAL CONSULTANTLIGHTING CONSULTANT(4 BEDROOM) (4 BEDROOM) No. DATE COMMENT A 11/23/2020 SCHEMATIC DESIGN B 12/18/2020 PLANNING & ZONING C 2/26/2021 REVISED SD SET No. DATE COMMENT A 11/23/2020 SCHEMATIC DESIGN B 12/18/2020 PLANNING & ZONING C 2/26/2021 REVISED SD SET Attachment A © 2021 Zehren and Associates, Inc. east west partners PLANNING AND ZONING SUBMITTAL 2304.06.2021ONE RIVERFRONT Program Color Key One Bedroom Units Two Bedroom Units Three Bedroom Units Four Bedroom Units CONDOMINIUM BUILDING UNIT FLOOR PLANS UNIT FLOOR PLAN : 406 (4 BR WEST)TOTAL AREA: 2,387 SFDECK AREA: 99 SF Attachment A © 2021 Zehren and Associates, Inc. east west partners PLANNING AND ZONING SUBMITTAL 2404.06.2021ONE RIVERFRONT Program Color Key One Bedroom Units Two Bedroom Units Three Bedroom Units Four Bedroom Units CONDOMINIUM BUILDING UNIT FLOOR PLANS UNIT FLOOR PLAN : 505 (4 BR NORTHWEST PENTHOUSE)TOTAL AREA: 2,478 SFDECK AREA: 229 SF UPPER LEVEL MAIN LEVEL Attachment A © 2021 Zehren and Associates, Inc. east west partners PLANNING AND ZONING SUBMITTAL 2504.06.2021ONE RIVERFRONT Program Color Key One Bedroom Units Two Bedroom Units Three Bedroom Units Four Bedroom Units CONDOMINIUM BUILDING UNIT FLOOR PLANS UNIT FLOOR PLANS : 506 (4 BR SOUTHWEST PENTHOUSE)TOTAL AREA: 3,028 SFDECK AREA: 193 SF UPPER LEVEL MAIN LEVEL Attachment A © 2021 Zehren and Associates, Inc. east west partners PLANNING AND ZONING SUBMITTAL 2604.06.2021ONE RIVERFRONT Program Color Key One Bedroom Units Two Bedroom Units Three Bedroom Units Four Bedroom Units CONDOMINIUM BUILDING UNIT FLOOR PLANS UNIT FLOOR PLANS : 502 (4 BR EAST PENTHOUSE)TOTAL AREA: 3,071 SFDECK AREA: 193 SF UPPER LEVEL MAIN LEVEL UNIT PLAN SHEET GENERAL NOTES1. REFER TO SHEET A0.01 FOR PROJECT DIRECTORY, GENERAL NOTES, DATUM REFERENCE, GRAPHIC SYMBOLS, AND ABBREVIATIONS.2. REFER TO SHEET A5.60 FOR DOOR SCHEDULES FOR ALL INTERIOR UNIT DOORS. REFER TO OVERALL FLOOR PLANS FOR DOOR SCHEDULES FOR ALL UNIT ENTRY DOORS, EXTERIOR DOORS AND CORRIDOR DOORS.(REFER TO SHEET A5.6X FOR DOOR DETAILS).3. ALL INTERIOR WALL ASSEMBLIES TYPE UNLESS SHOWN OTHERWISE (REFER TO SHEET A5.20). 4. REFERENCE OVERALL FLOOR PLANS FOR ALL EXTERIOR WALL, UNIT DEMISING WALL AND INTERIOR SHAFT WALL ASSEMBLIES. 5. ALL FLOOR / CEILING ASSEMBLIES TYPES ARE NOTED ON OVERALL PLANS (REFER TO SHEET A5.21).6. REFER TO SHEET A5.7X FOR WINDOW DETAILS AND ACCESS DOOR DETAILS.7. REFERENCE ID DRAWINGS FOR INTERIOR ELEVATIONS AND ENLARGED INTERIOR PLANS.8. CENTER DOORS AND OPENINGS IN ROOMS OR PROVIDE 6" WALL RETURNS UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE.9. PROVIDE BLOCKING FOR FUTURE GRAB BARS PER ANSI 117.1 REQUIREMENTS IN BATHROOMS ON SHEET A5.XX.10. DRAWING REVISIONS ARE INDICATED BY .11. ALL ANGLES ARE 45° OR 90° UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE.12. INTERIOR WALL DIMENSIONS ARE TO CENTER OF STUD AND CENTER OF GRID. EXTERIOR, DEMISING, CHASE, AND CORRIDOR WALL DIMENSIONS ARE TAKEN TO FACE OF NAKED STUD, UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE.P1X 1. ANY MECHANICAL OR ELECTRICAL ITEMS SHOWN ARE FOR COORDINATION PURPOSES ONLY --- REF MEP DRAWINGS. MEP COMPONENTS SHALL BE PRECISELY CENTERED AS SHOWN ON RCPs. 2. FIRE SPRINKLER DESIGN IS DESIGN-BUILD BY CONTRACTOR. RECESSED SPRINKLER HEADS SHALL BE PROVIDED THROUGHOUT THE PROJECT, EXCEPT AT BACK-OF-HOUSE LOCATIONS. PROVIDE WHITE CAPS WITHIN GWB CEILINGS AND BLACK OR BROWN CAPS WITHIN WOOD CEILINGS OR WOOD BEAMS. 3. ALL CASED OR WRAPPED OPENINGS 7'-0" AFF, UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. 4. ALL CEILING HEIGHTS INDICATED IN (PARENTHESES) ARE APPROXIMATE AND ARE TO BOTTOM OF STRUCTURE. 5. LIGHTS SHALL BE PRECISELY CENTERED WITHIN ROOMS, ON WALLS, OR IN SOFFITS UNLESS NOTED OHERWISE. 6. FOR BEAMS AND BOXED BEAMS INDICATED ON RCPs WIDTH LISTED FIRST, FOLLOWED BY DEPTH: 8X10 EQUALS 8-INCH WIDE BEAM BY 10 INCHES DEEP, NOMINAL. REFER TO SHEET A5.90 FOR BOXED BEAM DETAILS. 7. NOTIFY ARCHITECT OF ANY MEP AND STRUCTURAL CONFLICTS. 8. ACCESS PANELS TO BE CENTERED WINTHIN SPACES UNLESS OTHERWISE SHOWN. RCP SHEET GENERAL NOTES 12 13 14 15 M K G ENTRY 100 KITCHEN 104 LIVING ROOM 102 DINING 103 BEDROOM 2 109 PRIMARY BATH 107 PRIMARY BEDROOM 106 LAUNDRY 112 (9'-6" x 6'-0") (13'-5" x 12'-4") (7'-10" x 5'-5") (9'-4" x 12'-4") (12'-2" x 16'-2")(5'-10" x 12'-0") (12'-1" x 15'-9") (11'-9" x 15'-9") (12'-10" x 20'-7") CLO 2 108 PRIMARY CLOSET 105 107A 107B 106A 105A 109A 110B 110A 112A COATS 101 POWDER 111 BATH 2 110 (7'-10" x 5'-5") 108A 111A 101A STAIR 113 DECK P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P9A P2 P2 P2 P2 12 13 14 15 M KG PRIMARYBEDROOM106 PRIMARYCLOSET105PRIMARYBATH107CLO 2108 BEDROOM 2109 BATH 2110 POWDER111 LAUNDRY112 ENTRY100 COATS101LIVING ROOM102DINING103KITCHEN104+ 9' - 6" AFFFLAT CLG + 9' - 0" AFFFLAT CLG + 9' - 0" AFFFLAT CLG+ 8' - 6" AFFFLAT CLG + 8' - 0" AFFFLAT CLG+ 8' - 0" AFFFLAT CLG+ 9' - 0" AFFFLAT CLG+ 8' - 0" AFFFLAT CLG+ 8' - 0" AFFFLAT CLG + 8' - 0" AFFFLAT CLG+ 8' - 0" AFFFLAT CLG+ 8' - 0" AFFFLAT CLG+ 8' - 0" AFFFLAT CLG STAIR113+ 8' - 6" AFFFLAT CLG OPEN TO ABOVE+ 8' - 6" AFFFLAT CLG TRV BY SHEET No. DRAWN BY SCALE: CHK BY PROJECT No. DATE ISSUE SEA L 101 El PaseoSanta Barbara, California 93101(805) 963-6890 FAX (805) 963-8102ARCHITECTURE - PLANNING - INTERIORSAND ASSOCIATES, INC.Z E H R E N48 East Beaver Creek Blvd., Suite 303P.O. Box 1976 - Avon, Colorado 81620(970) 949-0257 FAX (970) 949-1080LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURECopyright © 2021 by Zehren & Associates Inc.KEY PLAN AS SHOWN 3/9/2021 2:36:42 PMA1.21 20182642.10 12/30/2020 LH DK UNIT FLOOR PLANS / RCPSCONDOMINIUMSONE RIVERFRONTAVON, COLORADO970.927.5174KL&A ENGINEERS & BUILDERS, INC.BG BUILDINGWORKSALPINE ENGINEERING, INCB-G BUILDING WORKS970.926.3373DK 970.949.6108970.949.6108CIVIL CONSULTANTSTRUCTURAL CONSULTANTMECHANICAL CONSULTANTLIGHTING CONSULTANT0' 1' 2' 4'8' SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" TRV BY SHEET No. DRAWN BY SCALE: CHK BY PROJECT No. DATE ISSUE SEA L 101 El PaseoSanta Barbara, California 93101(805) 963-6890 FAX (805) 963-8102ARCHITECTURE - PLANNING - INTERIORSAND ASSOCIATES, INC.Z E H R E N48 East Beaver Creek Blvd., Suite 303P.O. Box 1976 - Avon, Colorado 81620(970) 949-0257 FAX (970) 949-1080LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURECopyright © 2021 by Zehren & Associates Inc.KEY PLAN AS SHOWN 3/9/2021 2:36:42 PMA1.21 20182642.10 12/30/2020 LH DK UNIT FLOOR PLANS / RCPSCONDOMINIUMSONE RIVERFRONTAVON, COLORADO970.927.5174KL&A ENGINEERS & BUILDERS, INC.BG BUILDINGWORKSALPINE ENGINEERING, INCB-G BUILDING WORKS970.926.3373DK 970.949.6108970.949.6108CIVIL CONSULTANTSTRUCTURAL CONSULTANTMECHANICAL CONSULTANTLIGHTING CONSULTANTNo. DATE COMMENT A 11/23/2020 SCHEMATIC DESIGN B 12/18/2020 PLANNING & ZONING C 2/26/2021 REVISED SD SET No. DATE COMMENT A 11/23/2020 SCHEMATIC DESIGN B 12/18/2020 PLANNING & ZONING C 2/26/2021 REVISED SD SET (4 BR EAST PENTHOUSE - MAIN LEVEL) (4 BR EAST PENTHOUSE - MAIN LEVEL) 1/4" = 1'-0"A1.21 1 FLOOR PLAN - UNIT 502 - MAIN LEVEL 1/4" = 1'-0"A1.21 2 REFLECTED CEILING PLAN - UNIT 502 - MAIN LEVEL UNIT PLAN SHEET GENERAL NOTES1. REFER TO SHEET A0.01 FOR PROJECT DIRECTORY, GENERAL NOTES, DATUM REFERENCE, GRAPHIC SYMBOLS, AND ABBREVIATIONS.2. REFER TO SHEET A5.60 FOR DOOR SCHEDULES FOR ALL INTERIOR UNIT DOORS. REFER TO OVERALL FLOOR PLANS FOR DOOR SCHEDULES FOR ALL UNIT ENTRY DOORS, EXTERIOR DOORS AND CORRIDOR DOORS.(REFER TO SHEET A5.6X FOR DOOR DETAILS).3. ALL INTERIOR WALL ASSEMBLIES TYPE UNLESS SHOWN OTHERWISE (REFER TO SHEET A5.20). 4. REFERENCE OVERALL FLOOR PLANS FOR ALL EXTERIOR WALL, UNIT DEMISING WALL AND INTERIOR SHAFT WALL ASSEMBLIES. 5. ALL FLOOR / CEILING ASSEMBLIES TYPES ARE NOTED ON OVERALL PLANS (REFER TO SHEET A5.21).6. REFER TO SHEET A5.7X FOR WINDOW DETAILS AND ACCESS DOOR DETAILS.7. REFERENCE ID DRAWINGS FOR INTERIOR ELEVATIONS AND ENLARGED INTERIOR PLANS.8. CENTER DOORS AND OPENINGS IN ROOMS OR PROVIDE 6" WALL RETURNS UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE.9. PROVIDE BLOCKING FOR FUTURE GRAB BARS PER ANSI 117.1 REQUIREMENTS IN BATHROOMS ON SHEET A5.XX.10. DRAWING REVISIONS ARE INDICATED BY .11. ALL ANGLES ARE 45° OR 90° UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE.12. INTERIOR WALL DIMENSIONS ARE TO CENTER OF STUD AND CENTER OF GRID. EXTERIOR, DEMISING, CHASE, AND CORRIDOR WALL DIMENSIONS ARE TAKEN TO FACE OF NAKED STUD, UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE.P1X 12 13 14 15 M 16 K G CLOSET 4 205 LOW STORAGE 207 OPEN TO BELOW 205A204A 201C 202A 207A BATH 4 204 BEDROOM 4 206 BEDROOM 3 202 CLO 3 203 BATH 3 201 FAMILY ROOM 200 (6'-2" x 15'-2") (8'-5" x 7'-7") (12'-2" x 16'-1") (4'-11" x 7'-1") (13'-8" x 15'-2")(6'-4" x 15'-2") (16'-8" x 15'-2") 204B 203A 201B 201A STAIR 215 LOFT 208 200A P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P9A P2 P2 P2 P2 BARN DOOR 206A 12 13 14 15KGBATH 4204 CLOSET 4205CLO 3203 BEDROOM 3202 BATH 3201 FAMILY ROOM200BEDROOM 4206+ 8' - 0" AFFFLAT CLG + 8' - 0" AFFFLAT CLG+ 8' - 0" AFFFLAT CLG + 9' - 0" AFFFLAT CLG + 8' - 0" AFFFLAT CLG + 8' - 6" AFFFLAT CLG+ 8' - 0" AFFFLAT CLG+ 8' - 0" AFFFLAT CLG STAIR215 LOFT2082:12B/O STRUCTURE6:12B/O STRUCTURE 6:12B/O STRUCTURE1. ANY MECHANICAL OR ELECTRICAL ITEMS SHOWN ARE FOR COORDINATION PURPOSES ONLY --- REF MEP DRAWINGS. MEP COMPONENTS SHALL BE PRECISELY CENTERED AS SHOWN ON RCPs. 2. FIRE SPRINKLER DESIGN IS DESIGN-BUILD BY CONTRACTOR. RECESSED SPRINKLER HEADS SHALL BE PROVIDED THROUGHOUT THE PROJECT, EXCEPT AT BACK-OF-HOUSE LOCATIONS. PROVIDE WHITE CAPS WITHIN GWB CEILINGS AND BLACK OR BROWN CAPS WITHIN WOOD CEILINGS OR WOOD BEAMS. 3. ALL CASED OR WRAPPED OPENINGS 7'-0" AFF, UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. 4. ALL CEILING HEIGHTS INDICATED IN (PARENTHESES) ARE APPROXIMATE AND ARE TO BOTTOM OF STRUCTURE. 5. LIGHTS SHALL BE PRECISELY CENTERED WITHIN ROOMS, ON WALLS, OR IN SOFFITS UNLESS NOTED OHERWISE. 6. FOR BEAMS AND BOXED BEAMS INDICATED ON RCPs WIDTH LISTED FIRST, FOLLOWED BY DEPTH: 8X10 EQUALS 8-INCH WIDE BEAM BY 10 INCHES DEEP, NOMINAL. REFER TO SHEET A5.90 FOR BOXED BEAM DETAILS. 7. NOTIFY ARCHITECT OF ANY MEP AND STRUCTURAL CONFLICTS. 8. ACCESS PANELS TO BE CENTERED WINTHIN SPACES UNLESS OTHERWISE SHOWN. RCP SHEET GENERAL NOTES TRV BY SHEET No. DRAWN BY SCALE: CHK BY PROJECT No. DATE ISSUE SEAL 101 El PaseoSanta Barbara, California 93101(805) 963-6890 FAX (805) 963-8102ARCHITECTURE - PLANNING - INTERIORSAND ASSOCIATES, INC.Z E H R E N48 East Beaver Creek Blvd., Suite 303P.O. Box 1976 - Avon, Colorado 81620(970) 949-0257 FAX (970) 949-1080LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURECopyright © 2021 by Zehren & Associates Inc.KEY PLAN AS SHOWN 3/9/2021 2:36:43 PMA1.22 20182642.10 12/30/2020 LH DK UNIT FLOOR PLANS / RCPSCONDOMINIUMSONE RIVERFRONTAVON, COLORADO970.927.5174KL&A ENGINEERS & BUILDERS, INC.BG BUILDINGWORKSALPINE ENGINEERING, INCB-G BUILDING WORKS970.926.3373DK 970.949.6108970.949.6108CIVIL CONSULTANTSTRUCTURAL CONSULTANTMECHANICAL CONSULTANTLIGHTING CONSULTANT0' 1' 2' 4'8' SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" 1/4" = 1'-0"A1.22 1 FLOOR PLAN - UNIT 502 - UPPER LEVEL 1/4" = 1'-0"A1.22 2 REFLECTED CEILING PLAN - UNIT 502 - UPPER LEVEL TRV BY SHEET No. DRAWN BY SCALE: CHK BY PROJECT No. DATE ISSUE SEAL 101 El PaseoSanta Barbara, California 93101(805) 963-6890 FAX (805) 963-8102ARCHITECTURE - PLANNING - INTERIORSAND ASSOCIATES, INC.Z E H R E N48 East Beaver Creek Blvd., Suite 303P.O. Box 1976 - Avon, Colorado 81620(970) 949-0257 FAX (970) 949-1080LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURECopyright © 2021 by Zehren & Associates Inc.KEY PLAN AS SHOWN 3/9/2021 2:36:43 PMA1.22 20182642.10 12/30/2020 LH DK UNIT FLOOR PLANS / RCPSCONDOMINIUMSONE RIVERFRONTAVON, COLORADO970.927.5174KL&A ENGINEERS & BUILDERS, INC.BG BUILDINGWORKSALPINE ENGINEERING, INCB-G BUILDING WORKS970.926.3373DK 970.949.6108970.949.6108CIVIL CONSULTANTSTRUCTURAL CONSULTANTMECHANICAL CONSULTANTLIGHTING CONSULTANTTRV BY SHEET No. DRAWN BY SCALE: CHK BY PROJECT No. DATE ISSUE SEAL 101 El PaseoSanta Barbara, California 93101(805) 963-6890 FAX (805) 963-8102ARCHITECTURE - PLANNING - INTERIORSAND ASSOCIATES, INC.Z E H R E N48 East Beaver Creek Blvd., Suite 303P.O. Box 1976 - Avon, Colorado 81620(970) 949-0257 FAX (970) 949-1080LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURECopyright © 2021 by Zehren & Associates Inc.KEY PLAN AS SHOWN 3/9/2021 2:36:43 PMA1.22 20182642.10 12/30/2020 LH DK UNIT FLOOR PLANS / RCPSCONDOMINIUMSONE RIVERFRONTAVON, COLORADO970.927.5174KL&A ENGINEERS & BUILDERS, INC.BG BUILDINGWORKSALPINE ENGINEERING, INCB-G BUILDING WORKS970.926.3373DK 970.949.6108970.949.6108CIVIL CONSULTANTSTRUCTURAL CONSULTANTMECHANICAL CONSULTANTLIGHTING CONSULTANTTRV BY SHEET No. DRAWN BY SCALE: CHK BY PROJECT No. DATE ISSUE SEAL 101 El PaseoSanta Barbara, California 93101(805) 963-6890 FAX (805) 963-8102ARCHITECTURE - PLANNING - INTERIORSAND ASSOCIATES, INC.Z E H R E N48 East Beaver Creek Blvd., Suite 303P.O. Box 1976 - Avon, Colorado 81620(970) 949-0257 FAX (970) 949-1080LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURECopyright © 2021 by Zehren & Associates Inc.KEY PLAN AS SHOWN 3/9/2021 2:36:43 PMA1.22 20182642.10 12/30/2020 LH DK UNIT FLOOR PLANS / RCPSCONDOMINIUMSONE RIVERFRONTAVON, COLORADO970.927.5174KL&A ENGINEERS & BUILDERS, INC.BG BUILDINGWORKSALPINE ENGINEERING, INCB-G BUILDING WORKS970.926.3373DK 970.949.6108970.949.6108CIVIL CONSULTANTSTRUCTURAL CONSULTANTMECHANICAL CONSULTANTLIGHTING CONSULTANT(4 BR EAST PENTHOUSE - UPPER LEVEL) (4 BR EAST PENTHOUSE - UPPER LEVEL) No. DATE COMMENT A 11/23/2020 SCHEMATIC DESIGN B 12/18/2020 PLANNING & ZONING C 2/26/2021 REVISED SD SET No. DATE COMMENT A 11/23/2020 SCHEMATIC DESIGN B 12/18/2020 PLANNING & ZONING C 2/26/2021 REVISED SD SET No. DATE COMMENT A 11/23/2020 SCHEMATIC DESIGN B 12/18/2020 PLANNING & ZONING C 2/26/2021 REVISED SD SET No. DATE COMMENT A 11/23/2020 SCHEMATIC DESIGN B 12/18/2020 PLANNING & ZONING C 2/26/2021 REVISED SD SET Attachment A © 2021 Zehren and Associates, Inc. east west partners PLANNING AND ZONING SUBMITTAL 2704.06.2021ONE RIVERFRONT CONDOMINIUM BUILDING ELEVATIONS standing seam metal roof(berridge charcoal grey)nichiha “vintagewood”siding panelswood metal-clad windows(sierra pacific “aspen series”)composite shingles(timberline UHD)“santa fe thinstone”by berich 2-coat cementitiousstucco fiber cement panels(nichiha illumination series)metal panel(pewter clouds by moz designs)metal panel(pewter linen by moz designs) METAL PANEL METAL PANEL +189’-0” Attachment A © 2021 Zehren and Associates, Inc. east west partners PLANNING AND ZONING SUBMITTAL 2804.06.2021ONE RIVERFRONT CONDOMINIUM BUILDING ELEVATIONS standing seam metal roof(berridge charcoal grey)nichiha “vintagewood”siding panelswood metal-clad windows(sierra pacific “aspen series”)composite shingles(timberline UHD)“santa fe thinstone”by berich 2-coat cementitiousstucco fiber cement panels(nichiha illumination series)metal panel(pewter clouds by moz designs)metal panel(pewter linen by moz designs) METAL PANEL +189’-0” Attachment A © 2021 Zehren and Associates, Inc. east west partners PLANNING AND ZONING SUBMITTAL 2904.06.2021ONE RIVERFRONT ONE RIVERFRONT NEIGHBORHOOD AERIAL VIEW FROM NORTHEAST Attachment A © 2021 Zehren and Associates, Inc. east west partners PLANNING AND ZONING SUBMITTAL 3004.06.2021ONE RIVERFRONT ONE RIVERFRONT NEIGHBORHOOD VIEW FROM NORTHEAST Attachment A © 2021 Zehren and Associates, Inc. east west partners PLANNING AND ZONING SUBMITTAL 3104.06.2021ONE RIVERFRONT ONE RIVERFRONT NEIGHBORHOOD VIEW FROM NORTHWEST Attachment A © 2021 Zehren and Associates, Inc. east west partners PLANNING AND ZONING SUBMITTAL 3204.06.2021ONE RIVERFRONT ONE RIVERFRONT NEIGHBORHOOD AERIAL VIEW FROM SOUTHEAST Attachment A © 2021 Zehren and Associates, Inc. east west partners PLANNING AND ZONING SUBMITTAL 3304.06.2021ONE RIVERFRONT ONE RIVERFRONT NEIGHBORHOOD AERIAL VIEW FROM SOUTHWEST Attachment A © 2021 Zehren and Associates, Inc. east west partners PLANNING AND ZONING SUBMITTAL 3404.06.2021ONE RIVERFRONT ONE RIVERFRONT NEIGHBORHOOD RIVERFRONT VILLAGE PERSPECTIVES Attachment A © 2021 Zehren and Associates, Inc. east west partners PLANNING AND ZONING SUBMITTAL 3504.06.2021ONE RIVERFRONT ONE RIVERFRONT NEIGHBORHOOD SOLAR ACCESS STUDY MARCH 21st (12:00pm) JUNE 21st (12:00pm) SEPTEMBER 21st (12:00pm) DECEMBER 21st (12:00pm)WESTIN HOTELRIV E R F R O N T L A N E WESTIN HOTELRIV E R F R O N T L A N EWESTIN HOTELRIV E R F R O N T L A N E WESTIN HOTELRIV E R F R O N T L A N E Attachment A Attachment A © 2021 Zehren and Associates, Inc. east west partners PLANNING AND ZONING SUBMITTAL 3704.06.2021ONE RIVERFRONT TYPICAL CONDOMINIUM BUILDING DETAILS Attachment A © 2021 Zehren and Associates, Inc. east west partners PLANNING AND ZONING SUBMITTAL 3804.06.2021ONE RIVERFRONT TYPICAL CONDOMINIUM BUILDING DETAILS Attachment A © 2021 Zehren and Associates, Inc. east west partners PLANNING AND ZONING SUBMITTAL 04.06.2021ONE RIVERFRONT THANK YOU Attachment A LUMINAIRE SCHEDULE TYPE QTY DESCRIPTION MANUFACTURER CATALOG #SOURCE CCT LUMENS LLF WATTAGE HEIGHT FINISH NOTES EB1 24 3' AREA BOLLARD, SINGLE HEAD HESS LN950-LED-WW-UNV-A-SRA-BLK-DIM LED 3000K 568 1.0 33 40" ABOVE GRADE BLACK EB2 3 3' AREA BOLLARD, DOUBLE HEAD HESS LN950-LED-WW-UNV-B-SRA-BLK-DIM LED 3000K 1136 1.0 66 40" ABOVE GRADE BLACK ED1 6 EXTERIOR DOWNLIGHT NORA NIO-4RDC-30X-BB-10 LED 3000K 1000 1.0 14 VARIES 8-12' AFG TBD EH1 19 HANDRAIL INTEGRATED LED KILK USA LP-40-30K-A LED 3000K 145 1.0 2 3' ABOVE GRADE TBD EW1 11 UNIT PATIO SCONCE MAXIM 52120BK LED 3000K 880 1.0 15 VARIES TBD (1) EW2 13 TOWNHOME ENTRY SCONCE WAC LIGHTING WS-W15918-BK LED 3000K 1000 1.0 13 8' ABOVE GRADE TBD EW3 5 LODGE BUILDING SECONDARY ENTRIES SCONCE WAC LIGHTING WS-W15918-BK LED 3000K 1000 1.0 13 8' ABOVE GRADE TBD EW4 2 LODGE BUILDING MAIN ENTRY SCONCE GENERATION LIGHTING OL11603ORB-LED LED 3000K 5400 1.0 60 8' ABOVE GRADE TBD LOCATED COMPLETEY UNDER CANOPY EZ1 2 RECESSED STEPLIGHT PERFORMANCE LIGHTING 71920 LED 3000K 162 1.0 4 2' ABOVE GRADE TBD SCHEUDLE NOTES ALL FIXTURES ARE FULL CUTOFF AND DARK SKY COMPLIANT. BACK SIDE SHIELDING IS PROVIDED WHERE APPROPRIATE. (1) EW1 FIXTURES LOCATED ON UPPER LEVEL PATIOS ARE FULLY CUTOFF BY THE PATIO FLOOR SLAB AND DO NOT CONTRIBUTE TO LIGHTING ON THE SITE AND ARE NOT INCLUDED ON PLAN ED1 ED1 ED1 ED1 ED1 ED1 EB1 EB1 EB1 EB1 EB1 EW3 EW3 EW4 EW4 EW3 EW3 EB1 EB1 EB1 EB1 EB1 EB1 EB1 EB1 EW1EW2 EXISTING POLE LIGHT, NOT WITHIN PROJECT PROPERTY ISS. #DESCRIPTION DATE SUB. DATE INNOVATE LIGHTING CONSULTANTS 1045 Santa Fe Dr, Denver, CO 80204 720-248-8208 12/17/2020 4:45:15 PMEL1 SITE LIGHTING PLAN ONE RIVERFRONT12.18.2020PLANNING AND ZONING SUBMITTAL3/32" = 1'-0"1 SITE LIGHTING PLAN AREA A Attachment B ISS. #DESCRIPTION DATE SUB. DATE INNOVATE LIGHTING CONSULTANTS 1045 Santa Fe Dr, Denver, CO 80204 720-248-8208 12/17/2020 4:45:16 PMEL3 LIGHTING CUTSHEETS ONE RIVERFRONT12.18.2020PLANNING AND ZONING SUBMITTALTYPE EB1 & EB2 TYPE ED1 TYPE EH1 TYPE EW1 TYPE EW2 & EW3 TYPE EW4 TYPE EZ1 Attachment B RIVERFRONT VILLAGEPUD TRACKING SHEET3/15/2021ONE RIVERFRONT THs AND CONDOSWestinTimeshare WestLodgeTownhomes Residences ResidencesLot 1Lot 2Lot 3Lot 4Lot 5Lot 6Lot 7 TOTALPUDREMAINDERMaximum Commercial GLFA1,200 26,088 5,340 - - - - 32,628 40,000 7,372 Minimum Commercial GLFA1,200 26,088 5,340 - - - - 32,628 20,000 12,628 Dwelling Units53 132 52 36 19 2 2 296 456 160 Meeting Space Minimum- 4,328 - - - - - 4,328 3,000 1,328 Site Coverage (acres)0.654 1.260 0.441 0.446 0.460 0.053 0.056 3.37 4.73 1.36 Site Coverage (% of whole 18.9 acre site)3.5%6.7%2.3%2.4%2.4%0.3%0.3%17.8%25.0%7.2%Attachment C Attachment D Attachment D Attachment D Attachment D